Small Village - Senior Portfolio 2004

Page 1

“ S HANAN-Lee” A typeface I created that was inspired by the constant change of light & sound in the performing arts.

Cl a s s Di gi tal Des i gn 1

P r oj e c t Catal og Mai l er

I ns tr uc tor Mary Dal y

Type f a c e J ans on Text & Fol i o P hotogr a phy Mi chel l e Vi l l acorta



1. B rainstorm/sketc hes This first step in developing a concept. 2. Refined c onc ept sketc h Developing a tighter sketch prepares you for presenting your idea, visually. 3. Computer Draft/refine Researching and compiling content, imagery and illustration. Refinement con't. 4. FINAL DRAFT Taken to print & development of final pac kaging.

1. Identity thumbnails 1. Identity thumbnails

2. concept sketch 2. concept sketch

3. concept refinements

3. concept refinements

1 facial scrub 2 facial scrub 3 hair spray 4 hair gel 5 sun block

1 facial scrub 2 facial scrub

6 two in one shampoo 7 after shave balm

3 hair spray 6 two in one shampoo 4 hair gel

8 moisturizing lotion 9 deodarant

5 sun block

7 after shave balm

8 moisturizing lotion 9 deodarant

10 razor holder

10 razor holder

Cl a s s Package des i gn 3 Cl i e nt Honda P r oj e c t S ki n Care Products I ns tr uc tor Thomas McNul ty P hotogr a phy Mi chel l e Vi l l acorta



Cl a s s Package des i gn 2

Cl i e nt Al berto VO5 P r oj e c t s hampoo and condi ti oner

I ns tr uc tor Amy Hers hman

P hotogr a phy Mi chel l e Vi l l acorta






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