February 4-7, 2025
ATAP Winter Conference

Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities

February 4-7, 2025
ATAP Winter Conference

Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals | 2025 Winter Conference
Orlando Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida | February 4-7, 2025
We are pleased to provide you with the attached information outlining the 2025 Winter Conference Sponsor/Exhibitor Opportunities. The Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) represents a diverse group of leaders in the threat assessment community. ATAP members specialize in assessing and managing violent individuals and organizations for the protection of countries, communities, organizations and individuals.
Who Attends:
• Key decision makers
• Security Directors
• Law Enforcement Leadership from Federal, State and Local agencies
• Psychologists
• Attorneys
• Human Resource Professionals
• Threat Assessment Professionals worldwide

Premier Sponsorship Opportunities
All Premier Sponsorship Opportunities include: One complimentary 6-ft exhibit display table, recognition on signage, special recognition and company ad on every general session and breakout screen; listed as a sponsor in the sponsor/ exhibitor section of the Winter Conference mobile app; your company logo will be displayed on the ATAP website as a sponsor for one year with a link to your company website and sponsor ribbons for your staff’s name badges. Sponsorships $7,500 and over will receive three complimentary registrations, and sponsorships under $7,500 will receive two complimentary registrations. Additional information on how to register your complimentary attendees once the sponsorship has been solidified.
Tuesday Networking Reception Sponsor- $10,000 (1 Available)
You will be premier sponsor of the traditional Tuesday evening networking reception. Special signage will designate your company as the sponsor throughout the networking area.
Wi-Fi Sponsor - $9,000 (1 Available)
Your company will be recognized as the conference wi-fi sponsor, with a custom network name and password, which will be placed on every attendee name badge. Special signage will designate your company as the wi-fi sponsor throughout the networking area. – Must be purchased by December 1, 2024
Mobile App Sponsor - $8,500 (1 Available)
Your company’s logo will be branded throughout the official conference app which includes the conference schedule, photos and much more
Lunch Sponsorship - $7,500 (3 Available)
Lunch sponsors will be given the opportunity to personally distribute promotional materials at time of lunch, as well as have specially designed signage with their company logo displayed at lunch time.
Scavenger Hunt Sponsor - $5,500 (1 Available)
Your company will be recognized as the official Scavenger Hunt Sponsor for the Winter Conference. Special signage will designate your company the sponsor throughout the networking area.
General Sponsorship Opportunities
General Sponsorship - $5,000
General Sponsors receive special recognition on every general and breakout session video screen, one year display on the ATAP website as a sponsor with a link to your company website and donor ribbons for your staff’s name badges.
Breakfast Sponsorship - $3,500 (4 Available)
You will be given the opportunity to personally distribute promotional materials during the designated breakfast time, and will be provided with tabletop signage displayed at breakfast with your company’s logo.
Break Sponsorship - $3,000 (7 Available)
You will be given the opportunity to personally greet and distribute promotional materials during the designated break time, and will be provided with tabletop signage displayed at breakfast your company’s logo.
Exhibit Opportunities
Exhibitor Display Table (10 available) – $2,000
Have the opportunity to meet with our attendees from Tuesday, February 4 to Thursday, February 6, and be listed in the sponsor/exhibitor section of the Winter Conference mobile app. Each exhibit tables comes with two complimentary exhibit personnel to remain at your booth. Please note that exhibit personnel are not permitted to attend sessions.
Important Deadlines and Information:
All logos must be submitted to the ATAP office in an eps format no later than December 13, 2024. Deadline for sponsor ads for conference materials: December 13, 2024
Application for sponsorship cut-off date: December 13, 2024
Application for exhibit space cut-off date: December 13, 2024
Please send all electronic files Andrea Elliott at aelliott@atapworldwide.org
Submit completed form and payment to: ATAP
808 R Street, Suite 209 Sacramento, CA 95811
Should you have any questions please contact Meetings & Membership Director, Elizabeth Cardwell. Telephone: (916) 231-2146
Email: ecardwell@atapworldwide.org
Sponsor and Exhibitor Logo and Ad Specifications:
You must send your logo in both an eps/ai vector format and a high-res transparent png or PDF. If you do not have an eps version of your logo, please ensure what you send is a high resolution transparent png or pdf. Logos pulled from websites are not suitable for printing. We will not use your logo from a previous year unless explicitly told to do so. If you cannot provide any of the aforementioned formats, we cannot guarantee the quality of your logo in any digital or printed materials.
* Sponsor logos will be placed on the ATAP website after the close of the event
Each sponsor receives one company ad via a Company Poster and one power point slide to be shown on both the general session and breakout screens.
Company Poster (vertical only): 24”W x 36”H
• Must have a CMYK color profile
• Must be 300 dpi
• Quarter-inch bleed - optional
Power Point Slide: 16x9 aspect ratio

Sponsor & Exhibitor Acceptance Policy
The mission of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (“ATAP”) is to share, facilitate and promote experiences and techniques of professionals in the fields of threat prevention, assessment and management. The primary purpose of the Association’s discretionary acceptance of sponsors, vendors, or exhibitors at any ATAP event or conference is to further this mission and the Association’s objectives, policies and goals as specified by the Board of Directors of the Association from time to time.
ATAP selects applicants to be vendors, exhibitors and sponsors for its events, taking into consideration the following factors: (1) an applicant’s alignment with ATAP’S mission, objectives and goals; (2) an applicant’s past business performance, either as a member of the Association and/or as a member of the threat assessment business community, which demonstrates adherence to, and promotion of ATAP bylaws, policies and goals; and (3) an applicant’s anticipated future business performance, which demonstrates adherence to, and promotion of ATAP bylaws, policies and goals. ATAP reserves the right to decline vendor, exhibitor or sponsorship applications in its sole and absolute discretion. In addition, ATAP reserves the right to deny sponsorship or vendor/exhibitor attendance if the vendor/exhibitor or sponsorship material is deemed by ATAP to not comply with the mission, objectives and goals of ATAP, or not to be in the best interests of ATAP or its members.
In no case will any action or inaction taken by or on behalf ATAP with respect to any application for vendor/ exhibitor or sponsorship status be motivated by discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.
The applications of vendors/exhibitors and sponsors that comply with these criteria will be considered for acceptance by ATAP in the order received until such time as all vendor/exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities have been filled. Potential commercial advantage or disadvantage to an applicant resulting from the granting or denial of an application is not a factor that may be considered by ATAP in accepting or denying an application.
All applications for vendor/exhibitor or sponsorship opportunities will initially be reviewed, analyzed, and given a recommendation for approval or disapproval by the Sponsorship Committee. The Sponsorship Committee recommendations will be provided to the Conference Committee for final determination.
Exhibitor/Sponsor Agreement
The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) and your company’s participation at the 2025 Winter Conference. Exhibit space will be assigned on a first come, first serviced basis, once a signed agreement and payment are submitted to the ATAP office. Please note, completion of this application does not guarantee booth space until a confirmation from the ATAP office has been received.

February 4-7, 2025
ATAP Winter Conference
Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista