Entrepreneurs presentation, Steppen

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Molds are produced in molding department with CNC machines.




Annually production capacity is 12 million pieces of pen.


There are 13 injection machines at production department.

Several researches and operations were done by Steppen ; To collect garbages of the pens this operation did not bring any effective solution. We did not succeeded on this. We used PLA (Polylactic acid) in the production of our pens, it was corn starch based polymers it was ended because of weak resistance and difficult process Finally we started to use biodegradable plastic that degrade between 1-3 years. During degradation they turn into fertilizers thus, supporting plant nutrition.

ď‚› By

the innovative and eco-friendly vision of our company, we have working on designed models and our brand, Biokalem

Life Supporting Products Series


GĂśknar and Erguvan are the first ecofriendly pens produced with biodegradable plastic and recycled paper in Turkey.

Life Supporting Products Series

Our Pen with Torch Pine Seeds was designed by Ümit Altun (Designum).

Design Award

Life Supporting Products Series

Reusable or Disposable ?

ď‚› In

Turkey, 200 million plastic pens are used in a year and it means 2000 tones plastic are used. ď‚› Steppen produce 7 million pens annually that means 70 tones bioplastic and the remaining 1930 tones plastic ?

How Long Does It Take?             

Cotton rags Paper Rope Orange peels Wool socks Cigarette butts Milk cartons Plastic bags Nylon fabric Aluminum cans Plastic Glass bottles Styrofoam

1-5 months 2-5 months 3-14 months 6 months 1 to 5 years 1 to 12 years 5 years 10 to 20 years 30 to 40 years 80 to 100 years 1000 – 5000 years 1 million years Never..

R&D Studies

Biodegradable Plastics: A degradable plastic in which the degradation results from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. Oxo-degradable Plastics: Includes heavy metals such as Mangan. By the effect of sun, moisture and oxygen, metal ions oxidize and reduce which results in physical disintegration of plastics. Advantages • Not contain heavy metals • Long shelf life Disadvantages • Weak resistance to high temperatures • Processing difficulty • Narrow range of usage area

Advantages • Can be used for all polymers • Does not change the mechanical properties of the polymers • High resistance to high temperature • Wide range of usage area

Mechanism of Biodegradation

Microbes begin accessing the plastic matrix by the help of their enzymes. Certain enzymes from microbes begin reduce branching.

Masterbatch is added during processing and become a part of the plastic matrix. It promotes biodegradation once the plastic is exposed to microbial and anaerobic environment.

CO (g)

CH (g)



Microbes provide biological degradation of plastics. Just carbon dioxide, methane and biomass remain from plastic. Biomass is a waste left to the nature by microbes and has become food for plants thus also support natural life.


1) Printing Ink

Printing Ink that we use, has international certification of 91/155 EEC. There are no halogen-grup nonmetals (fluoride, chlorine, bromine, iodine) known as poisonous and dangerous in its content. Chemical structure of any raw material that used, does not contain antimony, arsenic, soluble barium, lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury and selenium.

2) Plastic Colorant Dyes Does not contain any substance harmfull to human health. Harmless even in contact with mouth.

3)Refill Ink

Refills that we use, are accordance with international ISO 12757-2 DOC G2 and has certifications of 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC. Refill ink content does not contain any substance harmfull to human health and classified as hazardous to environment.

4) Paper

We use recycled paper in our pen production.


Plastic raw material that we use , is ASTM D 5511 and certified biodegradable plastic and completely ecofriendly.

What We Want to do to Save Our World ;        

to draw attention to this issue by producing eco freindly items to create radical change in the sector to recognize problems and opportunities and to assess in a right way for human health and environment to bring resolving cases by innovative ways to draw attention to social problems to provide social benefits as social venture to use commercial activities as a tool to perform our missions to develop new projects with non-governmental organization (TEMA, Turmepa, TOG… )

Our Recycled Paper Pencils

Why to Use Recycled Paper? 70 kg.of waste paper, that can be reused 5 times, can save one tree. One big tree can meets the need for daily oxygen of 72 people.

by using waste paper instead of tree %25-70 energy saving %60 reduction in air pollution %40 reduction in water pollution %60 water saving %40 reduction in the volume of garbage can be provided.

Never Erases the Nature!


BioEraser PVC Free & Fertilizes in the Nature

Environmental and Social Responsibilities 

For the assembly of pens, housewives and unemployed peoples are being employed . By this way it has been provided the opportunity to earn money to 200 people in every month for 10 years.

We support the United Nations Global Compact for our responsibilities to environment and to our employees’. In this context for the productions in Istanbul, we are planning to employ mentally handicapped people (over 18 years old) by the cooperation with ZİÇEV (Foundation for the Training and Protection of Mentally Handicapped Children).

We have been donating some part of our profits from our BioPens to TEMA (The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats).

The United Nations Global Compact STEPPEN has been supporting The Global Compact since 2008 and presented its first annual Communication on Progress (COP) Report. The United Nations Global Compact principles that we are progressing in line with;

Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Labour Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Quality and International Standards

Quality and International Standards •

ASTM D-5511 –

ASTM D-5210 –

Anaerobic Biodegradation: Standard test method for determining anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under highsolids anaerobic digestion conditions.

Anaerobic Biodegradation (Municipal Sewage Sludge): Standard Test Method for Determining the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in the Presence of Municipal Sewage Sludge

ASTM D-5338 *** –

Aerobic Biodegradation (ie..Industrial Compostion , ASTM D6400 )

*** : Plastics with Biodegradable masterbatches biodegrades in more than 180 days.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) * No hazardous substances under (SARA 311/312) * No chemical reportable under.(SARA 313) * Not specifically listed by EPA as a hazardous waste ( 40 CFR Part 2610) * All components comply with TSCA (The Toxic Substances Control Act ) California Environmental Protection Agency. * California Prop 65. (The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986) German Compost Quality Assurance Organisation. * Environmental Security/Non-Toxic (RAL GZ 251)

ISO SME Eco-friendly Product Award


In 2009 they are rewarded by ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry)

The Stars of Export 2010


Most Creative Product Award

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