Park Lane Academy - School Prospectus

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Park Lane Academy

Introduction from the Principal

Releasing potential is one of our main priorities at Park Lane Academy. We want all our students to experience the best education we can provide. We also want our students to develop in confidence, self-motivation and determination to succeed, and be proud of themselves for all that they can and will achieve. We seek to create an inspiring environment where students feel safe to take risks in their learning and where achievement is celebrated by all. We are a fully inclusive Academy that sits at the heart of our community and recognise that in order to excel, students need to be supported and challenged through every stage of their journey. At Park Lane Academy, a team of dedicated staff – teachers and associate staff – is committed to our Academy values of Pride, Respect and Ambition. This is embodied in the community feel in our Academy. Good relationships with parents and carers are very important to us. This partnership is essential if our students are to succeed and we are delighted that our parents work closely with us by supporting the Academy in the standards and expectations that we have. The connection between the Academy and home is of paramount importance. A great education has the power to transform lives, and this precious gift is one you can be confident that myself and our hard working and determined team of staff will tirelessly strive to give to your child every day.

Mr D Atkinson



I am proud to be the Chair of Governors at Park Lane Academy. I have been part of the school community for the past six years as a Parent Governor. I have two children: My eldest successfully completed her Park Lane journey and now continues her education at a 6th form college; my youngest child is now in Year 11. The Local Academy Board and governors of Park Lane Academy have a wealth of experience. Whilst our focus is always on our students, we are committed to providing challenge and support that ensures Park Lane Academy meets its regulatory commitments and remains a safe, happy and supportive environment where our students thrive. Park Lane Academy is a wonderful, inspiring school and I am confident we have a strong team in place to continue our positive journey. I know our Principal, Mr Atkinson, shares our passion, commitment and belief that Park Lane Academy is a school to be proud of, where your children can achieve their full potential.

Mrs A Blackett

Chair of the Local Academy Board Park Lane Academy


Academy Aims We expect all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, governors) of Park Lane Academy to embody our academy core values in everything that they do. Our core values were created by all stakeholders and we firmly believe they are built around our current journey.

Pride: We expect our students to be proud of who they are and proud of the community they are part of. We want our students to value the opportunity they have and be part of something special. Uniform and planners are a key tool to make the best possible start to everyday. We expect our students to have pride in their appearance and show pride in the use of their planner to record achievements, rewards and their learning.

Respect: We expect students to respect each other and their differences. Respect is a vital part of our routines and expectations, for both students and staff. We want students to have respect for themselves and their dreams, applying this respect in the classroom and their learning. Students will have the opportunity to work with staff to further develop their love of subjects and access to opportunities. To achieve this, respect will be important between students and staff, fostering the mentality of earning respect and not demanding it.

Ambition: Ambition is to reach a goal which is such a fantastic feeling. It develops belief but tends to shift dreams so that a new goal arises. With pride and respect, ambition tends to follow when backed up with determination and self- discipline. Ambition comes in many forms. It may be an ambition to confidently speak in public. It may be an ambition of reaching a Grade 9 in French, or a 5 in Maths. It may be the ambition of scoring a goal on the football pitch in the cup final. The only thing to be sure about is that ambition comes with the need to put in effort and commitment every day. 4

Park Lane Academy

Academy values We expect all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, governors) of Park Lane Academy to embody our academy values in everything that they do. Our values were created by all stakeholders and we firmly believe they are built around our current journey.


Mission Statement Park Lane learning family is part of a wider partnership, South Pennine Academies. We take responsibility for our learning and success. Our learning family encourages aspiration and takes pride in our community. We are a family that respects one another and guides each other to be the best they can be. Our welcoming, safe, inclusive learning family focuses upon developing ambitious, resilient and happy learners where staff, students , parents/carers and governors are committed to achieving our vision of improving the life chances of our students.



Curriculum Rationale The Park Lane Academy curriculum meets the needs of student both now and in the future. It improves the life chances of students, supports effective transitions and creates opportunities for our students to lead diverse and successful lives. Our aspirational curriculum model supports social mobility for our community by ensuring that all students follow the pathway that best supports their long-term career goals. At the core of our curriculum are the qualifications required to flourish and progress onto an academic Key Stage 5 pathway, apprenticeship or employment. The curriculum is broad, balanced, rich and deep, including Personal Development, SMSC, Character, Equality and British Values (fostering interest in politics, human rights, democracy and law). The teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural education, both inside and outside the classroom, contributes to our students becoming positive, active participants in society. Students have regular opportunities for enriching experiences aiming to foster curiosity and happiness through ‘real world’ relevance locally, nationally and globally. They are encouraged to cultivate leadership skills, develop into responsible citizens, embrace charity work, exercise tolerance, and utilise their democratic voting rights. Our inclusive curriculum is personalised to the needs of students. Regardless of ability, everyone is both supported and challenged in their learning. Special educational needs and disabilities are monitored closely and if required, alternative approaches to provision are implemented. Where a student has an area for development (e.g. a low reading age), elements of the curriculum are adjusted to support their catch-up so that they can access the full curriculum in the future. Our vision is that all students are enabled to achieve their full potential. Academic rigour provided at Park Lane is complemented by the learning of ‘soft’ skills that are required by employers in all types of employment. These are weaved throughout our ‘character education’ curriculum to enable students to be ‘life and work ready’: critical thinking; leadership; collaboration; organisation; responsibility; independent thinking; self-presentation skills; resilience. Park Lane Academy is committed to annual provision for all students of interview preparation and mock interviews with local employers to increase employment opportunities. For more information on our curriculum, please contact Ms Ahmed (Vice Principal) at or make an appointment to visit us. 6

Park Lane Academy

Every student has a right to

Realise potential

Feel safe; be safe

Needs and aspirations are met

Develop skills of creativity and independence

Be happy and have self-belief

Develop informed opinions

Learn with and from our partners

Enjoy recognition of successes

Have a voice in leading the school

SMSC SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural. All schools in England must show how well their students develop in SMSC. Spiritual - Explore beliefs and experience; respect values; discover oneself and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect. Moral - Recognise right and wrong; respect the civil and criminal law of England; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views. Social - Use social skills in different contexts; work well with others; resolve conflicts; understand how communities work; contribute positively to life in modern Britain. Cultural - Appreciate cultural influences; knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity. Park Lane Academy aims to: Encourage the development of self awareness and confidence whilst promoting sensitivity, support, appreciation and respect for others; provide the learning opportunities that lead to continuous improvement in achievement; recognise and reward all achievement; allow all students to share positive experiences, to feel valued and to enjoy their life at the Academy; assist individuals to develop the skills and knowledge needed for their current and future roles within society; encourage parental and community involvement in all aspects of life at the Academy.

Personal Development Education (PDE) Our framework identifies the key concepts, skills and attributes that are developed and delivered via tutor period, assemblies, drop down days and the PDE curriculum. This enables the academy to fulfil our statutory responsibility to safeguard students, support their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. The curriculum also enables our students to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and communities as well as having a grasp of the political, legal and economic functions of society. Integral to our curriculum and enrichment offer is the support given to our students to develop their character – including their resilience, confidence and independence – and help them know how to keep physically and mentally healthy. We strive at all times to ensure our students are confident in the key foundations of character; sport, creativity, performing, volunteering / membership and the world of work. Park Lane Academy


Enrichment Programme At Park Lane Academy, we endeavour to provide our pupils with a fulfilling and enjoyable all round, educational experience. Via our extensive Enrichment Programme, pupils can access a whole host of new or additional learning experiences, ranging from Arts & Crafts and Drama, through to extra sporting opportunities and specialist intervention clubs, aimed at supporting and extending pupils’ studies. We strive to provide opportunities for all our pupils and with this in mind, there is extra provision for Gifted and Talented pupils, and several Nurture groups for more vulnerable students. We also place great value on the role that educational visits have on a child’s whole school experience. Over the past few years, Park Lane pupils have been able to access numerous opportunities, including memorable visits to Old Trafford, a watersports experience in the South of France and a unique opportunity for a trip to the Concentration Camps at Auschwitz.


Park Lane Academy

Park Lane Pledge The Park Lane Pledge stands alongside the numerous opportunities students have to attend after school clubs, including football, rugby, netball, art, cooking and intervention workshops. The Pledge is made up of stakeholder views and linked to what we believe are some of the key skills and opportunities that every child should have during their education. Linked to our curriculum vision and part of our views on the quality of education, this Pledge supports the 5-year journey taken by every student at Park Lane Academy. All students will ‌ learn first aid, including CPR and how to use a defibrillator go on cultural visits—theatre trips, museum trips and visits to other cities participate in extra-curricular activities, including the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme experience careers support and advice, including attending careers days, interview practice / feedback and work experience opportunities raise money for charity and/or be involved in community work that benefits someone else take part in personal development days, helping to learn more about the community we belong to and the person we strive to be

Park Lane Academy


SEND Provision We pride ourselves on having a highly dedicated and well-resourced team within SEND, led by an Assistant Principal and SENDCo, and delivered by a committed team of HLTAs and LSAs. Our practice is based on the ‘Graduated Approach’ set out in the SEN Code of Practice (2015). This is the practice of putting in place suitable SEN provision and then keeping it under review, with staff and parents working together, to always achieve effective support for a child. At Park Lane Academy we believe in participation for all. The student and their family are at the heart of all we do. We celebrate an inclusive culture in our school and aim always to be responsive to the diverse backgrounds of our students, their interests, experience, knowledge and skills. In this context, we do our very best to always encourage and support students with SEN to take part in whole‐school activities during the school day or extra‐curricular. This will include a range of activities such as:




We value “Quality First Teaching” for all students and monitor the quality of learning and teaching in the school. We have in place regular professional development training for all staff, with a particular focus on SEND, including SEND workshops for staff to provide them with time to talk about individual students with the SENDCo. Staff, students and parents work together to develop one-page profiles for all SEND students, helping everyone to provide the best quality education. 10

Park Lane Academy

Pastoral Care Park Lane Academy has a team of staff driven by a deep rooted belief in developing relationships and supporting students through their educational journey, ending in GCSE success. As teachers spend a majority of their time in class, we have been proactive in developing our academy support teams who are equipped to provide a range of strategies to students, and parents. As a small secondary academy, we know our students very well. Our highly qualified staff seek to ensure that every child feels valued and looked after. In the middle of school is THE HUB where most of our pastoral staff are based. They provide day to day support – especially when life gets tough. They are very experienced and knowledgeable and will help in any way they can.

Park Lane Academy


Positive Discipline Our policy at Park Lane Academy is absolutely clear; we insist on high standards of behaviour, appearance, work ethic and respect for all to enable our staff to teach our students well so they learn to the best of their ability and leave the Academy with the benefits of a first class education. When it comes to discipline, we have a traditional approach based upon a very clear set of consequences for unacceptable behaviour that interferes with good order in the Academy. We firmly believe that exceptional behaviour in the classroom is essential for outstanding learning and teaching to take place. Central to our new Positive Discipline Policy is the promotion of high expectations with encouragement to uphold our core values of Pride and Respect. We also believe in encouraging, rewarding, and reinforcing good behaviour in students, inside and outside the classroom. We set an example of mutual respect within an atmosphere where courtesy and positivity are the norm, and deviations from that are dealt with in a professional and calm manner. Collectively as staff, we aim to provide an atmosphere where praise far outweighs sanctions in every classroom. Key to our Positive Discipline Policy is that students must arrive at the academy with their planners and take this planner with them throughout the day. The planner is the only way we will record behaviour, rewards, messages and independent learning. We ask parents to sign this every week and to support their child with the growth of a positive discipline character.


Park Lane Academy

Admissions The academy is non-selective, taking in students of all abilities and serving the local community first. Arrangement for applications for places at Park Lane Academy will be made in accordance with Calderdale local authority coordinated admission arrangements. Information and an application form can be found at residents/education-and-learning/schools/admissions The academy coordinates its own in-year applications and will participate with, in-year fair access protocols. Please contact the Academy directly for information.

South Pennine Academies South Pennine Academies operates as a Multi Academy Trust and in that respect is the employer across all the academies in the partnership. The trust is led by Jane Acklam OBE in her role as Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer. She has a strong track record in school improvement supporting schools across a number of local authorities. She is a National Leader of Education. South Pennine Academies believes in school improvement through a partnership model. This brings drive, expertise and capacity to the school improvement agenda. It recognizes and encourages each academy’s unique characteristics and ethos, reinforcing their individual identities within their respective communities. Working within a Multi Academy Trust allows school to school support to flourish. Park Lane Academy


Park Lane Academy

Contact Info Park Lane Academy, Park Lane, Exley, Halifax, HX3 9LG T: 01422 362215 W:

Principal Mr Darren Atkinson Twitter: @ParkLaneAc Instagram: @ParkLaneAcademyHalifax Facebook: @ParkLaneAcademy – Halifax

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