B1a 1
Co-ordination and Control
Responding to change
Reflex actions
The menstrual cycle
Controlling fertility artificially
Controlling conditions
B1a 1.1 Responding to Change • • • •
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It is the nervous system that enables you to react to your surroundings and coordinates your behaviour The nervous system carries electrical signals, or impulses, at fast speeds that allow you to react to surroundings very quickly Controlling many of your body’s processes are chemical substances called hormones, which are made and released, or secreted, by special glands Any changes in the surroundings are called stimuli and are picked up by specialised cells called receptors. These are usually clustered together in special sense organs, such as your eyes and skin Once a sensory receptor picks up a stimulus, the information is sent as an electrical impulse along special cells called neurones, which are collected in bundles called nerves. The impulse travels until it reaches the central nervous system (CNS), made up of the brain and spinal cord The cells which carry impulses from sense organs to the CNS are sensory neurones The brain processes the information it is given and sends impulses out along special cells, which carry impulses from the CNS to the rest of your body. These cells are called motor neurones and they carry impulses to make the right bits of your body – the effector neurones respond Effector organs are muscles or glands. Your muscles respond to the arrival of impulses by contracting. Your glands respond by secreting chemical substances The way the nervous system works can be summarises by: receptor → sensory neurone → co-ordinator (CNS) → motor neurone → effector
GCSE Science Revision
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