To learn more about our Nursery, Reception or Primary provision, please explore our website. Take a look at our "Virtual Tour" video or contact the office to arrange a personal tour.

Water eld Primary School is situated beside a beautiful, large millpond which provides endless enrichment opportunities and learning experiences for our children.
We are a caring two-form entry Nursery and Primary and we provide a unique and ambitious curriculum that will enable all children to acquire the knowledge and skills they require to succeed in the next steps of their education and beyond.
By joining Water eld, you are joining a partnership in learning, where we consider everyone to be part of the children’s development and journey, encouraging School and Home to work in partnership as Co-Educators for our children’s success, happiness and future.
Recent site developments allow children the opportunities to utilise a brand-new ‘Sensory Room’ (featuring state of the art sensory lighting and equipment), a dedicated Arts Studio, Astro-turf Sports Court, libraries throughout the school, newly refurbished and resourced Nursery, nurture space ( e NEST), outdoor classroom, Science Garden and wonderful hall space. Furthermore, we provide a ‘technology-rich’ learning environment and pupils can access iPads, computer banks, our Technology Hub and brand-new class-set of Virtual Reality (VR) Headsets.
We celebrate our diverse community through mutual respect and appreciating everyone’s individuality. Whilst we pride ourselves on ensuring ALL children receive superb teaching in reading, writing and maths Water eld places emphasis on the Arts, broadening cultural capital, integrating technology and giving children memories that they will look back on fondly in later years.

Working collaboratively with e Collegiate Trust we aim to deliver ‘Exceptional Education for All’, through every member of our school community ‘Aiming High and Achieving their Best’. is is underpinned by our core values of kindness, respect and a hard-working attitude.

We will always be delighted to welcome you to our school.
If you would like to learn more about our Nursery, Reception or Primary provision – please do explore our website (www.water, attend our open morning events or contact the School O ce to arrange a personal tour.