Small Business Concierge, Silicon Valley Edition Summer 2021 Celebrates Historic Juneteenth

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Historic Special Edition

Juneteenth 1865

You Were Born for Greatness

I’m Still Here. A Grateful Matriarch Shares Her Story of Overcoming Life

| Summer 2021 2 Power Women Power Secrets Seminar Booking Information 408 205-4056 Margaret Jackson #1 Small Business Radio Personality in Silicon Valley Book the Power Speaker Today!
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 3 View the Small Business Concierge Magazine Silicon Valley Summer 2021 edition online @
| Summer 2021 4 Departments 36 54 72 90 10 30 20 A Letter From Margaret Jackson 08 Table of Contents 38 Women In Small Business Bridging the Gap Small Business Concierge Advantage Guide Upcoming Events Small Business Science Lab S.T.E.A.M. Y/E 2.0 I’m Still Here. A Grateful Matriarch Shares Her story of Overcoming Life 58 The Bottom Line

Juneteenth 1865


After a year, I dined out. Safely.

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Contents 22 66
Silicon Valley SNUG
Were Born for Greatness Juneteenth 1865 African American Communities: Steps to Building Generational Wealth
| Summer 2021 6 More. Better. Faster. 12 SV SBDC Executive Director Dennis King talks Small Business 16 Leadership in the Next Generation 24 What You Speak About: You Will Bring to Life -Speak Life 28 14 Subscribe for Your Advantage Membership Boost Your Business with Employee Engagement
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 7 Magazine|SiliconValley ViolentPrevent CrimeonCampuses “AreMore.Better.Faster. younot CatrinaBlair StateofCaliforniaDGS SmallBusinessCertifications MargaretJackson DennisKing ofExecutiveDirector BusinesstheSiliconValleySmallDevelopmentCenter DefiningMargaret JacksonasaLeader COVID-19Small BusinessPivotTips TheSoftSoundof LegacyandLeadership Dr.GariBrowning PowerWomenPowerSecrets |Spring2020Extended MONEY 2.0 Business On the Edge Fridays 6pm-7pm PST Primetime Blockchain What You Need to Know 32 Seven Things You Should Know Before Creating Your Visual Identity Mastering the Little Details to Wedding Planning 48 Beyond the BOP 62 How to Reach Your Sales Goals 70 56 What does the Crown Act Mean For Black People With Natural Hair In The Workplace 60 Understanding Your FICO Score 34
| Summer 2021 8 Editorial


Julio C. Pardo III


Margaret A. JACKSON


Jesse L. Lee


Devin Oten


Margaret A. Jackson


Ruth Benjamin, Bradley Hamada, LaToya Hardy, Chris Horton, Margaret A. Jackson, Vanda McCauley, Jesse L. Lee, Devin Oten, Marilyn Randolph,Kelly Sheahan

Ray Sylvain, Meredith Walker, Warren Wettenstein

SBC In-House Team Writers



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Courtesy Images: Vanda Salon

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AM 1220 KDOW

Business On the Edge Radio Show

Small Business Concierge

PUBLISHED BY Small Business Concierge Communications & Digital Media

Summer Issue 2021

2020-2021 © Copyright, All Rights Reserved

Alvie C. J. Jackson

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Small Business Science Lab

| Summer 2021 10

Science Lab: Exploration, Innovation, Creation, Big Ideas, Organization, Infrastructure, and more, you will find it in the Small Business Science Lab.

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More. Better. Faster.

Let’s face it, business is easy. You sell a service or product, collect your money, and make a profit. As easy as it sounds, when you combine the complexities of law, accounting, sales and marketing, operations, human resources, purchasing, information technology, as well as research and development things get increasingly more complicated. If you’re a neophyte entrepreneur, the key is to eliminate as much risk as possible to realize an opportunity’s full potential. This article is about what an entrepreneur must do to develop a better organization and to create a firm that can withstand volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous marketplaces. Many business organizations fail because they do not execute one or more of the basic critical success factors well enough to survive. Remember, the basics are simply to sell, collect your money, and make a profit.

You may be wondering exactly where to start to get your business off the ground. Consider your unique value and current position. People possess one or more of three types of experiences that will propel an individual into business. The first is the person who has journeyman skills and who knows a trade or profession. Sufficient experience can be gained by getting an education in a professional or technical field as well as by performing on-the-job training. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have an industry standard certification under hand too. Second, a person may have managerial experience or may know the ins and outs of a trade or industry that gives him/her valuable insight that can be marketed. Third is the inventor, who has an idea that can be patented and exploited. A proof of concept can be developed while raising sufficient capital to go to market.

| Summer 2021 12

Maybe you have already started a business (ad) venture. You may be frustrated because your business is not where you want it to be. You may be having time management trouble because you are being pulled in several different directions throughout the day and find that there is not enough time to complete your job. Perhaps, you realize you cannot do it all by yourself. You may be banging your head against a wall and need a real breakthrough. We will present clear, concise, bleeding-edge business advice as if we are your partners – because we are. At Business Concierge, we are serial entrepreneurs who have been there, done that, and wanted more, better, faster.

Some things don’t change. Success in business means having the ability to plan, execute, and innovate so that customers get what they need and demand as well as to solve customer problems that other suppliers haven’t figured out yet. Success also means quickly finding out the underhanded things people do who do not have your best interests at heart or who have motives contrary to your company’s vision and mission. It’s not at all about how much money you make, it’s about how much you are able to keep. When practical, learning the fine points of finance, legal tax avoidance, how to double your money as quickly and safely as possible, as well as other topics are also important.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 13

Boost your business with employee engagement

Boost your business with employee engagement

Reach out and connect with someone may sound a little like Hallmark. However, when the life and soul of your business depends on attracting talent, retaining good employees, reaching out and connecting, employee engagement is the number one priority. What exactly is employee engagement? How can it boost your business?

Employee engagement is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs and are committed to working in your organization. Ask yourself these quick questions to find out if your employees are engaged. Do your employees know the goals and objectives of the company? Do employees see a clear link between their work and the company goals and objectives? Are your employees proud to be working with you and the other members of their team?

Why should employee engagement be vital to you? Employee engagement is essential to the success of every business. Statistics show that each year companies lose over 20% of their employees and replacing an employee can cost as much as 150% of their annual salary. When employees are engaged not only do they have a pleasant work environment, customer service improves, and productivity increases. Successful employee engagement leads to increased profits and contributes to future growth. Everybody wins!

In Silicon Valley, it is easy to be intimidated by the benefits that larger companies offer. How do you compete with a fully-stocked food court or the fancy commuter shuttles that some Silicon Valley giants provide? Studies show that benefits attract, but culture builds commitment. In short, food is a great perk but it’s the recognition, job satisfaction, and

company culture that retain employees. Nine years ago, when we started SlingShot Connections in Silicon Valley, our budget seemed very David to others’ Goliath budgets, yet we have built an engaged and vital culture where everyone works hard with creativity, camaraderie, and dedication. Based on our own experience and the experiences of our diverse and varied clients, we’ve found the following to be critical factors in employee engagement. Most of them are small, low-cost changes that can yield a high reward.

Create a sense of community. Make it personal. Celebrate birthdays, acknowledge work anniversaries. Foster a we-are-all-in-thistogether environment by recognizing individual and team contributions. Encourage collaboration and communication. Take the time to ask employees if they understand their job functions and if they understand how their jobs contribute to the overall goals of the company. Solicit and consider their opinions and recommendations. Try them out. Provide opportunities for professional development and to make creative contributions. Invest in training and this does not have to cost money. Check out the Internet for articles, podcasts, and other relevant employee engagement related information. YouTube gives numerous ideas for training, free trials, and access to all kinds of how-tos. Set monthly 1:1s with your team members. Ask employees to share their goals and create plans that help them achieve them. Finally, set goals together, recognize hard work, promote from within your company.

| Summer 2021 14
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 15

Silicon Valley Small Business Development Center, Executive Director Dennis King talks Small Business

I sat down with Dennis King, the Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to talk about small business and SBDC’s role in supporting those small businesses.

MJ: What are the most significant challenges facing small businesses?

King: There are several challenges, the first biggest challenge is the sense of isolation. Business people feel like they are taking on the whole world and there is no end of problems and challenges on a day by day basis. Sometimes they forget who their friends

MJ: There is some confusion around the difference between SBA and SBDC what are they?

King: SBA is the Small Business Administration, it is a federal department. The Director, Linda McMahon is appointed by the President of the United States and is ratified by Congress to serve in that position. She serves as a Cabinet, and on the Cabinet-level they are supposed to provide guidance to the President about matters that impact business. It is a political appointee, but it is a department with the government with its budget and offices spread out throughout the United States. San Jose, California is the largest city in the United States that does not have an SBA office in the City of San Jose. The closest SBA office, which includes the City of San Jose and this county is in San Francisco.

are and who they can turn to for advice to deal with particular issues. It is more of a cultural thing, and people need to realize how important they are for the community, not just for their families, but to those that they serve, to their customers and their community at large. I think that is one of the most significant challenges, is to stay connected. Then there are lots of things around it; there’s technology that is continually changing there supposed to be labor-saving devices no matter what industry that you are in, so it’s essential that you stay involved. Your education does not stop because you start a business it is just the beginning of a whole new plane.

SBA has many programs that have a wide variety of partners that deal with those programs. One of those programs is called the (SBDC) or the Small Business Development Center that program itself began under President Carter back in 1980. The original purpose was to be a coalition between colleges, universities, and the local business communities because they felt there could be a lot of training that could be of value to business owners as they get started, and along the way, that was the basic concept of it. Here in California, there are about 46 SBDCs, and almost all of those are hosted and managed by colleges. California was broken up into different regions to represent an SBDC office, by a state college or university, but the local programs were done by most of the local community colleges at least until we came along.

| Summer 2021 16
SBC Advantage (408) 205-4056

MJ: Right, which leads me to an interesting question, you’re an anomaly, why?

King: We became the first Chamber of Commerce in California to host an SBDC program. We became the first Chamber of Commerce, and of course, the first ethnic Chamber of Commerce as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce became the host and the manager of the program. They were a little reluctant to think that we could handle that because we are not a bureaucratic organization. Therefore, they came up with a compromise for us back in 2011, and that is to host and manage an SBDC Hispanic Satellite thinking that we could promote it to the community that we serve and that would be a natural extension. As a result, we were able to launch and manage the very first Hispanic SBDC Satellite in the Nation. Now, we don’t discriminate, so we do a lot more than the Latino community. In fact, when we first started out, we were particularly focused on communities of color, immigrant communities, mostly the marginalized business communities that have difficulty getting access to the mainstream resources like banking, loans, and investments those kinds of things; we thought that there was a genuine need for that. After doing that for two years, and exceeded expectations in all the metrics that they gave to us, job creation, job retention, new business starts, they gave us the right to host a second SBDC program which we are now doing, and that is the SBDC Silicon Valley. We are honored to have two of those programs, and they serve the whole community.

MJ: SBDC has its goals, but you have a reputation for having additional goals. What are those goals?

King: Each SBDC has a list of metrics that we are supposed to hit. Let me give you a more specific example, the Silicon Valley SBDC our goal for this year is to serve, 420 clients, independent business people, either people in business which are the first choice or people on the edge of getting into a business. We are supposed to help at least thirtysix new businesses get created; this is only for Santa Clara County. SBA also measures in jobs; this is essentially a job creation program. Our goal for the Silicon Valley side, we are supposed to create a 132 new jobs, new positions. We are also supposed

to save 114 jobs that are at risk of getting lost. The differences are measured, and if we don’t make a difference when we are interacting with a business owner, then we are not doing our job. SBA measures on loans and equity investments; the goal is to generate six million dollars in loans and six million dollars in capital investment in those small businesses. For the Hispanic Satellite it’s the same metrics, so double that for Santa Clara County.

MJ: Do you believe that the small business is the backbone of America?

King: Absolutely! Underneath the success of great companies here in Silicon Valley that have worldwide significance, people will look at those, but the small businesses that were here long before them and probably long after are the small businesses that provide the life of the community.

MJ: Is there an upswing of young entrepreneurs, emerging because of technology?

King: Yes and no. The yes, is that the younger generation does not need an education on the value of technology the young people have grown up with it. Technology has allowed the world to connect regarding promoting small businesses, with the ability to sell products and services internationally on a level that has never happened before in the world. Young people don’t need to be in awe of it; they are already used to it, and it’s easy to get the word out using a local company like eBay. Young people have more technology options and more familiarity than generations passed in using technology.

MJ: What is your best advice to an aspiring entrepreneur?

King: Probably, the challenge to stay connected to people that you trust. It’s one thing to work for yourself than by yourself. Therefore, you need to surround yourself with people that have skills that can help you grow your business. Running your own business is not nine to five activities, and you have to draw the line somewhere. Remember, that there is a whole community to support you and we want you to succeed.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 17

Silicon Valley SNUG

Juneteenth 1865

Juneteenth commemorates the effective end of slavery in the United States. This day marked when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after signing the Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday.

On January 10, 1970. Chris was born to Ronald and Mary Mitchell in New Orleans, LA. In 1973 Chris was adopted by his maternal grandparents Horace and Mattie Horton, who moved from New Orleans to Galveston, Texas where the announcement of General Orders No. 3: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.”

| Summer 2021 18

Growing up in Galveston, Texas, afforded me the annual celebration of Juneteenth. It did not hurt that this celebration was shortly after the end of the school year, not a bad way to kick off Summer Vacation.

Juneteenth was a convener of all Black/African Americans. This celebration encompassed history, sorrow, pain, tribulations, and sacrifice. At the same time, Juneteenth celebrated the end of suppression, paving a pathway for opportunity, advancement, and liberation.

Today, the 21st Century has experienced unprecedented systemic and institutional barriers for Black/African Americans. In the last 16 months alone, the Black/African American community has experienced and virtually observed racial and social unjust. In response, NorCal SBDC launched The Inclusivity Project, a 22nd Century initiative to rebuild the Black/African American community and alter the generational cycles where Black/African Americas are left out, overlooked, or forgotten in the pursuit of the American Dream.

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Y/E 2.0 Young Entrepreneur

| Summer 2021 20

Young Entrepreneurs 2.0 are radical thinkers and bungee jumping risktakers. Dive in and support young entrepreneurship ventures.

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Silicon Valley SNUG

You Were Born For Greatness

Our young people live in a conflicted society, divided, and confused about who they are and why they are here. Countless news, tweets, Instagram and Facebook posts, and Tik Toks about who they are, who they are not. We live in an information society; whatever you want to know is on the Internet, so it is said. Life on the Internet’s global stage, yet answering a simple question, ‘Why am I here,’ remains elusive. Our young people are striving for a more incredible life, burning with ambition. Yet, they are filled with anxieties, inner turmoil, and trying to prove their self-worth and value. Here is an answer for all the young people that need an explanation about who they are and why they are here.

You were formed and designed for greatness. As a result, you are wonderfully unique in all your idiosyncrasies and quirks. No matter the reason you were born under good or bad circumstances, it was not your ask, so it could never be your fault for being born. Your reason for existing is to complete and fulfill the optimal destiny for your life. You were born for greatness, productivity, increasing and multiply, giving back, overcoming and conquering life’s challenges, and taking your rightful place in dominating your industry.

| Summer 2021 22

Build up your character and temperament so you may lead with integrity and strength; without it, you will never realize your full potential, which is greatness. Leadership roles are empty without exemplary character; people who engage without it are toxic and harmful, limiting their fullest potential. The first person that you have to guide, lead, and invest in is yourself. You were born for greatness, do not live less than your full potential.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 23

Leadership in the Next Generation

May 25, 2020, is a date that will resonate for decades to come. Mr. George Floyd became a martyr for civil and human rights in America, but his death signified a universal awakening. Mr. Floyd’s murder aside, the youth of this nation spoke loud and clear that enough is enough. In this article, it is not the writer’s intent to rehash the events of this tragic event but to highlight the resurgence of activism among young people worldwide in the aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s unfortunate and tragic death. What is next? Leadership needs to develop among the young, which will inspire the nations to action. Rahim (2018) postulated that integrity, fairness, and ethics nurtured from a very early age among young people bears note in the leadership paradigm and dynamic. These attributes help develop future leaders capable of resolving ethical, moral, and social dilemmas when leading from the front or the rear.

Social Movements, in many instances, have been initiated and galvanized among younger populations. However, Burrow (2014) posited that societal tradition is that young people exercise silence in the presence of adults. In the black community, in particular, children had no voice dating back to American enslavement. Yet during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, young adults around the country asserted themselves in making America understand that they were well aware of racial discrimination and its adverse effects on them and society as a whole (Burrow, 2014). In 2020 the world witnessed young adults take to the streets to underscore and reveal their dissatisfaction and intolerance for racial inequality and brought awareness to the harmful impact discrimination has made on the global community.

In closing, how do we assist and develop our young leaders and help them advance the skills needed for activism to attain desired outcomes? Badham (2004) answered the question by stating, “Children need to see results.” Brooks (2018) discussed that when young people marched on Washington, D.C., for gun control laws in 2018 to end school shootings, the audience filled with over 800,000 young people declared with one voice, “Give us knowledge, not guns.” Giving the youth of this generation the tools to legislate, deliberate, and facilitate change for the betterment of all people is a great place to start.

| Summer 2021 24
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 25

Silicon Valley SNUG

After a year, I dined out. Safely.

After sixteen months, without stepping foot into a restaurant to dine-in has come to an end. After being vaccinated with my family and as protected as possible, we will take what we can get. We were now ready to engage in a new and safe way publicly. To break the sixteen-month lock-down of not dining indoors, it had to be with my all-time favorite restaurant, Rosati’s pizza, in Roseville, California. It is a road trip of two and a half hours past our State’s capital city, Sacramento, California.

Christine Cefail Grau, my favorite restaurant owner on the planet, came outside the restaurant and met my family with giant hugs. If you are ever in Northern California and within driving distance, stop at Rosati’s and enjoy authentic Chicagoland pizza. It is authentic! It is the pizza of my choice when I am home in Illinois, the Chicagoland area. It is a five-star pizza; get the Rosati’s original pizza and sausage.

Tell Christine, that I sent you.

| Summer 2021 26
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 27

What You Speak About: You Will Bring to Life -Speak Life

Have you heard these words in your family or community? You ain’t going to be nothing. Do you really think that’s going to work? You’re so stupid! You will never amount to nothing. You can’t do this or that. You’re not going to be successful at that. You’re ugly. Who do you think you are? You ain’t nobody!

Words like these can kill our vision, steal our hope, poison our love, and destroy our dreams if we allow them to destroy us. As a young woman who experienced abuse, I would hear words that made me feel insecure and doubtful of myself and my abilities. But today, through selfevaluation, spirituality, and knowledge of self, I am empowered and committed to helping uplift other women and men who suffered from the trauma of abuse.

Cruelty, violence, sexual assaults, and incest are some forms that abuse takes. And while abuse appears in different forms and comes from various outside scenarios (systematic, family abuse, sexual abuse, community abuse), it is typically empowered to grow and fester from wounds within. Some of our ancestors were taken from Africa

as slaves against their will. Africans enslaved in this country were stripped of their culture, knowledge, language, identity, and self-worth through verbal and physical mistreatment; abuse became a tool to gain and retain control over their souls. And over time, the continuation of this treatment became effective ways to lower their self-esteem and [seemingly] break their minds and spirits. Today that same mentality and abuse pattern have been passed down through the generations to various people groups. Even though we of African descent are no longer in physical chains, it is possible that physiologically and emotionally, we have embraced a lot of the abusive learned methods passed down from our ancestors.

Although many of us realize that spoken words plant seeds in our minds, we must become more aware of the words that come out of our mouths. Our words have the power to gather, unite, heal, and empower.

Or we can use our tongues to separate, divide, harm, or conquer. Verbal abuse can rob you of the love of self. And when a man or a woman do not or cannot love themselves, they won’t be able to love others. As a result, it means they can poison their ability to contribute to the growth and wellbeing of both family and people in their community. Our children are our future legacy to the world at large. If we want them to lead right, we must teach them right. We can empower them through our words and actions. We can teach them that they are valued, and they can do anything that they put their minds to do. And as we learn to teach them that we value them, they will value others around them in return. When we teach them to value their lives, they will value the people’s lives around them. It all starts with the words we say to them and the seeds we plant in them. Do you want to bless your children, family, and community with words like this?

I love you.

You can do it.

I have confidence in you.

You’re beautiful.

You are worth fighting for

You’re brilliant.

You are a king. You are a queen.

Trust in yourself.

You are great.

You are somebody.

I am a living witness that you can free your mind and spirit of the control and destruction of violence and abuse. I know firsthand that some things in life are hard to overcome alone. That is why I want to give you some resources that could help you on your journey in overcoming abuse.

Empowerment coaching, workshops, support

Housing, support, outreach & prevention

Housing, workforce development, support

24-Hour Crisis Line

Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence & Human

Trafficking: 1.877.END.SADV (1.877.363.7238)

S.T.E.A.M. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

| Summer 2021 30
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 31 S.T.E.A.M: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematicsinnovating, and changing the world. 1 druk zewn.pdf 1 21.02.2019 16:03:16

Blockchain: What You Need to Know

Boca Raton, Fla – August 30, 2018 - With the continued expansion of global e-commerce, the need for trust or the ability to authenticate every transaction that is being processed through the internet is a must.

How can trust/authenticity be improved for the billions of transactions that happen every minute, globally?

Blockchain Technology. Yes. This technology is not all about cryptocurrency. Its utility goes beyond the cryptocurrency market. Business owners and decision-makers will need to know the truth and most importantly the future of blockchain. Choosing the right team is one of those make-or-break decisions that can either be the foundation of a successful business, or it’s complete undoing.

How does blockchain work?

It is a decentralized ledger based on blockchain, which in turn, is based on line of blocks and every one of these blocks is a tree of recorded transactions. The key thing to remember here is a decentralized ledger can be anything of value that one or more parties will need to track and/or validate. So, it is not just cryptocurrency. When a series of blocks are pulled together, a blockchain is now formed. All information on that blockchain can be encrypted and secured if desired. Another key thing here is that the blockchain that was formed is now part of a public network. A blockchain does not have to

be on a public network. It can be on a private network as well. This network has multiple nodes. Every node will retain a copy of that blockchain. To simplify this – this network should be considered as one distributed database. It is more or less a data structure, that has been established, which makes it nearly impossible to change at a later date without altering. Because the hashing algorithm of a block consists in part of a hash of the previous block, and that block has a hash of the previous block before that, this makes it difficult as the time passes to inject into some other blocks. That blockchain can be validated by anyone at any time without giving up personal information.

What are the possible utilities of blockchain for businesses in general?

There is currently a significant amount of use cases in this fast-evolving space. For example, a small business will be able to receive payments for work completed through its digital wallet. Another key thing to remember here is blockchain does not mean the same thing as cryptocurrency, it is metalevel – cryptocurrencies are based on the blockchain concept; digital wallet is a trait of currency, it has nothing to do with blockchain. An even more important note, there can be currencies without the wallet capability. Doing business with partners on a network will become a more trusted endeavor, because everyone on that network will have the needed validation available. Therefore, a small business with blockchain, will be able to avoid the exposure of future fraudulent transactions.

word in the document, the hash of the document will be totally different. Therefore, eliminating any attempt for fraudulent activity.

What are the current drawbacks of blockchain?

At this juncture, the network capacity is the main issue. The BITCOIN network can only process seven (7) transactions per second (TPS). The size limit for a block is only one megabyte (1MB). Today, the major credit card merchants can process at least 1,700 TPS. The BITCOIN community is currently working on this important issue and progresses are already being recorded where a block has grown from 1MB to 8MB. It seems that this issue will soon be After all, they will be representing your brand with every customer they interact with and every word of content they create.

The blockchain technology is disruptive. It is here to stay. It may be the technology that will provide the ultimate transparency that is truly needed in the e-commerce space alone. The cost avoidance in terms of fraudulent transactions that may be generated have not yet being assessed; however, one could predict that number will be in the billions of dollars.

Another way this technology is being used today is when multiple parties enter into an agreement and the instrument was processed through an e-signature platform, the parties involved will have the ability to prove the identity of the stored document. In this data structure, only the hash of the document file is stored, then anyone can compute the hash of that file again using a well-known algorithm to validate the existence of such hash in blockchain. So, when the executed document is published to the blockchain, it can be run through a cryptographic hashing algorithm, which produces a short hash for the executed document. If any successful attempt was made to even remove a single

Learn more or see a live use case of the blockchain technology in an e-signature platform, visit

Seven Things to consider before creating your visual identity

You have decided to take your ideas to the next level and start a business, so the “to-do” list now seems a mile long. Many new business owners think the first step is to design a logo, but here are seven things you should establish, for your brand, before hiring a design professional to work on your visual identity.

1. What is the name of your company?

It may seem like a “no-brainer,” but the name of your company and its spelling is essential. Researching to see if a business is already operating under that name is detrimental, therefore do your homework before settling on a name for your new business.

2. What is your mission, vision, and value proposition statements?

Your statements help to define the reason for your company’s existence. You should have an idea of one or all of these before branding your business so you can ensure that your visual identity aligns with your company’s purpose. A company void of vision is destined to fail.

3. What is your company’s online presence?

It includes the website domain, email addresses, social media accounts, and other ways to be contacted and marketed. It is critical to know if these accounts are available for you to secure and use for your new business.

4. What colors represent your company?

The color scheme that you choose for your visual identity is also a top priority because different colors convey different emotions and influence a person’s first impression of your company. You only get one chance to make a first impression so make it count.

5. What are your primary and secondary target audiences?

Knowing the age range, gender, culture and other aspects concerning the audience that your products or services are to market to, is enormous. You want to make sure that your brand catches the attention of the audience you need to attract, to sell your products and services more successfully.

6. What other design, collateral pieces will you need?

You can budget and prepare for additional pieces once your logo design is ready. Depending on what your company does, you may need business cards, a flyer, a website, social media collateral and so on, so you can successfully market your business through the different channels, once you are officially up and running.

7. What is your budget?

Always maintain a budget for additional collateral to strengthen your brand identity, as your business grows. Every company, regardless of the industry need a wellbranded image. The needs will change depending on the distribution platform, such as; print, web content, social media distribution, and so on. A well thought out marketing plan for your small business will help with the process saving time and money.

Of course, there are many more aspects to consider when creating your brand identity. Taking the time to secure a few of the major points above will have you well on your way, to directly working with a design professional, making your brand’s visual identity a success.

| Summer 2021 34
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 35 Creating your brand’s visual identity... Branding & Identity Packages Professional Presentations Logo’s professional graphic designers, dedicated to and more lektik designs contact us today

Women in Small Business

| Summer 2021 36

Superior Results Inspired Designs

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Small Business Concierge Magazine | 37 POWER women professionals and in Small Business meet them here!

I Am Still Here. A Grateful Matriarch Shares Her Story of Overcoming Life

Story Interview Part I:

We have what you would call the mommas in the black community— the matriarchs who instruct us in life lessons, get your education speeches, love of faith, and perseverance; they tend to be direct and unapologetic in their teaching and training. We relate to the Madea’s of the neighborhood; they have something to teach whether you wanted to hear it or not. In the black community, there is a deep respect for the mommas. We love them for their commitment to us. Cora Holmes is one of the mommas from my California neighborhood and community.

It was my honor to sit down with Cora Holmes on two ZOOM interviews to hear her story. Cora Mae Holmes, 81 years young, was born in Saint Maurice, Louisiana, and raised in California. She lives in East Palo Alto, California, in the same house for almost 49 years, with the same phone number. Cora has a story of pain, discouragement, faith, hope, and renewed encouragement. Cora is an unsung hero, a mother of six, a widow, and a no-nonsense Christian spiritual mentor to many people, including myself. Cora is a straight shooter, a WYSIWYG; what you see is what you get. She is an ordained minister and has walked with God since July 13, 1966.

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Why her story? Patriarchs and Matriarchs are full of wisdom, and this story is about the realities of the challenges of life and, you can face those adversities, hang on to faith, hope, and love like Cora, as she stands here today with great joy able to say, “I’m still here.” COVID-19 shook the entire planet, families, businesses, governments, and Cora’s story is a reminder of what is most important in this journey called life.

Cora's Voice-The Genesis:

In the last several years, my life has been met with physical and health obstacles so much that they impacted me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Living life became discouraging to the point I would ask God to let me die. I watched the quality of my life slipping away, and I felt helpless, hopeless, and at times faithless. In 2018 I fell and broke my right shoulder. I was 78 years old. At that point, I do not know what happened to me, but I started

doctor admitted me into the hospital that very same day.

spiraling downward. Twenty years ago, I had hip replacement surgery because my hip had worn out. In March of 2020, I was in excruciating hip pain. It was unimaginable and unbearable. I contacted my orthopedic doctor; he requested that I come in for an x-ray of the hip. The doctor asked me, how are you walking? I replied I do not know. My

On March 11, 2020, I had surgery on my right hip. The surgery went well, and I was sent home and doing well. Until I got an infection, I had to go back to the hospital eighteen days later, on March 29, 2020, and have a second surgery in the exactsame, incision location. In April 2020, I had to go back a third time to the hospital and have a third surgery in the exact-same incision location to be cut once again (Surgeries performed by Dr. D. Holtzman of Kaiser Hospital). After the third surgery, the pain was horrible, and I felt like, this is it, Lord, when I go to sleep, I do not want to wake up, but I did wake up. Here I was, living another day in unimaginable pain. I have six adult children, and they were all home to assist and help me. I was feeling emotionally low, broken, and defeated; I wanted to give up. I prayed and asked God, why did you leave me here? He replied in my heart, "So that you can tell your story."

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Cora's Voice-My Story:

So here is my story about God in my life. Despite all the pain and physical challenges, I found that God is a very good and gracious God. I have a severe blood disorder with anemia. I am a little emotional talking about this (as Cora's voice begins to gently shake when she begins to express God's goodness to her).

So here is my story about God in my life. Despite all the pain and physical challenges, I found that God is a very good and gracious God. I have a severe blood disorder with anemia. I am a little emotional talking about this (as Cora's voice begins to gently shake when she begins to express God's goodness to her). God has stabilized my blood. I am 80 plus 1. It is amazing to see what God has done for me. When I first came home from the hospital, I could not sit on a commode; I had to use a portable commode. I could not take care of my personal needs like bathing - I was distraught and wondering how I got this way?

When God told me to tell my story, it did something inside of me, and it gave me a new outlook on life. I thought to myself. Okay, God, someone must need to hear this story to be encouraged. I decided that I would tell my story, and it is that "God is a good God" I have been extremely ill. Still, God has brought me through it and is still getting me through it. Life is not without its obstacles and hurdles. Margaret, I am telling you that it has been an amazing journey. I can now walk from my bed to the bathroom. I can get in the shower. I can get into my car. I am amazed at the progress that God is blessing me with - it has just been amazing. As you get older, things change, and how you see those things are different. You find that the things

around you are not as important as you thought they were. I decided that I would make the best out of a bad situation - when life gives you a lemon, you make lots of lemonade - I have made a lot of lemonade. We are creatures of habit. I found that I liked to eat out of a particular bowl. I wanted my food on my plate a certain way - it is incredible how things change, and you realize that things are trivial, and they have no meaning - it is like when King Solomon said, "it's all meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless said the preacher" and it is. It is all temporary - you here, you live, you die - the end for all of us is death. We work hard to attain and acquire things, then we die and leave them. Solomon says in chapter two or three - "Who is to say what will happen to my goods when I am gone?" When my mother died, we threw almost all her things away. It was useless for us. While I am here and living, I am trying my best to make the most of it. It has been a good journey. I have accepted where I am - I am going to stop because I am getting too emotionalthank you. (First interview ended.)

Every day is a different day for me; I was exposed to COVID and got tested, the results came back negative. I am praising God for that result. I cannot tell you how God the Creator has been to me in terms of - through all this “I’m Still Here, I’m Still Here!” (as Cora’s voice quivers and cracks out of the goodness of God to be here living and breathing). God, you blessed me to be here still, and I am so grateful. If this story never goes anywhere, I am grateful that I could tell it to you, Margaret.

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Small Business Concierge Magazine | 41 Part II: Prayer Life

Part II: Prayer Life

I believe in prayer. I am a woman of prayer. I believe that prayer works, and that God answers all prayer either yes, no, or wait. Sometimes I must wait, sometimes the answer is no, or sometimes it is God; What am I supposed to learn in all of this? I have to say through all this illness; I learned that everything is temporary. Solomon says in the book of Ecclesiastes, "Meaningless, meaningless; everything is meaningless. We die and leave it all." The most important thing for me in my process is that I am doing everything to treat my-fellow-man right. That is the most important thing to me. I do not want to dishonor; I don't want to criticize; I don't want to be cynical of anyone because everybody has issues, problems, and shortcomings.

Part III: Interview Questions

MJ: Can I ask you a couple of questions?

CH: You can ask me anything, and I will be forthright with you.

MJ: I know that you are a woman of prayer, and a lot of people do not believe in prayer or have wacky prayers. The world is confused about praying and hearing from God and what that means. Can you share why prayer is so important to you and why does it work for you, or someone says, why does it work for Cora, and it does not work for me?

CH: Number one, Margaret, I believe that God called me to prayer. I did not do it on my own. I will never forget back in the late 70s, the Lord spoke to me and said, intercede for my people. I did not know what the word intercedes meant. I called Dorothy, my sister, and she said, "It is standing in the gap." I believe God called me to prayer. I love to pray. I have spent many hours in prayer. One of the reasons

that I believe God hears me is that I don't put more confidence in anybody else's prayer than my prayer. It is key to believe that God hears you like he hears anybody else because he does hear your prayers. As I said, the answer may be yes, no, or wait. You must be in-tuned to know if it is yes, no, or you are waiting.

I know it works because I have seen it work and have experienced it working. For example, I wanted to give some money anyway, but I didn't want to go into my personal- money to do it. Someone sent me a card with the exact amount that I wanted to give away in it, so that is what I did. I know that God hears us when we pray. I have learned that - it is okay to be real with God - admit it - having a rough day - admit it, and your help is there. We do not have to pray elaborate prayers. We can say, "Help me, Lord, give me strength, give me peace." God will answer your prayer, but you must believe and have faith that he hears you.

MJ: Would you say that more people pray but don't believe or have faith that God hears them?

CH: Yes. I believe that people are praying, but they don't believe that God hears them, or they don't have the confidence or faith to believe that God hears them or the confidence to know that God hears them like he hears the pastor or priest. But God does hear and listens to your prayers. We may not have them answered the way we envision it, but God hears prayers, and he answers prayers.

MJ: What would you say to those reading this article that may be asking how do you learn to pray?

CH: I would tell them to get their favorite

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bible and open it up to the book of Ecclesiastes, the book of Psalms, the book of Job, and start reading. When I pray, I pray the Word of God. The Word of God says, "that my Word would not return unto me void but will accomplish what I send it to do." When I pray, I say God; this is your Word; send it out. I am praying it, you establish it, I am declaring your Word, and he has to be the One that establishes the Word prayed.

For instance, if I were going to pray for Margaret Jackson. I would say Father God in Jesus' name; I know that the Lord is Margaret's shepherd she shall not want you are the One that causes her to lie down in the green pasture, you are the One that leads her beside still waters and gives her strength. Then I might go on to pray that my six children are disciples taught of the Lord, and I call each of their names. I have learned to pray the Word because the Word works. I don't beg God and tell God what to do. I don't pray and ask God to touch Margaret Jackson; if I want Margaret Jackson touched, get up off my lazy self and touch Margaret Jackson myself and pray. (We laughed.) Why would I want to ask God to do something that I can do? Yes. I have learned to pray the Word because praying the Word works.

MJ: We have seen many strange things during this pandemic with people of faith responding to the pandemic, the presidency, and election? What do you think God is saying?

CH: I believe God is saying be still and know that I am God and accept what I allow. Because no matter how we pray, God has the final say. We are not exempt from the testing and trials of life. We, as Christians, are not okay; that is the point of being a Christian. We need God to help us.

People from all nations and faith pray, but you have got to believe what you pray. You got to believe what you ask for and believe that God is going to hear you, not somebody else, but he is going to hear you. God will confirm things through someone else, but God has already told you, but we don't want to hear it because we don't have the confidence to trust that God is speaking to us.

MJ: Why do you think the world is confused about who God is?

CH: I think because there are so many mixed messages, that is my belief, I don't know. I

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can only say what I believe. I believe that we get too many mixed messages. We have got to learn how to hear the voice of God for ourselves.

MJ: We have different types of readers. Some know God, and some do not know God or do not believe that there is a God. What do you say to the person that says if you think or believe that you hear from God, you're crazy?

CH: My thoughts are your inner being, the core of who you are, and the God in you. We were taught a distorted view of God. We were taught wrong. I was taught wrong, but if we can accept what God says and what God is doing in our lives, we will have more confidence in our prayer and more confidence in God. That is what I believe, but I could be wrong, but that is my perception.

MJ: A person reading this article wants to learn how to build their relationship with God; how do they do it? What would you tell them to do?

CH: I would tell them to spend five minutes in prayer or talking to God or praying the Word and five minutes listening. Your relationship with God is personal.

MJ: Right.

CH: You have to go where you can hear from God.

MJ: I have a prayer chair, now, in my office.

CH: Right. Meditate. First, read the Word, study the Word, and pray the Word. We have to learn to pray, listen, and study. Meditate on the things of God. In your mind, you can have conflicting thoughts. When that happens, don't do anything but wait. You will learn if it is God or not. There were times that I wanted to talk to my children, and I would hear "Wait" because the time was not right, and they would not have heard what I had to say. I had to learn to wait and not be in a rush.

MJ: What three things would you change or do differently in your life?

CH: Number one the way I value things. I would value things that are valuable, which are relationships, love, and being kind.

Number two, I would have been home with my children more to pray. I taught them how to pray. If I could go back, I would spend a bit more time praying with them.

Number three, I would change the way I look at life overall. I would not try to be a people pleaser but a God pleaser. I would

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not have spent so much idle time doing nothing.

MJ: How does God teach us things?

CH: By repetition. If you don't get it the first time, you go through it again. The second time it gets harder. It is like being in kindergarten. If you don't pass kindergarten, you don't go to the first grade.

MJ: Is the Devil real?

CH: I believe he is real in us. I don't believe that he is walking around attacking anybody. We attack ourselves by not obeying God. I don't believe that he is attacking me. He can't do any more than what God allows. I think we give the Devil too many accolades and kudos. I think the Devil is attacking me. No, God is testing you to see if you will stay in the test.

MJ: Laugh. He is checking to see if your character changes under pressure.

CH: Right. Right because most of the time, it will change under pressure.

MJ: What kind of people would we be without the testing?

CH: I think we would be messed up. Margaret.

MJ: Aren't we already messed up?

CH: No, not really. I don't think so. I don't think we are messed up, but I think we have some character flaws, but I don't think we are messed up.

MJ: Is that because of the trying times and challenges that we do get through?

What about people that don't know Christ as their Savior, their learning stuff?

CH: You don't have to know Christ as your Savior to learn something. You must keep an open mind. Be open to conducive and constructive criticism, be open to love and support. If someone loves you enough to tell you the truth, be willing to accept it.

MJ: What kind of woman of God would you say you are? You have spoken around the world. You have prayed for many people. How do you define yourself?

CH: I am a regular woman. I don't want any titles. I want God to hear me when I pray. I'm an ordinary person.

MJ: The mama on the block.

CH: The mama on the block, in the block, on the block, around the corner, in the grocery store, everywhere.

MJ: Young people coming up today, what would you say to them?

CH: First, I would speak to the parents and tell them to take authority in your home. Be the queen or king of your home. Your children are not the boss; they don't pay rent or a mortgage. You have a right to go in their bedroom but not just to do anything. If you feel like something is going on in your home, go in the bedroom and check. Parents are trying to be their kid's friends, but parents need to require the respect they deserve as parents. I would tell them don't provoke your children to wrath to cause them to do things that they would not ordinarily do, like name-calling, putting them down, and not showing them, love.

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MJ: Do you have any final thoughts that you would want our readers to know.

CH: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You will feel so much better about yourself and accept the love. We expect too much sometimes out of other people. My final thought would be to accept people and love them as they are and their place in which they are. If we all want to do betterif we could do better instantly, we would, but it is a process.

MJ: Yes. It is a process.

CH: I am still here, and I'm not going anywhere until God says so.

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Mastering the Smallest Details of Wedding Planning

As we begin to emerge out of the pandemic, couples are again planning large, in-person weddings, and we must be ready for the surge. As a featured vendor on MunaLuchi Bride, The Knot, and Wedding Wire bridal sites, I am experiencing a muchwelcomed increase in calls and emails from potential clients inquiring about our services, experience, availability, and pricing. But one of the most asked questions I receive from a potential prospect is, “what makes you different from other wedding planners, and why should we choose you”? This question always makes me smile and allows

me the opportunity to say, “at Posh Events and Affairs, we have mastered the smallest details of wedding planning.” I don’t think I would be going out on a limb if I were to say most, if not all, event planners are a bit analretentive, and I mean that in the best way possible! Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines anal-retentiveness as “someone as extremely or excessively neat, careful or precise” (Retrieved from Professional Planners are into the details, and that is one of the things you’re paying for are the smallest details. Our responsibility is to create that one-of-a-kind event for our clients and ensure the couple has an amazing experience from start to finish. Now, let’s look into just a few of those “smallest” details that will make all the difference. Some may seem like “well of course” or “obvious” details, but I have been to enough weddings to see these tasks get overlooked more often than not.

Tissue for the bride – Usually, there are going to be some waterworks, so why not

be prepared? Not all brides find themselves in tears while walking down the aisle or standing in front of a crowd while exchanging vows. But more so than not, a tear usually falls, whether from the bride or the groom. So decoratively wrap or pin a small handkerchief around the bouquet or have your maid of honor discreetly carry some tissue around her flowers that can be available if and when needed.

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Bustling the dress – There are several ways to bustle a dress – American, European, Royal, Bow, and more. Most brides will have their mom or best friend attend the final fitting to ensure the dress fits like a glove. But this is also the time for the bridal shop attendant to show how to bustle the dress. And the best way to capture it is to pull out a cell phone and record it. Think about it, are you really going to remember which tie, snap, or button loop goes where from watching someone who is very familiar with bustling dresses run through it one time, a week or two before the wedding? Having step-bystep instructions at the tip of your finger will eliminate any confusion.

Mother Nature – Outdoor wedding venues can offer a wide range of beautiful settings, which can help reduce your decorating costs. But for those of you considering a late afternoon outdoor ceremony, be sure to have a clear understanding of the best direction to face to avoid the sun in your eyes, the groom, officiant, and guests. Also, if you are hoping to catch some beautiful photos as the sun sets, do your research on the timing of the sunset and have a conversation with your photographer in advance to ensure she or he has the proper lighting.

Restroom Décor – Most couples focus on decorating their ceremony and reception sites, leaving a few key locations void of design elements that extend the couple’s personal style. One of those locations is the restroom. Let’s face it; guests are just as likely to see the restroom as they are at the reception site. So why not add a few touches that leave your guests saying “wow”?

Extras – Just the other day, while visiting a client’s venue, we noticed certain areas around the property needed some tender loving care. You know, those dirt spaces between the lawn and the building. We were told a Home Owner’s Association (HOA) handled those things, but due to the pandemic… you know the rest of that story. But we were advised that the HOA “should” have it ready in time for the wedding.

The word “should” isn’t a favorite among wedding planners and what we heard was “there’s no guarantee the grounds are going to be manicured prior to the event.” So now what? The answer to that question is “mulch”! To date, I have yet to have a venue tell me I can’t enhance their grounds by placing down mulch. You can find it at any home improvement store, and it’s pennies on the dollar. Your outdoor photos will look great, from the manicured lawn to the newly refreshed ground cover.

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Like all other professional fields, wedding planning is a specialty, and professional planners diligently continue to hone their craft. From association memberships, educational workshops, and seminars to scouring social media platforms for the latest trends, we are constantly working at finding ways to elevate those ideas to create a client’s unique event. Having someone who understands all of the elements required to have a successful wedding, down to the smallest details, is priceless.

| Summer 2021 50

Superior Results Inspired Designs

Creative & Imaginative Strategies

Let Posh Events and Affairs bring your dreams and visions to fruition. We are your special events solution.

| Summer 2021 52 Devin Oten Writer | Public Speaker | Philanthropist Building Your Dreams is designed to inspire and motivate you to believe in, initiate and accomplish your dreams and goals. Building Your Dreams

National Small Business Week

Virtual Summit

September 13–15

More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create nearly two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year. As part of National Small Business Week, the SBA takes the opportunity to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others who support entrepreneurship from all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and U.S. territories


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Bridging the Gap

| Summer 2021 54

Concerned about how to bridge the gaps, politics, gender gap, race, culture, faith, disabilities, diversity, and age into your small business? We help bridge gaps.

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What does the Crown Act Mean For Black People With Natural Hair In The Workplace And Public Schools?

We might not know or realize it, but the hair on our head plays an essential part in the way we look and feel about ourselves, and it directly affects our self-esteem. Black Americans often face discrimination because of how they wear their hair, especially in school and work. Deep anti-black hair feelings on U.S. soil have existed for centuries. “Naturally curly black hair has been wrongly seen as unprofessional or even dirty” (PBS, 2021).

In the 1700s, in cities such as New Orleans, where free, “women of color donned elaborate hairstyles that displayed their kinks and coils with an air of regality, the city implemented laws like the Tignon Law – that required these women to wear a tignon (scarf or handkerchief) over their hair to signify that they were members of the slave class, regardless of whether they were free or enslaved “ (JSTOR Daily, 2019).The 1900s saw the invention of the pressing comb, good or bad; this offered black people an avenue for increased societal acceptance in a period “when minstrel songs mocked the hair texture of African Americans, comparing it to wool and describing it as nappy” (JSTOR Daily, 2019).

“Don't remove the kinks from your hair! Remove them from your brain!" –Marcus Garvey (JSTOR Daily, 2019).

The initial wave of the natural hair movement emerged during the 1960s; it was a new awareness among black people that our natural appearance, skin, facial features, and natural hair were beautiful. The” Black Is Beautiful” encouraged black people to embrace their natural kinks, contending that copying white European standards of beauty denigrated the beauty of black people.

Activist Angela Davis rocked an Afro as a sign of black pride and power and rebellion against white American beauty standards. Black people

wearing an Afro became armament in the fight for racial equality and a public display of self-love and unity within the black community.

Fifty-six years ago, the Federal Government formed the EEOC, whose primary focus was that black people be granted equal access to public workplaces. However, It didn’t anticipate that “Black Hair” would need equal access as well.

In 1976 the first natural hair discrimination case was heard in the U.S. Court of appeals Seven Circuit in Jenkins v. Blue Cross Mutual Hospital Insurance. They upheld a race discrimination lawsuit against an employer for bias against Afros. The appeals courts agreed that workers were entitled to wear Afros under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

In the 1980s and 1990s, we experienced the popularization of natural protective styles like braids, twists, and cornrows - black celebrities and athletes showcased these styles, encouraging black people to braid and twist their manes. Unfortunately, wearing these styles came at a price by creating a legal firestorm.

In 1981, Renee Rogers, a black woman, took American Airlines to court because they demanded she not wear cornrows and style her hair in a bun. The Courts did not agree that cornrows should be protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, saying that because braids are an “easily

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changed” characteristic – unlike the Afro “and even if socio-culturally associated with a particular race or nationality, is not an impermissible basis for distinctions in the application of employment practices by an employer” (Libraries, University of Missouri).

The Rogers decision severely limited the hairstyles that a black woman with natural, chemically unprocessed hair can wear. Under this decision, black women could not wear braids or locs, and their natural hair, in many cases, would not conservatively fit into a bun. The 2000s welcomed a second upsurge of the natural hair movement. Prompted by the natural hair care, braid, and loctician industry that exploded because of social media, this movement powered a cultural shift that has caused multitudes of black people to abandon relaxers, flat irons, and societal standards of beauty and professionalism.

As natural hair care practices have gained increased acceptance in conventional society, many employers, including the U.S. government, have embraced natural styles, even though courts decided they didn’t have to.

In January 2020, California’s CROWN Act—CROWN being an acronym for “Creating a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair”—went into effect. The law explicitly bans discrimination against natural Black hairstyles, including cornrows, Afros, braids, twists, and dreadlocks, in workplaces and public schools. It clarifies that natural hair discrimination, in all forms, constitutes race discrimination. Our natural hair has

nothing to do with our competencies, qualifications, or abilities. Therefore, it should not have anything to do with whether or not we are “afforded employment

opportunities or if we should be included in specific spaces” (PBS, 2021).

“This cultural acceptance and even celebration of natural hair is changing the conversation about discrimination across America” (PBS, 2021). Natural hair is on-trend. Vanda McCauley, founder and owner of Vanda Salon Hair Loss Solutions offers various natural hair care protocols and style options. For those desiring to wear their natural coils, a wellcoiffed, cut, or styled Afro, braid, or twist style, Bantu knots, or locs can make a significant difference in your appearance and self-esteem. At Vanda Salon, our goal is to level up our client's hair game and confidence.

Learn more about “Natural Hair Care and Styling” at


Alcindor, Y (2021, April 2). Retrieved from How hair discrimination impacts Black Americans in their personal lives and the workplace PBS News Hours, 2021

Greene, W (2021, April 2). Retrieved from How hair discrimination impacts Black Americans in their personal lives and the workplace PBS News Hours, 2021

Griffin, C. (2019, July 3). Retrieved from How Natural Black Hair at Work Become a Civil Rights Issue JSTOR Daily, 2019 Libraries, U of Missouri (1981). Title VII's Application of Grooming Policies and its Effect on Black Women's Hair in the Workplace: Rogers v. Am. Airlines, Inc., 527 F. Supp. 229 (S.D.N.Y. 1981) University of Missouri, 1981 ttttttttttttttt

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The Bottom Line

| Summer 2021 58

Financial intelligence the journey of how money works, amass, secure, invest, and handle it, is the bottom line.

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Understanding your FICO score.


1. If you pay a collection account, it will drop your credit score. If you want to pay a collection account that is currently on your credit report, it will drop your credit score because it makes the date of activity current. It is best to ask the collection company if they will stop reporting to the bureaus if you agree to pay the bill.

2. It does not make a difference on the FICO score if you settle the account versus paying the bill in full. If there are collection accounts to settle, do not let a mortgage credit be run. Experian has a program where they notify the collection companies if your credit has been run. If you run a mortgage credit report before you settle the collection, you will not get a good deal to settle. They know you want to purchase a home and in order to do that, you need to pay the collection.

3. Settle a collection at the end of the month, so you will get a better settlement. Collection companies have quotas they need to meet, and if you wait until the end of the month, you will pay less for the debt. If you have a collection company calling, tell them “do not contact me by phone” if they continue, you can sue them. If you have a robot calling your cell phone, that is an automatic reason to sue them also.

4. If you have one or more accounts to settle, do not let a mortgage credit be run.

Amount of Tradelines you should have:

You should have four accounts in good standing to optimize credit score. It is best to have a home loan, car loan, and two credit cards. If you don’t have a home loan or a car loan, you should have four credit cards. Student loans, if not in deferment count as one of the four trade lines active on your credit report.

Credit Card Balances:

It is important to keep your credit card balances under 30% of its limit (15% is even better). If you keep your balance under 30% of the credit limit, you will receive 5 points to your FICO score, If you keep your balance under 15% of the credit limit, you will receive 15 points to your FICO score. Once you go over 50% of the credit limit, it will drop your score 18 points (per credit card).


5-9 inquiries in a two-year period will drop your score 20 points. Don’t let anyone run your credit. You can run your credit on the free websites, show that report to the person you are applying for credit and see if they can do the deal. If they can, then allow them to run your report through their company.

Don’t close credit cards:

Once you have eight years worth of credit history on your credit report, you get 40 points added to your FICO score. So don’t close credit cards. If you want to do a “transfer balance” to another credit card, that is ok, don’t close the credit card you moved the balance from. Don’t let the creditor close your account. Use your credit card once every 4 to 6 months, then pay off the balance.

Authorized User:

The authorized user still works today. Example: Mom has great credit, and she wants to help out her son. She can add him as an authorized user on her credit card, Mom’s great credit will go on the son’s report, son’s bad credit will not hop on Mom’s credit report. The authorized user works for car loans and credit cards. If you want to open a home mortgage, you need to have your own credit established.

Types of Credit Cards:

If you only have major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express), you will get 16 points added to your FICO score. If you add a department store card to your credit, you will then have 27 points added to your FICO score.

Bank Accounts:

If you have a checking account, it will give you 5 points added to your FICO score, savings account gives you 10 points, if you have both, it will give you 20 points added to your FICO score.

Beyond the BOP

Business Owner Policy is the most popular policy most smallmedium business owners purchase since it encompasses the most common coverages at a packaged discount. Additional limits may be available for certain exposures, so the policies can be customized to fit many needs.

Admitted vs. Non-Admitted Carriers

BOP vs. CGL(Commercial General Liability)

BOP is more encompassing than CGL and may even be less expensive. BOP is generally limited to lower coverage maximums than CGLs. Medium to larger firms usually fit CGL better by customizing higher limits on some exposures while excluding others.

Carrier Appetites Differ Just Like Humans

Some carriers are generalists, and others are specialists. Most insurance carriers prefer certain exposures while discouraging others. BOPs are popular since they simplify the process and generally cover most client needs. All BOPs are not the same. Some follow ISO(Insurance Services Office) legal forms exactly, and others use their own forms, which may exclude or expand ISO coverages. Some exclusions (“carve-outs”) may lower premiums but eliminate crucial coverages.

Admitted carriers are monitored and regulated by each state’s Department of Insurance to meet their rigid enforcement and financial solvency regulations. Some states require carriers to submit rate changes/increases for approval before implementing. Admitted carriers can usually spread annual premiums out with or without adding a “convenience fee.” Cancellations can be pro-rated with a small administrative fee. Non-admitted carriers (also called Excess & Surplus, E&S) are not regulated. Certain risks may only be covered using non-admitted carriers. The policyholder pays additional fees and may need to sign waivers. Full payment is required upfront and usually includes a mandatory 25% “earned” premium (3 months premium minimum), even if canceled the next day. To spread out payments, clients may have to use premium finance lenders that first pay E&S in full, then charge client’s interest on a monthly payment plan. Wherever possible, prefer Admitted for lower cost and better oversight.

| Summer 2021 62

Increase Some Limits

Some BOPs include minimal Employment Practices Liability (EPLI) coverage. Raising that to $500k or $1 million would provide businesses with substantial legal and judgment protection should an employee file suit (valid or nuisance) for discrimination based on race, age, sex, disability, wrongful termination, failure to promote, etc. Note “Employment” not “Employer.” Surprisingly, 1099 independent contractors may also file suits. Jurors may be biased in favor of employees vs. employers and large insurance companies. There are often out-of-court settlements by carriers that then legally bind their policyholder to pay whatever the carrier did not, possibly including substantial legal/court costs. Policyholders already agreed to those terms buried in their policy wording. Suggest raising the deductible to apply that savings to higher EPLI limits.

Commercial Umbrellas vs. Excess Liability

Commercial umbrellas extend over policy limits and, in some cases, gaps in policy coverage. They cost more than Excess Liability, which only adds protection on top of specified coverages BOPs may be adjusted to raise limits on certain coverages; however, an umbrella might be a more cost-effective solution.

Business Income & Extra Expense

If fire or other covered event destroys business assets, this coverage helps mitigate that loss. While rebuilding/ replenishing, incurred expenses may still be paid, including retained employee salaries, rent, insurance, loans. Extended periods of 6, 12, or 24 months or other factors may be available. If equipment or inventory needs to be special ordered or has extensive lead times, not having substantial coverage could be devastating or fatal for the firm.

Products/Completed Operations

Products/Completed Operations is also known as Product Liability. Depending on the types of products provided by the policyholder, BOPs may include this coverage. Sometimes it is excluded, and separate admitted or non-admitted coverage needs to be purchased.

Hired & Non-Owned(HINO) Automobile

If an employee runs an errand or delivery using their vehicle and gets in an accident, their insurance most likely excludes “use of a personal vehicle for business purposes.” Therefore, the employer may be liable. If an employee rents a vehicle, they either need to provide HINO insurance proof or purchase possibly overpriced limited coverage on-site. Having enough appropriate coverage can preclude substantial damages.

Cyber/Electronic Data Processing

With the unfortunate growth of ransomware, phishing, and other risks to proprietary business information, this previously overlooked exposure needs to be addressed. BOPs may offer some coverage, but nowadays, specific Cyber coverage usually better protects and mitigates losses. Some freestanding Cyber policies even include data recovery, ransom, and the specialized expertise to reduce downtime while minimizing customer/employe interruption. Regulatory agencies and courts are now emphasizing preventive and restorative procedures and suitable coverage. Many clients are now demanding their vendors have higher-security protocols in place or risk losing their business.

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 63


Firms that import/export might save by having a single policy covering merchandise from offshore loading dock to policyholder’s dock and again to client’s dock, including air/ship/rail/truck exposure. Keep in mind that included trucker insurance may only cover pennies per hundredweight. It can be simpler and easier to file/collect claims with a single domestic carrier as an alternative to buying ala carte insurance at each juncture from possibly unregulated/ offshore carriers. For online suppliers, parcel insurance can overlay UPS’ or FedEx’s included insurance minimums. The assumption is if UPS or FedEx paid off on the claim, it is valid, so they save the investigative expense.

What You Don’t See Can Hurt You.

Few clients read/understand policy legalese until a claim is denied for something they assumed was covered. One of those is “Duty to Defend.” Is that “inside” or “outside” the coverage limits? Follow this example: Your client purchased $1 million coverage. The judgment awarded is filed against you for $1 million, $250K was incurred in legal/court fees. Are those legal/court costs “outside” the $1 million coverage or included “inside”? If “inside,” then the legal/court costs get paid first, and the client, you still owe the plaintiff the $250k gap.

Catastrophic Events

As with homeowner policies, BOP/CGL usually excludes flood and earthquake coverage. At this time, few commercial lenders require earthquake coverage, but many require commercial flood insurance for those in higher-risk flood zones. Higher deductibles can lower premiums, while higher coverage can raise them.

Discounts for Multiple Policies

If multiple policies are purchased from the same carrier, there may be discounts applied. That could include Professional Liability (including Errors & Omissions), Commercial Umbrella, Commercial Vehicle, Workers Compensation, Cyber, etc. Sometimes specialized hybrid solutions from multiple carriers may provide better coverage for less than a single carrier.

Certificates of Insurance(COI), Named/ Additional Insured, Subrogation

Businesses routinely have to provide Certificates of Insurance to many parties, including landlords, lenders, equipment lessors, trade show organizers, etc. Some BOPs include Blanket Additional Insured(AI) for any party that the business is contractually required to provide AI. Some BOPs charge extra for Blanket AI or specific AI. If a party is “named,” they are automatically notified if the policy lapses, which precludes unethically providing a certificate today and canceling tomorrow. If a business needs to provide many AIs during the policy period, then Blanket AI may be substantially cheaper. If required only for the landlord, then a specific AI might suffice. Many landlords also require a Waiver of Subrogation. Even if the landlord is partially responsible for the loss, the client is explicitly precluded (waived) from recouping that from them. Some BOPs include Blanket Waiver of Subrogation. Many times an ACORD form is used for COI. ACORD 25 is very common as a Certificate of Liability Insurance. ACORD 24 is a Certificate of Property Insurance. Sometimes agents/ brokers are authorized to provide COIs; other times, only the carriers can.

| Summer 2021 64

Changing Agent/Broker

Suppose your current carrier policy is fine, but the current agent or broker is not servicing as much as needed. In that case, the agent or broker can be changed without losing coverage or raising premiums. Agent of Record (AOR) or Broker of Record (BOR), changes usually require simple wording on client letterhead signed by a company officer. Incumbent agent/broker keeps that year’s commission, while the new agent/broker services the account for the remainder of the term and is empowered to make changes on the client’s behalf. Carriers generally require a ten-day waiting period to allow the incumbent to ask the client to reconsider, which most do not. The waiting period may be waived if client needs are urgent and communicated to the carrier.


BOPs are an excellent place to start; they can be customized to meet particular needs and budgets. Consider CGL and specialized coverages if needs are better met that way. Work with a professional agent or broker that understands your unique situation and available coverages. Cover your assets!

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 65

African American Communities: Steps to Building Generational Wealth

Juneteenth is officially a recognized national holiday; it carries a great historical weight. It recognizes the emancipation of enslaved African Americans while also paying tribute to their past, their culture, and their continued progress throughout our country’s history.

A famous Jamaican musician lyricized the words “emancipate yourself from mental slavery,” which philosophically evolved the concept of slavery. While also empowering people to develop and use their minds to take control of their lives.

Along the same vein, we see that many individuals and families across America’s communities find themselves victims of a type of financial slavery that has prevented them from achieving financial independence and security for generations. But like those immortal words regarding “mental slavery,” people have a choice to free themselves from their financial constraints, regardless of their current situation, also by taking control of their minds.

How do we begin to overcome hundreds of years of financial struggle and frustration?

Here is a simple 3 step process:

1) Commit to being the one to make a difference for your family. This isn’t just about you and your life. It’s about everyone that came before you and everyone that will come after you. You are a part of a great legacy with your family—the question is whether you decide that you will be the one to make your family’s legacy great, or if that is better left to someone else in the future. Greatness is within everyone—as is the doubt to kill it and the belief to achieve it.

2) Commit to learning the basics of money; there are no shortcuts, but there are shorter paths to understanding money. For hundreds of years, financial products have been pushed through the financial industry. Yet virtually every study on the topic shows that financial education, not financial products, is the differentiating factor between generations of progression or stagnation regarding building wealth and prosperity. products, is the differentiating factor between generations of progression or stagnation

regarding building wealth and prosperity.

3) Commit to taking action—BIG Action. Education is not enough. This final step is the emancipation of generations of your family that has worked, struggled, and sacrificed to allow you the opportunity to be great through your actions. And once you take action to better your family, don’t stop! Make your community a better place. The financial security of future generations is only as secure as the financial literacy that they learn in their communities.

Like any movement to create something great, it cannot just stop after the benefit of one person or one family. Like a viral outbreak, it must extend to everyone—but one of education, caring, prosperity, abundance, equality, and peace of mind. Is that greatness in you?

| Summer 2021 68
a Membership Package
your ad insertion and business listing in the magazine & digital catalog
Marketing the Digital Wave to Small Business Success & Growth
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 69 Defer Capital Gains Taxes on your Primary Residence as well as all other Real Estate Upon sale, the IRS and Franchise Tax Board can confiscate more than a third of your hard-earned gain when you sell! Can you avoid that tax bill? Yes! Ruth Van Derostyne O: 888-977-1222 | C: 408-515-1422 E:
1031 Exchange?
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All! -
this tax planning approach legal? Yes, Absolutely! AND
can receive a tax-free lump sum at close! Contact our office today, for a webinar and explanation on how the process works. Keep Your Wealth Sales Solutions!
- Do you have to do a
No! - Do you have to accept
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How to reach your sales goals?

Are you discouraged about not achieving your sales goal? Are you having trouble reaching your sales goals in your small business? Building a business is more than having a great product or service; it is a lot of work to create sustainability. If you own a business, you know it is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. Many people are looking for the shortcut and hoping to get high returns, but that is unrealistic thinking. Have you wondered if there is a magic trick to reaching optimal sales goals? The salesperson that is achieving their sales goals knows that there is no magic trick to accomplishing optimum sales goals. One of the most excellent salesmen that ever lived was Zig Ziglar he stated, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” What is your attitude toward your sales goal plan? Do you have a plan? Are you doing the real work that it takes to take-off in your business or sales career? Here are ten basic tips on how to reach your sales goals.

1. Always keep the right attitude and do not give up.

2. Challenge yourself and set sales goals based off of the company’s, overall, sales goals.

3. Learn the product or service before you try to sell it to a target customer.

4. Believe in the product or service before you try to sell it to a target customer

5. Be patient by remembering the Law of 29. The marketing principal that a customer needs to be exposed to your company 29 times through seeing, hearing, and feeling the services and products offered.

6. Do not be discouraged when customers ask questions. Answer the questions with confidence.

7. 80% of sales are achieved during the fifth to twelfth contact according to the National Sales Executive Association some say 18 contacts.

8. Do not be afraid to talk about the price with confidence and not cockiness.

9. Do not sell a customer a product or service that they do not need.

10. Look for the win-win at every opportunity.

The reality of achieving optimal sales begins with your attitude. All of the other steps are considered best practices for winning and reaching your sales goals.

| Summer 2021 70
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 71
| Summer 2021 72
Business Concierge Advantage Membership Guide
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 73

Small Business Directory

Art Gallery


Eva Smith & Associates

Small Business Accounting/Bookkeeping/1-on-1 Support

Eva Smith| EA

Hayward, CA......................................510 889-8885

Academic Success

Firehouse Community Development Center

Firehouse Academic Program (4-Fs)

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622


Acupuncture & Pain Relief

Eternal Health & Wellness

Acupuncture for Stress Relief

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA........................................408 241-6638


Positive Progression Inc.

Treatment Programs Designed to Meet Every Need

Katy Mc Dowell | Executive Director

San Jose, CA .....................................888 333-3963


Build Memory / Get Remembered / Make Sales

Isaac Teckie | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 389-4572

Money 2.0 Business On The Edge/AM 1220 KDOW Advertise Strong/Brand Longevity/Grow Business

Contact Us for a FREE On-Air 60 second pitch

Team Edge |Advertising Strategist

Bay Area, CA ....................................408 357-0951

Ohlone College: Extended Opportunity Program & Services

“Got Textbooks?” EOPS meets students educational needs by providing support services i.e. book-grant, nancial aid assistance, and tutoring

Sandy Bennett |EOPS/CARE Coordinator

Fremont, CA ....................................510 659-6152

Machu Picchu Gallery of the Americas

Mobile Art Gallery, Events, and Networking

Olga Enciso Smith | Founder | Social Entrepreneur

Bay Area, CA .......................................408 529-2296


Audio Production

JM Audio Services

Live Sound/Digital Audio Engineering/Consultation

Jarel Martin | Audio Engineer & Owner

Oakland, CA .......................................510 686-3021

SAE Expression College / Audio Program

O ers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .....................................510 654-2934

Automotive Services

Paci c Tire Outlet

Bay Area Tire Solutions Voted Milpitas Best

Ask for Phil | Owner Milpitas, CA .......................................408 791-0418


Author Plan-18

Workbook containing legal documents for turning 18

Cheryl Nelson | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 614-1628


DO Enterprises

Executive Level Mentality

Devin Oten | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................504 319-6079

Kari Kelley

Storytelling, Performing with a purpose, Overcoming childhood abuse

Kari Kelley | Author, Speaker, Artist

Bay Area, CA.............................408 373-7263

Marcie Anderson

Book: Are We There Yet?: Enlightenment for Busy People

Marcie Anderson | PhD Author & Speaker

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

| Summer 2021 74
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 75 Care Provider? This book will help guide you through the process of building your business and working with children as a Family Child Care provider; I have been providing care for children for over 25 years. Over the year~s child care has been in high demand, and there is great demand for quality Child Care Providers. Thanksgiving Fundraiser G i v e a s l i t t l e a s $ 1 t o e n d h o l i d a y h u n g e r G I V E L I F Y " G I V E N O W " C A R I N G N E I G H B O R S , E N T E R P R I S E S , I N C . 5 0 1 - C T A X - E X E M P T Help us feed 30 families Thanksgivingthis Holiday

AMarilyn Randolph

Family Child Care Guide - Start a Child Care Business

Marilyn Randolph | Author & Speaker

Bay Area, CA .....................................408.389-8672

BB2B Network

Baby Shower Gifts

Babee Kakes

Uniquely customize diaper cakes for mother-to- be

Rochelle Evans | Designer & Owner

Oakland, CA .....................................415 941 2390

Banking Services

BBVA Compass Bank

Creating Opportunities/Workplace Solutions O cer

Jeanie Irvin | VP Workplace Solutions

Walnut Creek, CA ............................925 286-3438

BBVA Compass Bank

Growth through Deposits and Loans

Manager, Business Banking Specialist

Sunnyvale, CA .................................408 774-6200

Be Your Own Boss


Financial Freedom/Flex Hours/Positive Attitude

Beth Bigger | Independent Consultant

Bay Area, CA ...................................831 915-7865

Beauty Hair Extensions

Vanda Salon

Featuring premium hair & skin care, cosmetics, and hair extension products

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Beauty Hair Care Regrowth

Vanda Salon

Providing the optimal in hair loss treatment, replacement and paramedical camou age

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Beauty Salon

Vanda Salon

O ers a superb range of luxurious services, creating amazing looks for a diverse clientele

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

Blockchain Technology

Ronnie Aquino

Cryptocurrency, Safe & Secure, Quick, and Cheap

Ronnie Aquino | Blockchain Consultant

Bay Area CA..........................................408 310-3827


BSign On the Go

Signature, Blockchain-Secured e-documents, digital signature, electronically binding legal agreements

Ray Sylvain| Chief Executive O cer

Boca Raton, FL...................................703 260-7090

Business Development Services

Business On the Edge, Incorporated

Killer Coaching for Executive Business Owners

Margaret Jackson | Small Business Radio Personality

San Jose, CA ......................................408 357-0951

| Summer 2021 76

BBusiness Development Services

City of San Jose - Small Business Ally

Permits/Licensing/Code Enforement/Business Classes

Juan Borelli| Your Ally Coach

San Jose, CA ......................................408 975-2655

Silicon Valley Small Business Development Center

Dedicated to the Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley

SBDC Sta |SBDC Advisors

San Jose, CA .....................................408 385-9800

CCampus Safety

Tip Now, Inc.

Colleges, Universities, School’s Safety

Anonymous Tips Ap

Cyril Rayan | CEO

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095


Crazy Daisy’s Sweets and Treats

An On-line Bakery Serving the East Bay

Jocelyn Twomey | Baker Extrodinaire

Bay Area.............................................510 736-4979

Child Care Provider

Step Up and Do Something

Community Child Care Provider Network & Training

Rita Guess | Executive Director

San Jose, CA .....................................408 772-8679

College Students


On the go students discounted Restaurant Meals

Download our Mobile App. A Greener planet, one meal at a time

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO

Fremont, CA ....................................415 251-3333

Colleges & Universities Bay Area

SAE Expression College

O ers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business

Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .....................................510 654-2934

Community Investment

Step Up and Do Something

Honors Class Club 100 Academic Classes

Rita Guess | Executive Director

San Jose, CA .....................................408 772-8679

Community Membership

Step Up and Do Something

Supporting Economic Community Growth

Rita Guess | Executive Director San Jose, CA .....................................408 772-8679

Community Services

Caring Neighbors

providing full family support services and healthy meals to those in need

Laroman Green|

Milpitas, CA ....................................855 825 3861

Consultant Services

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Self Awareness, Belief Systems, Inner Healing, Alignment, and Reset for Corporate Life

Marcie Anderson | PhD Employee Coach

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 77

Mardin Amiri

16 years exp., in Smart & A ordable O ce as-needed Workspace, Business Imaging Strategist

Mardin Amiri | Consultant

San Jose, CA .....................................408 210-2073

Margaret Jackson/AM 1220 KDOW/AM 1100 KFAX

Bay Area/Silicon Valley #1 Small Business Radio

Personality and Private Business Consultant 1M in annual sales

Daniel Herd |Director of Business Development Bay Area, CA .......................................408 357-0951

Corporate Employee Therapy

Kingdom Family Resources

Restoring a healthy employee workplace

Elizabeth Stewart | LMFT Bay Area, CA ......................................408 800-7821

Corporate Events

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom Breaking business & corporate traditions with epic business event experiences

Laura Buell| Executive Assistant

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 606-8148 and

Posh Events & A airs

We are into the details that make events unique

Meredith Walker| Owner Hayward, CA.......................................510 815-5306


Corporate Events

Tip Now, Inc.

Campus Safety Anonymous Tips - Safety App

Cyril Rayan | CEO

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095

Corporate Video Production

C Sharp Video Productions

Corporate / Small Business / Promotionals / Voted Best in Milpitas

Christine Iglesias| Creative Director

Bay Area, CA......................................408 758-8293

Corporate Wellness

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Women Emotional Safety, Mindful Meditation, and Workplace Synergy - Free Assessment Call Today!

Marcie Anderson | PhD Employee Coach

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

CPR & First Aid Training

Deanna Martinez

CPR & First Aid Training for workplace emergencies

Deanna Martinez| Certi ed CPR AED Trainer Bay Area, CA.......................................408 769-0816

Customer Loyalty Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Customer Loyalty Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner

San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

Creative Wellness

Be Provided

Creative Wellness & Conservation

Marcia Sivek | Owner Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863

| Summer 2021 78

Digital Artist

Alvie Jackson, Digital Artist Independent Contractor

Animator Bringing Your Business to Life!

Alvie Jackson | Animator |Mentored by Pixar

San Jose, CA ...................................408 834-3964

SAE Expression College / Digital Art & Film Program

O ers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business

Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .....................................510 654-2934

EEducation, Training, Workshops & Tutoring

Club Z of West San Jose

Compassionate, Advocate for Education, school tutoring, college prep tutoring, Educational Mentor

Shirin Amiri |Educational Director

San Jose, CA....................................408 600-2846

Empowering You Now

The key to unlock your potential

Carolyn Robinson |Founder

Silicon Valley/Bay Area....................408-674-7892

Education Entertainment

OuttheBox Ent.

Premiere Events, Bay Area, Live Music, All Occasions

Clay Bandy |Premiere Promoter

Silicon Valley, CA...............................408 963-8500


Kari Kelley

Compelling theatre play on results and impact of child abuse

Kari Kelley|Theatre Actress, Playwright, Author

Silicon Valley, CA...............................408 373-7263

Sheila Barnett Band

Musical Health & Wellness

Sheila Barnett-Zacca |Owner & Performer

Oakland, CA.......................................510 734-5697


SAE Expression College / Entertainment Program

O ers programs in Animation, Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, and Entertainment Business Admissions |Emeryville Campus

Emeryville, CA .................................510 654-2934

Event Planners

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom Event planner’s paradise, producing, designing, creative, out-of-box epic events

Clay Bandy| Premiere Promoter

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 963-8500 and

Event Planning

Posh Events & A airs

A Full Service Event Planning Company

Meredith Walker| Owner

Hayward, CA...................................510 815-5306


E-Signature Platform (SaaS)

Sign On the Go

Signature, Blockchain-Secured e-documents,digital s ignature, electronically binding legal agreements

Ray Sylvain| Chief Executive O cer

Boca Raton, FL...................................703-864-9285

Event Venue

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom

Incredibly unique private event venues

Laura Buell| Executive Assistant

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 606-8148 and

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 79 D

fFamily Camp & Activities

Kingdom Family Resources

Restore a heart, restore a family, transform lives for a life time.

Elizabeth Stewart | MA, LMF Bay Area, CA ...................................408 800-7821

Financial Services

Financial Education Services

Credit Restoration, Debt Settlement, Business Credit Ruth VanDerostyne | Credit Specialist Bay Area, CA ...................................888 977-1222

TransAmerican Financial Advisors

Financial Advising

Bradley Hamada | Financial Trainer Bay Area, CA ...................................408 712-2107


Global Food Network


A pro table and Eco-friendly way to reduce restaurant food waste. Local, National, International Restaurants Rescue Your Food.

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO Fremont, CA ....................................415 251-3333

Graphic Design

Free Lance Graphic Designer Julio C Pardo III SBC Magazine Designer - Freelance Designer for small businesses

Julio Pardo | Chief Designer & Creative Mesa, Az....................................408 857-4388

Government Procurement

California Department of Corrections

Getting Certi ed as a Small Business (SB/DVBE) Statewide|Advocacy |Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA ..................916 255-3029

California Department of General Services

Getting Certi ed as a Small Business (SB/DVBE)Advocacy Unit|Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA ..................800 559-5529x3#

California Department of Forestry and Fire

Getting Certi ed as a Small Business (SB/DVBE) MSB/MB/DVBE

Sacramento Capital, CA ..................916 323-0470

California Department of Transportation

Getting Certi ed as a Small Business (SB/DVBE) Procurement Division|Advocacy| Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA .................916 227-6000

California High-Speed Rail

Small, Disadvantaged, and Disabled Veteran Business Contracts

Small Business Advocate| Outreach

Sacramento Capital, CA .................916 330-5672 or

San Jose Water Company

Supply Diversity Procurement Opportunities

Tim McLaughlin | Manager Supplier Diversity & Community Involvement

San Jose, CA ......................................408 512-4760

HHair Replacement

Vanda Salon

Providing the optimal in hair loss treatment, replacement and paramedical camou age

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

| Summer 2021 80

Hair Stylist

Embracing Your Essence

43 Shadyleaf Ct

Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Patsy Sanders | Master Hairstylist, Image Coach & Speaker Santa Rosa, CA..................................707-889-9600

Healthcare Sta ng

Ability Therapy Sta ng

Physical Therapy Sta ng Agency “Medical Sta ng Specialist”

Andrew Javellan | Manager

San Jose/Bay Area, CA.........................408 659-6105 www.abilitytherapysta

Health & Wellness

Bay Area Men’s Health

Specializes in pelvic health & tness for men over 50 Numbiya Aziz | Men’s Health Specialist

San Jose, CA.....................................510 663-8106

Earnest Love, Inc.

Emotionally healthy women are healthy pro ssionals

Chante Dent | Executive Director Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Eternal Health & Wellness

Balance Your Energy Balance Your Life

Dr. Quli Zhou | Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA.......................................408 241-6638

Jacqueline Turner Spa

Health & Wellness/Romance & Health

Jacqueline Turner | Alternative Health Specialist Emeryville, CA...................................408 241-6638

Hospital Healthcare

Roger W. Washington, MD

Published Author, Sleep Health Speaker, Primary Physician, International Medical Graduates

Roger W. Washington| M.D. Civil Surgeon, Author, Family Medicine, Sleep Health Speaker Santa Clara /Bay Area, CA...............NA

J K L HHuman Resource Compliance

Franklins Consulting

HR Compliance/Data Security/Whistleblower

Nancy Franklin | HR Compliance Consultant

South Jordan Utah...........................801 910-5605

Insurance Services

Tressa Williams Agency

State Farm Providing Insurance & Financial Services

Tressa Williams | Insurance Agent

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 243-4400

Wettenstein Insurance (No-Fee Insurance)

Personal/Commercial & Small Biz/Life/Health/Special Warren G. Wettenstein | Independent Broker Milpitas, CA .....................................408 824-1450


Lead Generation Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Lead Generation Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

Legal Services


Legal Protection Family/Small Biz/Employee/Identity

Verna Jones | Independent Associate Milpitas, CA .....................................650 533-5725

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 81
YourAd Subscription Here!
I Ad Subscription Here!



Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Environmental Test Chamber Types are, Burn-In, HAST/PCT, HTOL/LTOL, Humidity, Salt/Fog/Spray Corrosion, Sand & Dust, Rain Splash, and Drip, Temperature Cycling, Thermal Cycling, Thermal Shock, Customized Walk-In Chambers

Aylia Rizvi | COO

San Jose/Bay Area CA .................408 945-7861


Money 2.0 Business On The Edge/AM 1220 KDOW Sponsorships, Commercials, Live Ads Mass Comm. Team Edge |Build Your Brand Image

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 205-4056

Massage Therapy

Eternal Health & Wellness

Swedish, Deep Tissue,Aromatherapy,Acupressure, Tui Na Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine & Massage Milpitas, CA........................................408.241.6638

Jacqueline Turner Spa

Health & Wellness/Romance & Health

Jacqueline Turner | Massage Therapist Emeryville, CA...................................408 241-6638

Mens Health

Bay Area Men’s Health

Men’s Health Athletic Stretch Massage Performance Anxiety

Numbiya Aziz |Men’s Health Specialist

San Jose, CA (Bay Area)...................408 909-0291

Kenoly Music

Kenoly music is a music production company.

Produce music and distribute

Mark Kenoly |

Santa Clara, CA..............................408 373 6975

Mental Health Support

Earnest Love, Inc.

Heal, Love, Live, Emotional Support from sexual trauma

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Mobile App


Make our planet greener, one meal at a time. Download Free Mobile App for Discounted Restaurant Meals

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO

Fremont, CA ....................................415 251-3333

Music Artist

Kenoly Music

Kenoly music is a music production company.

Produce music and distribute

Mark Kenoly |

Santa Clara, CA..............................408 373 6975

Music Production

Kenoly Music

Kenoly music is a music production company.

Produce music and distribute

Mark Kenoly |

Santa Clara, CA..............................408 373 6975

NNature Journaling

Be Provided Conservation Radio

Nature Events, Expression, Outdoors, Smell the Roses

Marcia Sivek | Journaling Coach (Coming in the Fall)

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863


South Valley Review Newspaper

Better at knowing what matters to you

Brigitte Jones | Publisher & Advertising Agent

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 898-7534

| Summer 2021 82

Non Pro t Organizations DONATE

Caring Neighbors, Enterprises Incorporated

Feeding Bay Area’s Elderly & Children $1 Campaign

Laromen Green| Executive Director

Bay Area, CA....................................408 469-4065

Earnest Love, Inc.

Support women healing from sexual trauma

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Firehouse Community Development Center

Donate to Increase Highschool Student’s Grade

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622


Step Up and Do Something

26 Steps A-Z Improving the Community

Rita Guess | Executive Director

San Jose, CA ......................................408 772-8679

Caring Neighbors

providing full family support services and healthy meals to those in need

Laroman Green| Milpitas, CA ....................................855 825 3861



The Key to Good Nutrition

Verna Jones | Independent AssoHerbalife Member

Milpitas, CA .....................................408 471-9072

OOccupational Therapy Sta ng

Ability Therapy Sta ng

Recovering regain occupational skills from injuries, age, and disabilities

Andrew Javellan | Manager

San Jose/Bay Area, CA.........................408 659-6105


O ce Support & Supplies


The Key to Good Nutrition

Print Sta | Print Services/O ce Furniture & Supplies

Milpitas, CA .....................................408 956-9204

Opportunities for Academic Success

Online Courses

Be Provided Online Courses

Slow Down, Relax, Meditation, Mindfulness, Nutrition

Marcia Sivek | Online Instructor

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863

On the Edge WIB Concierge


Small Business Concierge Magazine

A platform that showcases women in business

Margaret Jackson | Publisher of SBC Magazine & CLUB President

Bay Area/Silicon Valley.........................408 205-4056

B & R Media Group

Publisher of South Valley Review, Ad Agency, Media buyer, Advertising Guru

Brigitte Jones | Advertising Agent

Bay Area, CA ........................................408 898-7534

Eternal Health & Wellness

Acupuncture for Stress Relief

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA........................................408 241-6638

Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Women/Girls Tech Tours, S.T.E.A.M. Advocate for Girls, Aylia Rizvi | Speaker Colleges, Schools, Universities

San Jose, Bay Area, CA.......................408 945-7861

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 83

OKroot Private Investigations LLC License#PI 128940 Family Law, Witness Interviews, Court Records Research, Criminal Defense, Civil, Background Investigation, Service of Process

Tracey Kroot | Private Investigator Bay Area, CA .....................................408 309-7064

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Book: Are We There Yet?: Enlightenment for Busy People - Get a FREE Assessment when you buy my book!

Marcie Anderson | PhD Author & Speaker Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Marilyn Randolph

Family Child Care Guide - Start a Child Care Business

Marilyn Randolph | Author & Speaker Bay Area, CA .....................................408.389-8672


Workbook containing legal documents for turning 18

Cheryl Nelson | Author & Speaker Bay Area, CA .....................................408 614-1628

Positive Progression Inc.

Treatment Programs Designed to Meet Every Need

Katy Mc Dowell | Executive Director San Jose, CA .....................................888 333-3963

Tisha’s Table

Cookbook Author, Fresh Food, Baked Goods, Gourmet Cupcakes, Custom Menus, Cooking Lessons

Tisha Wylie Je ers | Chef Bay Area, CA .....................................408 755-0353

Tressa Williams Agency

State Farm Providing Insurance & Financial Services

Tressa Williams | Insurance Agent Bay Area, CA .....................................408 243-4400

Vanda Salon

Providing the optimal in hair loss treatment, replacement and paramedical camou age

Vanda McCauley | Master Stylist/Consultant

San Jose, CA.......................................408 224-1224

PPhysical Therapy Sta ng

Ability Therapy Sta ng

Promote ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability

Andrew Javellan | Manager

San Jose/Bay Area, CA.......................408 659-6105


Podcast Programs

Be Provided Conservation Radio

Nature, Conservation, Peace of Mind

Marcia Sivek | Radio Podcast Host Bay Area, CA .....................................408 759-1863

On the Edge Purpose Radio Podcasts

On the Edge Business Training & Industry Professionals

Margaret Jackson | Radio Podcast Host Bay Area, CA .....................................408 205-4056

Politics & Business

The Social-Preneur

The Leadership Coach to Ambitious Women

Chandra Brooks | Politics & Leadership Coach

San Jose, CA .....................................N/A


Amari Rise Publishing and Coaching Services

Book Coaching for Authors, Publishing

Marilyn Randolph | CEO “Empowerment Author”

San Jose, CA .....................................530 430-7743

| Summer 2021 84

PPolitics & Business

The Social-Preneur

The Leadership Coach to Ambitious Women

Chandra Brooks | Politics & Leadership Coach San Jose, CA .....................................N/A

Private Investigation

Kroot Private Investigations LLC License#PI 128940 Family Law, Witness Interviews, Court Records Research, Criminal Defense, Civil, Background Investigation, Service of Process

Tracey Kroot | Private Investigator Bay Area, CA .....................................408 309-7064

Private Personal Chef

Tisha’s Table

Cookbook Author, Fresh Food, California Eats, Culinary Bootcamp, Custom Menus, Cooking Lessons

Tisha Wylie Je ers | Chef Bay Area, CA ......................................408 755-0353

Purchase Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Purchase Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

QYour Ad Subscription Here!

Realty One Group In nity

Helping You Make the Right Move

Mardin Amiri | Real Estate Agent

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 210-2073

Real Estate Training Solutions

Tamika Ellsworth, EQ1 DRE: #01782633

Homebuying training, buyers, sellers, faith, ten commandments of home loans, Kingdom Building

Tamika Ellsworth | Faith Homebuying Director

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 561-7922

Residential Construction & Remodeling

Rockstrong Development Inc.

Bathroom Remodeling, Kitchen Remodeling, Home Remodeling, New Home Construction, Stone & Epoxy Overlay, Quality Work, On-Time, Licensed Work. Amir Amiri | Owner & President Bay Area San Jose, CA ......................408 694-3472



Increase your pro tability by reducing food waste. Download BigZpoon Biz App to grow your pro ts in eco-friendly way

Sanjeev Ukhalkar, CEO |Cem Yildirim, COO Fremont, CA ......................................415 251-3333

SSales Incentives

Creative Marketing Incentives

Sales Incentives

Shane Higgins| Principal Owner

RReal Estate

FCC Realty DRE 01300425

Real Estate Products & Services

Frank Cancilla | Broker

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 821-1291

San Diego CA........................800 619-6101 ext. 317

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 85

Small Business Expos & Summits

Small Business Expo, Largest B2B Tradeshow

in the Nation 75,000+ attendees Featuring more than 25 Workshops, Panel Discussions, Networking Opportunities and Over 100 Exhibit

Susah Baah | Media Partnerships

Bay Area, CA .....................................N/A

Soul Project Manager

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Bringing awareness, healing, and meditation

Marcie Anderson | PhD Executive Director

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358


DO Enterprises

Author | Executive|Inspiration

Devin Oten | Entrepreneur Philantropist

Bay Area, CA .....................................510 319-6079

Margaret Jackson/AM 1220 KDOW/AM 1100 KFAX Radio Personality|Motivation Exec.| Dynamic|Humor

Daniel Herd |Director of Special Events

Bay Area, CA .....................................408 205-4056

Marcie Anderson - Corporate Wellness Consultants

Personal Patterning Neutralize Negative Habits

Marcie Anderson | Ph., Executive Coah

Mount Pleasant, SC.............................415 418-4358

Special Event Planning

Posh Events & A airs

Classy, capable, professional. We love to plan events

Meredith Walker| Owner

Hayward, CA........................................510 815-5306


Speech Therapy Sta ng

Ability Therapy Sta ng

Speech Disorders augmentative & alternative communication systems, autism spectrum disorders, or progressive neurological disorders

Andrew Javellan | Manager

San Jose/Bay Area, CA.......................408 659-6105


Spiritual Counseling

Sta ng Service

SlingShot Connections

Sta Talent. Build Solutions

Thereza Chattmon | VP Talent Solutions

Bay Area, CA ..................................408 247-8233


Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Studennt Tech Tours, S.T.E.M Student Projects

Aylia Rizvi | Speaker Colleges, Schools, Universities

San Jose, Bay Area, CA.......................408 945-7861

Supply Diversity


Building A Stronger, Better, More Diverse eBay ebay Inc. Sta

San Jose, CA .................................N/A

San Jose Water Company

Supply Diversity & Procurement

Tim McLaughlin | Manager Supplier

Diversity & Community Involvement

San Jose, CA ..................................408 512-4760

| Summer 2021 86

TTax Strategies

Financial Education Services

Capital Gains Tax Strategist

Ruth VanDerostyne | Expert Tax Strategist Trainer

Bay Area, CA ...................................888 977-1222

FCC Realty DRE 01300425

Gains Tax Strategist

Frank Cancilla | Tax Strategist Introducer

Bay Area, CA ....................................408 821-1291

Tax Wealth

Comprehensive Tax Solutions

Bruce Jones | President | Tax Educator

Mission Viejo, CA ........................800 300-4723


Testing Services

Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Environmental Test Chamber Types are, Burn-In, HAST/PCT, HTOL/LTOL, Humidity, Salt/Fog/Spray

Corrosion, Sand & Dust, Rain Splash, and Drip, Temperature Cycling, Thermal Cycling, Thermal Shock, Customized Walk-In Chambers

Aylia Rizvi | COO

San Jose/Bay Area CA .................408 945-7861

Travel Services

Spectacular Odysseys

Curator of Fine Travel

Narmada Ramakrishnan | Founder/CEO

San Jose, CA ..................................408 944-9164


VVideo Production

WWeight Loss

Eternal Health & Wellness

Acupuncture & Lipo Light For Weight Loss

Dr. Quli Zhou| Chinese Medicine

Milpitas, CA..........................................408 241-6638

Wedding Events

Epic Venues Glass House & The Corinthian Grand Ballroom

An extraordinary wedding experience for the bride & groom, building a lifetime of memories

Clay Bandy| Premiere Promoter

Bay Area, CA...Sales Call Request...408 963-8500 and

Posh Events & A airs

All you have to do is show up and smile

Meredith Walker| Owner

Hayward, CA.......................................510 815-5306


Women In Business

Earnest Love, Inc.

Helping women heal from sexual trauma

Chante Dent | Executive Director

Suwanee, GA.......................................678 835-7572

Small Business Concierge Magazine | 87
Subscription Here!

Women Networking Groups

Sister 2 Sister

Women with purpose working together to positively impact the world

Susan Chigwada | Visionary

Bay Area, CA.......................................530 340-6213

Women’s Networking Alliance

Relationship-based networking. Build relationships and your business will grow.

Tracey Lee Davis | Vice President

Bay Area, CA.......................................669-244-4620

Women In S.T.E.A.M.

Hastest Solutions, Inc.

Women/Girls Tech Tours, S.T.E.A.M. Advocate for Girls, Aylia Rizvi | Speaker Colleges, Schools, Universities

San Jose, Bay Area, CA.......................408 945-7861

Y/E 2.0

Firehouse Community Development Center

YouTube Video & FB Live

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622


Y/E 2.0 Leadership & Innovation

Tip Now, Inc.

Leadership & Innovation Follow Your Dreams

Cyril Rayan | College Speaker

Santa Clara, CA ..............................877 395-5095

Y/E 2.0 Parenting

Firehouse Community Development Center

YouTube Video & FB Live

Anita Rubio | Operations Manager

San Jose, CA........................................408 327-9622


Y/E 2.0 Therapy

Kingdom Family Resources

Restoring professional young adults

Elizabeth Stewart | MA, LMFT

Bay Area, CA ...................................408 800-7821

| Summer 2021 88
ZYour Ad Subscription Here! Ask about our Small Business Digital Catalog. (888) MYSBC-30
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 89

Upcoming 2021 Events

| Summer 2021 90
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 91

June 2021

Every Friday AM 1220

KDOW Prime Time

Small Business National Virtual Conference

June 29 & 30

July 2021

Money 2.0 Business on the Edge with Margaret Jackson

LISTEN LIVE: 6:00pm - 7:00pm PST and iHeart Radio

2021A2S Small Business National Virtual Conference

9am-5pm ET Registration

Every Friday AM 1220

KDOW Prime Time

Money 2.0 Business on the Edge with Margaret Jackson


6:00pm - 7:00pm PST and iHeart Radio

| Summer 2021 92
Date Event Location | Contact Info

Every Friday AM 1220 KDOW

Prime Time

Money 2.0 Business on the Edge with Margaret Jackson


6:00pm - 7:00pm PST and iHeart Radio

MONEY 2.0 Business On the Edge

Fridays 6pm-7pm PST


Small Business Concierge Magazine | 93
Event Location | Contact Info
August 2021
| Summer 2021 94
a Membership Package
your ad insertion and business listing in the magazine & digital catalog
Marketing the Digital Wave to Small Business Success & Growth
Small Business Concierge Magazine | 95 Money 2.0 Money 2.0 BUSINESS EDGE ON T HE BUSINESS PROBLEM THE SMALL SOLVER Margaret Jackson #1 Small Business Radio Personality in Silicon Valley. Friday Nights Live 6pm-7pm PST Small Business Concierge Radio Segment. Join the Coach for more exposure!
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