Agenda SMART Brazil

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Welcome to Training on Sustainable Entrepreneurship 5th

Time: Monday of March, 2012. 09:30 am. Location: T-Systems do Brasil Ltda. Rua Olimpíadas. 205 - Vila Olímpia. Sao Paulo 04551-000 Organizing partners: Deutsche Telekom, T-Systems Brazil, UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) Local Host: T-Systems Brazil Contact: Language of the training: English Dear future Sustainable Entrepreneur: Welcome! You are about to embark on an amazing journey… the discovery of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and its potential to create a ripple effect on your community, your country, your world! You are invited to join the SMART Start-­‐up Training Program, which has as objective to empower participants in their efforts to become sustainable entrepreneurs, help them honing their leadership skills and support building knowledge on sustainabil-­‐ ity while also sharing their learning, expectations and experi-­‐ ence. Since sustainability comprises various environmental, social and economical aspects, a diversity of participants in terms of gender, education, life expectations and experience, is crucial for an inclusive and holistic approach that the training strives to provide. We believe that this diversity is necessary to stimulate the creativity that we hope to inspire during this training! 1

By taking part in the SMART Start-­‐up Training Programme you will be empowered to move forward on the understanding that: • Sustainability concepts can be translated into successful business models • Learn from existing/established entrepreneurs about challenges and success fac-­‐ tors for sustainable entrepreneurship in Brazil • Get in contact with the stakeholders of the Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Brazil and learn about their understanding of sustainability • Sustainable Lifestyles can serve as sources of inspiration for innovative entrepre-­‐ neurs Congratulations for having chosen to join the SMART Start-­‐up Programme – You are going to explore with other participants and appreciate the three core values that drive the entire process: CONNECTIVITY Connect Sustainability and Entrepreneurship through an experiential learning process. The linkages built between sustainability, visualization and business concepts that are presented and analyzed throughout the entire training strengthen these connections. CREATIVITY Innovative approaches, dialogue and interaction for free generation and exchange of ideas to seize the opportunities that sustainability presents are the underlying reason behind each activity contained in the program. INSPIRATION Proactively boost inspiration to draw upon the innate creativity of programme partici-­‐ pants. The programme’s milestones are built on the notions of openness, diversity and inclusion for idea sharing and cross-­‐pollination. Participants are encouraged to develop the learning process in a way that best suits their personality, background and expec-­‐ tations. Let yourself get inspired! Empower yourself and become a Sustainable Entrepreneur by:


The four thematic areas of the SMART Start-­‐up Programme, which you are going to experience during this training include:

My lifestyle defines the world

My idea spins the world Discovering Opportunities

Exploring Sustainability

Module 1 1

Module 2




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Furthermore, as a participant of the SMART Start-­‐up Training, you will have the op-­‐ portunity to join the exclusive Multi-­‐Stakeholder The Future of Sustainable Lifestyles and Sustainable Entrepreneurship: “Innovation towards Sustainable Entrepreneur-­‐ ship, Sustainable Consumption and Production on the ICT Sector”, which is taking place simultaneously to the training and opens up its doors to the participants of SMART Start-­‐up. The event hosts an interdisciplinary dialogue to a broad range of international Sustain-­‐ able Business and Entrepreneurship stakeholders, from entrepreneurs to policy mak-­‐ ers including NGOs, academics, grant makers, companies and investors as well as the next generation of Brazilian sustainable entrepreneurs. This event provides a unique opportunity to get a practical insight into: • Defining the state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Brazil, • Sketching current trends, mechanisms and tools for enhancing the capaci-­‐ ty of sustainable entrepreneurs/sustainable business especially at the early stages of business development, • Exploring social innovation, new business models and entrepreneurial so-­‐ lutions that are the signposts to future market opportunities and the building of the Green Economy, • Discovering opportunities that sustainable entrepreneurship brings to tackle environmental and social challenges and to promote sustainable lifestyles in Brazil. • Networking with experts from the sustainability and the entrepreneurship fields. The expected outcomes of the involvement of SMART Start-­‐up participants at the workstudio include: • Building a common understanding of the existing challenges, opportuni-­‐ ties and needs to enhance the quality of stakeholder relations in Brazil • Increasing the knowledge of existing and future sustainable business models, • Defining how their contribution to the Green Economy can be reinforced, • Sketching suggestions for introducing the concept of SCP in daily lifestyles • Exploring potential collaboration areas and examining future directions on how the invited stakeholders can jointly foster the capacity of Sustain-­‐ able Entrepreneurship field.


AGENDA OF THE TRAINING DAY 1 Monday 5th, 2012 My lifestyle defines the world EXPLORING SUSTAINABILITY Time 9.30-­‐10.00

Unit / theme Welcoming – Embarking on the journey Introducing T-­‐Systems, DT and CSCP

10.00-­‐ 10.25

Let's get to know the crew


Introduction to SMART Start-­‐up Journey – Unfold your navigation chart!


Introduction to Experiential Learning approach Coffee break

11.10-­‐ 11.40

Introduction to the Sustainable Consumption & Production, Sustainable Entre-­‐ preneurship – Diving into the subject of Sustainability

11.40-­‐ 12.00

Living loops – Towards systems thinking!

12.00-­‐ 13.00

A day at the Sunny Beach Hotel – Part 1 What's going on the coast, as we sail away?

13.00-­‐ 14.00



Meanwhile...what's going on the coast?

15.00-­‐ 16.45

Hotel at the Sunny Beach 2 – Part 2 Entrepreneurs inputs: • Mr Heinz-­‐Gerd Peters-­‐ Deutsche Telekom – Presenting Deutsche Tele-­‐ kom -­‐ CSR Strategies & Activities • Mr. Bastiaan Philip Reydon – Unicamp – Presenting Corporate Sustaina-­‐ bility in the ICT Sector • Mr. Emanuel Antonio Barbiero. Agencia Brasileira de Inovacao e Susten-­‐ tabilidade – Presenting Innovation for Sustainable Businesses and Life-­‐ styles

16:45 -­‐17:00

Coffee break


Sessions’ summary Feedback Preparation for Day 2


DAY 2: Tuesday 6th of March, 2012 My idea spins the world DISCOVERING OPPORTUNITIES Time

Unit / theme


Breakfast treat – It's first mates' time


From Sustainability to opportunities for innovation – Introduction – Let the wind guide you!


The best case examples of sustainable entrepreneurs from Brazil


Take a good look around – Part 1: Discovering business opportunities


Coffee break


Take a good look around – Part 2: Clustering business ideas


Introduction to a sustainable business model – Part 1 Modelling your sustainable business




Modelling your sustainable business – Part 2


Entrepreneurs inputs: • Mr. Aldison Lessio. T-­‐Systems Brazil -­‐ Presenting T-­‐Systems Brazil • Mr. Tarcisio Peres. ECO2Web -­‐ How ICT can drive the change towards sus-­‐ tainable business models


Coffee break


Sessions’ summary Feedback Preparation Day 3


DAY 3 Wednesday 7th of March, 2012 My idea meets the world & becomes a reality PERFORMING THE REALITY CHECK & DEVELOPING THE BUSINESS STRATEGY Time

Unit / theme


Breakfast treat – It's first mates' time!


Coming back to Earth – Attention! Harbour ahead!


Sustainability Assessment


Sustainable business model – Part 2 Business Strategy – Disembarking on the sustainable entrepreneurship land!


Coffee break


Modelling your sustainable business – Anchoring!


Get to know your stakeholders!



14:00 – 16:30

Vision 2050

CSCP will deliver its renowned visioning workshop that comprises discussion about lifestyles in 2050, joint visioning activities for action brainstorming and action mapping through identification of pathways towards the fulfilment of the vision. 16:30 -­‐

Coffee break Aron Belinky. Vitae Civillis. Civil Society Joint and ICT's role in this scheme

4:15 -­‐ 4:45 pm

4:45 – 5:20 pm

Debriefing Discussion and elaboration of the day’s summary

5:30 – 8:00 pm

Networking Event Informal setup for participants to interact and discuss on the day’s content and insights 7

DAY 4 Thursday, 8th of March, 2012 Multi-­‐Stakeholder The Future of Sustainable Lifestyles and Sustainable Entrepreneurship: “Innovation towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Consumption and Production on the ICT Sector 09.00



Preparation of presentations. Finalize details and get material ready


Today’s actions towards tomorrow’s Green Economy Kirsi Sormunen. VP and Head of Nokia Sustainability. Nokiaʼs role to push innovations for the green economy forward


Action towards a Green Economy – many actors, one objective •

Panelist 1 – Lala Deheinzelin. Crie Futuros: Desirable futures, making them real today

Panelist 2 -­‐ Mônica de Roure. Ashoka Brasil: From social entrepreneurship to sustainable innovations

Panelist 3 – Adilson Lessio. Head of Solution Architecture T-systems Brazil. Tsystems Brazilʼs contributions to the flourishing of the green economy in the country.

Panelist 4 -­‐ Teresa Corcão. Instituto Maniva: Feeding the new economy through networking

Panelist 5 -­‐ Valdemar de Oliveira. Avina Foundation: Entrepreneurial partnerships and their role for the green economy

Panelist 6-­‐ Tarcisio Peres. ECO2Web. Sustainable Social Media

Q&A 12.50-­‐14.00



Practitioners meet stakeholders 12 different groups of practitioners have 5 minutes to present a pitch to the plenary their current activities on towards a green economy. Areas of practice: start-ups in sustainable entrepreneurship, policy makers, researchers, media, NGOs, SMEs and peers


Matchmaking session After the general presentation on stage, each practitioner will host a table (or stand) and fully introduce their organization/group to the attendants, who will split by area depending of what they found more aligned to their interests. There are 3 rounds of 20 minutes

16.00-­‐16.30 16.30-­‐17.10

Coffee break

Wrap up Open floor for reflections on the session, landscaping actions detected and commitments made – key issues to bring to Rio+20


Closing Review of the agenda, thanking to delegates and panelists. Closure of the workstudio and of SMART Start-up ICT. Participants of the training will be given their participation diplomas.


Return to T-Systems office for last reflections and wrap –up Evaluation.


Hands-­‐on towards a Green Economy

Background information on the SMART Start-­‐up Programme: Under the framework of the SMART Start-­‐up Programme, the UNEP/Wuppertal Insti-­‐ tute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) has been providing trainings and developing tools to sensitize the academic community and the youth to Sustainable Entrepreneurship and develop the capacity of entrepreneurs. The SMART Start-­‐up programme aims to stimulate sustainable entrepreneurship par-­‐ ticularly in rapidly growing economies. It presents the concept of sustainability as an op-­‐ portunity for potential entrepreneurs to develop sustainable business ideas and provides a platform for collaboration between multinational companies, micro entrepreneurs, and supportive civil society organizations. The first edition of the SMART Start-­‐up programme (2009-­‐2010) targeted the African academic world and policy makers and took place in Mauritius and in Germany in the form of an “Educate-­‐the-­‐Educators” workshop gathering students, professors and practi-­‐ tioners from fifteen African and European universities. The second edition of the programme, also known as SMART Start-­‐up ICT was launched in 2010 in collaboration with Deutsche Telekom. It stemmed from the need for improving the capacity of entrepreneurship and ensuring sustainable practices in the ICT industry. Within the SMART Start-­‐up ICT programme, two trainings were already con-­‐ ducted: in Cape Town, South Africa (12-­‐15 April 2011), in Shanghai, China (18-­‐21 October 2011), and the third training is to be delivered in Sao Paulo, Brazil (5-­‐8 March 2012). The third edition of the programme was launched in 2012 with kind support of CP/RAC. This edition focuses on the challenges and opportunities of Sustainable Entre-­‐ preneurship in the Mediterranean countries. It is based on an interactive training pro-­‐ gram, which intends to prepare and empower current and future entrepreneurs in the art of green entrepreneurship through new methodologies and more sustainable strategies, with the aim of tackling environmental and social challenges, promote sustainable life-­‐ styles in the Mediterranean region, and connect the Mediterranean entrepreneurial tra-­‐ dition with the emerging economic green model. The first training within this edition is took place from 14th to 17th February 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey.


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