How Online Learning Overpowered Traditional Learning During Covid-19?
The rise of online education is much relevant in the current global perspective. In other words an entry point for future education. E-Learning played a key role in the betterment of the students without disrupting their studies. As we know, the covid-19 pandemic forced all the economic activities to shut including educational institutes. It restricted students’ school education and put a question mark on their career. But despite all, students adopted online learning to resume their studies is admirable. Online education acted as a bridge between schools and students. GSEB Learning App is carving the future of students with full-fledged dedication. When we talk in a global scenario, the statistics show about 1.2 billion students in more than 188 countries are affected due to school closure in the covid-19 pandemic. The education experts were in a dilemma where the global pandemic will lead the future of students. The sudden shift away from classrooms to e-platforms was the burning topic for discussion.
Sole benefits of e-learning in covid-19 pandemic
Remote learning: Online education derived the most crucial feature that is learning from home. During the pandemic, when restrictions are imposed to stay at home. It is the best way to learn in isolation. Pre-recorded classes: In case students are unable to attend scheduled online classes for any reason. The education apps facilitate them to get pre-recorded lectures to resume studies without disruption. Affordable education: With the discontinuance of economic activities due to lockdown, the source of income declined respectively. Here the cost-effective online education system relieved parents and students to get benefits thereto. Instant doubt clearing: The online interaction between teachers and students turned into solving students’ queries conveniently. Open communication in online classrooms helped students to get immediate solutions to subject doubts. Parents & Teachers Meetup: Video meetup between teachers and parents is an effective model to get children’s report cards. Teachers put students’ progress reports, areas of improvement, behavior, classroom attention, and interaction before their parents. Download: Download CBSE Books For Class 10 Difference between Online Learning and Traditional Learning
ONLINE VS TRADITIONAL Remote Learning |School Learning Anytime & Anywhere Learning |Ontime & at a fixed place learning Flexible Learning | Imposed Learning Free from transportation cost | Transportation cost is included Affordable Education | Expensive Education Pre-Recorded Classes Available | No concept of Pre-Recorded Classes Isolated Learning | Group Learning Limited Interaction | Extensive Interaction
More from Nimesh Soni Our Learning Programs provide students a holistic Audio/Video learning experience. We offer educational videos, interactive animations, quizzes and assessments. Apr 7
Avail Online GSEB Education For Class 10 The concept of online learning is vast and growing rapidly in the current scenario. The trend of online education widely accepted after the spread of the covid 19 pandemic around the world. In other words, the pandemic played a vital role to realise the importance of E-Learning apps among people. Easy Education is a reliable education platform for the preparation of Online GSEB Education For Class 10. The motto of the e-learning app is to offer quality education to boost students’ learning skills, thinking skills, technical and writing skills. GSEB education app keeps all learning stuff relevant for class 10… Read more · 2 min read
Mar 16
Freely Download CBSE Books for Class 10 Exam Preparation
Easy Education is an online education platform that offers quality pdf textbooks to download for class 10. The textbooks are useful for interactive and logical learning and cover the entire syllabus. We provide free pdf solution books including science, history, Geography, Economics, political science, and maths. Download CBSE Books for Class 10 for in-depth learning and preparation for the exam. Our faculty members prepared PDF 10th CBSE Textbook Solutions after an in-depth analysis of study material & previous years’ exam question papers. The pdf textbooks included entire syllabus coverage, previous years’ exam solutions, model test papers, multiple-choice questions, graphical solutions… Read more · 3 min read
Mar 9
િતમ બોડ પર સો શ ુ ન
ાઓ તૈયાર કરવા માટ
.એસ.ઇ.બી. માટ વગ 10 મા સાય સ
ઇઝ એ ક ુ શનના અમારા શૈ ણક િન ણાતોએ વગ 10 ના િવ ાથ ઓ માટ લો જકલ સાય સ પીડ એફ પાઠય ુ તકો તૈયાર કયા છે . દરક માટ ુ તકો સરળતાથી ible સેિસબલ અને ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટ મફત છે . પીડ એફ પાઠય ુ તકો નવા એનસીઇઆરટ ના અ યાસ મ જ ુ બ ે તેમજ જ ુ રાત મા યમમાં ઉપલ ધ છે . એસઇબી માટ 10 મા િવ ાન સમાધાન સં ૂણ અ યાસ મ કવરજ, પાછલા વષની પર ા સો શ ુ સ, સા તા હક પર ણો, મોડલ પ ો, કરણ જ ુ બની પીડ એફ ન ધો અને ઘ ું બ ું શામેલ છે .
વગ 10
એસઇબી માટ પીડ એફ િવ ્ .◌ાન પાઠય ુ તકો
િવ ્ solutions◌ાન ઉકલો માટની પીડ એફ પાઠય ુ તકો in◌ંડાઈ અને અરસપરસ િશ ણ અને યાલોની understanding◌ંડા સમજ માટ મદદ પ છે . પાછલા વષ ની પર ાના પ ોના analysis◌ંડા િવ લેષણ પછ સરળ િશ ણની ફક ટ સ યોએ પીડ એફ િવ ્ .◌ાન પાઠય ુ તકો તૈયાર કયા… Read more · 3 min read