A Welcome Letter
This is a very exciting time for the Reach family
change: Responsibility and Leadership,
of schools. The creation of Reach4 enables us
Aspiration and Development, Honesty and
to bring our values and shared drive to
Integrity, Enjoyment and Innovation and
improve pupil outcomes across all phases. We
Collaboration and Inclusion.
are committed to the central pillars of personalised learning and our school
Reach4 is dedicated to the creation of an
improvement strategy centres around this
education with no boundaries.
core purpose. We do not subscribe to the ‘schooling’ stance of a results-driven
We hope you join us.
philosophy but rather state emphatically that education is about much more than just
Very best,
attainment. Sir Steve Lancashire Together with the qualities and dispositions
of our pupils, the Trust equally applies
and Interim CEO Reach4
expectations to staff, underpinning its work by
five core value partners, which are used as a
Libby Nicholas
measure of individual, school and Trust
Chief Executive Designate,
progress as well as a guide to direction and
Reach4 Academy Trust
Reach4 Value Partners The work of the Reach4 Academy Trust is underpinned by five core Value Partners, which are equally applicable to pupils, staff and the work of the Trust itself. Each pair of Value Partners is accompanied by a call for action in the form of a hashtag, which is used in verbal, digital and hard copy communications. The Value Partners can be used as a measure of individual, school and Trust progress and as a guide to inform the direction of change. Responsibility and Leadership
Enjoyment and Innovation
Individuals in the Reach4 community are accountable for their own decisions and actions and are supported by strong leaders, while trailblazers are encouraged to develop skills and talents in others. The Trust has a strong commitment to developing and nurturing our own leaders. #4equity
We know that everyone learns best when they enjoy what they do and are in a position to follow their innate desire to achieve. Reach4 pushes boundaries so that pioneering ideas are tried and tested and consequently our academies remain leaders in the advancement of teaching and learning methods. #go4it
Aspiration and Development
Collaboration and Inclusion
Every member of the Reach4 community, from the youngest pupil to the oldest member of staff, is encouraged to cultivate opportunities to grow. We achieve excellence by being inspired to become the best we can be. The progress and well-being of pupils is our top priority, at the centre of every decision. #reach4thestars
Reach4 honours and applauds the differences that make us unique whilst actively seeking and celebrating the common ground that binds us together as a strong community. We work together in a productive environment where dynamic ideas are shared in partnership, so that every member of the community may thrive. #all4one
Honesty and Integrity We are honest and open. Reach4 decisions and responses are grounded in time-honoured moral principles that remain constant in the face of challenges and change. #4good
About Reach4
whilst the tallest figure reaches upwards, The Reach4 Academy Trust has the
towards a star, which is above and beyond the
highest expectations of pupil attainment
highest branch of the tree.
in national assessments, but our aspirations take us beyond the concept
Nicky Morgan, Education Secretary, identified
of “schooling”. Reach4 educates, rather
Reach4 Academy Trust as an “outstanding
than schools.
sponsor” in her November 2015 speech at the Policy Exchange, London. Whilst she
With an impassioned byline, “Inspiring Beyond
applauded the improvements in education in
Measure”, Reach4 states its commitment to
recent years, she highlighted just how far
‘educate, not just school’, instilling the
some schools and geographical areas lag
qualities and dispositions of Resilience,
behind. The Northern Sponsor fund,
Empathy, Aspiration, Contribution and
amounting to £10 million, was created to
tackle this inequality by attracting the best sponsors to take on schools in the north of
The Reach4 Academy Trust logo
England. Reach4 Academy Trust is one of the
communicates the importance we place on
first to receive a share of this fund and has
collaboration, development and aspiration:
been trusted with setting up high-performing
The three figures are coming together in the
academy hubs.
shape of a tree, which represents growth,
Schools Joining Reach4 is a significant and important
term sustainability for our schools.
step. The multi-faceted collaboration and resource sharing that comes from co-
If your ethos matches ours, and you are
operation between trust academies steers you
inspired to join us in delivering the best
towards securing the long-term success of
education experience possible and providing
your school.
only the highest standards of teaching, then we would be delighted to hear from you.
The Reach4 vision enables individual
To learn more about what it is to be part of
academies to flourish with real autonomy,
the Reach4 Academy Trust or to submit an
whilst also ensuring a strong ethos of support
application, please contact us.
and collaboration across our schools. This balance is necessary in order to achieve long
Join Us
Reach4 employees belong to a national community of professionals, and benefit from a wide range of networks and development opportunities. In time, our best teachers are able to work across schools, develop specialisms and step up to leadership roles within and beyond their own academy. Reach4 provides a strong culture of collaboration and support, together with high expectations for staff and pupils alike.
Dedicated to the central pillars of personalised learning and school improvement, our staff embody the words “Inspiring beyond measure”.
Applying for a role within the Reach4 Academy Trust is the first step to a different way of educating future generations. With a belief that education is much more than just attainment, we ask that our staff are committed to ‘educate not just school’; encouraging pupils to be Resilient, Empathetic, Aspirational, Contributory and Happy with a strong desire to add value to their community, both in and out of school.
Contact Lee Francis, Head of Projects
0207 706 8981
Registered Address: Reach4 Academy Trust Scientia Academy Mona Road Burton Upon Trent DE13 0UF
Company Number 9791051