SMARTER Communities Magazine | Edition 01/2019

Page 20


Poo belongs in the loo - not in the hallway of the apartment above. THIS IS A REAL-LIFE STORY FROM A CLOSED INSURANCE CLAIMS CASE. Not so long ago an apartment owner

off appliances and locked her door.

who lives on the top floor of her

Everything was safe, clean and tidy

complex, let’s call her Kate, went

for her return in a month’s time. Or

on an overseas adventure holiday

so she thought.

throughout Europe with her friends.

in sewerage backing up. Now this issue only came to light when plumbers were called to fix the offending apartment’s ‘leakage’

You know your neighbour but you

in their bathroom.

Kate had been away on extended

don’t really know what goes on inside

holidays before. The beauty of

The filthy, smelly mess from the

their apartment

ludicrous act of flushing nappies

Kate’s neighbour directly below her

down a toilet would certainly not be

has a young baby. It is now evident,

a pleasant scene to have to clean up.

anti-burglar devices. She just told her

either out of ignorance or just sheer

Back to Kate. She’s due to return

neighbours so they wouldn’t worry

foolishness, that a disposable nappy

home in a few days’ time. The last

about her and she went on her way.

was flushed down the toilet in that

thing she would expect to find in her

apartment instead of being disposed

clean, tidy, locked up apartment is

of appropriately in the bin.


for Kate. She again informed her

Not surprisingly, the sewer pipe

Yes, that’s right. Because of the nappy

neighbours, packed her bags, turned

eventually became blocked resulting

clogging up the sewer pipe below,

apartment living meant she could literally just lock her door and not worry about maintenance or installing

So when it came to preparing for this holiday, the routine was no different


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