Quest Primary Flyer

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Nursery, Recep�on and School places available

To learn more about our nursery, recep�on or primary provision, please explore our website or contact the office to arrange a personal tour.


We passionately believe that ‘Learning Changes Lives’ and are determined that through our school values of excellence, responsibility and aspira�on, all children will develop to their full poten�al during their �me at Quest Primary.

Quest Primary Learning Behaviours help us achieve greatness every day in our own learning and personal development.

These are:

To be curious about what we are learning and why

To have a thirst for discovering new knowledge

To show courage and challenge ourselves when we are learning

To persevere with our goals and never give up

To have the resilience to overcome obstacles that we encounter in our work

To be determined in everything we do

To believe in ourselves and what we can achieve

Quest Primary School is a single form entry school located in South Croydon. We work in partnership with our neighbouring secondary school, The Quest Academy, as well as the other Collegiate Trust schools, to provide the best possible educa�onal outcomes and experiences for our pupils. In March 2023 we were inspected by OFSTED, achieving a ‘GOOD’ ra�ng in all areas. Our focus is on developing excellent teaching and learning, supported by an engaging and ambi�ous curriculum offer alongside opportuni�es for personal development, ensures that pupils can achieve their poten�al, in a suppor�ve and caring environment.

Our staff provide a calm and s�mula�ng environment where good behaviour and mutual respect is modelled by everyone. Pupils enjoy coming to school and are enthusias�c about learning. We have a large site with wonderful spacious grounds, that include our EYFS outdoor learning area, cookery room, music room, Nurture room and large compu�ng suite. We also provide specialist teaching for children with Moderate Learning Difficul�es in our Enhanced Learning Provision.

Our pupils are hard-working, polite, respec�ul and understand that learning unlocks their poten�al. We give them opportuni�es to enrich their academic learning through sport, music and the arts as well as opportuni�es to develop leadership skills. Every child is supported to strive to reach their best, ensuring they leave Quest Primary School as confident, well-rounded and kind young people, with the academic skills they require to be successful at the next stage of their educa�on.


The school has an on-site nursery for up to 26 children and provides both 15-hour and 30-hour funded provision. At the heart of our Nursery is the principle that young children need to play and have fun in order to learn about and understand the world around them.

Tel: 020 8657 4722


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