ARTICULATING YOUR COMPANY CULTURE AND VALUES INSTRUCTIONS Set aside 20-30 minutes to free-write your responses to the questions below. Your answers don’t need to be full sentences or even make much sense. Let your mind wander! Metaphors, imagery, real-life examples, stories you know - all of these might come up and they are all useful. Keep writing beyond your initial gut-feel response and automatic answers. There might be a mental blank for a while but keep writing and more information is likely to arise. Leave your responses to settle over a night or two, then take another look to see if you want to update any of your answers. Then ask yourself the final question: What have I learned about our company culture and values?
QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION Recall a time when it felt like everything in the business was working really well. What could you see happening around you? Think about client satisfaction, business operations, the way the team was working together, the individual people? Remember if/when things weren’t going well. Think again about client satisfaction, business operations, the way the team was working together, the individual people? Who are your “anchors” in the team? Anchors are people who really embody what’s important to you and the business. What is it about them that reflects the company values?