Dua-E-Qunoot for Witr
The word Qunut blankly means “being devoted” or “the act of standing” if we go with the Classical Arabic whereas Dua is an Arabic word for supplication. Qunoot jointly has got lots of philological meanings like- modesty, obligation & adoration. But basically Dua-E-Qunoot is considered as a special type of dua which should be recited in the last Rak’ah of Witr prayer in Isha.
This special Dua has some history of its own. Ahmad, Muhammad ibn Isa at-Tirmidhi, and Abu Dawood mark that Hasan ibn Ali learned the petition from Muhammad (S.A.W). Dawood also affixed that Muhammad (S.A.W) used to recur Du’a Qunoot whenever a difficult situation or mishap would come in front of the Muslims. Ibn Ali quoted that the prophet introduced him with the Dua & suggested him to recite Qunoot during the last Rak’ah of witr prayer.
Our beloved prophet used to declaim Du’a E Qunoot during the Salat-Al-Fajr, Witr and also in other prayers Omni the year. Many Muslim people do not actu