SKAFFERI Magazine 2

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SK AF FE RI West Swedish growers and farm shops are behind the promotion of the humble veg to a starring role

FRESH DELIGHTS FROM THE SEA The day’s catch of seafood, not just fine dining but everyday luxury too

THE FOOD TRUCK PHENOMENON Nowadays comestibles wheel themselves around the streets and squares of Gothenburg

GRAINS OF GOLD Time to enjoy a local delicacy with a unique taste and aroma

It’s the raw ingredients found in West Sweden that provide the basis for the thriving food culture here. Add to that passion, a deep love for all things natural as well as stunning surroundings and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a truly fantastic experience. Photo: Mikael GÜthage

What does a city taste like? Does a landscape have a scent?

OPENNESS, CURIOSITY AND INNOVATION seem to be permeating the food culture in our region. Restaurateurs and chefs, growers, food artisans and fishermen want their products to be in reach of us all, for the sake of the environment, the love of food and the health of the nation. Restaurant owners and chefs understand the importance of working together. They want to create something new with a wow factor and that requires teamwork right across the board. The result has been that in 2014 Gothenburg and West Sweden presented both some interesting and challenging dining concepts, and some well deserved rewards to

SKAFFERI magazine is produced by Locally Produced in West Sweden, West Sweden Tourist Board via its brand A Taste of West Sweden* and Gothenburg & Co, all of whom promote product and quality development within the restaurant industry, focusing both on consumers and tourism in Gothenburg and the rest of West Sweden.

producers, restaurants, kitchens and dining rooms. On a hot June day we’re enjoying a delicious pulled pork dish from a food truck in Gustav Adolf’s Square in Gothenburg. Organic slow food served out on the street makes life easy and gives a delightful feeling of luxury and indulgence but at an everyday price. Local politicians and business people on their breaks hang out at the standing tables with us. A friend – and fellow chef – pops out of a nearby restaurant and wonders if he can maybe join in the street party too, and serve after dinner coffee and cakes from a delivery bike? Things are shifting in the world of food. Since the first issue of SKAFFERI (Pantry) came out in 2013 the city and the region have been working to­ gether even more closely. Some of the many positive outcomes have been


Executive Editor Sofia Lennström Text Editors/Writers Inger Svensson och Maria Zihammou Art Director Sara Lindström, Dear Area



innovative restaurants coming up with exciting menus, as well as increa­ ORS

Graphic Design Helena Mannerblad Dedicate Cover Photo Åsa Dahlgren

sing amounts of organic and locally produced foodstuffs available on the Printed/Print run 6 000 Print Sandstens tryckeri 2015

Editorial Board If you have any queries Jill Axelsson Pabst or wish to contact the Sofia Lennström editors, please email

*A Taste of West Sweden is a parent brand which is owned and operated by West Sweden Tourist Board and Locally Produced in West Sweden. The aim is to combine different food related products to give one cohesive message and ensure a high quality content. The brand includes producers, farm shops and restaurants. You can find more information at

shop floor. Not to mention all the international triumphs where Gothenburg and West Sweden has showcased the best the West coast has to offer from the surrounding salty sea, its many lakes, forests and the countryside. There has been a delicious scent of honeysuckle and a saline tang in New York, Turin and London over the last year. In this issue of SKAFFERI (Pantry) we’ve shuffled things around to give you a glorious mixture. Local heroes and global trends buzz around each other and mingle with the bees in hives on the city rooftops and out in the country­ side. We say we should enjoy the good things in life. Don’t you agree? 3




It’s time to harvest dinner. Veg takes pride of place on the plate and the chefs love getting down to earth.

gold that melt in the Shimmering grains of of Spiken rn bleak roe hotspot mouth. The Lake Väne oduce n the quality of its pr works hard to maintai acy to enjoy a local delic and it pays off. Time d aroma. with a unique taste an



Heavenly aromas in the Mussel Bar Mussel enthusiast Janne Bark in Ljungskile takes this little blue star to a whole new level.


FRIDA’S FUSION The renowned Frida Ronge elegantly marries Japanese food culture with Swedish west coast. Meet her and the team at restaurant vRÅ, in the centre of Gothenburg




Gothenburg has finally got its Food Trucks and in summer 2014 we all felt the love for locally produced food from these mobile street eateries.


Gothenburg, gateway to the west coast, has always provided a warm welcome. Here the cry of the seagulls can be heard high above its famous boulevard, Avenyn, and food and drinks that will make your heart sing are served with finesse, charm and a pinch of humour.


The crayfish party is a mad but loving homage to this delicious shellfish and the Swedish late summer atmosphere. It’s also the celebration that takes snaps drinking songs and daft paper hats to a whole new festive level. Sweet or salt? Maybe both?

When Tommy was vic torious in Stockholm it was wi th West Swedish ingredients. No wond er he won.





Text: Inger Svensson



In 2009 the West Sweden Tourist Board launched a themed package, the ‘Shellfish Journey’, built on the reputation of the West Coast´s great seafood: – lobsters, langoustine, oysters, mussels and prawns – what we call the West Coast’s “Big Five”. The attractions of a seaside location and the rugged cliffs of the Bohuslän coastline are further enhanced by the high quality of its shellfish and other local produce. A study of the result of five years promotion of the “Shellfish Journey” has shown that towns, villages and restaurants in the Bohuslän region have wholeheartedly embraced the concept. There has been cooperation on accommodation, meals, activities and cultural experiences across municipal boundaries. Perhaps even more importantly for local businesses, the study has shown that opportunities to attract numbers of tourists outside the main summer season also exist.

A side effect of The Shellfish Journey has been the rise of the term ‘Gråväderssensualism’, which we might describe as a unique natural Bohuslän experience. A literal translation could be “the sensuality of grey weather” – but it actually describes a special mindset. Your Bohuslän experience can sometimes include rain, cold, discomfort, heavy seas and storms – but then, by contrast, the reward for such hardship – the delightful spread on your table of freshly boiled lobster or saltwater crayfish plus perhaps some of other “Big Five” delicacies. Warm fires; lovely drinks; maybe a wood fired sauna. Falling asleep to the sounds of the ocean. Waking to a pale sun shining over the sea and cliffs. This is the kind of sensuality that only Bohuslän can deliver. Off Season suddenly becomes the Right Season, with its own delights.

The Shellfish Journey can now be experienced in several different varieties. Both at sea and on land.



‘VATTEN’– WATERCOLOURS BY THE WATER. A long queue curls along the pathway outside the Nordic Watercolour Museum. The line of visitors are eagerly waiting to get into an exhibition of unique paintings by the Swedish watercolor artist, Lars Lerin. The Nordic Watercolour Museum restaurant - appropriately called ‘Vatten’ (Water) – is now serving. The kitchen is always busy, busy, busy. The establishment’s owner, Anders Arena, is standing in the still empty room, scratching his trendy beard. He’s an advocate of small scale systems and working together who wants to increase his cooperation with small environmentally friendly growers, fisheries and other local suppliers. And he’d like restaurants in the area to join forces so they’d share 3-4 permanent staff and not just employ seasonal workers as is often the case now. What’s more, he wants to serve food people can afford to eat.

I am proud to be part of an artistically creative environment like the Nordic Watercolour Museum. It’s a cultural hub, curating some of the world's finest watercolors and it attracts large numbers of visitors. In their wake follow entrepreneurs who see

business opportunities. They can see that this place, Skärhamn is somewhere to invest in. And just as importantly to me – local Skärhamn people are proud of their museum and their restaurant. It's obviously a privilege to be a part of this ’artistic scene’ but we have to ensure that we provide really good food at the right price for all those visiting the gallery. ‘Vatten’ cannot, for example, charge 300400 SEK ($40 to $50) for a main course. It wouldn’t be appropriate – few gallery visitors would then be able to afford to eat here. My view is that a family with two children should be able to eat at ‘Vatten’ for about 1,000 SEK ($140). That’s reasonable. We want each guest to discover that ‘Vatten’ always serves quality regional dishes and drinks. But we don’t just deliver the usual, we like to surprise customers and try and get them to see what our understanding of local food is. I’ve set aside time so that I can go myself to get the raw ingredients we need to impress our guests

Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Lisa Nestorson

every day. I drive to Gothenburg to get coffee from da Matteo because I like that company’s quality control, business philosophy and the way they work. I buy beers from small local breweries so we can offer our guests new – and at times breathtaking – flavours: oh the joy when that special beer and fresh oysters just marry together on your tastebuds. Mmmm! This is just one example of the artisanal combinations that I’m keen to develop here.” ‘VATTEN’ IS A SUCCESS. WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT SEASON? ”Right now I'm just happy with what we have achieved so far here at ‘Vatten’. Everything is going well. But I’d never sit back and twiddle my thumbs. So I expect new young people to come here, challenge me and give me that extra energy I’ll need to take the next evolutionary step, and the one after that and so on. I hope in a few years we’ll get to see guests who are not just very satisfied but completely lyrical about their meal experience with us. And positively impressed every single time they come back.

“The Nordic Watercolour Museum not only exhibits world class art. It’s a vibrant educational centre and an important location for cultural events. So it’s a huge privilege to run a restaurant in such an inspiring venue.”


MUSSELS AND OYSTERS BROUGHT A WEST SWEDISH FLAVOUR TO THE BOCUSE D'OR Europe's greatest chef is Swedish – irrefutably proven in 2014. The world’s most prestigious gastronomic competition is the biennial Bocuse d'Or. For the very first time, in 2014, the European qualifying round was held here in Sweden – in the capital city, Stockholm. Victory, and thus the European Championship, went to the celebrated Swedish chef, Tommy Myllymäki.

Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Charlie Drevstam


Only Swedish products were allowed as the main ingredients for all the dishes and the West Coast provided fish and shellfish so good it had the chefs and jury in awe. Twenty European countries took part, twelve of which got through to the Bocuse d'Or finals taking place in Lyon in January 2015. The tension is already mounting in Sweden, and shortly after this magazine is published we’ll know the result. The winning chef, Tommy Myllymäki, toiled for five and a half hours in the kitchen before serving (with a very satisfied smile) two victorious dishes to 14 people in all. The winning menu offered delicacies from Sweden's rich larder. For the meat course Tommy served suckling pig from Gotland and the fish course included saithe, mussels from Mollösund and oysters from Grebbestad.

PROUD WEST COAST SUPPLIERS 874 absolute top quality oysters, as well as the blue mussels and saithe were brought to the competition arena by fishermen from Bohuslän, to be used by the European chefs. “Of course, I know that West Swedish produce is of the very highest standard. Nevertheless I was a little nervous especially in front of the hawkish eyes of the French chefs. The French have a justifiably proud culinary tradition, and they often feel that they have a monopoly on superior grade oysters,” says Jill Axelsson Pabst, Food Tourism Project Manager at the West Sweden Tourist Board (and in charge of Gothenburg and West Sweden's participation in the Bocuse d'Or in Stockholm). “They were very particular those French chefs, as were all the international chefs competing – and each of them were given Swedish ingredients to work with. But the quality of the produce impressed and inspired them. After that it was a breeze – well for me anyway. I just enjoyed watching the professionals in action. And when Tommy won we all leapt in the air cheering, reflecting our pride in what he’d achieved and the importance of it all for Sweden’s place on the culinary map of the world,” recollects Jill. THE WORLD'S MOST PRESTIGIOUS COOKING COMPETITION Bocuse d'Or is the most respected culinary event in the world, and for this country, the ultimate test.

Sweden really wanted to show that Swedish raw materials, Swedish food craftsmanship and modern Swedish gastronomy are amongst the best in the world. One of Sweden's foremost chefs – Mathias Dahlgren – the only Swede to have previously won the Bocuse d'Or, is an elected honorary president and ultimately responsible for arranging the European Finals. He said the following about this year’s competition in Stockholm: "Nothing in my career has been more important than winning the 1997 Bocuse d'Or. That we were invited to arrange the European stage of the competition in Stockholm just shows how far Sweden has come as a culinary nation and gastronomic inspiration."

Jill Axelsson Pabst, West Sweden Tourist Board

Photo: Jonas Borg

TOMMY´S WINNING FISH MENU SAITHE WITH OCEAN FLAVOURS, BROWNED BUTTER AND HORSERADISH. • Lightly smoked saithe baked with mushrooms and served with crispy scales • E mulsion on browned butter and Swedish vinegar • S alad with blue mussels, white asparagus, broccoli and sea leaves • V ariations on oysters with pickled cucumber and seaweed • T empered oyster tartare • P oached oyster • O yster foam • H orseradish, kohlrabi and tapioca


of good food “I want to pass on my love r to enjoy it to Wilma and would like he as much as I do”

GREBBESTAD’S OYSTERS – THE WORLD'S MOST EXCLUSIVE BABY FOOD? She’s just a girl from Grebbestad with no plans to leave this small fishing community. Meet Hanna Karlsson Thorén, an oyster fanatic who dreams of a future running a specialist travel company.

Text: Maria Zihammou Photo: Kristina Gillerstedt

The calm sea sparkles in the back­ ground. Hanna stretches out her hand towards her daughter Wilma and gives her an oyster to play with. To Hanna, the oyster seems as natural as the ocean itself. Her family has been rooted here on the West Coast for generations – specifically right here in Grönemad, a small cove on the edge of Grebbestad. Here, it’s all about seafood and fishing. The sea is just there as a part of life – period. Hanna is con­ vinced there is scope to create more jobs around food tourism on the West Coast with oysters as the main attraction – the oysters that grow naturally in this part of Grebbestad. Culinary tourism is becoming more and more popular, attracting visitors from all over the world, and now even Swedes have acquired a taste for Grebbestad Oysters. Hanna grew up in her father Per Karlsson’s boat­ house, and it’s in this authentic old building that he

and his brother Lars arrange oyster tastings (and provide accommodation).The Karlsson brothers also take tourists out to sea in their small wooden dory to harvest oysters and to fish lobsters, mackerel and crabs when they’re in season. Daughter Hanna learned to open oysters early in life. “I used to lie in the sun on the jetty in my teens and, when I was absolutely dying for an oyster, I’d dive down to get one. At first, I used to ask my father for help but eventually I learned to open oysters by myself.” says Hanna. She likes to eat them whole and raw because the oysters here in Grebbestad have so many great mineral flavours. She takes an oyster and shows how easy it is to open this succulent seafood. “The type of oyster that grows wild round here, Ostrea Edulis (the European Flat Oyster), has a round side and a flat side. Put the round side down in your

hand, insert the knife against the hinge and, with the help of your index finger, press down firmly. Use the power of your fingers and wiggle the knife along the oyster and it will open. Cut the muscle off one shell and do the same on the other side. Make sure there are no small bits of shell left and pour off most of the liquid. Then just pop the oyster in your mouth and chew!” says Hanna, laughing. She stresses the importance of being with the right people in the right environment when you eat a meal. It’s as important as the taste of the food. “I want to pass on my love of good food to Wilma and would like her to enjoy it as much as I do. It’s fun. I let her taste everything. I think it’s so important to have the courage to try.” says Hanna. No wonder Wilma has a taste for oysters and is as curious about life as her mother.



in a turn of the century setting

Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Lisa Nestorson

The old resort of Lyckorna Brygga in Ljungskile, just outside Uddevalla, is one of the earth’s most beautiful places. Here you’ll find Klocktornet (The Clock Tower), where Janne Bark runs a garlic-scented mussel bar. In cooperation with Villa Sjötorp they offer mussel experiences. Villa Sjötorp is a lovely turn of the century hotel and restaurant with a reputation for well mannered hospitality and for serving glorious local organic produce under the canopy of the huge trees in the spacious gardens. Janne, chef and owner of Klocktornet, has just poured oil into his giant mussel pan, then added quantities of garlic, onions, white wine and an assortment of freshly picked vegetables, together with lots of mussels, of course. Meanwhile visitors in the crowded bar are ordering white wine and beer, and fetching the accompaniments to their meal:


freshly baked bread, garlic mayonnaise and the like. Other guests are buzzing like bees around the fragrant mussel pan steaming over an open fire. They can hardly wait before the meal is finally ready and the bar's black serving pots are filled with mussels. “Here at The Mussel Bar, we have built a meeting place for guests who get here by land and sea and indeed, for all those who live nearby. We want to show that the place is full of history and tradition and that this exquisite raw material is worthy of all the love and attention we lavish on it. Success for me is a room full of satisfied guests and staff that are keen to make them all happy. The idea is that next year we'll be able to pick our own mussels grown nearby in Havstenfjord. The mussels we have seeded in there are too small just now,” says Janne, stirring his pot while the delicious scents rise heavenwards. “They need two summers before they’re mature.”

”MADE IN LYCKORNA” Klocktornet dates all the way back to 1877. Every chair here has a plaque with 1877 engraved on it. “I had a local metal smith make them,” laughs Janne. “It’s good that, even with such simple things, we can remind people of the old days: the royal visits, the bathhouse era and the social life here in Lyckorna. Today socialising is easier and more relaxed and the Mussel Bar is a friendly centre to which everyone is welcome. We like to honour the humble mussel, so we take visitors out to the big mussel farms out there in the fjord on our boats, Märta and Märta II. We teach them about the mussel’s lifecycle and give them a better understanding of this shellfish’s importance to the environment on both land and sea,” says Janne. “We call the mussel ‘dark-blue gold’ here. Well, other people call the lobster ‘black gold’, so we think it’s appropriate to ‘embellish’ our little molluscs in a similar way. They’re worth it.”


with a vintage spin in Bohuslän You can experience a range of seafood related package trips with some of the best of what the Swedish West Coast has to offer. You could enjoy, for exam­ ple, a first class Mussel Package with a turn of the century twist. A combination that will take you out to sea gathering mussels then back to the early days of the last century. All in the same deal. The whole marine and mussel experience is accompanied by a delicious din­ ner where everything served is from Villa Sjötorp’s own kitchen using local, organic ingredients, not forgetting the tasty mussels you picked yourself. After these and other delicacies you’ll stay the night at Villa Sjötorp in Ljungskile.

The mussel bar in Klocktornet (The Clock Tower) in Ljungskile

Programme: After checking in at Villa Sjötorp it’s time for your mussel expedition. Guests will gather at Klocktornet in Lyckorna for an information session before setting out towards the impressive mussel farms in Havsten Fjord. The mussel ‘safari’ takes three to four hours. Back at Villa Sjötorp it’s time to taste the harvest and a classic menu based on local ingredients and drinks of your choice. Several different shellfish packages can be found at

A turn of a century setting at Villa Sjötorp


CRAYFISH split Sweden into two camps. The salt and sweet camps. It's all about crustaceans from seawater or freshwater as you have probably gathered. Or, to make it absolutely clear – saltwater crayfish (aka langoustines) versus freshwater crayfish.

Text: Inger

A crazy, festive and joyous celebration of the late Swedish summer.

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are enjoyed cold and you eat them with your bare hands (that back up cutlery is only for extra hard claws and little bits of meat that you can’t get out with your fingers). What are you waiting for? Time to grab, bend, suck and slurp. How about a snaps and a song? Wait. We'll get to that.

The Trimmings. Although crayfish are pretty filling, there are a few Supporters of both camps believe that “their” sort is totally extras to complete the experience. These can be infinitely variable superior to the other. Such extremists are a minority in any but cheese and crispbread are a must. Other options include pickled social crayfish feast, but the continued debate illustrates the herring and freshly boiled potatoes. Or maybe meatballs, Jansson's passion about this tradition laden seafood, which has one of Temptation, salmon with sauce, beetroot salad, local sausages and Sweden's most festive events linked to its armoured body. The even ham. The reason for all these extras is probably the need for crayfish party - an orgy of crayfish, tots of snaps, silly songs solid food to absorb the snaps, but then several snaps are essential and even sillier ‘Chinese’ paper hats and lanterns, is Sweden's to the ritual of a crayfish party. Or maybe you prefer to be alcohol most unswedish event. free – it’s up to you. No one will mind. But you have to expect that some of your fellow guests round the table will live up to the old The fact is that nowadays younger Swedes don’t pay so much drinking tradition of “one shot per claw.” And those who choose attention to this celebrated seafood. But that’s one good rea­ that path often also like to say “bottoms up”, in other words to son to pick up Sweden's most exotic culinary tradition and down the glass of snaps in one go. dust it off. Competition from the big Midsummer festival is im­ mense. Yet the crayfish party is one of the few Swedish events However crayfish are excellent regardless of your alcohol intake. where herring, meatballs and the whole smorgasbord are not These animals make glorious eating in the summer's last trem­ the central feature. bling moments. FROM SEA AND POT TO TABLE AND PARTY. Most of us catch our crayfish at the fishmonger. Nothing wrong with that. But of course nothing beats trapping your own crayfish – put­ ting out the baited crayfish ‘pots’ on a summer evening and bring­ ing them in next day. Then boiling the little beasts, decorating the veranda or barn and laying a festive table with all the trimmings – that’s the classic way. The Bib. A bib, as protection against drips and juices, is essential to a crayfish party. Shellfish cutlery and claw crackers are needed as backup, plus a song sheet and a silly hat with a rubber band so that it stays where it should. There’ll be a selection of small and large glasses for shots and beer, and a classic moon cut out of cardboard and neatly hung alongside strings of Chinese paper lanterns. Primitive? Heathen? Well, better than that – so very Swedish.

The Songs. Sweden is famous for its excellent singers and their choirs, ranging from one of our most celebrated choirs, ‘Orphei Drängar’ to the local church choir. We love to sing a lot and occasionally do it passably well. At a crayfish party, songs are inextricably linked to the drinking of snaps (and non-alcoholic options) and each shot is accompanied by a song. That’s just the way it is. Ideally, you should stand up and sing which means that you also get some exercise during the party!

Hands on. Obviously guests are the most important ingredient here, but possibly in strong competition with the crayfish themselves – laid out in profusion on the table, and garnished with a mighty crown of dill. Crayfish Fredrik Andersson har ett särskilt gott förhållande till rustik mat.


There’s usually a long line of songs and snaps. Here’s a classic centuries old traditional Swedish drinking song. Since Sweden has a rather slow national anthem, it sometimes happens that Helan Går is also heard from the stand s at big sports events. No one seems to mi nd!

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Helan Går sjung hopp fade rallanlallan lej Helan Går sjung hopp fade rallan lej Och den som in te helan tar han inte heller halvan får Helan Gåååååår sjung hopp fade rallan lej



A SHORT HISTORY OF CRAYFISH In Sweden we have been eating crayfish since the 1600s. As so often with new culinary features the crayfish habit began as a delicacy limited to the wealthy aristocracy who had sufficient opportunity to absorb influences from other countries. The middle classes, though aware of the new trend, at first regarded crayfish with great suspicion. It wasn’t until the 1800s that the Swedish middle classes began to enjoy crayfish as we do today – as party food on balmy August and September evenings. Maybe as a tribute to a wonderful summer drawing to a close? Or as a consolation party for a washed out rainy summer? Or is it just that Swedes need a good old crazy party with lots of trimmings and long traditions. The crayfish party certainly fits that billing.



Sustainable thinking stretches back through time. The green thread of life that connects mother earth and us humans is very strong, as we illustrate here with examples from West Sweden – from a baroque castle, to a spectacular 18th century summer residence and the first green theme park restaurant in the world.



We meet around a dining table, where else? We’re here to talk about food with restaurateurs Katrin Ljungblom, Stefan Söderholm and gardener Simon Irvine. Their common passion is a shared love for Läckö Slott (Läckö Castle) – the ‘pearl on the shores of Lake Vänern’; and more specifically the lovely castle gardens Lilla Slottsträdgården (the little castle vegetable garden) and the charming and tasteful restaurant ‘Hvita Hjorten’ (White Deer). The garden has become known as a sensuous and enchanting exhibition garden with a unique design every summer. That’s not achieved without struggle and pain. Lilla Slottsträdgården needs to be bursting into bloom in time for the seasonal opening of Läckö Slott. The colourful, fragrant floral arrangements are displayed alongside magnificent vegetables. The thousands of guests who visit just can’t believe how the leeks, lettuces, carrots and herbs can look so beautiful and yet have such fine flavours and taste so sweet.


Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Simon Irvine

Simon Irvine is a vegetable connoisseur in corduroy. He is master gardener at Läckö, full of inspiration for each new season and for the trio's intense planning sessions when they work out their seasonal menus. Stefan Söderholm tells us that Simon, whose previous focus had been on the garden produce of Provence, had discovered that the vegetables, herbs and cuisine of his beloved Provence actually have many similarities to what grows and thrives in Liguria.I nga problem. Katrin 17

Simon Irvine, gardener at Läckö Slott, Stefan Söderholm och Katrin Ljungblom, restaurateurs at Hvita Hjorten


This, according to Simon, may give rise to an exciting mix of both Provençal and Ligurian cuisine. Not a problem for Katrin and Stefan, who are used to creating wonderful masterpieces in the kitchen and are now running on full tanks. The contents of the castle gardens inspire and determine what happens in the kitchen of the Hvita Hjorten. Simon takes on the role of vegetable guru, with the creative responsibility for adding all the green flavours and textures to the game and fish caught nearby, together with other ingredients from local rivers, and meats supplied by local farmers. “I look at every meal at Läckö Slott as a plate without boundaries – a landscape of food. All the things we get from growers and food artisans reflect the local landscape, nature and culture. This meal arranged on a plate gives us a fascinating insight into this unique place here on earth.” says Simon. Simon was born and educated in England, has a degree from Oxford, and has worked at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. He dresses stylishly for work, with corduroy trousers

(think Bill Murray in The Royal Tenenbaums), plus boots and a gardening hat. He has patiently developed the Lilla Slottsträdgården for over 20 years. “There’s plenty of time. I have a fifty-year perspective on my work!” he laughs. He loves Läckö and his hard work with the soil and speaks with passion about the Sisyphean task that every day presents. There’s no pretty romance and simpering poetry in his garden philosophy. It’s a simple story about the love of the good earth. Dark soil made ready to receive new seeds and fresh shoots. Soil, the source of life. Each season equally, every season. “THE MEAL IS AS CLOSE TO NATURE AS THE HOUSE ITSELF”

For five years now, this trio, Katrin, Stefan and Simon, have enjoyed enriching encounters at the boundary between garden and kitchen. They have played and planned and toiled closely together and whatever their new ideas, they are conscious that it is the Lilla Slottsträdgården which is the great inspiration for their work. Katrin and Stefan speak warmly of the collaboration, and the


inspiration and pride coming from the food and gardens of Läckö Slott that permeates their work. Stefan repeatedly emphasizes the green gastronomic significance of their innovative menus. “But maybe we should stop using the word ‘green’ and just talk about fish, meat, vegetables, salads and herbs. What do you think?” interjects Katrin. Stefan nods. Mmmm. Maybe? Their workplace, Hvita Hjorten, is located in the Läckö Slott Visitor Centre (Vänerskärgården-Victoriahuset) on the Kållandsö peninsular, with its spectacular views over Lake Vänern. It serves excellent meals every day and for special occasions and events, all from produce grown in the castle gardens and by local vegetable growers, the fishermen of Lake Vänern, local farmers and hunters. In 2014 Hvita Hjorten won the prestigious Locally Sourced Gastronomy Award (presented by the White Guide in cooperation with the Swedish Farmers Association and Svenskt Sigill) which requires the winner “to have a passion for locally grown produce, with meat from farmers in the region and game from nearby rivers, lakes and forests; and to have developed an entertaining and seasonal cuisine that offers a pleasurable cavalcade of natural flavours.” The sky is incredibly blue and contrasts with the impressive baroque castle. The water round Kållandsö peninsular is cool and still. It’s good to know a new season is on its way.


GUNNEBO TIME TRAVEL Back to the 18th century. And full speed into the future.


Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Ă…sa Dahlgren

GUNNEBO SLOTT In the late 1700s, Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar (Gunnebo House and Garden) was one of the most modern and expensive summer houses of that period. The property was owned by the Hall family and designed by the architect Carl Wilhelm Carlberg. Sadly, from the 1880s, due to a lack of investment and maintenance, it lost much of its elegance and style. In 1996, however a unique restoration and reconstruction project was begun, called ‘Gunnebo – back to the 18th century’, with the aim of restoring the buildings back to the architect’s original drawings. A transformation with clear environmental overtones.

During the first phase of the work the old kitchen garden, and elements of the formal garden and castle, were developed and the Conservatory was reconstructed. The Gunnebo Kaffehus och Krog (Gunnebo Café and Restaurant) is now housed in this building. The new vegetable gardens in front of the Conservatory were completed in 2008 and feature a typical 18th century collection of herbs and vegetables framed by fruit trees and bushes. The kitchen staff at Gunnebo harvest produce from these gardens to serve fresh to guests every day. Gunnebo Kaffehus och Krog is A Taste of West Sweden accredited restaurant and has an organic certification from KRAV. The restaurant menu features organic produce and vegetables from Gunnebo’s own gardens. Just as in the 18th century its ingredients change with the seasons.


Before Gunnebo Slott is completely restored to the time of the Hall family architect’s plans, some more of the original build-

ings still have to be recreated. These are the orangery, the Hermitage and several smaller garden buildings around the Conservatory. Finally, some of the walks in the ‘English Park’ will be recreated. The ‘Orangery’ is a heated greenhouse where sensitive plants like orange, fig, myrtle and ornamental tropical plants can be kept for overwintering. Gunnebo's own ambitious orangery reconstruction work is now in full swing. “When the heated greenhouse is rebuilt, visitors will have access to a small summer palace in miniature”, says Lena Vikström, CEO of Gunnebo House and Gardens. “In the Orangery, they will be able to enjoy the same plants that were here in the 1700s when the Hall family lived at Gunnebo all through the summer. The entire reconstruction is an amazing adventure in time travel where we’re all learning as we go along. This will be a slow journey. That's important. The process itself is fascinating – for us it is a respectful journey through time where reflection and consideration are the golden rules.”


Patrik Sewerin, chef at Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar (Gunnebo House and Garden), is a happy man. He’s looking over the kitchen counter at the first salad from the vegetable garden, which has just been freshly gathered. His position as a chef here is exciting because he works with produce which grows just a few metres from his kitchen. He’s able to pick from the best there is on the day – so much better than ordering from tens or hundreds of miles away. There are vegetables in these gardens that are not only full of flavour but from fine old varieties, too. They’ve been selected to be representative of Gunnebo back in the 18th century. Yet at the same time Patrick likes to experiment with foodstuffs from other local artisan food suppliers to accompany his own fresh ingredients on the plate. “We very much


like working with a few different local producers and buy vegetables that we can’t grow ourselves. We also buy Anna Kaijser’s goat cheeses from Halltorps Dairy.” says Patrik. In 2014 Gunnebo Kaffehus och Krog (Gunnebo Café and restaurant) was chosen as the ‘most sustainable café’ by the prestigious White Guide of Sweden. A seriously significant achievement in the food world. “We are extremely conscious about working sustainably, so it was extra special.” says Patrik. He stands in the kitchen preparing some exciting new dishes for the menu. Previously he has concentrated on presenting inventive buffets but is now putting this approach aside in favour of preparing his dishes to look as stunning on the plate as they taste. “A buffet can look fantastic when first prepared but I want the food to look at its most

Patrik Sewerin, chef at Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar.

appetizing when it’s served direct to the table. From now on we want to prepare the food on the plate to look irresistible, as well as giving our guests a complete taste of nature.” says Patrik. Today, beetroots are being prepared and baked to be served in a warm salad along with chickpeas, toasted almonds and blue cheese. “There’s fresh tarragon in the dressing as that suits the beetroots particularly well.” comments Patrik.

That’s the big difference here. I can turn up to work at Gunnebo and orchestrate something more than just a plate of food

He buys this cheese from another small producer a few kilometres outside Gothenburg – the Summer Hagens Dairy makes several kinds of cheese, from both goat and cow milk. “We always start with the herbs and vegetables. The last thing onto the plate is the meat. That's our way of doing things. We think that sometimes too much importance is put on just the meat.” says Patrik. “We want to show that we can run a successful business that is not only thought highly of but profitable as well. A simple carrot can be sumptuous. Really sumptuous if you have grown the carrot yourself. There’s just so much more flavour then. And there may be even more subtle flavours coming through if the carrot is slowgrown.” adds Patrik.

Such a carrot’s flavour is intense, like the just harvested lettuce. It makes Patrik happy to cook something so gastronomically interesting. “This lettuce variety is exciting. It’s called Merlot – just look at the dark red leaves – they’re the colour of the wine it’s named after. It’s these sorts of delicious bonuses that my job here gives me. Every day I get to work with scrumptiously fresh vegetables. They’re the best anywhere.” explains Patrick. Patrik focuses on the things that he believes are crucial. Those freshly harvested lettuce heads have to be grown sustainably and to the highest possible environmental standards. And it’s just as important to him to safeguard Gunnebo's policies regarding the cultivation of old varieties when he serves the food to Gunnebo’s guests. “It's more fun to do it this way. That’s the big difference here. I can turn up to work at Gunnebo and orchestrate something more than just a plate of food.” remarks Patrik. And there’s another way of getting his guests involved in this process, which is to let them roam around the gardens and pick out a basket of produce of their own choosing for the chefs to prepare. “That way we can create an interactive meal together in which the guest is intimately involved.” says Patrik.

Text: Maria Zihammou


Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Lisa Nestorson


Going green??


It’s not just for rabbits! Liseberg is Scandinavia's biggest amusement park with over 2 million visitors a year. This theme park illustrates just what the entertainment business is all about. It offers hugely popular entertainment and an organised stream of ‘experiences’. Hard and soft values in perfect balance are the foundation of its suc­ cess. The Liseberg mission to make a good profit to enable high levels of re-investment, and to increase the satisfaction of the many happy customers who feel they are getting good value for their money and so keep coming back for more. Easy? Not really. Successful? Absolutely.

A large part of the ‘experience’ industry is about food – all the It has been incredible food and snacks and goodies you eat over a few hours in an fun to be involved in amusement park like Liseberg, where the park’s management this project and help now claims to have the city's most diverse and vibrant family raise the food standfood scene. ards here with fresh From being a theme park with a reputation at one time new concepts and a for offering the most expensive junk food around, Liseberg has much healthier profile developed its own niche and now offers a range of restaurants of ingredients. each with its own dining concept. ‘Hamnkrogen’ (Harbour Restaurant) for example, brings the region of Bohuslän with its seafood and delicious oyster’s


right into the park. It’s been a success from the start. Now the blue and salty stripes of the Harbour Restaurant have a green sister loved by both visitors and Liseberg’s giant green rab­ bit mascots. In 2014 Liseberg became the world's first amusement park to have an entirely green restaurant, with special vegetable chefs and a green food philosophy based on using local produce from West Sweden. When ‘Pantry’ visited the CEO of Liseberg, Thomas Sjöstrand, and his restaurant manager, Claes Samuelsson, it wasn’t to talk about rides and amusements. We were here to talk food, green food. Fresh vegetable dishes and lots of hearty salads. We sat in ‘The Green Room’, the vegetarian restaurant. The archi­ tects, Wingårdhs, have styled it to look like great-grandmother's kitchen, solid and authentic but sleek and clean.

THOMAS SJÖSTRAND “Before the 2014 season we brought some food-freaks together to brainstorm spontaneously about the next restaurant concept. The meeting rapidly came to a conclusion. We’ve never had such a fast decision. When we presented all our suggestions, it was about going green and offering as much local produce as we can in an environment that is really cosy.


Gothenburg’s veggie blogger, Martin Karlsson, is our sounding board and he also works with our menus. Now he’s contributed to this green journey and nearly matched the excitement of the sensa­ tional Helix ride.” laughs Thomas.

CLAES SAMUELSSON “I should have retired by now, but it has been incredible fun to be involved in this project and help raise the food standards here with fresh new concepts and a much healthier profile of ingredients. It’s been a learning curve for all of us. I must admit I could never have imagined how good corn pancakes could taste. I like the satisfied but light feeling that one gets from eating fresh food from the countryside. There’s an art to getting all this to work. It’s no picnic dealing with a host of small suppliers when you have economies of scale and thousands of hungry visitors. But ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’.”

The test panel?

Yes, David, Marcus, Siri and Nora looked a little sceptical at the start. Then they started to tuck-in and the verdict was “truly delicious”. Or five green rabbit stars, maybe? It can’t be better.

GOTHENBURG IS CREATING ITS OWN UNIQUE AMBIENCE AT A LOVING PACE They are many and they are talented. Working in some of Gothenburg's finest restaurants, this city is their culinary capital and the Västra GÜtaland Region is the larder they go to when they want to develop recipes and create their menus. These chefs prefer to avoid imported goods where possible and believe that a healthy, organic diet is an absolute prerequisite for gastronomic development from here on. They expect their major suppliers to provide natural and pure, unadulterated ingredients. Text: Inger Svensson


Encouraging chefs and restaurants to work together with the ambitious produce suppliers of West Sweden, they also believe that committing to a programme of sustainability and respecting the ecosystem will in the long run benefit the profitability of producers, wholesalers and restaurateurs alike. How does all this benefit the restaurant guest? Simply because regional gastronomy can be a culinary journey in itself. You could, for example, think of the restaurants along the city’s roads as stops on that foodie expedition, in which the meal itself is the purpose of the trip. Fish and shellfish from nearby lakes and the sea off West Sweden, meat and poultry from this fertile agricultural region, mushrooms and even beaver from the wild woods of Dalsland come together on the plate with a multitude of green flavours – plus flowers, berries and other delights plucked from ‘just around the corner’. So welcome to the table or the bar – in the middle of the city with its vibrant lifestyle; in a relaxing location by the sea; or in a quiet neighbourhood restaurant. Put our fantastic West Swedish culinary journey to the test – there are so many amazing places to stop on the way you’ll be spoilt for choice. Try a delectable dessert, a glass of rhubarb nectar, or a good local beer. Choose just what your heart (and stomach) desires. It's all there, right by you. In Gothenburg.



Tastes of Gothenburg

Text: Maria Zihammou



Take time to discover the port of Gothenburg’s best eateries. Join us on a sensationally tasty trip with insider’s tips for where to eat delicious fish, modern Asian, green organic heaven and the most acclaimed of West Sweden’s gastronomic delights.

DRINKS WITH A VIEW EXCITING CONCEPTS THE BARN has got it right with their rustic stripped back décor. It’s a little hipster mecca in Gothenburg. It serves American retro food with impressive burgers and a dose of the Swedish countryside in a laid back but buzzy ambience. Stroll from there to LINNEA ART which, with its glass art, is something else altogether. The food comes served on art glass made by some of Sweden’s world famous glass artists. Here, chef Edin Dzemat and his team have created their own innovative and inspiring cuisine. Another exciting concept restaurant, where the elegant decadence of 1920s Paris welcomes guests, can be found at the restaurant ATELIER in the Hotel Pigalle. Seasonal flavors and well mixed cocktails are the perfect accompaniment to mingling.

Frida Ronge, chef at restaurant vRÅ in the Clarion Hotel Post, has carved out her own little piece of Asia. With freshly caught ingredients from the Skagerrak waters off West Sweden she interprets sushi and sashimi in her own amazing way. HOZE on Stigbergsliden serves classic and masterful sushi created right in front of guests. For a different Asian feel step into TOSO on Götaplatsen where ‘social eating’ is the focus and you are encouraged to share. Wood, black décor and spotlights are the hallmark (and you might just notice a one ton Buddha and giant Chinese stone warriors around the room). Restaurateur and chef Stefan Karlsson designed his menu along urbane lines inspired by China, Asia…and New York.




Take a trip over the river to Gothenburg's old shipyards in Lindholmen for a glass of bubbly or a special cocktail and enjoy the stupendous harbour views from the Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel. CUCKOO'S NEST is the witty name of their award winning bar with its outside decking. A little further into the harbour, the HOTEL RIVERTON VIEW on Stora Badhusgatan has fantastic panoramic views of the whole port and river. RUBINEN’S ROOF TERRACE is located on Avenyn – just the place to take a break from shopping and relax with a drink. And if you want to see Gothenburg from really high up, the HEAVEN 23 cocktail bar at the Gothia Towers has incredible views over Liseberg and the City.

BHOGA on Norra Hamngatan overlooking the canal, has had rave reviews from the start. Consistently innovative, with a Michelin star, its food is based on Scandinavian ingredients presented with great imagination. Celebrated restaurant 28+ on Götabergsgatan has a French menu based on ‘local and organic’ produce. Michelin starred, its top quality dishes paired with first class wines deliver superior style. Classic Michelin starred SJÖMAGASINET by the river offers a culinary sea voyage. Here it’s all about fresh fish and shellfish and taking the art of excelling seriously. The emphasis is the same at THÖRNSTRÖMS KÖK, an enticing Michelin starred restaurant that prioritises small scale and locally produced ingredients. On to the luxury class newcomer, UPPER HOUSE, at the top of Gothia Towers. There’s no à la carte, but the tasting menus take fine food to the highest level and the amazing views over Gothenburg are free. Restaurateur Björn Persson has a feel for creating restaurants that stand out and win acclaim, such as KOKA with its excellent modern cuisine





and West Swedish signature. They do it so well here that they won Swedish Restaurants prestigious award for “Restaurant of the Year”.

NEAR WATER URBAN ECOLOGICAL GREEN ROOM at Liseberg offers only vegetarian food, but its strong range of cleverly balanced and tasty dishes served buffet style makes it universally appealing. TREDJE LÅNGGATAN is a now trendy couple of blocks in the old docklands where some seriously impressive restaurants have emerged, plus bars, cafés and a bakery. Organic roof top vegetable gardens is one of its ‘green’ themes.

BARABICU offers one of Gothenburg's most lovely harbour views. It features north and south American food with well hung tenderized beef and lots of other delicacies from the Asado grill sizzling away nicely in the open kitchen. If you want to get even closer to the sea go to LÅNGEDRAGS VÄRDSHUS, a cosy restaurant on the marina with a classic menu. From there it's a short walk to the ferries bound for Gothenburg’s archipelago. Oysters, fish and local produce make restaurant STYRSÖ SKÄRET, with its seasonal menu, one of the archipelago's real gems.

Find more Gothenburg restaurants at



THE STARS OF TOMORROW SHINE IN GOTHENBURG There’s something going on in Gothenburg. Whilst restaurants serving classic food and the traditional gourmet places are all doing well, a group of young cooks are emerging who are challenging us to completely re-think the way we eat. A 24 year old from Umeå is at the heart of it. Thomas Sjögren moved to Gothenburg as an 18 year old. Today he’s not just a chef at Swedish Taste but is also one of the finalists in the national Chef of the Year competition. Together with other contemporaries like Edin Dzemat from Linnéa Art he’s one of foodie Sweden’s biggest rising stars, and a maestro in the kitchen. But when he talks about food he makes it sound like he doesn’t do anything special. – For me it’s purely about preparing good food and not complicating it too much. If you’ve got





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great raw ingredients it’s really easy to make great food. I try and utilise what’s growing around here and make the most of it, he says. He shares this philosophy with many of the new generation of Gothenburg chefs. Thinking organically and sustainably has become so self-evident that it hardly needs mentioning, according to Thomas Sjögren. – We’ve got everything here. Vegetables, lamb, venison, fish and shellfish – all from the surrounding area. I pick berries and herbs in the woods on the way to work, he tells us. One of Sweden’s most qualified Chef of the Year finalists, Magnus Lindström, founded and runs Swedish Taste. Magnus got through to the final five times and was the winner in 2003. Thomas has been his mentee for the last two years. – It’s really fantastic that Thomas has got so far. I’ve made that journey myself and you get a lot out of Karström

Photo: Jonas Ingman

just taking part in the final, even if you don’t win first time round. He doesn’t need me to nanny him but the environment you’re in is important when you’re developing as a chef. How you present and relate to the raw ingredients. – Thomas is a future star, and he really immerses himself in what he does. It’s people like him that this industry needs, and I know how important it is for your professional development to take part in things like this, explains Magnus Lindström. At Swedish Taste the focus is on Swedish flavours but many of the new restaurants in the city get their inspiration from elsewhere. They still have many things in common though, like the choice of raw ingredients and how the food is served, Thomas Sjögren points out. – There’s nobody opening conventional gourmet restaurants these days. People want small dishes to share and prefer not to wait long. I hope that Gothenburg is going to continue to be famous for its fish restaurants but I think that people are going to start seeing it as a city with many different, modern and inspiring restaurants as well. It’s not just the restaurants that are changing. Even the people who go to them aren’t the same as they used to be. – The general public are really enthusiastic and you see more and more niche establishments. Nowadays you don’t just go out and eat “Asian”. It might be Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese or Japanese, Thomas Sjögren tells us. It’s the way he blends traditional and cutting-edge cuisine that Thomas thinks has led to his success in Chef of the Year. – I’ve gone for classic flavours with a modern take. I might use time-honoured raw ingredients like broccoli and Bleak Roe but then I’ll prepare the fish in a new, quite sophisticated way. You don’t get to the final by impressing only half of the judges. I think some of them go for straightforward great flavours, whereas others find the method exciting.

If you’ve got great raw ingredients it’s really easy to make great food.


– I’m having a great time here in Gothenburg but if I was to open my own place I’d really like it to be out in the countryside. I’d love to have a garden and loads of neighbours coming over with wild mushrooms and game, and use as much stuff as possible from on the doorstep. And of course it would be packed every day!

Photo: Lisa Löwenborg


Gothia Towers shows that economies of and a small-scale approach might just work together


new flavours. The garden grew as a result of Gothia Tower's commitment to help the aid organisation Räddningsmissionen (The Rescue Mission) in Björlan­

How does your old management role compare

da. A mutually enriching cooperation, which resulted

with your new assignment?

in a fundraising harvest dinner on 14 September 2014

“There are many similarities between my current job

as Gothenburg's most accomplished chefs, Måns

and being coach of the Swedish

Backlund (Upper House Dining), José Gabriel Cerdà

Culinary Team. Just as with the Culinary Team, we

Contreras (HOZE), Mats Sjölander (Blomstermåla),

There is only one person in the world that has won four

have staff with an enriching diversity here at Gothia

Edin Dzemat (Linnéa Art), Johan Björkman (Koka),

gold medals in the illustrious International Exhibition

Towers. With the guest as our main focus it’s my role

Gustav Knutsson (Bhoga), Linus Ström (Hotell Pigalle &

of Culinary Art, also known as the Culinary Olympics.

to formulate objectives for the business, putting to­

Tapasbaren i Majorna) worked voluntarily and gave all

His name is Krister Dahl and he was the coach for the

gether dynamic groups of creative individuals and

their profits to the Rescue Mission's activities.

Swedish Culinary Team from 2005-2012, leading his

developing a strong team spirit. At the same time

”I really liked that event”, says Krister. “We got

team to victory and gold. Four times.

it’s always important to have fun together. I want to

the opportunity to show what good local seasonal

see as many broad smiles in the kitchen as in the

produce in the hands of skilled chefs can bring to

fessional chef. His CV includes Nobel dinners and

dining rooms”, Krister tells us.

the food experience. Secondly, we all know that we

prestigious head chef positions as well as many years

Do you ever long to return to the pots and pans?

are doing some good and contributing to a better

as captain of the Swedish Culinary Team. In 2013 he

”I'm very involved in creating the menus and so on,

life for those who do not always find themselves on

was awarded a rare distinction: the ‘Tore Wretmans

in each of the restaurants, but I sometimes wish I

the sunny side.”

Gold Medal’ awarded to: "A professional cook who has

could just stand in the kitchen and simply cook at

brought Swedish cuisine to a prominent position in a

my own station. It has always been obvious to me

highly commendable manner, nationally and interna­

that we should work with organic and locally grown


tionally, whose work comprises both a conservation

produce. I’ve done that through all my years with

Gothia Tower’s Upper House in Gothenburg has been

and an advancement of Swedish cuisine.” The Tore

the Culinary Team. At Gothia Towers we really have

awarded the 2014 Service Experience of the Year

Wretmans Gold Medal counts as one of the premier

a chance to celebrate Swedish flavours – both in

by the White Guide, in conjunction with American

awards in Swedish gastronomy. Since 2012 Krister

food and drink – in new and bold combinations and

has been the Executive Chef at the recently redevel­

through cooperation with the region's farmers, fish­

oped Gothia Towers and five star luxury Upper House.

ermen and food artisans.” says Krister.

Krister has over 20 years’ experience as a pro­

Its new gourmet restaurant Upper House Dining has


Express; ‘For their ambitious new rethink of the ultra-classic approach to service – refreshing, redefining and reinvigorating the slightly stuffy traditional service element – developed through years of experience and delivered with warmth, sensitivity

received effusive praise from food writers since it


opened. Krister’s work days are pretty arduous, what

We stand in the roof garden above the ‘Upper House

When the annual Restaurant Gala took place at

with having to show his presence everywhere (‘You

Dining’ restaurant talking about locally grown and

Cirkus in Stockholm in 2014 the food service team

can’t run a restaurant from an office.’), plus do the

organic, while the bees are buzzing around the hives

detailed planning of all the guest food services which

and the vegetables gleam in the sunshine. Here on

also include Lounge 24/7 a venue for all hours of the

the roof, Chef Måns Backlund, and all the other chefs,

day, and Imagine, the Gothia Towers new banqueting

pluck goodness from the vegetable garden. The bees

even though the restaurant standard is classed as

room on the 29th floor.

get on with making their honey. New recipes require

elegant fine dining.”

and humour.

at Upper House Dining won the Restaurant Service Team of the Year category. “…The team behave professionally, talk to the guests and help them to relax. The service is attentive, warm and easy going

Krister Dahl, highly qualified Executive Chef at Gothia Towers

zz z zz z z B

Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Lisa Nestorson


GOLD GRAINS FROM LAKE VÄNERN BLEAK ROE CAVIAR, with its delicately crunchy, tawny gold grains that melt in the mouth, is a delicacy often associated with Kalix in Northern Sweden. If you haven’t already, then now’s the time to try the caviar that comes from the clear waters of Lake Vänern. A completely natural product that is both sustainably fished and quality assured. Vendace has been fished in Vänern since the middle of the 60s. Previously the fish was just used for eating and was called “silen” locally. Today however the local sustainable fishing industry is directing its attention to harvesting the sought after roe instead. In the little fishing village of Spiken on the shores of Lake Vänern, they’re experts at preparing the caviar, and almost all of it is done by hand. The fish is first killed humanely then the eggs are gently squeezed out using the thumb. Next they are rinsed in water and finally salt is added. This additive free artisan food has now got its own food quality label, guaranteeing full traceability in the chain that makes the Lake Vänern Bleak Roe. Fishermen in the area have joined forces in order to be able to offer a first class product just like they have up in Kalix.

Ulrika Gustavsson, the owner of Ullis Fiskdelikatesser, is one of those who make the caviar in Spiken. She has been at the forefront of the push for Lake Vänern Bleak Roe to get a label all of its own. – We wanted to create our own brand, and today there are 15 fishermen in Spiken who have joined together to form a cooperative, says Ulrika. Simply by being branded in this way this delicious caviar has become a higher quality product. A proud Nordic commodity and a local taste sensation. Ulrika believes that the caviar produced in Spiken is better since the preparation method has been rationalised and all make it in exactly the same way. – I think the taste and texture has definitely improved since we implemented the same preparation protocols, she comments. If you want to try Vänern Bleak Roe where it comes from, all you have to do is book an Experience Package with caviar tasting at the beginning of November. As well as enjoying some fresh lakeside air you’ll be able to take part in the preparation process, helping to press out the roe, and to round it all off you’ll then get to taste the freshly harvested caviar at one of the local restaurants. Text: Maria Zihammou Photo: Jean-Paul Bastiaans


Live the good life !

Street food today is getting exciting for hungry eaters in Gothenburg who now have


a variety of good, inexpensive and local food eateries on offer. The trend for food trucks, like much else, comes from the USA, where Brooklyn hipsters introduced them as part of the boom in new restaurants. The new creativity in fast food across a variety of cuisines has also attracted well known chefs to get behind the wheel and deliver well thought out meals to the streets.


ow it’s Gothenburg’s turn. Variety and high quality are the key ingredients of this kind of street meal, with everything from sausage and mash with a side dish of Peruvian style ceviche to prime rib burgers with hand­ made Mexican tacos. Behind the truck cabs you’ll find ambitious chefs and serious food en­ thusiasts who aim to provide easy access to the art of fine food. And they’re reaching out with well-prepared meals using organic and sea­ sonal ingredients. The efforts to bring good street food to Goth­ enburg have not gone unnoticed – but first the ambition had to be channelled into a palatable format. To kick start the creation of opportuni­ ties for really good fast food and get everyone working in the same direction needed leader­ ship. Torbjörn Kvarefelt and Sam Friberg, project


Kristoffer Holm Mi Taquito

Next year, if everything goes

managers at ‘Business Region Göteborg' worked closely with all community licensing depart­ ments with a vision to provide a great diversity of locally produced and environmentally friendly street food. ”We have all worked hard to develop the lo­ cations and just the very idea of Food Trucks. It took a few months but it has been the fastest political and strategic management scheme ever delivered in Gothenburg”, says Sam. This result was that 10 wagons received a provisional 14 months trial period to prove themselves. “Next year, if everything goes well there may be more Food Trucks in Gothenburg”, adds Torbjörn. Food trucks are located in different places in the city, such as Gustav Adolfs Torg, Kungstor­ get and Lindholmen. These and other locations can be found by visiting foodtrucks/ In addition to the trucks look out for Fhoods, a different kind of eatery, in a container on Esperantoplatsen. Teo Landahl says that this similar but different concept of his has room in the market alongside mobile trucks. The gray, white and dark blue container has been sprayed with graffiti. It's a fast food place with attitude that perhaps belies the carefully selected ingre­ dients that it uses. Fhoods uses organic meat from a small nearby farm and locally produced cheeses from Sivans dairy, in Varaslätten. The cheeses end up in the morning sandwiches and the meats can also be purchased to take home. “Don’t judge us by appearances, is our mes­ sage. The quality of our food should speak for itself. We have also chosen to work with different chefs so we are not tied to one particular cui­ sine”, says Teo. “There’s no set menu but we do use ingredi­ ents that have to travel as short a distance as

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possible.” Slow-cooked meat from Västergötland that becomes sausages in the small kitchen. Kasper Aase who runs Fhoods alongside Teo, has a great commitment to environmental sus­ tainability and says that Fhoods wants to source everything as locally as possible. “We are constantly endeavouring to work organically and sustainably. My brother in law is a farmer and we buy whole beef cattle from him”, says Kasper. For those in search of new taste sensations there are handmade tacos at Mi Taquitos. Kristof­ fer Holm offers soft tacos with different fillings of fish, vegetables or meat. His slow braised brisket comes from the same organic meat supplier as

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...a vision to provide a great diversity of locally produced and environmentally friendly street food.

” 39

well there may be more Food Trucks in Gothenburg Fhoods and is flavoured with home-grown cori­ ander and spicy salsas. Kristoffer also likes to feature fish caught in the area. “I have a small crop of vegetables and herbs in Mölndal and I make everything from scratch myself. I've always liked Mexican food. It's so colourful and complex, and most people don’t realise how fresh all good Mexican food is,” com­ ments Kristoffer. Mi Taquito is one of the trucks with a defi­ nite retro touch that lights up the street with its bright orange colour. “It's a Citroen Hy van that used to be around everywhere in France and it’s one of London's most common Food Truck vehicles”, says Kristoffer. The chefs behind Spira have the same com­ mitment to being organic as Mi Taquito and Fhoods. The three friends driving Spira wanted to create slow food – really good home prepared food but served fast. For Rasmus Strand, MatsPeter Kristiansen and Fredrik Robertsson, it seemed obvious and natural to choose the best ingredients. Even the name of their truck, ‘Spira’, stands for natural growth. “We want to convey a feeling of being natural, alive, vigourous. We want to get across that our meat comes from animals that have been reared well and have had a good life”, explains Rasmus. “Depending on the season we want to offer great sandwiches, soups and stews with lots of flavour. We want to be as natural as possible at Spira. We wouldn’t even consider using artificial or ready-made ingredients. For us Spira chefs the Food Truck is not just a fun thing. We want to bring a new kind of food sense to Gothenburg.” Besides his job on the Food Truck Rasmus works at Restaurant Vann in Brastad. This restaurant is certified by A Taste of West Sweden for its sustainability policies and use of local ingredients. Rasmus and his colleagues have a commitment to regional produce and just want to bring clear, powerful and pure tastes to their customers. “There are not enough good lunch places in Gothenburg. We can be a positive addition here, offering Swedish ingredients with flavours from


Rasmus Strand and Fredrik Robertsson, Spira, create fast-slow-food

Henrik Mortensen. A happy customer.

around the world. And our accessibility is another great advantage that’s important”, comments Fredrik. Hot sandwiches on warm, crusty bread, filled with slow braised chicken, pickled vegetables and a touch of fresh mayonnaise or homesmoked sustainably sourced cod. Just a few ex­ amples of what to expect from the chefs on the Spira truck. “I'm very positive and think that Food Trucks are of their time and here to stay”, adds Rasmus.

We wouldn’t even consider using artificial or readymade ingredients.

Text: Maria Zihammou Photo: Stefan Edetoft

GOTHENBURG PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE SEA WITH A SPECIAL WEEK During the last week of February large parts of Gothenburg take to the waves. The time has come to Go to Sea, a regular annual celebration of the sea and all it has to offer, with Taste, Experience and Learn as its themes. DURING THE LAST WEEK of February large parts of Gothenburg take to the waves. The time has come to Go to Sea, a regular annual celebration of the sea and all it has to offer, with Taste, Experience and Learn as its themes. Its proximity to the sea is the whole reason Gothenburg exists. The sea was the gateway to the west and out into the world when the city was founded, and it still is for a large portion of Sweden’s trade. The ocean was also the cupboard and pantry that for hundreds of years has provided for large numbers of the population. So it’s not really surprising that Gothenburg decided to create this week long celebration of the sea last year, as part of the plans for the 400th anniversary in 2021. Go to Sea is about fish and shellfish, of course, but also touches on topical environmental issues regarding the sea. As well as offering lots of activities. – Go to Sea will showcase what Gothenburg has to offer in the form of fantastic raw ingredients, great restaurants and all the rest. But also how we can live in balance with nature and not over exploit the sea’s resources, says Birgitta Bergerlind, project manager at Göteborg & Co. Go to Sea’s line up of events will of course vary and develop from year to year. Part of the 2015 programme

will be a group of 50 or so restaurants across the city offering special sea related menus. Food Trucks will serve seafood meals and the very successful Soup Containers selling delicious lunchtime soups, will be located in several spots in the city centre. Schools will take part by serving fish for lunch, amongst other things, and in the Nordstan shopping centre there’ll be discussions about various sea themes, presented in conjunction with organisations like the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and the West Coast Maritime Week. There’ll also be live cooking demonstrations with tips from chefs. On top of all that there’ll be lots of activities for children and adults to take part in, such as cookery classes and historic food walks. A number of shops will have special offers and there’ll be live shows in the Nordstan Shopping Centre all week. One of Go to Sea’s aims is also to create an excuse for tourists to visit Gothenburg during the dark winter months. – We want it to be a fun event for Gothenburgers and their guests to enjoy. Hopefully this might generate a new tourist season, remarks Birgitta Bergerlind. Text: Stefan Gadd Photo: Emil Fagander


A Gastronomic Palette The boutique hotel, Pigalle, next to Gothenburg’s Östra Nordstan shopping centre, opened in 2014. However, the building in which this Gothenburg gem resides hails from the 1700s, and from a Swedish artistic era without precedent.


The Pigalle and the Atelier restaurant are parts of the former Fürstenberg Palace, which by the end of the 19th century housed the largest and most important private art collection in Sweden. You can still sense the craftsmanship in the walls and it’s no coincidence that the owners found inspiration from one of the world's premier art capitals, Paris. Moving on from fine art to the art of fine dining we can divulge that the menu at Atelier is relaxed – haute cuisine with a West Swedish twist. Linus Ström, one of the chefs here, doesn’t miss a single perfect local ingredient that comes into season. And the result on the plate makes the heart leap and the slowest of dull taste-buds start dancing the can-can. In short, a dining experience at Atelier can be described as laid back and deeply pleasurable – fine-dining based on the best that the farmers, growers and fishermen

of West Sweden can offer. The region’s small producers and their raw materials really come to the fore here. The décor of the bar at Pigalle flirts with one of the longest and most revolutionary periods in French art history – La Belle Époque, literally ‘The Beautiful Era’. Heavy fabrics, candelabras dripping with candle wax, oriental rugs on the floor and champagne. French decadence from a hundred years ago. It all feels so tangible and real here that you'd almost be convinced that an absinthe drunk Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is hiding round a corner somewhere. He might well be! As the chief representative of this delightful era in French art, he’d probably enjoy himself in this place. Especially if he got to hang out and drink a toast or two with his contemporary brothers in art, Cézanne, Matisse and Picasso. A votre santé et bon appétit!


OK there. I can still feel the warmth of my reception. They To me it’s obviously essential to have a healthy organic were all very nice and generous to me. But I was prepared diet at every level –and that’s before we even start talking to work hard to learn as much as I could. I got down to it about any future developments in fine food. We chefs have straight away and worked for two months for free and helped to start taking responsibility and demand that our major suppliers provide us with organic and ‘pure’ ingredients. out through any extra hours of work that turned up. I learned We’ve also got to work with the farmers to see how we a lot in that time. can improve food production security. Sustainability and ecology have to go together with economic profitability “I HAD NO IDEA WHAT...” for producers, wholesalers and caterers alike. We must - Things took off in 2010 and I ended up in the Chef of the Year all help each other. competition. I say ‘ended up’ in it because once I was there

The man who says this is Linus Ström, chef at Gothenburg’s Atelier Restaurant. Along with his good friend, Daniel, he also runs a lovely tapas place on Mariaplan, in Gothenburg's attractive Majorna neighbourhood.

I just thought ‘I have no control over this situation at all.’ Ok, I had a dish that worked, but then the whole circus was around me with reporters and cameras. You really need to be in a few competitions to get used to the enormous stress that compet­ ing involves. But it was a real education for me.



- I don’t quite know why, but I really felt I had to become a chef. - Gothenburg is my city and the region is my pantry, but some­ I grew up in the Skåne countryside. In my childhood everything times I think all of us in the restaurant world compete with I knew in the world was about growing things, tilling the soil, each other too much, rather than cooperate. And I think that harvesting and fishing. So I continued on that path – from weed­ hinders the development of fine food, for example when it ing fields to bunching carrots. Then sometimes I just happened comes to finding and encouraging new producers and interest­ to be around when these raw materials were turned into dishes, ing ingredients from our region. We chefs must work together because my grandmother was a manager at the Grand Hotel in to support the producers. Mölle, (Skåne, south of Sweden). "Where will the spoon be if not Let’s say, for instance, that the world's best butter has in the pot?" as the old ladies in Skåne used to say. been developed here so then we’d all join in and use it. We’d all work to promote this so we might become known as ‘The A STYLISH ENTRANCE AT THÖRNSTRÖMS city with the world's best butter.’ Why not? Let’s use Gothen­ - The next chapter in my career started when I arrived at Thörn­ burg’s size properly. Shouldn’t we all stand together? Then the ströms Kök, the restaurant in Gothenburg. I was wearing a restaurants, their guests – and especially the generation that long leather coat and had a mohawk hairstyle. But it was has already seen much of the world – will be much happier.

Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Mini Gemoll


Raw food's Rising Star


Frida manages to balance both strength and fragility in a completely unique way. A sensitive touch, and the desire to develop as a chef and help others to, characterize her both personally and on a professional level. I’ve been following her career with great interest and I’m really happy to call myself her friend and supporter. Mathias Dahlgren Head Chef, Grand Hôtel, Stockholm

FRIDA RONGE IN SHORT: • Head chef at vRÅ, the sushi and seafood restaurant at the Clarion Hotel Post. • Raw food pioneer in Sweden. • Discovered the joys of raw food at Högfjälls Hotel in Sälen. • Increased her knowledge of Japanese culture working at the Japanese spa and restaurant Yasuragi in Stockholm. • In 2009 whilst working at restaurant Råkultur in Stockholm one of the awards she won was silver medal in the World Championship Seven Sushi Samurai in London. • After five years making ‘raw cuisine’ she travelled to Japan in spring 2011 to experience it there. • Chosen as Rising Star of the Year by the White Guide in 2013. • Awarded the Karin Franssons Mentor prize 2014. The prize strives to reward mentors who support and help female chefs to develop. • Uses only green listed fish and shellfish. • Brought up with fixed mealtimes and home cooking. In Gothenburg.


Frida Ronge, head chef at vRÅ, has completely fallen for the raw and fresh food approach. Not only is she a pioneer for raw food in Sweden but she has also taken the whole idea to new culinary heights by creating a delicately precise combination of the best from Japan and West Sweden, and serving this exotic fusion in a cosy corner of the huge building that used to be the main post office in Gothenburg. Even the setting becomes a magical cultural mix.

RONGE – EIGHT YEARS AGO most restaurants were pretty sceptical about this concept. But over time greater culinary awareness has meant that both chefs and consumers have come to the same conclusion. Nowadays virtually all the top chefs are singing from the same hymn sheet. Success has come quickly. Both Frida and vRÅ are being showered with tributes from on high. She maintains however that she wouldn’t last a day at vRÅ without her talented team, comprised solely of women.


– When I was about four or five I had a favourite dish and that was fish soufflé. When my mum made it she whisked the egg yolks in one bowl and the whites in another. I got to test the whites by holding the bowl upside down over my head. If the whites stayed where they were they were ready. Then I sat on a little stool in front of the oven to see how the soufflé rose. Was cooking fun? Yes! Maybe I started to have dreams about being a chef sitting in front of that oven. – I have to add that I still crave mum’s soufflé, wherever I am. I always want to go back to the dinner table, the kitchen and that soufflé. So delicious!

of us working in the kitchen communicate clearly with staff in the dining room. We’ve set the bar high. – The higher the better, I say. YOU’VE ALREADY WON MANY PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS…

Frida’s not resting on her laurels though, and isn’t one to brood over the past. But she still remembers how it felt at the start of her career to be challenged over her “raw” choice. A lot of her peers in the food sector expressed scepticism back then, but today almost all the top restaurants have jumped on the bandwagon. – Every time I win another prize, like just recently at Chef of the Year when I got the Karin Fransson Mentor Award, I give extra thanks that I didn’t lose heart along the way, explains Frida. At the same time it’s always a surprise to win and I can never quite believe that they mean me. When I was awarded the Karin Fransson prize at the 2014 Chef of the Year ceremony I stood there in the limelight feeling really happy but around 6am the next morning I was on the train back to Gothenburg concentrating one hundred percent on the day ahead at vRÅ. Back to reality except with new challenges. – You can’t rank the awards of course, they are all equally gratifying, but the Karin Fransson award means a lot because it applies so completely to me as a head chef, and my team of girls at vRÅ. I’m passionate about women getting to succeed and be more visible in this industry. – Something to appreciate when I’m on holiday in Mexico over Christmas 2014, perhaps… Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Clarion Hotel Post


– The freshness in raw food is fascinating and appeals to my creative side in a really different way. In fact there are many cultural similarities between how food is prepared in Japan and Sweden, Frida tells us. And I have a real weakness for Umami, a taste that is difficult to describe, but if I say miso soup then probably most people understand that it’s to do with savoury stock that tastes a bit of seaweed. Umami means “pleasant taste” in Japanese by the way. – The raw food and sushi that we prepare and serve at vRÅ actually has more in common with modern Swedish cuisine than the strictly traditional Japanese sushi culture. – Our ambition here at vRÅ is to offer our guests a Scandinavian/Japanese total experience that incorporates seasonal raw ingredients, flavours, drinks and service. The type of food we serve is a new experience for many people, so we have to make extra sure that those

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tivates. She is o inspires and mo wh ef ch a is e ng “Frida Ro making the most mely proficient at innovative and extre Ronge has the ingredients. Frida w ra d ce ur so y all of loc r own work as a ssic cuisine and he courage to take cla ” chef to a new level.

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It’s not really a city thing. The official date is the closest Friday to the 21st June – the longest day of the year, when the whole country celebrates one of Sweden’s biggest festivals –Midsummer. People head out of the cities back to the countryside, and nature – where you should be to make floral garlands, to dance, jump, sing, love and laugh well into the long, light Swedish summer night. That it often rains at Midsummer is something most of us tend to forget. That we run around like scalded cats between the barbecue outside and the herrings indoors we choose to ignore. We Swedes have a very special relationship with our natural surroundings.

FROM QUACKING FROGS TO THE SACK RACE Right at the centre of the Midsummer Festival is always a large Maypole smothered in leaves, flowers and ribbons. The pole will look different depending on where in Sweden you are, and each village has its own design. The common factor is that once it has been erected the music and dancing begin. With garlands of flowers on their heads they come, young and old, large and small to dance around the pole and sing, accompanied by accordion and guitar. ‘Små grodorna’ (‘The Little Frogs’) is one of the most popular songs for kids, where everyone hops around the pole ‘kvack-kvacking’ all the way. According to the song itself it’s ‘hilarious to see.’ That’s an understatement. The egg-and-spoon, sack-race, and tug-o’-war are other midsummer favourites. All this jumping around and exercise not only gets everyone into a silly summer mood, it also helps partygoers burn off some calories before arriving at a table groaning with traditional summer treats. The food is as important a part of Midsummer as the garlands, poles and little frogs. Perhaps more so.

HERRINGS, POTATOES AND STRAWBERRY CAKE WITH CREAM Midsummer food consists of wonderful new Swedish potatoes (which arrive just in time), herrings in a variety of flavours, Jansson's


Temptation (a hot dish of potatoes, anchovies, onions and cream),meatballs (naturally), sausages and cheese – all finished off with a cake with layers of jam, whipped vanilla cream and, of course fresh strawberries. For drinks there’ll be beer and a variety of snaps for the grown-ups – with a silly song for every glass. It’s not necessary for the songs to be in perfect harmony as long as they’re sung loud and strong into the light summer night. Midsummer ends in a romantic tradition for single girls, who pick seven different kinds of flowers to put under their pillows, so that their future partner will appear in their dreams. Ah – such sweet traditions!

Text: Inger Svensson Photo: Petronella Åslund (black and white) and Lisa Nestorson


food for the heart

A well-functioning heart is vital to your body and wellbeing. In the same way, farmers, growers, food artisans and farm shops are important to everyone who wants to eat right, eat well, and feel well. It is therefore no accident that this playful map is shaped as a big foodie heart, with large and small roads that lead to our very best food products and


ny S


restaurants. Welcome to A Taste of West Sweden.


71ström ­ stad

åmål dalsed

bengts ­ fors

44 gull ­ 77 spång tanum 6 64 84 12 69 37 35 7 töreboda 5 75 5 ­ mellerud mariestad 5 färge landa karlsborg 25 munkedal 4 62 götene 68 skövde 57 26 45 24 lidköping 39 skara 21 väners ­ 74 sotenäs 50 23 29 borg uddevalla tibro 32 1 28 46 63 8013 15 83 troll ­10 grästorp 47 58 vara hättan 52 48 40 42 essunga hjo 82 73 lilla 27 20 falköping 18 edet 3 65 stenung ­ 31 81 sund 78 34 alingsåsvårgårda79herr9­ 38 61 tidaholm 22 ljunga 72 lerum 36 14 51 17 kungälv 43 66 ulricehamn göteborg 67 11 30 8 33 49 19 bolle ­ borås härryda 5370 bygd 76 54 tranemo mölndal 56 60 41 mark 16 2

The illustration is intended to inspire, not to be entirely consistent with reality.


PRODU CERS AND FARM SHOPS 1. Adelsåsen*, Stora Levene 2. Björnhyltans Trädgård*, Ambjörnarp 3. Blåskal*, Orust 4. Bramleys Äppelodling, Kålland/Lidköping 5. Bärby Östergård, Dingle 6. Börstorps Slott*, Mariestad 7. DalsSpira mejeri AB, Högsäter 8.Dugges Ale & Porterbryggeri, Landvetter 9. Falbygdens Osteria*, Falköping 10. Fristorps Gård*, Västra Tunhem 11. Gettergoda Mejeriprodukter*, Västra Frölunda 12. Grebbestads Tångknäcke*, Grebbestad 13. Gröna Gårdar, Uddevalla 14. Gäsene Mejeri*, Herrljunga 15. Halltorp mejeri, Trollhättan 16. Hulatorps champinjoner, Björketorp 17. Hälsö Fisk, Kungälv 18. Hökensås charkuteri, Tidaholm 19. Kaprifolkött, Västra Frölunda 20. Knäck & Bräck, Falköping 21. Kullans Lycka*, Lidköping 22. Kullings Kalvdans*, Herrljunga 23. Mossängens gård, Grästorp 24. Myssligubben, Frändefors 25. Nasseröds Bigårdar & Gårdsbutik*, Hamburgsund 26. Närebo Gårdsbutik*, Lidköping 27. Olivias ekologiska odling*, Vedum 28. Qvänum Mat & Malt, Kvänum

29. Resville Mathantverk*, Lidköping 30. Råda Gelato*, Göteborg 31. Scanfjord, Mollösund 32. Sivans ost*, Tråvad 33. Skenstaboá Gårdsbutik, Dalsjöfors 34. Thunbergs, Skepplanda 35. Torggummans ägg*, Färjelanda 36. Tua Cultura, Ljung/Herrljunga 37. Vänerlöjrom*, Lidköping/Mariestad 38. Wrågården, Falköping 39. Wästgötarna, Stora Levene 40. Österhagen glass, Hjo 41. Östragärde gård*, Sätila


42. Albert Kök Hotell & Konferens, Trollhättan 43. Aludden Prôvidore*, Lerum 44. Baldersnäs Herrgård*, Dals Långed 45. Bella Gästis*, Hunnebostrand 46. Bjertorp Slott, Kvänum 47. Bokenäs Hav Spa Möten, Uddevalla 48. Brygghuset, Fiskebäckskil 49. Carlssons Skafferi*, Ulricehamn 50. Forshems Gästgivaregård, Hällekis 51. Grand Hotell Marstrand, Marstrand 52. Gullmarsstrand Hotell & Konferens, Fiskebäckskil 53. Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar*, Mölndal 54. Hofsnäs Herrgård*, Länghem 55. Hvita Hjorten, Lidköping

56. Hällsnäs*, Mölnlycke 57. Idas Brygga, Karlsborg 58. Kajkanten Restaurang & Café, Uddevalla 59. Kosters Trädgårdar, Sydkoster 60. Kvarnen i Hyssna*, Hyssna 61. Källarkrogen Mönethorp, Falköping 62. Mellbygatans ost och delikatesser, Lidköping 63. Norra Hamnen 5, Lysekil 64. Norrqvarn Hotell & Konferens*, Lyrestad 65. Nösunds Värdshus HavSbadSpa, Nösund 66. Ottos kök - Marstrands Havshotell*, Marstrand 67. Pensionat Styrsö Skäret*, Styrsö 68. Pirum Restaurang & Vinbar, Lidköping 69. Restaurang Sjöboden, Lidköping 70. Råda Säteri*, Mölnlycke 71. Rökeriet i Strömstad*, Strömstad 72. Salt & Sill*, Klädesholmen 73. Slussens Pensionat*, Henån 74. Smögens Hafvsbad, Smögen 75. Stora Hotellet Bryggan*, Fjällbacka 76. Storåns Pensionat*, Rävlanda 77. Tanums Gestgifveri, Tanumshede 78. Thorskogs Slott, Västerlanda 79. Trollabo Kvarn*, Herrrljunga 80. Vann Spa Hotell & Konferens, Brastad 81. Vatten Gourmet & Café*, Skärhamn 82. Villa Sjötorp, Ljungskile 83. Vigrum Krog och café*, Lidköping 84. Väderöarnas Värdshus, Väderöarna

* You can read more on the following pages. 49


Börstorp Slott – A delightful combination of cattle farming and cultural heritage If the animal is allowed to graze in large fields for as much of the year as possible and the calves can stay with the mother and suckle for as long as they like, if they are given organic, fertilizer and pesticide free grass from their own farm to eat over the winter, if the way they are slaughtered is as stress free as possible and the meat is hung by the pelvic bone to mature, then the very best outcome is reached for both animals and humans. The meat is delicious, tender and healthy, and the cattle have had a really good life and been treated with respect and dignity. And lo and behold; the land restores itself with an increased diversity of flora and fauna. Organic is just the beginning…. Börstorp Slott produces some of Sweden’s best beef. We are the first farm in Europe to have a KRAV organic certification, a Swedish Seal Climate Certification and Free Range Meat Certification. We also host hunting parties, events and functions on the estate, and our hotel provides Bed & Breakfast accommodation. The hotel has around fifteen individually decorated rooms with toilet and shower. New for 2015 will be a farm shop selling local delicacies and of course our fantastic meat. Welcome to Börstorp. Börstorp Slott, Mariestad, Tel: +46 501-101 10


Gäsene Dairy – Cheese from West Swedish meadows! Gäsene Dairy Association in Ljung, near Herrljunga, represents a fine West Swedish cheese tradition! We are Sweden’s smallest dairy association with a history dating back to 1931. We produce cheese from milk from our own farms, never located more than 20 minutes away from the dairy! We make the cheese from locally sourced milk according to old recipes using a simple process in the dairy. This contributes to the natural positive bacteria remaining in the milk and to the good flavour. But it is also the interaction between the fat content and the maturing process that characterises the flavour of the cheeses. A fattier cheese therefore has much more flavour than a low-fat cheese. Our low-fat cheeses, with a 10–17% fat content, are matured for 12 months to give them a stronger character. Gäsene Special, with a 34% fat content, only needs to be matured for six months to obtain a full-bodied, rounded flavour with a long, strong and pleasant finish! Our cheese cannot be produced anywhere else but here. The cattle graze on our West Swedish meadows, contributing to the fine flavour of our cheeses and open landscape! Welcome to our cheese store, open weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00, where you can sample our tasty cheeses and browse other local delicacies. Farm shop, Alingsåsvägen 32, Ljung, 0513-250 80



Adelsåsen Kalkongård – With the whole chain under control Adelsåsen is a family owned company with over 40 years’ experience of raising turkeys using methods that deliver to you, the customer, only the very highest quality. Turkey products exemplify many of the important health and lifestyle choices that the educated consumers of today prioritise. Turkey meat is lean, but still juicy and flavourful, containing moreover a lot of protein. We put plenty of effort into developing new products specially suited to modern tastes and lifestyles. You’ll find Adelsåsen’s products in well stocked shops in your area, selected restaurants or in our farm shop. Farm shop, Adelsåsen 1, Stora Levene, Tel: 0512-601 14


Björnhyltans Trädgårdar – Exclusive green experiences Visiting Björnhyltans Trädgårdar is an experience that will awaken all your senses. Vegetables grown in forest soil in this wild climate have a special flavour and character. Taste sensations follow each other in quick succession when the Garden Shop fills up with delicacies in August. Many different varieties of cabbage, root vegetables, tomatoes, green leaves and herbs mingle in amongst the flowers. Because we want our greens to be as fresh as possible we don’t ship them far, but Carlssons Skafferi in nearby Ulricehamn gets a delivery every week. Welcome to Björnhyltans! Farm shop, Hunnabo, Björnhyltan, Ambjörnarp, Tel: 0325-604 38, 0738-45 57 77


Blåskal – A succulent taste of the sea Season your soup or sauce with the luscious aroma of blue mussels. Mussels are rich in natural flavour enhancers and our mussel stock and concentrate deliver both depth and breadth to the taste. We make our organic stock and concentrate on the island of Orust, from mussels farmed in Bohuslän. We don’t add any salt as the mussels are tangy enough from the seawater they grow in. Don’t miss our prize winning white wine sauce made with blue mussel stock, a culinary collaboration with the chefs at Spira Foods in Gothenburg. Orust, Tel: 0705-18 95 56


Falbygdens Osteria – A must for cheese lovers In our shop you’ll find foodstuffs from over 20 local producers in the nearby area. We’ve got more than 150 types of cheese and a wide selection of other delicacies like biscuits, jams, charcuterie, pickles, oils and more. There’s also a department with things to buy as presents for the kitchen and home, and when Christmas or Easter is coming up we turn the gift department into a Christmas or Easter market. Our restaurant serves a tasty deli and cheese buffet every day, or you can of course just treat yourself to a ‘fika’. Göteborgsvägen 19, Falköping, Tel: 0515-71 72 30



Fristorps Gård – The Fruit Farm at the foot of Hunneberg This historic farm lies at the base of Hunneberg in Västra Tunhem. We’ve been growing and processing fruit, berries and vegetables for several years now because we believe in promoting locally grown food. Come and try our single variety apple juices such as Filippa, Husmoder and Alice; our Quince Lemonade, Lilac Cordial or one of our jams and chutneys. We’re building a café in the old barn, which should be ready in 2015 or 16, and in the meantime we serve out in the garden. You can also bring your own apples to press at Fristorp. We’re looking forward to welcoming you! Marianne and Tommy Fristorp 210, Västra Tunhem, Tel: 0520-42 12 02, 0767-97 00 18, 0709-18 77 88


Gettergoda Mejeriprodukter – Luxury award winning goat’s milk ice cream We make Gettergod Gelato, a Super Premium ice cream produced from the finest goats’ milk with no added flavourings or colourings. Handmade with mainly local raw ingredients and flavours drawn from the spice rack and Swedish flora, this is an exclusive ice cream that tastes, despite its low fat content, rich, creamy and heavenly. Given the health GETTERGODA benefits of goat’s milk it is also an excellent alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to cow’s milk. Something fresh and different on the Swedish menu, that’s also a healthier and more luxurious way to enjoy yourself! MEJERIPRODUKTER Göteborg, Tel. 031-789 02 81


Tångknäcke® – With nutritious and mineral-rich seaweed We’ve added seaweed to our crispbread for over a quarter of a century now. The varieties we use are kelp, bladder wrack, sugar kelp and sea whistle. The seaweed gives the crispbread its unique flavour and is also rich in minerals, trace elements, amino acids, dietary fibre and vitamins. Approximately 30-40g fresh seaweed, dried and ground, goes into every 100g of Seaweed Crispbread. The seaweed, abundant in umami taste, captures and naturally enhances other flavours. This product contains only organic ingredients. We also supply fresh and dried seaweed. Industrivägen 1, Grebbestad Tel: 0525-61327


Kullans Lycka – Tasty charcuterie products with high meat content Kullans Lycka develop and sell charcuterie products as well as delicious accompaniments to them. Some of the products we use come from our own farm and we work with other farms in the area to source high quality ingredients. The animals are slaughtered close to home and the meat processed by two local butchers. The resulting creations are hot-smoked sausages, lamb hot-dogs, patés, cured sausages and much more, and we also sell cuts of lamb. It goes without saying that we, and all the farms we work with, love and care for our animals, and cherish the environment. Norra Kedum, Kåregården 2, Lidköping, Tel: 0510-59 00 80



Kullings Kalvdans – The County Dessert of Västergötland Kulling´s Beestings Pudding is made with colostrum milk from cows that help to keep the Swedish countryside open. The colostrum milk is extremely rich in nutrients, and vital for the calf ’s survival. Once the calf has taken what it needs, the remaining milk is used to make this dessert which resembles panna cotta. Beestings Pudding contains only colostrum milk and spices – no eggs, flour, almonds or nuts. It is ‘slim’ and easy to handle, and is best served warm with jam. Kulling´s Beestings Pudding has become a popular choice among both gourmet restaurants and delicatessens. Herrljunga, Tel: 0702-64 25 05


Gårdsbutiken Nasseröds Bigårdar – There’s more to us than just bees In 2008 Helen became a bee farmer and proceeded to open a farm shop in the spring of 2014. The bee farm is still growing at a natural pace, towards the target of 150 to 200 hives. You’ll find Gårdsbutiken Nasseröds Bee Bigårdar in Hamburgsund, in northern Bohuslän. The shop stocks our own honey and other local products from West Sweden. On the shelves summer, autumn and heather honey nestle alongside honey flavoured with cinnamon, chilli, saffron and Smögen Whisky. We also sell other local products. Welcome! Farm shop, Nasseröd Norrgården Hamburgsund 072-555 47 47, 070-685 30 29


Närebo Gårdsbutik – A haven with a green heart Närebo consists of a farm shop and hotel outside Lidköping. The farm shop, like a well-stocked pantry, is where you can buy from a wide choice of local food products and delicacies such as jams, bread, fish, charcuterie, flour, greens, confectionary, cheeses, wild meats and much more. Not to mention our home grown cucumbers pickled using several classic recipes here at Närebo. We also sell seasonal vegetables and berries from our own kitchen garden and serve them in the farm restaurant and our hotel guests’ breakfasts. Farm shop, Råda Närebo, Lidköping, Tel: 0510-223 06


Olivia eko – KRAV * certified growing and processing Farm-produced canola oil, grown near Kinnekulle, is a cold-pressed virgin oil of the highest quality, rich in vital omega acids and natural vitamin E. Also available flavoured with garlic or lemon. We are a living farm with grazing land for around twenty sheep. We also keep chickens and bees. We grow hawthorn, currants and rhubarb, which we process in our newly-built workshop that is also home to our farm shop, where you can buy rapeseed oil, lamb, eggs, honey, hawthorn products and rhubarb cordial. All are made on site. Visitors can also spend the night at our B&B. Welcome! Farm shop, Bitterna Åsa, Vedum, Tel: 0512-480 70



Resville Mathantverk – Awarded gold for cordial and jams! Resville has been amply rewarded for the quality of our products. Gold, silver and bronze in the Swedish Artisan Food Championships, for instance, for our nectars, jams, jellies and marmalades. You can find us at Backgårdskvarn in Resville, a few kilometres south of Lidköping. We are a small scale artisan food company focusing on making use of the fruits, berries and vegetables produced in this area. Resville Mathantverk makes flavour enhancers that enrich every meal in West Swedish kitchens, whether at home, in restaurants or cafes. Backgårdskvarn, Lidköping, Tel: 0510-53 01 88, 0706-44 32 50


Råda Gelato – Real ingredients and natural flavours After training as a chef at Grythyttan and a couple of years at Gunnebo House and other restaurants, I travelled to Italy, the home of gelato, to gather inspiration and learn. I now make gelato, inspired by season, availability and inclination, in both traditional and inventive flavour combinations. The gelato is milk-based, which means that it has a low-fat content and a creamy texture. By using real ingredients and natural flavourings you get an honest product with the optimal taste experience. You can buy our gelato in selected stores in Gothenburg. Göteborg, Tel: 0733-94 68 14


Sivans ost – Every day enjoyment! Leif Mannerström, chef and legendary restaurateur, looks dreamy when Sivan’s cheeses are mentioned. And he is not the only Swedish food guru to fall for Sivan’s products. “If it doesn’t taste good, you might as well not bother” – this is how Sivan regards cheese, and everything else that can offer culinary enjoyment. Sivan’s cheese shop is a small family business that has worked with cheese for five generations. Sivan is known for her genuine cheese-making in her garage. The cheeses have recently been joined by hand-baked crisp-bread, biscuits, and small indulgent pralines. Something to enjoy every day … Ostgaraget, Baljered, Stora Levene, Tel: 0512-204 55


Torggummans ägg – We manage the whole value chain Torggummans ägg started in 1948. Today, our eggs are available from grocery stores and many smaller shops in the entire Västra Götaland Region. The motto for our business is climate-smart choices. Everything comes back to Mother Earth. In 1985, the chicken pens were opened up for good, and the hens were allowed to roam free. At present, Torggumman has complete control of the whole production chain, from the newly-hatched chicks and laying hens, to the packing of the eggs. Eggs from both white and brown free-range chickens are available, as are KRAV-certified * eggs. Färgelanda, Södra Dalsland, Tel: 0528-200 23



Vänerlöjrom – Quality assured roe from Lake Vänern Vänerlöjrom is a natural product without additives, consisting purely of bleak roe and salt. Vendace fishing on Lake Vänern is done on a small scale, using nets. How the roe is then made is pure artisan craftsmanship, as it is hand harvested from the fish and then whisked, rinsed, sieved, dried and salted. In the autumn of 2014 sixteen local vendace fishermen joined forces to trade as the brand Vänerlöjrom. We guarantee a first class product, with common procedures to monitor the preparation process and product quality, as well as full traceability of each maker. Lidköping/Mariestad, Tel: 0708-27 88 37


Östragärde gård – The genuine article prepared with love At Östragärde Farm in Sätila, we grow and process mushrooms. We want to offer our customers a taste experience and a sense of genuine artisanal food. Whatever we are making, we will not rest until the product is perfect. This applies even to the packaging and label. We deliver freshly-picked mushrooms straight to different shops several times a week. We also sell a number of processed products, including everything from mushroom butter to dried and smoked mushrooms. In our Mushroom Shop, we sell our own products as well as products from other producers in the local area. Champinjoneri, Sätila, Tel: 0301-77 42 90


Aludden Prôvidore – Wonderful flavours in a fairy-tale setting With its organic and delicious offerings and beautiful location, Aludden Prôvidore is the perfect place to enjoy both unique flavours and the landscape. It is situated only fifteen minutes from Gothenburg and Alingsås, on the shore of Lake Aspen. Every morning, you are met by the aroma of freshly baked sourdough bread from the bakery. The loaves are kneaded and shaped by hand, with both skill and love.The bakers also make cinnamon swirls with almond paste and muscovadosugar, as well as cream cakes and puddings to take home. Simply delicious! If you prefer to enjoy a nice, carefully prepared lunch or dinner, this is also available. AluddenPrôvidore’s aim is that all food served should be organic and sustainable, combining imaginativeness with seasonal ingredients and flavours. Wine is close to their heart, which is reflected in a wine menu that offers choices from all over the world – both flavoursome surprises and well-known favourites. Aludden Prôvidorehas been certified by Taste of West Sweden, which guarantees an extremely pleasurable experience. Welcome to Aludden Prôvidore! Aspenäsvägen 12, Lerum, Tel: 0302-178 50



Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar – Where seasonal organic vegetables play the leading role Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar is one of Sweden’s foremost historic houses from the 18th century, and lies in the lovely countryside between Stensjön and Rådasjön in Mölndal, 15 minutes south of Gothenburg. The house is open all year round. The Café and Restaurant, with a Taste of West Sweden and a KRAV organic certification is located in the old Servants Quarters next to the Kitchen Gardens You’ll be able to taste the seasons in the dishes served at lunch, or for conference groups and celebrations. As far as possible we use vegetables grown in our own gardens. On Gunnebo Café and Restaurant’s lunch menu it’s the organic veg in season that day that take first place on the plate, and the meat or fish are the accompaniments. In 2014 Gunnebo’s Kaffehus och Krog was chosen as the ‘Most Sustainable Café’ by the prestigious White Guide of Sweden. Sourdough bread, cakes and other delicacies for the café are baked fresh every day in our first class on site bakery, and in the shop you’ll be able to buy high quality products related to the House and its history as well as our popular home baked bread. Welcome to Gunnebo! Christina Halls väg, Mölndal, Tel: 031-334 16 00


Hofsnäs Herrgård – Worth a detour Reach Hofsnäs via winding country roads through flowering meadows... People say that Hofsnäs is worth a detour. Hofsnäs Herrgård is a historic place which dates back to the early 15th century, when famous people like Gustav Vasa and other aristocrats once were regular visitors. Hofsnäs is located in the middle of a nature reserve, surrounded by water and a glorious natural landscape. The kitchen prepares everything from scratch, using the best ingredients available, which are often both organic and locally produced. Book a flavoursome dinner menu, or enjoy our simple but popular Bistro food! There is something for everyone, including a pleasant coffee shop with a large range of home-baked cakes. In the autumn, join well-attendedtastings of local food and drink. When the snow falls, enjoy a special home-cooked and exciting Christmas Buffet. Hofsnäs Artisan Food Market – Authentic food in an authentic environment. Our 18th century flour mill, in the site of an Indoor Market with local produce and fresh ingredients. We’ve gathered tasty products made by more than 30 food producers. You’ll find everything from meat cuts to hand rolled sweets…. Welcome home!



Kvarnen i Hyssna – Welcome to our lovely cultural gem This unique historical setting is just half an hour from Gothenburg This unique historical setting is just half an hour from Gothenburg. In 2009 Kvarnen i Hyssna was chosen as Tourist Destination of the Year in Sjuhärad and in 2010 Catherina and Hans Johansson were presented with the Rural Business of the Year Award at the Rural Business Gala in Stockholm’s Town Hall. Hans is a fourth generation sawyer and miller and Catherine a master baker passionate about sourdough bread and genuine quality food. From saw mill to patisserie The present mill was built in the 1850s. Nowadays it’s a popular establishment consisting of a KRAV organic certified café and restaurant, a farm shop and a stone wood fired bakery. We serve authentic and delicious meals and items from the bakery that make the detour worth it, on tables within earshot of the delightfully cascading waterfall. The Mill Guest House and Conference Centre Where once the village’s old smithy lay there now exists a Conference Hotel like no other. Inside the modern building erected in 2010 you can travel back in time. Authentic, top quality food in a historic environment. Claes Johanssons väg 1, Hyssna, Tel: 0320-380 23


Otto’s Kök at Marstrands Havshotell – A genuine taste of Bohuslän Otto’s Kök, the restaurant at Marstrands Havshotell, lies tucked into the edge of the quayside in a unique archipelago setting. Dining in Otto’s Kök is special. Looking out over the harbour, the island of Marstrand and Carlsten’s Fort – always there watching over the islands – it’s as good as magical; especially if you’ve built up an appetite with a brisk walk or a refreshing dip in the sea. Fish, shellfish and tastes of Bohuslän dominate the menu, offering mouth watering gastronomic experiences out of this world. Our staff will of course help you choose the perfect drink so your taste buds will be in seventh heaven! Depending on the season we might serve lovely summery dishes, extravagant buffets, warming Sunday soups, fish and shellfish platters or a groaning Christmas Table. With plenty of home baked from our own bakery, not to mention home rolled and home stuffed direct from our kitchen. We are proud to have a Taste of West Sweden Certification and are always striving to present you with an out of the ordinary experience. Marstrand is different. That’s why we are here and you are on your way here. Welcome to the seaside. Varvskajen 2, Marstrand, Tel: 0303 - 240 200



Stora Hotellet Bryggan – Fjällbackas meeting place all year round We’re passionate about food. Which is why we’ve opened several restaurants and cafes with different themes and concepts. And more are on the way. Restaurant Matilda offers first class à la carte. It’s been listed in the prestigious White Guide for the last ten years. Slajdarns Grill & Bar serves meat and fish from the grill in our pretty enclosed garden during the summer. In winter we move it indoors, light the fire and get all cosy. Bryggans Café & Bistro opens in the spring and serves everything from simple sandwiches to our popular Fish and Shellfish Stew. Bryggan’s season ends with a fantastic Christmas Buffet. Everts Tapas Bar is our little favourite, serving Spanish tapas dishes all year round. During the summer you can enjoy a great espresso and delicious Italian patisserie at Café San Remo. Upper Deck is the latest addition. On the beautifully decorated outside veranda you’ll find the best view in Fjällbacka, and on summer evenings we present a great entertainment programme with piano music, DJs and live bands to name but a few. As well as all this wonderful food we have 33 lovely hotel rooms with 77 beds between them and excellent conference facilities. We’d love to welcome you here to eat, drink and live well in the unique surroundings of Fjällbacka and all it has to offer. Ingrid Bergmans Torg, Fjällbacka, Tel: 0525-76 50 20


Baldersnäs – A Jewel in Dalsland Baldersnäs is a country estate with a long history. Amazing communal areas and dining rooms in a traditional style, combined with modern guest rooms, make Baldersnäs into something very unique. The surrounding area is reflected in the menu, and the dishes feature flavours from the forest, lake and meadow. Baldersnäs' high ambitions guar­ antee delicious food and quality in every detail. We serve everything from simple dishes to well-composed business or wedding menus – all against the backdrop of a calm and pleasant setting. Welcome! Baldersnäs 22, Dals Långed, Tel: 0531-412 13


Bella Gästis – In beautiful Hunnebostrand, 120 km north of Gothenburg With its unique position, almost on the water, the restaurant has become a central meeting place where you can enjoy the magnificent drama of the surrounding seas from the first row of the stalls. At Bella Gästis the focus is on fresh regional produce, genuine, well prepared food and friendly service, with the sea as a backdrop. The fish comes from a fishmonger a stone’s throw away; the greens from a local grower and the meat from farms in Bohuslän, to be then prepared with a love for both the produce and the profession. Norra Kajen, Hunnebostrand, Tel: 0523-50 000



Carlssons skafferi – Relaxed, tasty and personal! A small local restaurant in the centre of Ulricehamn, with a love of organic ingredients and small local suppliers. Storgatan 32 is the address for pleasant evenings with well-prepared food, beer from local microbreweries and exciting wines. The menu is always changing, to follow the seasons and what local suppliers have to offer. The best ingredients on the day, quite simply. Mats & Anette welcome you from Wednesday to CARLSSONS Saturday from 5 pm …

SKAFFERI 0321-41414

Relaxed, tasty and personal. Storgatan 32, Ulricehamn, Tel: 0321-414 14


Hällsnäs – The perfect place for weddings and parties Hällsnäs lies on its own peninsula in Lake Landvetter, 15 minutes from Gothenburg and Landvetter. The hotel hosts weddings, meetings, Christmas Buffets, parties, events or other activities in a lovely Country Club setting. We are proud of our renowned restaurant where you’ll find imaginative new ideas as well as traditional Swedish cuisine. Our chefs put together exciting menus using carefully chosen ingredients, sourced locally where possible. Selected by Svenska Möten, and with a Nordic Swan Ecolabel and Taste of West Sweden certification. Classed as a 4 star hotel and a Safe Hotel. We care – more! Långenäs, Mölnlycke, Tel: 031-91 64 66


Norrqvarn – Makes the most of local produce On the shore of Göta Canal, in one of the old mills, you will now find a restaurant, hotel and conference facilities.Norrqvarnhas something for everyone – you can socialise or not, simply spending some time alone if you prefer. Our food philosophy is based around making the most of locally produced ingredients from all over the Skaraborg Region; there is plenty to choose from! We are very pleased that the demand for this type of food keeps growing. As everyone knows, locally produced food is good both for our health and for the environment – and last but not least, it tastes so much better! Norrqvarns Slussområde, Lyrestad, Tel: 0501-507 70


Pensionat Styrsö Skäret – Right next to the sea Pensionat Styrsö Skäretis a place to enjoy. Surrounded by the sea, we serve carefully-prepared, freshly-caught fish and other delicacies. That the langoustines are caught in our own waters is just as obvious as the fact that the herbs we use are grown in our own herb garden. Our light dining room, with its glorious views, is spacious and seats around 80 guests. Breakfast with home-baked bread is served in the small cosy dining room on the mezzanine floor. Styrsö is incredibly close to the big city, yet secluded enough to offer a completely different experience. Welcome to the guest house on Styrsö. Certified by A Taste of West Sweden. Skäretvägen 53, Styrsö, Tel: +46 31 97 32 30



Råda Säteri & Gästgifveri – Close to the city, far from everyday life! Råda Säteri is the place to visit if you appreciate the good things in life. We strive in everything we do to minimise any negative impact on us humans or the environment. We call it sustainable enterprise. In our natural lakeside setting, with a culture and history stretching much further back than the beautiful buildings from 1772, we’re well on the way to arriving at our vision of creating a destination with artisan food, gardens, culture, nature and sustainability at its core. When you want to enjoy life’s finer moments, then choose to leave the everyday and come to Råda Manor House. Mölnlycke, Tel: 031-88 48 00


Rökeriet i Strömstad – Where you can taste the Koster Sea! Rökeriet i Strömstad is a unique fish and shellfish restaurant, serving expertly made food using traditional recipes, prepared with love, care and attention to all the senses. Our philosophy is: ‘Great food made with the best raw ingredients, with a proud bedrock of tradition and food craftsmanship.’ Our fish shop is right next to the restaurant and you’ll be able to buy fresh fish and shellfish, smoke products from our wood fired ovens and delicatessen goods from our own kitchen. We work with local suppliers and according to the season. Torskholmen, Strömstad, Tel: 0526-14860


Salt & Sill – Unique island and food experiences Salt & Sill offers unique seaside and eating experiences on one of the most picturesque islands of the Swedish West Coast. Klädesholmen has a long fishing history, based around herring and other seafood. Together with locally-grown ingredients, seafood is what is mostly served at the hotel restaurant. Klädesholmen is located around 70 kilometres north of Gothenburg and is easy to reach both by land and water. Salt & Sill’s guest rooms are built on a pontoon next to the main building, creating Sweden’s first floating hotel. Klädesholmen, Tjörn, Tel: 0304-67 34 80


Slussens Pensionat – Bohuslän’s music hotel Slussens Pensionat is a charming authentic seaside hotel, nowadays also a legendary music club and restaurant. Come here to experience great live music on an intimate stage, and enjoy a complete experience where some of the ingredients are well made food, seasonal tastes, selected organic wines and attentive service. Framing all that is a stunning sea view and pretty blooming gardens. When you visit Slussen you’re contributing to a sustainable development, supporting local food producers and increasing the demand for organic products. The hotel and restaurant both have a Nordic Swan Ecolabel and is certified by Swedish Welcome. Henån, Tel: 0304-375 25



Storåns Pensionat –“Food is love. What pleasure it gives us in life!” We place a lot of importance on locally produced and organic produce here at Storåns Pensionat. The menu follows the seasons and our surroundings provide us with beverages, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, berries, honey, eggs and more. The food prepared in our kitchen is modern, traditional and genuine all at the same time. Our aim is to give you the visitor a relaxing time in a beautiful environment, with good healthy food and drinks, and excellent service. You can also conference, party or just get a good night’s sleep here in the lovely surroundings of the Storån Valley. Certified by Swedish Welcome. Welcome! Stockabäck, Rävlanda, Tel: 0702-40 9 294


Trollabo Kvarn – With the guest at its heart Our lovely historic mill built in the early 1800’s is situated by the river Nossan in Hudene, just outside Herrljunga. We serve food made with ingredients chosen with care and prepared with love, using locally made and Swedish products as far as possible. We love to be able to offer our guests unique produce from small suppliers. Every Sunday we put on a fantastic dessert buffet with masses of home baked goodies, from little sundries to large gateaux. A warm welcome to Trollabo Kvarn from Anna and Johan Falk.

81 Trollabo Gård, Herrljunga, Tel: 0513-233 24

Vatten Gourmet & Café – A taste for the good life We’re here at Vatten so you can come and sate your hunger or slake your thirst – all year round. Our favourite ingredients are fish and shellfish. That’s perhaps not surprising, situated as we are right in the heart of Bohuslän’s archipelago. But of course we also provide for those who prefer to eat meat, or would rather have something vegetarian. Whatever your choice is we want to make sure that your experience here, in the midst of these beautiful surroundings, is a memorable one. Welcome to Vatten! Södra Hamnen, Skärhamn, Tjörn, Tel: 0304-67 00 87


Vigrum Krog & Kafé – Food, design, art and craftwork In our renovated barn out in the countryside you’ll find Vigrum Krog & Kafé, where you can enjoy everything from a three course meal to a ‘fika’ outside – if weather allows. Our menu is based around Swedish cuisine, with little touches from all over the world. We make and bake everything from scratch and prefer to use organic and locally produced food. Natural flavours and raw ingredients alone take centre stage in our kitchen, and we received a commendation from the Swedish White Guide in 2014. Hovby Vigrum, Lidköping, Tel: 0762-14 83 23, 0735-79 48 38













West Sweden’s greatest treasure is the rich bounty harvested from its seas, farms, forests and lakes. Our mission at Smaka på Västsverige (A Taste of West Sweden) is to ensure that there is more and even better local produce available in farm shops or grocery stores. And more eco-friendly restaurants to go to when you’re tired of cooking for yourself. You’ll get to meet people who’ll be delighted to show and tell you all about their specialties and other local delicacies. Fresh spring produce; real authentic food; local arts and culture – these things make the journey worth it, all year round.





IPM Ulricehamn. Photo: Ellika Henrikson. Cheesemakers: Nebojsa Gojkovic.

IT TAKES TIME TO BUILD CHARACTER. Our journey began over 80 years ago. We were then, as now, a cooperative of proud farmers in West Sweden. Over the years we have slowly evolved into what distinguishes G채sene Dairy today. A local dairy in West Sweden producing cheese from locally sourced milk from our own farms, never located more than 20 minutes away from the dairy. At G채sene our cheesemakers assess and quality assure all the cheese. Many people forget that milk and cheese are raw materials that must be handled with great experience and feeling. Building character simply takes time. Read more at

COME HUNGRY World class restaurants, experimental food rebels, trendy bars and a rolling armada of food trucks – Gothenburg has it all. Book your trip, skip lunch and come hungry.

Photo: Fredrik Sundqvist/TOSO

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