Order Of exercises
Processional Music
Grand Procession of Students, Faculty, Staff, Trustees and Honored Guests
Greetings from the President and Chair of the Board of Trustees
Tuajuanda C. Jordan, PhD
Susan Lawrence Dyer
Reading of a Poem: "To be of use" by Marge Piercy
Brian O'Sullivan, associate professor and department chair in English
Valedictory Address
Hannah Gorel
“St. Mary’s College of Maryland”
Led by Professor of Music Larry Vote and members of the Chamber Singers
Sung by all: see page 4 in program
Commencement Address
Angélique Kidjo
Conferral of Honorary Degrees
Angélique Kidjo
Nancy Ruyle Dodge
Presentation of Candidates for Degrees
Katherine Gantz, vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty
President’s Charge to the Graduating Class
Conferral of the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees
Tuajuanda C. Jordan, PhD
Recessional Music
Tuajuanda c. jOrdan, Phd
Dr. Tuajuanda Jordan has served as St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s (SMCM) seventh president since July 2014. During her tenure, the Board of Trustees approved A Time for Rebirth, a new three-year strategic plan that builds on the College’s charter as Maryland’s only public honors college and the first of its kind in the nation.

St. Mary’s College of Maryland has been widely recognized for its successes. Ranked among best value colleges by Princeton Review (2023) and among the top 10 best public liberal arts colleges in the nation by U.S. News & World Report (2023), SMCM continues to build upon its solid reputation for academic excellence under Dr. Jordan’s watch. Under her leadership, the College continues to analyze and assess its programming to ensure that students are provided opportunities to be engaged, productive global citizens and leaders.
Since joining the College, President Jordan has been widely recognized for her contributions to higher education and the larger community. In 2023, she was named to the Daily Record’s Maryland Top 100 Women. In 2018, she was named a fellow in science education of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 2017, she was named one of the Top 25 Women in Higher Education by the national magazine, Diverse Issues in Higher Education. In addition to serving on numerous national panels and boards, she was recognized as a Black Leader in Education by the AFRO (2017), was named one of Fisk University’s Talented Tenth (2016), Purdue University’s Distinguished Women Scholars (2015-16), and as an Influential Marylander by the Daily Record (2015). She received an Education Excellence Award (2018) from the Southern Maryland Minority Chamber of Commerce, the Torchbearer Award (2014) from the National Coalition of Black Women, Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter and was inducted (2015) into the Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest academic honor society.
Prior to SMCM, Dr. Jordan served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and as a professor of chemistry at Lewis & Clark College in Oregon. While there, she helped recruit an exceptional and diverse faculty, launched a center for entrepreneurship, and developed a campus-wide system to increase student persistence and graduation rates. While an associate dean and tenured faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences at Xavier University of Louisiana, she helped establish the center for undergraduate research and creativity.
Dr. Jordan gained national prominence in the realm of science education with the creation of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science Education Alliance (SEA) program and the launch of its first initiative, the SEA Phage program, which engaged novice undergraduates in research in genomics and bioinformatics. This program has been implemented at more than 50 diverse institutions across the nation, impacted thousands of students and faculty, and resulted in numerous scientific and pedagogical publications.
Dr. Jordan holds a B.S. in chemistry from Fisk University and a PhD in biochemistry from Purdue University.
sT. Mary’s cOllege Of Maryland
Board of Trustees
(July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)
Susan Lawrence Dyer, chair
John Chambers Wobensmith '93, treasurer
Carlos Alcazar
Anirban Basu
John Bell '95
Alice Bonner '03
Peter Bruns
Donny Bryan '73
Peg Duchesne '77
Judith Fillius '79
Paula Collins, vice chair
Nicolas Abrams '99, secretary
Elizabeth Graves '95
Gail Harmon
Melanie Hilley '92
Sven Erik Holmes
Steny H. Hoyer
Glen Ives
Lawerence Leak '76
Doug Mayer '04
Jesse Price '92
Aaron Tomarchio '96
Danielle Troyan '92
Raymond Wernecke
Brayan Ruiz-Lopez '24, student trustee
The fOunding Of sT. Mary’s cOllege
In 1840 it was decided that Maryland should have a monument to Lord Baltimore’s 1634 colony known as St. Mary’s City. Lord Baltimore’s experiment in freedom of conscience and in the separation of church and state was admirable, so Maryland’s “living monument” would be a girls’ high school (or seminary, as high schools were often called in those days) that would exemplify his beliefs. The state-supported school would be named after Maryland’s first capital, St. Mary’s City, and would have an independent board of trustees. It would be non-denominational, with both trustees and faculty evenly divided among Methodists, Catholics, and Episcopalians—the three major denominations in St. Mary’s County at the time. The first certificate of graduation was granted to Sallie Brome Morsell in 1874.
St. Mary’s Female Seminary taught the liberal arts and evolved into a junior college in 1926. By the end of the 1960s it had become St. Mary’s College of Maryland, a coeducational four-year college. It attracted bright students who were looking for the almost impossible—a college that was public, affordable, devoted to the liberal arts, academically rigorous, respectful of all races and creeds, and overseen by an independent board of trustees and a well-credentialed faculty committed to scholarship and teaching. In 1992, St. Mary’s College was recognized by the governor and the Maryland legislature as an honors college
St. Mary's College of Maryland
sT. Mary’s cOllege Of Maryland
Music: David Froom
Text: Jennifer Cognard-Black
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In the academic world, it is not only students who receive special notices for outstanding work; faculty do, too. Faculty are recognized with promotions, awards, and endowed chairs/ professorships. Such special professorships are not supported by the regular budget but by an endowment – that is, by gifts made by individuals to the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Foundation. The interest from these specially designated gifts makes it possible for the holder of the chair or professorship to enjoy extra financial support for further research and professional growth. The chair or professorship is generally held for a three-year term.
Each spring, the College recognizes student and faculty scholarship at an Awards Convocation. The faculty recognized at this year's convocation are noted here.
The Homer L. Dodge Award for Excellence in Teaching was established in 1985 by the late Norton T. Dodge, faculty emeritus, to recognize excellence in teaching. This year's recipient of the Homer L. Dodge Award for Excellence in Teaching is Sandy Ganzell, professor of mathematics.
The Norton T. Dodge Award for Scholarly and Creative Achievement by a Junior Faculty Member was established in 2003 by Don Stabile, faculty emeritus, to recognize excellence in scholarly and creative achievement. This year's recipient of the Norton T. Dodge Award for Scholarly and Creative Achievement by a Junior Faculty Member is Soo Bin Jan, assistant professor of educational studies.
The Jordan Teaching Exemplar Award was established In 2017 by President Tuajuanda C. Jordan to recognize members of the St. Mary’s College community who exhibit exemplary teaching within or beyond the traditional classroom. This year's recipient of the Jordan Teaching Exemplar Award is Gili Freedman, assistant professor of psychology.
The Andy Kozak Faculty Contribution to Student Life Award was established in 2011 by Don Stabile, faculty emeritus, to recognize faculty members who are active participants in the student life of the College. This award was named to honor his colleague, the late Andy Kozak, professor of economics. This year’s recipient of the Andy Kozak Faculty Contribution to Student Life Award is Ellen Kohl, assistant professor of environmental studies.
Jeffrey Byrd joined the faculty of St. Mary’s College of Maryland in 1990. He taught upperlevel courses in microbiology and virology as well as first-year introductory biology courses. Over his career, he mentored more than 100 St. Mary’s Projects.
He co-authored “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Microbiology” (Alpha Press, 2006) and served as editor in varied capacities for 15 years of the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. From 2007-2010, Byrd was recognized by St. Mary’s College as the Aldom-Plansoen Honors College Professor.
His service to the College has been ardent and broad. From department chair and president of Faculty Senate to interim associate provost to interim vice president for academic affairs, to the College’s NCAA faculty athletic representative and volunteer assistant coach for the varsity women’s basketball team, Byrd has given his time and talent generously, diversely and often.
He hasn’t missed an alumni weekend in more than two decades, saying he looks forward to the opportunity to catch up with legions of former students and advisees.
Like his myriad neckties, his legacy, however large, also is unique: Byrd is the only microbiologist from St. Mary’s College of Maryland to have sung for the Pope, which he did for visiting Pope Francis in 2015.
Jeffrey Hammond joined the St. Mary’s College of Maryland faculty in 1990. He distinguished himself as a scholar of early American literature, with particular interest in the New England Puritans in his book, “The American Puritan Elegy: A Literary and Cultural Study” (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
He then pivoted to literary nonfiction and earned national recognition for his work in that genre, including “Ohio States: A Twentieth-Century Midwestern” (Kent State University Press, 2002), “Small Comforts: Essays at Middle Age” (Kent State University Press, 2008) and “Little Big World: Collecting Louis Marx and the American Fifties” (University of Iowa Press, 2010).
His writing awards include two Pushcart Prizes, seven Pushcart "special mentions," and nine "notable essay" citations in Best American Essays, as well as St. Mary’s College’s Norton T. Dodge Award for Creative and Scholarly Achievement.
Hammond’s strength for providing students with one-on-one mentoring made him a much soughtafter professor for St. Mary’s Projects, of which he mentored 52. He served as the College’s George B. and Willma Reeves Distinguished Professor in the Liberal Arts from 2001, offering a public scholarly lecture annually as part of that service, as well as authoring the book, “This Place Where We Are” (St. Mary’s Press, 2006). In it, Hammond provides a distillation of all that makes St. Mary's College of Maryland historically, geographically, culturally and academically distinctive.
Joshua Grossman joined the St. Mary’s College of Maryland faculty in 2007. A physicist with research interests in atomic and quantum physics, Grossman led labs in atom-trapping using lasers and magnetic fields. Students engaged in this work often did so in conjunction with internships Grossman helped to establish at the Atomic Physics Laboratory of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division in Patuxent River, Maryland. He was successful in acquiring several grants from the Office of Naval Research that funded research equipment as well as student and faculty research stipends.
He was active in research and publishing on physics education. In 2017, while Grossman was chair of the department, the physics program at St. Mary's College was highlighted as a model in “Phys21: Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers,” a report by the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Grossman volunteered with the American Physical Society for several years and in 2021 chaired its education committee. That same year, he also served on the organization committee for the Quantum Undergraduate Education & Scientific Training (QUEST) workshop. In 2022, he gave an invited talk about quantum computing that the Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance featured as part of its Quantum Tunnel webinar series.
Angélique Kidjo
Doctor of Fine Arts, Honoris Causa
Five-time Grammy Award winner Angélique Kidjo is one of the most powerful artists in international music today. With a boundless creative spirit and fourteen albums to her name, she dazzles audiences with her striking voice and theatrical stage presence. She merges the West African traditions of her childhood in Benin with elements of American R&B, funk and jazz, as well as influences from Europe and Latin America.
Time magazine has called Kidjo "Africa's premier diva” and named her one of the most influential people in the world for 2021. As a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF and OXFAM, she travels the world advocating on the behalf of children in her capacity, volunteering her time to raise awareness and aid in mobilizing support. In 2006, Kidjo founded the Batonga Foundation which supports the empowerment and education of young girls in sub-Saharan Africa. The BBC, Forbes magazine and The Guardian have all highlighted her importance to the people of the African continent, with The Guardian naming Kidjo among its “100 most inspiring” people in the world. She is the recipient of the 2015 Crystal Award given by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the 2016 Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience Award, and the 2018 German Sustainability Award.
reciPienT Of hOnOrary degree
Nancy Ruyle Dodge
Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa
With her husband, the late Norton T. Dodge, Nancy Dodge has been a champion of the liberal arts and St. Mary’s College of Maryland for more than 50 years. He served on the College’s Board of Trustees and then as a professor of economics; she worked to see her liberal arts degree from DePauw University and her advanced degree in organ performance from Northwestern University paid forward in supporting St. Mary’s College students and faculty in their educational pursuits. Together the Dodges established endowed faculty awards for excellence in teaching, outstanding service, and scholarly and creative achievement. They also sponsored student research opportunities with their vast collection of art from the former Soviet Union and hosted exhibitions of this art on the College campus.
The Dodge’s Cremona Farm in Mechanicsville, Maryland has been another resource shared generously with St. Mary’s College students and faculty. Though Norton died in 2011, Nancy continues to share Cremona Farm with artists, anthropologists, archaeologists and archivists, providing research and hands-on learning opportunities. In 2020, Nancy established the Norton T. and Nancy R. Dodge Scholarship for St. Mary’s College students. In 2022, Nancy made the largest private gift in the College’s history, to name the Nancy R. and Norton T. Dodge Performing Arts Center.
The acadeMic PrOcessiOn
The academic procession is as colorful as a parade, and equally informative. Just as you can “read” a military parade, identifying each individual’s rank, so you can read an academic procession once you know the code. In the academic world, this code is both the cut of the long robe and the length of the colorful hood. These, along with the caps, have evolved from clothing worn in the Middle Ages by scholars and clerics alike—who were often one and the same person.
The procession is led by the graduating seniors, preceded by that faculty member who, being chosen annually by the Faculty Senate, carries the large wooden mace, long a symbol of authority. Wearing a simple variation of the medieval black gown, the seniors wear hoods that are short and lined with the College’s colors: blue, gold, and white. The hoods are edged in white, indicating a degree in the liberal arts (humanities). A pale blue and pink cord signifies election to Phi Beta Kappa. Students belonging to 12 national academic honor societies are set apart by the tasseled cords or medallions that are worn around the neck (see list below). All the students wear mortarboard caps with the tassel hanging over the right front, but at the end of the ceremony the new graduates will flip these tassels to the left.
The faculty marshal follows the students, ushering in the second half of the procession, which consists of faculty, staff, and finally the platform party. For those with master’s degrees, the robe is as plain as a bachelor’s robe, but its long, narrow, tapered sleeves fall almost to the knees.
Most of the College faculty, however, wear the doctor’s gown, easily distinguished by its enormous bellshaped sleeves with the three velvet, horizontal bars that match the broad band down the front of the robe. The doctor’s gown is usually black, but a few universities ask their doctoral graduates to wear a robe in the color of that university. The doctoral hood is lined in the color of the university that gave the degree. The broad edging on the hood is the same color as the horizontal bars on the sleeves of the gown, indicating the field in which the doctorate was received: deep blue for the liberal arts (PhD), light blue for education, purple for law, pink for music, etc. Because most of our faculty have a PhD in the liberal arts, the color on the sleeve bars and the edging on the hood is deep blue.
Academic Honor Societies
The College has 12 academic departments that have instituted campus chapters of discipline-specific national honor societies. Students admitted to these academic honor societies wear cords or medallions over their black gowns.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
English History
French Neuroscience
Political Science
(Lambda Alpha)
(Chi Omega Lambda)
(Beta Beta Beta)
(Omicron Delta Epsilon)
(Sigma Tau Delta)
(Phi Alpha Theta)
(Pi Delta Phi)
(Nu Rho Psi)
(Sigma Pi Sigma)
(Pi Sigma Alpha)
(Psi Chi)
(Alpha Kappa Delta)
blue and gold cord
black and blue cord
red and green cord
blue and gold cord
red and black (medallion)
red and blue cord
blue, white and red cord
black and old gold cord
green and ivory cord
red, black, gold (medallion)
gold and blue cord
teal cord
Graduating with Honors
Seniors with a high grade-point average (GPA) are candidates for a degree with honors. These honors have, for centuries, been expressed in the Latin phrase “cum laude” (with praise). All candidates for a degree with honors are also St. Mary’s scholars. Below, the GPAs are ranked from highest to lowest:
Summa cum laude: 3.900 - 4.000 GPA
Magna cum laude: 3.700 - 3.899 GPA
Cum laude: 3.500 - 3.699 GPA
The senior who has the highest GPA (grade-point average) is the class valedictorian. For the Class of 2023 there are four valedictorians. The valedictory address will be given by Hannah Gorel
Hannah Gorel is a double major in computer science and mathematics. She is a member of Chi Alpha Sigma honor society and the captain of the varsity women’s tennis team. She is president of the College chapter of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and has interned at Microsoft, Visionist Inc., and General Dynamics Missions Systems. She also serves as a student ambassador coordinator.
Nicolette Iacona is a psychology major with a minor in art. She is a member of both Chi Alpha Sigma and Psi Chi honor societies and is a research assistant in the psychology department’s virtual reality lab. She is a captain on the women’s varsity rowing team, for which she has coordinated multiple major community service projects in partnership with Shiloh Manor Horse Farm in the surrounding St. Mary’s community. She is also a recipient of the 2023 Female Scholar Athlete Award.
Eleanor Pratt is a history major with a creative writing minor. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Alpha Theta honor societies and was the editor-in-chief of The Point News. She has served as the editing and communications intern for the Center for Career and Professional Development, a student assistant to the history department, a peer-to-peer mentor, and as vice president of Phi Alpha Theta.
Emily Rudo is a double major in environmental studies and political science with a minor in sociology. She is a member of Pi Sigma Alpha honor society and serves as the president of the Student Government Association and a coordinator of student ambassadors. She has served as a Senate environment and infrastructure policy intern and as a campaign assistant for State Delegate Brian Crosby (D-Md). She was also the editor of the spring 2022 edition of Open Water: An Undergraduate Journal in the Social Sciences and a member of the College’s 2022-2023 Strategic Planning Steering Committee.
degree candidaTes BachelOr Of arTs
BachelOr Of science
MasTer Of arTs in Teaching
Some students have a minor, or more than one major; these are listed beneath their hometown. This list is complete as of May 11, 2023. Those with an asterisk (*) are expected to complete all degree requirements by fall 2023.
Evalyn Leslie Angelis
Takoma Park, Md.
Minor: History
Magna Cum Laude
Emma Dale Bradshaw
Potomac, Md.
Minor: Art History
Minor: Museum Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Jade Sky Burch*
Leonardtown, Md.
Casy Doster
Catonsville, Md.
Minor: Museum Studies
Cum Laude
Elizabeth Rose Gill
Huntingtown, Md.
Minor: Dance
Minor: Museum Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Sophie G. Hannah
Rockville, Md.
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Samantha Renee Boles
Leonardtown, Md.
Jessica J. Lane
Sykesville, Md.
Minor: Dance
Ian Benjamin Parsons
Gaithersburg, Md.
Minor: Philosophy
Magna Cum Laude
Tony Michael Rayo
Waldorf, Md.
Minor: Theater Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Jessica Lynn Taylor
Prince Frederick, Md.
Minor: Environmental Studies
James H.T. Than
Rockville, Md.
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Cum Laude
Todd E. Washington*
Leonardtown, Md.
Miranda Vivian Woodey
Waldorf, Md.
Minor: Theater Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Art History
Kathryn Grace Dennis
Ocean City, Md.
International Languages & Cultures: French
Cum Laude
Elise F. Evans
Dickerson, Md.
Computer Science
Magna Cum Laude
Mary C. Richardson
Forest Hill, Md.
Minor: Museum Studies
Minor: Spanish
Katherine Elise Thor Straten
Baltimore, Md.
Minor: Museum Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Asian Studies
Graceanne Pauley Nelson
North East, Md.
International Languages & Cultures: Chinese
Minor: Political Science
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Christopher Ato Baidoo
Frederick, Md.
Cum Laude
Gabriella Mary De Leonibus
Bowie, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Megan R. Herring*
Leonardtown, Md.
Melinda Thi Huynh Silver Spring, Md.
Minor: Neurosciences
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Gabrielle Elizabeth Manning Finksburg, Md.
Armando Jose Martinez Blanco
Derwood, Md.
Minor: Neurosciences
Cum Laude
Madison Marie Schwarz Street, Md.
Minor: Biology
Alex Zhang
Beltsville, Md.
Mary Almae Herrera Ardita
Waldorf, Md.
Cum Laude
Rachel Victoria Becker
Brookeville, Md.
Environmental Studies
Minor: Anthropology
Amelia Louise Byrne
Rockville, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Jennifer Moira Chiavaroli
Lexington Park, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Katherine Shay Cleveland
Silver Spring, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Amelia Faith Crispell
La Plata, Md.
Minor: Environmental Studies
Cum Laude
Bryce Langdon Easterly
Towson, Md.
Kyra Ruth Feinauer
Silver Spring, Md.
International Languages & Cultures: Spanish
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Casey Harper Greenberg
Columbia, Md.
Minor: Spanish
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Katherine Anne Haas
Annapolis, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Margaret Genevieve Howells
New Freedom, Pa.
Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Spanish
Cum Laude
Jay Aja Jensen
Arnold, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Cum Laude
Jennifer Jun
Ellicott City, Md.
Celina Marie Kaufman
Queenstown, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
John Wilson Kennedy*
Northampton, Pa.
Environmental Studies
Cum Laude
Zander Richards Kramer
Centreville, Md.
Minor: Computer Science
Zane Azadia Krissoff
Leonardtown, Md.
Minor: History
Minor: Educational Studies
Cum Laude
Marion H. Lajara*
Rockville, Md.
Julia Allison Linthicum*
Columbia, Md.
Jordan Zachary Alexander Manns
Owings Mills, Md.
Catherine Elizabeth McKenzie
Ellicott City, Md.
Cum Laude
Zoe-Marie Mongbet Lamare*
Ellicott City, Md.
Olivia M. Nazelrod
Bowie, Md.
Erin Renee Piper
Manchester, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Elsa K. Pirozzi
Washington, D.C.
Minor: Mathematics
Magna Cum Laude
Stephen Cullen Rey
Leonardtown, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Dylan Erik Roeper
Parkton, Md.
Cum Laude
Emma Anne Schroeder
Hollywood, Md.
Elizabeth Elena Sharp
Montgomery Village, Md.
Cum Laude
Jasper D. Shide
Kensington, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Nancy Kaskiel Slaughter
Cockeysville, Md.
Cum Laude
Larissa Marie Springer
Denton, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Benjamin Thomas Stubbs*
Callaway, Md.
Minor: Economics
David Jesse Sykes
Severna Park, Md.
Minor: Asian Studies
Minor: Art Studio
Christina Ann Trnkus
Chevy Chase, Md.
Shannon McGinn Welker
Belcamp, Md.
Max Alexander Werking
Gambrills, Md.
Cum Laude
Chandler R. Williams
White Plains, Md.
Cum Laude
Kira McKenzie Wisner
Olney, Md.
Minor: Environmental Studies
Erin Elizabeth Carmody
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Mathematics
Natalie Laura Dillman
Fallston, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Andrew Michael Durst
Hollywood, Md.
Jennifer Anne Jenkins
Hancock, Md.
Minor: Materials Science
Minor: Mathematics
Julia H. Kraft
Gaithersburg, Md.
Minor: Materials Science
Magna Cum Laude
Saige Anabel Teti
Vienna, Va.
Cum Laude
Computer Science
Matthew David Barlow
Middletown, Md.
Mathias Boddicker
Great Mills, Md.
William Bernard Capon
Bethesda, Md.
Asian Studies
Minor: Music
Minor: Mathematics
Magna Cum Laude
Nathaniel Grey Champion
Lexington Park, Md.
Coleman Telander Doherty
Chevy Chase, Md.
Jack Forman Eskay*
Damascus, Md.
Cum Laude
Hannah Grace Gorel
Jessup, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Aaron Hunter Guethlein
Saint Leonard, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Hugh O'Connell Hamilton
Bethesda, Md.
Minor: Mathematics
Caleb Michael Jenkins
Saint Leonard, Md.
Andrew Lazar Kivrak
Bryans Road, Md.
Marian Loraine Marteja
La Plata, Md.
Cum Laude
Liam Josiah Pratt*
Kensington, Md.
Jordan Reece
Bel Air, Md.
Victor J. Riley
Bowie, Md.
Albert Joseph Scott
Newburg, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Clifford John Paragas Toledo
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Mathematics
Cum Laude
Sosan Wahid
Solomons, Md.
Stephen Michael Alam
Ellicott City, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Angelina Arter
Delmar, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Benjamin Erick Atkins Columbia, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Minor: Business Management
Minor: Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Leandre W. Boucher West River, Md.
International Languages & Cultures: French
Minor: Business Management
George Mitchell Boudreau Towson, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Arionna McKenzie Chase Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Maryalice Rose Christopher California, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Susan Samantha Dore Cockeysville, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Minor: Business Management
Christopher Ross Fanto Cockeysville, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Ezana Berhane Fekere
Rockville, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Cum Laude
Peter James Fortescue
Leonardtown, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Magna Cum Laude
Ryan Alexander Groeger
Annapolis, Md.
Cum Laude
Eythan Ariston Jenkins
Chesapeake Beach, Md.
Computer Science
Minor: Business Management
Summa Cum Laude
Kevin N. Jones
Hyattsville, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Minor: Art Studio
Walker Ryan Krizman
Gaithersburg, Md.
Cum Laude
Sebastian Linares Ludwig
Bethesda, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Ryan Alexander Mahanand Clarksville, Md.
Leila Francine McCloskey
Leonardtown, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Liam Yates Marcher Murdoch
Washington, D.C.
Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Philosophy
Minor: Computer Science
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Emmanuel Ofwono
Hanover, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Mary Elizabeth Purtilo
Silver Spring, Md.
Minor: Spanish
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Jorge Emilio Sanchez
Bethesda, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Jakob T. Sandridge
Upper Marlboro, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Ryan E. Segall
Owings Mills, Md.
Yundi Shi
Beijing, China Mathematics
Minor: Anthropology
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Rachel Nicole Steo
La Plata, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Cum Laude
Keyon Mykl Taybron
Suitland, Md.
Daniel J. Weeden
Olney, Md.
Callum L. Wilcox
Fallston, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Magna Cum Laude
Thomas James Williamson
Sykesville, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Carolyn Reagan Wilson
Lusby, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Ronald Wong
Germantown, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Madeline Rose Bergling
Mechanicsvlle, Md.
Minor: Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Sophia Marie Campbell
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Daniel Thomas Carter
Waldorf, Md.
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Minor: Creative Writing
Ezekiel Leslie Cross-Barnet
Baltimore, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Aidan James Ellis
Barnard, Vt.
Cum Laude
Sarah MacKenzie Jones
Welcome, Md.
Leo Lee
Ellicott City, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Cum Laude
Jacklyn Anne Lyons
Mount Airy, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Hannah Ruth Teresina McGee
Damascus, Md.
Minor: Spanish
Rikki E. McLean
Severna Park, Md.
Minor: French
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Maya Miller
Waldorf, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Rebekah Nefret Perunko
Salisbury, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Irene Genevieve Ragan
Havre De Grace, Md.
Minor: History
Kyra Christina Smith
Baltimore, Md.
Stephen Cattnach Suor
St. Mary’s City, Md.
Minor: Theater Studies
Iris Victoria Valentin
Rockville, Md.
Minor: Political Science
Catherine Mary Wasilko
Keedysville, Md.
Mackenzie Alice Windsor
Dameron, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: Theater Studies
Magna Cum Laude
McKenzie Skye Wood
Mechanicsvlle, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Environmental Studies
Daniel Richard Balinger
Jefferson, Md.
Benjamin Joon Beegan
Parkville, Md.
Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Jazlyn Christine Benitez
Silver Spring, Md.
Cum Laude
Lydia Rose Clark*
Stevensville, Md.
Cum Laude
Tristan Nakao Dejetley
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Economics
Yotam Delayahu
Rockville, Md.
Micah Librado Falcon
Lexington Park, Md.
Ruth Marie Fernands
Haddonfield, N.J. English
Sophia Noelle Garms
Rockville, Md.
Minor: French Magna Cum Laude
Laura Liann Gastaliturri
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Studies
Ethan William Gray
Hollywood, Md.
Minor: Biology
Emma Gronda
Chevy Chase, Md. Political Science
Kyle Warren Hasse*
Anchorage, Alaska
Minor: Computer Science
Heather Helwig
Goldsboro, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: Biology
Magna Cum Laude
Rachel Anne Hendricks*
Hughesville, Md.
Holly L. Hilton
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Stephanie Alexandra Howell
Chevy Chase, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Minor: Political Science
Christopher Michael Kvech
Essex, Md.
Ryan Sean Lacey
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Anthropology
Samuel J. Leaman
Gaithersburg, Md.
Minor: Economics
Cum Laude
Colleen Susan McGuire*
Mount Airy, Md.
Emery Grace Moore
Berwyn Heights, Md.
Cum Laude
Sam Hide Muir
Goleta, Calif.
Minor: French
Magna Cum Laude
Kara S. Peterson
Williamsburg, Va.
Minor: Computer Science
Cum Laude
Emily Rae Rudo
Elkridge, Md.
Political Science
Minor: Sociology
Summa Cum Laude
Nathan Andrew Sayers
Olney, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Megan Elizabeth Smith
Laurel, Md.
Minor: Biology
Cum Laude
Quonte L. Stewart
Lusby, Md.
Sydney Amelia West
Solomons, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Alexander Richard Abbott*
Odenton, Md.
Nadia Marie Cianfrani
Saint Leonard, Md.
Owen K. Deli
Rockville, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Liam R. Delone-Bellsey*
Takoma Park, Md.
Political Science
Cum Laude
Lauren E. Fontaine
Deale, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Katelyn Rose Gross
Indian Head, Md.
Minor: Anthropology
Magna Cum Laude
Morgan Rae Hall
Lexington Park, Md.
Jay Rose Moug
Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.
Minor: Museum Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Delaney M. Murphy*
Gaithersburg, Md.
Minor: Museum Studies
Travis Guice Petty
Hollywood, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: African & African Diaspora Studies
Eleanor Carreen Pratt
Leonardtown, Md.
Minor: Creative Writing
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Samantha Lynn Rosenthal
Gaithersburg, Md.
Minor: Museum Studies
Alec J. Scott
Saint Leonard, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Nathan Gerard Smith
Glen Burnie, Md.
International Languages & Cultures
Katherine Jane Frances Cain
Leonardtown, Md.
Minor: Philosophy
Minor: Political Science
Alexander Nathanael Gouin
Elkridge, Md.
French Economics
Minor: Philosophy
Nicholas A. Howard
Elkridge, Md.
French & Chinese
Cum Laude
Megan Le Huynh
Clarksburg, Md.
Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Gabrielle Simone Oler
Piney Point, Md.
Latin American Studies & Spanish
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Sophia E. Striegel
Baltimore, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
David Zhang
Waldorf, Md.
Minor: Asian Studies
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Cum Laude
Jacob Darby Bowen
California, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Thomas Aloysius Dolan
Millersville, Md.
Minor: Computer Science
Minor: Music
Sean R. Elkins
Adamstown, Md.
Conrad Jeremiah Gable
Annapolis, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Lainagail Brette Greason
Davidsonville, Md.
Minor: Computer Science
Cum Laude
Matthew Wolters Holden
Garrett Park, Md.
Minor: Computer Science
Cum Laude
Daniel M. Hunt
Waldorf, Md.
Erin Margaret Murphy
Columbia, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Willow Elizabeth Sanderlin*
Great Mills, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Adam Jordan Shaw
Bethesda, Md.
Computer Science
Audrey Ellen Stahl
Hagerstown, Md.
Minor: Computer Science
Cum Laude
Brian Claybrook Wilmarth
Silver Spring, Md. Music
Summa Cum Laude
Audra Haines
Boyds, Md.
Minor: Biology
Isabella Weber Sterner*
Westminster, Md. Psychology
Minor: Business Management
Magna Cum Laude
Kyle M. Lacey
Lexington Park, Md.
Environmental Studies
Minor: Political Science
Ethan Connor Carpenter
Leonardtown, Md.
William D. Harper
Reisterstown, Md.
Minor: Mathematics
Noah Michael Homick
Huntingtown, Md.
Minor: Astrophysics
Evan David Marx*
Laurel, Md.
Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Art Studio
Joshua Swartz Morrison
Leonardtown, Md.
Alana Thompson
Silver Spring, Md.
Tyler Fritsch Thornton
Towson, Md.
Minor: Mathematics
Cum Laude
Political Science
Sydney Joyce Anderson
Ellicott City, Md.
Minor: Anthropology
Dana Clare Barbakoff
Parkton, Md.
Minor: French
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Wells Parrish Borie
Bethesda, Md.
Rileigh Marie Byrd
Eldersburg, Md.
Minor: History
Lilian Elizabeth Davison
Phoenix, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Minor: Art Studio
Cum Laude
Ryan Anthony Gutierrez
Leonardtown, Md.
Corine Hwang
Rockville, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Cum Laude
Sean Thomas Kratovil-lavelle*
Stevensville, Md.
Minor: History
Surisitee Motiram
Millersville, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Jaxon Taylor O'Mara
St. Mary’s City, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Jackson Thomas Potter
Mechanicsville, Md.
Connor R. Riggs
Bel Air, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Emily Nohemy Rueda*
Derwood, Md.
Minor: Spanish
Minor: Business Management
Sophia Carina Tello
Bethesda, Md.
Public Policy Studies
Minor: History
Minor: Spanish
Magna Cum Laude
Jordan S. Williams* University Park, Md.
Minor: History
Cum Laude
Alyssa De Leon Afuang
Rockville, Md.
Molly Ank
Charlotte Hall, Md.
Nicholas Andrew Ashenfelter
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Philosophy
Summa Cum Laude
James Charles Atwell
Owings, Md.
Isaac K. Baker California, Md.
Minor: Biology
Mary Claire Basso-Luca
Rockville, Md.
International Languages & Culture: French
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Brian W. Bates Hanover, Md.
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Lauren N. Boyer
Halethorpe, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Karina Marie Campbell
Lexington Park, Md.
Minor: Biology
Vanessa Casarrubias
Bladensburg, Md.
Julia I. Cutroneo
Woodbine, Md.
Minor: Spanish
Minor: Environmental Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Katherine Cymek
Havre De Grace, Md.
Minor: Spanish
Cum Laude
Victoria E. Daniels
Randallstown, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Annika Kirsten Drilling
Severna Park, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Magna Cum Laude
Kahlyn Renee Eckles
Westminster, Md.
Minor: Biology
Summa Cum Laude
Mackenzie Noel Ellis
Darlington, Md.
Brianna Batelka Englert
Mechanicsvlle, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Julia Ann Fitzpatrick
Stevensville, Md.
Minor: Special Education
Summa Cum Laude
April Hope Fraser
Auburn, Wash.
International Languages & Culture: Spanish
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Zachary A. Glime*
Annapolis, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Isabelle Rose Hanson
Olney, Md.
Cum Laude
Alaska Jo Heintzelman
New Carrollton, Md.
Cum Laude
Emma Elizabeth Hillyer
Chesapeake Beach, Md.
Mason A. Hoffman
Reisterstown, Md.
Nicolette Reece Iacona
Severna Park, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Summa Cum Laude
Imani D. Kayeye
Hagerstown, Md.
Minor: Neurosciences
Samantha Kestler
Hollywood, Md.
Kelsey N. Kluh
La Plata, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Julia Kochman
Potomac, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Kelsea Leigh Lallande
Dameron, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Sydney Kehoe McGurk
Mechanicsvlle, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Sheray Ashley McLeod
Waldorf, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: Sociology
Elizabeth Agnes Mlinek
Upperco, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Dylan Adam-Lee Morris
California, Md.
Samorah Neal
Baltimore, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Zachary Morgen Pisarz
Annapolis, Md.
Cum Laude
Jasmine S.G. Player
Baltimore, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Alessia Regazzoni
Hagerstown, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Minor: Spanish
Marina Roan Reilly*
Charlottesville, Va.
Minor: Neurosciences
Lauren Theresa Sapp
Glen Burnie, Md.
Minor: Sociology
Cum Laude
Emily Elizabeth Shipley
Annapolis, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Summer A. Taylor
Waldorf, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Caroline Rosemary Taylor
Severna Park, Md.
Cum Laude
Sophia Amilya Thompson
Arnold, Md.
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Alexandra Boyer Tomarchio
Havre De Grace, Md.
Ashley Jenette Tyler
Rockville, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Cum Laude
Sonder W. Van Wert
Germantown, Md.
Ashley Renea Welch
California, Md.
Minor: Special Education
Carla Renee Wilson
Laurel, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Jeda Yurko
Lusby, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Public Policy Studies
Rebecca Helen Guy
Leonardtown, Md.
Minor: Special Education
Jonathan Daniel Norris
La Plata, Md.
Ja'Dell S. Webster
Newburg, Md.
Minor: Educational Studies
Hannah Ambria Yale*
Ventura, Calif.
Minor: Philosophy
Mackenzie Rae Zamora
Westminster, Md.
Minor: Business Management
Religious Studies
Ashlie Elaine Hardman
Lusby, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Thomas J. Keating
Centreville, Md.
Julie Ann Yerdon*
Lexington Park, Md.
Sidney Adams
Silver Spring, Md.
Minor: Political Science
Ashley Paige Blasko
Elkridge, Md.
Minor: Special Education
Cum Laude
Paul Jason Fenchak
Lutherville, Md.
Cole Samuel Harden
Bel Air, Md.
Cara Lauren Scheydt
Lusby, Md.
Somya Dianne Sharma-Holt
Silver Spring, Md.
International Languages & Cultures: Spanish
Karon Jewel Williams
Rockville, Md.
Taj Reed
Waldorf, Md.
Julia Renee Williams
Rockville, Md.
Magna Cum Laude
Theater, Film & Media Studies
Anna Connors
Baltimore, Md.
Nathaniel Cris Horton
California, Md.
Cum Laude
Jazmine Aquira Kellmel
Hollywood, Md.
Minor: Art Studio
Greg Alan Kenney
Accokeek, Md.
Summa Cum Laude
Shannon N. Lewis
Forest Hill, Md.
Minor: Dance
Minor: Music
Summa Cum Laude
Brenton Jarel Parker
California, Md.
Minor: Theater Studies
Cum Laude
Master of Arts in Teaching
Gabriele Marie Backus
Lusby, Md. Special Education
Laura E. Bailey
Parkton, Md.
K-12 Chinese
Lauren Elizabeth Baker
Bowie, Md. Special Education
Meagan Anna Brown
Kingsville, Md.
Secondary Biology
Carolyn S. Colina
Dameron, Md.
PreK-12 Music
Kailee Rebecca Earp Mount Airy, Md. Elementary
Kelly Ann Emge Forest Hill, Md. Elementary
Isobel Eve Hermans Silver Spring, Md. Elementary
Kendrick Cecilia Horan Bethesda, Md. Elementary
Jakai Lashea Jordan
Clinton, Md. Elementary
Alexandra Grace Knudson
Chesapeake Beach, Md. PreK-12 Music
Rileigh Grace Krell
Essex, Md. Elementary
Megan Elizabeth Lane
Sykesville, Md.
Elementary with ECE
Patrick Connor Lee
Baltimore, Md.
K-12 Spanish
Henry Francis Morin
Kensington, Md. Elementary
Emily O'Neill
Gambrills, Md. Elementary
Travis Guice Petty
Hollywood, Md.
Secondary History and SS
Maysen A. Salazar
Saint Leonard, Md.
Elementary with ECE
Erika Ann Schutt
Vestal, N.Y.
Secondary History and SS
Dina Amber Jean Martin Tuggle
Mechanicsville, Md.
K-12 Chinese
Margaret Elizabeth Warnick
Silver Spring, Md.
Secondary Social Studies