Harnessing Collective Innovation for Change
APRIL 8 - 10, 2025
Huntington Place | Detroit
Harnessing Collective Innovation for Change
APRIL 8 - 10, 2025
Huntington Place | Detroit
The aerospace and defense sectors of the manufacturing industry continue to deliver new processes and solutions to meet unique requirements.
How does the industry manage manufacturability to support the latest product design innovations?
Critical topics:
• Human-Machine integrated formations
• Reducing the logistics burden of our ground portfolio
• Advancing technology readiness
• AI machine learning
• Modeling and simulation
• Digital engineering
• System integration laboratories
• Hypersonics
• Gaps in legacy weapon systems
• Automation, assembly and robotics
A platform for networking with suppliers, from small businesses to the leading companies in aerospace, space, sea and land equipment manufacturing.
The evolution of rapid prototyping solutions in many industries has deepened the conversation on productionvolume manufacturing: the solutions provided by additive manufacturing have greatly evolved.
What are the current possibilities of Additive Manufacturing, and where is it headed in the future? Is it a short-term resolution or a long-term commitment?
Critical Topics:
• Advancing the casting and forging lead times
• Increase the reliability of supplier resources for materials
• Reverse engineering is used to ensure the sustainability of the DoD requirements
• Support for the demands of in-theatre sustainment
• Increase supply base fortitude with alternative suppliers
• Commercial product viability
• Cybersecurity through the supply chain
• Material grades for new product innovation
Conference presentations on advancing additive manufacturing that dynamically could alter many industries, from commercial in medicine to aerospace, then on to the sustainment of our defense systems.
Connect with professionals looking for integrated manufacturing solutions.
AeroDef exhibitors state that the audience profile of the event influences their decision to exhibit. AeroDef serves up attendees with extreme demand for capabilities that service aerospace, space, maritime, mobility and their respective defense sectors; each influence purchases and have significant budgets to spend. The AeroDef audience is fresh and interested in connecting with key enabling technology providers to solve their needs and those of their customers.
41% 9% of attendees influence the purchase decisions for their companies of attendees have contracts that exceed $200,000 of attendees are at the engineering level or higher of attendees have budgets that exceed $5,000,000
“A true window into the aerospace industry.
AeroDef provides an opportunity to hear OEMs and manufacturers’ future needs and technology strategies. This is very helpful for planning.”
“My first visit and it was impressive!
“The event is very focused! The people and information exchanged is top-notch.”
All the right people come together at the same place.”
AeroDef brings together the top leaders from government and industry.”
Vickers, FSME, Principal Technologist, Space Technology Mission Directorate, NASA SME Member Since 2017
Executives from these esteemed leaders collaborate on relevant topics, from sustainment to innovation.
Register for RAPID + TCT powered by AeroDef Conference. Focused tracks on Aerospace, Land, Sea and Space.
The new location in Detroit will attract companies nationwide that have traditionally attended and exhibited on the West Coast. It is exciting to see collaboration among the DoD and the aerospace, space, land, and maritime industries.
The 100 Plan and 200 Plan Value Packages include:
• booth carpet (black)
• 110v electrical
• 6’ draped table
• 2 chairs
• waste basket
• standard ID sign
AeroDef 2025 is your forum to form relationships that will define the future of your company as well as the future of the aerospace and defense manufacturing industry.
Simply sign and show up. See the back cover for account representatives and contact information.