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› Author and entrepreneur Richard Mulholland
Then send the following mail to each of them:
Hey [name], Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to work with [their company name], it meant the world to us and the team just loved working with you – we hope you feel the same way?
› Clients who say ‘yes’ will sell your story If you do, could I bother you to jump on a fifteen-minute Zoom call? We’ll just ask you a few questions about your experience and use your honest answers to help us to do more great work for customers like you. We’re proud to have worked with a brand like yours and we’d love to shout about it from the rooftops. And don’t worry, we’ll edit the call to make sure you look and sound great, and you will get to double-check everything before we put anything out in the world :)
Issue 2 2022
*** Some customers won’t or can’t (company policy) help you, and that’s okay. Not a single one will mind you asking though. The ones who say yes, will sell your story for you … and that’s a beautiful thing. **At the time of this writing I recommend Zoom as there are settings that allow you to record HD two separate video feeds, you and customer. This makes editing much easier. Here Be Dragons – How to Win Deals and Influence Ideas by Mastering the Eloquent Art of Storyselling was published in November 2021 by Tracey McDonald Publishers. It is available in paperback and is sold online and in bookstores.
so if you’re not happy with anything it hits the cutting room floor. These videos run from a minute to three minutes (three minutes is very long, most people will tap out before it’s complete). Small snippets sprinkled throughout your presentation or website will probably be best. Remember, you can’t big yourself up as the hero in a story, but you can certainly bring someone else into the room to do just that. So let’s decide who to call. The next time you have an all-hands meeting, ask your colleagues the following question: If we had a big pitch next week and we could have any one of the customers that you have worked with in the last six months in the room selling on our behalf, who would you choose and why?