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Christer Strömholm (1918–2002) is considered as one of the most important Swedish photographers of our time. He spent most of his life in Sweden but early on made France his second home. He founded the legendary photography school Fotoskolan in Stockholm 1962 and inspired an entire generation of photographers. His first book Poste Restante made him a renowned photographer and his depiction of transsexuals in Paris of the 1960’s resulted in Vännerna från Place Blanche (The Friends of Place Blanche). His images from travels in Japan, Spain and the United States have won wide acclaim and he is represented in several of the world’s leading museums. Christer Strömholm was appointed professor of photography by the Swedish government and was honoured with the prestigious Hasselblad Award in 1997.

Post Scriptum Christer Strömholm

P.S. Post Scriptum, with texts by Carole Naggar, Christian Caujolle and Johan Tell, is devised by Joakim Strömholm, photographer and Christer’s son, and by the designer Patric Leo.

Bokförlaget Max Ström

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Post Scriptum Christer Strömholm

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Post Scriptum Christer Strรถmholm























NOTE Johan Tell’s text is based in large part on interviews with individuals close to Christer Strömholm: His sons Joakim och Jakob Strömholm; Anna-Clara Strömholm, Angelica Julner and Ingalill Rydberg; photographers Yngve Baum, Gunnar Smoliansky, Anders Petersen, Bruno Ehrs, JH Engström, Tuija Lindström, Micke Berg, Håkan Elofsson and Örjan Kristensson. Additionally a number of individuals have contributed with their memories: Simon Arne, Karin Bernle, Johan Ehrenberg, Olle Granath, Lars Hall, Barbro Henning, Bengt Häger, Marianne Phil, Pär Rittsel, Cathrine Schou, Thore Soneson, Prof emeritus Stig Strömholm, Lars Weiss. Warm thanks to you all. All headings in the text are taken from Christer Strömholm’s books Kloka ord. Sources (excluding Christer Strömholm’s own works) Hassner, Rune: Liftare och läckergommar, drawings and cover Christer Christian, 1953 Moberg, Åsa: Simone och jag – tankar kring Simone de Beauvoir, Stockholm 1996 Odulf, Tor-Ivan: Skymningen gör dårarna oroliga, 1989 Sjöstedt, Charlotta: I skuggan av ett hjälteland – svenska frivilliga för det ockuperade Norge, 1999 Söderberg, Lasse: Gemensamma nämnare – essäer, photographs by Lütfi Özkök and Christer Strömholm m fl, 1999 Thunberg, Anders: Karin Lannby – Ingmar Bergmans Mata Hari, 2009


Radio Programs Kulturfönstret, Tagningsögonblicket, SR P1 1986-03-23. A portrait of a friendship from 1986 by Timo Sundberg. Möte med människor, SR P1 1987-08-24, host Ingemar Stark, guest Christer Strömholm. Kulturtimmen, SR, P1, 1990-05-01. A portrait of the author Tor-Ivan Odulf (1930–1988) and his posthumously published novel Skymningen gör dårarna oroliga, which depicts several difficult years in Paris during the 1950’s, contributing photographer Christer Strömholm, Åsa Moberg, editor Ola Sunesson. Kulturradion, SR, P1, 1991-07-12. A portrait of the photographer Christer Strömholm, editor Eva Beckman. Kulturnytt, SR, P1, 1996-02-27. The photo exhibition “Indicier” at Kulturhuset, Sthlm, with photographs by Christer Strömholm, Anders Petersen och Kenneth Gustavsson, editor Rolf Wohlin. Kulturnytt, SR, P1, 1992-03-16. The photo book Konsten att vara där by Christer Strömholm, editor Mikael Timm. Konsten att vara där, SR, P1, 1992-12-03. A portrait of Christer Strömholm, Swedish photographer of world renown. Producer Kristin Lorentzson. Tre män i Sverige, SR, P1, 1994-04-04. On loneliness, regret and masculinity as a straitjacket, Christer Strömholm,

photographer, contributor, editor Bengt Bok. Människor och tro, SR, P1, 1996-03-09. The photo exhibition Indicier at Kulturhuset, Sthlm, with photographs by among others Christer Strömholm, editor Katarina Tripsani. Obs, SR, P1, 1997-08-27. Art and reality. Interview with Christer Strömholm, photographer, editor Lars Hansegård. SR Minnen, 2010-12-30. A portrait of the photographer Christer Strömholm, from 1981, Jan Nyström. Films Ansikten i skugga, documentary about the regulars at ölkaféer – cafés with permission to sell beer – in Gamla stan in Stockholm. In collaboration with Peter Weiss, 1956.

THE AUTHORS Carole Naggar is an artist, curator, educator, writer and photography historian. Born in Egypt, and has lived several years in Paris. She is a cofounder and since 1999 special projects editor of Pixelpress in New York. Christian Caujolle started his career as a journalist and chief photo editor for the French newspaper Libération. In 1986 he founded photo press agency Agence VU, followed by the Galerie VU in 1998. He is currently working as a freelance curator and lecturer. Johan Tell is a Swedish writer, freelance journalist and lecturer, living in Stockholm. He has written more than twenty books, among them several biographies.

Myglaren, Jan Myrdal och Rune Hassner’s feature film, in which Christer Strömholm plays the title role, 1965. Till minnet av mig själv, Anders Birkeland’s documentary about Christer Strömholm, 1984. Blunda och se, Joakim Strömholm’s and Magnus Egler’s portrait of Christer Strömholm, 1996. Additional Sources Relevant articles and reviews in both newspapers and magazines, the majority of which can be found within Christer Strömholm’s twenty-two binders.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Liftare och läckergommar, Rune Hassner and Christer Christian, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1953 Till minnet av mig själv, Nordisk Rotogravyr, 1965 Poste Restante, Norstedts, 1967 Privata bilder, catalogue, Lars Hall, Camera Obscura, 1978 Camera, special number on Christer Strömholm, 1980 Vännerna från Place Blanche, ETC Production, 1983 Picture Show, No 1, Christer Strömholm, ETC Production, 1986 Christer Strömholm, Timo Sundberg/Sune Nordgren, Kaleidoskop förlag, 1986 Fotografias 1930–1990, Christer Strömholm, Fundaçao de Serralves, Porto, Portugal, 1990 Konsten att vara där, Norstedts, 1991 Indicier, with Anders Petersen and Kenneth Gustavsson, Journal, 1991 Kloka ord, Legus Förlag, 1997 Imprints by Christer Strömholm, The Hasselblad Award 1997. Hasselblad Center, 1998 L’Ensoleillement des solitudes, Coromandel Express, 1998 Nueve segundos de mi vida, catalogue, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City, 1999 Burkkänslan. Surrealism i Christer Strömholms fotografi, Anders Marner, Umeå University, 1999 Christer Strömholm, catalogue, La Caixa, Barcelona, 2001 On verra bien, Christer Strömholm 1918–2002, Strömholm Estate and Färgfabriken, 2002 Fotoskolan. Christer Strömholm (catalogue, Ann-Christine Jansson, Gisela Kayser, Berlin), 2003 102 Kloka ord, Strömholm Estate, 2005 Photo Poche, No 106, “Christer Strömholm”, Actes Sud/Delpire, 2006 In Memory of Himself. Christer Strömholm

in the eyes of his beholders, Ed. Greger Ulf Nilson and Lars Tunbjörk, text Gösta Fleming, Steidl, 2006 Enfants Terribles. Christer Strömholm, Galleri Final and Strömholm Estate, 70/70 Produktion, 2007 Les Amies de Place Blanche. Aman Iman Edition, Stromholm Estate, Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2011 Post Scriptum, Bokförlaget Max Ström, 2012

PHOTOGRAPHERS All pictures on page 310–387 are from Christer Strömholm’s private archive. Many of them have no information about the photographer. The others have been taken by the following photographers: Page 144 Christophe Laurentin 310, 318, 324:1, 329, 337, 341,342, 344:2, 345, 364, 389 Christer Strömholm 323 Conny Andersson 333, 379:1,3, 380:3, 384, 387 Joakim Strömholm 334 Ronny Karlsson/Kamerabild 339 Clara Biedermann 350, 375:3 Pehr Hasselrot 351 Staffan Johansson 359 Gunnar Frennesson 363 Mattias Givell 374 Sten Didrik Bellander 375:1 Calle Reiher 375:2 Tommy Mardell 376:3 Roland Sterner 377:2 Lasse Stener 377:3 Anita Lönn 378 Tuija Lindström 379:2, 381 Håkan Elofsson 380:1 Anders Petersen 383:1 Pia Strömblad 383:2 Gösta Ericsson 383:3 Hasse Persson NANA, PARIS 1959. # 0036 COVER PHOTO FOR “VÄNNERNA PÅ PLACE BLANCHE” 1983.


© Bokförlaget Max Ström © Photographs Christer Strömholm PS. Post Scriptum is devised by Joakim Strömholm and Patric Leo Text Christian Caujolle, Carole Naggar, Johan Tell Translation Caujolle and Tell: Kim Loughran Translation Naggar: Kevin Halliwell Design Patric Leo Layout Petra Ahston Inkapööl Editorial office Joakim Strömholm, Patric Leo, Charlotta Broady Digital processing from original negatives Håkan Holmberg Image editing and printed by Elanders Fälth & Hässler, Mölnlycke, Sweden 2012 ISBN 978-91-7126-249-3-8 Paper 150 g Arctic volume ivory, 150 g Munken lynx rough from Arctic Paper Christer Strömholm Estate Joakim & Jakob Strömholm www.stromholm.com Bokförlaget Max Ström Kyrkslingan 11, Skeppsholmen SE-111 49 Stockholm Sweden www.maxstrom.se This book was published in connection with the “CHR” exhibition at Fotografiska in Stockholm in august 2012.

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