Early Years Conference Demonstrating Intent, Implementation and Impact Across the Early Years Curriculum Thursday 30th January 2020 9am to 3:00pm
Farleigh Golf Club Old Farleigh Road, Farleigh Common Farleigh, Surrey CR6 9PE
Spring Term 2020
Early Years Conference
Demonstrating Intent, Implementation and Impact Across the Early Years Curriculum This course focuses on the implications for schools when considering how the inspection framework impacts on early years teachers and leaders. Attendees will be able to evaluate their provision against the Ofsted research-led expectations paying particular attention to the curriculum in early years. The course is relevant to all schools and particularly for schools likely to be inspected from September 2019 under the new inspection framework. The training will: Allow teachers and leaders to evaluate their current curriculum offer, and how it meets the needs of the children. Give updates related to the new inspection framework and how the most current research relates to the early years part of the framework. Revisit the apparent conflict between teaching and play and reinforce some of the messages embedded in ‘Bold Beginnings’ and the inspection material. Give opportunities for delegates to discuss and develop their offer, to consider the implementation of their offer, and the impact it has on children’s outcomes. Consider a systematic approach to teaching key skills and basic knowledge, the development of memory in the youngest children and how to support greater depth learning in early years.
Conference Trainer:
Sarah Quinn Sarah is a senior consultant with Focus Education. She has presented training to a variety of audiences including inspectors, local authorities, headteachers, teachers, children’s centre leaders and other education consultants. Her training covers a range of areas including Ofsted preparation, teaching, curriculum, assessment and early years. Sarah delivers training and support to schools across the UK and internationally. She believes that training and development should be bespoke and sustainable. She works closely with leadership teams, practitioners and teachers to raise the quality of their practice and, therefore, outcomes for children. Sarah has extensive experience in the inspection of primary schools, children’s centres and early years provisions, maintained, independent and registered. Sarah previously worked for Ofsted as a managing inspector and for CfBT Inspection Services as the Central Senior Managing Inspector delivering training to inspectors, quality assuring inspection work and performance managing a large team of inspectors. Sarah has an excellent reputation across the UK. She has written articles for Primary and Early Years Educator and Nursery World and has a variety of publications available.
Reent Feedback from Headteacher: “Sarah has made a real positive difference to the work we do in school.”
Spring Term 2020
Early Years Conference Demonstrating Intent, Implementation and Impact Across the Early Years Curriculum Thursday 30th January 2020 9am to 3:00pm Farleigh Golf Club Old Farleigh Road, Farleigh Common Farleigh, Surrey CR6 9PE COST: ÂŁ175* to include lunch / refreshments Booking information (limited places). Sign up for your place at:
www.tct-academies.org/event/early-years-conference * An invoice will be forwarded to your school. Payment to be made in advance of the course.