Mia Smith
Jeremy Taylor
Mia Smith
Jeremy Taylor
Personal pronouns
pronouns? – Personliga pronomen eller possessiva pronomen?
Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronoun or possessive pronoun.
1. am going on holiday with best friend.
2. My mum told me that neighbours wanted to go on holiday – but flight was cancelled!
3. This book isn’t . I don’t read fantasy books. Do think it might be ? I think I saw you reading it a few days ago.
4. My friend Katie feeds cat twice a day. I think she likes more than her brother.
5. I think we all agree that teacher is lovely but she doesn’t like very much because I’m cheeky.
6. dad is having problems with heart so he’s going to see a doctor.
7. My grandparents haven’t seen homeland for 40 years so we’ve paid for to fly back this summer for a holiday.
8. My brother went out with his new girlfriend last night. It started raining. He’s a real gentleman so he gave raincoat!
9. I’m going out with my parents tonight. are going to favourite restaurant.
10. I can’t believe what my cousins did: took dog to the cinema!
4A – Hank and Holly’s Holiday Heaven!
1. Gapped sentences
Add the correct word or phrase from the box to the sentences below. flight luxury royal family professional neat amazing factory sample mysterious in fact
1. We had an time at Stonehenge. Do you know they are older than the pyramids!
2. Have you ever taken a of more than three hours?
3. Some people think the capital of Australia is Sydney but it is Canberra.
4. Do you think countries with a President are sad that they don’t have a ?
5. I don’t understand all the secrets of Loch Ness but it is definitely a place.
6. Is there a near where you live? What does it produce?
7. My grandparents went on a cruise – but they said it wasn’t very special.
8. Would you like to my strawberry jam?
9. My sister is an amateur football player but next year she wants to become a .
10. I think these exercises are really !
2. Match up
Match up the words which go together. The first one has been done for you.
3. Logic puzzle
Which city?
Five friends are all visiting schools in cities in the British Isles. Who is visiting which city? Fill in the table by putting yes or no in the boxes.
1. Benjamin flew to London and then took the train to his school.
2. Neither Clara nor Dalton went to Scotland.
3. Alexis went to a city on the island of Ireland.
4. Ebony didn’t go to England or Wales.
5. Benjamin didn’t go to Belfast. Nor did Dalton.
6. Clara wanted to go to Dublin but couldn’t find a school that wanted her.
7. Ebony loves the island of Ireland but didn’t go there on this trip.
8. Benjamin didn’t go to a capital city.
9. Dalton was offered a school in Cardiff but chose somewhere else.
4. Antonyms
Words that have opposite meanings are called antonyms, for example, happy/sad. What are the antonyms of these words?
1. amateur
2. uncool 3. tiny 4. ugly
in good time
4B – What Is Typically Irish?
1. Match and use
Read the clue and choose the correct word from the list below. Write the word in the blank space. Use the word in a sentence to show you understand its meaning.
incorrect ridiculous among describe insulting statement reality completely as well as mischief
1. To say what something is like
Can you your best friend to me?
Write a sentence:
2. Also
She plays basketball football.
Write a sentence:
3. Something silly or doesn’t make sense
It’s to think we can finish this project in one hour.
Write a sentence:
4. In the middle of a group of people or things
She felt happy her friends at the party.
Write a sentence:
5. What is real, not fake
The story is based on , not fantasy.
Write a sentence:
6. Something someone says or writes officially
The teacher made a about the rules for the trip.
Write a sentence:
7. Something that hurts your feelings
His comment about my clothes was very .
Write a sentence:
8. Totally, with nothing left out
The cake was eaten before I arrived.
Write a sentence:
9. Bad, but not very bad, behaviour
The kids got into some while playing in the garden.
Write a sentence:
10. Not right
Your answer is ; the correct one is 25.
Write a sentence:
2. Pair up
What do you know about Ireland? Pair up the two parts of each sentence.
1 They don’t believe in leprechauns C A can change quickly.
2 Only 10% of Irish people
B visitors with open arms.
3 The weather in Ireland C but enjoy the stories.
4 Irish people love sports like D in modern tech jobs.
5 Many Irish people work E even at funerals.
6 Irish humor is present, F Gaelic football and hurling.
7 Ireland welcomes G music and conversation.
8 Irish pubs are known for H have red hair.
3. Listen
Listen to four people talking about Ireland. Match the speaker (1, 2, 3, or 4) to the topics below. Feel free to listen more than once if needed.
Speaker number Irish food Irish weather tourists in Ireland Irish emigration Dublin relations between Northern Ireland and the Republic leprechauns Irish pubs

4C – Famous People
1. Word search
Find twelve words from the text. Search both vertically ↓, horizontally → and diagonally
2. Gapped sentences
Add the correct word or phrase from the box to the sentences below. immediately despite collection approve of invite honour target launch confidence cure
1. I think it will be possible to all people with cancer in the next 30 years.
2. It is an to be chosen as a member of the ice hockey team.
3. the bad weather, we went for a lovely walk on Sunday.
4. I can’t wait to hear the new songs, I hear the band will their new album next Friday.
5. Do you kissing in public or do you think people should only do it in private?
6. Do you think advertisers try to young people with their adverts?
7. I know I’m a good breakdancer, I just lack the to do it in public.
8. Do you think we should Gunilla to the party on Saturday? You know what she did last time.
9. Do you want to come to my house and see my stamp ?
10. Lena asked me out! Do you think I should say yes or should I wait for a minute or two?
3. Noun or verb?
Homonyms are words that look and sound the same but have different meanings. The words below can be both a noun and a verb. Read the sentences and translate them into your native language. Decide if the bold word is a noun or a verb. Write N for noun and V for verb.
abuse invite honour target launch cure
1. abuse
a. Don’t abuse your privileges, you might get an earlier curfew.
b. Is drug abuse a big problem in this area?
2. invite
a. Don’t forget to invite your cousins to the party as well.
b. Did you get the invite I sent you last night?
3. honour
a. It really is an honour to be awarded this prize!
b. We will honour his memory by attending the funeral.
4. target
a. Just aim at the target and let the arrow go.
b. Why does the politician target young people in his speech? It’s not our fault!
5. launch
a. Are you watching the launch of the space shuttle tomorrow morning?
b. The group will launch their new album next month.
6. cure
a. I’m sure the medicine will cure the infection, you might get antibiotics.
b. Is there a cure for this kind of disease?
4. True or false?
Are the following sentences true or false? Rewrite two of the false sentences on the lines below to make them true.
1. If you contaminate something, bacteria might be spread.
2. The last person to finish a race will be awarded a gold medal.
3. If you invite someone, you ask them to attend an event.
4. Something that happens all of a sudden is very unexpected.
5. In school, you get an education.
6. If you ask someone to contribute to a project, you want them to stay out of it.
7. It is normal to mourn a pet that has died.
8. If you are independent, you rely heavily on someone.
9. An adventure is something very exciting.
10. To approve of something is to say no to it.
True False
4D – The History of the English Language
1. Match and use
Read the clue and choose the correct word from the list below. Write the word in the blank space. Use the word in a simple sentence to show you understand its meaning.
borrow battle trace peasant skilled explanation unfortunately evolve
1. Sadly, or with bad luck , we missed the train and had to wait an hour.
Write a sentence:
2. To follow or find something
The police were able to the missing person’s steps.
Write a sentence:
3. A reason or something that makes something clear
The scientist gave an of how the experiment worked.
Write a sentence:
4. To grow or change over time
Plants to survive in different environments.
Write a sentence:
5. Talented, having a special ability
He is very at drawing pictures of animals.
Write a sentence:
6. A fight, especially in a war
The soldiers fought bravely in the .
Write a sentence:
7. To take something and return it later
Can I a pen to write this letter?
Write a sentence:
8. A poor farmer or worker
In history, a would often work long hours in the fields.
Write a sentence:
2. Which word?
Match the descriptions with the words from the box.
savage consequence inhabit borrow unfortunately a clear pattern origin incorporation
1. to live in a place
2. a wild creature, not used to civilisation
3. the place or time where something begins
4. adding something to a group or system
5. a word used when something bad happens
6. when you do something and something else happens because of that
7. to take something and return it later
8. something that happens in the same way again and again
3. Listen
Lindisfarne raid
Listen to the story about when the Vikings attacked the island of Lindisfarne. Read the questions before you listen. Feel free to listen more than once to if needed.
1. In which year did the Vikings attack Lindisfarne?
a) 793
b) 685
c) 800
d) 1066
2. What problems did the people of Lindisfarne face in 793? (Choose two answers).
a) storms
b) earthquakes
c) famine
d) rat infestation
3. What happened during the Viking attack? (Choose three answers).
a) things were stolen
b) items were destroyed
c) people were injured or killed
d) children were kidnapped
4. Why was the attack on Lindisfarne important?
a) Lindisfarne was an important Christian centre
b) a king was killed in the attack
c) it was the first Viking attack on the British Isles
d) there were no survivors
5. What crimes was Sicga said to have committed? (Choose two answers).
a) killing a king
b) stealing from a church
c) taking his own life
d) attacking monks
6. What did the Vikings leave behind that we still see today?
a) coins
b) treasure in churches
c) names of towns
d) stories about kings
4. Synonyms
Rewrite the sentences below, using words from the box to replace the bold words. Sometimes one word is replaced by a whole phrase or the other way around.
pursuit for sure savage incorporation a clear pattern explanation origin unfortunately
1. Have you heard about the wild animal that attacked a dog last week?
2. Analysing what happened we see an obvious structure.
3. the start of this tradition?
4. In the movie, the group went on a search for the truth.
5. Sadly, I can’t join you.
6. Can you help me with the description of this math problem?
7. We will absolutely join you.
8. The inclusion of the younger children in the game was a great success.
Adjective comparison – Adjektivkomparation
a. Add the correct word from the box to the sentences below. Make sure you use the correct form of the word.
1. Do you know if this hoodie is than the purple one?
2. Which is car in the whole world?
3. Don’t worry, the situation could be than it is.
4. Mr Johnson is teacher I’ve ever had.
5. The kids need to be in the kitchen, you’ve already broken one plate. (careful)
6. Is this a good enough spot or do we need to go along the beach?
7. I would be if we had sushi for lunch rather than this stew.
8. Last year I went on holiday to Norway and Sweden. I have to say Sweden is much . bad nice happy good expensive far cheap careful
b. Look at the pictures and the fact table. Describe as many details as possible using adjectives. Make sure to use all three forms of the adjectives.

Examples: Bailey is smaller than Luna but has longer fur than her. Olivia is taller than Darla, but Axel is the tallest person in the family. York is a very old city, but London is even older.
Olivia Darla
c. Choose the correct form of the adjective to complete each sentence. Underline the correct answer.
1. My mum’s car is fast/faster/the fastest than your mum’s car.
2. It is wonderful/more wonderful/the most wonderful to see you again!
3. I think you are nice/nicer/the nicest person I have ever met.
4. I’m a lot busy/busier/the busiest than I was last week.
5. Alina is really intelligent/more intelligent/the most intelligent!
6. I have to say my German is bad/worse/the worst than my English.
7. My bike is small/smaller/the smallest but my sister’s bike is big.
8. My local basketball club has been successful/more successful/the most successful than my local ice hockey club.
9. Do you think you’re intelligent/more intelligent/the most intelligent than me?
10. Our planet is hot/hotter/the hottest than it has ever been. interesting funny intelligent good long bad dumb friendly
d. Add the correct superlative form of the adjective (the hottest, the most beautiful) to the sentences.
1. The Nile is river in the world.
2. I think you are person I know.
3. I think that is idea I have ever heard!
4. I think that was joke I have ever heard.
5. Thank you for organising my birthday party. It was party ever!
6. My dog is dog in the world!
7. Everything went wrong today. It was day of the year for me.
8. This exercise was one I’ve done for ages.
Answer Key
1A Schools Around the World
1. Match up
1E, 2A/F, 3A/F, 4B, 5D, 6C
2. What’s the word?
1. neighbour, take care of 2. is used to, during 3. gather, by my side 4. several, subjects
5. are joined by, exchange student 6. imagine, grateful 7. challenge, admit 8. pay attention to
3. Logic Puzzle
Alena Brad Carmen Dirk Ella
Physics no no yes no no
English no no no no yes
P.E. yes no no no no
History no no no yes no
Maths no yes no no no
4. Word order
1. Can you figure out how to deal with this challenge?
2. Are you doing well in all your subjects?
3. Pay attention to the rules, no speaking during the test!
4. This weekend our neighbours will gather for a barbeque.
5. We are not used to admitting our mistakes.
6. I am grateful that you are by my side.
7. I imagine you have several questions as well.
8. We are joined by my cousin tonight.
1B Not Just Lessons
1. What’s the word?
1. rehearsal 2. no matter 3. depending on 4. equipment 5. is provided by 6. allow 7. believe 8. possibility 9. on a few occasions 10. current
2. Sort it out
3. Word families
Noun Verb Adjective option opt optional rehearsal rehearseawareness - aware belief believe believable competition compete competitive cooperation cooperate (with) cooperative possibility - possible development develop developed participant participate participating equipment equip equipped diversity - diverse
4. Crossword puzzle
Down: 1. practice 2. participation 3. diversity 5. possibly
7. option 9. develop Across: 4. rehearsal 6. exercise 8. competition 10. equipment 11. allow
1C No One Asks Me Why
1. Gapped sentences
1. temptation 2. doubt 3. support 4. courage 5. enough 6. appreciate 7. society 8. opportunity 9. depend 10. confident
2. Match and use
1. care for 2. regret 3. achieve 4. aware of 5. laundry 6. capable 7. probable 8. courage
3. Word order
1. Do you enjoy your school dinners?
2. What is your favourite school subject?
3. What are you going to do after school today?
4. What time does school start in the morning?
5. Do you think school holidays are long enough?
6. Most adults enjoyed their time at school.
7. What skills do you need to be a teacher?
8. In Britain most children start school at the age of five.
Athletics Cultural activities Individual sports Group activities Helping others running 5k 100 m dash high jump triple jump pole vault shot put hammer throw heptathlon decathlon
9. How many foreign languages can you learn at your school?
10. Are you happy this is the last sentence?
4. Listen: What are they studying? 1. History 2. Biology 3. Mathematics 4. P.E
1D School Dinners
1. Match and use
1. expensive 2. supported by 3. issue 4. wealthy 5. benefit from 6. population
2. Listen: What food are they talking about?
1. fish and chips 2. fruit salad 3. cheese omelette 4. chicken sandwich
3. What’s the word?
1. poverty 2. tax 3. supply 4. surely 5. lunch 6. sadly 7. crisps 8. provide 9. benefit Word in the green column: expensive
4. Word order
1.What is the healthiest thing you’ve eaten today?
2. Which contains more protein cabbages or beans?
3. How much do you pay for your school dinners?
4. What’s the best school dinner you’ve ever had?
5. How much plastic waste does your school canteen produce?
6. Is Alice vegetarian or vegan?
7. When was the last time you ate fish?
8. Can you cook better than your school cooks?
9. Do you think you would make a good professional cook? 10. How many times have you cooked for your friends?
Grammar Exercises
The indefinite article
1. a 2. an 3. an 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. an, a 8. an, a
Plural nouns
1. knives 2. reindeer 3. fish 4. children 5. mice 6. bridges 7. persons 8. lice 9. teeth 10. shelves
There is, there are or it is?
a. 1. Is there 2. There are 3. Are there 4. Is there 5. there is 6. There are 7. are there 8. There is 9. Is there 10. there is b. 1. There is 2. There are 3. There is 4. It is 5. Are ther 6. Is it 7. it is/it is 8. There are/there isn’t
1. Which word?
on a Rainy Day
1. hang out 2. certain 3. make sure 4. groceries 5. how about? 6. give it a try 7. refrigerator 8. square 9. hang on 10. quite easy 11. continue 12. set a timer
2. What’s the word?
1. groceries 2. refrigerator 3. necessary 4. add 5. certain 6. continue 7. square 8. stick
3. How to make bean burgers
1. to 2. of 3. lot 4. they 5. into 6. of 7. some 8. mix 9. add 10. refrigerator / fridge 11. size 12. each
4. Listen: What are they eating?
1. baked potatoes 2. chicken 3. popcorn 4. chocolate brownies
2B Have You Seen My Face on Television?
1. Words from the text
1. healthy 2. appear 3. prepare 4. recognise 5. in addition 6. release 7. familiar 8. tireless 9. measure 10. friendly banter (For the answers to the questions there is no answer key, but you can ask your teacher to check your answers.)
2. Word order
1. Do you watch cookery programmes on TV?
2. Have you ever eaten lobster vol-au-vents?
3. Are you a big fan of Indian cookery?
4. What’s the most incredible meal you’ve ever had?
5. One of my first jobs was washing dishes.
6. Would you like to become a cookery writer?
7. Have you ever baked a chocolate cake for someone’s birthday?
8. Do you know what self-raising flour is?
9. Do your parents eat healthier food than you?
10. Are you a big fan of coriander?
3. Logic puzzle
Alicia Brian Cate Delroy apple pie No Yes No No brownies Yes No No No cheese omelette No No No Yes double cheeseburger No No Yes No
4. Gapped sentences
1. recipe 2. incredible 3. contain 4. fortunately 5. chef 6. dish 7. century 8. pass on
2C Good Morning, UK!
1. Punctuation
Welcome to our show! I’m sure you’re all curious about what we’ll be doing today and I don’t mind telling you. Let’s start with the first dish. It’s a pasta dish with tomatoes, mushrooms and onions, a dish I hope you’ll appreciate. Yes, it’s a vegetarian dish and no, it won’t be boring!
That’s all for today. Please, remember to hit the like button and subscribe!
2. Gapped sentences
1. a selection of 2. supermarket 3. in advance 4. flavour
5. tasty 6. imagination 7. limit 8. constantly 9. stir 10. common
VOICE S – ger alla en röst!
VOICES 7–9 är ett basläromedel för högstadiet, som hjälper alla elever att utveckla sina kunskaper i engelska språket. Innehållet har en tydlig struktur, är inkluderande och lätt att anpassa.
I VOICES får vi lyssna på andras röster genom att läsa, lyssna på och lära känna människor från olika delar av världen. Vi lär oss också att använda våra egna röster för att diskutera olika ämnen och åsikter, dela berättelser, ställa frågor och stärka det engelska språket. Årskurs 7 fokuserar på Storbritannien och Irland, i årskurs 8 besöker vi olika delar av Nord- och Centralamerika och i årskurs 9 öppnar vi upp för resten av den engelskspråkiga världen.
Varje årskurs av VOICES består av
• Coursebook – texter och övningar. Täcker kursplanen.
• Workbook med digital elevträning. Mängdträning och extra hörövningar.
• Digitalt lärarstöd. Färdighetsprov, hörövningar, individanpassning, lekfulla uppgifter.