11 BEFORE 11
Introduction REAch2 is the largest primary-only multi-academy trust (MAT), currently supporting some 53 primary academies across England. It is the founding member of a growing charitable family of trusts, under the REACH banner (Reach4, Reach South and the Reach Foundation). The Cornerstone of REAch2 is a solid, unshakeable foundation, defined by exceptional teaching experiences and shared Touchstone values of learning, leadership, enjoyment, inclusion, inspiration, responsibility and integrity. These values are at the very core of the Trust, firmly embedded in all of our academies and embraced by our leaders, teachers, staff, parents and children alike. Strong family values are a key component of the REAch2 vision. We believe that REAch2 is a family: connected by a common desire to learn from each other, share experiences and be mutually supportive across the entire academy community. Every school and every individual is included in this vision. We actively encourage collaboration – and work as a team to create and deliver the best possible educational experiences for every pupil within the REAch2 Trust. Sir Steve Lancashire founded REAch2 Academy Trust (www.reach2.org) in 2012. Born out of the principles that Sir Steve had introduced to create exceptional education at Hillyfield Primary Academy in Waltham Forest, North London, REAch2 has grown to become the largest and most successful primary only academy chain in the country. In April 2016, the Trust was operating 53 academies across the Midlands, South East of England and London. Sir Steve leads REAch2 as its CEO. The REAch2 strapline: ‘Exceptional Learning Opportunities for All’, reflects REACH’s total commitment to an exceptional and inclusive education that serves local communities. Reach4 Academy Trust was launched in January 2016 (www.reach4.org.uk). Led by CEO Libby Nicholas, Reach4 has been established as part of the ‘Northern Power House’ initiative to contribute to raising educational standards in primary and secondary schools in the Midlands and North of England. While the heart of Reach4 is in the Midlands and North of England, it will operate secondary academies where there are REAch2 primaries and will have a national footprint. Reach South will build on the proven and successful ‘REACH’ approach to pedagogy, school improvement, governance and leadership. The Trust will benefit from the economies of scale of being a member of the REACH family while establishing its own distinctiveness as an independent MAT for the South West. The strapline: “Aspiration Beyond Expectation”, reflects REACH’s commitment to setting no limits on the aspiration of every child and young person.
LETTER FROM SIR STEVE LANCASHIRE REAch2 was established in 2012 with the aim of providing exceptional opportunities for learning for a family of primary academies across the country. Our passion is for primary education and we believe that children can achieve the highest academic standards at the same time as enjoying a rich, rewarding and challenging curriculum which focuses on themselves as individuals, developing their character and helping them realise the opportunities open to them in the wider world. There are now around 60 academies in the REAch2 family. We are passionate about dispelling the myth that only certain children are able to achieve, and so we go that extra mile to ensure each and every one of our children gets the best possible start to their education. For us, academic excellence is a given. But our schools are about so much more, offering a richness of experience that gives real colour throughout the time our children spend with us. This is best exemplified through our innovative commitment of 11 before 11, which includes a range of experiences that are designed to inspire and stretch REAch2 children, including: camping in a field or a forest; visiting a foreign country; climbing a mountain; learning to play a musical instrument; and performing in a major concert. To offer this type of education, we invest heavily in the people who work in our academies. Great schools have great leaders and great staff. Our team has educationalists and leaders who have proven track records of taking under-performing schools to “outstanding� and once there, maintaining that level of excellence. We also believe in developing our staff, across every level of the organisation, and to do this we draw on the support and expertise of world class leaders for their development. This is an exciting time to be part of the REAch2 family, and I am proud to work with such exceptional professionals to deliver on our promise of exceptional opportunities for learning to each and every child in our care.
Sir Steve Lancashire Chief Executive and Founder, REAch2 Academy Trust
Touchstones and Cornerstones The REAch2 Cornerstone REAch2 is the Cornerstone of the entire Trust: providing a strong, responsible foundation from which every academy develops and grows. A cornerstone provides a subtle yet paramount role in a building and ensures that REAch2 is a trustworthy, reliable and inspirational organisation, delivering the best possible learning experience.
REAch2 Touchstones As a Trust we are committed to creating a culture that strongly reflects our Touchstones: seven principles that make our academies unique. Just as 500 years ago touchstones were used to test the quality of the gold they marked, so too our Touchstones find what is precious and set these things apart. They are used to express the values and ethos of the Trust and describe perfectly what we are known for and how we operate.
We acknowledge and celebrate that all people are different and can play a role in the REAch2 family whatever their background or learning style. No child can be “left behind”
Providing learning that is relevant, motivating and engaging stimulates a child’s curiosity and sense of fun, so that a task can be tackled and their goals achieved
Children and adults will flourish in their learning and through learning, discover a future that is worth pursuing
We act judiciously with sensitivity and care. We don’t make excuses, but mindfully answer for actions and continually seek to make improvements
Leadership We aspire for high quality leadership by seeking out talent, developing potential and spotting the “possible” in people as well as the “actual”
Integrity We recognise that we lead by example and if we want children to grow up to behave appropriately and with integrity then we must model this behaviour
Inspiration Inspiration breathes life into our schools. Introducing children to influential experiences of people and places, motivates them to live their lives to the full
Building Sustainable and Effective MATs While REAch2 has demonstrated how to develop an effective and sustainable multi-academy trust, it is clear that others have fallen short in this venture. “Reform”, a non-party research organisation that focuses on the delivery of public services, published Education in Chains in 2015. This publication considered research into what characterised MATs that had succeeded and failed in the recent past. REACH has considered the findings of the report in the context of what has supported the high levels of success of REAch2 Academy Trust. Reach4 and Reach South will be further developed according to five principles that have emerged from our learning of how to build an effective and sustainable multi-academy trust:
A relentless focus on the quality of learning Clear governance structures Capacity and affordability built through economies of scale
Talent management and professional development for all Trust functions – an effective operating model Expert governance
The three charitable Trusts - REAch2, Reach4 and Reach South - will develop a common back office trading company, ‘Reach Inspiration Ltd’. Reach Inspiration will be wholly and equally owned by the three Trusts. Its sole purpose will be to provide high quality and cost effective back office services for each Trust. Services will include financial and accountancy support, HR, payroll, estates, CPD, IT support, procurement, project management, communications and governance support. Reach Inspiration will provide these services on a not-for-profit basis to the three Trusts. The advantage of this approach is to achieve the economies of scale that allow us to recruit the highest quality of talent in a way that is affordable to us.
Focus On Quality of Learning At the heart of the REAch2 approach to educational improvement is a relentless focus by every layer of the organisation on the quality of learning that is taking place in every classroom. This means that systems, procedures and relationships must ensure that we all know our academies. Those systems and processes include:
Professional development and support to ensure consistent standards and approach across the Trust Agreed common timescales and methodology of assessment for effective progress monitoring Common ‘Assessment Without Levels’ approach Common risk management, assessment and escalation procedures for education performance Deployment of Regional Key Stage / Subject Leads to support academies Joint accountability and responsibility of Directors of Education, Regional Directors and Headteachers for the academies’ education performance Moderated Trust Inspections to moderate on-going quality of provision Routine management analysis of performance by the Regional Director and the Headteacher Education performance sub-committee of the Trustee’s Board and Regional Boards to focus on educational performance, risk assessment, and intervention strategies Peer-to-peer support to be available when necessary
Curriculum REAch2 academies have a curriculum that is values-led: It engages, motivates and inspires children, giving them opportunities to translate learning into real and relevant skills application. The REAch2 curriculum prepares children for life and enables them to achieve their potential both academically and creatively. REAch2 academies seek to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum as a minimum. As stated in Department for Education (DfE) guidance “all academies must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly-based and which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students at the academy and prepares students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.” As part of the REACH family of trusts, we believe that there is a vital and substantial core curriculum that works across all types of settings. We ensure consistency of approach across all our schools through regional teams of teaching and learning specialists, Director of Education, Deputy Director of Education, Regional Directors and regional expertise in the Associate School Leaders (ASLs). Our ASLs deliver training, carry out moderation, lead on “joint practice development” and curriculum innovation. REAch2’s vision is for all children in our academies to experience learning that is exceptional and as such we view the curriculum as a suite of four aspects.
REAch2 Trust Curriculum Commitments “Exceptional Opportunities for Learning” REAch2 is committed to creating a culture that embodies our Touchstones. All REAch2 academies have a clear curriculum vision that states the core aims and purpose of the curriculum for all pupils and reflects the Touchstones. The ultimate aim of the curriculum is to develop children who are equipped to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world with confidence and success. REAch2 will ensure that all children within its academies receive a curriculum that delivers exceptional opportunities for learning and all requirements from the National Curriculum. Whilst academies have the freedom to deliver the curriculum in their unique way, the Curriculum Commitments below must be exemplified and evidenced in the academies’ individual curriculum policies. A provision that is:
Character Building
Engaging & Memorable
Relevant & Purposeful
Each of the Curriculum Commitments is underpinned by three individual principles.
Curriculum Commitments and Principles All REAch2 children will receive a curriculum that is:
Nurturing Guiding Principles: »» Safety – children feel safe and know how to be safe »» Wellbeing – children are healthy, happy and able to prosper »» Inclusive – all children are able to access the same level of outstanding education and be successful
Character Building Guiding Principles: »» Attitudes and Values – children have ongoing opportunities to develop as individuals »» Aspiration – children believe that anything is possible »» Readiness – children are equipped for their next step(s)
Engaging and Memorable Guiding Principles: »» Experiential – children will have regular, memorable experiences »» Inspiring – fostering curiosity and finding children’s passion »» Immersive – children are absorbed
Relevant and Purposeful Guiding Principles: »» Context – children make sense of their learning through its application »» Cohesion – children make links across their learning and embed understanding »» Community – children engage with their immediate and wider communities
11 before 11 At REAch2 we are ambitious for our children to have broad horizons in life and high aspirations for themselves. We want our children to be inspired and challenged so that each one can develop their unique potential to the full. To this end, we have developed 11 before 11 to empower our children to take the driving seat in their own lives. 11 before 11 is designed to take our children beyond the usual school experiences to deliver a range of memorable events that surprise and delight the child; both realising and releasing their potential in a wide range of contexts. 11 before 11 ensures that the touchstone of enjoyment is central to our children’s learning as they progress through our family of schools.
11 before 11 takes our children beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary; to open opportunities in life and inspire them to move forward in their own life’s adventure. Read about past experiences at try5.co.uk – our pilot project of 11 before 11. All REAch2 academies now participate in the programme, which ensures children participate in and enjoy memorable events during their school years. Each school appoints an “Adventure Ambassador” to lead the planning and delivery of the promises. These individuals make valuable contributions, not only to the delivery of their own school’s promises, but in developing the whole thinking behind the agenda through collaboration. They have exemplified the Trust’s touchstones – particularly leadership, enjoyment and responsibility. The 11 before 11 programme links to the REAch2 curriculum principles because it brings breadth to the educational experience, promotes enjoyment, brings additional challenge and allows for a more personalised experience. REAch2 pledges that every one of our children will have the opportunity to take part in the following activities, before they leave primary school: camp in a field or a forest visit a foreign country do an adventurous activity take part in the REAch2 Olympics display artwork in a public space climb a mountain participate in an enterprise endeavour, designing and marketing in a team learn to play a musical instrument cook a meal for the family with food the child grew themselves participate in a debate perform in a REAch2 concert
There are also opportunities for pupils from different REAch2 schools to collaborate and interact, especially within our locality clusters. This is particularly important in brand new schools to ensure that the first and oldest year group has contact time with older pupils throughout their primary education.
Clear Governance The REAch2 Charter sets out the fundamental principles of the organisation and lays down the rules for its governance. The governance scheme consists of the Charter, the Trust Articles of Association and the detailed Scheme of Delegation. The governance principles recognise the importance of developing relationships with common purpose as much as they are about developing processes and structures. The 21 questions that every multi-academy trust should ask itself, set out by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Education Governance and Leadership (January 2015), provide a foundation by which we will assess the effectiveness of our governance. Financial governance must, as a foundation, be compliant with the principles and regulations set out in the Academies Financial handbook. The Trust aims to go beyond this foundation to provide excellence in its governance. Governance is underpinned by a common understanding about who is responsible for providing valuable input to decision making and who has the decision making responsibility. Effective governance in the Trust will be supported through the following tiers: Trust Members – the guardians of the constitution Trust Board – the Directors / Trustees Trust sub-committees Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) – The Academy Governors The Executive Team – the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other senior management As the Trust has grown, the capacity for governance, overview and scrutiny of LGB decisions has been increased through the development of Regional Boards. The middle tier of governance is the Regional Boards and their sub-committees. To avoid confusion with the role of Board Trustees and LGB Governors, the regional board members are known as ‘Regional Ambassadors’. The Trust Board has overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Trust, including the establishment and maintenance of the academies.
Regional Boards have three key functions: Provide regional overview, scrutiny and challenge of academy education and financial performance; Support regional locality forums for academy leaders and governors to shape and influence Trust thinking; and Ensure an effective flow of communication between the Local Governing Bodies, Regional Boards and the Trust Board The governance of each academy shall be delegated to the relevant Local Governing Body.
GOVERNANCE – TRUSTEES INFO REAch2 Non-Executive Trustees Peter Little TRUSTEE Peter Little is a Trustee and Chair of REAch2 Ltd. Peter is an active investor helping companies grow by supporting them with operational experience across the spectrum of management, marketing and finance; the objective being the creation and subsequent realisation of shareholder value. A particular focus in financial technology has seen leadership roles and subsequent exits in Braid (acquired in 1999 by Mercator and then IBM) Whitaker Garnier providing a hedge fund CRM system acquired in 2006 by Pertrac in the US, City Networks acquired by Broadridge (NYSE:BR) in 2010, Singularity acquired by Kofax (NYSE:KFX) in 2011, Investmaster acquired by Dion in 2012, and Cadis Software acquired by Markit in 2012. Peter has interests and plays an active role in Dovetail Software, a bank payments system provider, and is Chairman of Firefly, a US and European provider of technical training classes. Peter is also a Patron of the Prince’s Trust.
The Rt Revd David Rossdale TRUSTEE The Rt. Revd. David Rossdale is a Trustee and Vice Chair of the REAch2 Ltd Board. David was the Bishop of Grimsby between June 2000 and 2014. Before coming to Grimsby his ministry had been as a Parish Priest, most recently in Cookham in Berkshire and before that in Chelmsford, Essex. In terms of theology and church life, Bishop David’s interests include getting the structures right to enable church growth; using the God given resources of vocation wisely; developing chaplaincy as a key element of mission; marketing the church; the distinctiveness and ethos of church schools; social justice. At present he is working on the changing nature of incumbency and how it can serve the changing context for the church’s ministry. REAch2 ACADEMY TRUST | Page 13
Dr Louise Askew TRUSTEE Dr. Louise Askew is a Trustee of REAch2 Ltd and Chair of Governors of Eastbrook Academy in West Sussex. Louise has been a professional translator and interpreter working between English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian for such organisations as the UN (the International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague) and NATO (the HQ of the Stabilisation Force in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina). In Sarajevo she set up and ran the force’s translation and interpretation service, which consisted of 40 staff located in several places throughout Bosnia and Croatia. Louise has a first degree in Serbo-Croat Language and Literature from London University and an MA in European Political Economy. In 2011, Louise was awarded a PhD on the language policy of international organisations in Bosnia since 1995 from the University of Nottingham. As part of her research she investigated language-related issues in the education system in Bosnia and in one chapter of her thesis she examines the ways in which language is used in schools to segregate pupils. Since October 2012 Louise has been Chair of Governors at Eastbrook Primary School in West Sussex. In this role she reorganised the governing body, led the recruitment process for a new Headteacher and was instrumental in the restructuring of the school’s staff prior to the school becoming an academy in September 2013.
Clare Walsh TRUSTEE Clare Walsh is a Trustee of REAch2 Ltd. Clare is one of the founders of Metia media. With over 30 years’ experience in the financial technology sector Clare has developed deep and wide ranging relationships with many of the key influencers within this industry, including journalists, analysts, vendors and market participants. Prior to her retirement from Metia she headed up the global Influence teams within the group as well taking a leading role in the company’s business development activities. Before founding Metia, Clare’s experience includes heading up the European marketing communications function for Digital Equipment Company’s specialist financial services practice based in London. Her role there was to develop market leading financial services campaigns that could be leveraged by the 17 participating Digital offices throughout Europe. Before that Clare spent nearly seven years as head of marketing and PR at Arbat, one of the early providers of wholesale banking solutions. Since her retirement Clare has invested in new software business. She also provides business advisory/mentoring services to a number of financial technology firms. Most recently she was invited to be the chairperson of a newly formed biofuels company.
REAch2 Non-Executive Trustees cont. Colin Powell TRUSTEE Colin is the Director of Education for the Southwark Diocese Board of Education. He became Director of Education in September 2013. He was previously Assistant Director, specialising in school effectiveness. Colin has a vast amount of experience in the education system, working as a Primary Adviser, School Improvement Partner, Section 48 Inspector, National Strategy Consultant Leader and a Local Authority Inspector. Colin also has ten years of experience as a Headteacher, taking a school to ‘Outstanding’ in all areas. He has taught in both community and Church of England schools after graduating from University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathematics and Music. He has experience of developing and delivering a range of training programmes around leadership, school effectiveness, governance and teaching and learning.
Jeremy King TRUSTEE Jeremy King is the CEO and Founder of Attest, a technology startup based in London. Before starting Attest, Jeremy guided many large companies on strategy, operations, governance, decision-making and organisation during his nine years with McKinsey & Company, where he worked across U.K., U.S., Australia and over 20 other countries. Jeremy holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and was originally a scientist, focusing on genetics and ecology. Jeremy has been involved in several startups in the U.S. and U.K. and, along with his role as a Trustee at REAch2, he is also an Advisory Board member at Founders4Schools. Mark Taylor TRUSTEE Mark is an Education Head in the Financial Services industry with focus on regulatory compliance. His strategic responsibilities concern the identification and development of global education solutions in response to key risks. His previous roles within Lloyds Bank, Standard Bank and HSBC have focussed on corporate governance and regulatory requirements. He has held a range of different posts including Head of Compliance, Head of Secretariat and Money Laundering Compliance Officer. REAch2 ACADEMY TRUST | Page 15
Michael Peters TRUSTEE Michael Peters is a Trustee of REAch2 Sussex Academy Trust. Michael is currently a Director of Camber Consulting and a successful former Director of Education and Head of Children’s Services with 30 years’ experience working within both public and private sectors. With a background in education, Michael has managed public sector organisations with over 800 staff and budgets in excess of £300m. He has successfully worked on establishing new unitary authorities and has led organisations to successful inspection outcomes and achievement of major contracts. He has successful experience in leading and supporting change and implementation of performance and commercialisation of education and children’s services. Michael has significant knowledge of a range of education authorities and systems across the country from large unitary and two tier authorities to the small unitary and academy chains. He has a range of successful senior level interim leadership roles including leading the development of Learning & Children’s Services for several unitary and county councils. He has worked with national government on extended service and leading projects on personalisation in education and public services. Michael is a former Director of Educational Services for York City Council and former Executive Director of Education of Lambeth Council. Michael was also Head of Service for Children’s Services for Cornwall Council and was an adviser to government on raising levels of achievement for ethnic minorities and extended service schools.
Tony Gilbey TRUSTEE Tony Gilbey is a Managing Director at HSBC. He is Global Head of HSBC’s Capital Goods and Automotive team, serving large corporates, and has been in banking for over 20 years. Tony is a qualified Chartered Accountant and worked for Coopers & Lybrand (part of PWC) for 7 years in the UK and Switzerland
Victoria Pigott TRUSTEE Victoria Pigott was a Trustee of REAch2 Essex Academy Trust before it became REAch2 Academy Trust. Victoria is a partner at Mishcon de Reya LLP. Victoria is a commercial litigator acting for a wide variety of clients including high profile and high net worth individuals, corporations, families and family offices, advising on complex commercial cases, including director and shareholder disputes as well as partnership issues, general contractual matters and extradition. Victoria is a member of the London Solicitors Litigation Association. REAch2 ACADEMY TRUST | Page 16
REAch2 Leadership Team Sir Steve Lancashire Chief Executive Sir Steve has been involved in primary education for thirty years and as a Headteacher for the past twenty years, most recently as Executive Headteacher of Hillyfield Primary Academy. Hillyfield is a double outstanding school and REAch2 was founded on its success. Sir Steve is a National Leader of Education and has been a lead adviser for the Department for Education, taking the lead in supporting schools to move from ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’. As the founder and Chief Executive of REAch2, Sir Steve seeks to establish a family of schools that share his passion and drive to secure the best possible outcomes for primaryaged children and to ensure that primary education has a strong national voice. Ensuring there is enough capacity in the education system to enhance existing good schools and to tackle the issue facing failing schools is at the heart of Steve’s vision so that all young people have access to an exceptional education. In 2015-16, Sir Steve helped to establish Reach4 and REACH South, sister trusts to REAch2, working with primary, secondary and all-through schools. Sir Steve was Knighted for services to education in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list in 2016.
Katherine Alexander FINANCE DIRECTOR Katherine is a qualified Accountant with over 17 years’ experience in the private sector. Katherine has held many posts across a wide range of small and medium-sized companies. Starting out in the builders merchant and home improvement sector for the BSS Group PLC, and working across numerous departments, which provided the grounding for her career in Finance. Katherine then moved into the software industry, where she worked for 10 years. A core aspect of her roles was to ensure that systems and processes were in place, compliance with statutory requirements along with forecasted projections for three to five years. Supporting the CEO and MD, Katherine has been heavily involved in the purchase and sale of three businesses, supporting the shareholders across all aspects of financial and business due diligence. Leading the senior leadership team of the organisations, profitability, cashflow and financial sustainability were achieved which resulted in some of the companies being sold to larger corporates. Roles undertaken to date include Company Secretary, Head of Human Resources and Finance Director, Payroll Manager for – Investmaster & Indigo (London) Limited (Acquired by Dion in 2012), Cadis Software (Acquired by Markit in 2012), Purple Reporting and TDA Recruitment. As Finance Director for the Trust, Katherine brings business skills to the public sector along with the ability to lead and manage a team. Joining REAch2 in 2014, Katherine supports the academies and the Trust across all aspects of Finance and Business process.
Dean Ashton BUSINESS AND POLICY DIRECTOR Dean was part of the small team that established REAch2 Academy Trust along with its founder, Sir Steve Lancashire. Dean was responsible for establishing and developing the business infrastructure and governance structure for the Trust from its inception with one academy in 2012 to becoming a 52 academy MAT by 2016. Based on the successful development of REAch2 Academy Trust, Dean established the business model for the launch of a new Trust, Reach4 Academy Trust in 2015. Reach4 is a primary and secondary Trust established as part of the northern education fund initiative to tackle educational underperformance in parts of the Midlands and North of England. Dean’s roots are firmly in education. After graduating in medical biochemistry at Royal Holloway College and a PGCE at the London University Institute of Education, Dean began his career as a secondary science teacher and progressed to become a Head of Science, Deputy Headteacher and Acting Headteacher in schools in West Sussex, Devon, Somerset and Cornwall. During this time he was awarded the National Professional Qualification for Headship. Dean was recruited from school leadership to Local Education Authority leadership in Cornwall as an Assistant Director of Education and then Deputy Director of Education before becoming the Corporate Director of Children’s Services. In this role he was responsible for a £500million annual budget and the leadership of: 283 schools; alternative education provisions; special educational needs; family services; youth services; and children’s social services, including adoption and fostering services. During this time he was awarded a Masters Degree in Education from Exeter University. Dean has held several Trusteeships and Directorships, including: Chair of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Youth Justice Board; Chair of the South West Grid for Learning; Chair of the Cornwall Children and Young People’s Partnership; Chair of the Cornwall Local Safeguarding Children Board; Trustee of Aspire Academy Trust; Trustee of REAch2 Academy Trust; Governor of Sandy Hill Academy in St Austell; Chair of the Local Governors Transition Board of Minerva Academy in Westminster.
Catherine Paine DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE Appointed in 1998 to her first headship in a large and socially deprived school in “special measures”, Cathie was at the time the youngest headteacher in England and led the school to become “Good” in just four terms. Shaped by this, Cathie retains her passion for enabling children to flourish in an environment of outstanding practice. Until February 2013 Cathie was Executive Headteacher of three primary schools – Mount Street Academy, Lincoln Carlton Academy and Saxilby Church of England Primary School; Mount Street Academy has a national reputation as a twice “outstanding” school, which led to Cathie’s work across the country as a National Leader of Education. In 2012, Mount Street became Lincolnshire’s first Teaching School. Cathie’s headship career spanned 15 years across three key stages and schools in a variety of challenging circumstances across the 3-11 age range. As Deputy CEO of REAch2, Cathie’s vision is the belief that school leadership at its heart is about transforming lives. Cathie joined REAch2 at the end of 2012 as its very first employee. As the Trust has grown and continues to grow, it remains her responsibility to ensure that each school improves and transforms. REAch2 ACADEMY TRUST | Page 18
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT As a Trust, we value and promote high quality training and development for all of our staff. The greatest investment we can make is in our people; our CPD offer makes a strong contribution to ensuring the quality of this investment. We have brought together a range of programmes and courses that are designed to support and inspire our colleagues across the Trust. The REAch2 leadership philosophy stresses the need to see REAch2 as a learning community. Every individual, classroom, team, school and board member within our Trust are part of a learning community.
Learning is seen as the core process in terms of academic, social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. In practice, this means: 1. Excellence in learning is available to all irrespective of age, role or status 2. Every member of the community accepts their responsibility to sustain their personal learning 3. Every member of the community recognises their responsibility to support and enable the learning of others
4. There is a commitment to openness and sharing of practice 5. All opportunities for learning are based on collaborative strategies 6. Learning is as much concerned with how learning takes place as with what is learnt The REAch2 learning community is open to learning with and from other communities.
1. Introduction and Rationale Our suite of Leadership Development opportunities offers a model of programmes as part of the REAch2 strategy to support the development of leadership capacity across the Trust. The suite is designed to help develop school leaders who are capable and confident in working in a very different environment from the historic models of leadership in schools. While they are concerned with the future potential of participants, the programmes are designed to enhance their current practice and have a direct impact on participants’ schools across the Trust and, in particular, develop confidence in leading teaching and learning, closing the gap and, as a systems leader, working collaboratively. A central theme of the programmes is to enhance current leadership practice and increase participants’ engagement through taking responsibility for and managing their own development and, possibly, acquiring further qualifications. While the focus is on personal development, a key principle of the programmes is to see leadership as translating principle into practice and to emphasise the importance of collaborative working in schools and across the Trust and the wider education system.
2. Purpose of the Strategy To develop, nurture and sustain leadership potential across the Trust in order to support the development of a self-improving school system by: Developing leaders with the professional strategies, personal resilience and knowledge base to effect sustainable school improvement across the Trust as the educational landscape changes Provide programmes that have an immediate impact on participants’ effectiveness in their current role and will serve as a foundation to enhance their success in their long-term careers Building leadership capacity and sustainability in order to embed succession planning and confidence in moving into new leadership roles and structures Harnessing the potential of those in leadership roles who have the capacity to become highly effective school and system leaders Developing cohorts of leaders who will support and develop others to seek leadership positions and attract others with potential into leading schools across the country Developing a group that will become the focus of leadership potential across REAch2 and so inform leadership development, school improvement strategies and collaborative strategies Helping to build a coaching and mentoring culture across REAch2 schools Developing experience and confidence to work collaboratively across the system
3. Common Themes Across all REAch2 Leadership Development Programmes: Working to translate REAch2’s touchstones and cornerstones from principle into practice across the Trust Developing leadership capacity to secure equality for all pupils focused on achievement, wellbeing and enhanced life chances Securing leadership focused on consistently outstanding teaching and learning in order to close the gap, especially for the most vulnerable Embedding effective leadership of staff through engagement, motivation, performance and development Developing the strategies and confidence to work as system leaders and collaborate between schools, across the Trust and the wider system Developing the confidence to lead through innovation and creativity and to explore alternative models of education Focusing on the leadership of change, personal learning and development and sustaining personal wellbeing and sustainability
4. Principles for Leadership Learning and Development The REAch2 programmes have been designed to recognise and translate into practice the following principles of effective leadership development: The most effective leadership development is based in the workplace. Leadership development programmes have the greatest impact when they combine coaching, experiential learning and a relevant knowledge base Activities on leadership development programmes need to be challenging and focused on personal change Collaborative working and opportunities for peer interaction are essential to enhance the impact of programmes Programmes should enable access to models of outstanding leadership and practice associated with high performance Review and reflection and action-learning approaches are the basis for learning that leads to real change
The diagram below illustrates the levels of impact to support personal change and leadership development – the greater the depth, the greater the impact in terms of translating principle into practice and supporting personal change. All programmes stress the importance of collaborative learning, theory, evidence and values informing the analysis of existing practice and development of alternative practice.
Workshop Sessions
Collaborative Learning Action Research
Coaching & Mentoring
Personal Review & Planning
REAch2 Leadership Development Programmes Include:Inspiring Leaders This programme is designed for middle leaders and those aspiring to senior leadership. The programme is made up of six workshops across the year plus a school-based project and the support of a schoolbased coach.
Future Leaders and Future Leaders PLUS Programme These programmes are intended for aspiring school headteachers. They are designed to support the personal planning and development of participants in order to help enhance their readiness for school leadership. The programmes are essentially a structured approach to succession planning in order to secure the next generation of REAch2 school leaders.
Future Changemakers Induction Sessions are available for new schools who have joined the Trust, new headteachers and heads of school; this will enable them to join the first cohort of Future Changemakers on a level footing.
Future Changemakers PLUS This programme is for heads of school and headteachers who attended the first round of Future Changemakers and develops those themes further.
Strategic and Systems Leaders PLUS This programme is for the strategic group of the Trust: the Trust executive, regional directors and executive heads and provides eight days (including an international visit) across the year for collaborative review and strategic thinking. REAch2 ACADEMY TRUST | Page 24
OPERATING Led by The Deputy CEO, a Deputy Director of Education and a team of Regional Directors, with a proven track record of school leadership and educational performance improvement, line manage the academy headteachers. They have a full-time team of Associate School Leaders/ subject leads to support academy development.
A central team provides the key support services including financial, HR, payroll, estates, systems, communications, policy, governance support, project management and marketing. Central services also supply specialists to the regional teams such as a Regional Business Manager, Regional HR Advisor, Regional Estates Surveyor and Regional Governance Support. This approach ensures that multi-disciplinary regional teams consistently work with and support the academies in their region. The sharing of specialist staff and their professional development and performance management, with the other REACH Trusts, through Reach Inspiration, ensures that we have the highest quality and aspirational talent available to the Trust for all of its functions, not just education and pedagogy.
The operating model identifies those functions that are most effectively and efficiently managed centrally by the Trust and those that are most effectively and efficiently delegated to the individual academies. A detailed relationship between centrally managed and academy managed services is set out in the ‘Central Services Specifications’ at the end of this document. Trustees review the delegation of services annually. The capacity of the Trust must exceed its central service, however. This capacity is built up through the development of effective academies that provide peer-topeer support and challenge. Our purpose is to collaborate to meet the aspirations and needs of our children.
REAch2 Operational Structure Chief Executive Officer
Business & Policy Director
Director of Finance Finance Assistant
Head Of Projects
Director Head Of Design & Policy Buildings
Senior Architectural Technician Architectural Technician
Business & Policy Administrator
Head Of HR Deputy Head Of Finance
Improvement, Innovation & Strategy
6x Responsible Head Of Comms. Payroll Service
Architectural Technician Health & Safety Co-ordinator Administrator Legal Services
Financial Accountant Financial Accountant
Public Relations
Deputy CEO PA
Deputy Director for Education
Regional Director Associate School Leader
Regional Director
Associate Associate School School Leader Leader
Regional Business Manager
Regional Director
Associate Associate School School Leader Leader
Regional Business Manager
Regional Director
Associate Associate School School Leader Leader
Regional Business Manager
Associate School Leader
Regional Business Manager
Governance Support Governance Support Governance Support Governance Support Senior HR Advisor Senior HR Advisor Senior HR Advisor Senior HR Advisor Administrator
HR & Administrator
HR & Administrator
West Midlands Regional Team
North & Central Regional Team
East Anglia Regional Team
London South And East Regional Team
CENTRAL SERVICES SPECIFICATIONS The Academy Trust is funded by the Education Funding Agency (EFA) to operate academies. The EFA provides the Trust with a General Allocation Grant (GAG) for each academy that it operates. This is a mechanism for calculating the Trust’s total GAG and not a mechanism for determining the funding for individual academies. It is a matter for the Trust to determine what functions are carried out across the whole Trust and what functions are delegated to the level of the individual academy. REAch2 Academy Trust delegates around 5.5% of functions to central departments and 94.5% to individual academies. Delegated budgets mirror the functions. Trustees govern the effectiveness and efficiency of central department use of resources. Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) are delegated the function of governing the effectiveness and efficiency of individual academy use of resources. This section sets out the scope and specification of the central services and how they interact with individual academies. Headteachers have the responsibility to manage the resources delegated to their academy. Headteachers are line-managed and performance-managed by the Regional Directors. The executive may vary or change these services at any time to meet the needs and priorities of the Trust.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function Liaise with the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Charities Commission to ensure that the Trust’s governance structure is clear, compliant and effective. Trustees set the values and strategic direction and policies of the Trust.
Trustees determine the governance structures for the Trust and determine the governance scheme of delegation. Support Trustees in the recruitment and appointment of new Trustees and Regional Ambassadors, maintaining a skills audit of Trustee expertise to ensure a balance of relevant expertise at Board level. Support the cost of training of Trustees and Regional Ambassadors.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions References to the Local Governing Body (LGB) also apply to local Transition Boards and Intervention Boards. The LGB set the values and strategic policy of the academy within the limits sets within the scheme of delegation. Ensure compliance with the Trust’s scheme of governance and scheme of delegation. Support Governors in the recruitment of new LGB members for approval by the regional board. Support the induction of LGB governors. Support the cost of training LGB members.
Ensure that meetings of the Trust Board, Regional Boards and their sub-committees are fully supported and appropriately clerked and organised.
Ensure that meetings of the LGB and their sub-committees are fully supported and appropriately clerked and organised.
Proactively ensure that the Trust Board, Regional Boards and their sub-committees have access to all necessary data and information, as and when they require it, in order to discharge their duties as Trustees and Regional Ambassadors in providing overview and scrutiny of the Trust’s activities and in holding the Executive to account.
Proactively ensure that the LGB and their sub-committees have access to all necessary data and information, as and when they require it, in order to discharge their duties as Governors in providing overview and scrutiny of the academy’s activities and in holding the academy leadership team to account.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function Maintain and performance manage an executive leadership team that is suitably experienced and qualified. The Trustees will appoint the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO will be the Accounting Officer for the Trust and personally accountable to Parliament for the performance of the Trust. The CEO will be the Executive Officer on the Board of Trustees. The CEO and Trustees will appoint the Executive Directors. The Executive Directors will make up the executive team and include the CEO, Finance Director, Operations Director, Director of Education (Secondary), Director of Education (Primary), and Director of Inclusion. The Executive Team will be responsible for establishing and maintaining an operating model and staffing structure that delivers all of the necessary functions of the Trust effectively, efficiently and affordably. The Executive will be responsible for establishing and reviewing the management scheme of delegation. Provide a national voice for the Trust managing reputation and identity with national and regional partners including Ministers, DfE, EFA, RSCs and NSC, Charities Commission, Ofsted, HMRC, Local Authorities, Higher Education providers and other MATs.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions Headteachers, including Heads of School and Regional Directors, are appointed and performance managed by the Trust’s executive team. The LGB will participate in the process of Headteacher appointment and performance management at the request of the Executive. The Headteacher is line managed by the appropriate Director of Education (Primary / Secondary). The Headteacher will be the executive officer on the LGB. The Headteacher, in consultation with the regional Executive Principle and LGB, will appoint the senior leadership team of the academy.
The academy senior leadership team will be responsible for establishing and maintaining an operating model and staffing structure that delivers all of the functions delegated to the academy effectively, efficiently and affordably.
Provide a local voice for the Trust and the academy managing reputation and identity with local and regional partners including the Local Authority, Child Protection Agencies, RSC offices, other academies and communitybased groups.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function Appoint, employ and performance manage the Regional Directors who will line and performance manage academy Headteachers. The Regional Directors will be line managed by the Deputy Director of Education. The Regional Directors will maintain a dedicated team of specialist Associate School Leaders (ASLs). ASLs will be deployed into academies to provide assessment and support for improving impact on learning. The Regional Directors will manage a multi-disciplinary ‘matrix team’ to coordinate academy support. This will include business management, HR, procurement, policy and governance support. Provide the template of minimum expectations in all REAch2 academies of children’s experience in terms of curriculum, behaviour, attendance; extended learning experiences; and meeting the diverse needs of children with different needs and different cultural backgrounds. Recognise that academies serving different communities will need to create their own curriculum tailored to the needs of the community. REAch2 has a deeply held ethos of inclusivity that underpins our approach to curriculum development including our approach to admissions, exclusions and support for children with physical or learning disabilities.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions Headteachers, Heads of School and Regional Directors, are line managed by the Regional Directors. The Headteacher is responsible for the line management of the school’s senior management team. The Headteacher will be responsible for ensuring that an appropriate and effective staffing structure or operating model is in place to deliver a high qualitylearning environment for all pupils with effective educational outcomes. The Headteacher will be responsible for maintaining the appropriate business functions in the academy to secure its effective and efficient management in accordance with the Trust’s scheme of delegation.
Develop the school curriculum to meet the needs of the community that the academy serves. A curriculum in each academy that is recognisably REAch2 but still individual enough to meet the specific needs of the community that it serves. Within the academy’s curriculum include the REAch2 minimum expectations of pupils’ experience. The academy’s curriculum will fundamentally reflect the inclusive nature of the REAch2 approach to serving the local community and all pupils.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function The Trustees will determine key statutory policies including: • HR Policies »» Whistleblowing »» Pay »» Pensions »» Appraisal and Performance Management »» Capability
»» Disciplinary • Admissions • Complaints Policy • Safeguarding Policy • Health and Safety Policies • Financial Scheme of Delegation • Reserves and Balances Policy • Governance Scheme of Delegation • Freedom of Information (FoI) and Data Protection
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions The LGB will determine local policies not set by Trustees including: • Curriculum • Religious Education • Sex and Relationships Education • Special Educational Needs (SEN) • Attendance & Behaviour Management • Pupil Premium • Home School Agreements • Equality Policy (within Trust framework) • Charging and remissions (within Trust framework) • Lettings • Health and Safety (within Trust framework) • Premises Management (within Trust framework). The school will operate within the policies and procedures set out by the Trustees.
• Assessment without Levels
• Insurance
Provide a group wide data system that collects pupil data from across the REAch2 chain. The system will allow integration of the data to identify performance and performance trends of pupils and specific groups of pupils. Commission ‘Moderated Trust Inspections’ (MTIs) to provide an independent assessment of each academy’s: pupil achievement; quality of teaching; behaviour and safety; leadership and management.
Maintain a pupil performance data system at the level of the individual academy. Provide access to that system for the REAch2 group data system. Cooperate with the Moderated Trust Inspection and respond to the findings of the MTI through the development and implantation of an academy improvement plan.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
Provide the financial procedures and scheme of delegation. Ensure that the policies and procedure are maintained and up to date in accordance with the EFA’s latest version of the Academies Financial Handbook. Procure and provide the financial management system and financial planning systems for all academies. The FMS will be a cloud-based system to allow real time support and control for all academies by the central accountancy team. Procure and establish the banking system for all aspects of the Trust’s work. Employ a central accountancy team under the leadership of the Finance Director. The team will include a Regional Business Manager (RBM) for each geographical hub within the Trust. The RBM will support and performance-manage the individual school business managers (SBMs). Provide local, regional and national training opportunities for academy SBM. Provide procedures manual for academy finance team. Provide: on-line; e-mail; telephone and on-site support for each academy’s financial team through in-house or out-sourced provision.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions Operate the academy within the Trust’s financial procedures and scheme of delegation. Operate the academy in accordance with the EFA’s latest version of the academies financial handbook. Maintain an accurate and upto-date financial management system as required by the procedures and policies set out by the Director of Finance. Manage the resources of the academy within the limits set out in the authorised budget. Utilise the on-line banking arrangements to monitor and manage bank accounts to ensure sufficient cash exists to manage financial liabilities. Inform the Director of Finance immediately if there is a risk of a significant deviation from the authorised budget plan or a concern about cash flow. Employ the School Business Manager under the terms set out by the Director of Finance. Ensure SBM engages with training and conference opportunities provided by REAch2. Ensure staff are completely familiar with the Trust’s financial procedures and processes.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
Appoint the External Auditors for the REAch2 Group.
Pay for the school’s element of the audit.
Provide support to each Academy in fully managing the audit processes. Support each academy in the preparation for the annual audit.
Provide the auditors with access to all information and systems, as they require.
REAch2 Board will consider the annual audit findings and management reports for changes or improvements to financial procedures at all levels.
The LGB will consider the audit report and management response for the individual academy in requiring changes or improvements to the implementation of financial procedures.
Provide an Internal Audit function that is independent of the finance function.
Comply with all requirements and any investigations instigated by the Trust’s internal audit function.
Negotiate with national Trade Unions on the development of consistent HR policies and procedure changes. Manage and liaise with Trade Unions where there is a risk of industrial dispute.
Implementation of Trust HR policies and liaise with local relevant Trade Unions under guidance from the central HR team. Ensure local compliance with the Trust’s Trade Union recognition agreement.
Provide HR advice, support for academies on demand. Provide HR Advisor support on site, where necessary, for formal procedures including capability, grievance and disciplinary through inhouse or out-sourced capacity.
Ensure staff are familiar with, and comply with, all HR policies through appropriate training and development. Seek HR advice at the earliest opportunity before initiating a formal HR procedure or policy.
REAch2 will directly manage HR procedures that may lead to employment termination for Headteachers, Regional Directors and centrally employed staff. Provide group wide recruitment strategy. Commission active recruitment capacity in-house or out-sourced to deliver effective and best value recruitment support for academies. Provide a centrally managed payroll service for the Trust including all academies.
Headteachers and LGB manage procedures leading to employment terminations of staff below the level of Headteacher under advice from the Group HR Team and Employment Legal advisors. Purchase recruitment marketing that includes the full utilisation of the recruitment processes put in place by REAch2 to ensure that the academy has sufficient and appropriately qualified staff. Ensure that accuracy of monthly payroll data for academy staff in line with the financial procedures. REAch2 ACADEMY TRUST | Page 36
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function Maintain a central property asset register, including asset valuation.
Maintain a central property condition database and prioritise on a transparent and agreed methodology capital improvement projects through the EFA delegated capital improvement fund.
Identify and carry out due diligence on energy efficiency and carbon reduction schemes, grants and commercial providers on behalf of the REAch2 Group.
Provide the lead design, project management and legal support for academy capital projects. This may be provided through in-house or out-sourced professional services.
Ensure that commercial interests, insurances, warranties, risk assessments, design and build are executed to secure the best interests of the Trust and its educational vision.
Coordinate bids for capital funding to extend or improve the capacity and condition of the Trust’s academies.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions Provide REAch2 with all property data and access to premises on request.
Academy will take all opportunities, within a planned budget, to utilise and manage energy efficiency to optimise the running costs and carbon footprint.
Work with architects and project managers assigned by REAch2 to support capital bids for EFA funding.
Maintain the academy premises for routine condition, repair and decoration within the allocated resources of the academy including devolved formula capital.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function Maintain a contracts database for REAch2. Prioritise contracts, in terms of impact on academies, for group wide procurement and management.
Assess whether each contract secures best value if negotiated at the local level or as part of a group approach.
Support the academy through competitive processes for locally negotiated contracts.
Negotiate directly with suppliers, on behalf of the academy, for high value contracts.
Engage legal team ‘school support service’ for commercial legal advice, if required.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions Provide relevant contract and service level agreement (SLA) data to REAch2 as requested.
Keep the REAch2 Procurement office informed of all new contract purchases and seek advice prior to contract agreements.
Follow the advice given by REAch2.
Inform the REAch2 Procurement Office about any commercial contractual agreements that are under consideration.
Contract disputes referred to Procurement Office and the school support legal help line.
Negotiate directly with contractors where the academy or RBM/SBM considers there to be a risk to the academy.
Secure higher level of legal support for contract disputes likely to lead to a contract termination or penalty.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
Manage the press and public relations for the Trust.
Provide support and advice to individual academies in managing public and press relations.
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions Manage the press and public relations for the academy under advice from the Trust’s central communication team.
Manage the academy’s website and ensure statutory compliance under advice and support from the Trust’s central marketing team.
Manage the Trust’s website and ensure statutory compliance.
Supply newly designed logo combining academy name with REAch2 branding. Supply letterhead design, for print or onscreen use.
Advise on all marketing and branding areas, including signage, uniform, recruitment adverts, open day promotional materials, prospectus, banners, school newsletters, branded merchandise, social media, digital / online presence, etc.
Ensure that both the academy’s and REAch2 “brands” are accurately and consistently portrayed in all marketing communications.
Service Detail/ SERVICE DETAIL/ Activity ACTIVITY
CENTRAL FUNCTION Central Function The Trust will maintain an inhouse project management team to manage all aspects of academies joining the Trust including: • Conversions; • Sponsorships;
INDIVIDUAL ACADEMY FUNCTIONS Individual Academy Functions New schools seeking to join the Trust will need to cooperate with the Trust’s internal project management team, making all necessary information available, so that the transition into the Trust has minimal impact on the day-today capacity of the school.
• Trust-to-trust re-brokerages; • Trust-to-trust transfers; • New school provisions including free schools. The project management team will coordinate the due diligence assessment for potential new academies joining the Trust.
Negotiate and procure the legal service contract for the Trust to ensure best practice: • Corporate and charity governance compliance legal advice. • Employment legal advice. • Commercial and contractual legal advice.
Maintain a pupil performance data system at the level of the individual academy. Provide access to that system for the REAch2 group data system. Cooperate with the Moderated Trust Inspection and respond to the findings of the MTI through the development and implantation of an academy improvement plan.
• Education legal advice.
Registered Address: REAch2 Academy Trust Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF T: 020 7706 8981
i nfo@reach2.org
REAch2 Academy Trust is a trading name of REAch2 Ltd, Company Number: 8040828, Registered in England and Wales; Charity Number: 1149000; VAT Number: 167332014