The Department of Psychology's Alumni Newsletter
p <.05 News
New Faces in Goodpaster Hall
Congratulations and welcome to Assistant Professor of Psychology
Jessica Leffers!
Greetings Psychology and Human Development
We hope this finds you safe and well! The fall 2024 semester is flying by and it’s hard to believe fall reading days have already come and gone. Here's what's new:
We have been joined by a new faculty member: Jessica Leffers! Meet her on Pg 1 and 6 of the newsletter! This year we are excited to be searching for both an assistant professor with expertise in the culture and community breadth area as well as a lecturer who can with general psychological expertise who can contribute to our teaching needs across the curriculum
Dr Leffers earned her PhD in experimental psychology from Northeastern University in 2021 where she also earned her M.S. in psychology. Having completed her B A in psychology with minors in education and cognitive science at Goucher College, Jessica is excited to return to the area and be closer to family
While at Northeastern University Jessica researched racial and religious categorizations from a cognitivedevelopmental perspective She received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
After graduation she became an assistant professor of psychology at Eckerd College,
Dr Torry Dennis is enjoying a well-earned sabbatical in AY24-25 His time will be dedicated to advancing research in addiction neuroscience He will conduct two major studies: one on how gut health influences cocaine relapse and another on the role of gut dysbiosis in methamphetamine addiction. These projects will provide hands-on research experience for students and generate important data for understanding addiction mechanisms In addition to experimental work, Dr Dennis will collaborate on a review paper exploring the potential of environmental enrichment as a treatment for opioid addiction This review will assess both preclinical and clinical findings, aiming to bridge the gap between animal research and human application.
Dr Gili Freedman is also on a well-earned sabbatical this year She will be completing the final year of research for her NSF grant on softening the blow of social exclusion In addition, she will be working with collaborators (including SMCM alumni) to finish a project and manuscript related to gender biases in STEM.
The department’s Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity Committee (internally known as JEDI) is thrilled to see one of its larger initiatives (born from the department’s involvement in the CUR Transformations project and curriculum revision) come to fruition this year. Dr. Kristina Howansky will be teaching the first iterations of PSYC 304 Emerging Scholars This is a 2credit course is designed as supplemental research-based and professional development experience for PSYC 204 (Research, Analysis and Writing I) students This student-oriented class is designed to enrich understanding of research skills, applications, and opportunities and create social networks that support success as a psychology major.
We miss you and hope you are off doing amazing and rewarding things Please let us know! Connect with us, especially Angie, via LinkedIn (and join our LinkedIn alumni group) If you are on Facebook, like the Psychology Alumni page and send Angie info to post (including job and/or internship opportunities) or post it directly. If you plan a visit to campus during the academic year or summer, let us know! We absolutely love to hear from our alumni and include them in our events And, if you stop by during the week, a faculty and/or staff member would happily join you for a coffee/tea or lunch Take great care and keep in touch!
~ James Mantell, ~ Angie Draheim ’03, Department Chair
Student Kudos!
Katya Scott ’24 (L) was a recipient of a 2024 Myron G. Marlay Award for Science for her project “Art Therapy with Ukrainian Refugees: A Pilot Program” mentored by Dr. Libby Williams. She was also awarded a $1200 Undergrate Research Grant from Psi Chi to support her study. Katya’s SMP was an outgrowth of her 2022 SURF Project (which was published)
April Fraser ’23 (R) was awarded a Psi Chi Summer Undergraduate Research Grant in the amount of $1,452 for her project “What Doesn't Kill You (Sometimes) Makes You Stronger: The role of growth, meaning, acceptance, and perceived control after trauma ” This funding allowed April to continue research related to her May ’23 SMP.
Dr. Howansky (FC), Sonder Van Wert ’23 (R), and April Fraser ’23 (BC) ran into Erika Blair ’21 (L) at SPSP
Research Matters…because, well, Research Matters!
St. Mary’s Projects
44* students completed an SMP in psychology in AY23-24 (*one tec being a NEUR but with a psyc mentor) Showcase projects (those se faculty mentors to be the “best in show”) from that cohort were done Briana Corbin ’24, Elizabeth Daugherty ’24, Cait Jones ’24, Greta Mic Angelie Roche ’24, and Katya Scott ’24 Project titles and abstracts f these and all past showcase students are available here
Both Angelie and Greta were selected by a faculty committee as co-winners of the AY23-24 Department SMP Award Greta’s project, “College Students’ Perspectives on the Campus Title IX Office” was mentored by Dr Ayşe Ikizler Angelie’s project, “First-Year Camp Counselor Experiences: The Effects of Self-Efficacy, Organizational Cohesion, and Training” was mentored by Dr. Libby Williams.
AY23-24 Publications
Scott, K., & Williams, E N (2024) Art therapy with adult refugees: A systematic review of qualitative research The Arts in Psychotherapy https://doi org/10 1016/j aip 2024 102126
*Van Wert, S & Howansky, K (2024) Fantasy worlds, real-life impact: the benefits of RPGs for transgender identity exploration Journal of Homosexuality (based on SMP)
SMCM student co-authors in bold, * denotes SMCM alumni co-author, ~ denotes collaborator not affiliated with SMCM
Click red titles to view posters available
AY23-24 Presentations
OneposterwaspresentedattheSocietyforNeuroscience(SFN)ConferenceheldinNovember 2023inWashington,DC.(1)
Verhoeven,M.,Washington,J.&Dennis,T S Theeffectofantibioticandshorychainfatty acidreplacementonthereinstatementofcocaine-seekingbehaviorinfemaleandmalerats
TwoposterswerepresentedattheAnnualMeetingoftheSocietyforPersonalityandSocial Psychology(SPSP)heldinSanDiego,CaliforniainFebruary2024.
*Fraser,A &Howansky,K Howtomakesenseofitall:Theroleofmeaninginlifeinposttraumaticmentalhealthoutcomes.
*VanWert,S &Howansky,K FantasyWorlds,Real-LifeImpact:TheBenefitsofRPGsfor GenderIdentityExploration.
Sixposterswerepresentedin-personattheAnnualMeetingoftheEasternPsychological Association(EPA)heldinMarch2024inPhiladelphia,PA.
Michels,G.,Crew,R.,&Ehman,A DifferencesinSexualCoercion&AssaultAmong Heterosexual&SGMIndividuals
Crew, R,Michels,G,&Ehman,A DidHeTrytoPreventIt?DifferentialAttitudesTowards SexualAssaultVictims (2)
Holsey,S.,Johnson,A.,&Ehman,A.RevealingtheDigitalMask:TheDarkTriad,GreekLife, Gender,andSexualityintheCyberbullyingLandscape
Harris, G.,Tickle,J J,&Kaisen,J SocialPressuresinRiskyChoice:ConformityandFairness
*Iacona,N &Tickle,JJ TheEffectsofVirtualRealityandArtTherapyonStressReduction
*Brooks,M &Tickle,JJ TheExperienceofandUsesofAutonomousSensoryMeridian Response
OneposterwaspresentedattheAnxietyandDepression AssociationofAmerica(AADA)ConferenceinBoston,MAinApril 2024.(3)
Corbin,B.&Severino,A.RiskFactorsAssociatedwiththe EtiologyofAdolescentMoodDisorders.
ThreeposterswerepresentedattheL.StarlingReid UndergraduatePsychologyConferenceattheUniversityof VirginiainApril2024.
Blew,G.&Williams,E.N.ToGiftorNottoGift:Examiningthe ImpactofTelehealthonClientGiftGiving.(4L)
Roche,A.&Williams,E.N.SummerCampCounselor Experiences:TheInfluenceofTraining,Self-Efficacy,and OrganizationalCohesion.(4C)
Scott,K.&Williams,E.N.ArtTherapywithUkrainianRefugees: APilotProgram.(4R)
Research Fund Updates
ThePsychologyResearchFundwasestablishedby(nowEmerit)ProfessorRoyHopkinsin theearly1990stosupportstudentresearcheffortsinpsychology,especiallytravelto presentatannualconferences(e.g.,collaborativepostersfromdirectedresearch).
Threestudentsreceived$200eachtopresentdirected-researchbasedworkatEPA One didnotaskforreimbursementbecauseanotherfundingsourceultimatelyendedup coveringallherexpenses.
Onestudentreceived$200topresentaSURF-basedposteratthe2024Anxietyand DepressionAssociationofAmericaConference
TheBucknam-GliddenFundwascreatedfromthecombinationofafundstartedby(now Emerit)DistinguishedProfessorLaraineGliddenin1996andleftoverPsiChifunds(granted foraSMP)donatedbyElaineBucknam’16;italsosupportspsychologymajorspresenting atconferences.
Threegrantstotaling$600wereawardedfromtheBucknam-GliddenFundinFY24;twowere foralumnitopresentattheannualmeetingofSPSP Onewasforaseniortopresenttheir SMPattheL StarlingReidUndergraduatePsychologyConferenceatUVA Eachreceived $200supporttopresenttheirSMP-basedresearch
A huge thank you to all who donated to the research funds in FY24!
Please consider supporting current and future SMCM psychology students and recent psychology alumni by donating to one or both of these funds on Giving Tuesday or sometime in FY25!
If you donate to SMCM for Giving Tuesday (regardless
otherwise), please consider listing Angie
The main difference between the two research funds is that the BucknamGlidden Fund only applies to original research and must be related to/ associated with presenting at a conference whereas the Psychology Research Fund has the flexibility to support both conferencerelated and non-conference related costs and need not be original research
Alumni presenting their SMP (conducted under the mentorship of SMCM Psychology faculty) for the first time at an academic conference (e.g., APA, EPA, SFN, SSEA, SRCD, SPSP) can apply for funding from the Bucknam-Glidden Fund.
If you are a recent graduate who will be making such a presentation of your SMP and need help with registration costs or poster printing, please complete the Department of Psychology Research Funding Application Form (available from this link on our website) and submit it via email to the academic program coordinator, Angie Draheim
3, 2024
Psyched for Life
The 2024 Psyched for Life team consisted of SMCM employees Angie Draheim ’03 (captain), Aileen Bailey, Mary Dorsey, Victória Müller Ewald, Nayantara Kurpad, Scott Mirabile, Caleb Shankle, Jennifer Tickle, and Libby Williams; psyc alumni Jordan Bailey ‘22, Logan Best ‘20 and Katie Zielstorf ‘20; psyc student Lorelai Symmes ’25; and a number of the aforenamed team members’ family members and friends
Other psyc alumni and students were involved via other Relay teams
Overall, the team helped to raise general and brain cancer awareness as well as $5,770 62 for research & patient support programs sponsored by the American Cancer Society Since the first SMCM Relay for Life in 2010, Psyched for Life (which has historically been the largest faculty/staff based team and most often the highest fundraising team) has raised $63,400.22 for ACS! The entire 2024 SMCM/St Mary’s County RFL raised $26,776.32.
The 16th Annual SMCM Relay for Life (combined with the St Mary’s County RFL) is scheduled for the evening of March 1, 2025 If you are local, please join us for this fun and family-friendly event!
Register (FREE) to participate, donate and/or order a lumniaria to be lit at the event in honor, memory or support of someone you know
www relayforlife org/stmarys md
AY23-24 Lectures
Speakers for the Psychology Lecture Series: The Psychology of Conflict and Peace
On Sept 29, Dr Laura Miller-Graff (University of Notre Dame) virtually presented “Bandaids on Bullet Wounds? Ethical and Contextual Considerations in Providing Support in ConflictAffected Settings.”
On Dec 1, Dr Ashwini Ashokkumar (New York University) presented “The Psychological Roots of Digital Echo Chambers: Understanding Political Polarization in the Digital Age.”
On Feb 2, Dr Oksana Yakushko (then Cathexis Psychological Group in California and now chair of the doctoral program in professional psychology at George Washington University) virtually presented “The War Against Ukraine: Repercussions of Military Aggression on Ukranian Refugees ”
On Mar. 22, Michael Becker, M.A. (American University) presented “Summoning the Mob: Why People Support Political Violence ”
2024 Student Awards
Lisa Zsebedics Award [Established in 1985 in memory of a former student, to recognize an outstanding first-year student or sophomore committed to studying human developmental processes ~ Wendy Contreras ’26. A NEUR & PSYC double major, Wendy completed directed research with Dr. Dennis in S24. She is interested in attending a neuroscience and psychology graduate school program
Wilhelm Wundt Award [Established in 2003 to recognize a student's excellence in quantitative and methodological course work] ~ Angelie Roche ’24. Angelie completed directed research with and served as a TA for Dr Ehman They are now an assistant teacher at the Katherine Thomas School and recently had poems featured in The Ekphrastic Review Ultimately, they hope to pursue a master's degree in couples and family therapy.
Margaret Floy Washburn Award [Established in 1990 to recognize a junior or senior psychology major exemplifying superior understanding of research and experimentation in psychology] ~ Leonardo Montenegro ’25. A double major in PSYC and ICLS, Leo served as a TA for PSYC206 last semester and is currently the Head TA for the Department of Psychology in the AY24-25. He has completed directed research with both Dr. Ikizler and Dr. Tickle. He has completed directed research with both Dr Ikizler and Dr Tickle After graduation, Leo aspires to pursue a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) in Colombia before applying to graduate school to pursue a PhD in the psychology of immigration.
Psychology Major Award [Established in 2003 to recognize a psychology major who demonstrates superior understanding of the themes and methods of the discipline] ~ Merel Verhoeven ’24 is pursuing a PhD in Neuroscience at UMD, Baltimore. She is a laboratory assistant at UMD Medical System
Jaie M. Perizzo Human Services Award [Established in 1993 to recognize a junior or senior psychology major who demonstrates outstanding potential as a practitioner in human services. Named in 2015 to honor a former student ] ~ Katya Scott ’24. Katya aspires to obtain a PhD in Neuropsychology with the intent to become a clinical neuropsychologist
Zachary Pisarz ’23 is a talent acquistions coordinator at Enterprise Community Partners.
Ruby Turner ’21 earned a MEd in school psychology from the College of William & Mary in 2022, and a EdS in school psychology from the same institution in 2024. She is a school psychologist for Harford County Public Schools.
Asia Dofat ’20 is pursuing a PhD in neuroscience from Virginia Tech University with an expected graduation in 2026. She studies the sex differences in dopaminergic modulation of food reward in the Howe Lab at VT
Thanks to all who have submitted alumni updates! Keep them coming!
Please be sure to make sure your listing on our alumni index website is #1 present and #2 current. If you find the answer to #1 and/or #2 is "no," then please fill out the online update form at the link so we can update our records!
Our alumni map poster in Goodpaster Hall currently features 87 of our wonderful alumni We use the info to show current and prospective students and their parents all the fantastic things you've gone on to do after SMCM and where you are now It's great for them to see how psychology can really take a person a lot of places and to so many different psyc related and non-psyc related career paths The large map poster is a dedicated stop on College tours and we print out mini versions for Open Houses and the annual Majors/Minors Fair. Whichever size, it is always a big hit
We’ve heard from several current students passing by the poster that your shown successes help them feel more secure in their major choice! And we’ve heard from the Office of Admissions that the map has influenced more than one person to go to SMCM to major in psychology So thanks for your help on those two fronts!
Additionally, we use your various career and grad school information for our program brochure that we distribute at open houses and such We also have a series of slides on our program TV display that show the wide range of various career paths which we also use to discuss with local high school AP Psyc students when they come to visit the department for field trips.
Jay Hammett '20 earned a DPT at the University of Maryland, Baltimore in 2024. He is a physical therapist at True Sports Physical Therapy.
Kitt Klassen ’16 earned a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Towson University and became a LGPC in 2022 They are owner and therapist at Defiant Therapy, LLC
Bianca Calin '16 earned certificates in data analytics & visualization and cybersecurity from The George Washington University in 2023, and a post graduate certificate in artificial intelligence and machine learning from the University of Texas at Austin in 2024. She is an investment performance manager at Gallagher
Ciara Willett ’14 earned a M S in experimental psychology (concentration in cognitive neuroscience) from Seton Hall University in 2017, and a M.S. and PhD in cognitive psychology at University of Pittsburgh in 2022. She is mixed-methods researcher/data scientist at Nielsen
... gaining experience in teaching courses across the discipline: from courses in intro to psyc, developmental, crosscultural, learning and cognition, as well as research methods. Her research program shifted to explore the development of racial essentialism in diverse samples to uncover the ways in which prejudiced attitudes form, and the conditions under which they may fade.
We are so thrilled that Dr Leffers has brought her impressive research and teaching skills to SMCM! In AY24-25, she is teaching Lifespan Development, Scientic Writing and Professional Development, and Advanced Topics in Development and Learning: C lt d D l t
Dr. Müller Ewald crafted a number of things to share with students and colleagues over the year. Bonus points to you if you can recognize the significance of the
Spotted on Campus in AY23-24
On Nov. 30 Psi Chi Officers Merel Verhoeven ’24, Greta Michels’ 24, Katya Scott ’24, Ashley Johnson ’25 and Nadia Lonnenberg ’25 organized and hosted a series of three grad school/career panel sessions held throughout the day. Thanks to all who shared their advice/experiences (alumni shown here but there were SMCM and external community member presenters, too) and all those who attended!
On Oct 18, Tricia (Hancock) Baker ‘10 brought a group of her Great Mills High School AP Psychology students to campus for a field trip which included several sessions with department faculty and staff.
The department's holiday door creation reminded us to all chill out.
The Career and Professional Development Center Needs You!
TheCenterforCareer&ProfessionalDevelopmentatSMCMisdedicatedtoempowering studentsandalumnithroughcourses,coaching,andconnections Bypartneringwith employersatvariouslevels,theyprovideenrichinghands-onworkexperiencesthatalignwith classroomlearningandprofessionalgoals Herearethreewaysyoucangetinvolved:
In-personorVirtualInfoSessions:Thesesessionsofferadetailedoverviewofa company’svalues,missions,andhiringprocesses,helpingstudentsbetterpreparefor internshipsandjobs
In-personEmployerInfoBooths:Employersvisitcampustoshareinformationandmeet studentsface-to-face,allowingforintroductoryconnectionsandquickQ&A Career&InternshipFairs:Heldeachfallandspring,thisfairisagreatopportunitytohire interns,graduatingseniors,currentstudents,andrecentalumni TheFall2024Fairwillbe heldonTuesday,October29,2024,from10:00am-2:00pmandtheSpring2025fairwill beonTuesday,March25,2024,from10:00amto2:00pm.Email careercenter@smcmedutogetontheinvitationlist!
InternshipFilmFestival:Inthespring,wewillholdoursecondannualInternshipFilm Festivalwhereweshowcaseourstudents'remarkableexperiencesaroundtheglobe This eventwillbeheldonFriday,March21,2025,from6:30to8:00pmintheDodge PerformingArtsCenterRecitalHall.Itwillfeaturealiveaudienceandprizesfortopvideo submissions Getinvolvedbyencouragingvideosubmissions,sponsoringawards,or becomingacommunitybooster SignuponHandshake!
WepartnerwiththeOfficeofAlumniRelationstoimplementtheMentor-A-Seahawkprogram, inwhichstudentsenrolledinLEAD112andLEAD311arematchedwithalumnimentors Mentorsandmenteesconnectthreetimesoverthesemestertobolsterstudents’ professionalismandnetworkingskillsandtohelppreparethemforlifebeyondcollege Click hereMentor-A-Seahawk-MentorApplication-Spring2025toandapplytobeamentorin Spring2025!
If you have a job or internship announcement you can also post it to our LinkedIn and/or Facebook groups (directly or via message to Angie Draheim)!
Haveyoubeenrecentlypublishedorpublicallyrecognizedforyour professionalachievements?Letushelpcelebrateyouraccolades!
Send a citation and electronic copy of your paper or information about your professional achievement (e.g., feature about your contributions or award details as posted on a website) to Angie Draheim. She’ll make an announcement on our Facebook and LinkedIn groups, post a hard copy on our alumni spotlight bulletin board in Goodpaster and feature you on our program display TV!
or create them!
Handshake is the SMCM internship/job board that enables students and alumni to connect with local, regional and national employers
Employer account: We’d love to have you or your recruiting team share jobs and internships with us. If you already have a Handshake account, please add St. Mary’s College of Maryland to your connected schools If you’re not on Handshake yet, click here to create your account. Signing up is easy and takes less than 5 minutes. See here for detailed steps Post your jobs using the steps listed here On the “Schools” step, be sure you add SMCM!
Job seeker account: Graduates looking for internships or job opportunities can create a Handshake account here
PSYCin numbers2024
51 the number of students graduated with PSYC as their first major with an additional 3 students graduated with PSYC as their second major; altogether accounting for 16% of the 2024 class (the largest of all majors)
20 the number of students initiated into Psi Chi on Friday, Apr 12, 2024 (pictured on page 6)
In May 2024, Meshan Lehmann ’14 published an article “Birth Parent Grief” in the Adoption Advocate publication of the National Council for Adoption Read it here!
Also in May, Miranda (Freethey) Collins ’06 was recognized with the Leading People Award at the Department of Homeland Security Chief Procurement Officer Excellence Awards.
12 the number of majors who completed SMPs or capstones in other disciplines or areas
3 the number of psyc alumni and/or students currently in the MAT program at SMCM 1
Good luck to Anna Eaton ‘24, Madison Laine ‘25, and Catherine Triebwasser ’24!
Faculty Kudos!
Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Psychology Nayantara Kurpad!
Nayantara was awarded a scholarship that covered the entire tuition ($5,510) for the Spring 2024 Faculty Success Program offered by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). The Faculty Success Program is an intensive online skilldevelopment program that focuses on research productivity, writing and worklife balance.
Congratulations to former Visiting now Adjunct Instructor of Psycholgy Maria Kalantzis!
Maria was selected as one of 100 women (out of 827 nominees) to receive a $25,000 P E O Scholar Award for AY2024-2025 The monies will help fund her dissertation entitled "Eating Disorders in Arab/MENA American Women: An Exploration in Mechanisms and a Cultural Adaptation of a Cognitive Dissonance Eating Disorder Prevention Program " The research is being conducted at Bowling Green State University under the direction of Associate Professor Abby Braden While finishing up her dissertation, Maria will remotely teach an advanced topics in the health and counseling class in SP25
Department of Psychology AY 2024-2025
Aileen Bailey Professor of Psychology
Sarah Breedin
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology sabreedin@smcm edu
Torry Dennis
Associate Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience tsdennis@smcm edu
Anandi Ehman
Assistant Professor of Psychology acehman@smcm edu
Gili Freedman
Associate Professor of Psychology
Kristina Howansky
Assistant Professor of Psychology IRB Co-chair khowansky@smcm edu
Ayşe Ikizler '07
Associate Professor of Psychology asikizler@smcm edu
Maria Kalantzis
Adjuct Instructor of Psychology
Jessica Leffers
Assistant Professor of Psychology jsleffers@smcm edu
James Mantell, Department Chair Associate Professor of Psychology jtmantell@smcm edu
Scott Mirabile
Associate Professor of Psychology spmirabile@smcm edu
We had the highest student attendance ever at Brain Games, our finals week brain-break event in May and especally enjoyed playing Quiddler and Anomia. Even staff from the Office of Student Success Services joined in on the fun.
Victória Müller Ewald
Assistant Professor of Psychology vamullerewald@smcm edu
Jennifer Tickle Associate Professor of Psychology IRB Co-chair jjtickle@smcm edu
Libby Nutt Williams Professor of Psychology enwilliams@smcm edu
AngieDraheim’03 AcademicProgramCoordinator& DepartmentalWebSpecialist ardraheim@smcmedu
JennMarsh’01 BehavioralNeuroscienceLab Coordinator&Instructor
FacultyEmerit DavidFinkelman
LaraineGlidden lmglidden@smcmedu
J RoyHopkins
WesJordan wpjordan@smcmedu
Program Student Abassador
Ashley Johnson ’25
Ashley is helping out with various tasks including poster printing for our biannual research poster symposium, talking to prospective majors at admissions events and the OS3 majors/minor fair, and creating content for the department’s new Instagram account targeted to current students Check out @smcmpsyc !
In January 2024, Dr Howansky gave an invited talk entitled "Fantasy World, Real-Life Impact: The Benefits of RPGs for Transgender Identity Exploration" for the LGBTQ+ Psychology Network Hosted by University of Glasgow, the talk focused on the St. Mary's Project research conducted by Sonder Van Wert '23 under Howansky's mentorship.