CENTRE OF INDIAN TRADE UNIONS Solidaridad CENTRE OF INDIAN TRADE UNIONS B.T. Ranadive Bhavan, 13A, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi – 110 002, India Phone: 0091 11 23221288, Fax: 0091 11 23221284 e.mail:cituinternational@bol.net.in 9 th October 2009 His Excellency the President Government of Mexico Through His Excellency the Ambassador of Mexico in India Your Excellency, We are shocked to know that your Government has announced budget cuts for Public Sector Companies including the Luz y Fuerza del Ccentro. Such unfortunate action by your Government, as aprehended, would seriously affect the important work of construction and expansion of electrical substations, transmission lines and distribution of electricity to the people of Mexico. It is a matter of shock and shame that your Government, it seems, has not taken any lesson from the current crisis of capitalist economic system resulted in due to the failure and meltdown of neo-liberal economic policies dictated by the imperialist forces led by the USA and pursuing the path of privatization. We totally oppose such action.
Further, we have learnt that the federal Government of Mexico is interfering in the internal affairs of the SME by refusing to accept the democratic verdict of the workers who have elected Comrade Martin Esparza Flores as the Secretary General of SME through exercise of Secret Ballot. This is a naked act of violation of democratic trade union rights of the workers. We condemn such antilabour policy and act of your Government.
We express our solidarity with the SME and electricity workers of Mexico in their fight to defend public sector and defend trade union rights. We demand that electricity sector must effectively continue to be in public sector and must receive due budgetary support from the Government. We also demand that election of Comrade Martin Esparza Flores as the Secretary General of SME must be accepted by the Government.
Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Swadesh Dev Roye National Secretary & Head of International Affairs