14 minute read




Už kortų, atokiau nuo vaikų ir jaunimo, siūlau įrengti aikštelę šunims, kur šeimininkai galės saugiai vėdžioti, drėsuoti savo šunis. Šioje erdvėje paliekame nemažą vėjos plotą Šunų parodai, Šunų konkursams rengti, Cirko palapynei, atrakcionams, irengiant šalia elektros padavymą. Aikštelės erdvėje statom pavėsinę su suoliukais, suoliukai bus ir kitoje aikštelės pusėje, pasidėti šeimininkų daiktams. Teritorija reikia išlyginti. Jį būtų apšviesta stulpais, ant kurių sumontuotos kameros.

Sutvarkome kelią aplink stadioną, įrengiame šlagbaumus prie gaisrininkų aikštelės ir šalia kortų. Į šitą erdvę galės patekti tik speciali technika, kad poilsio erdvė būtų saugi nuo mašinų.

Šalia scenos planuojama pernešti esamą treniruoklių aikštelę, kad visa laisvalaikio praleidimo erdvė būtų vienoje vietoje.

Centro pasate yra veikianti kavinė ir kepyklėlė, kurios aprūpina ir aprūpins ateityje maistų, gėrimais ateinačius pailsėti žmones.

Paviešinus projektą, prie jo realizacijos manau bus galima pritraukti ir nemažai privačių intėstorių, kurie padėtų gerinti Eišiškių miestą.

Transporto Ir P S I J Sraut Sprendimai

Atnaujintoje teritorijoje, aplik visas aikšteles planuojama įrengti pėsčiųjų ir dviračių takus, kad tenkinti visų gyventojų poreikius: tėvelių su vaikais, suaugusių, sportininkų, t.y bus įrengta trinkelių danga pėstiesiems bei speciali danga dviratinkams, ant kurios gali važiuoti paspirtukai, skeitai.

Automobiliai šitoje teritorijoje galės važiuoti tik dalinai, t.y nuo Jono Pauliaus II gatvės jiems paliktas esamas kelias link laukų, nuo Ąžuolų g. pravažiavimą link laukų keliam prie esamų garažų, patraukiant jį nuo tvenkinio, kad būtų užtikrintas saugumas visiems pėstiesiems. Žinoma tuo pačiu metu liks pravažiavimas per teritoriją keliu aplink stadioną, kuris bus užtvertas šlagbaumais, kad galėtų privažiuoti tik specialiosios tarnybos prie bet kurio teritorijos taško.

Prie Centro yra įrengtas didelis parkingas, bet, kad būtų daugiau parkavimo vietų svenčių bei vasaros metu, prie tvenkinio iš Ąžuolų gatvės pusės plęčiam parkingą. Parkingo danga – žvyras.

Scenos Ir Suol Konstrukcij Apra Ymas

Scena atsukta į stadioną, kad garsas eitų nuo gyvenamųjų pastatų link laukų. Lauko scenos pastatas planuojamas 20x12 metrų. Planuojama įrengti du persirengimo, pasiruošimo kambarius. Pati scena 20x8 metrų. Pastatas planuojamas iš metalo konstrukcijos, padas, laiptai, neįgaliųjų takai užlieti betonų, vidaus ir išorės sienų apdaila – pluoštinio cemento pluokštės, stogas su nuolydžių į vieną pusę (parko) iš bituminų čerpių.

Nesinori, kad pastatas labai išsiskirtų iš bendros aplinkos, todėl nauduojamos pilka, smėlio spalvos. Padas – cementas, išorės sienos smėlio spalvos, o pačios scenos sienų spalva – tamsiai pilka, su vertikaliais bruseliais. Atvira erdvė galėtų būti uždaroma su laukui skirtomis žaliuzėmis.

Bendroje erdvėje prie stadiono ir tarp tinklinio aikštelių ir skeitų parko įrengiame piramidės principu mediniusi suolus iš metalo konstrukcijos su medžio ar medžio imitacijos apdaila.


Eišiškių objektas yra atviroje erdvėje, užima virš 6 ha plotą, visą erdvę planuojama apšviesti stulpais arba švyturiais iš žemės, užtikrinti saugumą stebėjimo kameromis, bus įrengti du sanmazgų blokai, todėl pastatui bus reikalinga papildoma energija iš ESO arba, ir rekomenduojama energiją gamintis patiems, įrengiant ant esamo Centro pastato saulės baterijas, kurios aprūpins energiją visą planuojamą laisvalaikio erdvę bei galimai gamins energijos daugiau, tiekiant ją į ESO, tuo pačių dalinai dengiant pačio pastato elektros sąnaudas.

stogo langai, dėja nėra pritaikymo projekte.

– natūrali dienos šviesa – gali būti panauduota Eišiškiu miesto sporto ir laisvalaikio centro patalpuose. – betono imbregnantai scenai.

– fasadai. Statomos lauko scenos pačios scenos apdailai panauduosime fibrocemento plokštes.

apsauginės žaliuzės. Teritorijoje jau yra ir bus papildomai įrengti kintamos elektros apskaitos skydai, statybiniai elektros paskirstymo skydai, kuriuos apsiųsime žaliuzėmis dėl saugumo nuo vaikų, jaunimo, gyvūnų. Statomos lauko scenos, pačios scenos uždarymas žaliuzėmis.

takelių klojimas trinkelėmis, dalinai Ecoline danga (parke).

– automobilio įkrovimo stotelės. Bus įrengtos dvi dviejų vietų stotelės esamame parkinge.

– aliuminio konstrukcijos, galėtų pagaminti stiklo kūbus parodai.

– scenos techninis sprendimas. Galėtų pasirūpinti statomos lauko scenos apšvietimu ir valdymo projektu.

bituminės čerpės scenos stogui.

– vaizdo stebėjimo ir apsaugos sistemos. Bus panauduotos vaizdo stebėjimo kameros teritorijos apsaugai ir stebėjimui.

– BENITO lauko apšvietimas. TIPTIPTAP vaikų žaidimo aikštelės, multifunkcinės sporto aikštelės, pavėsynės, suoliukai, šiūkšliadėžės, dviračių ir paspirtukų stovai. Teriorijoje bus įrengti du TOILETTES-MPS automatiniai viešieji tualetai.

– scenos pagrindo paruošimas.

– lauko muzikos instrumentai. Parke bus įrengta muzikos instrumentų aikštelė.

– saulės baterijos. Ant esamo Eišiškių laisvalaikio ir verslo centro siūloma įrengti saulės batelijas, kurios gamins elektrą, parko apšvietimo reikmėms.

– modulinių sanmazgų statyba, kaip antras variantas.

– gaisro apasaugo sistemos scenos spastate.

– statybos įmonė, kuri galėtų užtkrinti sklandų scenos pastatymą.

įmonė, kuri galėtų padėti su geodeziniais matavimai, nes teritoriją reikia lyginti.


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Adjustment Of Pedestrian City Territory For Youth Creative Selfexpression Space

Eisiskes is one of the oldest settlements in Lithuania. 16th century were considered one of the most important cities of the LDK. The castle court functioned here, noble families met here. The town had a church, a synagogue, a school, four streets, a town hall, and a tavern. Most of the inhabitants were Jews who lived here until the Second World War.

Market Square - formed at the intersection of the roads to Vilnius, Rodunia and Merkina. Eisiskes was famous for its markets, which were held on Thursdays, and several times a year the surrounding area gathered in huge fairs. The day of the market was very well calculated, adapted to the markets of the neighboring towns, on that day not only local people gathered in Eisiskes, but also from Vilnius and Lyda.

Many years ago, Eisiskes flourished as a shopping center. Currently, the market square has a rest area and a monument to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the January Uprising, and a small information board provides information about the history of the town of Eisiskes. The famous Eisiskes market is also mentioned here.

It's nice that Salcininkai District and Eisikes Eldership manage the city, protect the past and want to create harmonious spaces for young people and the entire city's residents, where they can spend their free time doing sports, playing, and relaxing. I am very happy to be able to contribute to the city development project. A very large area of 6.3125 ha is dedicated to this purpose at Azuolu St. 3, Eisiskes.

Territory And Current Situation

Unbuilt territory - separate green spaces for recreational purposes. Permitted uses according to the general plan - recreational areas (construction of short-term rest structures), engineering infrastructure areas, common use areas (public spaces of urbanized areas) and individual green areas.

Problems Of The Territory

Although the educational institutions of the Salcininkai district often organize artistic events in which students from other municipalities also participate, this type of measures does not encourage the increase of employment of modern youth, the reduction of social exclusion, local economic development, and the improvement of the quality of life. We must initiate and develop new creative and cultural youth initiatives.

The cultural potential of the Salcininkai district - the abundance of folk artists, the interest of schoolchildren in modern forms of art and self-expression - indicates the possibility of developing the sector of cultural industries in the region and thus creating both a new niche of economic activity, as well as developing new forms of leisure and public employment, and utilizing the existing territories for the presentation of creative industries under the open air the sky

Territory Expectations

It is expedient to adapt the territory to a space that promotes cultural self-expression and creativity of young people.

Plan a space for events and entertainment, where open-air cinema screenings and various (cultural, street food, etc.) events could take place on summer weekends. Installation of an entertainment area. Entertainment should be oriented towards families with children (entertainment, active leisure, barefoot path and climbing tower, bicycle rental, etc.). Plan a place for organizing outdoor exhibitions. It is appropriate to develop elements of architecture and fine art in the park area. Adapt the pond area for recreation. Equip sports infrastructure to meet the needs of the nearby gymnasium, nursery-kindergarten and residents.

Project Vision

The adaptation of the territory of the city of Eisiskes to the space of creative self-expression of young people is a huge project that combines the needs of the city residents of the sports and leisure center of the city of Eisiškiu, the gymnasium of Eisiškiu S. Rapolionis.

The whole project was carefully discussed and coordinated with the mayor of Eisiskes Miroslavas Bogdiun, the director of Eisiskes leisure and sports center Barbara Mickevic, the director of Eisiskes Stanislav Rapolionis high school Danuta Zuzo, Rom Urvik.

Since the project covers an area of more than 6 hectares and a lot of funds will be required for its implementation, I suggest implementing it in stages, perhaps adjusting the proposed number of devices after final coordination with the Salcininkai City Municipality.



As you approach the main entrance of the Sports and Leisure Center, there is a green area to the right. It is planned to install outdoor games: chess and checkers tables, a Twist game area next to the nearby benches (communication area). This space could be the most relaxing place for elderly people, who would not have to walk too long. In this green area, exhibitions of sculptures, art, works of art, and artefacts could be exhibited, both standing openly and in glass, transparent methacrylate volumes. Holding an exhibition near the Center would be beneficial, as all art objects would be in a lighted area that would be observed and occupy a representative space.

As you go deeper into the park, there will be three leisure areas:

1 - youth communication space: a place with paved areas, benches, trash cans, lighting poles, on which cameras will be installed.

2 - field with outdoor musical instruments: the field is planned to be installed on grass, without additional surfaces, but if necessary, it will be possible to form a base of hardened gravel. The site will be equipped with different musical instruments, benches, dustbins, lighting poles on which cameras will be installed.

3 - children's playground: the playground is planned to be installed on grass, without additional surfaces, but if necessary, it will be possible to form a base of hardened gravel. The site will have a large climbing tower, trellises, a sandbox, benches, trash cans, stands with hooks for hanging pegs, lighting poles on which cameras will be installed.

In this space, young families with small children, grandmothers/grandfathers with grandchildren will be able to have fun, playing in the shade in the playgrounds or driving various vehicles on the tracks around the park, near which a junction will be installed in time, so that children do not have to look far for a toilet when the Center is closed on non-working days .

It is planned to install two charging stations for electric cars in the existing parking lot of the center.

Pedestrian and bicycle paths are planned to be installed around the park, which will be illuminated by beacons from the ground. The posts will be installed from the footpath side. Pavement pavement or hardened gravel base. For bicycle paths - one-component cast coating.

If the project is developed further, obstacle courses could be installed on the trees in the park.


The stadium, assigned to the gymnasium, will be used as a public space after school on weekdays and weekends. The stadium will be fenced, but with entrances from different sides, both gates and wide gates for service vehicles to enter.

The stadium will be 40x100 meters, with four running tracks, one long jump track. The stadium will be the same size as it is now, only we are moving the stadium towards the gravel road after leveling the land. There are plans to install one 20x40-meter multi-functional sports field in the stadium, next to it on both sides there will be seats for spectators to watch matches, gazebos for teams. Next to the gazebo - a trash can, a stand with hooks for hanging bags and backpacks. Storage boxes for sports equipment and things are provided in the gazebo itself. At the ends of the court, on one side, there is a volleyball court, and on the other, a basketball court. The entire area of the stadium is covered with a rubber coating, there is grass around it, I suggest building benches with tables on the grass on two sides, it will be possible to hold classes outside and there will be a place to rest and store things. The territory is illuminated with the help of poles, with video surveillance cameras on them.

The construction of the stadium will be useful both for the needs of the gymnasium and will promote the sports activities of the city's children and youth, as it will be open.

In the area next to the gymnasium itself, a closed area for classes with a playground will be installed. Lessons can be held both in the gazebo and in the open air, in the shade of trees at a table with benches. Storage boxes for sitting and storing inventory and things will be built in the gazebo. Bike and scooter racks will be installed next to it. The territory will be equipped with a climbing area, a sandbox, and minitrampolines for primary classes and not only for recreation and after-school play. Benches between the play spaces. The territory is equipped with trash cans, stands with hooks for bags and backpacks. The territory will be fenced, with entrances from the sides of the gymnasium and the park. The territory is illuminated with the help of poles, with video surveillance cameras on them.



Various types of festivals (cultural and sports) are actively organized in the Šalčininkai district. The city of Eišiškii lacks a scene. It is planned to install an outdoor stage next to the stadium to accommodate the performances of large folk groups.

You want to build the outdoor stage near the center, near the stadium. The stage itself faces the stadium so that the sound goes from the residential buildings towards the fields. The outdoor stage building is planned to be 20x12 meters. It is planned to install two dressing/preparation rooms. The stage itself is 20x8 meters. The building is planned to be made of metal construction. Sole, stairs - concrete. Interior and exterior walls are finished with fiber cement sheets, roof with slopes. We do not want the building to stand out from the general architecture of the Center, so gray and beige colors are used. The sole is cement, the outer walls are beige, and the color of the walls of the stage itself is dark gray with vertical brussels, the roof is made of bituminous tiles. The open space could be closed with outdoor blinds.

The stage itself and its grounds can be used as a place to watch movies.

A dance/spectator area is planned to be installed in front of the stage. At its back, wooden benches made of metal structure with wood or wood-imitation decoration will be installed on the principle of a pyramid. If necessary, built-up chairs or benches will be brought, umbrellas or awnings from the sun will be placed next to the chairs and benches.

In the cold season, an Ice Arena could be built/flooded on the site.

One of the building's changing rooms could be used for renting bicycles, rollerblades, and children's cars in the warm season. That room would be the place to set up the equipment. During the cold season, the company providing the rental service could rent skis and skates.

During the festival, along the path towards the parking lot, there are places for food/merchandise sales tents. Behind the building, next to the parking lot, cooking and serving tents with tables and benches could be located.

The decoration of the square and the nearby paths are cobblestones. Partial lighting from the stadium can be additionally installed on the walls of the building.

From the left of the stage, between the buildings, it is planned to install an obstacle course with a barefoot path.






Sand volleyball is actively played in Eišiškės, so there was a request to install a second additional court, which I propose to do. Next to the pitches, I suggest setting up sheds for teams with storage boxes, inventory and sportsmen's belongings.

We are renewing the beach. On the shore, I propose to build a U-shaped bridge with turrets, water slides, lifeguard towers, and two changing cabins. We are expanding the beach on the grass as well, setting up a playground for children in the shade of trees so that children can have fun not only in the water, but also benches and sunbeds for the older ones.

We fence the site and the entire beach for the safety of children, as a stream flows nearby, from which a tributary to the pond is made.

Walking around the pond, you will be able to rest on the benches away from the hustle and bustle of the beach and access the grill area. Two large 4x6 m. gazebos with barbecues, several separate tables with barbecues. Sunbeds and benches by the shore for relaxing and sunbathing. Also, on this side of the pond, I suggest installing a small bridge, clearing the shore, so that people can refresh themselves in the water while relaxing peacefully on this shore.

I think both bridges will be used by fishermen very gladly and willingly.

A gravel parking lot will be built next to this space, without building a fire station for filling with water. Next to this space, I propose to install an additional electrical connection panel, to which, according to the Center's permission, a mobile sauna could be connected.

The paths around the pond are sandy. Lighting - beacons from the ground. There is a huge willow near the pond, which should probably be cut down for safety and the pond's greater cleanliness. A hedge made of oak trees is also planted there. Since such majestic trees need space to grow, I would plant some of them along the entire recreation area





Walking from the beach towards the stadium, on the left, it is proposed to install a skate park. Next to the sakura park, which could expand beyond the grounds; a court with table tennis tables; several crossbars, a spinner/carousel for children and two courts, next to it two table tennis tables, pyramidal wooden benches made of metal construction with wood or wood imitation decoration. Next to them are benches, bicycle and scooter racks.

Between the beach and the sakura park, we are putting a block of two junctions. We are building the same junction block in the park, next to the road. Having two junctions in different parts of the territory, near the places where people gather the most, we cover the traffic.

Going further, I suggest making a space for two courts with spectators' chairs, a judge's tower, bicycle racks.

Next to both areas, we will install cobblestone sidewalks with a bicycle path. Both areas are illuminated by poles on which cameras are installed.




Behind the cards, away from children and young people, I suggest setting up a place for dogs, where the owners can safely walk and train their dogs. In this space, we leave a considerable wind area for Dog Shows, Dog Competitions, Circus Tent, attractions, by arranging electricity supply nearby. We are building a gazebo with benches in the space of the site, there will be benches on the other side of the site. To put away the owners' belongings.

The area needs to be leveled. It would be lit by poles with cameras mounted on them.

We are fixing the road around the stadium, installing wetlands near the firemen's field and near the courts. Only special equipment will be able to enter this space, so that the recreation area is safe from machines.

Next to the stage, it is planned to move the existing fitness area so that all the leisure space is in one place.

There is a cafe and a bakery in the center pass that provide and will provide food and drinks for people who come to rest in the future.

After making the project public, I think it will be possible to attract a number of private investors who would help improve the city of Eišiškii.

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