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2.6. Environmental aesthetics as a means to evaluate and shape the environment

Table 3. Methodical analysis scheme of architectural environment spatial structure (worked out by P.Grecevichius, V.Stauskas according to K.Lynch, 1985)

A quality living environment is impossible without functional and aesthetic technical equipment. When planning recreation areas, it is necessary to ensure that roads, parking lots, sidewalks and other architectural solutions do not degrade the quality of recreation areas. [9] 2.7. Analogue analysis There were two main selection criteria for analysis:

1. The type of the building should relate to recreational architecture, with its special design, layout, function etc. 2. Buildings must be in different environments, with different conditions.

Evaluation system was in such form:

1. Specificity of architecture - Purpose of the building - The context of the building - Composition of the building - Architectural solutions - Materials used for facades and interior 2. Environment - Location of the building in the city (or outside the city) - What surrounds the building, next to what it’s located (forest, water, buildings)

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