Kensington Avenue Primary School - Prospectus

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Headteacher’s message We offer a warm welcome to you and your children and thank you for showing an interest in Kensington Avenue Primary School. We hope that you will find the information in this prospectus a useful introduction to the school. Kensington Avenue is a Community Primary School with a nursery class. Our school caters for children between the ages of three and eleven. Kensington Avenue is a happy school with a positive ethos. We take pride in our multi-cultural community and believe that all children can be encouraged to do their best in a positive hard-working learning environment now and for the future. We value each child as an individual and work with parents/carers to foster caring attitudes, thoughtfulness, mutual respect, self-discipline and self-confidence. We welcome visits from parents/carers. If you would like to meet us in order to find out more about the school, please contact the office staff for an appointment. We look forward to meeting you. Ms. Clare Cranham Headteacher


Our Vision Kensington Avenue Primary School is a place for pupils and their families to learn and grow together. We embrace all our different cultures that make us unique, working as a community, striving to achieve excellence in all we do.




Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM) Kensington Avenue Primary School is a place for pupils and their families to learn and grow together. We come together to make a community, aiming to achieve excellence. We will ensure that our children become confident learners, thinking independently and keen to find out more in an ever-changing world. Working with parents, staff, governors and the wider community we will ensure that our resources are focused on achieving the following outcomes: Everyone, including parents, staff, governors and the wider community work together to achieve more. Children know what they need to learn and how to get there Cooperation is key to our pupils’ success and team work helps us become the best we can Everyone’s culture, language and religion is respected and celebrated A safe and secure environment for everyone Teaching strategies engage pupils and help us make sense of the world around us Challenges are seen as learning opportunities and we persevere until we reach our goals



Curriculum Kensington Avenue Primary School aims to provide children with the best possible education and life skills for the future and to get the best out of every child by having high expectations for individuals. It is a place where teachers, support staff, parents and pupils are learning, striving to improve and have self-belief. We aim and aspire that all children will leave with a sound foundation for learning that inspires confidence in all they do. We teach our curriculum through Learning Journeys and the Power of Reading as vehicles for learning.

with a rich learning context based on concrete experiences. This involves practical, hands on learning in which time is invested to develop language, thinking and a sense of why this learning is important. Examples of this might be a learning journey beginning with a trip or visit that then leads to a real purpose for writing or engaging in a learning task. In maths, this could be children solving a real life ‘concrete’ problem before they embark upon unpicking the abstract skills needed to be successful in learning.

We plan high quality learning sequences that provide children


Nursery The Nursery at Kensington Avenue admits 52 pupils at the start of each Autumn Term. Children will then be separated into one morning class of 26 children and one afternoon class. Parents can state which session they would prefer on the Nursery Application Form which can be downloaded from the school website or collected from the School Office.

Our School Day The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:10pm Nursery Morning Session 8.30am -11.30am Afternoon Session 12:30pm – 3.30pm Full Day 8.30am-3.30pm Playtimes KS1 and KS2 Playtime is 10.20 am – 10.35 am Lunches KS1 lunch time is 12.00pm-1.00pm KS2 lunch time is 12.30pm-1.30pm


School Lunches All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered a free school meal (FSM). Children have the choice of a packed lunch or a school meal. Children may choose to have a school meal whenever they wish. Payment for school meals is made online through ParentPay or with a PayPoint card at local shops. Please contact the School Office for more information.


Safeguarding Kensington Avenue Primary School and Children’s Centre (KAPS & CC) believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to practice that protects them. We recognise that: The welfare of the child is paramount All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse. This policy applies to all children and young people. Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents and carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.


ASD Enhanced Learning Provision Kensington Avenue Primary School offers an Enhanced Learning Provision for primary aged children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Aims of the Provision Our provision aims to provide a positive, happy learning environment for children with autistic spectrum disorders. We use a range of strategies based on our understanding of autism and the child’s individual needs, interests, strengths and learning styles. Specialist resources and tailored support help to develop their social, communication and independence skills. Our Children Are primary aged children 4 – 11 years Have an EHCP with a diagnosis of ASD Are able to manage in a mainstream setting May have associated difficulties e.g. medical, learning, sensory May use a variety of communication methods e.g. Makaton, PECS Are each unique Our Classes and Facilities We have two classes, Sapphire (Reception and KS1) and Emerald (KS2) A sensory room, a cooking area and access to mainstream facilities Designated outdoor area for the ASD provision In addition to the EYFS and National Curriculum we teach social skills, develop language and communication and attend to individual needs e.g. sensory Regular visits within our community to make learning experiences real


Parents’ Association A very keen and committed Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) works closely with the school and wider community to organise a varied range of fundraising events each year. These include Summer and Winter fairs, cake sales and Christmas parties. The money that is raised by the P.T.A. supports improvements to the playgrounds including purchasing resources and equipment. There is a core committee that works with other parents and staff to organise both social and fundraising events. Anyone who wants to get actively involved is welcomed. As a parent, carer or guardian of a child attending KAPS, you are automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Association. The P.T.A. meet at least once a term to discuss and plan upcoming events and issues.


Admissions Kensington Avenue Primary School is a three-form entry mixed school admitting children from the age of 3 to 11. Our Reception intake is 90 pupils. Admissions are arranged by Croydon Council. Allocations to our school are made in accordance with the Local Authority Guidelines. The priority for allocations is as follows: 1. Looked after and previously looked after children 2. Siblings – Children applying who have a sibling currently attending the school 3. Medical – Pupils with serious medical reasons for needing to attend this school. For primary age children, their need to attend this school because of a parent’s serious and continuing medical condition may also be relevant. The medical reason must be verified by a GP or consultant 4. Distance – Priority will be given to pupils living nearest to the school as measured in a straight line In the event that the number of application for places exceeds the number of places available after applications of the admissions criteria, distance will be used to decide between applications, where distance is the same for two or more applications the authority will use random allocation, which will be independently verified.

To apply for a reception place please see the e-admissions website at 11

Kensington Avenue, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8BT

Tel: 020 8764 2923 Fax: 020 8679 4880

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