T HE S UNDAY N EWS November 22, 2015
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
WELCOME TO SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. As we enter Thanksgiving Week please remember in gratitude the freedoms we have by living in the United States, the leaders and mentors that have influenced our lives, and the opportunities we have to serve our friends and neighbors here and around the world. Join us Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, at 6:00 for our worship of thanks and gratitude to God. Advent Home Communions Begin December 2. An Advent Home Communion is a wonderful celebration of our life at Saint Michael, especially as we prepare for Christmas. On Wednesday, December 2, Terry and Mark Demler will host the Home Communion beginning at 6:00 at their home at 8302 Ridgelea. Please notify the hosts of your plans to attend. The schedule and locations of the Home Communions are available online at www.saintmichael.org/ homecommunion . There are still dates available for Home Communion. Contact Shelly at svescovo@saintmichael.org . I Believe in Angels is Underway. Pick up an Angel today and make a wonderful Christmas for a resident at Jubilee Park. Between now and December 6 adopt an angel, purchase the gift, and bring it to the church. On December 11 we will set up at the Jubilee Park Community Center for the December 12 “shopping day.” Volunteers are needed to help both days. Contact Nancy Moore at nancystahlamoore@yahoo. com or Maria Martin at mariaomartin@sbcglobal.net. “Heart Of Giving” Begins Next Sunday. Heart of Giving supports Saint Michael Mission and Outreach Ministries: The Good Samaritan Fund, Jubilee Park, Rosebud Indian Reservation, Honduras Mission, and the Amistad Bolivia Mission. It is a great way to recognize family, friends, or business associates at Christmas. Heart of Giving cards will be available to purchase outside the Book Shop and at the South Lanai reception beginning next Sunday, November 29.
Saint Michael has been a crucial part of making our adopted community of Dallas feel like home. It is our great pleasure to contribute to a church that has given our family such a sense of belonging. Victoria, Stuart, Annabel and Banks Brown To discuss your giving to Saint Michael, contact Mary Kardell, Director of Giving, at mkardell@saintmichael.org.
Parish Clergy The Very Reverend Doug Travis, Interim Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Youth and Young Adults The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Weekend Associate The Reverend Pamela Theodore, Sunday Associate The Reverend Neal Hern, Sunday Associate
Be a part of the “Home for the Holidays” reception team on Christmas Eve. Contact Tish Visinsky at tvisinsky@saintmichael. org .
• Bring Holy Communion to people who are homebound or in the hospital. Become a Lay Eucharistic Visitor. Contact Ruthie Garrett at garrett.ruthie@gmail.com . Pick up your Advent in a Box today. It is available by the Saint Michael Chapel entrance and is filled with treats and treasures to help you and your family celebrate the Advent season together.
Parish Vestry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kathy Jenevein, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, John Gorman, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Sallie Plummer, Randy Rekerdres, Tom Rhodus, J.C. Snead, and Kay Whelan.
Worship Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 9:00 a.m. - Discovery Mass, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Joy Mass - Parish Hall 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, Church 11:11 a.m. - Celebration, Theater 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC www.facebook.com/ smaadallas www.twitter.com/smaadallas
Priest on Call: Should you have an urgent need to contact a priest after hours dial 214-232-7512. Blue Connect Card: Fill out a card to make Prayer Requests, RSVP, register as a guest, or to get information on Saint Michael. Need Prayer? Want to pray on someone’s behalf, or offer up thanksgivings? Prayer Teams are available to pray with you after each Sunday morning service. An usher can direct you to the various prayer locations. Prayer Candles. Prayer candle stands are in the Bishop Moore and Saint Michael chapels. A $1 donation for lit candles is appreciated.
#Radvent. Interested in receiving a quick, Advent devotion-at-a-glance on your phone each day? Text to join today! Begins November 29. Help Build Our Team - Youth Ministry Directors Wanted. Our Youth Ministry is looking for three dedicated people to direct our program. • Director of High School Ministry (grades 9 – 12) • Director of Middle School Ministry (grade 6 – 8) • Youth Logistics Administrator Do you know of an engaging person with experience and a contagious faith who might be a good fit? Send your information to Melissa Rau at Melissa@ ministryarchetects.com, or The Rev. Oliver Butler at obutler@saintmichael.org .
Youth Ministry Visioning Retreat Set for December 3-5 Help develop a vibrant Youth Ministry at Saint Michael by attending the Visioning Retreat December 3 – 5. Ideas from all generations are needed as we build the best youth program in Dallas. Childcare will be available. For more information contact The Rev. Bill Murray at bmurray@saintmichael.org or The Rev. Oliver Butler at obutler@saintmichael.org .
Parish Nurse Sunday. Today the health focus is on Blood Pressure Awareness. The Parish Nurse Ministry provides a registered nurse to consult with parishioners on the third Sunday of each month. Contact: Dianne Boyd, dboyd@saintmichael.org Lessons and Carols, December 6 at 11:00. The traditional service of Lessons and Carols will be celebrated at Saint Michael on Sunday, December 6 at 11:00 in the Church. The service tells the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus in readings from Genesis, the prophetic books, and the Gospels, interspersed with Christmas Carols, hymns, and choir anthems. Stories and Songs at Prime Timers December Meeting. Actor and storyteller, Ken Freehill, will perform excerpts from legendary comedian George Burns’ book, Gracie, A Love Story, at the Prime Timers’ meeting Thursday, December 3. He will be upstaged by children from the Saint Michael Episcopal School singing some favorite Christmas songs. All Prime Timers are asked to bring unwrapped socks, scarves, hats/caps for children in Jubilee Park. The meeting begins at 10:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Make reservations for the $10 lunch by Sunday, November 29 with Mary Davis, 214-363-7761. Advent Meditation Booklets Available Now. Daily devotions written by parishioners, staff, and clergy are available in the just published Advent Meditation booklet. The booklet is available at several locations in the church and beginning Sunday, November 29 will be online at www.saintmichael.org . Crèche Collection to Highlight Women of Saint Michael Tea December 7. Start the Christmas season with the Women of Saint Michael. Join hosts Mary Appleton, Effie McCullough and Louise Griffeth on Monday, December 7 for a tea at 4211 Windsor Parkway from 2:00 – 4:00. We will tour Mary’s incredible collection of over 100 crèches from all around the world. This collection is one-of-a-kind and not to be missed. Bring a friend and share in the Christmas spirit. Tickets are $25 and proceeds go to the Grants Program of the Women of Saint Michael. Purchase tickets at www.saintmichael.org/ crechetour . For information contact Effie McCullough at effiemc@gmail.com Tube Socks for Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels, which provides food for the elderly and homebound, is collecting tube socks during the holidays to give to the people it serves, along with the meal. There is a collection basket in the South Lanai for your donations. For more information contact Mary Bartholow at mary.bar@sbcglobal.net . Vestry and Diocesan Delegate Nominations Are Open. Nominations are open for people to serve on the vestry beginning in February, and for delegates to serve at the Diocesan Convention. The vestry members and Convention Delegates will be elected at the Parish Annual Meeting on February 28. The deadline to submit nominations is 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 15. Nomination forms are available from the church receptionist and online at www.saintmichael.org. The Rev. Mary Lessmann to Serve at Saint Michael. The Rev. Mary Lessmann will be assisting at Saint Michael worship services during the busy holiday season. She was ordained in 2010 and most recently served as Vicar of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, and before that as Associate Rector at St. Andrew’s McKinney.
Christian Formation Sunday Mornings at 10:00
Forum: Faith and Society
Bible Study
Fellowship Class
Coffee and Conversation
Saint Michael Chapel
Coke Activities Room
Parish Hall
Spirituality for the Second Half of Life
Christianity: Call of Grace
Going to the Chapel
Doug Travis
Bill Power
Bill Murray
Lisa Flores Musser
Thanksgiving Weekend - No Classes
Yearend Giving Discussion Scheduled Sunday, December 6. A discussion on the tax implications of yearend giving will be discussed by two experts on the subject on Sunday, December 6 at 10:00 in the Parlor. Jim Smith, Managing Director of Smith, Jackson, Boyer & Bovard, and John Bergner, chairman of the wealth preservation group at Dallas law firm Winsted, P.C. will lead the meeting focused on tax deductions not to forget and information on making gifts of appreciated stock. Time will be reserved to answer questions. Contact: Mary Kardell, Director of Giving, at mkardell@saintmichael.org .
Children and Youth Sundays @ 10 Catechesis Level One Atrium and Power Library Catechesis Level Two Rooms 101 and 213 Children’s Choir ESD Lobby Age 4 Room 15 Kindergarten Room 16 1st grade Room 17 2nd Grade Room 110
The Bridge 3rd Grade Room 108 The Edge 4th and 5th Grade Edge Room Disciples Confirmation Class 6th Grade – Theater Encounter Sunday School
7th - 12th Grades – Youth Center
The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, November 19, have asked for our prayers: Doris Cowling, Brian Delaney, Anna Finley, Connie Gordon, Guy Griffeth, Katie Hairgrove, Michael Holt, Jim Howell, Charlotte Huthnance, Lynn Jerabek, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Jim Klingeman, Evelyn Moreau, Douglas Nettle, Christi Nutt, Halimah Olaekeji, Peggy Oncken, Tom Park, Brown Plummer, Larry Prohaska, Kathryn Miller Rabey, Maudie Sharp, Pat Shaw, Parker Snead, Jack Day Watson, lll, and Herman Willie. The Altar flowers are given in memory of Helen & John Anselin, Bess Brown Beck, Henry C. Beck, Henry C. Beck, Jr., Gertrude Terrell Best, Clifton Wilson Cassidy, John Stuart Anthony Faulkner, Robert Joseph Ford, Edward Callier Gardere, Margaret Beck Grinnan, Jere Will Higgs, Mable Wilson, and in thanksgiving for Margaret Preston Laney, and Virginia McQueen Laney.