Gossops Green Primary School is located in the north-west of Crawley. We have amazing pupils and a talented and dedicated team of staff, who all work together to make learning rich, exciting and purposeful.

Opened in 1959, Gossops Green is an established and important part of the local community. We have grown in size, expanding to a three-form entry school allowing us to educate 630 pupils. We joined The Collegiate Trust in November 2016 and converted to an Academy. Being a part of this partnership brings additional expertise and opportunities for all.
Our creative and challenging curriculum is planned around topics which spark children’s interest and make them excited to learn new skills and knowledge.

Our Vision
‘Delivering equity through education, nurture and ambition’

At Gossops Green, we believe that every child has the right to succeed, to meet their full potential and to understand that high aspiration and dreams are rightfully theirs to own and pursue, whatever their starting point in life might be.

Emotionally strong children will go on to achieve academically and this is why, alongside delivering our excellent, ambitious curriculum, we place great emphasis on Wellbeing and Nurture. We ensure that our children are nurtured, feel safe, cherished and equipped with the emotional tools to cope – in an often-imperfect world - so that they can focus 100% on their academic learning and fully meet the unique potential each child possesses.
We hope you feel inspired to visit us, meet our fantastic children and learn more about our innovative Wellbeing and Nurture approach to education; we are happy and proud to talk about what we do and the impact we know it has.
