Sentence Flip Book
Nouns are illustrated to aid understanding.
Tent base (420mm x 100mm).
Sentence Flip Book Level 2 Teach your class how to add detail and further information to writing. Make the obvious example sentences, or mix them up with hilarious results. Ages 8+
An explanation of each grammatical term is given.
Covers: Noun phrases, verbs, prepositional phrases, adverbial phrases, fronted adverbials, main clauses, conjunctions and subordinating or co-ordinating clauses.
Tent base (420mm x 140mm).
Grammar and Sentences
This is a unique way to teach children about the structure of sentences. To aid learning, parts of speech are colour-coded into pronouns, nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and articles. Ages 5+
Grammar & Sentences Directory When broken down into simple structures and functions, grammar is much easier to understand. This directory provides explanations and examples of: parts of speech, punctuation, types of sentences, sentence features and structures. The tabbed pages allows quick reference. Ages 7+
18 pages (160mm x 220mm).
Grammar Friezes Simple explanations of each grammatical term are given on large 310mm x 260mm panels. Display as a wall chart, a frieze or cut into individual posters for class lessons.
Year 1-2 Frieze: 18 panels, (5.6m x 260mm).
Year 3-6 Frieze: 33 panels, (10.2m x 260mm).
L88* Year 1-2 Grammar Frieze L89* Year 3-6 Grammar Frieze SB87* Year 1-2 & 3-6 Friezes
$16.90 £11.99 £14.99