Newsom veto No legal drug use sites. Monkeypox Expanded vaccine access. Dodgers Muncy makes a deal. 2 5 7 FOR INFO CONTACT: CINDY@SMDP.COM | (310) 573-8074 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE 1. REACH 1000’S OF LOCALS DAILY2. BUILD YOUR BRAND3. CALL ME FOR SPECIAL SUMMER DEAL TUESDAY 08.23.22 Volume 21 Issue 237
New assistance is available in LA County to people facing the prospect of losing their homes. The Short Term Eviction Prevention (STEP) Fund, a program funded by the nonprofit, 1p.org, is launching a pilot program to give out 1,000 micro loans of up to 2,500 dollars to individuals at risk of eviction or dealing with other housing-related challenges. AdamMiller, the founder of the STEP Fund said he started the
Libraries to expand staffing and hours after years of reduced service
Residents frustrated over reduced staffing and limited hours at local libraries see hope on the horizon this week, with all five Santa Monica Public Library branches in line for potential staff increases and operating hour expansion; however, even if the proposal is approved, hours would still amount to less than half the total service time provided prior to the pandemic. The economic fallout from COVID-19 caused the City to slash staffing in several municipal departments including the library system, which saw a 58% reduction in staff in 2020 — going from 112 full-time equivalent employees to 47. In the years that followed, the library has slowly begun adding additional staff and, as of this week, Santa Monica employs the equivalent of 61.2 full time employees (meaning enough staff to cover the work of that many employees, although some are parttimeBeforehires). the pandemic, Santa Monica’s five library branches were open for a cumulative 251.5 hours each week and no library operated fewer than 49 hours each week — four libraries were open six days a week and the Main Branch was open all Currently,seven.the Main Library and Pico Branch are open five days a week with limited hours at all other branches; cumulatively, libraries are open for 98 hours each week across town, although over a quarter of those hours (28 hours per week) are at branches with curbside or selfservice hours only. The proposed expansion would include reopening all branches for standard in-person services for a cumulative total of 116 operating hours citywide per week, although they would cut down on the hours
NewProposedHours Main Library Fairview Branch Montana Avenue Branch Ocean Park Branch Pico Branch 2019202020212022 NewProposedHours20192020 2021 2022 NewProposedHours20192020 2021 2022 NewProposedHours20192020 2021 2022 NewProposedHours20192020 2021 2022 55.5 6 30 35 32 0 0 0 14 49 49 12 12 14 21 49 0 12 14 14 49 6 30 35 35 SEE LIBRARY PAGE 5 SEE METTLER PAGE 5 SEE HOMELESSNESS PAGE 7 SMDP Image
Mettler spent more than two decades teaching instrumental music to elementary school students across the District before finishing his career as a math and computer science teacher at Samohi, where he taught for 11 years.
Mettler’s daughter, Janelle Mettler, said she believed her dad would be remembered by his students for the “peace and gentle acceptance” he shared. “He’s just a solid, really kind, generous, religious, family man,” Janelle said. “To me, the environment [he] created in his career … It feels really“I’msafe.”hoping that the mark he leaves on each of his students is security and peace and feelings of knowing a little bit about what the frameworks of society are and that they belong,” she added.
Longtime Santa Monica resident and Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District music and math teacher Darrell Mettler died last month at the age of 81.
Darrell Mettler was born in Bakersfield on Nov. 26, 1940, baptized at Ebeneezer Reformed Church in Shafter, California, and Confirmed at Grace Reformed Church in Bakersfield. He was a
Longtime Santa Monica teacher Darrell Mettler dies at 81 New interest-free loan program launches in LA County to help prevent homelessness

Substitute Security- In accordance with the provisions of California Public Contract Code §22300, the Contractor shall be permitted to substitute securities for any monies withheld by the District to ensure performance under this contract.
But Senate GOP Leader Scott Wilk said in a statement at the same time that the bill amounts to “giving people free needles and a safe place to shoot up.” Wilk and other Senate Republicans sent a letter to Newsom, a Democrat, urging him to reject creating “drug dens” that they said could potentially subject local providers to federal charges, though U.S. officials have said they are considering allowing the sites with “ appropriate guardrails.”
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above-named California Community College District, acting by and through its Board of Trustees, hereinafter “the District” will receive up to, but not later than the below-stated date and time, sealed Bid Proposals for the Contract for the Work of the Project generally described as: Furnish all prevailing wage labor, equipment, supplies, materials, services and transportation necessary for replacement of entry doors on the first floor at SMC Main Campus Drescher Hall in accordance with bid documents.
smdp.com2 LOCALTUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022
“Allowing people to get higher than a kite on heroin and other dangerous drugs, then turning them loose afterwards onto the streets is just crazy,” objected Republican Sen. Brian AssemblyJones.Republican Leader James Gallagher sent his own letter, and said in a statement that Democrats who supported the bill “are actively promoting crime.” The state Senate gave final approval to the bill on a 21-11 roll call, over GOP opposition and with eight Democrats not voting, after the Assembly advanced it in June on a 42-29 vote. The first two publicly recognized overdose prevention sites in the United States opened in New York City in December and have been credited with intervening in more than 150 overdoses. Rhode Island approved testing similar centers for two years. More than 2 1/2 times as many San Franciscans died of accidental drug overdoses in 2020 — a record roughly 700 people — than died from COVID-19 that year, San Francisco Mayor London Breed said earlier. She cited spiking drug overdose rates in declaring an emergency in the Tenderloin neighborhood in December. Nationwide, drug overdose deaths increased 28.5% to more than 100,000 during the 12-month period ending in April 2021 over the same period a year earlier, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including about 10,000 Californians. The governing boards in each of the California jurisdictions have already asked to be included. It will remain up to them whether to go ahead and to what extent if Newsom signs the bill into law. The test programs would run until January 1, 2028. Participating governments would have to split the cost of an independent study on the effectiveness of the program and its impact on the community, due by 2027. But opposition crossed party lines. Critics say the sites would attract crime as users buy drugs nearby, or steal or prostitute themselves to afford the drugs. The legislation would bar arresting or prosecuting anyone associated with the sites, including clients, for drug-related crimes.
“Enabling illegal and destructive drug use will never work,” wrote Brown, a Democrat. He said the proposal was “all carrot and no stick” because there was no requirement that the user undergo drug treatment. While there is no requirement, supporters contend that employees at the sites could help users get treatment, while also helping to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis infections by providing clean needles. They could also have drug testing kits to check for fentanyl or other contamination.
Grace Adams PRICE: Gas prices have stabilized after months of roller coaster increases and decreases. The Los Angeles region hit an all-time high of $6.462 on June 14 of this year and has declined for over two months since. However, according to AAA, those prices have begun to stabilize at about $5.338. Gas
Post Dates 08/16/22 & 08/23/22
Opponents highlight former governor Jerry Brown’s veto of a 2018 bill that would have allowed the sites in San Francisco.
“Each year this legislation is delayed, more people die of drug overdoses,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco who authored the California legislation.Newsom, a Democrat, had previously said he was open to the idea. But his decision comes as he faces increased national scrutiny as he is perceived as a possible presidential contender, though he has frequently denied any interest in running. He said he has long supported cutting edge harm reduction strategies, but not without “well-documented, vetted, and thoughtful operational and sustainability plans.”Newsom ordered his secretary of Health and Human Services to meet with city and county officials to discuss standards and best practices, and said he remains open to the concept once they come back to lawmakers with recommendations for how the sites could be run safely.
Governor Newsom rejects plans for legal drug injection sites
“Although there is no silver bullet to our overdose epidemic, they are a proven strategy to reduce overdose deaths, to get people into treatment, to reduce syringe litter, and to provide people an option not to be using drugs in our public spaces — which is not healthy or appropriate for anyone involved,” Wiener said during the Senate’s finalSupportersconsideration.andopponents have promoted conflicting data on whether nearly 170 such sites in Australia, Canada and Europe have been successful and whether they have encouraged nearby crime.
“We don’t need additional studies or working groups to determine whether safe consumption sites are effective,” Wiener said. “These sites are a proven strategy to reduce overdose deaths, pressure on emergency rooms, and public drug use, while expanding access to drug treatment.”
DON THOMPSON Associated Press California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill Monday that he said could have brought “a world of unintended consequences” by allowing Los Angeles, Oakland and San Francisco to set up sites where opioid users could legally inject drugs under supervision. “The unlimited number of safe injection sites that this bill would authorize — facilities which could exist well into the later part of this decade — could induce a world of unintended consequences,” Newsom said. While he said they could be helpful, he worried that “if done without a strong plan, they could work against this purpose. ... Worsening drug consumption challenges in these areas is not a risk we can take.” It was one of the most watched and most controversial measures of this legislative session.Proponents wanted to give people who already would use drugs a place to inject them while trained staff stand by to help if they suffer accidental overdoses. The proposal came amid a spike in overdose deaths amid a national opioid crisis. But opponents said the move in effect would have condoned the use of dangerous drugs.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF THE BID PROPOSALS: 09/07/22 2:00PM All Bid Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the District. Bid Proposals must conform with, and be responsive to, the Bid and Contract Documents, copies of which may be obtained from the District as set forth above. Only Bid Proposals submitted to the District at or prior to the date and time set forth shall be considered.
Wiener called Newsom’s veto “tragic,” and San Francisco Mayor London Breed said the veto by the former mayor of San Francisco is “disappointing.”
Bidding Documents may be obtained by logging onto the District bidding website at: https:// www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm?CompanyID=13721#
The Bidder is required to have a CSLB B license and CADIR registration at the time of bid submission. Contractors wishing to be considered must submit Bids containing all information required pursuant to the District’s Request for Bids.
MANDATORY PRE-BID JOB WALK: 08/24/22 10:00am sharp. Meet outside SMC Facilities Trailer at Receiving Parking Lot by bleachers 2121 16th St. Santa Monica CA 90405. Bidder attendance at Job Walk is mandatory. Sign-In required & late arrivals not permitted. Attendees required to maintain min. 6ft distance from others. Wear face covering over nose & mouth at all times. Do not attend if sick or have cold/flu-like symptoms.

CIRCULATION Guadalupeross@smdp.comross@smdp.comNavarroKeithWyatt STAFF WRITERS Emily Graceemily@smdp.comSawickiInezAdamsgrace@smdp.com DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Cindy cindy@smdp.comMoreno ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Dina dina@smdp.comAraniva PRODUCTION Estebanproduction@smdp.comInchausteguiJulioDavalosjulio@smdp.com TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 BACK TAXES • BOOKKEEPING • SMALL BUSINESS (310)SAMUEL395-9922B.MOSES,CPA 100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1800 Santa Monica 90401 TAXESALLFORMS•ALLTYPES•ALLSTATES
Audible Burglar Alarm 1700Blk Olympic Blvd 12:37 a.m. Loud Music Ocean Ave / Bay St 1:01 a.m. Party Complaint 2600Blk 30th St 1:05 a.m. Assault 1900Blk 11th St 1:37 a.m. Battery Neilson Way / Bicknell Ave 2:00 a.m. Battery 300Blk Arizona Ave 2:16 a.m. Loud Music 900Blk 7th St 2:33 a.m. Party Complaint 600Blk Navy St 2:39 a.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop Ocean Ave / Wilshire Blvd 2:41 Traffic/Vehiclea.m. Stop 1200Blk 9th St 2:45 a.m. Hit And Run Misdemeanor Investigation 2500Blk Santa Monica Blvd 3:54 a.m. Missing Person 1200Blk 3rd Street Prom 4:17 Arsona.m. 2600Blk Barnard Way 5:05 a.m. Found Property 2800Blk Barnard Way 6:31 a.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 100Blk Santa Monica Blvd 6:49 a.m. Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle 2400Blk 6th St 7:17 Encampmenta.m. 2800Blk Ocean Front Walk 7:22 Encampmenta.m. 1100Blk Palisades Park 7:31 a.m. Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle 1200Blk Washington Ave 7:57 a.m. Prowler 400Blk 15th St 8:13 a.m. Petty Theft 1600Blk Santa Monica Blvd 8:32 Animala.m. Related Incident 1600Blk 9th St 9:07 Traffica.m. Hazard 2700Blk Pico Blvd 9:11 a.m. Mark & Tag Abandoned Vehicle 900Blk Lincoln Blvd 9:13 a.m. Grand Theft Auto 3000Blk Glenn Ave 9:18 a.m. Construction Noise 2400Blk 4th St 9:20 a.m. Animal Related Incident 600Blk Wilshire Blvd 9:25 Animala.m.Related Incident 300Blk Civic Center Dr 9:33 a.m. Petty Theft 2000Blk Wilshire Blvd 9:42 a.m. Burglary 100Blk San Vicente Blvd 9:46 a.m. Petty Theft 1500Blk Ocean Ave 10:07 a.m. Animal Related Incident 1100Blk Yale St 11:34 Founda.m. Property 1100Blk Franklin St 11:35 a.m. Found Property 1100Blk Franklin St 11:48 a.m. Panic Alarm 400Blk 17th St 11:48 a.m. Found Property 1100Blk Franklin St 11:49 a.m. Found Property 1100Blk Franklin St 11:49 a.m. Petty Theft 1400Blk Ocean Ave 11:50 a.m. Found Property 2400Blk Main St 1:30 p.m. Petty Theft 300Blk Santa Monica Pier 1:46 p.m. Grand Theft 300Blk Arizona Ave 2:01 p.m. Domestic Violence 300Blk Arizona Ave 2:04 Trafficp.m. Collision - No Injuries 11th St / Colorado Ave 2:04 Encampmentp.m. 200Blk Palisades Park 2:11 p.m. Loud Music 1400Blk 3rd Street Prom 2:12 p.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 700Blk Santa Monica Blvd 2:14 Trafficp.m.Hazard 400Blk Pacific Coast Hwy 2:17 Foundp.m. Person 2600Blk The Beach 2:18 p.m. Suicide 1400Blk San Vicente Blvd 2:19 p.m. Health & Safety Code Violation 500Blk Colorado Ave 2:35 p.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 1300Blk Ashland Ave 2:48 Pettyp.m. Theft 2700Blk Main St 2:57 p.m. Loud Music 2700Blk Barnard Way 3:11 p.m. Prowler Just Left 1100Blk Princeton St 3:34 p.m. Grand Theft 1100Blk 2nd St 3:48 p.m. Loud Music 1700Blk Ocean Front Walk 3:49 p.m. Loud Music 2700Blk Barnard Way 3:54 p.m. Traffic Collision With Injuries 14th St / Grant St 4:28 Traffic/Vehiclep.m. Stop 1800Blk 20th St 4:58 p.m. Traffic Collision With Injuries 100Blk Santa Monica Blvd 5:02 p.m. Traffic Hazard 17th St / Pico Blvd 5:17 p.m. Found Property 500Blk San Vicente Blvd 5:18 Pettyp.m. Theft Ocean Ave / Bay St 5:29 p.m. Grand Theft Auto 20th St / California Ave 5:34 Audiblep.m. Burglar Alarm 700Blk 22nd St 5:38 Animalp.m. Related Incident 1400Blk 3rd Street Prom 5:42 Trafficp.m.Hazard Moomat Ahiko Way / Ocean Ave 6:12 Pettyp.m.Theft 500Blk Wilshire Blvd 6:26 p.m. Found Property 1400Blk 3rd Street Prom 6:35 Drunkp.m. Driving Investigation Ocean Ave / California Incline 6:53 p.m. Traffic Hazard 700Blk 21st St 6:56 p.m. 72 Hour Psychiatric Hold 1400Blk San Vicente Blvd 7:10 p.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 1700Blk 20th St 7:13 p.m. Bike Theft 2400Blk Ocean Front Walk 7:16 p.m. Indecent Exposure 1200Blk 5th St 7:24 p.m. Indecent Exposure Main St / Hollister Ave 7:29 Loudp.m. Music 300Blk Arizona Ave 7:33 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop 100Blk Bicknell Ave 7:53 Oversizep.m. Vehicle Violation 2000Blk Ocean Ave 8:04 Generalp.m.Parking Problem 2500Blk 29th St 8:10 Traffic/Vehiclep.m. Stop Main St / Strand St 8:11 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop 34th St / Pico Blvd 8:12 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop Lincoln Blvd / Santa Monica Blvd 8:17 p.m. Found Property 300Blk Santa Monica Pier 8:21 Audiblep.m. Burglar Alarm 1700Blk 20th St 8:33 Foundp.m. Property 300Blk Olympic Dr 8:40 p.m. Traffic/Vehicle Stop 20th St / Olympic Blvd 8:43 Traffic/Vehiclep.m. Stop 1300Blk 26th St 8:58 p.m. Found Property 300Blk Santa Monica Pier 9:00 Traffic/Vehiclep.m. Stop 1000Blk Wilshire Blvd 9:02 Defraudingp.m. Innkeeper In Progress 1500Blk Ocean Ave 9:11 p.m. 72 Hour Psychiatric Hold 1500Blk The Beach 9:12 Prowlerp.m. Just Left 1400Blk Georgina Ave 9:54 Trafficp.m. Collision With Injuries 14th St / Colorado Ave 10:02 p.m. Arson 1500Blk 2nd St 10:05 p.m. Loud Music 2700Blk Main St 10:22 p.m. Armed Robbery 2000Blk Ocean Ave 10:31 p.m. Armed Robbery 300Blk Pico Blvd 10:38 p.m. Party Complaint 2300Blk 3rd St 10:46 p.m. 72 Hour Psychiatric Hold 1500Blk 2nd St 10:47 Encampmentp.m. 1100Blk Wilshire Blvd 11:14 p.m. Public Intoxication 00Blk Pico Blvd 11:24 p.m. Battery 3rd Street Prom / Arizona Ave 11:43 p.m. Audible Burglar Alarm 1500Blk Lincoln Blvd 11:47 Traffic/Vehiclep.m. Stop 1400Blk 5th St 11:55 p.m. Battery 2700Blk Main St 11:59 p.m. EMS 200Blk Ocean Ave 12:00 a.m. EMS 2000Blk Arizona Ave 12:09 a.m. EMS 2200Blk California Ave 12:14 a.m. Miscellaneous Outside Fire 2nd St / Hollister Ave 1:19 EMSa.m.100Blk Pacific St 2:03 a.m. Automatic Alarm 500Blk 15th St 2:16 a.m. EMS 2000Blk Wilshire Blvd 2:25 a.m. Automatic Alarm 800Blk Ocean Ave 2:38 a.m. EMS 400Blk Colorado Ave 3:30 a.m. EMS 4th St / Civic Center Dr 6:26 a.m. EMS 900Blk 18th St 6:43 a.m. EMS 1400Blk 2nd St 7:03 a.m. EMS 1300Blk 2nd St 7:36 a.m. EMS 1300Blk 20th St 8:13 a.m. EMS 2000Blk Arizona Ave 8:22 a.m. EMS 1500Blk 2nd St 8:35 a.m. EMS 2100Blk Main St 9:21 a.m. Miscellaneous Outside Fire 24th St / Pico Blvd 9:43 Publica.m.Assist 300Blk Olympic Dr 9:56 a.m. EMS 2900Blk Arizona Ave 9:57 a.m. EMS 1500Blk Bay St 10:33 a.m. EMS Ocean Ave / Broadway 10:39 a.m. EMS 1400Blk Harvard St 10:43 a.m. EMS 1400Blk 17th St 10:46 a.m. EMS 2700Blk Neilson Way 10:57 a.m. EMS 2500Blk Pico Blvd 11:07 a.m. Elevator Rescue 700Blk Wilshire Blvd 12:37 p.m. EMS 1300Blk 12th St 12:44 p.m. EMS 1000Blk Wilshire Blvd 12:58 p.m. Elevator Rescue 700Blk Wilshire Blvd 1:02 p.m. EMS 300Blk Arizona Ave 2:09 p.m. EMS 1400Blk San Vicente Blvd 2:19 p.m. Traffic Collision With Injury 11th St / Colorado Ave 2:23 Miscellaneousp.m. Outside Fire 1200Blk Santa Monica Blvd 4:02 p.m. Traffic Collision With Injury 14th St / Grant St 4:28 Trafficp.m. Collision With Injury 100Blk Santa Monica Blvd 5:02 p.m. Smoke Investigation Centinela Ave / Pico Blvd 5:47 p.m. EMS 1400Blk 3rd Street Prom 6:23 p.m. EMS 1300Blk 7th St 7:04 p.m. EMS 1300Blk 2nd St 7:35 p.m. EMS 800Blk Ozone Ave 8:11 p.m. EMS 2800Blk Pico Blvd 8:16 p.m. EMS 500Blk Olympic Blvd W 8:16 p.m. EMS 1500Blk Ocean Ave 9:20 p.m. Automatic Alarm 2200Blk 28th St 10:33 p.m. EMS 100Blk Wilshire Blvd 11:25 p.m.
PUBLISHED BY NEWLON ROUGE, LLC © 2019 Newlon Rouge, LLC, all rights reserved. Rossross@smdp.comFurukawa Todd todd@smdp.comJames Matthew matt@smdp.comHall DavidNeworth,Pisarra.
OPINIONS EXPRESSED are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Santa Monica Daily Press staff. Guest editorials from residents are encouraged, as are letters to the editor. Letters to the Editor can be submitted to letters@smdp.com. Receipt of a letter does not guarantee publication and all content is published at the discretion of the paper. All letters and guest editorials are subject to editing for space and content. All submissions must include the author’s name, address and phone number for the purposes of verification. 1640 5th Street, Suite 218 Santa Monica, CA 90401 OFFICE(310) 458-PRESS (7737) FAX(310) 576-9913
The Santa Monica Daily Press publishes Monday - Saturday with a circulation of 8,200 on weekdays and 8,000 on the weekend. The Daily Press is adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Los Angeles and covers news relevant to the City of Santa Monica. The Daily Press is a member of the California Newspaper Publisher’s Association, the National Newspaper Association and the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce. The paper you’re reading this on is composed of 100% post consumer content and the ink used to print these words is soy based. We are proud recipients of multiple honors for outstanding news coverage from the California Newspaper Publishers Association as well as a Santa Monica Sustainable Quality Award.

If you want more information about this project or wish to review the project file, please contact Ana Fernandez by e-mail at ana.fernandez@santamonica.gov. The Zoning Ordinance is available on the City’s web site at www.smgov.net. For disability-related accommodations, please contact (310) 458-8341 or (310) 458-8696 TTY at least 72 hours in advance. Every attempt will be made to provide the requested accommodation. All written materials are available in alternate format upon request. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65009(b), if this matter is subsequently challenged in Court, the challenge may be limited to only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Santa Monica at, or prior to, the public hearing.
22ENT-0182 (WAIVER) 1124 Broadway APPLICANT: Ardeshir Nozari PROPERTY OWNER:Arsh Developments LLC In an e ort to reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus (COVID-19), members of the Zoning Administrator and City Sta will participate via teleconference. Participants may join the teleconference via https://primetime.bluejeans. com/a2m/live-event/erjtkjhz or by dialing in at 1-415-466-7000 (PIN: 7933565#)
22ENT-0097 (MINOR USE PERMIT) 1401 Olympic Boulevard APPLICANT: City of Santa Monica PROPERTY OWNER:City of Santa Monica
Address your comments to:Ana Fernandez, Associate Planner Re: 22ENT-0097
The City of Santa Monica encourages public comment. Those wishing to give written public comment shall email comments to planningcomment@smgov.net. Comments received later than 5:30 P.M. the day before the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting (with time limitations) and must be received prior to the Zoning Administrator’s consideration of the item. Please note the agenda item in your comments. Additionally, public comment can be made by telephone by calling 1-888-240-2560 (Meeting ID: 212563762 and Passcode: 2434 followed by #) when the caller queue opens for the item on which you wish to comment. Remarks from the public made by telephone will be limited to up to 3 minutes per item. Please check the agenda for more detailed instructions on how to comment.
smdp.com4 TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 NEWS
ESPAÑOL Esto es una noticia de una audiencia pública para revisar applicaciónes proponiendo desarrollo en Santa Monica. Si deseas más información, favor de llamar a Carmen Gutierrez en la División de Planificación al número (310) 458-8341.
In an e ort to reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus (COVID-19), members of the Zoning Administrator and City Sta will participate via teleconference. Participants may join the teleconference via https://primetime.bluejeans. or by dialing in at 1-415-466-7000 (PIN: 7933565#)
SUBJECT: A public hearing will be held by the Zoning Administrator to consider the following request:
Address your comments to:Ana Fernandez, Associate Planner Re: 22ENT-0182
If you want more information about this project or wish to review the project file, please contact Ana Fernandez by e-mail at ana.fernandez@santamonica.gov. The Zoning Ordinance is available on the City’s web site at www.smgov.net. For disability-related accommodations, please contact (310) 458-8341 or (310) 458-8696 TTY at least 72 hours in advance. Every attempt will be made to provide the requested accommodation. All written materials are available in alternate format upon request. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65009(b), if this matter is subsequently challenged in Court, the challenge may be limited to only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Santa Monica at, or prior to, the public hearing. Esto es una noticia de una audiencia pública para revisar applicaciónes proponiendo en Santa Monica. Si deseas más información, favor de llamar a Carmen Gutierrez en la División de Planificación al número (310) 458-8341.
The applicant requests approval of a Waiver from the upper-story stepback and active use requirement for a new two-story duplex development in the Mixed-Use Boulevard Low (MUBL) zoning district. Pursuant to Santa Monica Municipal Code (SMMC) Section 9.11.030, Upper-Story Stepbacks and Active Use Requirement are required in the MUBL district. Pursuant to SMMC Section 9.43.040(B), the applicant may request a Waiver from the Upper-Story Setback and Active Use Requirement.
SUBJECT: A public hearing will be held by the Zoning Administrator to consider the following request: The applicant requests approval of a Minor Use Permit (MUP) to install a new Verizon Wireless Telecommunications Facility comprised of two replacement stadium light poles with attached panel antennas, microwave dishes, and radio units and an associated equipment enclosure adjacent to the tennis courts at Memorial Park in the Open Space (OS) zoning district. Pursuant to Santa Monica Municipal Code (SMMC) Section 9.32.040(A), review and approval of an MUP is required for all personal wireless facilities except for those that are exempt under SMMC Section 9.32.040(B) or that are governed by SMMC Section 9.32.040(C).
The City of Santa Monica encourages public comment. Those wishing to give written public comment shall email comments to planningcomment@smgov.net. Comments received later than 5:30 P.M. the day before the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting (with time limitations) and must be received prior to the Zoning Administrator’s consideration of the item. Please note the agenda item in your comments. Additionally, public comment can be made by telephone by calling 1-888-240-2560 (Meeting ID: 212563762 and Passcode: 2434 followed by #) when the caller queue opens for the item on which you wish to comment. Remarks from the public made by telephone will be limited to up to 3 minutes per item. Please check the agenda for more detailed instructions on how to comment.

Los PublicAngelesHealth Expands Monkeypox Vaccine Eligibility to Additional Groups
The special city council meeting on Wednesday is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and can be viewed at 1685 Main Street, Room 250, or virtually at youtube.com/user/ Citytv16santamonica. Members of the public may also attend the meeting in person. Those who would like to address the City Council regarding this or any of the items on the agenda must be present and submit their name to the City Clerk before the public hearing is opened for that item. emily@smdp.com
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) is expanding the criteria to include additional residents at high risk of exposure to monkeypox. Starting Monday, August 22, monkeypox vaccine will be available to persons who self-attest to being in the following high-risk groups:Gay or bisexual men and transgender people who had: Multiple or anonymous sex partners in the past 14 days; OR (NEW) Skin-to-skin or intimate contact (e.g., kissing, hugging) with persons at large venues or events in the past 14 days (NEW) Persons of any gender or sexual orientation who engaged in commercial and/or transactional sex in the past 14 days (e.g., sex in exchange for money, shelter, food, and other goods or needs)Residents who are immunocompromised, including those with advanced or uncontrolled HIV, may be at high risk for severe disease and will be prioritized for vaccination.
— a great musical foundation,” Janelle reflected. “I think it was the same for me as it was for all the students; I think it was a great experience to go through.” When asked how her father thought about his career in education, Janelle said he was a man of few words, but she knew he was satisfied with the work he did in the Santa Monica community. “Mr. Mettler was recognized in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers in 1992 in acknowledgement of excellence as a distinguished educator,” according to his official obituary. “In 2004, he was an award recipient at the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District 55th Annual Band, Choir and Orchestra Concert ‘Stairway of the Stars’ in recognition of his time, effort and endless contributions on behalf of thousands of young musicians.”Mettler was an active member of the Santa Monica-Malibu Classroom Teachers Association including serving on numerous committees and as vice president. Retiring from his 33-year teaching career, which lasted from 1966 through 1999, did not take Mettler away from his passion for music. For more than 20 years following retirement,
The Public Health Call Center is open 7 days a week 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. For more information, please visit: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/monkeypox/.
Residents who registered through the Public Health registration system and were vaccinated at a Public Health location will receive a second text message when their second dose is due with instructions on where to receive their second dose.
5TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022NEWS Ifyoudon’tlikewhatwehavetosaywewillgiveyouacopyofyourx-raysatnochargeYOURCHOICE FINDINGANEW DENTISTIS TOUGH!!! (BUTWE MAKEITEASY!!!) SANTAMONICAFAMILYDENTISTRY 126015thST.SUITE#703DR.ALANRUBENSTEIN (310)736-2589 WWW.ALANRUB ENST E INDD S.COM ANDOFCOURSEWEDO • In visalign •Peri odontis ton Staf f • Or al Surgeo non Sta ff •Cosmetics an dImpl ant s • Zoo mbl eac hing • an dmore OR TRY $99EXAM AND CLEANING ForNewPatients INCLUDESFULLXRAYS TRYOURNOOBLIGATION $20EXAM INCLUDES FULLXRAYS ARIZONAAVE. WILSHIREBLVD. 14THST. 15THST.★ DENTA LCARE WIT HOU TJUDGE ME NT! WEOFFERUN IQU E SERVIC ES *Ni trou sOxideavailable *N o interes t paymen tplans *E m ergen cies ca nbe see n tod ay * Ou r den ti st s an d staf fm embe rs ar e eas ytotalkto *Offer to non insured patients *Offer to non insured OURNOOBLIGATIONpatients
Residents who met the prior eligibility criteria are still eligible for vaccination (i.e., you are a gay or bisexual man or a transgender person and who were diagnosed with gonorrhea or early syphilis in the past 12 months, are on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or had anonymous sex or sex with multiple partners within the past 21 days in a commercial sex venue or other venue).
residents who received their first dose more than 28 days ago can receive their second dose the following ways: Residents who received their first dose through their healthcare provider over 28 days ago should contact their provider to schedule an appointment.
Eligible residents needing their first dose can now register by visiting ph.lacounty.gov/monkeypoxsignup.Additionally,
he stayed busy performing clarinet, flute and saxophone for the Local 47 Union in Los Angeles, playing gigs with numerous groups including the Physicians Symphony, LAPD Band and Harry James Band, among many others.Janelle said Mettler continued a rigorous pace of performances past the age of 70. “He’s in his early 70s, and he tells me, ‘I’m in 16 or 17 different performing groups’ — this is him in retirement! — ‘I try to limit myself to two or three rehearsals or concerts per day,’” Janelle said. “He’s going out all over Los Angeles, driving to all these different concerts and ofLifeheobituary.accordingtheawardaheAuxiliaryU.S.serviceappreciationwithpresentedCitydideverywhere.”rehearsalsThecommitmentnotgounnoticed.“In2016,theofLosAngelesMr.MettleracertificateofforwiththeCoastGuardBand,andwaspresentedfive-yearservicein2021fromUSCGAux,”tohis“In2021,wasawardedaMemberOrderMeritfromthe Republican National Committee.” Mettler was preceded in death by parents Mylo Mettler and Leola Gladwell of Bakersfield; ex-wife Nadine Penn; and sister JanetHeRodrigue.wassurvived by his brothers Donald and David (Lisa) Mettler; sister Kellie (Myron) Smith; daughter Janelle Mettler; son Devin (Sinead) Mettler; and his grandsons Cathal and Ronan. A graveside service will be held in Bakersfield at 11 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 26, at Hillcrest Memorial Park and Mortuary, 9101 Kern Canyon Road, followed by a service at 12:15 p.m. Grace Reformed Church, 420 Columbus Avenue, followed by a repast in the adjoining hall. Pallbearers are Erik Wood, Mason Smith, Michael Rodrigue, Stephen Mettler, Mark Kirschenmann, Kenneth Kirschenmann, Paul Bender, Michael Rodrigue, Jr., Cathal Mettler and Ronan Mettler.Ifyou are unable to attend the service but would like to contact the family, you can reach out to Janelle via email: jymettler@gmail.com or cell: (661) 378-1355. emily@smdp.com
“On June 28, 2022, during the adoption of the FY 2022-23 Exception-Based Budget, City Council allocated resources for the Library to enhance Saturday hours at selected branch libraries and offer additional evening hours,” according to the report prepared for the Wednesday hearing. “Staff recommends the allocation of $537,924 in one-time capital improvement program projects that were deferred to increase library operating hours, including weekly Saturday service at both the Pico and Montana Avenue branches, and evening hours until 7 pm.”
lifelong member of the Reformed Church of the United States and served as a church Elder.He graduated as the valedictorian for the East Bakersfield High School class of 1958 and went on to attend USC’s Thornton School of Music, earning a Masters degree in Music in 1967. While at USC, he also earned teaching credentials and was a member of the Pi Kappa Lambda society, according to an obituary provided by the school district. He was married Aug. 13, 1966, to Nadine Bowers of Long Beach. Together, they raised two children, Janelle Mettler and Devin Mettler.Both Janelle and Devin had their dad as a band and orchestra instructor when they attended Grant Elementary School in the 1980s. Janelle called his class a music.learnyoungenvironment”“perfectforstudentstothebasicsof“Itwasagreatfoundation
SUBMITTED BY PUBLIC HEALTH the Main Branch is open from 35 down to 32 hours per week to allow resources to spread to otherThebranches.changes would be funded through a one-time $537,924 budget appropriation from the City’s general grant, and City Council is expected to discuss the proposed allocation when it meets on Wednesday, Aug. 24.
All first and second doses will be administered intradermally, unless contraindicated. The FDA has advised that those under 18 years of age and adults who have a history of developing keloid scars should get the vaccine beneath the skin (subcutaneously), not between the layers of the skin (intradermally).Thosewithout access to the internet or needing help with registration, can call the Public Health Call Center for more information including general information, testing, treatment, and vaccines at (833) 540-0473.

Diversity. Gays, Lesbians, Transfolks, BIPOCs, now we’re talking something that the politicians can run on. So we should have a diversity commission. Well, my suggestion kinda/ sorta was taken to heart. The Council decided to combine and consolidate commissions and created the Human Services Commission with an all-new panel.Did any of the Council reach to me after I threw my hat in the ring for the Diversity Commission suggestion? They’re far too busy for that. I will say that a few of them did reply to my emails, but then it fell into the great void of council business.
1Offer is subject to change without notice and applies for one term only. Annual percentage yield (APY) is effective as of publication date. Penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal. $10,000 minimum balance required. Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender
I love our city, I’m not fond of the way that it’s developing, but rather than just complain, which is an easy thing to do, I’m choosing to step up and ask to participate. Our democratic form of government depends on people stepping up and taking part. Whether it is a simple vote, participation on a commission or council, or higher executive office. We all play a part and given the current state of the State, we need more help. We have existential problems from homelessness (which is only going to get exponentially worse in the coming years due to automation and job loss) to the lack of state planning for proper water resources. It’s easy for us to throw our hands up and say that “it’s above my pay grade!” But if we don’t start having more ideas brought to the public square, we’re going to be stuck with the same old problems.Asasociety we can all contribute more for the common good, and that doesn’t just mean paying higher taxes. It means being a part of the process. There’s a children’s story called Stone Soup. It’s a good story of how when a community comes together to share ideas and assets they can all prosper.
For a limited time, earn a guaranteed rate with a CD (certificate of deposit). A $10,000 minimum balance is required.
In times like this, where politicians want to divide us by focusing in on our differences, where hatred is spewed in the name of patriotism, where religious leaders focus on their wallets and not their spirituality, we have to find and support the voices who wish to rise above it all. We need to find more common ground. Have more empathy for our neighbors and recognize that many of the problems we are facing are systemic and brought about by forces of greed and the lust for power. David Pisarra is a Los Angeles Divorce and Child Custody Lawyer specializing in Father’s and Men’s Rights with the Santa Monica firm of Pisarra & Grist. He welcomes your questions and comments. He can be reached at dpisarra@ pisarra.com or 310/664-9969. You can follow him on Twitter @davidpisarra
smdp.com6 TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 NEWS 1847 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 ▪ (310) 458 -8717 (on-call - 24/7) woodlawn.cemetery@santamonica.gov ▪ www.woodlawnsm.com City of Santa WOODLAWNMonicaCemeteryMausoleumMortuary FD #2101 ● Traditional Burial ● Green/Natural Burial ● Cremation ● Funeral Planning & Mortuary Services ALL IN ONE LOCATION
Send comments editor@smdp.comtoDave Pisarra DEMOCRACY DEMANDS
To get started, contact the Preferred Banking Office nearest you or scan the QR code to learn more. 5-MONTH CD firstrepublic.com/CD Santa Monica, 431 Wilshire Boulevard, (310) 393-8889
The fact that as a gay man, who fights in court for fathers and children would be more than enough to ruffle the feather of the powers that be and prevent me from participating. Which is why I have been calling for a commission on the status of men and boys in the city for years. But we all know that’s a non-starter as well. No one gives two dead cockroaches about men dying of substance abuse, not taking care of themselves physically, having emotional needs or their parental rights being interfered with, let alone men as victims of domestic violence because we all know that men can’t be victims. Then there’s the fact that so men are homeless and/or having mental health issues, that’s still not a very sexy topic for a politician to run on. Even if you gussie it up and talk about how those problems start when the men are boys – not that important.BUT!
This time last year I wrote a column suggesting that the city of Santa Monica needed a diversity commission and that I was willing to serve. I had applied to the Commission on the status of women, and we all knew that was a non-starter.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Santa Monica invites sealed proposals for RFP: #325 RTG FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OFFICER
Helping families
•Submission Deadline Is September 7, 2022 at 3:00 PM Pacific Time. Proposals must include forms furnished by the City of Santa Monica. Request for Proposals may be obtained on the City’s Online Vendor Portal. The website for this Request for Proposals and related documents is ProcureNow (https://secure.procurenow.com/portal/santa-monicaca). There is no charge for the RFP package.
I didn’t see the request for applications for the new Human Services Commission, so when that happened I wasn’t in the party. But there are two openings. One appointed member has apparently withdrawn so now my new application has a better shot. There’s two spots and four applicants.
honor, remember, and celebrate life.

BETH HARRIS AP Sports Writer The Los Angeles Dodgers and two-time All-Star Max Muncy agreed Monday on a $13.5 million, one-year contract for 2023 The deal includes a $10 million club option for 2024 with no buyout. His option price can increase by $4 million based on plate appearances next year: $250,000 each for 50, 250, 300 and 350, $500,000 apiece for 400 and 450, and $1 million each for 500 and 550. He would get a one-time assignment bonus of $1 million if traded.“This place means everything to me. There’s not anywhere else that I’d rather play,” Muncy said. “Hopefully, there’s more after that.”The outfielder, who turns 32 next week, has struggled this season. He’s hitting .190 with 16 homers and 47 RBIs while playing in 99 games for the team with the best record in baseball.Muncy has shown signs of coming around this month when he’s batted .328 with seven homers and 15 RBI and a 1.185 OPS. Manager Dave Roberts said Muncy’s improved numbers are encouraging. “But this was already in the works when he wasn’t swinging well,” he said. Last season, Muncy hit .249 with a careerhigh 36 homers and 94 RBIs and career-bests in total bases (262) and extra-base hits (64). He earned his second All-Star selection, but his year ended early when he injured the UCL on his glove hand on a play at first base in the last game of the regular season. “I feel pretty close. I’m not going to say 100%,” he said of his physical status. “If I can get right for October, that’s what I care about.” He’s in his fifth season with the Dodgers. AP Baseball Writer Ronald Blum in New York contributed to this report. office (310) 458-7737
SUBJECT: A public hearing will be held by the Zoning Administrator to consider the following request:
program in response to research showing that many people lose housing as the result of some type of financial shock. “It could be a car accident, a trip to the hospital, something that happens with workin any one of these cases, the person gets off track and it can lead to a cascading series of issues which prevents them from being able to pay rent and ultimately getting evicted.” Miller said that the goal is to provide people in these situations with the money they need to survive a short-term crisis and help them to become financially stable. To be eligible to receive a loan from the STEP Fund, a person must be below the area median income and demonstrate they are at risk of eviction or in need of assistance to pay bills or secure housing. The loans are interest-free and recipients have three years to repay them. The STEP Fund’s model is currently being studied by the University of Notre Dame’s Lab for Economic Opportunity. While it is too early to know the full extent of the results, and there has been debate about how effective micro loans truly are, Miller is hopeful the program will reduce homelessness by preventing people from becoming unhoused in the first place. According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, 82,955 people became homeless in LA County in 2019. The fund conducted a small-scale pre-pilot of the program last year, giving out 35 loans to eligible people in the county. Courtney Bailey, a mother of five young children was one of the recipients.Inthefall of last year, Bailey got a call she had dreamed of receiving. A four bedroom apartment in an income-based rental unit was available. It was far bigger, more spacious and well kept than her home at the time.
In an e ort to reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus (COVID-19), members of the Zoning Administrator and City Sta will participate via teleconference. Participants may join the teleconference via https://primetime.bluejeans. com/a2m/live-event/erjtkjhz or by dialing in at 1-415-466-7000 (PIN: 7933565 #).
920 Marine Street
“My situation was not the best, our apartment was super small, there were a lot of repairs and the landlord wouldn’t pay for anything,” she said. Bailey was thrilled by the news, but then came the caveat- the new apartment was only hers if she could pay the $500 move-in deposit within ten days, something she knew she couldn’t afford to do. “At the time I was on leave due to COVID, so I was on leave without pay basically,” Bailey said. “The money I did have was used for my children and food and trying to stay afloat with stuff like that.” She told the person who had helped her find the new apartment about her situation and he connected her with the STEP Fund. Within a week she had applied and been approved for the loan and the STEP fund sent the money directly to the new apartment to secure her spot. Bailey has since gone back to work as a mail clerk at the post office, graduated college and written a children’s book. She said none of it would have been possible without the loan and now that she is in a better place she has already started making payments and is determined to pay it back as soon as possible. “I feel like I’m starting to gain some ability to have financial freedom,” she said. “My goal is to pay it back before the three years.” Miller said he expects there to be some loans that don’t get paid back in full but said the program has accounted for that in its funding model. However, he hopes that the majority of the recipients, like Bailey, will want to pay it forward and allow the program to become self-sustaining- providing loans to more people who need it, when they need it. For more information on the project, visit www.thestepfund.org. grace@smdp.com
Dodgers, Muncy agree to $13.5M deal for 2023
ESPAÑOL Esto es una noticia de una audiencia pública para revisar applicaciónes proponiendo desarrollo en Santa Monica. Si deseas más información, favor de llamar a Carmen Gutierrez en la División de Planificación al número (310) 458-8341.
If you want more information about this project or wish to review the project file, please contact Becky Cho by e-mail at becky.cho@santamonica.gov. The Zoning Ordinance is available on the City’s web site at www.smgov.net. For disability-related accommodations, please contact (310) 458-8341 or (310) 458-8696 TTY at least 72 hours in advance. Every attempt will be made to provide the requested accommodation. All written materials are available in alternate format upon request. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65009(b), if this matter is subsequently challenged in Court, the challenge may be limited to only those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Santa Monica at, or prior to, the public hearing.
The City of Santa Monica encourages public comment. Those wishing to give written public comment shall email comments to planningcomment@smgov.net. Comments received later than 5:30 P.M. the day before the meeting will be read aloud at the meeting (with time limitations) and must be received prior to the Zoning Administrator’s consideration of the item. Please note the agenda item in your comments. Additionally, public comment can be made by telephone by calling 1-888-240-2560 (Meeting ID: 212563762 and Passcode: 2434 followed by #) when the caller queue opens for the item on which you wish to comment. Remarks from the public made by telephone will be limited to up to 3 minutes per item. Please check the agenda for more detailed instructions on how to comment. Address your comments to:Becky Cho, Associate Planner Re: 22ENT-0162
The applicant requests approval of a height modification for a new 8-foot-high fence with two sliding driveway gates facing Marine Street and both side parcel lines in the front yard setback. The proposed 8-foot-high fence exceeds the maximum allowable height of 42 inches in the front setback in the Multi-Unit Residential (R2) zoning district. Pursuant to Santa Monica Municipal Code (SMMC) Sections 9.21.050 and 9.04.050(D), fences, walls, or hedges cannot exceed a maximum height of 42 inches within the required front yard setback as measured from the lowest finished grade adjacent to either side of the fence, wall, or hedge. Pursuant to SMMC Section 9.04.050(D), in the cases of fences, walls, or hedges that are parallel to and within 5 feet of a public sidewalk, grade shall be the elevation of the closest point on the sidewalk. SMMC Section 9.43.080(B) allows an applicant to request a modification to this height limitation in the front yard setback.

I, Keith Knox, County of Los Angeles Treasurer and Tax Collector, State of California, certify that: Notice is given that by operation of law at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time, on July 1, 2020, the Tax Collector declared the real properties listed below tax defaulted. The declaration of default was due to non-payment of the total amount due for the taxes, assessments, and other charges levied in tax year 2019-20 that were a lien on the listed real property. Non-residential commercial property and property upon which there is a recorded nuisance abatement lien shall be subject to the tax collector’s power to sell after three years of defaulted taxes. Therefore, if the 2019-20 taxes remain defaulted after June 30, 2023, the property will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell and eligible for sale at the County’s online auction in 2024. All other property that has defaulted taxes after June 30, 2025, will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell and eligible for sale at the County’s online auction in 2026. The list contains the name of the assessee and the total tax, which was due on June 30, 2020, for tax year 2019-20, opposite the parcel number. Payments to redeem tax-defaulted real property shall include all amounts for unpaid taxes and assessments, together with the additional penalties and fees as prescribed by law, or paid under an installment plan of redemption if initiated prior to the property becoming subject to the tax collector’s power to sell. The Treasurer and Tax Collector’s Office will furnish, upon request, information concerning making a payment in full or initiating an installment plan of redemption. Requests must be made at 225 North Hill Street, First Floor Lobby, Los Angeles, California 90012. For more information, please visit our website at ttc.lacounty.gov or contact us at (213) 974-2111. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Los Angeles, California, on August 4, 2022 KEITH KNOX TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA Assessees/taxpayers, who have disposed of real property after January 1, 2019, may find their names listed because the Office of the Assessor has not yet updated the assessment roll to reflect the change in ownership.
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR Notice of Divided Publication NOTICE OF DIVIDED PUBLICATION OF THE PROPERTY TAX-DEFAULT LIST (DELINQUENT LIST) Made pursuant to Section 3371, Revenue and Taxation Code Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 3381 through 3385, the County of Los Angeles Treasurer and Tax Collector is publishing in divided distribution, the Notice of Power to Sell TaxDefaulted Property in and for the County of Los Angeles (County), State of California, to various newspapers of general circulation published in the County. A portion of the list appears in each of such newspapers.
ASSESSOR’S IDENTIFICATION NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Assessor’s Identification Number, when used to describe property in this list, refers to the Assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map (if applicable), and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The Assessor’s maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available at the Office of the Assessor. The following property tax defaulted on July 1, 2020, for the taxes, assessments, and other charges for the Tax Year 2019-20: LISTED BELOW ARE PROPERTIES THAT DEFAULTED IN 2020 FOR TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND 0THER CHARGES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020. AMOUNT OF DELINQUENCY AS OF THIS PUBLICATION IS LISTED BELOW. ALI, RASHEEMA L AND ALI, RAYAZ N SITUS 1850 EUCLID ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-7010 4283028-012 $4,295.87 ALI, SHAFEIK AND ZOBEEDA TRS ALI FAMILY TRUST SITUS 1125 ASHLAND AVE SANTA MONICA CA 90405-5708 4285-013-025 $433.27 SITUS 740 RAYMOND AVE SANTA MONICA CA 90405-4520 4287-017-019 $438.05 AMBROSE, PATRICK SITUS 201 OCEAN AVE NO 1608P SANTA MONICA CA 90402-5134 4293-019125 $30,690.27 ANDERSON, NICOLE K SITUS 22 NAVY ST NO 303 LOS ANGELES CA 660ARGYROPOULOSARGYROPOULOS,4286-018-051/S2017-010/90291-2474PETERTRPETERTRUSTSITUSSUNSETAVELOSANGELESCA 90291-2733 4240-013-020 $127,642.54 BATTEN, HUGH AND REBECCA SITUS 22 NAVY ST NO 104 LOS ANGELES CA 90291-2471 4286-018-038 $19,060.99 BELL, EDWARD AND PATRICIA SITUS 1917 20TH ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-4717 4274-020-015 $66,952.29 BEROOKHIM, JACK AND MANIJEH SITUS 324 MARGUERITA AVE SANTA MONICA CA 904021624 4293-008-029 $21,540.61 BHOLAT, KIRAN SITUS 7508 W 91ST ST LOS ANGELES CA 90045-3433 4119-004-008 $56,175.01 CARITAS ACQUISITIONS V LLC SITUS 1930 STEWART ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-4944 4268-016-009/ S2018-010 $94,374.87 CHANES, PHYLLIS R SITUS 579 GRAND BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 90291-4224 4238-017-041 $22,623.18 CHOWDHURY, MASHUK SITUS 1127 15TH ST A SANTA MONICA CA 90403-5520 4281-005-035 $937.08 CORRAL, JAVIER SITUS 1837 20TH ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-3912 4274-010-013 $10,374.64 CORRAL, JAVIER TR JAVIER CORRAL TRUST SITUS 1907 EUCLID ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-4609 4283-029-012 $9,876.35 CORRAL, JOSE L AND MARGARITA TRS CORRAL TRUST SITUS 2009 OAK ST SANTA MONICA CA 90405-4909 4272-001-015 $31,051.35 DA BEEC 007 LLC SITUS 2627 3RD ST SANTA MONICA CA 90405-4178 4287-011-010 $139,699.87 DEBEIKES, BRITTANY D SITUS 359 ROSE AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90291-2687 4286001-009 $5,678.46 DELGADO, HORTENSIA SITUS 820 LINCOLN BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 902912847 4243-033-004 $1,205.28 DORANIAN, ROYA SITUS 1144 10TH ST 9 SANTA MONICA CA 904035362 4281-028-104 $558.64 DROMY, ELY CO TR DROMY FAMILY TRUST 1112 INVESTMENT COMPANY LLC SITUS 1433 21ST ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-2962 4275007-005 $18,680.84 ELIASOVA, MARIA TR MARIA ELIASOVA TRUST SITUS 5514 PACIFIC AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90292-7122 4294008-066 $21,558.39 ENNABE FINANCIAL LP SITUS 724 LINCOLN BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 902912802 4243-030-008 $12,379.32 EUCLID BROADWAY PARTNERS LLC SITUS 1512 EUCLID ST SANTA MONICA CA 90404-3307 4282032-003 $24,121.40 FAHRER, ANA F SITUS 618 5TH AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90291-2644 4240-014-005 $19,932.21 FONG, HO CHUNG D AND AUDRA L SITUS 1519 STANFORD ST NO 4 SANTA MONICA CA 90404-3667 4267-026-058 $21,297.73 GOLDSTEIN, WILLIAM TR WILLIAM GOLDSTEIN TRUST SITUS 124 MONTANA AVE SANTA MONICA CA 90403-1010 4292025-056 $560.00 GORDON, MILA SITUS 13206 FIJI WAY APT 000A LOS ANGELES CA TRUST$2,233.1390405-41402NDLISA$40,727.69CAMARINATIRTO,DJOJO024-013ANGELESSITUSCHRISTINE196VENICE13600$19,104.5090405-1316LINCOLNAND004-032MONICASITUSCO$4,771.84CA1240ANDKAIN,470719THJONES,2089AVEZAHRASHAHROUZ007-128MONICAM001-109ANGELES8650WOO4228-005-004AVEHOILI,5124BLVDTRUSTCLABE002-007MONICASITUSTR060VENICE13600MARTIN066MONICASITUSTR$54,272.384294-004-047/S2018-010LOSTRUSTTR$22,573.664224-017-012/S2019-01090292-7070GOSSELIN,CRAIGECOCRAIGANDJANNAGOSSELINSITUS28PRIVATEERSTANGELESCA90292-6785GOTTSTEIN,DORENEMDORENEMGOTTSTEINTRUST92214THSTNO202SANTACA90403-31244281-014-$271.42GRUBER,MARTINTRGRUBERTRUSTSITUSMARINAPOINTEDR409CA90292-92484229-018-$41,790.03HANSON,VANITAVIRGINIAHANSONDECDTRUST233526THSTSANTACA90405-19034270-$4,484.73HARTLEY,COTRHARTLEYFAMILYSITUS32WASHINGTONLOSANGELESCA90292-4225-001-004$10,211.69MARIASITUS2332BEACHLOSANGELESCA90291-4603$95,477.26HWANG,JUNGANDYOUNGOKSITUSGULANAAVENOC2065LOSCA90293-73504119-$6,414.78ILLIONS,DAVIDSITUS520STRANDST7SANTACA90405-24874289-$2,968.27JAHANSHAHI,ANDMOSTAFAVI,SITUS1337WELLESLEY104LOSANGELESCA90025-4267-033-058$7,453.47SHEDRICKSITUS1963STSANTAMONICACA90404-4274-019-004$14,038.67WILLIAMGCOTRWILLIAMBROOKEKAINTRUSTSITUSPRESTONWAYLOSANGELES90291-29444244-027-016KAZERANI,ALEXANDERATRKAZERANIFAMILYTRUST111716THSTNO3SANTACA90403-55444281-$985.94KILLIAN,PAULSUZANNERSITUS2017BLVDSANTAMONICACA4284-002-004KIM,YOUNGSITUSMARINAPOINTEDR1505CA90292-92534229-018-$32,589.65KORNYLAK,ANDGOLDSTEIN,QUINN1146GARFIELDAVELOSCA90291-49374237-$13,452.89KUSUMO,ANDANDREA,SIANNEANDHANNASITUS13600POINTEDR1206VENICE90292-92524229-018-169LANGLOIS,LISATRLANGLOISTRUSTSITUS2721STNO215SANTAMONICACA4287-023-069LEE,ADRIENNEMTRLEESITUS2003NAVYSTSANTA CA 90405-5945 4272006-010 $59,919.86 SITUS 655 COPELAND CT SANTA MONICA CA 90405-4478 4287-015039 $21,959.30 LENEMAN, MICHAEL SITUS 918 GARFIELD AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90291-4933 4237025-039 $7,844.03 BROOKS LLC SITUS 748 BROOKS AVE LOS ANGELES CA ROMANO,ROMANO,1432202SITUSCO$10,375.9390405-4344RAYMONDCOURTYARD$129,736.23S2018-010/S2019-01090291-4683CARROLL$9,076.4890404-455918554282-022-026ST023MONICASITUS$2,441.0190291-3309BROADWAYPETRELLA,24025THAPERRONE,S2017-010/S2018-01090292-6310MINDANAOMUSLEH,004-027/S2019-010MONICASITUS004-026/S2019-010MONICALLCMOLLICA4289-018-056STINVESTMENTS2017-01090403-1020AVEAND$2,229.3890293-8269REDLANDSMCKAY,9268POINTEKINGMCINERNEY,4272-018-007SANTAFAMILYAND0104239-013-040/S2018-005/S2019-90291-3425$279.82MARQUEZ,SAMUELEUGENIASTRSMARQUEZTRUSTSITUS2336HILLSTMONICACA90405-6002$4,568.69ANNEHANDHARRIS,RSITUS13700MARINADR1224VENICECA90292-4229-020-054$58,559.52PATRICIAASITUS8163ST72LOSANGELESCA4118-003-184MERRIHUE,JEFFREYMARIALSITUS801OCEANNO602SANTAMONICACA4292-025-052/$79,711.23MLRLLCSITUS212BAYSANTAMONICACA90405-1004$84,826.11PROPERTYINVESTMENTSSITUS2943MAINSTSANTACA90405-53154288-$167,623.872941MAINSTSANTACA90405-64054288-$161,091.34SIMONSITUS13206WAYLOSANGELESCA4224-024-003/$64.17MICHELEATRMICHELEPERRONETRUSTSITUS2218STSANTAMONICACA90405-4289-008-005$697.37JOSEPHFSITUS535STLOSANGELESCA4239-011-026PJG/LPCORPORATION200620THSTSANTACA90404-47544274-019-$32,615.43SITUS144414THSANTAMONICACA90404-2704$12,608.41SITUS9THSTSANTAMONICACA4283-021-021PYRITEBVSITUS453CANALLOSANGELESCA4227-001-004/RAYMONDLLCSITUS420AVESANTAMONICACA4287-020-030RICHEIMER,MARILYNTRRICHEIMERFAMILYTRUST270PALISADESBEACHRDSANTAMONICACA90402-4293-017-013$10,920.99MARIOANDANYAANDSANDRASITUS1234 NO C2053 LOS ANGELES CA 90293-7330 4119-001-115 $7,604.87 SCHUPFER, WALTER SITUS 1018 AMOROSO PL LOS ANGELES CA 90291-3944 4242003-016 $12,370.98 SELBO ARIZONA LLC SITUS 2601 ARIZONA AVE SANTA MONICA CA 904041408 4267-007-019 $69.50 SHETTY, NIKI ALEXANDER AND NARAYANASWAMY, BHAMINI SITUS 4060 GLENCOE AVE 205 MARINA DEL REY CA 90292-5882 4230007-069/S2018-010 $2,855.25 TAYLOR, TERENCE SITUS 2115 OCEAN PARK BLVD SANTA MONICA CA 90405-5024 4273-016-011 $1,110.50 TONCHIA, ALESSANDRO SITUS 1649 APPIAN WAY NO 206 SANTA MONICA CA 90401-3238 4290-018-029 $14,775.97 TYSEN PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC SITUS 630 IDAHO AVE NO 308 SANTA MONICA CA 90403-2759 2022CN9896441012106AVES2017-01090292-5989PACIFICDEVELOPMENT001-005ANGELESSITUS30-344839BLVDLLC027-111MONICACALIFORNIAUNIT$4,155.12CA1106VLADIMER027VENICEMICHAELWYATT3011STWONG,3461NOCHAN,$3,788.40CASITUS$22,369.50007-097/S2018-010/S2019-0104292-WINTERS,PATRISHAR31015THSTSANTAMONICA90402-22124279-030-038WONG,EUNICEANDDAWNSITUS91121STSTASANTAMONICACA90403-4277-013-063$30,934.68HARRYPSITUS153112THNO6SANTAMONICACA90401-4282-032-040$3,656.85MOORE,LAANDMOORE,RSITUS2910OCEANAVECA90291-46644228-015-$11,661.20YERMILOV,P&NATALIJAVSITUSGARFIELDAVELOSANGELES90291-49374237-024-003101CALIFORNIAAVE1406LLCSITUS101AVENO1406SANTACA90403-35254292-$411.941712AKHOLDINGSSITUS1712ABBOTKINNEYLOSANGELESCA90291-4228-001-038$1,213.51WASHINGTONBLVDLLC30WASHINGTONBLVDLOSCA90292-51244225-$22,793.034000PACIFICLLCSITUS4000AVELOSANGELESCA4225-010-061/$516.47833OCEANLLCSITUS833OCEANAVESANTAMONICACA90403-4292-025-066$1,954.14534Aug30,Sep6,13,
MORNINGSIDE WAY LOS ANGELES CA 90291-2932 4244-019-019/ S2017-010 $55,361.11 ROXYO6 LLC SITUS 947 INDIANA AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90291-2854 4243031-016/S2018-010 $2,325.38 SADEGHI, PARRISH SITUS 4060 GLENCOE AVE 323 MARINA DEL REY CA 90292-5886 4230-007118 $708.27 SCHOOLSKY, GARY L AND ARIEL E SITUS 8650 GULANA AVE
HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00am - 5:00pm LOCATION 1640 5th Street, Suite 218, Santa Monica,CA 90401 Classifieds
smdp.com8 TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 NEWS Notices

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Education is a constant for you. The world is your textbook, lab and think tank. At day’s end, you’ll be like a college student coming out of a long day of lectures -- brain full, ready to blow off some steam.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There’s excitement in imagining what life will bring you. Making plans helps you realize just what you want. Don’t worry, your life will still be spontaneous. The detours will be all the more delightful when there’s a plan to veer from.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There are those who seem to see themselves as superior to the rest and want to be treated as such. Though you like to help people feel important, you draw the line at feeding an unhealthy superiority complex.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Remind yourself that you may want a thing but you don’t need it. This gives you leverage. Don’t rush to come to an agreement. If you walk away, or seem like you’re about to, the other side will sweeten the deal.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While you had good reasons to fear certain situations and people, your knowledge and capability has grown since then. From this more powerful position you can effectively handle these challenges. Move forward. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your fantasy life and your reality will intersect in a way that will have you wondering if you made this happen with your powerful thoughts or predicted it would happen through your exceptional intuition. Either way, it’s on. Flexibility of mind and perspective is your cosmic birthday gift, a talent you’ll apply to understanding the broader context of things and fitting into the big picture in more powerful and successful ways. More features: a secret wish answered, a family legacy proudly upheld and the purchase of a property. Pisces and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 1, 2, 23, 18 and 41.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You don’t have to be doing something at every moment to be extremely productive. In fact, overworking and too much activity is bad for your bottom line. Take it easy; play it cool. Slow and steady wins the day.
SOLUTIONS TO YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU YESTERDAY’S CROSSWORD Sudoku Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each num ber can appear only once in each row, col umn, and 3x3 block. Use logic and pro cess of elimination to solve the puzzle.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re not a vengeful person, but you do believe in justice, and there’s something you feel you must put right. You will get your opportunity in time. When that time comes, your next move will be obvious. Until then, focus elsewhere.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Though you may feel wary about change, letting go of attachments will clear the way for new energy. Try not to think of the exchange as a loss but rather as a trade. You’ll know when the deal feelsLEOright.(July 23-Aug. 22). To relieve someone’s suffering elevates your own experience. And if that someone happens to be you, you get the helper’s high and the benefit of the help all at once. Every healing and each good feeling raises the vibe for all.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’re willing to try new approaches, so you’ll get to one that works better. Be patient! Believe! It will happen! An action will provide immediate relief from fear and stress and give you something to help you leap to the next.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Waves break on the shore of a relationship -- nobody’s fault but the tide’s. Blame it on the moon, and then get up on your boards and ride this out. It could be scary, fun, a high point or a wash. You’ll never know until you try.
Dogs of C-Kennel
Strange Brew By JOHN DEERING
TO YESTERDAY’S WORDS PUZZLE. Escape to the tropics

The California Heritage Museum is proud to announce the return of the weekly Gourmet Food Truck event, taking place every Wednesday evening. Come taste delicious food located one block from the beach, in the parking lot of the California Heritage Museum at 2612 Main Street (on the corner of Main Street and Ocean Park Boulevard), in beautiful Santa Monica. Available are a variety of food trucks, each hosting a different type of cuisine. Among the trucks scheduled to attend are “Rice Balls of Fire” and “Cerda Vega Tacos”. A preview of each truck’s menu can be seen by visiting the museum’s website. Parking is available within the museum’s lot. Additionally, visitors to the museum event can find parking in adjacent parking lots. For additional information, please contact the California Heritage Museum’s staff directly by calling (310) 392-8537 or emailing the museum at mail@californiaheritagemuseum.org.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Regular meeting of the City Council. Closed session begins at 5:30 p.m. For more information including agendas and changes to the regular schedule, visit: page.arenet/departments/clerk/agendas.aspx.https://www.smgov.MeetingsavailableontheCity’swebsiteandYoutube
FLOATING FITNESS WORKOUT $20/class, pre-register online through Reserve Santa Monica. Floating Fitness Workouts with BOGAFiT builds strength, deepens flexibility, and improves balance and coordination. Wear a bathing suit or workout clothes. Be ready to get wet -- you may fall into the pool. Annenberg Community Beach House. 8:30-9:30 a.m. Draw Date: 8/20 5 9 11 16 66 Power#: 7 Jackpot: 90 M Draw Date: 8/19 12 18 24 46 65 Mega#: Jackpot:3116 M Draw Date: 8/20 1 7 18 22 38 Mega#: Jackpot:418 M Draw Date: 8/21 1 4 15 24 36 Draw Date: 8/21 EVENING: 8 6 3 Draw Date: 8/21 MIDDAY: 3 0 1 Draw Date: 8/21 1st: 04 - Big Ben 2nd: 01 - Gold Rush 3rd: 06 - Whirl Win Race Time: 1:47.25
Date Day Time (LST/LDT) Predicted (ft)High/Low New SW/SSW swell gradually creeps in and NW windswell rebounds. Morning is cleanest, and with a decent tide push. SW/SSW swell picks up further and peaks, showing best west of Dume. Small NW swell mix blending in to occasionally help shape. TUESDAY SURF: POOR TO FAIR 3-4ft Waist to chest WEDNESDAY SURF: FAIR 3-4ft Waist to chest SURF REPORT WATER TEMP: 73.0
SUNSET SWIM Enjoy a fun evening at the pool, exclusively for adults ages 18+. $10 adults, $5 senior (60+). Outside food welcome, no glass, no alcohol. Annenberg Community Beach House. 6 - 9 p.m.
The Annenberg Community Beach House gated area, including the courtyard and splash pad, are open to the public daily. Check the Beach House website calendar or call 310-458-4904 to confirm. Annenberg Community Beach House. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
CONVERSATION, LOW Santa Monica Public Library hosts an ongoing series of English as a Second Language (ESL) classes taught by Adult Education Center instructors. Classes are free and students must be 18 years or older to attend. Community parents and SMMUSD parents have priority enrollment. Learn more about California adult education at caladulted.org. Enrollment is through the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Adult Education Center, located at 2510 Lincoln Blvd., Room 203, Santa Monica, CA, 90405. Contact Olga Saucedo at (310) 6646222, ext.76203 or osaucedo@smmusd.org to enroll. Pico Branch Library. 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the winning number information, mis takes can occur. In the event of any discrepancies, California State laws and California Lottery regulations will prevail. Complete game information and prize claiming instructions are available at California Lottery retailers. Visit the California State Lottery web site at http://www.calottery.com DAILY
Special meeting of the City Council. Closed session begins at 5:30 p.m. For more information including agendas and changes to the regular schedule, visit: page.arenet/departments/clerk/agendas.aspx.https://www.smgov.MeetingsavailableontheCity’swebsiteandYoutube
Westside What’s Up out and about in Santa Monica For help submitting an event, contact us at 310-458-7737 or submit to events@smdp.com
Come celebrate the 50th anniversary of the “finest surf film ever made” at Laemmle Monica Film Center. When Greg MacGillivray and Jim Freeman’s iconic surf film Five Summer Stories premiered in 1972, it took the surfing world by storm. The film’s unusual format – a montage of five-plus exciting, controversial and beautiful vignettes or stories – perfectly captured a fractured era in which an explosion of creativity and revolutionary change was shaking down the old order, taking the sport of surfing into new and unknown territory. Five Summer Stories is directed and produced by Greg MacGillivray and Jim Freeman, and photographed by MacGillivray, Freeman, Bud Browne (“Going Surfin’”) and George Greenough, with narration written by Drew Kampion. Music is composed by the 1970s rock/surf band Honk and features songs by the Beach Boys. The film features 35 surfers, including Gerry Lopez, David Nuuhiwa, Eddie Aikau, Jeff Hakman, Corky Carroll, Buttons Kaluhiokalani, Dru Harrison, Shaun Tomson, Margo Godfrey Oberg, Lynne Boyer, Billy Hamilton, Sammy Hawk, Herbie Fletcher, Rory Russell, and many more. The 135-minute runtime includes a 15 minute intermission. Find more information and reserve your spot stories#get-tickets.https://www.laemmle.com/film/five-summer-here:
Tuesday: Cloudy through mid morning, then gradual clearing, with a high near 74. Tuesday Night: Patchy fog after 11pm. Otherwise, mostly clear, with a low around 64. Wednesday: Sunny, with a high near 74. East southeast wind 5 to 10 mph. Wednesday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 65. 2022/08/23 Tue 02:35 AM 0.10 L 2022/08/23 Tue 09:18 AM 3.95 H 2022/08/23 Tue 1:45 PM 2.77 L 2022/08/23 Tue 7:49 PM 5.68 H 2022/08/24 Wed 03:05 AM -0.07 L 2022/08/24 Wed 09:36 AM 4.07 H 2022/08/24 Wed 2:18 PM 2.49 L 2022/08/24 Wed 8:24 PM 5.91 H 2022/08/25Thu 03:31 AM -0.17 L 2022/08/25Thu 09:55 AM 4.19 H 2022/08/25Thu 2:50 PM 2.23 L 2022/08/25Thu 8:56 PM 6.05 H 2022/08/26Fri 03:56 AM -0.19 L 2022/08/26Fri 10:16 AM 4.33 H 2022/08/26Fri 3:22 PM 1.99 L 2022/08/26Fri 9:27 PM 6.07 H 2022/08/27Sat 04:21 AM -0.13 L 2022/08/27Sat 10:38 AM 4.50 H

ADVERTISEMENT smdp.com12 TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2022 online on-campus& SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Louise Jaffe, Chair; Barry Snell, Vice Chair; Dr. Susan Aminoff; Dr. Nancy Greenstein; Dr. Margaret Quiñones-Perez; Rob Rader; Dr. Sion Roy; Catalina Fuentes Aguirre, Student Trustee; Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D., Superintendent/President Santa Monica College | 1900 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 | smc.edu Classes Auguststart 29 smc.edu/fall Making #1EducationHigherAordableinTransfersfor31Years SANTA MONICA COLLEGE