SME Education Foundation 2021 Annual Report

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Growth | Impact | Inclusion

Manufacturing and engineering education and career promotion continue to be of critical importance to industry. All manufacturers have been adversely affected by the nation’s ongoing talent crisis, which the COVID-19 pandemic only worsened. Such circumstances make the mission of the Foundation — to inspire, prepare and support the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent — more relevant today than ever before. 2021 was a record year for the Foundation, with all three programs delivering impressive results. After 22 months of pandemic-induced cancellations, the Foundation hosted four Student Summits between September and November, engaging nearly 900 students from 30 different high schools in 12 different states, and introducing them to cutting-edge technologies and leading companies within industry. SME PRIME continued its exciting expansion. In July, the Foundation received its largest contribution to date — a $6 million appropriation from the state of Michigan to expand SME PRIME to 16 new high schools across the state. Additionally, SME PRIME also expanded into three new high schools in Pennsylvania, Illinois and New York, bringing the nationwide SME PRIME network to 81 schools, a 72% increase over the past three years. Perhaps most exciting were the results from the annual year-end SME PRIME school survey, which indicated that 89% of 2021 SME PRIME seniors pursued careers or education in manufacturing or engineering upon graduation! Finally, the Foundation’s scholarship program experienced a truly historic year. A record number of students applied and a record number of scholarships were awarded. Most importantly, the composition of the applicant and awardee pool was the most diverse in the Foundation’s history. Due to efforts aligned with the Foundation’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiative, female applications and awards doubled, minority applications and awards tripled, and minority female applications and awards quadrupled over the Foundation’s historical average. As the Foundation continues to grow and expand, we want to thank our many donors, strategic partners and interested stakeholders for your continued support and generosity. Sincerely,

Joe Kann Board of Directors President 2

Rob Luce Foundation Vice President




As the philanthropic arm of SME, an internationally recognized nonprofit organization that promotes manufacturing technology and develops a skilled workforce, the SME Education Foundation inspires, prepares and supports the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent. The Foundation leverages SME’s 90-year history and thought leadership to provide curated experiences for thousands of high school students at SME conferences and trade shows, build hands-on manufacturing programs in high schools across the country, and award millions of dollars in scholarships every year to graduating high school seniors and college students. All Foundation programming is designed to engage high school students, expose them to manufacturing technology and leading companies within industry, provide them with relevant in-demand hands-on training and instruction, and empower them to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering.


2021 Foundation Governance The SME Education Foundation Board of Directors is the governing body of the Foundation. This diverse, talented board is composed of proven and accomplished professionals from industry and academia, as well as community leaders.

2021 Foundation Directors

2021 Foundation Officers President Joe Kann

Adam Claytor

Vice President, Global Business Development, Rockwell Automation (retired) President, Cobble Creek Solutions

Vice President

CEO and President Coltrane Logistics

Valerie Freeman

Frank Ervin III

Group Vice President, Piston Group LLC (retired) President, Ervin Policy Group LLC


John Miller

Senior Vice President Siemens Digital Industries Software

Manufacturing and Robotics Teacher Washington Park High School

Wayne F. Frost

Senior Engineer Deere & Co. (retired)

Kimberly Green Executive Director Advance CTE

2022 Incoming Foundation Directors

Erica Powell Bell

Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary, Mobex Global


Mark Michalski

Chief Operations Systems Officer – Global Operations, MKS Instruments (retired) Owner/CEO, Sizzle & Stem Digital Media

JoAnne P. Williams, J.D.

Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, Fairfield University

2021 Foundation Directors (continued) Andrew Jones

Kyle Riegel

Robby Komljenovic

Joseph A. “Joe” Tate

Art McClellan

Marion Wells

Portfolio Manager Seizert Capital Partners

Chairman and CEO Acieta

Director of Supplier Diversity and Development Lear Corp.

Chris Rake

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer FIRST

Field Sales Engineer Schunk Carbon Technology

Second District Representative Michigan House of Representatives

Founder Human Asset Management

Meghan West

President and CEO

CNC Software Inc.

Outgoing Foundation Board Members Wayne F. Frost, LSME, CMfgE Senior Engineer, Deere & Co. (retired) Our gratitude goes to outgoing board member Wayne Frost for his four years of dedicated service to the Foundation. Wayne, an SME member since 1983, served as president of SME in 2015. After five years of volunteering his time to review and evaluate Foundation scholarship applications, Wayne formally joined the board in 2018 and immediately got to work. During his tenure, Wayne served on five different committees — chairing three of them — and was most recently involved in the development of the Foundation’s new five-year strategic plan. His dedication to SME and the Foundation is absolute, and his passion for supporting the next generation is unmatched. The Foundation will miss his counsel.




“The Student Summit at RAPID + TCT was well-organized and turned out to be both enjoyable and educational for my 11thand 12th-grade Introduction to Engineering students. Thank you!” —— Educator, Wilson Talent Center, Mason, Michigan

“I was inspired that so many people work and manufacture even the littlest things in our life, and that manufacturing is changing the world.” —— Student Participant

“I learned of the different types of manufacturing. Every message in the keynote video inspired me.”


—— Student Participant


Student Summits The first step in developing the next generation of talent is to inspire students to consider manufacturing as a career choice. The SME Education Foundation Student Summit event series showcases the high-tech nature of modern manufacturing while effectively fighting the misperception that manufacturing is dull and dirty. Hosted alongside SME conferences and events, summits are designed to provide high school students with their first taste of manufacturing through student-centric programming that includes keynote speakers, hands-on competitions, technology demonstrations and guided tours of the show floor — where preselected companies engage with students to promote themselves and their technology. In 2021, nearly 900 students from 30 high schools in 12 U.S. states participated in Student Summits that took place at four SME events: RAPID + TCT, EASTEC, SOUTHTEC and WESTEC. In all, nine full days of Student Summit programming were made possible by a generous donation from the Arconic Foundation.

Live Student Summit Highlights Participants

894 STUDENTS from 30 SCHOOLS in 12 STATES •


North Carolina


Rhode Island


South Carolina





New York





VOLUNTEER JUDGES from industry

6 keynote speakers from:


Hands-on competition prize donors:


Virtual Student Summits For the first time, students also had the opportunity to participate in pre-event virtual summits — created in partnership with Edge Factor — that prepared them for the live events by introducing them to technologies they would see at the shows and exciting careers that are available in manufacturing.

Students listened to keynote videos and participated in online scavenger hunts at the four virtual events preceding the four live events — RAPID + TCT, EASTEC, SOUTHTEC and WESTEC. Students also heard from staff members of the SME Education Foundation and the SME Membership group, who prepared them for the live summits and told them about other upcoming opportunities. Virtual summits were open


to students attending the upcoming live summits as well as those who were not able to attend in person.





HIGH SCHOOL students




HIGH SCHOOL educators

“I have a much better idea of the opportunities presented to me now.”

“I learned that SME is here to help and support each and every student.”

—— Student Participant

—— Student Participant

“It is inspiring how these engineers and manufacturers create so many things that make life easier.”

—— Student Participant

—— Student Participant


“There are countless opportunities in the engineering and manufacturing field.”


The SME Education Foundation’s SME PRIME experienced a record year of growth and achievement. Founded in 2011, and supported and informed by private industry, SME PRIME (Partnership Response In Manufacturing Education) builds cost-effective and tailored manufacturing and engineering programs in high schools across the country, providing equipment, curriculum, professional development, scholarships and STEM-focused extracurricular activities to students and teachers.

CORE PATHWAYS (foundational)



Additive Manufacturing

Industrial Maintenance


Machining and Fabrication






Funds went toward equipment, curriculum, professional development of teachers, and student engagement activities.

Expanding Reach and Opportunity The SME PRIME school presence has nearly doubled since the beginning of 2019 —

47 SCHOOLS to 81 across the country today.




Communities in 22 states are now home to SME PRIME.

An Historic Achievement In July, the Foundation received $6 million from the state of Michigan as part of the approved School Aid Fund Budget, an appropriation crafted with bipartisan support from the Michigan Legislature. The award will nearly double the number of Michigan schools participating in the SME PRIME initiative to 33. The award is, notably, the single-largest financial commitment received by the SME Education Foundation in its history.

Key to this achievement was the leadership demonstrated by the Michigan Manufacturers Association, a key partner of SME PRIME in Michigan.

Template for Growth This recognition by the state of Michigan illustrates the scalability of the SME PRIME school initiative, offering a template for growth through enhanced relationships with regional, state and national entities to provide young people with career opportunities while sustaining communities and industry.

16,708 STUDENTS served 45%

qualify for FREE and REDUCED LUNCH

The Michigan Award: Equitable Opportunity The Foundation remains committed to diversity, equity and inclusion across all of our programs. Of the 16 new SME PRIME schools in Michigan, 63% are identified as Title One Schools, institutions with student populations largely drawn from economically disadvantaged households.


of STUDENTS reflect populations historically UNDERREPRESENTED within manufacturing

In addition to the 16 Michigan SME PRIME schools being developed, three additional schools joined the SME PRIME family in 2021: Columbia-Montour Area Vocational Technical School

New Berlin, New York

Unadilla Valley High School

Funded by:

Funded by:

Proviso West High School

Hillside, Illinois

Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania

Funded by: CMYK





“Our challenge has been acquiring up-to-date machinery to better prepare our students for modern engineering and manufacturing. In today’s world, the processes and computer-driven programs are changing at a rapid rate. We are challenged to keep our student[s] up to date.” —— Educator, Central Columbia High School, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania

“The successes were the number of students working at one time — particularly in manufacturing technology. In the past, we were able to have one student on a lathe at a time. Now we had six students at one time. Our new 3D printers allowed us to complete projects that we were not previously able to complete.” —— Educator, Saginaw ISD – Freeland High School, Freeland, Michigan

“With COVID, things have been tough to implement with fidelity … Despite this we have added equipment, strengthened industry partner relations, and completed students’ projects utilizing SME PRIME skills.”


—— Educator, Apollo High School, St. Cloud, Minnesota


SME PRIME Sustainability Fund To further support the SME PRIME school network and help sustain programs after initial development, the Foundation’s board of directors established a $1 million SME PRIME Sustainability Fund in 2020. In 2021, for the first time in SME PRIME’s 10-year history, partner schools that reached the end of their funding cycle and advanced to alumni status were able to apply for additional funding — and PRIME sustainability funds were awarded to nine schools to help maintain their programs. SME PRIME Sustainability Funds will be used to purchase additional equipment, materials and supplies, enhance curriculum, and underwrite the cost of student engagement-related activities.

Measuring SME PRIME Impact: New in 2021 The Foundation conducted a review and invited feedback from SME PRIME schools to benchmark key metrics in 2021. The data, from the 2020-21 academic year, revealed that the SME PRIME school initiative has resulted in 89% of students directly entering the manufacturing workforce, training in an apprenticeship position, or pursuing postsecondary education in engineering or manufacturing disciplines.


of students entered the

MANUFACTURING WORKFORCE “[SME PRIME has made us] able to teach more students and [offer] more time on machines. [With SME PRIME we] plan to keep building and bringing new ideas into the classroom that allow students to build their skills and relationship with industry.” —— Educator, Saginaw ISD – Heritage High School, Saginaw, Michigan


Student Scholarships

In 2021, the SME Education Foundation’s scholarship program received the most scholarship applications — and awarded the most number of scholarships – in its history. Not only did participation rise in general, it rose significantly among females and minorities who are underrepresented in industry. The rise was due to enhanced marketing strategies, new promotional partnerships and the creation of the Irving P. McPhail scholarship fund. Named for the late SME Education Foundation board president, the new fund awarded scholarships to 70 students in its inaugural year. A longstanding Foundation board member who served as president in 2020, McPhail dedicated his life to higher education and was a leading voice in the necessity to expand educational opportunities to disadvantaged communities.

In 2021, Foundation scholarship awards to female students nearly doubled, and scholarships to minority students and minority female students nearly tripled and quadrupled, respectively.


In 2021, students received an Irving P. McPhail Scholarship




Scholarship Applications Completed

Scholarship recipients attend or plan to attend:


in 179 Colleges 44 U.S. states


in 8 Colleges 5 Canadian provinces

Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec


594 Scholarships Awarded

SME Family Scholarship


Made possible by the E. Wayne Kay Scholarship Fund, this highly competitive annual scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate academic excellence and an interest in manufacturing engineering or related technology. The fund’s endowers, E. Wayne Kay and his wife, Beulah, established a successful chromeplating company in Detroit in the 1940s after attending Iowa State University. In 1945, E. Wayne Kay served as chair of SME Detroit Chapter 1. He was also instrumental in establishing Macomb Chapter 142 before passing away in 1977. In 1991, when Beulah Kay died, she left instructions in her trust that a scholarship fund be established in memory of her husband. In 2021, SME Education Foundation Family Scholarships were awarded to two students with a parent or grandparent who is a member of SME.

John “Trey” Hamilton III


“The support of the Foundation has been so valuable: It’s encouraged me; pushed me. I’m so appreciative.” —— Scholarship Recipient

Aaron Scheppers

University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa

University of Missouri – Columbia

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering/Technology

SME Directors Scholarship Every year, the boards of directors of SME and the SME Education Foundation award up to three prestigious SME Directors Scholarships to undergraduate manufacturing students who are members of the student or professional chapters of SME. And each year, the Directors Scholarship honors an SME or Foundation board member who has exhibited exemplary leadership. In 2021, the Directors Scholarship honored Peter F. Mackie, who served on the Foundation’s board of directors from 1994–2018. While on the board, Mackie held several positions, including director and treasurer/chair of finance. Mackie is a financial advisor and senior vice president of investments at Wells Fargo Advisors.

“I’ve had a lot of positive experiences. I want to share my gratitude to the organizations — like SME — that have supported and inspired me throughout my academic career.” —— Scholarship Recipient

In Mackie’s name, Directors Scholarships were awarded to three students in 2021.

Manufacturing Engineering/ Technology

Benjamin Lipper

California Polytechnic State University Manufacturing Engineering/ Technology

Bonnie Brown

California Polytechnic State University

Manufacturing Engineering/Technology


Daniel Blanchard

Brigham Young University


Scholarship Funding In the decades since the Foundation first implemented its scholarship program in 1979, the generous support of individual and corporate members has put it in the enviable position of being able to annually award millions of dollars of academic support to deserving college undergraduates, graduate students and graduating high school seniors who are pursuing two- or four-year degrees in manufacturing and related engineering disciplines. Scholarship funding reflects the continued commitment and generosity of SME member chapters, individual donors, and engaged corporate and community contributors.

New 2021 Scholarship Funds Lynn E. & Carol Arnold Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established with funds left by Lynn E. and Carol Arnold to SME Chapter 21 in Cincinnati Jerome H. & Raidelle E. Newman Memorial Endowed Scholarship SME Silicon Forest Chapter 260 Endowed Legacy Scholarship IQAir North America Inc. Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship


Rollomatic Group — One-time 2021 Award






“Scholarships make a huge difference. It takes the stress off my parents. Financial aid can only pay for so much, so when I saw that I won, I really got excited. My parents got excited. Even my 6-year-old brother got excited.” —— Scholarship Recipient

2021 Planned Giving Marcus B. Crotts, FSME, CMfgE, and Margaret J. “Margo” Crotts The SME Education Foundation was named a beneficiary in Marcus and Margaret Crotts’ trust plans. Mr. Crotts was an SME Education Foundation board of directors member in 1987, 1992-2001, and 2006-2007. He also served as SME president in 2002. Wayne Ewing, FSME The SME Education Foundation was a named beneficiary in the Ewing Family trust. Wayne Ewing served as SME President from 1959-1960 and was influential in the creation of WESTEC. Allen Weber The SME Education Foundation was named a beneficiary of Weber’s estate.

“The Foundation, and SME, have been wonderful. When I joined SME, I realized how much they had to offer. They’ve been so supportive of my education, and toward helping me become a part of manufacturing.” —— Scholarship Recipient

“Mechanical engineering, I believed and now know, is the best fit for me. I’m excited for what I’ll do in the future.” —— Scholarship Recipient


2021 Scholarship Reviewers Every Foundation scholarship application is reviewed and scored by three independent reviewers. Each reviewer analyzes dozens of applications and supporting documentation as part of a rigorous and coordinated effort involving hundreds of dedicated members of SME, members of the boards of SME and the SME Education Foundation, and other friends of the Foundation. To each of them, we give our thanks.

Jeffrey Abell, Michigan

LaRoux Gillespie, Arkansas

Jon Paul LaFave, Michigan

Daniel Skurski, Michigan

Miguel Acuña, Wisconsin

David Godoy, Utah

Timothy Limbert, South Carolina

Stephen Skvarenina, Texas

Ashok Agrawal, Washington D.C.

Ashley Gooding, Ohio

Lem Linder, Kentucky

Jay Smith, Texas

Radin Ahmadian, New York

Joe Graves, North Dakota

Andrew Linebarger, Ohio

Scott Squires, Texas

Joseph Akyeampong, Florida

Helen Greathouse, Rhode Island

Richard Litts, Pennsylvania

Murali Sundaram, Ohio

Amy Anthony, Massachusetts

Sherri Green, Massachusetts

Shane Luksch, Maryland

Tara Thomasson, Texas

Jeff Arnold, Washington

Alondra Guevara, Texas

Jianfeng (Jeff) Ma, Missouri

Shawn Thompson, New York

Jonathan Balogh, Michigan

Eugene Haffner, Tennessee

Gwendolyn Malone, Michigan

John Thurman, New Mexico

Jonathon Bates, Texas

Zach Hase, Ohio

Eric Mayer, Minnesota

Michael Timko, Michigan

Traci Behnke, Iowa

Pam Heary, New York

Art McClellan, Michigan

Wes Trussell, Oregon

Justin Bown, California

Derek Hefley, Oklahoma

Matthew McKee, Texas

Thomas Bridge, Illinois

Matt Hilgendorf, Texas

Mark Michalski, Massachusetts

Soundararajan Vijayanarayanasamy, Michigan

Naomi Brill, Minnesota

Josh Hines, Massachusetts

Howard Mikytuck, Virginia

Thorin Brown, Washington

Robert Hilton, Washington

LaStella Miles, North Carolina

Bill Brownsberger, Ohio

Brian Holmes, Fort Langley, British Columbia

Charles Mottier, Illinois

Tom Chamberlain, Virginia B. Grant Cheng, Cebu, Philippines

Marc Huffman, Michigan

Steve Coe, Colorado

Sagil James, California

Santiago Galvis Correa, Florida

Rajendra Jani, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Katherine Dale, Massachusetts Kathryn Daniels, Kansas Ayotunde Demuren, California Timothy Deppen, California Jeff Drewett, Texas Amal Driouich, Hamilton, Ontario Jonathon Eaton, Minnesota Frank Ervin III, Michigan Ray Floyd, Wyoming Kelly Daly Flynn, Michigan Ron Franks, Texas Valerie Freeman, Wisconsin Wayne Frost, Iowa Linda Gardner, Washington


Donald Hossink, New Mexico

Adam Claytor, Michigan

Adrian Cosma, Connecticut


Frank Holthouse, Illinois

Donna Gatza, Illinois

Jeffrey Jansen, Wisconsin Elizabeth Jaska, Texas Mike Jiang, Ohio James Johnson, Texas Joseph Joyce, Michigan Geoff Karpa, Texas Kamy Khashayar, California Bass Khoury, Ohio Jacob Kilver, Michigan Don Kinard, Texas Dave Koncak, Kansas Henry Kraebber, Indiana Paul Krug, Texas Rebecca Kurfess, Tennessee Melissa Kurtz, Wisconsin

Smriti Neogi, Ohio Jacob Oliver, Michigan Salvatore Palazzolo, Illinois John Payne, New York Jessica Quolke, Pennsylvania Chris Rake, New Hampshire David Reyes, Texas Ruben Reyes, Texas Virginia Rhodes, Kentucky Kyle Riegel, Iowa Allan Roberts, Delaware John Ruegg, Minnesota Brian Ruestow, New York Russell Scheller, Minnesota Cecil Schneider, Georgia Ian Schneider, California Kolleen Schneider, Minnesota Abhishek Seshappa, Georgia Stephanie Singer, Georgia Selin Sirinterlikci, Pennsylvania Josh Sirmans, Georgia

Phil Waldrop, Georgia Aileen Walter, New Jersey Mike Watson, North Carolina Marion Wells, Illinois Meghan West, Connecticut Shane Whitaker, Texas Robert Williams, Georgia Haley Wilson, New York Alice Wind, Utah Lianjun Wu, Georgia Xiaomei Yu, Connecticut Xiaowei Yue, Virginia Yue Zhang, Georgia Justin Zsiros, Utah

2021 Corporate Donors

In addition to corporate donors, generous individuals


contributed to the Foundation in 2021. We thank them for their assistance, which is crucial to our mission:

Inspiring, Preparing, and Supporting the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent.


YOU! “I’m committed to female empowerment in STEM: helping women find their voice and maintain confidence, developing networks and mentors.” —— Scholarship Recipient


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