Clevedon Community School
Science Department
Year 7AB Test
Cells and Reproduction
26 min
38 marks
Answer all the questions on the paper provided
North Somerset Bulk LEA
The diagrams below show a human ovum (egg) and a human sperm.
membrane nucleus
human ovum (egg)
human sperm not to scale
What are eggs and sperm? Tick the correct box. animals
organs 1 mark
Which part does a sperm use to swim towards an egg? ...................................................... 1 mark
Give the name of the male reproductive organ where sperm are made. ....................................................... 1 mark
North Somerset Bulk LEA
The diagram below shows a sperm joining with an egg.
not to scale
What is this process called? Tick the correct box. fertilisation
respiration 1 mark Maximum 4 marks
The drawing shows a baby inside its mother’s uterus.
Some substances pass from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood. Other substances pass from the baby’s blood to the mother’s blood.
North Somerset Bulk LEA
Which way, if any, do the substances in the table pass? Tick one box in each row.
does not pass between passes from the passes from the the mother’s blood and mother’s blood to baby’s blood to the baby’s blood the baby’s blood the mother’s blood
poisons from cigarette smoke oxygen digested food carbon dioxide 4 marks
Drawings A, B, C, D and E show the positions of five organ systems in the human body.
North Somerset Bulk LEA
The names of the five organ systems are given in the table. By each name, write the letter of the drawing which shows the organ system.
name of organ system
letter of the drawing of the organ system
circulatory system digestive system reproductive system respiratory system skeleton 5 marks
Which one of these organ systems is completely different in a man and a woman? .......................................................................................................................... 1 mark Maximum 6 marks
The diagram shows a section through the human female reproductive system.
oviduct (fallopian tube) ovary lining of uterus (womb) muscle in wall of uterus
North Somerset Bulk LEA
How often are eggs normally released in the female reproductive system? ............................................................................................................. 1 mark
In which labelled part is an egg normally fertilised by a sperm? .......................................... 1 mark
Fill the two gaps in the sentences below. A fertilised egg divides into a tiny ball of cells called an embryo. The embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus. Here the embryo grows to become an unborn baby, called a ...................................... . It takes about ...................................... months for a baby to develop inside its mother. 2 marks
The diagram below shows a baby growing in its mother’s uterus.
muscles in wall of uterus
amniotic fluid
North Somerset Bulk LEA
What is the function of the amniotic fluid? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 1 mark
Through which part can harmful substances, such as nicotine, pass from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood? ................................................. 1 mark
Give one other harmful substance which may be passed from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood. ............................................ 1 mark
When the baby is born it is pushed out of the mother’s body. What happens in the wall of the uterus to push the baby out? ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 1 mark Maximum 8 marks
The diagram shows a section through the female reproductive system.
oviduct (fallopian tube)
cervix vagina
North Somerset Bulk LEA
What happens at fertilisation? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 1 mark
In which labelled part of the female reproductive system does fertilisation normally take place? ............................................................................................................. 1 mark
In which labelled part of the female reproductive system does the foetus develop? ............................................................................................................. 1 mark
Some women have blocked oviducts. How do blocked oviducts prevent fertilisation taking place? ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 1 mark
When a baby is born it is pushed out of the mother's body. Describe what happens in the wall of the uterus to push the baby out. ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 1 mark Maximum 5 marks
The diagram shows a group of cells from the lining of the mouth.
North Somerset Bulk LEA
Give the name and function of part P. name of part P ...................................................................................................................... 1 mark
function of part P ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... 1 mark
Which word describes this group of cells? Tick the correct box. compound
1 mark
The diagram below shows muscle cells from the wall of the human intestine.
Muscle cells can contract. Give one reason why muscles are needed in the intestine. ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... 1 mark
Other cells in the intestine produce enzymes. What effect do enzymes in the intestine have on nutrients such as protein? ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... 1 mark
North Somerset Bulk LEA
Which of the following is required in the diet to keep food moving through the intestine? Tick the correct box. fat
starch 1 mark maximum 6 marks
If a pregnant woman drinks beer or wine, some of the alcohol passes to the unborn baby. Alcohol can stop the baby’s brain developing properly. (a)
Join the boxes with three arrows to show the path taken by the alcohol.
mother's circulatory system mother's digestive system
baby's brain baby's circulatory system
1 mark
North Somerset Bulk LEA
The drawing below shows a baby just before it is born. Draw a line from the letter P to the placenta.
1 mark
Give two functions of the placenta. 1. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 2. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 2 marks
During pregnancy the baby is surrounded by a liquid called amniotic fluid. Suggest one reason why amniotic fluid is important. ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 1 mark Maximum 5 marks
North Somerset Bulk LEA