Learners of today Leaders of tomorrow

As part of the Collegiate Trust, our goal is to deliver an exceptional education for all of our students. Our determination is that every young person fulfils their potential and leaves us with the qualifications, skills, character and qualities they need to lead happy and successful futures. We have a set of strong, traditional VALUES within The Riddlesdown Commitment which we use to teach and guide our young people in exhibiting behaviours and approaches that will lead to success. We strive for and achieve high academic standards whilst delivering exceptional pastoral care. The talented and dedicated team of staff are passionate about education and continually work in collaboration to develop the best provision in some superb facilities on our large site.
Students at Riddlesdown are exceptional young people and we know them as individuals thanks to the “small schools” model. Year 7 students join one of our Colleges – Aquila, Orion, Pegasus or Phoenix – each of which accommodates about 400 students and is led by its own College Headteacher. Our College teams provide excellent care, support and guidance to our students by building strong and positive relationships, enabling students to develop a sense of belonging and identity. In addition, the Creative and Performing Arts (CPA) College provides a first-rate arts education where students benefit from learning and performing in our impressive arts centre The @RC. The MacKay College provides specialist support, delivering outstanding, personalised inclusion support. After five years, many students transfer to our specialist post-16 provision: College VI. Here they prepare for university, building further qualifications and qualities as they progress to adult life. Our College system provides a structured environment to secure a confident, caring and resilient community.
I hope this prospectus will serve as a useful introduction and guide to our fantastic school. Please do come and visit to see our VALUES come to life and the quality that we offer. I am proud to be leading Riddlesdown, building on the many strengths and achievements, and am determined to secure the best outcomes for each and every one of our learners.
Mrs K Turner, BSc (Hons), PGCE, NPQ Principal
Welcome to Riddlesdown Collegiate – an outstanding school and a very special place in which young people learn and grow.
“There is a real sense of community at Riddlesdown. I don’t think I would have felt as much of a part of a community if I had gone to another school.” College VI Student
Our Mission is summarised in our Motto:
“Learners of today. Leaders of tomorrow”
At Riddlesdown we believe that the success of our students depends upon a partnership between Collegiate sta , students and parents/carers.
Our Mission is summarised in our Motto:
“Learners of today. Leaders of tomorrow”
At Riddlesdown we believe that the success of our students depends partnership between Collegiate sta , students and parents/carers.
Our Mission is summarised in our Motto:
Our Mission is summarised in our Motto:
At Riddlesdown we believe that the success of our students depends upon a partnership between Collegiate sta , students and parents/carers.
“Learners of today. Leaders of tomorrow”
Riddlesdown we believe that the success of our students depends upon a partnership between Collegiate sta , students and parents/carers.
To live by our VALUES, we are committed to being: kind and respectful to all proud of our appearance and our environment
Value Each Other
To live by our VALUES, we are committed to being: kind and respectful to all proud of our appearance and our environment ambitious for ourselves and for others positive role models and ambassadors, inside and outside of
ambitious for ourselves and for others positive role models and ambassadors, inside and outside of the Collegiate determined to give our best e orts in all we do as we strive for excellence every day resilient, and demonstrating perseverance in the face of challenge
Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to
im High Lead by Example
Use and Develop Your Talents
Excel in Your E orts Stick at It
To live by our VALUES, committed to being: kind and respectful proud of our appearance environment ambitious for ourselves others positive role models ambassadors, the Collegiate determined to in all we do as we excellence every resilient, and demonstrating perseverance challenge
We aim for students to find joy at school. Staff are ambitious for students to excel, and students strive to meet these expectations knowing that staff are there to support them to achieve their potential every step of the way. We are ambitious for every student to receive an equitable, academic and far-reaching education enabling them to grow as thinking young people and active citizens who are ready to take positions of responsibility in a happy and successful future. Whether for university, for work or for a future that has not yet been planned, our purpose is to prepare our young people to fulfil their potential in the rest of their lives.
The key to our students’ success is the purposeful pairing of academic qualifications and personal development. The Collegiate’s motto, “Learners of today, Leaders of tomorrow”, indicates the emphasis that we place on developing those personal and leadership qualities in all of our students through participation in a wide range of cocurricular and cultural activity, both inside and outside of the Collegiate, locally across the country and abroad. Leadership is about taking responsibility for oneself and those around you and making a positive contribution to the team – we are ambitious for every student to develop leadership qualities that will build confidence and character.
I have met lifelong friends and teachers who have gone that extra mile for me. There is an obvious emphasis on working hard to meet your full potential but the College is also somewhere I can relax and have fun too.”
Our extensive range of sports teams represent the Collegiate in local, regional and national competitions annually. The Christmas and Summer concerts showcase the talents of our Chamber Choir, Junior and Senior Orchestras, Jazz Band and range of vocal and instrumental groups, whilst the annual production brings together the skills developed through the Drama and Music curriculum. Our calendar of events also includes exhibitions and celebrations of art and design that illustrate the exceptional talents of our students.
Every year our students can develop their independence and leadership skills through opportunities to travel. This includes the annual ski trip; the opportunity to explore the classical world in Greece, Italy or Turkey; trekking through jungles or canoeing down rivers on a World Challenge Expedition in Africa and Asia; visiting sites of historical interest and testing out sporting skills against teams in European cities. This is in addition to a range of visits closer to home – to the theatre, to a museum, to the zoo.
“ Pupils achieve very well and make excellent progress from their different starting points.”
Ofsted, 2016 “ The @RC is an exciting hub of creativity within the Collegiate. Students are inspired to innovate, lead and excel within our impressive facility.”
Headteacher, CPA College
We believe in a determination to strive for continuous improvement. Trying to be a little better every day leads to strong, ongoing and sustainable progress. Learning more and knowing more each day leads to knowledgeable and skilled individuals who can make a positive contribution to the community and world beyond. At Riddlesdown, examination results are consistently high and this achieved by a determination to continually strive to improve. In 2021, OFSTED stated that, Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum. This reflects the commitment we make to improvement, constantly striving to develop and strengthen the quality of our provision.
At the Collegiate, improvement means more than academic progress. We are as passionate about developing our staff as we are about developing our students and place a great focus on personal and professional growth for all members of the community. It is this emphasis on continuous improvement that enables our students and staff to fulfil their potential.
“ I learnt far more than I could ever have hoped for. I now know what I want to do when I leave Riddlesdown.”
The culture of continual learning and improvement encourages our students to be ambitious in all they do. Staff strive to continually improve and develop the best curriculum content and teaching approaches so that students’ interest is sparked by engaging lessons within excellent facilities on an attractive and impressive site. At the heart of successful learning are knowledge, skills and understanding and we continually strive to select and refine that which is the most relevant and leveraging to provide a platform for further study, a great career and happy adult life.
Our curriculum delivers this learning through an extensive range of traditional and modern courses alongside fantastic opportunities beyond the classroom. To support learning and progress, students are grouped by ability in most subject areas. Teachers then personalise the learning to meet the individual needs of students so that their learning potential can be met.
“The curriculum is exceptional.”Ofsted, 2016
We put people at the centre of all that we do. Our school belongs to the students, staff, parents and governors and it is only through the value we place on each individual and the relationships between them that we can achieve the success that our students deserve. We know that strong partnerships and collaboration towards achieving each young person’s potential is a fundamental part of our mission and so we take an approach that forges strong professional relationship between all members of our school community. We use our VALUES to teach the consistent habits which will support our young people to develop confidence, character and resilience. We promote respect and consideration and always expect each other to act and talk in ways that demonstrates this.
Our work to guarantee successful transition from primary to secondary school starts as soon as you have been made an offer of a place. We know that the transfer from primary to secondary school is momentous for every family. Although the excitement of new and impressive facilities can be exciting, the potential overwhelming nature of a secondary school can seem so daunting after building strong relationships through the intimacy of a small school. Riddlesdown Collegiate brings together the strengths of primary school with its College structure and opportunities of secondary school with its impressive facilities and makes sure the transition is smooth and effective. To begin building strong and lasting relationships, each student is either visited in their primary school or, should the student be the only one transferring from a particular primary school, is invited with parents to the Collegiate in June to begin to familiarise themselves with others in the same situation.
“ Relationships across the school are hugely positive. Respect for others is deep-rooted in the school’s work.” Ofsted, 2016
After the first five years at Riddlesdown, students transfer into College VI. Here they utilise all of the skills and attributes gained over Years 7 to 11 and focus on higher levels of study. Within College VI there is a full programme of A Level courses (and some other Level 3 courses also), providing study combinations for everyone from aspiring doctors to fashion designers. The usual route is to study three A levels across two years, although the most able students are able to study four subjects for two years. The development of leadership skills continues through the Student Committees which make decisions about aspects of College VI work; mentoring and teaching of younger students enables our senior students to be strong role models across the Collegiate.
Preparation for next steps, which for the vast majority of our College VI students is university, is vital. Throughout College VI, students are not only supported to achieve the necessary grades but also to develop the life skills to thrive when leaving home for the first time. A full guidance programme means students are well placed to make informed career choices.
Full details on the courses offered and the entry requirements are in the College VI Handbook.
College VI Student
Ofsted, 2016
Ofsted, 2016
“ Students leave the school as thoughtful mature and well-adjusted young people who are ready to take up their place in society as responsible citizens.”
“ The personal development of sixth form students is outstanding.”
“ I think the best aspect of College VI is the teaching. The teachers know each student personally and are more than willing to help with any problems.”
“The teaching was first class. It enabled me to go out into the world with a great work ethic. I now run my own production company and work as an Actor. The range of extracurricular activities and the facilities at Riddlesdown are brilliant. I will always be grateful for the opportunities I had whilst studying there.”
College VI Student
Learners of today Leaders of tomorrow
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Email: admin@riddlesdown.org