the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
October 2017
1 9
Blessing of the Animals
Church Offices Closed Columbus Day Holiday
11 18 21 29
Women of Saint Michael Luncheon
Vestry Meeting
Farmers Market
Parish Meeting Blood Drive
Why YOU – Why now? Over the last few weeks, you have heard me speak about a number of ideas for our future, where we can go together as a faith family this fall and beyond. Our visions and desires are filled with ideals that can only become a reality in one way – with your Spiritual Giving. And, Spiritual Giving is different than you might think. At first glance, you might think you know what this is all about: financial support to a group in order to do good things. There is definitely truth to that. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to one another in this church in order to manifest our faith in specific ways. We seek to praise God in beautiful worship. We seek to raise up children in our sacred way of life. We seek to love and care for everyone around us, especially those in greatest need. The calling of Christians in a church community like Saint Michael makes giving an incredible opportunity to do all those things, and so I will begin here, but that’s not where I will end up (so keep reading!). continued on page 18
Vestry – Delegate Elections at October 29 Annual Meeting The Vestry at its September 23 meeting nominated candidates to serve three year terms on the Vestry and as Delegates or Alternates to the Diocesan Convention in 2018. Under new procedures, the elections will be held at the October 29 Annual Meeting in the Church with the new members taking office January 1, 2018. The five vestry nominees will succeed retiring members Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Kathy Kelley, J.C. Snead, and Margaret Spellings.
Volume 29 No. 10
continued on page 2-3
Parish Meeting Sunday, October 29 10:00 a.m. Church