First, “ignoring globalized community will result in chronic psychosis; protective isolation will result in psychotic dependence. This necessitates that local community intertwine with global community creating comprehensive outcome”.
Challenges of Isolation
Second, “compartmentalization will create greater disparity, while democratization of global knowledge through partnership will ensure greater equity”.
Third, “Isolation retards innovation, thus, dissemination of local unique recipes and success stories ensures growth enhancing brand equity”.
Collaboration Barriers
Regional Value Chain
Aid For Trade –
Dependence on developed Economy
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Financial Support
Partnership for Sustainability
Engaging on SDG bottom-line builds sustainable community
People: fostering inclusion and human capital exchange
Prosperity: supporting growth, jobs, business joint ventures
Planet: engaging in climate action for global security;
Peace: strengthening institutions, governance, and tackling corruption; Partnership: collaborating in sustainable initiatives.
Purpose of Global Community
Economies of scale
Reaching a wider market
Enhancing brand recognition
Diversifying risks
Leveraging global trends
Optimizing resources including human capital
Gaining innovative insights, and
Work beyond EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)
Purpose of Global Marketing Community
Rethink Value Creation
Policy Interventions for Collaboration
Policies for Innovation
Partnership amongst academic institutions
Policies to Upgrade the Human Capital Joint conferences
Policies to Foster Entrepreneurship
Policies to Build Business Cluster
Meetings of CXO’s
Collaboration among specific business chambers
Policies to Enhance Investments
Marketer’s meet and demand symposiums
Triad of Partnership Outcome (1/4)
Triad of Partnership Outcome (2/4)
Enhance B2B Partnership
• People: engage in various positions including consulting
• Product: strengthen and harness manufacturing and product development value chain opportunities
• Market: focus on collaborative market research and market entry and development strategies
• Process: engage various specialized chambers to design standards under the association umbrella
• Joint Ventures: work with appropriate agencies to foster join ventures based on geoeconomic status
Triad of Partnership Outcome (3/4)
Foster P2P Engagement
• Culture: exchange programs along with cuisine exhibits
• Knowledge: collaborative research and journal exchange leading to patent, faculty and future leader exchange
• Social: interaction my generation to build human rights, fair transitions, technology, unique to region
• Governance: focus on biodiversity, sustainable financing, ESG interpretive through expert opinion sharing and blogs
• Practices: share case studies and experience regarding marketing and selling across cultures
Triad of Partnership Outcome (4/4)
Strengthen Brand Equity
• Person: identify, recognize, and mobilize individuals of the region and create knowledge bank through sharing
• Product: select products and help market within and across global market building unique branding ethos
• Corporate: build joint ventures in respective countries of the region based on strengths of partners
• Nation: foster bilateral and multilateral relationships based on comparative advantages of nations
• Region: promote joint programs across global platforms focusing on unique value offerings
Partnership Action Agenda
Focus on Creation of
Collaborative Marketing (1/3)
Purpose of Collaborativ
e Marketing
• Expanded Reach • Cost Sharing • Trust Building • Innovation • Engaging through Diversity in Content
Collaborative Marketing (2/3)
Initiating Collaboratio
• Define Goals
• Identify and Research Potential Collaborators
• Create and Deliver Pitch
• Establish Joint Objectives and Goals
• Create Collaborative Campaigns
Collaborative Marketing (3/3)
• Joint Campaigns
• Product Bundling
• Event Collaboration
• Digital asset Management Collaborativ e marketing Strategies