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Išvados (lietuvių kalba) 82
Fig. 1. Reasons for traveling in 2020 y. [2]
Based on statistical data on the situation in the tourism sector, it is possible to assess the current situation and suggest prospects and directions of development. Even from the above two diagrams, we can conclude that in Lithuania more preference is given to recreation related to health tourism. This is a sector that is developing and has great prospects. And given the situation with possible lock-downs, domestic tourism is becoming more and more relevant. 2.4. Recreational architecture design principles
Recreational architecture has its own peculiarity, which lies in the fact that it is a fairly new type of architecture that appeared relatively recently - at the beginning of the 20th century. It is in this kind of architecture that the main object is often the creation of space. There are 5 types of recreational spaces, divided by the level of naturalness: 1. Natural environment in which the consequences of human activities are not felt. 2. Natural environment in which the visual impact of anthropogenic activities is small. 3. An environment in which there is a balance between natural and anthropogenic. 4. However, the environment, which is dominated by anthropogenic elements, is still a sufficient fragment of natural nature. 5. Anthropogenic environment, in which nature is completely overshadowed by a building, a device.
A feature can also be called the fact that the forms and composition should be original, sometimes non-standard, attracting attention, positively affecting the psyche. A monotonous or standard design will not work, attract people, and have no positive effect. Landscape, surroundings, variety of forms and compositions are important elements.