Small Business Concierge Fall-Winter 2020-2021

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2020 the Year of Covid-19 SBA CARES Funding Business Closures
Businesses Pivot to Online Survival SIP Wear Mask Disasters Faith
| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 2 Power Women Power Secrets Seminar Booking Information 408 205-4056 Margaret Jackson #1 Small Business Radio Personality in Silicon Valley Book the Power Speaker Today!
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 3
| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 4 Departments Women In Small Business 36 Bridging the Gap 42 The Bottom Line 46 Small Business Concierge Advantage Guide 52 Upcoming Events 70 Small Business Science Lab 10 S.T.E.A.M. 30 Y/E 2.0 20 A Letter From Margaret Jackson 08 Table of Contents 26 Sandy Bennett 2020 RISE Award Winner U.S. Department of Education
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 5 18 24 Silicon Valley SNUG Contents 22 48 32 4 Keys to Becoming a Successful Student Entrepreneur Building Your Dreams The Coach’s Favorite Pizza Warren Wettenstein Our Insurance Guru: Surviving Covid and Other Disasters Vanda McCauley Hair Loss Specialist: Shedding Light On Hair Loss
| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 6 Set Your Business Trajectory Towards Wealth 12 Small Businesses Doing 2021 Better and Stronger 16 Five Dynamic Colors to Make Your Dining Table Settings 38 Motivational Tips for Getting Through Covid-19 Challenges 44 14 Margaret Jackson On the Edge Biz Coach: Small Businesses Pivot to Online Survival Subscribe for Your Advantage Membership NOW! We Included Ad Space to Promote your Business Online During Covid-19 Start 2021 Strong!
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 7 Magazine|SiliconValley ViolentPrevent CrimeonCampuses “AreMore.Better.Faster. younot CatrinaBlair StateofCaliforniaDGS SmallBusinessCertifications MargaretJackson DennisKing ofExecutiveDirector BusinesstheSiliconValleySmallDevelopmentCenter DefiningMargaret JacksonasaLeader COVID-19Small BusinessPivotTips TheSoftSoundof LegacyandLeadership Dr.GariBrowning PowerWomenPowerSecrets |Spring2020Extended MONEY 2.0 Business On the Edge Fridays 6pm-7pm PST Primetime Magazine | Silicon Valley Boost your business with employee engagement Prevent Violent Crime on Campuses More. Better. Faster. “Are you not entertained?” Silicon Valley’s THREE MUSKETEERS for small business Spring 2018 Catrina Blair State of California DGS Small Business Certifications Margaret Jackson #1 Small Business Radio Personality AM 1220 KDOW Dennis King Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Small Business Development Center

A Letter From Margaret Jackson, Radio Personality

Standing Face to Face with My Faith In 2020

Coming into 2020 was met with New Year excitement and opportunity. I did not suspect that the world was about to change dramatically and met with relentless losses. The loss of life has been challenging to comprehend—many of you, you know, of someone that lost the battle of this insidious virus COVID-19. I found my faith challenged not in God, but the lack of faith in me to trust God in facing 2020 challenges. I am a woman of strong faith. Yet my faith met me face to face, and I found myself with more questions about faith, life, death, dreams, and perseverance. I found myself weak and on my knees, praying to God to increase my faith to teach me to trust him more, asking God to search my heart and create a rightful spirit inside me to withstand the controversies of life and accomplish the purpose of my life. How could I face God incomplete in fulfilling my purpose? If I fear the greatest fear, I would be dying incomplete in fulfilling the purpose and plan for my life. What would I say standing before God?

COVID-19 pandemic has infused my faith. The many challenges of 2020 heightened my resolve to accomplish the purpose of my life. Chadwick Boseman said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything You gave me.’” I would want to follow Mr. Boseman’s example to speak at the end of my life. “God, I used everything that you gave me.”

As I say goodbye to 2020, I stop and pause in silence to pay my respects to every life loss from COVID-19, other illnesses and diseases, from violence and civil unrest, suicides, and anything that caused a loss of life. As I enter 2021, I look forward to accomplishing the purpose of my life. I would encourage you to join me and pursue your life’s purpose making each moment and minute count.



AM 1220 KDOW | Money 2.0 Business on the Edge Radio Show

Romans 10:9, Proverbs 3:5-6, Deuteronomy 8:18

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Julio C. Pardo III


Margaret A. JACKSON


Jesse L. Lee


Devin Oten


Margaret A. Jackson



Alvie C. J. Jackson

Sandy Bennett, Margaret A. Jackson, Vanda McCauley, Deborah Moody, Devin Oten, Jesse L. Lee, Carolyn Robinson

Meredith Walker, Warren Wettenstein


Courtesy of Devin Oten

Excerpt “Buildiing Your Dreams” Book



Motivational Tips for Getting Through Covid-19 Challenges


iStock Photos



Ricardo Flamenco

Digital Juice, Shutterstock, IStock

Courtesy of Empower You Now

Courtesy Images: Posh Events & Affairs

Courtesy Images: Vanda Salon


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Business On the Edge Radio Show

Small Business Concierge

PUBLISHED BY Small Business Concierge Communications & Digital Media Fall-Winter Issue 2020-2021

2020-2021 © Copyright, All Rights Reserved

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Small Business Science Lab

Dare to Dream Bigger In 2021

SMALL BUSINESSES- Pivoting and Coming Back Stronger!

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 10

Science Lab: Exploration, Innovation, Creation, Big Ideas, Organization, Infrastructure, and more, you will find it in the Small Business Science Lab.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 11

Set Your Business Trajectory Towards Wealth

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, microbusiness leaders expected their businesses would continue to hum along the path of personal expectations without much hands-on attention. But that was then. Today, entrepreneurs who hope to achieve reasonable expectations of business growth and profitability must change their approach. What worked in the past is not likely to work in the future. So, let us review what may be needed to contribute to a microbusiness organization’s success.

Let us take an abstract view to review the essence of a business organization. The key stakeholders must have a clear idea of why the business is in business embodied in both a vision and mission statement. The key business activity that comprises the profit center must be enveloped with the key business departments such as accounting/finance, marketing, sales, human resources, information technology, operations, purchasing, research and development, and stakeholder relations. Done well each of these departments will strive to achieve a competitive advantage to deliver the organization’s greatest advantage and gain cost efficiencies that other organizations cannot match.

As an organizational leader who leads from the front, it is essential to stay abreast of the latest business news. The truth is that you should be aware of anything that relates to the functioning and success of your organization, period. So populating your email box with the latest intelligence and data using Google Alerts is key. You may want to increase your relevant daily news intake by joining an industry association, which may also offer other advantages of joining a group of like-minded people. Then it may also be a wise value-add to get professional help on your team. There are fee and zero-cost resources at your fingertips. The key is to explore an organization’s credibility and reputation.

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So, given things have changed so dramatically, what is a microbusiness owner to do?

According to the US Small Business Administration, 99% of all businesses in the United States are small businesses. Although there are more than nine different definitions of “small business,” a small business has less than ten employees. Also, know that the failure rate for start-up businesses is that 50% will not survive past five years then of those that do, many more will not survive and succeed to see six years of business.

While microbusinesses face enormous survival challenges, this writer believes in the adage: “cash is king.” If you have cash, you have the freedom and can ensure you keep your doors open. If you do not have cash, the struggle to get enough to thrive can compound the challenge to satisfy payroll, debt service, and other general and administrative expenses. This writer cannot overstate the importance of understanding cash flow management techniques. Accounting and finance are foundational components of any business and are necessities to track an organization’s performance and progress.

You may have many years of experience in a trade or industry specialization. This writer recommends that you accompany the knowledge and understanding you have acquired with a big picture awareness of the business landscape. Doing all you can to ensure your interests’ safety is everything if you are to strike out or continue your business journey. The business environment is known for its uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity, and volatility. Do not limit your business with insufficient planning, frustrating strategies, messy tactics, and an inability to implement your expertise. Any business anywhere will be limited in its success trajectory.

As you can imagine, nothing compares to be your own boss. So, getting the confidence and knowledge needed to run your own business successfully is not that hard. There are stakeholders who will come alongside you to help you make a difference in your local community both socially and economically. You can get the plane off the ground, soar in the skies, and when necessary, stick a landing.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 13

Small Businesses Pivot to Online Survival

The current customer climate, in a word, is stressed. COVID-19 has forced a change in the economic paradigm, creating shifts in business openings and closures, wearing face masks, staying in place orders slowing small business commerce, and the constant ebbs and flows of COVID-19 cases worldwide. Along with natural disasters, California wildfires, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Small businesses are not only concerned but are financially stressed due to low to no sales. Small Businesses in the U.S. have used up PPP and EIDL loans provided by the SBA CARES ACT if they were fortunate to receive funding. With the onslaught of the pandemic, small businesses are pivoting to online business models, developing online commerce, and increasing their digital and content marketing efforts.

Small Businesses are creating a mix of partnerships and intermediaries to increase routes to their target markets. Although COVID-19 has impacted businesses globally, partnerships are more critical than ever before. A blend of partnerships can be key drivers to connect with the types of personas that your company seeks to attract. Business owners concerned about shutting their business doors should consider investing in digital and content marketing to expand their customer engagement. Pivoting or increasing your target customer’s online experience should include examining your business’ objectives, strategy, tactics, actions, and controls. It is most critical to understand the current health pandemic, political, and economic crisis environment in which the company seeks to survive. Small businesses are still struggling, and not all of them have the types of companies that can pivot to a digital platform. However, for those that can, these are the questions that savvy small businesses are addressing,

1. The objective, where do you want your business to be in 2021-2022? Answering this question- accurately will support a plan of action to achieve the goal.

2. The strategy, how do you get there? An example would be taking the time to be relateable, catch-up, and stay in touch with your previous customers, and providing connections and resources when you can.

3. The tactics, how to build the sales funnel? The tactics technique includes your tactic objective like online brand awareness, types of customer acquisitions, application

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 14

integrations, and the channels used to create the sales funnel.

4. The strategy, how do you get there? An example would be taking the time to be relateable, catch-up, and stay in touch with your previous customers, and providing connections and resources when you can.

5. The controls are the development of specific metrics to monitor the tactics. How do you know things are going as planned? Decide on how often you will observe the developed metrics, monthly, weekly, or quarterly.

Small businesses are pivoting to an online business model to survive. Adjusting to a new normal opportunity is needed to survive and create a thriving competitive advantage for your small business.

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Small Businesses Doing 2021 Better and Stronger

As 2020 draws to a close, some people are breathing a sigh of relief while others are shaking their heads and asking what just happened? Still, others are planning their next move. We had no idea the year would turn out as it has. 2020 revealed many things about who you are and your business practices. I hope that the revelations have been positive, but if not, there is still a shining light amidst all the challenges and chaos. In the face of adversity, there are two kinds of people. Those that step up to challenges and those that give up when circumstances become difficult. Which one are you? The uncertainty of 2020 has made many people unsure about who they are. The COVID-19 plague has revealed your character’s response to the constant changes of 2020’s pandemic environment. Good or bad, it has provided the framework for your next move. Three things we know have become commonplace: change, flexibility, and adaptability. As business owners, we take this time of year to evaluate and assess. You ask, what worked well, what did not work out as planned, and why? Through it all, you recognize the challenges and areas for improvement. You acknowledge the success and reward those successes, no matter how small. Then you modify the process or the plan. It is time to focus on the future and what will come next in 2021. It has been a challenging year, but you cannot advance-confidently if you are looking back and lamenting the business losses. Stay focused on the positive aspects and proceed forward. Here are several thoughts to consider as you prepare for 2021.

Keys to Success:

Assess and evaluate your priorities professionally and personally.

• What is most important to you? It is a time of self-reflection, self-improvement, and self-care.

• Do you love what you do? Are you passionate about it? If you are, then jump in with both feet and move forward.

• Have a plan, be content with your decision, and make a move towards your new vision.

• Did you reserve time to spend with family and reconnect with old friends?

Adjust your mindset:

• Recognize your needs versus your wants. Often-times these two thoughts are confused. Create a list and categorize the needs and wants.

• Take a different approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

• View a problem or challenge as an opportunity.

• Stop trying to control things that are out of your control. It only leads to frustration, fatigue, and futility.

• Understand that change is inevitable. Do not be afraid to change. Change is necessary for growth.

• Realize that procrastination has consequences. Don’t miss an opportunity. Stay ahead of the curve:

• Knowing and enforcing the “New Rules” regulations, restrictions, and requirements impacting your business operations.

• Establish standardization, consistency, and balance in the business environment postCovid.

• Implement financial tracking and accountability systems.

• Update contracts, contacts, and social media sites.

• Learn new technology that applies to your business.

• Examine processes and procedures that save time, money, and eliminates stress.

• Think about how to improve the business.

• Be an innovator, problem solver, or game-changer.

• Become an expert in a specific area. Master a new skill. Write and set your goals:

• A goal not written is just a thought. Share your goals with your team. It is much easier to achieve goals if each member is excited to make that achievement together.

• Have a 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail. As we now see, our plans do not always work the way we expected.

• Be flexible, adaptable, and creative.

• List your strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement.Make adjustments and expect changes.

This new chapter, ‘2021’ can be whatever you choose to make it. You can create your future, designed within the current situation’s confines, limited only by your imagination. If you are a person who does not do change well, these challenges have indeed caused discomfort. But remember, challenges are what make you stronger, smarter, and more creative. There is evolution. Out of adversity, think outside the box. Never stop improving your business and investing in yourself.

Building Your Dreams “Excerpt”

If you do not believe in yourself, why should anyone else invest emotionally or otherwise in your dream? Be sure of yourself, be a leader, demonstrate initiative, develop credibility and a well-rounded skill set, encourage relationships that will assist you on your career path, and always be the person within your sphere of influence thinking outside of the box. Keep a record of all accomplishments. In fact, it is a good idea to track failures as well. Both accounts will make you wise and keep you grounded.

Learn to appreciate your worth to society, your family, your country, and your job. You have worth, my friend, but you alone must determine that worth through education, training, and hard work.

Building a dream is directly related to a life dedicated to hard work, self-discipline, creativity, goal setting, and ambition. Enjoy the journey – just make sure you arrive!

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Silicon Valley SNUG
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 19 Devin Oten Writer | Public Speaker | Philanthropist Building Your Dreams is designed to inspire and motivate you to believe in, initiate and accomplish your dreams and goals. Building Your Dreams

Y/E 2.0 Young Entrepreneur

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 20

Young Entrepreneurs 2.0 are radical thinkers and bungee jumping risktakers. Dive in and support young entrepreneurship ventures.

Scarborough, Cornwall (2019). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (9th ed)

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 21
“65% of College Students around the world aspire to be entrepreneurs, 27% of them immediately after graduation.”

Silicon Valley SNUG

4 Startup Keys to Becoming a Successful Student Entrepreneur

It is no surprise that 65% of college students worldwide seek business ownership rather than traditional employment. The age of technology opened the door to an extraordinary world of inspiration, creativity, innovation, and out of the box entrepreneurship enterprises. If you are a college student and thinking about entrepreneurship, here are four startup keys to becoming a successful student entrepreneur.

1. A great idea is not a business. A great idea is a potential solution to a problem that is not being solved. Develop an idea assessment and determine if the idea is worth pursuing. A resource to help you do it, is the “Really Big Idea Sketch Pad-Mural” online app.

2. Create a business model. The business model is how you make money. You create it after the idea assessment, feasibility assessment, and financial analysis. Three critical components of a business model are the product, price, and sustainability. We can talk about a business plan in our next magazine issue.

3. Join a student entrepreneurship club. An entrepreneurship club is a group of like-minded students with an entrepreneurial spirit and is willing to take the time to learn about starting a business.

4. Get help! Go to the U.S. Small Business Administration website and use it to develop your business’s foundational structure. Connect with an SBA program partner and request a business mentor or advisor at the Small Business Development Center or SCORE.

Push the pause button; this is not a silver bullet to instant entrepreneurship wealth and success. It is a few steps to get you moving in the direction of entrepreneurship as a college student. Entrepreneurship is a serious commitment and hard work.

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Small Business Concierge Magazine | 23
Every entrepreneur is a visionary and lifelong learner.

Silicon Valley SNUG the Coach’s Favorite Pizza

Roseville My Rosati’s Pizza

Roseville, California, is approximately two hours away from San Jose

Silicon Valley/the Bay Area. As a native Illinoian residing in the Bay Area and a great Chicagoland pizza lover, I have to travel to Roseville, California, to satisfy my pizza cravings. Christine Grau is an owner of my Rosati’s pizzeria franchise, a Chicagoland pizzeria. Christine imports ingredients from Chicago, providing that little slice of Chicagoland pizza taste. Christine is an inspiring entrepreneur and loves bringing joy to everyone that enters her pizzeria. If you are ever within two-three hours of Roseville, California, take a day trip and enjoy a slice of Northern California’s taste of Chicago pizza. You will not regret it and tell Christine that Biz Coach Margaret Jackson recommended her Roseville Rosati’s Authentic Chicago Pizza.

Rosati’s Sports Pub & Pizza

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 24
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 25 Choose a Membership Package Submit your ad insertion and business listing - Kick-Off 2021 with a Fresh Start! Content Marketing the Digital Wave to Small Business Success & Growth

This is My Story, and I’m Sticking to it.

The famous and fearless chef Julia Child said, “Variety is the spice of life, and spice is often the key to variety. Whether you’re bold and heavy-handed or whether you appreciate subtly layered flavors, season your dish so that it tells your story.”


Though I am not a trained Chef, I enjoy cooking for family and friends.

Cooking is such an art, and every dish provides a space to create something special and share an experience. Often, I seek to discover the parallels between life and food. One night while gathering my seasonings, buttermilk, eggs, and flour to fry a batch of chicken, I recalled an experience I had as a child. While visiting my grandparents in Louisiana during the summer, I went with them to work. Every day we drove up to the 500foot long tin tunnel structure that housed over 25,000 chickens.

Although I was not thrilled about going with them, I did not have a choice. Nonetheless, I was okay with it until one day, a chicken chased me from one end of the structure to the other. I ran as fast as I could through the maze of chickens. After that episode, I was so afraid; I vowed never to go back to the chicken house.

Everyone has a story or situation that defines a pivotal point in their life. Whether someone else writes that story or themselves, it can influence how one moves through life. My story began when I allowed someone else to write it. After high school, I attended a local university. While there, a professor told me I was not college material, and other things were happening in my life that added sentences and paragraphs to that story. I was young and didn’t know how to navigate the murky waters of college, so the professor’s words pierced my soul and killed my spirit. It was such a tumultuous time! I needed help, and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I felt hopeless and like I was traversing the terrain of college life alone.

After that experience, much like the vow I made to never return to the chicken house, which I didn’t, I made another vow, and that was to never return to school. Oddly enough, over the years, I felt like something was missing in my life. Liken to the frying of chicken without seasoning, it lacks flavor, spice, and tastes bland. My life reflected that of bland chicken.

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I wanted to return to school deep down inside, but I was so afraid I wouldn’t be successful. For 13 years, I refused to try college again until I got a job in the Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) at Ohlone College.

I soon discovered that EOPS provided a safe, equitable place for underrepresented students to land. The program created a sense of belonging for students who might feel like a fish out of water when navigating the environment. I felt like I could be of service to this population because I could identify with them in many ways. Watching them accept new challenges and struggle through the rough spots seemed to encourage me. Then, students expressed how much I was impacting their life, but what they didn’t know was they were restoring my faith in the educational system and changing my perspective about re-entering college.

Since then, I have earned an Associates of Arts, Liberal Students, a Bachelor’s Degree, Human Services, and a Master’s Degree, Humanities and Leadership. God carried me through to the other side. Today, I am the orchestrator of my story. My why and how are hinged upon ensuring no one feels alone and lost on their journey the way I did. On November 13, 2020, I celebrated 25 years in the field of higher education. During that time, it has been my honor and privilege to walk alongside students and staff providing them with and pointing them to resources that lead to reinventing themselves (if they choose to) and creating

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 27

Guiding them through pathways to living their best lives and being the best version of themselves is a real treat.

Passionately, I am encouraging, empowering, and equipping students to conquer fear, spark the courage to identify and breakdown self-protective strategies, and write their stories as only they can. Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” ( search?q=courage+is+not+the+absence+of+fear+quote)

At no point did I ever imagine receiving prestigious awards for walking in my calling and doing what brings me so much joy and gives my life meaning and purpose. In 2018, I received the Ohlone College Employee of the Year Award. In 2019, I received the California State Employees Association Employee of the Year, and in 2020, I received the RISE Award (Recognizing Inspiring School Employees. I didn’t choose this work; it chose me. The Peripety of events pivoted, redirected, and catapulted me into my destiny. As the renown-motivational speaker Les Brown says, “This is my story, and I’m sticking to it.”

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 28
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 29 Money 2.0 Money 2.0 BUSINESS EDGE ON T HE BUSINESS PROBLEM THE SMALL SOLVER Margaret Jackson #1 Small Business Radio Personality in Silicon Valley. Friday Nights Live 6pm-7pm PST Small Business Concierge Radio Segment. Join the Coach for more exposure!

S.T.E.A.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 30

S.T.E.A.M: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematicsinnovating, and changing the world.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 31

Shedding Light on Hair Loss

Fun Fact: Hair is one of the fastest-growing tissues of the human body. Hair loss is fast becoming a universal problem. Men and women alike are desperately trying to find solutions to control their hair loss and perhaps regrow it. It is safe to say that suffering from hair loss or a receding hairline is stressful. The added stress and challenge is not knowing what protocol is best for growing the hair back. Types of therapy are red light therapy, hair transplant, prescription drugs, injections, topicals, and many more. Which one are you supposed to use? Why does the decision between which hair loss solutions to employ has to be so complicated?

This article breaks down the advancement made in red light therapy as it relates to hair regrowth, as well as provide a clear-cut way of weighing the pros and cons of popular treatment protocols that work, therefore simplifying the decision making process for which hair regrowth system may be best for you. Read and learn the science behind red light therapy and its effect on baldness versus prescription drugs and invasive procedures such as hair transplant surgery. The market is full of hair loss treatments. The problem is that very few products are backed by solid scientific data proving their effectiveness. This article will showcase several treatment options that most medical professionals agree are effective:

Minoxidil: One of the most common treatments for hair loss, is the active ingredient in Rogaine but can be purchased in many other forms both over the counter and by prescription. Minoxidil is usually applied topically. It acts as a potent vasodilator that increases blood flow to the hair follicle to prevent miniaturization; the FDA approves this medication to treat pattern balding in both men and women.

Finasteride: This is a commonly used treatment for hair loss in men, also known as Propecia, a prescription medication normally taken orally and works by preventing DHT production. The FDA approved this product to treat pattern balding in men only and should not be used by women.

Spironolactone: A prescription medication, which can be used to treat female hair loss. Spironolactone can be taken orally or applied topically. It works to combat hair loss by preventing the productions of androgen hormones as well as DHT. This medication is not approved by the FDA to treat hair loss and should not be used by men.

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Hair Transplant Surgery: This is a surgical procedure involving moving healthy follicles from the back of the head to thinning and balding areas. If performed properly, gain a full head of real hair that is nearly bald patients can permanent and looks 100% natural. Results will vary with each client depending on genetic factors and the pattern of hair loss.

Red Light Therapy: This is an effective, safe and versatile treatment for pattern hair loss in both men and women. Distinctively, red light therapy does not involve drugs or surgery; it does not cause serious adverse side effects. It can be used by both men and women and can be used in conjunction with all other hair-loss treatments. When coupled with all-natural nutraceuticals, red light therapy rejuvenates and fortifies the hair follicles to strengthen and nourish the hair and scalp.

Hair growth works in three phases: 1) the growth (anagen) phase, 2) the rest (telogen) phase, and 3) the shedding (catagen) phase. When red light therapy is introduced, the last two phases are sped up. Because red light therapy helps increase blood flow in the scalp, it encourages faster metabolism in the catagen and telogen hair follicles, aka the follicles that are resting and shedding their hair. It causes a quicker production of new hair. Also, red light therapy has been shown to stimulate follicles that have stopped producing hair to start and encourage follicles that grew thin and brittle hair to grow healthier hair.

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Red light therapy is a natural treatment option for hair loss producing excellent results and gaining acceptance with hair loss professionals. Backed by solid clinical research, red light therapy treatments have increased hair count, hair density, and hair thickness for men and women comparably. Several red-light devices have been FDA cleared for treating androgenic alopecia in men and women.

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To date, no known therapy will work for all types of hair loss, and the reality is that once the follicle has died, it’s not likely to be revived. Still, I believe that baldness will be a preference rather than something that has to be suffered in the near future. Remember, no matter which option you select, any reversal journey pairs best with a healthy lifestyle.

Learn more about the “root causes of hair loss and its treatment “ at

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Women in Small Business

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 36
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 37 POWER women professionals and in Small Business meet them here!

Five Dynamic Colors to Make Your Dining Table Settings Amazing!

Color is one of the most impressionable facets of our world. Whether through fashion, jewelry, home decor, or the car’s color we drive, color can alter any space, change a mood, or refresh the soul. And no matter magenta, indigo sapphire, or sage, the possibilities are not just endless; they are powerful!

It comes as no surprise that color is a trademark of holidays and formal events. I have selected five dynamic colors for beautifying your dining table that will both elevate and delight. Each color has an interpretation that you might find relatable.

• Gold, a precious metal, has been associated with extravagance and wealth, flashiness, and luxury. Gold is linked to winning and having an extroverted personality; gold exudes a sense of success, knowledge, confidence, and generosity.

• Red is a powerful color with high visibility; it gains attention. Think fire trucks and stop lights. Did you know all reds go together? Perhaps that is one reason why reds symbolize love, boldness, intimacy, and comfort – a sense of strength and unity. Reds are also strongly associated with extroverts, energy, stimulation, intimacy, heat, strength, and excitement.

• Silver, also a precious metal, is considered more of a masculine color. It exhibits knowledge, wisdom, and practicality and is thought by many to be futuristic. This color says logical, not emotional. Other words associated with silver include wealth, achievement, order, and responsibility.

• Green represents nature and peace. Green is known as one of the most relaxing colors; green is associated with balance, growth, and refreshment. If you find you are most at rest among the trees and grass, the green is likely a large contributor.

• Black and white have unique representations, but they add a sense of rustic warmth to a space when used together in a checkered pattern. Have you ever wondered why checkered towels look so great in the kitchen or why zebra prints are so commonly used in the pillow and throw designs? This combination goes as well with any other color as they do with one another.

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Each of us seems to be instinctively drawn to specific colors over others. Now that we have an idea as to why that might be the case for these dynamic colors let us use that insight to help us create some AHH-mazing dining tabletops!

When designing an unforgettable table, I first consider the style of the table I want to create. If I need added inspiration, I will then include the meal that will be served. Using our five dynamic colors, here are some pointers for a traditional (gold), formal (red), semi-formal (silver), casually chic (green), and rustic (black and white) tabletop design.

Traditional (Gold)

When I think of a traditional table setting, I am always reminded of my Mother’s holiday table setting. She loved to dress up our table for our Christmas dinner and would still pull out the white china, gold-rimmed glassware, and gold flatware. She also included glass chargers, linen napkins, and a special “table-sized” Christmas ornament and butterfly. Mom used to say, “There are many symbolisms around the butterfly, but I just think they’re pretty and delicate like my three girls.” In her honor, I decided to create a traditional table in gold with modern flatware.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 39

When setting up for a classic formal event, I love to include a cascade of beautiful stemware, even better when that stemware has red accents! I also include crystal candle holders with long tapered candles; they add height to the table and complement the large room or space scale while simultaneously For a stunningly, elegant, semi-formal look, I suggest adding a little bling. It is an alternate way to add sparkle and glamour without becoming too formal. In this look, the table runner and placemats add just the right amount of pizzazz to elevate this table setting. The pop of color caters to the feminine energy, while the silver complements the masculine.

Imagine the uninterrupted green of evergreen trees in the winter. When you look closely, you find various shades and strengths of green woven throughout each needle. To achieve a similar, peaceful feel, consider monochromatic table settings and decorations, with touches of white or another dynamic color that speaks to you. By combining different textures of the same colors, you can achieve that sense of rest that is very welcome around the holidays.

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 40
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 41 Superior Results Inspired Designs Creative & Imaginative Strategies Let Posh Events and Affairs bring your dreams and visions to fruition. We are your special events solution. @POSHLOVES | POSHEVENTSANDAFFAIRS.COM

Bridging the Gap

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 42

Concerned about how to bridge the gaps, politics, gender gap, race, culture, faith, disabilities, diversity, and age into your small business? We help bridge gaps.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 43

Motivational Tips for Getting Through the COVID-19 Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably created obstacles for your business. The more obstacles you encounter, the more difficult it is to keep your optimism and motivation high. During these moments, I would encourage you to ask yourself the following question: Will you give up and quit, or will you make the adjustments needed to sustain and grow your business? If you are committed to overcoming your barriers, the following eight tips will keep you focused and motivated to achieve your business goals.

1. Focus on the things you can do today.

The more you focus on things you can’t do because of COVID-19, the less motivated you’ll feel. When you focus completely on things you can change, you’ll realize that you can develop new ideas to make adjustments for your business to succeed and grow. Don’t waste your time or energy on things that are out of your control. It leads to higher levels of fear and frustration.

2. Take a step back to think about the big Why?

What motivated you to start your business? What is the dream that motivated you to embark on that journey? Remember, your WHY has to be bigger than COVID-19 to prevent you from quitting.

3. Always celebrate the small wins.

Keep the big picture and goal in front of you, but it’s crucial to celebrate the small victories. You will achieve your goals one step at a time. It is a process that you will need to be kind to yourself and your supporting team during this process. It would be best if you were intentionally taking the time to celebrate the small changes or adjustments you have made in your business to overcome the COVID-19 challenges. It will allow you to see the progress you’re making and increase your motivation levels.

4. Stay Positive.

Keep your motivational juices flowing by staying positive! Look for new opportunities amid this challenge. Think outside of the box. Positive thinking creates positive feelings and stimulates creative

ideas. If your goal is to restructure your business to make adjustments for the changes needed as a result of COVID-19, work with your team to brainstorm creative ideas, and act on them. It’s common for motivation to follow positive thinking and action. Once you take the first step, you’ll feel motivated to keep moving.

5. Start visualizing your success.

By visualizing a successful business, despite the COVID-19 challenges, you bring your future into the present. As you visualize your business and all the benefits it will bring, you’ll feel your motivation begin to skyrocket.

6. Achieving goals using small manageable steps.

You’ll start to procrastinate and potentially even give up prematurely if the path looks too challenging. Therefore, break up your big goals into small achievable steps. It will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of the new COVID-19 mandates, so take it one step at a time.

7. Daily Affirmations will keep you positive.

Affirmations help you believe that you’re going to achieve your goal. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or low on motivation,

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 44

saying things like, “My business is thriving, despite the COVID-19 challenges” can help you stay encouraged and inspired.

8. Associate with individuals who will encourage you.

Boost your motivation is to surround yourself with other motivated people. While you are making adjustments in your business, spend time with other passionate entrepreneurs who are successfully overcoming the COVID-19 challenges. They will encourage you to keep moving forward. These ideas may be simple, but they’re profound. Put these tips to work in your business today and get motivated to overcome the COVID-19 challenges and see your business grow. Available

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 45

The Bottom Line

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 46

Financial intelligence the journey of how money works, amass, secure, invest, and handle it, is the bottom line.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 47

10 Steps to Survive Covid & Other Disasters

Outside of Hollywood, few predicted a global catastrophe of this scale and duration. Most were caught off-guard, and some are still in denial. The reality is that crucial structures have changed, and businesses either evolve or die. Other than Amazon and Zoom, the majority of businesses are strained and struggling. Short-term solutions are wearing thin. Savings and credit lines are temporary “bridges” that cannot sustain if your business does not pivot to survive. FEMA stats are depressing, stating about half of the small businesses never reopen after a disaster.

These suggestions should help you be in the top half:

1) Prepare for Future Disasters

Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, hackers. Disasters happen. Prepare ahead of time. If possible, backup files and migrate to a reliable, secure cloud service for your primary activities. That may also reduce incompatibility between devices. To remain compliant, provide a virtual private network (VPN) for employees to communicate with your secure servers. Have everyone be more vigilant for email “phishing” wherein emails look valid but are trying to infiltrate a network or steal valuable information. New solid-state drives (SSDs) are fast and cheap ways to make frequent backups stored securely offsite. Cloning a complete drive may also provide an immediate solution if hackers encrypt your drive for extortion. Swap the contaminated drive for the clean version and thoroughly reformat it. Go more paperless now. Stockpile critical supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE). Consider developing secondary suppliers for key components should primary be unable to supply. Increase critical inventories. Write-off and physically eliminate obsolete items while possibly generating marginal income. Install an electric generator to preserve perishables or prolong services during a power failure. For checklists and relevant information, visit

2) Grants/Loans

“We’re From the Government & We’re Here to Help You” has real value in providing free support resources. For personalized assistance, contact your local SBDC(Small Business Development Center, With almost a thousand branches nationwide, their knowledgeable staff can help you complete business applications for grants or low-interest loans. Also, see Stay current by subscribing to government emails.

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 48

3) Virtualize Your Customer Model

Face-to-face meetings will be limited going forward. Customers are now more comfortable with virtual meetings that save travel time/expense. The previous “courtesy” of physically visiting clients/prospects to establish/maintain a relationship has been reduced. Thus, expanding your potential customer geographic radius. Everyone now, reluctantly, understands. Screen sharing is nowadays pervasive using applications like Zoom. It is ideal for meetings and presentations and speeds application completion as customers can see questions as you type their answers and not ask why the form asks the same question multiple times.

4) Eliminate Losers & Filter Your CRM

Comprehensively analyze your current customers using the 80/20 principle, where 80% of your profit comes from 20% of your customers and vice versa. Clone your “A”s by determining your ideal profitable customer, capture missed sales opportunities, but drop your “C”s, even if that means diplomatically handing them off as referrals to competitors. Clean and update your Customer Relations Management system, whether Salesforce, Constant Contact, or any of their competitors, to optimize your approach and automate. Your survival may be a downsized firm with higher profitability.

5) Update Your Website & Video Sites

Rather than settling for a stale website, now is the time to upgrade by providing more information, adding informative videos, FAQs(frequently asked questions), reviews, and becoming ADA compliant. Include easy CTAs (call to action) that can streamline ordering or application submission. Update your Facebook®, LinkedIn, “Google My Business,” business pages. Use social networking apps and DRIP campaigns to maintain contact with prospects/customers providing relevant information without spamming. Set up a series of posts in advance to automate delivery for improved sales/support.

6) Virtualize Your Staffing Business Resources

Employees and contractors are now more comfortable with the work from home (WFH) model. Previous protocol mandated wasting time commuting daily to a common business site to communicate and prove that everyone was “on the clock.” It is now confirmed that staff can disperse-globally while working productively. It is resulting in lower stress, lower housing/commuting costs, broader potential job pool. Workers can now live where they can afford/prefer to live, yet service customers through the internet by phone, internet, or chat lines with possibly extended hours across multiple time zones. Firms save on office space, refreshments, expenses. Thought with a dispersed workforce, firms may need to provide better VOIP phones, noise-canceling headsets, faster home internet, laptops, printer/scanners, supplies to those employees since they might not normally have commercial quality services at home.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 49

7) Minimize Your Insurance Risk

Review your current coverage with a business-oriented agent or broker. Update your business personal property (BPP) coverage to accurately reflect inventory replacement costs, office equipment on site, and employee homes. Consider additional exposure to workers’ compensation and non-owned vehicle exposure. If they get injured at home while working for you, is that covered? If they drive to an office supply store and get in an accident, will that be covered? Add a home-office rider to their homeowner/renter policy if employees must allow business visitors into their home and have employers pay to bear that premium.

8) Cabin Fever, Water Cooler & Human Nature

People are social and will eventually start attending events again, albeit with hand sanitizers and masks. Trade and consumer shows, mixers, offsites, client visits all build relationships and grow businesses. The new distance norm may forever change large social and professional gathering events such as conventions, mixers, and weddings. Virtual cannot entirely replace in-person they will inevitably come back in some form with limited capacity. In the meantime, small business owners need to adapt to persevere and survive since they generally have minimal resource buffers.

9. Do a Serious Financial Review

Trim expenses, negotiate with vendors for reductions, ask large clients for deposits, offer prepay discounts, and be extremely frugal. Seriously immerse yourself and your accountant into your numbers. See if the above pragmatic steps can sustain and improve your business.

10. Bankruptcy Alternative

Even with vaccines, business models have been radically changed everyone’s attitudes going forward. If you genuinely feel your business cannot survive after taking an objective look and you need to limit further losses, bankruptcy may be a viable alternative. Have frank discussions with your accountant and family to see what the prognosis might be in continuing or closing your business. If needed, you can then get referrals to a bankruptcy attorney who can best advise you about different types of bankruptcy, along with the repercussions.

Hopefully, you will pivot to survive and thrive. Network with other business people to see how they are coping. Let us know your success stories at mystory@smallbusinessconcierge. biz

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 50




Small Business Concierge Magazine | 51 Defer Capital Gains Taxes on your Primary Residence as well as all other Real Estate Upon sale, the IRS and Franchise Tax Board can confiscate more than a third of your hard-earned gain when you sell! Can you avoid that tax bill? Yes! Ruth Van Derostyne O: 888-977-1222 | C: 408-515-1422 E:
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| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 52 Small Business Concierge MembershipAdvantage Guide
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 53


Eva Smith & Associates

Small Business Accounting/Bookkeeping/1-on-1


Eva Smith| EA Hayward, CA......................................510 889-8885

Academic Success

Firehouse Community Development Center

Firehouse Academic Program (4-Fs)

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622

Acupuncture & Pain Relief

Eternal Health & Wellness

Acupuncture for Stress Relief

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA........................................408 241-6638


Positive Progression Inc.

Treatment Programs Designed to Meet Every Need

Katy Mc Dowell | Executive Director San Jose, CA .....................................888 333-3963



Build Memory / Get Remembered / Make Sales

Isaac Teckie | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 389-4572

Money 2.0 Business On The Edge/AM 1220 KDOW

Advertise Strong/Brand Longevity/Grow Business

Contact Us for a FREE On-Air 60 second pitch

Team Edge |Advertising Strategist

Bay Area, CA ....................................408 357-0951

Ohlone College: Extended Opportunity Program & Services

“Got Textbooks?” EOPS meets students educational needs by providing support services i.e. book-grant, financial aid assistance, and tutoring

Sandy Bennett |EOPS/CARE Coordinator

Fremont, CA ....................................510 659-6152

Art Gallery

Machu Picchu Gallery of the Americas

Mobile Art Gallery, Events, and Networking

Olga Enciso Smith | Founder | Social Entrepreneur

Bay Area, CA .......................................408 529-2296


Audio Production

JM Audio Services

Live Sound/Digital Audio Engineering/Consultation

Jarel Martin | Audio Engineer & Owner

Oakland, CA .......................................510 686-3021

SAE Expression College / Audio Program

Offers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .....................................510 654-2934

Automotive Services

Pacific Tire Outlet

Bay Area Tire Solutions Voted Milpitas Best

Ask for Phil | Owner Milpitas, CA .......................................408 791-0418

Author Plan-18

Workbook containing legal documents for turning 18

Cheryl Nelson | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 614-1628


DO Enterprises

Executive Level Mentality

Devin Oten | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................504 319-6079

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 54

Kari Kelley

Storytelling, Performing with a purpose, Overcoming childhood abuse

Kari Kelley | Author, Speaker, Artist

Bay Area, CA.............................408 373-7263

Marcie Anderson

Book: Are We There Yet?: Enlightenment for Busy People

Marcie Anderson | PhD Author & Speaker

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Marilyn Randolph

Family Child Care Guide - Start a Child Care Business

Marilyn Randolph | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................408.389-8672

BB2B Network


Business Solutions Network Community

Isaac Teckie | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 389-4572

Baby Shower Gifts

Babee Kakes

Uniquely customize diaper cakes for mother-to- be

Rochelle Evans | Designer & Owner Oakland, CA .....................................415 941 2390

Banking Services

BBVA Compass Bank

Creating Opportunities/Workplace Solutions Officer

Jeanie Irvin | VP Workplace Solutions

Walnut Creek, CA ............................925 286-3438

BBVA Compass Bank

Growth through Deposits and Loans

Manager, Business Banking Specialist

Sunnyvale, CA .................................408 774-6200

Be Your Own Boss


Financial Freedom/Flex Hours/Positive Attitude

Beth Bigger | Independent Consultant

Bay Area, CA ...................................831 915-7865

Beauty Hair Extensions

Vanda Salon

Featuring premium hair & skin care, cosmetics, and hair extension products

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Beauty Hair Care Regrowth

Vanda Salon

Providing the optimal in hair loss treatment, replacement and paramedical camouflage

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Beauty Salon

Vanda Salon

Offers a superb range of luxurious services, creating amazing looks for a diverse clientele

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Blockchain Technology

Ronnie Aquino

Cryptocurrency, Safe & Secure, Quick, and Cheap

Ronnie Aquino | Blockchain Consultant

Bay Area CA..........................................408 310-3827


Sign On the Go

Signature, Blockchain-Secured e-documents,digital signature, electronically binding legal agreements

Ray Sylvain| Chief Executive Officer

Boca Raton, FL...................................703 260-7090

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 55

Business Development Services

Business On the Edge, Incorporated

Killer Coaching for Executive Business Owners

Margaret Jackson | Small Business Radio Personality

San Jose, CA ......................................408 357-0951

City of San Jose - Small Business Ally

Permits/Licensing/Code Enforement/Business Classes

Juan Borelli| Your Ally Coach

San Jose, CA ......................................408 975-2655

Silicon Valley Small Business Development Center

Dedicated to the Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley

SBDC Staff |SBDC Advisors

San Jose, CA .....................................408 385-9800

CCampus Safety

Tip Now, Inc.

Colleges, Universities, School’s Safety Anonymous Tips


Cyril Rayan | CEO

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095


Crazy Daisy’s Sweets and Treats

An On-line Bakery Serving the East Bay

Jocelyn Twomey | Baker Extrodinaire

Bay Area.............................................510 736-4979

Child Care Provider

Step Up and Do Something

Community Child Care Provider Network & Training

Rita Guess | Executive Director

San Jose, CA .....................................408 772-8679

College Students


On the go students discounted Restaurant Meals

Download our Mobile App. A Greener planet, one meal at a time

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO

Fremont, CA ....................................415 251-3333

Colleges & Universities Bay Area

Ohlone College: Extended Opportunity Program & Services

“Is College for You?” EOPS offers over and above services to students who are hindered by language, social and economic barriers.

Sandy Bennett |EOPS/CARE Coordinator

Fremont, CA ....................................510 659-6152

SAE Expression College

Offers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .....................................510 654-2934

Community Investment

Step Up and Do Something

Honors Class Club 100 Academic Classes

Rita Guess | Executive Director San Jose, CA .....................................408 772-8679

Community Membership

Step Up and Do Something

Supporting Economic Community Growth

Rita Guess | Executive Director

San Jose, CA .....................................408 772-8679

Consultant Services


Building Technology Around Your Business

Isaac Teckie | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 389-4572

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 56

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Self Awareness, Belief Systems, Inner Healing, Alignment, and Reset for Corporate Life

Marcie Anderson | PhD Employee Coach

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Mardin Amiri

16 years exp., in Smart & Affordable Office asneeded Workspace, Business Imaging Strategist

Mardin Amiri | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 210-2073

Margaret Jackson/AM 1220 KDOW/AM 1100 KFAX

Bay Area/Silicon Valley #1 Small Business Radio

Personality and Private Business Consultant 1M in annual sales

Daniel Herd |Director of Business Development

Bay Area, CA .......................................408 357-0951

Mountain Wisdom

Fix relational problems, improve the quality of life, Human Relations

Aleks Aris |Relational Consultant

Bay Area, CA .......................................408 475-7988

Ohlone College: Extended Opportunity Program & Services

“Dream, Believe and Achieve with EOPS!” A holistic approach to academic advising, vocational and career counseling from EOPS counselors.

Sandy Bennett |EOPS/CARE Coordinator

Fremont, CA ....................................510 659-6152

Corporate Employee Therapy

Kingdom Family Resources

Restoring a healthy employee workplace

Elizabeth Stewart | LMFT

Bay Area, CA ......................................408 800-7821

Corporate Events

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom

Breaking business & corporate traditions with epic business event experiences

Laura Buell| Executive Assistant

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 606-8148 and

Posh Events & Affairs

We are into the details that make events unique

Meredith Walker| Owner

Hayward, CA.......................................510 815-5306

Corporate Safety

Tip Now, Inc.

Campus Safety Anonymous Tips - Safety App

Cyril Rayan | CEO

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095

Corporate Video Production

C Sharp Video Productions

Corporate / Small Business / Promotionals / Voted Best in Milpitas

Christine Iglesias| Creative Director

Bay Area, CA......................................408 758-8293

Corporate Wellness

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Women Emotional Safety, Mindful Meditation, and Workplace Synergy - Free Assessment Call Today!

Marcie Anderson | PhD Employee Coach

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

CPR & First Aid Training

Deanna Martinez

CPR & First Aid Training for workplace emergencies

Deanna Martinez| Certified CPR AED Trainer

Bay Area, CA.......................................408 769-0816

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 57

Customer Loyalty Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Customer Loyalty Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner

San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

Creative Wellness

Be Provided

Creative Wellness & Conservation

Marcia Sivek | Owner

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863

DDigital Artist

Alvie Jackson, Digital Artist Independent Contractor

Animator Bringing Your Business to Life!

Alvie Jackson | Animator |Mentored by Pixar

San Jose, CA ...................................408 834-3964

SAE Expression College / Digital Art & Film Program

Offers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business

Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .....................................510 654-2934

EEducation, Training, Workshops & Tutoring

Club Z of West San Jose

Compassionate, Advocate for Education, school

tutoring, college prep tutoring, Educational Mentor

Shirin Amiri |Educational Director

San Jose, CA....................................408 600-2846

Empowering You Now

The key to unlock your potential

Carolyn Robinson |Founder

Silicon Valley/Bay Area....................408-674-7892

Education Entertainment

OuttheBox Ent.

Premiere Events, Bay Area, Live Music, All Occasions

Clay Bandy |Premiere Promoter

Silicon Valley, CA...............................408 963-8500


Kari Kelley

Compelling theatre play on results and impact of child abuse

Kari Kelley|Theatre Actress, Playwright, Author

Silicon Valley, CA...............................408 373-7263

Sheila Barnett Band

Musical Health & Wellness

Sheila Barnett-Zacca |Owner & Performer

Oakland, CA.......................................510 734-5697


SAE Expression College / Entertainment Program

Offers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .................................510 654-2934

Event Planners

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom

Event planner’s paradise, producing, designing, creative, out-of-box epic events

Clay Bandy| Premiere Promoter

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 963-8500 and

Event Planning

Posh Events & Affairs

A Full Service Event Planning Company

Meredith Walker| Owner

Hayward, CA...................................510 815-5306

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 58

E-Signature Platform (SaaS)

Sign On the Go

Signature, Blockchain-Secured e-documents,digital signature, electronically binding legal agreements

Ray Sylvain| Chief Executive Officer

Boca Raton, FL...................................703-864-9285

Event Venue

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom

Incredibly unique private event venues

Laura Buell| Executive Assistant Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 606-8148 and

FFamily Camp & Activities

Kingdom Family Resources

Rebuilding families through family camp activities

Elizabeth Stewart | MA, LMF Bay Area, CA ...................................408 800-7821

Family Therapy

Kingdom Family Resources

Restore a heart, restore a family, transform lives for a life time.

Elizabeth Stewart | MA, LMF Bay Area, CA ...................................408 800-7821

Financial Services

Financial Education Services

Credit Restoration, Debt Settlement, Business Credit

Ruth VanDerostyne | Credit Specialist Bay Area, CA ...................................888 977-1222

TransAmerican Financial Advisors

Financial Advising

Bradley Hamada | Financial Trainer Bay Area, CA ...................................408 712-2107


GGlobal Food Network BigZpoon

A profitable and Eco-friendly way to reduce restaurant food waste. Local, National, International Restaurants Rescue Your Food.

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO

Fremont, CA ....................................415 251-3333

Graphic Design

Hoolio Hoops Graphic Design

SBC Magazine Designer - Freelance Designer for small businesses

Julio Pardo | Chief Designer & Creative

Raleigh, NC....................................408 857-4388


Government Procurement

California Department of Corrections

Getting Certified as a Small Business (SB/DVBE) Statewide|Advocacy |Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA ..................916 255-3029

California Department of General Services

Getting Certified as a Small Business (SB/DVBE) Advocacy Unit|Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA ..................800 559-5529x3#

California Department of Forestry and Fire

Getting Certified as a Small Business (SB/DVBE)


Sacramento Capital, CA ..................916 323-0470 advocates

California Department of Transportation

Getting Certified as a Small Business (SB/DVBE)

Procurement Division|Advocacy| Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA .................916 227-6000

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 59

California High-Speed Rail Small, Disadvantaged, and Disabled Veteran Business Contracts

Small Business Advocate| Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA .................916 330-5672 or

San Jose Water Company

Supply Diversity Procurement Opportunities

Tim McLaughlin | Manager Supplier Diversity & Community Involvement

San Jose, CA ......................................408 512-4760

HHair Replacement

Vanda Salon

Providing the optimal in hair loss treatment, replacement and paramedical camouflage

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Hair Stylist

Embracing Your Essence

43 Shadyleaf Ct Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Patsy Sanders | Master Hairstylist, Image Coach & Speaker

Santa Rosa, CA..................................707-889-9600

Healthcare Staffing

Ability Therapy Staffing

Physical Therapy Staffing Agency “Medical Staffing Specialist”

Andrew Javellan | Manager San Jose/Bay Area, CA.........................408 659-6105

Health & Wellness

Bay Area Men’s Health

Specializes in pelvic health & fitness for men over 50 Numbiya Aziz | Men’s Health Specialist

San Jose, CA.....................................510 663-8106

Earnest Love, Inc.

Emotionally healthy women are healthy profissionals

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Eternal Health & Wellness

Balance Your Energy Balance Your Life

Dr. Quli Zhou | Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA.......................................408 241-6638

Jacqueline Turner Spa

Health & Wellness/Romance & Health

Jacqueline Turner | Alternative Health Specialist

Emeryville, CA...................................408 241-6638

Hospital Healthcare

Roger W. Washington, MD

Published Author, Sleep Health Speaker, Primary Physician, International Medical Graduates

Roger W. Washington| M.D. Civil Surgeon, Author, Family Medicine, Sleep Health Speaker

Santa Clara /Bay Area, CA...............NA

Human Resource Compliance

Franklins Consulting

HR Compliance/Data Security/Whistleblower

Nancy Franklin | HR Compliance Consultant

South Jordan Utah...........................801 910-5605

IInsurance Services

Tressa Williams Agency

State Farm Providing Insurance & Financial Services

Tressa Williams | Insurance Agent

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 243-4400

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 60

Wettenstein Insurance (No-Fee Insurance)

Personal/Commercial & Small Biz/Life/Health/Special

Warren G. Wettenstein | Independent Broker

Milpitas, CA .....................................408 824-1450

JYour Ad Subscription Here!


Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Environmental Test Chamber Types are, Burn-In, HAST/PCT, HTOL/LTOL, Humidity, Salt/Fog/Spray

Corrosion, Sand & Dust, Rain Splash, and Drip, Temperature Cycling, Thermal Cycling, Thermal Shock, Customized Walk-In Chambers

Aylia Rizvi | COO

San Jose/Bay Area CA .................408 945-7861


KYour Ad Subscription Here!

Architeckie Get Visible, Get Sales

Isaac Teckie | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 389-4572

LLead Generation Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Lead Generation Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner

San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

Legal Services


Legal Protection Family/Small Biz/Employee/Identity

Verna Jones | Independent Associate Milpitas, CA .....................................650 533-5725

Money 2.0 Business On The Edge/AM 1220 KDOW Sponsorships, Commercials, Live Ads Mass Comm. Team Edge |Build Your Brand Image Bay Area, CA .....................................408 205-4056

Massage Therapy

Eternal Health & Wellness

Swedish, Deep Tissue,Aromatherapy,Acupressure, Tui Na

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine & Massage

Milpitas, CA........................................408.241.6638

Jacqueline Turner Spa

Health & Wellness/Romance & Health

Jacqueline Turner | Massage Therapist

Emeryville, CA...................................408 241-6638

Mens Health

Bay Area Men’s Health

Men’s Health Athletic Stretch Massage Performance


Numbiya Aziz |Men’s Health Specialist

San Jose, CA (Bay Area)...................408 909-0291

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 61

Mental Health Support

Earnest Love, Inc.

Heal, Love, Live, Emotional Support from sexual trauma

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Mobile App


Make our planet greener, one meal at a time.

Download Free Mobile App for Discounted

Restaurant Meals

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO

Fremont, CA ....................................415 251-3333

Money Abundance for Business

Mountain Wisdom

Money Abundance, Cashflow, Optimize operations for a business

Aleks Aris | MAP Abundance Consultant

Bay Area, CA.......................................408 475-7988

Money Abundance for Individuals

Mountain Wisdom

Money Abundance, Cashflow, Personal challenges with money

Aleks Aris | MAP Consultant

Bay Area, CA.......................................408 475-7988


South Valley Review Newspaper

Better at knowing what matters to you

Brigitte Jones | Publisher & Advertising Agent

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 898-7534

Non Profit Organizations DONATE

Caring Neighbors, Enterprises Incorporated

Feeding Bay Area’s Elderly & Children $1 Campaign

Laromen Green| Executive Director

Bay Area, CA....................................408 469-4065

Earnest Love, Inc.

Support women healing from sexual trauma

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Firehouse Community Development Center

Donate to Increase Highschool Student’s Grade

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622

Step Up and Do Something

26 Steps A-Z Improving the Community

Rita Guess | Executive Director

San Jose, CA ......................................408 772-8679


Sustainable Positive Transformation, Self-aware and Self-Directed

Gaylon Logan| Executive Director Bay Area, CA....................................510 564--4240

NNature Journaling

Be Provided Conservation Radio

Nature Events, Expression, Outdoors, Smell the Roses

Marcia Sivek | Journaling Coach (Coming in the Fall)

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863



The Key to Good Nutrition

Verna Jones | Independent AssoHerbalife Member

Milpitas, CA .....................................408 471-9072

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 62

OOccupational Therapy Staffing

Ability Therapy Staffing

Recovering regain occupational skills from injuries, age, and disabilities

Andrew Javellan | Manager

San Jose/Bay Area, CA.........................408 659-6105

Office Support & Supplies


The Key to Good Nutrition

Print Staff | Print Services/Office Furniture & Supplies

Milpitas, CA .....................................408 956-9204

Opportunities for Academic Success

Ohlone College: Extended Opportunity Program & Services

“You are not alone!” EOPS fosters a collaborative learning environment that leads students to academic and personal success.

Sandy Bennett |EOPS/CARE Coordinator

Fremont, CA ....................................510 659-6152

Online Courses

Be Provided Online Courses

Slow Down, Relax, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nutrition

Marcia Sivek | Online Instructor

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863

On the Edge WIB 3P Nexus

Small Business Concierge Magazine

A platform that showcases women in business

Margaret Jackson | Publisher of SBC Magazine & CLUB President

Bay Area/Silicon Valley.........................408 205-4056

B & R Media Group

Publisher of South Valley Review, Ad Agency, Media buyer, Advertising Guru

Brigitte Jones | Advertising Agent

Bay Area, CA ........................................408 898-7534

Eternal Health & Wellness

Acupuncture for Stress Relief

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA........................................408 241-6638

Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Women/Girls Tech Tours, S.T.E.A.M. Advocate for Girls, Aylia Rizvi | Speaker Colleges, Schools, Universities

San Jose, Bay Area, CA.......................408 945-7861

Kroot Private Investigations LLC License#PI 128940

Family Law, Witness Interviews, Court Records Research, Criminal Defense, Civil, Background Investigation, Service of Process

Tracey Kroot | Private Investigator

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 309-7064

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Book: Are We There Yet?: Enlightenment for Busy People - Get a FREE Assessment when you buy my book!

Marcie Anderson | PhD Author & Speaker Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Marilyn Randolph

Family Child Care Guide - Start a Child Care Business

Marilyn Randolph | Author & Speaker Bay Area, CA .....................................408.389-8672


Workbook containing legal documents for turning 18

Cheryl Nelson | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 614-1628

Positive Progression Inc.

Treatment Programs Designed to Meet Every Need

Katy Mc Dowell | Executive Director

San Jose, CA .....................................888 333-3963

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 63

Tamika Ellsworth, EQ1 DRE: #01782633

Homebuying training, buyers, sellers, faith, ten commandments of home loans, Kingdom Building

Tamika Ellsworth | Faith Homebuying Director

Bay Area, CA ....................................408 561-7922

Tisha’s Table

Cookbook Author, Fresh Food, Baked Goods, Gourmet Cupcakes, Custom Menus, Cooking Lessons

Tisha Wylie Jeffers | Chef

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 755-0353

Tressa Williams Agency

State Farm Providing Insurance & Financial Services

Tressa Williams | Insurance Agent

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 243-4400

Vanda Salon

Providing the optimal in hair loss treatment, replacement and paramedical camouflage

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

PPhysical Therapy Staffing

Ability Therapy Staffing

Promote ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability

Andrew Javellan | Manager San Jose/Bay Area, CA.......................408 659-6105

Podcast Programs

Be Provided Conservation Radio

Nature, Conservation, Peace of Mind

Marcia Sivek | Radio Podcast Host

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863

On the Edge Purpose Radio Podcasts

On the Edge Business Training & Industry Professionals

Margaret Jackson | Radio Podcast Host

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 205-4056

Politics & Business

The Social-Preneur

The Leadership Coach to Ambitious Women

Chandra Brooks | Politics & Leadership Coach

San Jose, CA .....................................N/A Publishers

Amari Rise Publishing and Coaching Services

Book Coaching for Authors, Publishing

Marilyn Randolph | CEO “Empowerment Author”

San Jose, CA .....................................530 430-7743

Politics & Business

The Social-Preneur

The Leadership Coach to Ambitious Women

Chandra Brooks | Politics & Leadership Coach

San Jose, CA .....................................N/A

Private Investigation

Kroot Private Investigations LLC License#PI 128940

Family Law, Witness Interviews, Court Records

Research, Criminal Defense, Civil, Background Investigation, Service of Process

Tracey Kroot | Private Investigator

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 309-7064

Private Personal Chef

Tisha’s Table

Cookbook Author, Fresh Food, California Eats, Culinary Bootcamp, Custom Menus, Cooking Lessons

Tisha Wylie Jeffers | Chef

Bay Area, CA ......................................408 755-0353

Purchase Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Purchase Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner

San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 64

Your Ad Subscription Here!

SSales Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Sales Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

RReal Estate

FCC Realty DRE 01300425

Real Estate Products & Services

Frank Cancilla | Broker

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 821-1291

Realty One Group Infinity

Helping You Make the Right Move

Mardin Amiri | Real Estate Agent

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 210-2073

Real Estate Training Solutions

Tamika Ellsworth, EQ1 DRE: #01782633

Homebuying training, buyers, sellers, faith, ten commandments of home loans, Kingdom Building

Tamika Ellsworth | Faith Homebuying Director Bay Area, CA ..................................408 561-7922

Residential Construction & Remodeling

Rockstrong Development Inc.

Bathroom Remodeling, Kitchen Remodeling, Home Remodeling, New Home Construction, Stone & Epoxy Overlay, Quality Work, On-Time, Licensed Work.

Amir Amiri | Owner & President Bay Area San Jose, CA ......................408 694-3472

Restaurant BigZpoon

Increase your profitability by reducing food waste.

Download BigZpoon Biz App to grow your profits in eco-friendly way

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO

Fremont, CA ......................................415 251-3333

Small Business Expos & Summits

Small Business Expo, Largest B2B Tradeshow in the Nation 75,000+ attendees

Featuring more than 25 Workshops, Panel Discussions, Networking Opportunities and Over 100 Exhibit

Susah Baah | Media Partnerships

Bay Area, CA .....................................N/A

Soul Project Manager

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Bringing awareness, healing, and meditation

Marcie Anderson | PhD Executive Director Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358


DO Enterprises

Author | Executive|Inspiration

Devin Oten | Entrepreneur Philantropist Bay Area, CA .....................................510 319-6079

Margaret Jackson/AM 1220 KDOW/AM 1100 KFAX Radio Personality|Motivation Exec.| Dynamic|Humor

Daniel Herd |Director of Special Events

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 205-4056

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Personal Patterning Neutralize Negative Habits

Marcie Anderson | Ph., Executive Coah Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 65

Special Event Planning

Posh Events & Affairs

Classy, capable, professional. We love to plan events

Meredith Walker| Owner

Hayward, CA........................................510 815-5306

Speech Therapy Staffing

Ability Therapy Staffing

Speech Disorders augmentative & alternative communication systems, autism spectrum disorders, or progressive neurological disorders

Andrew Javellan | Manager

San Jose/Bay Area, CA.......................408 659-6105

Spiritual Counseling

Mountain Wisdom

Spiritual counseling, Energy healing, Reality transformation

Aleks Aris |Spiritual Minister

Bay Area, CA .......................................408 475-7988

Staffing Service

SlingShot Connections

Staff Talent. Build Solutions

Thereza Chattmon | VP Talent Solutions

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 247-8233


Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Studennt Tech Tours, S.T.E.M Student Projects

Aylia Rizvi | Speaker Colleges, Schools, Universities

San Jose, Bay Area, CA.......................408 945-7861

Supply Diversity


Building A Stronger, Better, More Diverse eBay ebay Inc. Staff

San Jose, CA .................................N/A

San Jose Water Company

Supply Diversity & Procurement

Tim McLaughlin | Manager Supplier

Diversity & Community Involvement

San Jose, CA ..................................408 512-4760

TTax Strategies

Financial Education Services

Capital Gains Tax Strategist

Ruth VanDerostyne | Expert Tax Strategist Trainer

Bay Area, CA ...................................888 977-1222

FCC Realty DRE 01300425

Gains Tax Strategist

Frank Cancilla | Tax Strategist Introducer

Bay Area, CA ....................................408 821-1291

Tax Wealth

Comprehensive Tax Solutions

Bruce Jones | President | Tax Educator

Mission Viejo, CA ........................800 300-4723


Tip Now, Inc.

Making Communities Safer “See Something Say Something!”

Cyril Rayan | CEO

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095

Testing Services

Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Environmental Test Chamber Types are, Burn-In, HAST/PCT, HTOL/LTOL, Humidity, Salt/Fog/Spray

Corrosion, Sand & Dust, Rain Splash, and Drip, Temperature Cycling, Thermal Cycling, Thermal Shock, Customized Walk-In Chambers

Aylia Rizvi | COO

San Jose/Bay Area CA .................408 945-7861

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 66

Travel Services

Spectacular Odysseys

Curator of Fine Travel

Narmada Ramakrishnan | Founder/CEO

San Jose, CA ..................................408 944-9164

Twin Travels

Taking the Pain Out of Planning Your Travel

Alicia Owens | Travel Specialist

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 421-4704

UYour Ad Subscription Here!

Wedding Events

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom

An extraordinary wedding experience for the bride & groom, building a lifetime of memories

Clay Bandy| Premiere Promoter

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 963-8500 and

Posh Events & Affairs

All you have to do is show up and smile

Meredith Walker| Owner Hayward, CA.......................................510 815-5306

Women In Business

Earnest Love, Inc.

Helping women heal from sexual trauma

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Women Networking Groups

VVideo Production

C Sharp Productions

Video production: Increase Leads, Employee Retention, and productivity best in the Bay Production | Free Video Production Quote

Milpitas, CA..........................................408 758-8293

WWeight Loss

Eternal Health & Wellness

Acupuncture & Lipo Light For Weight Loss

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA..........................................408 241-6638

Sister 2 Sister Women with purpose working together to positively impact the world

Susan Chigwada | Visionary Bay Area, CA.......................................530 340-6213

Women’s Networking Alliance

Relationship-based networking. Build relationships and your business will grow.

Tracey Lee Davis | Vice President

Bay Area, CA.......................................669-244-4620

Women In S.T.E.A.M.

Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Women/Girls Tech Tours, S.T.E.A.M. Advocate for Girls, Aylia Rizvi | Speaker Colleges, Schools, Universities

San Jose, Bay Area, CA.......................408 945-7861

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 67

XConcierges Coming Soon

Y/E 2.0 Parenting

Firehouse Community Development Center

YouTube Video & FB Live

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622

Y/E 2.0 Therapy

Kingdom Family Resources

Restoring professional young adults

Y/E 2.0

YFirehouse Community Development Center

YouTube Video & FB Live

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622

Y/E 2.0 Leadership & Innovation

Tip Now, Inc.

Leadership & Innovation Follow Your Dreams

Cyril Rayan | College Speaker

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095

Elizabeth Stewart | MA, LMFT

Bay Area, CA ...................................408 800-7821

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| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 68
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 69

Upcoming 2021 Events

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 70
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 71

Date Event Location | Contact Info

January 2021

Every Friday AM 1220


Prime Time

Money 2.0 Business on the Edge with Margaret Jackson

LISTEN LIVE: 6:00pm - 7:00pm PST and iHeart Radio

February 2021

Every Friday AM 1220


Prime Time

Money 2.0 Business on the Edge with Margaret Jackson

LISTEN LIVE: 6:00pm - 7:00pm PST and iHeart Radio

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 72

Date Event Location | Contact Info

March 2021

Every Friday AM 1220 KDOW

Prime Time

Money 2.0 Business on the Edge with Margaret Jackson


6:00pm - 7:00pm PST and iHeart Radio

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 73

Choose a Membership Package

Submit your ad insertion and business listing - Kick-Off 2021 with a Fresh Start!

Content Marketing the Digital Wave to Small Business Success & Growth

| Fall-Winter 2020-2021 74
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 75 Money 2.0 Money 2.0 BUSINESS EDGE ON T HE BUSINESS PROBLEM THE SMALL SOLVER Margaret Jackson #1 Small Business Radio Personality in Silicon Valley. Friday Nights Live 6pm-7pm PST Small Business Concierge Radio Segment. Join the Coach for more exposure!

Superior Results Inspired Designs

Let Posh Events and Affairs bring your dreams and visions to fruition. We are your special events solution.

Creative & Imaginative Strategies

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Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.