Order Of exercises
Processional Music
Grand Procession of Students, Faculty, Staff, Trustees and Honored Guests
Greetings from the President and Chair of the Board of Trustees
Tuajuanda C. Jordan, PhD
Susan Lawrence Dyer
Reading of a Poem: Joy Harjo's "Once the World was Perfect"
Jose Ballesteros, professor of Spanish and department chair for international languages and cultures
Valedictory Address
Sabrina Kuhn
“St. Mary’s College of Maryland”
Led by Professor of Music Larry Vote and members of the Chamber Singers
Sung by all: see page 4 in program
Commencement Address
Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD 5th)
Conferral of Honorary Degree
Lynn Pasquerella, PhD
Presentation of Candidates for Degrees
Katherine Gantz, vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty
President’s Charge to the Graduating Class
Conferral of the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees
Tuajuanda C. Jordan, PhD
Recessional Music
Scan QR code using your phone camera to access the digital program.
Tuajuanda c. jOrdan, Phd
Dr. Tuajuanda Jordan has served as St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s (SMCM) seventh president since July 2014. During her tenure, the Board of Trustees approved a trilogy of interconnected strategic plans. The current plan, “The Rising Tide,” builds upon the goals achieved from previous plans to establish and solidify SMCM’s position as The National Public Honors College and the college of choice for students, faculty, staff and the community.
St. Mary’s College of Maryland has been widely recognized for its successes. Ranked among the nation’s best value colleges by The Princeton Review (2023) and among the top 10 best public liberal arts colleges in the nation by U.S. News & World Report (2024), SMCM continues to build upon its solid reputation for academic excellence under Dr. Jordan’s watch. Under her leadership, the College continues to analyze and assess its programming to ensure that students are provided opportunities to be engaged, productive global citizens and leaders.
Since joining the College, President Jordan has been widely recognized for her contributions to higher education and the larger community. She is currently the president of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC) and will host its summer summit on campus this June. In 2023, she was named one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women by the Daily Record. In 2018, she was named a fellow in science education of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 2017, she was named one of the Top 25 Women in Higher Education by the national magazine, Diverse Issues in Higher Education. In addition to serving on numerous national panels and boards, she was recognized as a Black Leader in Education by the AFRO (2017), was named one of Fisk University’s Talented Tenth (2016), Purdue University’s Distinguished Women Scholars (2015-16), and as an Influential Marylander by the Daily Record (2015). She received an Education Excellence Award (2018) from the Southern Maryland Minority Chamber of Commerce, the Torchbearer Award (2014) from the National Coalition of Black Women, Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter and was inducted (2015) into the Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest academic honor society.
Prior to SMCM, Dr. Jordan served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and as a professor of chemistry at Lewis & Clark College in Oregon. While there, she helped recruit an exceptional and diverse faculty, launched a center for entrepreneurship, and developed a campus-wide system to increase student persistence and graduation rates. While an associate dean and tenured faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences at Xavier University of Louisiana, she helped establish the center for undergraduate research and creativity.
Dr. Jordan gained national prominence in the realm of science education with the creation of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science Education Alliance (SEA) program and the launch of its first initiative, the SEA Phage program, which engaged novice undergraduates in research in genomics and bioinformatics. This program has been implemented at more than 50 diverse institutions across the nation, impacted thousands of students and faculty, and resulted in numerous scientific and pedagogical publications.
President Jordan holds a B.S. in chemistry from Fisk University and a PhD in biochemistry from Purdue University.
sT. Mary’s cOllege Of Maryland
Board of Trustees
(July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)
Susan Lawrence Dyer, chair
John Chambers Wobensmith '93, treasurer
Carlos Alcazar
Anirban Basu
John Bell '95
Arthur A. "Lex" Birney Jr.
Peter Bruns
Donny Bryan '73
Peg Duchesne '77
Judith Fillius '79
Paula Collins, vice chair
Nicolas Abrams '99, secretary
Kate Fritz '04
Elizabeth Graves '95
Kristen Greenaway
Gail Harmon
Sven Erik Holmes
Talib Horne
Steny H. Hoyer
Kimberly B. Kelley
Jesse Price '92
Melanie Rosalez '92
Aaron Tomarchio '96
Danielle Troyan '92
Raymond Wernecke
Hudson Christensen '25, student trustee
The fOunding Of sT. Mary’s cOllege
In 1840 it was decided that Maryland should have a monument to Lord Baltimore’s 1634 colony known as St. Mary’s City. Lord Baltimore’s experiment in freedom of conscience and in the separation of church and state was admirable, so Maryland’s “living monument” would be a girls’ high school (or seminary, as high schools were often called in those days) that would exemplify his beliefs. The state-supported school would be named after Maryland’s first capital, St. Mary’s City, and would have an independent board of trustees. It would be non-denominational, with both trustees and faculty evenly divided among Methodists, Catholics, and Episcopalians—the three major denominations in St. Mary’s County at the time. The first certificate of graduation was granted to Sallie Brome Morsell in 1874.
St. Mary’s Female Seminary taught the liberal arts and evolved into a junior college in 1926. By the end of the 1960s it had become St. Mary’s College of Maryland, a coeducational four-year college. It attracted bright students who were looking for the almost impossible—a college that was public, affordable, devoted to the liberal arts, academically rigorous, respectful of all races and creeds, and overseen by an independent board of trustees and a well-credentialed faculty committed to scholarship and teaching. In 1992, St. Mary’s College was recognized by the governor and the Maryland legislature as an honors college
St. Mary's College of Maryland
sT. Mary’s cOllege Of Maryland
Music: David Froom
Text: Jennifer Cognard-Black
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March 2011 - -
faculTy disTincTiOn
In the academic world, it is not only students who receive special notices for outstanding work; faculty do, too. Faculty are recognized with promotions, awards, and endowed chairs/ professorships. Such special professorships are not supported by the regular budget but by an endowment – that is, by gifts made by individuals to the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Foundation. The interest from these specially designated gifts makes it possible for the holder of the chair or professorship to enjoy extra financial support for further research and professional growth. The chair or professorship is generally held for a three-year term.
Each spring, the College recognizes student and faculty scholarship at an Awards Convocation. The faculty recognized at this year's convocation are noted here.
The Norton T. Dodge Award for Scholarly and Creative Achievement was established in 1989 by the late Norton T. Dodge, faculty emeritus, to recognize faculty accomplishments. This year's recipient of the Norton T. Dodge Award for Scholarly and Creative Achievement is Karen Crawford, professor of biology.
The Homer L. Dodge Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Junior Faculty Member was established in. 2003 by the late Norton T. Dodge, faculty emeritus, to recognize excellence in teaching. This year's recipient of the Homer L. Dodge Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Junior Faculty Member is Sarah Latchney, assistant professor of neurobiology.
The Jordan Teaching Exemplar Award was established In 2017 by President Tuajuanda C. Jordan to recognize members of the St. Mary’s College community who exhibit exemplary teaching within or beyond the traditional classroom. This year's recipient of the Jordan Teaching Exemplar Award is Janet W. Varner '91, lecturer in educational studies.
The Andy Kozak Faculty Contribution to Student Life Award was established in 2011 by Don Stabile, faculty emeritus, to recognize faculty members who are active participants in the student life of the College. This award was named to honor his colleague, the late Andy Kozak, professor of economics. This year’s recipient of the Andy Kozak Faculty Contribution to Student Life Award is Charles Musgrove, professor of history.
reTiring faculTy
Larry Vote joined the faculty in 1981. He served as professor of music while additionally serving the College as division head, faculty senate president, provost and acting president. An accomplished vocal soloist and conductor, he has performed throughout the U.S. and Europe. He has directed musical productions with Interact Theatre Company, earning the Helen Hayes Award in 1994. Vote is also previous recipient of the Norton Dodge Award for Creative and Scholarly Achievement at St. Mary’s College. His dedication and initiative led to a concert touring program in Europe, fostering professional opportunities and experiences for his students.
Karen Crawford joined the faculty in 1991. Drawn to and fascinated by developmental biology, Crawford studies the mechanisms that direct form and function in developing embryos and regenerating animals. Through her research lab and her classes, she has guided many of her students to successful careers in the sciences. Her research contributions to developmental biology have been acknowledged by her nomination to the Society of Development Biology Academy. A longtime summer researcher at Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Crawford will embark on a new career as senior researcher at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Maine.
Rachel Myerowitz joined the faculty in 1993. She taught classes in biology, genetics, biochemistry and ethics of biotechnology. Her research interests are the molecular genetics, alterations in gene expression and molecular pathological mechanisms of inherited disorders of lysosomal function. She was a guest scientist for many years at the National Institutes of Health and a threetime award winner for service from that entity. She holds two patents. She is a publications reviewer for the American Society of Human Genetics and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Elizabeth Osborn joined the faculty in 1998. Osborn began research on entrepreneurs in Poland in 1990 at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS). Her research interests centered on comparative social change in East Central Europe and the development of an entrepreneurial class. She was a Woodrow Wilson Research Scholar in 2000-01. She co-authored with Kazimierz M. Slomczynski the book, “Open for Business: The Persistent Entrepreneurial Class in Poland” (Warsaw: IFiS Publishers, 2005). Osborn taught courses in sociology and entrepreneurship. In the community she served as mentor and advisory board member to Southern Maryland Innovation & Technology (SMIT) and with her students she sponsored numerous entrepreneur competitions.
Christine Wooley joined the faculty in 2005 as assistant professor of English. She retired at the rank of full professor, having completed a term as associate dean of curriculum. Wooley’s scholarship focused on American literature, with a concentration in African American literature from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century. She served as the chair of the English Department and played a crucial role in revising the English curriculum. She also led the department through an external program review and played an active part in shaping the College's strategic plan. As associate dean of curriculum, Wooley facilitated campus-wide efforts to revitalize the curriculum and improve teaching and learning practices.
David Ellsworth joined the faculty in 2007. Ellsworth is a documentary and experimental filmmaker whose work has screened at a variety of festivals nationally and abroad. His teaching and research interests include film/video production, screenwriting and nonfiction film history/theory. Ellsworth’s films include "Front Street Yard," a short documentary shot at the Padnos Iron and Metal Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan; “Surface Kinetic,” which considers geographic, geometric and human contexts of two buildings and their surroundings on the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City, Iowa.; and “Of Time, and the Town,” an experimental documentary about life in and around Farmville, Virginia.
cOMMenceMenT sPeaker
Steny Hoyer
Congressman (D-MD 5th)
Congressman Hoyer (D-MD 5th) is the most senior member of the House Democratic Caucus, serving the House of Representatives for more than 42 years. In that time, Congressman Hoyer has held various leadership positions, including Democratic Whip and Majority Leader – the second highest ranking member of Democratic House leadership.
Through his committee assignments and leadership positions, Congressman Hoyer has aggressively advocated for his district’s constituents and is a respected voice on national and international issues. Congressman Hoyer now serves as chair of the Regional Leadership Council – a council created by Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries that is overseeing the implementation of the historic polices that Democrats secured in the 117th Congress. The council is working closely with the Biden-Harris administration to ensure that Americans in every corner of the country can access the opportunities created by the Investing in America agenda.
Congressman Hoyer is no stranger to St. Mary’s College of Maryland where he has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 1995. Prior to serving as a trustee, Congressman Hoyer gave the Commencement address to the class of 1993 and received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters. He also delivered the Commencement address to the class of 2007.
In addition to serving nearly three decades as a St. Mary's College trustee, Congressman Hoyer is a former member of the Board of Regents of the University System of Maryland and the United States Naval Academy Board of Visitors.
reciPienT Of hOnOrary degree
Lynn Pasquerella, PhD Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris CausaLynn Pasquerella is a nationally prominent higher education leader, advocate for the liberal arts and supporter of access and inclusion for all. Since 2016, she has been president of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), which represents 1,000 independent and public members in efforts to emphasize the value of a liberal arts education, faculty engagement and strategies for undergraduate teaching and learning excellence. She believes that a liberal education is the best preparation for citizenship, life and working for the common good. She charges that education leaders must demonstrate moral courage, resilience and integrity now more than ever.
A philosopher whose work has combined teaching and scholarship with local and global engagement, Pasquerella has written extensively on medical ethics, metaphysics, public policy and the philosophy of law. Her most recent book, “What We Value: Public Health, Social Justice, and Educating for Democracy” (University of Virginia Press, 2022), examines the role of higher education in addressing some of the most pressing contemporary issues at the intersection of ethics, law and public policy.
Prior to her position as president of AAC&U, she was president of Mount Holyoke College; provost at the University of Hartford; and vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the graduate school at the University of Rhode Island, where she taught for more than 20 years. She is immediate past president of the Phi Beta Kappa Society and host of Northeast Public Radio’s “The Academic Minute,” which is syndicated to stations throughout North America and streamed internationally.
Pasquerella earned her PhD in philosophy from Brown University; undergraduate degree (magna cum laude) from Mount Holyoke College; and associate of arts degree (summa cum laude) from Quinebaug Valley Community College. She has won numerous awards and was named one of America’s top women leaders by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.
The acadeMic PrOcessiOn
The academic procession is as colorful as a parade, and equally informative. Just as you can “read” a military parade, identifying each individual’s rank, so you can read an academic procession once you know the code. In the academic world, this code is both the cut of the long robe and the length of the colorful hood. These, along with the caps, have evolved from clothing worn in the Middle Ages by scholars and clerics alike—who were often one and the same person.
The procession is led by the graduating seniors, preceded by that faculty member who, being chosen annually by the Faculty Senate, carries the large wooden mace, long a symbol of authority. Wearing a simple variation of the medieval black gown, the seniors wear hoods that are short and lined with the College’s colors: blue, gold, and white. The hoods are edged in white, indicating a degree in the liberal arts (humanities). A pale blue and pink cord signifies election to Phi Beta Kappa. All students wear mortarboard caps with the tassel hanging over the right front, but at the end of the ceremony the new graduates will flip these tassels to the left.
The faculty marshal follows the students, ushering in the second half of the procession, which consists of faculty, staff, and finally the platform party. For those with master’s degrees, the robe is as plain as a bachelor’s robe, but its long, narrow, tapered sleeves fall almost to the knees.
Most of the College faculty, however, wear the doctor’s gown, easily distinguished by its enormous bellshaped sleeves with the three velvet, horizontal bars that match the broad band down the front of the robe. The doctor’s gown is usually black, but a few universities ask their doctoral graduates to wear a robe in the color of that university. The doctoral hood is lined in the color of the university that gave the degree. The broad edging on the hood is the same color as the horizontal bars on the sleeves of the gown, indicating the field in which the doctorate was received: deep blue for the liberal arts (PhD), light blue for education, purple for law, pink for music, etc. Because most of our faculty have a PhD in the liberal arts, the color on the sleeve bars and the edging on the hood is deep blue.
Honor Societies & Other Academic Honors
The College has more than a dozen academic programs with chapters of national or international honor societies or other academic honors. Students earning these honors during their college career wear cords or medallions over their black gowns as a mark of this distinction.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Global Scholars
Political Science
(Lambda Alpha)
(Chi Omega Lambda) (Beta Beta Beta) (Omicron Delta Epsilon) (Sigma Tau Delta) (Pi Delta Phi)
(Phi Alpha Theta) (Nu Rho Psi) (Sigma Pi Sigma) (Pi Sigma Alpha) (Psi Chi)
(Alpha Kappa Delta)
blue and gold cord
black and blue cord
red and green cord
blue and gold cord
red and black (medallion)
blue, white and red cord
green and gold cord
red and blue cord
black and old gold cord
green and ivory cord
red, black, gold (medallion)
gold and blue cord
teal cord
acadeMic disTincTiOn
Graduating with Honors
Seniors with a high grade-point average (GPA) are candidates for a degree with honors. These honors have, for centuries, been expressed in the Latin phrase “cum laude” (with praise). All candidates for a degree with honors are also St. Mary’s scholars. Below, the GPAs are ranked from highest to lowest:
Summa cum laude: 3.900 - 4.000 GPA
Magna cum laude: 3.700 - 3.899 GPA
Cum laude: 3.500 - 3.699 GPA
The senior who has the highest GPA (grade-point average) is the class valedictorian. For the Class of 2024 there are five valedictorians. The valedictory address will be given by Sabrina Kuhn
Sabrina Kuhn is a mathematics major with a minor in educational studies. Vice president of the Wrestling Club, assistant music director of InterChorus, as well as a member of Dance Club, Kuhn will join the 2025 cohort of the MAT Program.
Laura McCarty is an anthropology major with a concentration in archaeology and a double minor in museum studies and history. McCarty is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Lambda Alpha honor societies as well as the Anthropology Club and Climbing Club. Before pursuing graduate studies, McCarty plans to work in archaeology.
Margaret Neuman is an English major. A member of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Tau Delta honor societies and a previous winner of the English Department Award, the Dean’s Award and the Calculus Prize, Neuman has been a peer tutor in the Writing and Speaking Center as well as for French. After graduation, Neuman will work in France as an English teaching assistant. Long-term, Neuman plans a career in editing and publishing.
Angelie Roche is a psychology major with a minor in educational studies. Roche is editor-in-chief of The Point News and a student representative on the JED Campus Steering Committee. A member of Phi Beta Kappa honor society, Roche plans to work in child and family services for a year and then pursue an advanced degree in couples and family therapy.
Benjamin Springer is an environmental studies major. A member of Phi Beta Kappa honor society, the Music Club and the Southern Maryland Audubon Society, Springer plans a career in bird and habitat conservation.
degree candidaTes
BachelOr Of arTs
BachelOr Of science
MasTer Of arTs in Teaching
Some students have a minor, or more than one major; these are listed beneath their hometown. This list is complete as of May 9, 2024. Those with an asterisk (*) are expected to complete all degree requirements by fall 2024.
Maccallum C.M. Borghardt
Myersville, Maryland
Minor: Archaeology
Minor: Museum Studies
Kayleigh Skye Davis
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Archaeology
Minor: Business Administration
Cum Laude
Christopher Howard Lawson
Ontario, New York
Minor: Archaeology
Minor: Business Administration
Molly Kristine McCardell
Columbia, Maryland
Minor: Archaeology
Minor: Museum Studies
Liz R. McCartney Leonardtown, Maryland
Laura Noel McCarty
Wakefield, Rhode Island
Minor: Archaeology
Minor: Museum Studies
Minor: History
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Martin Mattias McNulty*
Berwyn Heights, Maryland
Minor: Archaeology
Maya Rachel Pingho
Potomac, Maryland
Minor: Sociology
Collin Ward
Baldwin, Maryland
Minor: History
Audrey Caroline Barrick
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Museum Studies
Cum Laude
Meredith Lynne Bromley
Leonardtown, Maryland
Beau Dean Bryant
Ellicott City, Maryland
Minor: Computer Science
Ayden Daniel
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Theater Studies
Kae Luz Decker
Scottsville, Virginia
Minor: Theater Studies
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Anindita Chloe Gupta
Ellicott City, Maryland
Courtney Renee Jenkins
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Georgia Ann Kline
Easton, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Vanessa Marteja
La Plata, Maryland
Abigail Marie Planta
New Carrollton, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Mary Helen Quinn
Plymouth, Maryland
Minor: Economics
Cum Laude
Molly Eleanor Rhoades
Frederick, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Charles Benton Williams
Essex, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Art History
Catherine Rebecca Elliott
Lutherville Timonium, Maryland
Major: Anthropology
Minor: Museum Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Asian Studies
Jonathan Jackson Geyer
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Major: Anthropology
Minor: Chinese
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Michael Benjamin Boden
Ashton, Maryland
Major: Biology
Cum Laude
Caryn Elizabeth Carhart
Westminster, Maryland
Minor: Neuroscience
Patricia Ann Cheseldine Hollywood, Maryland
Alexandra Colladay
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Kimani M. Daley
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Jocelyn Evette Hernandez
Germantown, Maryland
Cum Laude
Erin Elizabeth Hurley
Berlin, Maryland
Major: Biology
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Shaheera F. Jafri
Leonardtown, Maryland
Cum Laude
Sara Elizabeth Lahoff
Crownsville, Maryland
Minor: Biology
Minor: History
Cum Laude
Stacie Anne Lally
Rising Sun, Maryland
Minor: Sociology
Minor: Biology
Cum Laude
Rachel Allison Manning
Finksburg, Maryland
Major: Biology
Magna Cum Laude
Alexandra Anna Minor
Nottingham, Maryland
Major: Biology
Minor: Music
Magna Cum Laude
Gabriela Miranda
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Minor: Music
Kyle Daniel Murphy
Waldorf, Maryland
Cum Laude
Joseph Elyas Ponticos
Pasadena, Maryland
Major: Biology
Magna Cum Laude
Sydney Alexis Scharf
Delmar, Maryland
Major: Biology
Magna Cum Laude
Leah Noel Whitehouse
Walkersville, Maryland
Major: Neuroscience
Magna Cum Laude
Kirsten Geraldine Asis Rockville, Maryland
Briyana Aaliyah-Mae Basden
Waldorf, Maryland
Minor: Political Science
Gabrielle Anne Berryman
Catonsville, Maryland
Minor: Spanish Cum Laude
Elizabeth Lawless Cameron
Severna Park, Maryland
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Patricia Susanna Campion
Rockville, Maryland
Adrianna Grace Danvers
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Museum Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Hannah Dawn Despiegelaere
Norfolk, Virginia
Nolan Joseph Dorics
Leonardtown, Maryland
Minor: Philosophy
Cum Laude
Jocelyn Elizabeth Fillius
Churchton, Maryland
Major: Environmental Studies
Amy Maria Gardner
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Major: International, Languages and Cultures: Spanish
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Kathryn O. Holland
Rockville, Maryland
Major: Environmental Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Gwenyth Marie Houchens Crofton, Maryland
Tyler Jens Howell
Annapolis, Maryland
Nia Nicole Knott
Baltimore, Maryland
Cum Laude
Molly Evelyn Lincoln
Baltimore, Maryland
Cum Laude
Olivia Rose Magaletta Columbia, Maryland
Daniel John Maier
Warrenton, Virginia
Minor: Music
Minor: Philosophy
Lara Catherine Marinich
Bel Air, Maryland
Morgan Marie Marzec
Delmar, Maryland
Minor: Mathematics
Haley Morgan
Huntingtown, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Usman A. Mughal
La Plata, Maryland
Jocelyn Megan Neubauer
San Antonio, Texas
Major: Neuroscience
Ariat Bechak Ojulu
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Computer Science
Judith M. Oshman
Bethesda, Maryland
Major: Environmental Studies Minor: Physics
Caroline Rose Pellicier* Monrovia, Maryland
Gabriela Rene Plummer Frederick, Maryland
Christopher Patrick RandCrawford Waldorf, Maryland Minor: Spanish
Alannah Jo Raygor Hebron, Maryland Cum Laude
Christina Elizabeth RuebeckBonass Kennedyville, Maryland
Andrew Seitzman* Newark, Delaware
Alara Sipahi Gaithersburg, Maryland Minor: Music
Meghan Moore Stevens Westminster, Maryland Magna Cum Laude
Catherine Judith Stolzenberger* Lavallette, New Jersey
James Ellsworth Stottlemyer Elkton, Maryland
Jocey Ingram Terrone Annapolis, Maryland
Business Administration & Management
Elise Louise Bowers Pasadena, Maryland Major: Economics Magna Cum Laude
Chase Hollingsworth O'Dell Lexington Park, Maryland
Shelby Kate Schieferdecker Hollywood, Maryland
Andrew John Severson Hollywood, Maryland
Alexandra Kathlynn Walker Waldorf, Maryland
Minor: English Minor Minor: Economics
Evan Joseph Arnold Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania Minor: Mathematics
Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Noelle Renee Tividor Leonardtown, Maryland Major: Biology
Gladis Azucena Vangessel Delmar, Delaware
Computer Science
Samuel Parkton Albanese Parkton, Maryland
Brittany Nicole Brenneman Lexington Park, Maryland
Garrett Evan Bridgwater* Leonardtown, Maryland
Leon Henry Carrington Lexington Park, Maryland
Casey Leoncio Cruz
Great Mills, Maryland Cum Laude
Jordan T. Golden Mechanicsville, Maryland Minor: Music
Lillian Greenberg Frederick, Maryland Minor: Mathematics
Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Matthew Patrick Grimelli
Marriottsville, Maryland Cum Laude
Kylie G. Hall
Saint Leonard, Maryland Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Philosophy Magna Cum Laude
John Isaac Heinig* Gaithersburg, Maryland Minor: Mathematics
Malik Depriest Hill Lanham, Maryland
Minor: Art Studio
Naheed Robert John Rockville, Maryland
Yaropolk Hryhor Kulchyckyj Arnold, Maryland
Gavin James McDonald Lexington Park, Maryland
Tyler Benjamin Myerberg
Drayden, Maryland Minor: Mathematics Summa Cum Laude
Shameer Sulaiman Rao Silver Spring, Maryland
Isabella Maria Stephens California, Maryland Major: Biology
Alexander Weston StoyanovRoberts
Burtonsville, Maryland
Minor: French
Ankush Thakur
California, Maryland
Liam Thomas Zalubas
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Major: Mathematics
Ashley Lynne Berrol
Westminster, Maryland
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Minor: Art History
Camile Alexandra Bokro Burtonsville, Maryland
Noah Ryan Bowen*
Shady Side, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Austin T. Brown
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Camden Christopher Butler
Towson, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Brandon Joseph Dabkowski
Cockeysville, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Ricardo David De Abreu Alvarez
Rockville, Maryland
Major: Business Administration
Minor: Sociology
Cum Laude
Annabelle Mary Dunigan
Catonsville, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Luke Thomas Duswalt*
Leonardtown, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Marissa G. Fields
Clements, Maryland
Major: Business Administration
Delany J. Flickinger
Forest Hill, Maryland
Major: Business Administration
Minor: Sociology
Daniel Eyram Folson
Rosedale, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Minor: Sociology
Malaki Kennedi Freeman
Randallstown, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Rachael Danielle Freeman
Baltimore, Maryland
Major: Public Policy Studies
Minor: Business Administration
Cum Laude
Jordan Marnell Goodwin*
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Carson Dale Hart
Raleigh, North Carolina
Major: Economics
Ryan Thomas Henry Clarksville, Maryland
Martin William Higgins
New Market, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Brady Edward Hitchcock
Lothian, Maryland
Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Business Administration
Cum Laude
Bryce Alan Howard
North Beach, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Megan R. Keppler
Ellicott City, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Minor: Political Science
Dante D. King
Baltimore, Maryland
Matthew Anthony Kopsidas
Rockville, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Madeline A. Lager
Chester, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Minor: Business Administration
Cum Laude
Brook Sierra Lamonda
California, Maryland
Ethan Russell Little
Bel Air, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Collin Michael Lubbers
Olney, Maryland
Minor: Mathematics
Ferguise Leon Mayronne
Beltsville, Maryland
Lucca Mazzola Pasadena, Maryland
John Adams McGrain
Timonium, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Tess Kathryn Ovington
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Major: International Languages & Cultures: French
Major: Business Administration
Magna Cum Laude
Boris Palmade
Bethesda, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Marina Pedigo Washburn
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration Cum Laude
Samuel Henry Ramsey-Lucas
Hyattsville, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Benjamin A. Robertson
Davidsonville, Maryland
Major: Business Administration
William Keawe Shepherd
Takoma Park, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
David R. Small
Lineboro, Maryland
Minor: Sociology
Kyle Joseph Waller
Hollywood, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Brett Mathew Weiner
Reisterstown, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Abigail Marie Benfer
Cooksville, Maryland
Cara Leanne Bond
Mount Airy, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Katelyn G. Boothe
Valley Lee, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Blaine D. Greene
California, Maryland
Minor: Political Science
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Annilee Jane Hampton
California, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Samuel James Harper
Worton, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: Film & Media Studies
Minor: Mathematics
Levi Andrew Hauer
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Roemello Sharron Hennigan
Waldorf, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Robert Patrick Kearns
Potomac, Maryland
Minor: Political Science
Emma Clare Levin
Saint Leonard, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Charlotte Isabel Mayer
Mount Airy, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Laik Amber Meadows
Lexington Park, Maryland
Major: Sociology
Minor: Creative Writing
Summa Cum Laude
Margaret Rose Neuman
Arnold, Maryland
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Kristen Brooke Riddleberger
Stockton, Maryland
Major: International Languages and Cultures: Spanish
Minor: Anthropology
Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Kathryn Elizabeth Sandifer
Leonardtown, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: French
Summa Cum Laude
Tae-shi Montre Savage
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Music
Hailey Marie Smith
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Wade L. Strine
California, Maryland
Minor: Economics
Phoebe Dejonnet Tate
Hollywood, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Asenath Rose Weaver
Chesapeake Beach, Maryland
Minor: Philosophy
Magna Cum Laude
Hannah Witenhafer
California, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Summa Cum Laude
Environmental Studies
Onalee Ruth Anderson
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Biology Magna Cum Laude
Avery Bazil Arizpe
St. Mary's City, Maryland
Minor: Anthropology
Minor: Biology
Aliya Haley Berger
Stevensville, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: Spanish Magna Cum Laude
Lilianna Rose Bowman
Westminster, Maryland
Minor: Biology
Minor: English Magna Cum Laude
Diana Joy Clay
Damascus, Maryland
Major: Economics
Phi Beta Kappa Magna Cum Laude
Aidan Matthew Dixon
Silver Spring, Maryland
Heather Brooke Elky
Reisterstown, Maryland
Minor: English
Cum Laude
Amber Marie Ewing
Waldorf, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Lillian Catherine Flack
Groton, Connecticut
Minor: Biology
Cum Laude
Sarah K. Grzyb
La Plata, Maryland
Minor: Music
Minor: English Summa Cum Laude
Phoebe Sherwood Hedstrom Bethesda, Maryland
Elizaveta Nicole Hinton
Germantown, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
John Erik Hollingsworth Saint Inigoes, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Houston Jamison Howell Joppa, Maryland
Flor Rose Elizabeth Katz-Starr* Huntingtown, Maryland
Minor: Biology Cum Laude
Madeline J. Kenerly Fredericksburg, Virginia
Major: Public Policy Studies
Luke Lanham Annapolis, Maryland
Mark David Lopresto Elkton, Maryland
Minor: Biology
Jackson Holmberg Meyers* Nottingham, Maryland
Major: Political Science
Minor: Economics Cum Laude
Gwyndolyn Skye Moran
Adamstown, Maryland
Major: Art
Margaret Rea Murdoch* Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Anthropology
Rachel Erin O'Neill* Gambrills, Maryland
Minor: Special Education
Minor: Mathematics Magna Cum Laude
Blythe E. Petit
Lexington Park, Maryland
Minor: French
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Katherine Anne Shermock
Columbia, Maryland
Minor: Political Science
Minor: Spanish Cum Laude
Benjamin Calvin Springer
Port Republic, Maryland
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Hayden Armstrong Swartz Bluemont, Virginia
Minor: Philosophy
Cooper Dean Sweeney* Hagerstown, Maryland
Nathan Dean Villiger
Germantown, Maryland
Minor: Political Science Magna Cum Laude
Kaila Laurel Webster
Frederick, Maryland
Minor: Biology
Minor: Spanish
Thomas Barrett Wilbur Boyds, Maryland
Courtney L. Anderson
Owings, Maryland
Summa Cum Laude
Felix Augustus Beuker Washington, D.C.
Emma Rose Bourne
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Dance
Magna Cum Laude
Emma Johnston Carroll
Saint Inigoes, Maryland
Minor: Philosophy Cum Laude
Niamh Katherine Connell
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Minor: Business Administration
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Hannah Rose Eiser
Hampstead, Maryland
Evelyn Faith Haines
Westminster, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Dorothea Burke Hegwood
Bethesda, Maryland
Minor: Anthropology Cum Laude
Preston W. Kelley*
Bethesda, Maryland
Jadon Sebastian Osterhouse
Prince Frederck, Maryland
Summa Cum Laude
Sarah Elizabeth Pardieck
Huntingtown, Maryland
Minor: Anthropology
Joseph Robert Resta
Potomac, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Christina Marie Ringel
New Market, Maryland
Minor: Museum Studies
Minor: Anthropology Magna Cum Laude
Benjamin Parran Wheeley Lusby, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Cum Laude
International Languages & Cultures
Cooper Perry Clendenin
Bethesda, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Minor: Sociology
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Kiley Elizabethann Haney
Leonardtown, Maryland
Chinese Major: Art
Magna Cum Laude
Marine Science
Austin Michael Borns
Forest Hill, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Shelby Marie Dittman
Garner, North Carolina
Major: Biology Cum Laude
Hayden Riley Kesner
Catonsville, Maryland
Major: Biology Cum Laude
Alexandra Makogon*
Montgomery Village, Maryland
Nathaniel Bryce Richardson Crownsville, Maryland
Cadence Allison Ryce
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Colleen Michelle Smith
Tall Timbers, Maryland
Major: Biology
Magna Cum Laude
Cevera Grace Tucker
Easton, Maryland
Minor: Biology
Alice Q. Bishop
Severna Park, Maryland
Joseph Thomas Daly*
Ellicott City, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Jill Victoria Hayden
Abell, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Thomas Karnell
Rockville, Maryland
Major: Economics
Phi Beta Kappa
Anna Kidd
Halethorpe, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Sabrina Marie Kuhn
Timonium, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Dexter Franklin Mueller
Takoma Park, Maryland
Major: Philosophy
Minor: Computer Science
Summa Cum Laude
Emily Wilkinson Avenue, Maryland
Annabelle Miranda Adams Olney, Maryland
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Sentiah Carrington Cole
Dundalk, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Minor: Musical Arts Administration
Magna Cum Laude
Emma Anne Huckabee
Lexington Park, Maryland
Minor: Anthropology
Magna Cum Laude
Joshua Dalton Mayhew
Hagerstown, Maryland
Austin Tyler Olewnik
Prince Frederick, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Tara Mashawn Barnes
Lagrangeville, New York
Minor: Museum Studies
Breanna Marie Berry
Elkton, Maryland
Major: Psychology
Brianna Mae Corbin
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Major: Psychology
Magna Cum Laude
Angelica Hernandez-Velasquez
New Carrollton, Maryland
Major: Psychology
Sadiyyah Yvette Chantee Holsey
Abingdon, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Jaelah Hurt*
Baltimore, Maryland
Samantha Noakes McHugh
Sparks, Maryland
Minor: Art Studio
Julia Pauline Milner
Middletown, Maryland
Minor: Creative Writing
Magna Cum Laude
Brayan Ruiz Lopez
Columbia, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Cypress Marie Runowich
Lexington Park, Maryland
Eleanor Mae Walter
Easton, Maryland
Major: International Languages and Cultures: Spanish
Minor: Environmental Studies
Minor: Music
Cum Laude
Emma M. Kuhaneck* Saint Leonard, Maryland
John M. McAllister Forest Hill, Maryland
Maura Leigh Merryman* Westminster, Maryland
Hieronymus Elias Wold*
Smithsburg, Maryland
Major: English
Minor: Anthropology Summa Cum Laude
Gabrielle Lorraine Castle-Smith Ellicott City, Maryland
Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Educational Studies Magna Cum Laude
William Emory Christophel Greensboro, Maryland
Major: Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science
Elias Howe Laurel, Maryland
Major: Mathematics Minor: Philosophy Cum Laude
Randy Mendez Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Biology
Quentin Talon Pastore Frederick, Maryland
Major: Mathematics Summa Cum Laude
Joab Isai Patino Harwood, Maryland
Major: Mathematics
James Franklin Ripple
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Major: Mathematics
Minor: Astrophysics
Minor: Computer Science Summa Cum Laude
Aidan Aloysius Vieson
Annapolis, Maryland
Minor: Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science
Political Science
Beck Niccolo Amodeo Bethesda, Maryland
Madelyn Oliver Baglione
Columbia, Maryland
Minor: English Magna Cum Laude
Derrick D. Booker Abingdon, Maryland
Will M. Burke
Hampstead, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Tristan Edward Doak Middle River, Maryland
Charlotte Donnellan
Falls Church, Virginia
Minor: Creative Writing Summa Cum Laude
Jack McMarlin Dunshee* Arnold, Maryland
Ashleigh Elizabeth Dyson* Glen Burnie, Maryland
Kyleigh Alexis Elmore Cooper
Saint Inigoes, Maryland
Minor: English Summa Cum Laude
Seth Nathanial Funk
Boonsboro, Maryland
Major: Public Policy Studies
Nicole Marie Gibson
Fairfax, Virginia
Major: Public Policy Studies
Minor: Spanish
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Julie Eunice Guerrero
Dundalk, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Brittaney-nya Jamie Payton
Clinton, Maryland
Major: International Languages & Cultures: French Cum Laude
Lucy Anne Pomles
Lutherville Timonium, Maryland Magna Cum Laude
Cara Ann Poole*
Port Republic, Maryland
Lily Marie Riesett
Marriottsville, Maryland
Minor: Environmental Studies Magna Cum Laude
Marlon D. Rodriguez
Waldorf, Maryland
Major: Public Policy Studies
Minor: Spanish Cum Laude
Nicole Olivia Rubilotta Crofton, Maryland
Minor: History
Emily Alexandra Shrieves Lusby, Maryland
Major: Student-Designed, Political Communication Summa Cum Laude
Logan Douglas Smith
Denton, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Victoria R. Uttenreither Columbia, Maryland
Ian Hunter Adams
Severn, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Charles Orlin Albertson
Baldwin, Maryland
Minor: Environmental Studies
Daryn Alexander Rockville, Maryland
Hayden Thomas Anderson Gaithersburg, Maryland
Major: Philosophy
Maria Delma Maling Azurin Washington, D.C.
Magna Cum Laude
Elaina Ross Barbour
Rockville, Maryland
Major: Art Magna Cum Laude
Madison Carrie Bashaw
Newport Beach, California
Minor: Educational Studies Magna Cum Laude
Gabrielle Joan Blew California, Maryland
Kimaya Brown
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Spanish
Jason Alexander Caro Silver Spring, Maryland
Alexis R. Clay Lansdowne, Maryland
Major: Environmental Studies
Brendan Joesph Connelly Lutherville Timonium, Maryland
Raina Annmarie Crew Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Neuroscience Cum Laude
Elizabeth Marie Daugherty
Saint Leonard, Maryland
Minor: English Magna Cum Laude
Audrey Marie Dickens
Phoenix, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies Cum Laude
Anna Lauren Eaton
Silver Spring, Maryland
Minor: Special Education
Regan Lorraine Farrar
Greenbelt, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Hailey A. Findley
Piney Point, Maryland
Minor: Sociology
Minor: Educational Studies Cum Laude
Sofia Magdalena Giunta Santiago Derwood, Maryland
Major: International Languages & Cultures: Spanish Cum Laude
Sydney Lynn Hauer Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Sociology
Savanna Rose Hendricks*
Hughesville, Maryland
Hannah Rae Jacobson
Solomons, Maryland
Meara Rue Johnson
Salisbury, Maryland
Minor: Music
Minor: Musical Arts Administration
Summa Cum Laude
Caitlin Elizabeth Jones
Frederick, Maryland
Katie Elizabeth Koerper
Leonardtown, Maryland
Major: Art
Minor: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Preston Downs Lee
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Major: Economics
Hayley Rebecca McKulka
California, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Elizabeth Claire Meier*
Clarksburg, Maryland
Lily Nicole Mellendick
Catonsville, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Greta Jane Michels
Ellicott City, Maryland
Minor: Art Studio
Magna Cum Laude
Anna M. Mogilnicki
Baltimore, Maryland
Mary Charlotte Mortimer
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Special Education
Summa Cum Laude
Jetta F. Murphy
Port Republic, Maryland
Minor: Asian Studies
Jonathan Andrew Parsons
Lusby, Maryland
Minor: Music
Macyn Dannielle Poag
Bowie, Maryland
Minor: Special Education
Minor: Business Administration
Garrett Pullium*
Mechanicsville, Maryland
Elizabeth Nairn Robey
Kensington, Maryland
Minor: English
Cum Laude
Angelie Celeste Roche
Newark, Delaware
Minor: Educational Studies
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Kia'Ra A. Ruffin
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Environmental Studies
Katerina Isabelle Scott
Brookeville, Maryland
Major: Art
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
Kiterra Lessie Scott
Capitol Heights, Maryland
Minor: Neuroscience
Dahnir Singleterry
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Sociology
Megan Elizabeth Stephen Hanover, Maryland Cum Laude
Catherine McCarron Triebwasser
Annapolis, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Summa Cum Laude
Holly Rose Vallone
Glenwood, Maryland
Minor: Art Studio
Allison Suzanne Vassallo
Saint Leonard, Maryland
Major: English
Magna Cum Laude
Merel Verhoeven
Bethesda, Maryland
Minor: Neuroscience
Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude
Amira Elizabeth Whitaker
Silver Spring, Maryland
Aryn Wilson
St. Mary's City, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Geraldine Annis Wright
Salisbury, Maryland
Minor: Dance
Minor: Neuroscience
Cum Laude
Public Policy Studies
Ligia Maria Delgadillo Bendana*
Montgomery Village, Maryland
Major: Economics
Minor: Business Administration
Nnenna Tochi Ejikeme*
Gambrills, Maryland
Minor: Economics
Melissa Nicole LaCross
Phoenix, Arizona
Major: International Languages & Cultures:French
Minor: Economics
Minor: Environmental Studies
Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Mary Katherine Oswald
Baltimore, Maryland
Minor: Political Science
Madeline Rebeccah Roberge Towson, Maryland
Minor: Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Brian Samuel Sanders
Centreville, Virginia
Minor: Mathematics
Ella Marcia Sudduth
Grasonville, Maryland
Major: Political Science
Magna Cum Laude
Gary Javon Grant Waldorf, Maryland
Minor: History
Hollique Smith Johnson* Baltimore, Maryland
Michael John Pugh
California, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Magna Cum Laude
Thalia Diehl Rife Arnold, Maryland
Hannah Camille Spinks
Cascade, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Cum Laude
Gabrielle D. Ventrone
California, Maryland
Troi N. Williams
Catonsville, Maryland
Minor: Business Administration
Theater, Film & Media Studies
Amelia A. Anderson
Bethesda, Maryland
Michael Miller Josselyn Hampstead, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Zayon Oronda Morgan
Lexington Park, Maryland
Minor: Music
Katrina Marie Walcutt Mechanicsville, Maryland
Minor: Educational Studies
Master of Arts in Teaching
Jacob Darby Bowen* California, Maryland
Secondary Mathematics
Owen K. Deli
Rockville, Maryland
Secondary Social Studies/History
Brianna Batelka Englert Mechanicsville, Maryland Elementary Education
Lauren E. Fontaine
Deale, Maryland
Secondary Social Studies/History
Rebecca Helen Guy Leonardtown, Maryland
Special Education
Kelsey N. Kluh
La Plata, Maryland Elementary Education
Sheray Ashley McLeod
Waldorf, Maryland Elementary Education
Rebekah Nefret Perunko Salisbury, Maryland Elementary Education
Michael Christopher Vass Chesapeake Beach, Maryland Secondary Social Studies/History
McKenzie Skye Wood Mechanicsville, Maryland Elementary Education