August 2009—Published Monthly Shawnee Mission Public Schools
Lancer Newsletter
East Lancers 50 Years
Shawnee Mission East High School
It Can Only Get Better What Is Ahead for the 2009-2010 School Year Over the course of the past school year, Shawnee Mission East High School (SME) has undergone some significant changes. As I mentioned in the August, 2008 edition of the Parent Newsletter, block scheduling, new administrative personnel, and building construction would pose the biggest challenges. Despite some early anxiety, block scheduling (for the most part) can be deemed a success. Several changes are in the works to try and improve seminar, including moving seminar to the end of the day to alleviate using this precious academic time for assemblies and other school activities. With the help of seasoned administrators, Heather Royce and Steve Loe, both John McKinney and I feel welcomed and accepted by the staff, students, and the community. Thank you for making this a great year. Our biggest challenge - construction - continues to move forward and even though there have been inconveniences, students and staff adapted well to the constantly changing conditions.
have a number of other goals we plan to work on to improve on the successes of the past. These goals include (but not limited to): 1.
Educational programming for parents and students on the topics of underage drinking and drug use.
Building a SME community of support for all school-sponsored activities with an emphasis on increasing positive school spirit. We need to change our image; where the focus of support is for SME and not the opposition.
for all of our students and athletes. We need to concentrate on supporting our own without creating situations where our attention shifts to “putting down” the opposition or their fans. We also need to find ways to increase student attendance at all events – currently, even our own students and athletes do not support each other very well.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) are internal collaborative groups of teachers (in either their respective discipline or with colleagues in other disciplines) whose primary purpose is to focus on “student learning.” Working in 3. Begin a 5-year process of develop- harmony with colleagues at the middle ing and implementing Professional school level, PLC’s use recent and Learning Communities (PLC’s) with proven research in the area of effective a focus on “student learning.” teaching and common assessments to assure all students are progressing to a 4. Encourage all students to be inhigher level of individual learning. volved in at least one schoolsponsored activity whether through We know from years of research, when a school organization or through students are involved in school-related athletics. activities overall student academic perOur comprehensive program on the top- formance increases while student discipline issues decline in number and ics of underage drinking and drug use There is no doubt, we are very excited begins with a meeting of all parents and scope. In addition student involvement about the start of the new school year. in these activities strengthens the bond students (who plan to be involved in a With construction virtually behind us between the student and the school while school sponsored activity athletics and and the economic downtrends starting to organizations) in our new auditorium on enhancing the student’s interpersonal show signs of recovery, “it can only get Monday, August 24, 2009. After a short and communication skills. As such, we better.” Our focus on academic achieve- induction, parents and students will sepa- are looking at strategies to encourage ment will remain our number one prior- rate (parents remaining in the auditoand engage every student into a schoolity throughout the year. In addition, we rium, students moving to the cafeteria) sponsored activity. where each group will receive more inAs always, we are grateful for the supKey Dates: formation on both topics. The session port of our parents and the community. will close with both groups back in the Without the other half of education we Walk In Fee Payment auditorium. Our goal with these presen- would not be able to provide the kind of August 3 – 7:30am-2:30pm tations is to concentrate on how we can programming you expect and deserve. August 4 – 12n-7pm keep our kids safe. Thank you again and I hope to see and August 6 –7:30am-2:30pm meet more of you as we begin our secIn the area of building community supth August 17 – First Day 9 grade ond year together. port and school spirit our intent is to August 18 – First Day 10th-12th grades repair our tarnished reputation of how Karl R. Krawitz Ed.D we literally behave and act at events August 20 – Back to School Night Principal while building up attendance and support
SME NEWSLETTER GOES Senior Portraits will be taken at De- Track Grades & Attendance Cloud Studios. Please contact them at PAPERLESS! via Parent@School 648-0882. Parent@School is a program that alBeginning with our Septemlows parents/guardians to view their First Day of School ber edition, the newsletter th The first day of school for 9 graders student’s school information, such as will only be available elecabsences, grades, and lunch balances. is August 17. 10th – 12th graders retronically. The SME website turn on August 18. Parents of New Students: Be sure to now has a link for patrons to sign up for Parent@School via the Block Schedule school website. access the newsletter quickly. SME will continue with the block In addition, we are exploring schedule for the 2009-2010 school Parents of Returning Shawnee Mission Students: You do NOT need to year. The bell schedule will remain the option of emailing the basically the same, with a 7-period sign up again. Your login and passnewsletter directly. Please day on Monday, followed by block word remain the same from year to make sure you have regisdays on Tuesday through Friday. year and school to school. tered with Parent@School Two minor changes: even block days East for Excellence (via the website) so that the (hours 2,4,6, seminar) will be Tues- The East for Excellence (E4E) afterday and Thursday and odd block days school has access to your school tutoring program provides (hours 1,3,5,7) will be Wednesday students with individualized assisemail address. and Friday; and seminar will be Important Contact Numbers Main Office: 993-6600 Attendance Center: 993-6645 Nurse’s Office: 993-6616 Counseling Office: 993-6631
Fee Payment Reminder The deadline for internet payment is August 6. Walk-in fee payment is scheduled for August 3 (7:30 a.m.– 2:30 p.m.), August 4 (12:00 p.m.– 7:00 p.m.), and August 6 (7:30 a.m.– 2:30 p.m.).
Student ID Photos We are requesting that each student have a new student ID photo taken each year. Students should plan to visit during fee payment to take a photo and pick up new ID cards.
moved to the last block of the day (beginning at 1:10).
Cell Phones Please assist us with enforcing the school policy regarding cell phones. Students are not to use cell phones during class time. Unfortunately, even when cell phones are silenced, students often text and check messages. Many times, when confronted about the disruption, students will respond that they were replying to a text from a parent. Please be aware that leaving voice or text messages during class-time is a huge temptation for your student, and that, regardless of the reason or the person calling, students will receive consequences for violating the policy.
SME Newsletter - August 2009
Please call 993-6600 if you have any questions.
SME Newsletter Publication Guidelines •
Yearbook photos 9th – 11th graders will have yearbook photos taken during fee payment at SME. There are two additional makeup days (August 20 and September 3). Yearbook photos are taken at no charge, but families who want picture packets must pay for them separately. Money for picture packets will be paid directly to DeCloud Studios.
tance designed to meet their specific educational needs. The program is led by SM East teachers and is being provided at no cost to the student. The first session will be Wednesday, September 30, from 2:50 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. in Room 503. Sessions will then continue every Wednesday and Thursday from 2:50 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. in Rooms 503 & 504. Please note: At the time of this writing, a late bus has not yet been arranged. Students participating in the E4E after-school tutoring program will need to provide their own transportation.
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The SME Lancer Newsletter is published monthly during the school year except for a combined November/December edition. Deadline for submissions is the 1st Friday of each month with newsletter distribution occurring on the last Friday of the month. Submissions in Word are preferable. You may also send articles in other word processing formats or graphically as a pdf or jpeg. Electronic submissions are best, but hard copy material can be placed in the “Newsletter” folder located in the PTA mailbox. Your submissions may be edited due to space considerations. Questions? Contact Heather Royce, SME Associate Principal at 9936600,; or Joan Beahm, PTA Newsletter Editor, at 341-3725, Page 2
Attendance Policies and Procedures Shawnee Mission Board Policy mandates a minimum of 85% attendance for eligibility to receive credit in a course. Semesters are generally 90 school days in length, but because of block scheduling- every class does not meet every day. Therefore, students run the risk of losing credit on the 9th absence on a block schedule. Please assist us in supporting regular attendance of your student by observing the following guidelines: •
In the event that your student must be absent, contact the Attendance Center at 993-6646 by noon on the day of the absence. Absences not excused by the parent will generate an automatic call from the Phonemaster system.
from the school in their attendance area. Students who qualify for district-provided bus service in the Shawnee Mission School District may pick up a list of bus stops and pick-up times at their school of attendance by July 25 each school year. Students riding school buses must follow all safety rules and regulations. Violations of bus regulations may result in the student receiving appropriate and prescribed disciplinary actions, which may include being removed from the bus, an/or suspension from school. To help ensure compliance with necessary safety rules, video cameras may be used on school buses. Additional transportation information, including Parent Pay costs, can be found at http:// transportation.html .
New SME Staff 2009-2010
Parents have 24 hours to contact Pamela James (Spanish) the Attendance Center, or the abHau In Lau (Chinese) sence will remain unexcused. Students who need to leave cam- James Meara (Art) pus for an appointment during the Andrew Sandoy (Science) day should bring a note to the Attendance Center before school, Chip Sherman (PE) and they will be issued a pass to Jason Smith (Industrial Arts) leave. Students who become ill during the school day need to go to the Nurse, and she will contact parents. If students leave without checking out through the Nurse, the absence will remain unexcused.
Please update our records so that we have accurate contact information. You may contact the Computer Clerk at 993-6609 to verify or update information.
Transportation Information Shawnee Mission School District (SMSD) has recently approved a contract with First Student to provide all SMSD bus services starting August 1, 2009. The SMSD Board of Education provides free bus transportation to students living more than 2.5 miles SME Newsletter - August 2009
Library Volunteers
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Mom’s Kitchen Sandwich Station (hot sandwiches) Cold Power (cold sandwiches and salads) Carb Station (pasta with various sauces) Finger Foods (pizza, nachos)
The students can go to any area and select an entrée and side dishes to make a complete nutritionally balanced meal. A lunch consists of, two ounces of protein, eight ounces of milk, 1 1/2 cups of fruit/vegetable and at least one bread item. Under the “offer vs. serve” program, students may choose all of the components and pay $2.25 at the secondary level. They must choose at least three components to receive a reimbursable meal. Breakfast is available each school day and starts the first day of school. Breakfast includes a choice of 7 entrées which include breakfast pizza, cereal, egg & cheese biscuit, yogurt, biscuits & gravy, pancakes and many more. Remember if you have been approved for free or reduced priced meals you also get free or reduced breakfast. Bring your friends and come check out breakfast!
Food Service is committed to serving healthy foods to the students. • 0 grams Trans fat on numerous entrees. • Complete list of nutritional information on all menu items is availFrom the Front Office able on the district web page. Parents: Please remember that the and vegetables are offered office can only accept academic and • Fruits each day which include fresh medical items. We cannot accept fruits, raw vegetables, canned fruits packed in light syrup, and lunches, electronics, money (cash or frozen vegetables. checks), musical instruments, sports • Students are permitted to select equipment, closed toe shoes for sciunlimited fruits and vegetables ence labs, or gym clothes (including except fresh fruit and potatoes. swimsuits and towels). Thank you • All potato products are baked and for your cooperation in this matter. not fried. For example, French fries, tater tots. SMSD Food Service Infor• All breaded entrees are baked and mation for 2009-2010 not fried. For example, chicken nuggets. The cafeteria has a food court with 5 stations for the students to select from • Skim milk is available (including white, chocolate, and strawberry). and 18 entrée choices each day. The stations are: (Continued on page 4) The Library at SME needs volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Teri Orr at or 722-3808.
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Whole wheat pretzels. Vegetables are prepared without adding any margarine or butter. Pizza has a whole grain crust. Corn dogs are made with chicken and have a whole grain breading. Lower fat hamburger patties, beef fritter, and teriyaki chicken. Vegetarian entrees available daily. New products will be evaluated by students as developed by manufacturers.
Attention: Did you know that you can monitor your student’s account simply by going to parents/foodservice.htm and selecting “Apply Money to your Student’s Account?” Enter the I D number and last name, and it will take you to the fee payment screen. Select the button that says “Lunch Account Detail.” You will see all the activity on your student’s account for the year. You can also put money on your child’s account from this screen.
person. The exceptions to this policy are inhalers and/or Epi-pens and diabetic management supplies Students may self carry these medications with written permission from a physician and parents (which must be updated yearly). Students may carry/use cough drops and rewetting drops for contacts.
This year the SHARE Fair is September 9. Students will receive information about more than 80 volunteer projects. Project sign-ups will be before and after school outside the SHARE office for a week after the Fair.
Our Renovation Sensation Homes Tour is September 23. For informaThe SMSD district policy on over the tion about the tour and the really fun counter (OTC) medications states that Patron's Party the night before go to OTC medications will be tered sparingly when indicated to SHARE's annual Garage Sale has make your child more comfortable been moved to April 10, 2010. and able to remain in school. For example, the medication may be used Did you know that statistics show that students involved in volunteering for dental pain, mild headaches, or are 50% less likely to engage in high orthopedic pain related to recent injury. The school nurse will stock ge- risk behaviors. Just by being there, we like to think of SHARE as a very neric brands of Tylenol, Advil, and effective Drug and Alcohol PrevenTums. A signed consent from the parent or guardian must be on file in tion Program. the nurse's office and renewed annu- Thanks to all of you for your support ally before any medication will be of our students as they make a differadministered to your student. ence in the lives of so many people!
If a student is to receive a prescripIt's great to be a SHARE Lancer!!! tion medication at school, the mediPat Kaufman, Share Director Booster Shot Information and cation must be sent to the school nurse’s office in the original prescripExclusion Dates 913-993-6820 (SHARE office) Letters were mailed home this spring tion bottle accompanied by a permis913-677-1839 (home) sion form from a parent and physiif your student is due for a TD booster shot for all students. Incom- cian. News from the Library ing 9th graders also must have proof All medications orders expire at the The Library will be welcoming and that they have had Chicken Pox or end of the school year, and the nurse providing orientation for three groups Varicella and Hepatitis B immuniza- is required to dispose of any medicathis month. During early August, tions. The first exclusion date for tions not picked up at the end of the there will be a coffee and orientation noncompliance will be October 20, school year. session for parents who have volun2009. This exclusion date is for all teered to help out in the library. Later All medication forms and policies boosters due between 6/1/09 and on, new staff will be welcomed may be found on the district web 10/19/09. If your student does not through a PowerPoint presentation, page: have proof of having received a “Top 10 Reasons to Visit East’s Subooster by 10/20/09, KS State and per Library Media Center.” Toward SMSD policy dictates they be exthe end of the month, all freshmen SHARE Happenings cluded from school until it is comEnglish classes will come to the LiWelcome back to school! SHARE pleted. Our exclusion dates will be: brary for presentations based on the has a new office in the new wing on 1/15/09 exclusion for 10/20/09TV show “Survivor.” We look forthe north side of the building! It's 1/15/10 and 4/30/10 exclusion for ward to meeting all the new members 1/15/10-4/30/10. Please do not delay; room 463 and it's a bit tricky to find of the Lancer community! we do not like having to exclude any- because it's past the fire doors. The door to our new room is in the stair- Personal Identification Numbers one from school, as these are unexwell. We have windows and a sink cused absences. Students are encouraged to get a and lots of room, so once you find us Johnson County Public Library card Medication Policy it's a sunny, happy place and we'll and PIN (personal identification numSMSD policy prohibits students from have really clean hands! carrying any medications on their
Reminders from the Nurse
SME Newsletter - August 2009
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ber.) With the card and PIN, students dates! may: • •
• • • •
Place online requests for books Access many library databases containing online magazine, journal, and newspaper articles Use JCPL computers Print from library computers Add funds to their library card Check the status of their account online Renew materials (with no holds)
Room #
No more than two photos for a ¼ page ad.
No more than five photos for a ½ page ad.
No more than 9 photos for a full page ad.
Avoid lots of text.
Avoid dark or back-lit color photos that don’t reproduce well in black and white.
Use 300 dpi resolution if you design the ad yourself and send the design to us as a JPEG or PDF.
Senior Yearbook Ads
It’s a senior tradition parents won’t want to miss out on. The first deadline for a senior ad in the 2010 Hauberk is September 11. Parents will need to turn in a signed contract, pictures, text and payment to John Francis or Libby Wooldridge in room 521.
We suggest that you make photo quality copies of those images rather • than send us priceless photos which could be lost at the plant, but make To get a free library card and PIN, visit any Johnson County Library. It sure the copy print is of high quality. Parents won’t get their photos back only takes a couple minutes! until after the yearbook is published Thank you to Joyce Burner! in May. The late deadline is SeptemLast spring Joyce Burner, one of the ber 28. There will be a 25% price parents in our Lancer Community increase for late ads submitted from who reviews for School Library Jour- the after September 11 and before nal, donated over $1000.00 worth of September 28. After this, no more new books to our Lancer Library! A ads will be accepted. The checks huge “thank you” to Mrs. Burner for should be made out to SM East. helping us stretch our budget and proThe ad contract can be found on the vide the latest young adult titles for Shawnee Mission East Web site. our students! Yearbook staffers can suggest deGraphic Novel Club signs. The yearbook staff asks that The Graphic Novel Club will meet once a month after school this year. If you avoid cutting up images and photo montages. your student enjoys these books, en courage them to contact Mrs. Larson in the Library for the club meeting
Back-To-School Night for SME parents is Thursday, August 20, 7:00 9:00 p.m. This is your opportunity to meet your student's teachers as you follow your child’s schedule throughout the evening. Report to the auditorium at 7:00 p.m for a brief meeting with Dr. Krawitz. You will then proceed to your child’s 1st hour class. You may also join PTA, All-Sports Boosters, and various other booster clubs. Spirit Wear will be available for purchase. Remember that parking will be tight; allow a few extra minutes. Have your student fill out the sample schedule below and bring it For a well-designed ad, the staff sugwith you. gests: Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SME Newsletter - August 2009
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Counseling Office News— rollment is on page 65 of the Program Planning Guide. The guide is available on line at Click on CurPlease visit the Shawnee Mission East counseling website at It contains a wide variety riculum under Public Information, and from that page of information about the counseling department and staff, click on High School 2009-20010 under planning guides. opportunities, career, college, scholarships, and enrollThe state schools in Kansas accept JCCC and Baker ment. The counseling office also has a Web Back Pack Credit earned through concurrent enrollment. Although site: many colleges accept college credit earned through concurrent enrollment, some do not. It is wise to consider Schedule Changes where the student plans to attend college and contact the If your student’s schedule contains an error, please have admissions office to see if they will accept college credits her/him contact the academic counselor. We will only be earned in this manner. The good news is that college able to make schedule changes to address these situacredit earned in this manner is an economical purchase tions: computer error, failure of a prerequisite course, when compared to the cost of attending a four-year colgraduation requirements, or inappropriate placement. lege. The Schedule Change Request Forms are located in the Counseling Office and must be signed by the parent. College Now With the exception of American Government Honors all Counselor Assignments the courses listed on page 65 of the Program Planning Budget cuts last spring affected the Counseling DepartGuide are offered for college credit through the College ment. We were sad to say goodbye to one of our counNow Program at Johnson County Community College. seling colleagues, Brenda Tretbar, whose position was All pertinent information about College Now can be aceliminated. She will still remain in the profession as a cessed on line. Google JCCC. On the home page search Counselor at Blue Valley Northwest. The new alphabet for College Now. The List of Shawnee Mission East breakdown will be: A-Bt (Lili Englebrick); Bu-Fe (Barb courses can be accessed by selecting College Now course Johnson); Ff-I (Terry Archer); J-N (Jamie Heller and Don – academic from the column on the left. Classroom inBaker); O-Sl (Deanna Griffey); and Sm-Z (Laurie structors will talk to their students about the College Lamb). Rebecca (Becky) Wiseman is our Social Worker Now option. Enrollment materials are available in the who will continue to do Personal Social Counseling. counseling office.
College Planning
This is a list of College Now dates for the Fall: Mark your calendars for the Senior College Planning Seminars. The SME counselors will be holding two in- September 3, 2009 JCCC Application submission deadline formational meetings for college planning in September, one for students and one for parents. On Monday, SepAuthorization form submission deadline (signed by tember 14, seniors will be asked to come to the library your principal) during their English classes for information about making ACT/SAT test score submission deadline, if applicacollege selections, completing the application process, ble scholarships and financial aid. The same information will be shared with parents on Wednesday, September September 12, 2009 16, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the library. Each student will COMPASS (JCCC placement test) deadline, if applibe provided with a folder including important informacable tion for both parents and students. Parents should bring September 13, 2009 their child’s copy of this folder to the evening meeting. Enrollment/Payment deadline See you there! September 11, 2009 2009 -2010 Concurrent Last day for 100% refund
Enrollment Options
Simply stated, concurrent enrollment means a student enrolled in a high level high school class has the option to enroll and pay tuition at Johnson County Community College or Baker University and earn college credit.
September 14, 2009 Last day for 80% refund Last day to withdraw without a "W" on transcript
The list of high school classes offered for concurrent en(Continued on page 10)
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November 16, 2009 Last day to request pass/fail grade
The College Prep Math instructors will talk to their students about the Quick Step Plus program.
Last day to withdraw with a "W" on transcript These deadlines cannot be extended. Students are strongly encouraged to begin the process early. Exceptions to the deadlines will not be granted!
The fine print:
Concurrent Enrollment through Baker University This year is the first time that Shawnee Mission will be offering concurrent enrollment with Baker University. The two courses that will be offered in this program are American Government Honors. Miss Laura Lamb, SME counselor, will talk to the students in these classes and distribute enrollment materials to interested students.
College Now students are considered students of JCCC and are afforded the same privileges as on-campus students: access to the library, tutoring, gymnasium, etc. College Now students are also subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Visit and Questions? Call Miss Lamb with any questions you have about these programs. Her phone # is 993.6633. search FERPA for more information on this federallymandated privacy law. JCCC is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; therefore, a majority of our credits will transfer. It is your responsibility to check with the admission or advising office at the institution you wish to attend to ensure transferability of courses. State statute limits the number of College Now credits a student can earn to 24.
Quick Step Plus Last year Johnson County Community College began offering College Algebra credit as a concurrent enrollment option for the Shawnee Mission East course College Prep Math. Information about this concurrent enrollment option can be found on the internet. On the JCCC homepage search for Quick Step Plus to access this information.
The PSAT/PLAN tests will be administered on Wednesday, October 14, 2009. Registration will be announced later this fall. Contact the counseling office for more information. The ZAPS test preparation workshop for the PSAT will be offered Wednesday, September 30, 2009 and Thursday, October 1, 2009. There will be an early session from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. and a later session from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. The cost is $75.00. Letters will be sent to Juniors and Sophomores announcing registration and location. Contact the counseling office for further information.
LINK LEADER TRAINING (SME Gym) LINK LEADERS ONLY! Wednesday, August 5 AND Thursday, August 6 2:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. FRESHMAN ORIENTATION DAY (SME Gym) 9th GRADERS & LINK LEADERS! Monday, August 17 7:40 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. BACK-TO-SCHOOL DANCE (SME Cafeteria) 9th GRADERS & LINK LEADERS! Friday, August 28 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 9TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT (SME Library) 9th GRADE PARENTS & LINK LEADERS! Tuesday, September 1 7:00 p.m. SME Newsletter - August 2009
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Lancer Athletics
Jim Ricker, Athletic Director
Prepare Now For the Fall Sports Season Practice/Tryouts for the fall 2009 athletic season will begin on Monday, August 17. Please keep the following in mind as you prepare for the upcoming school year and our fall athletic season: Before an athlete can practice or try out, we must have a KSHSAA physical exam form on file. Signatures from the physician, the athlete, and the athlete’s parents are required on this form, which is available through or from the SME Office. The physical must be dated on or after May 1, 2009. Please note also that the physical exam must be performed by an MD (medical doctor), a DO (doctor of osteopathic medicine), DC (doctor of chiropractic medicine), or an RPA (registered physician’s assistant). An RNP (registered nurse practitioner) may perform the exam, but it then must be co-signed by a physician. Please hand deliver it to the AD Secretary in the office prior to the first fall tryout/practice. No athlete will be allowed to participate until we have received the physical form. In accordance with KSHSAA and Shawnee Mission District Policy, all students involved in athletics, debate, forensics, and cheerleading must be passing five subjects from the beginning of the semester to the end of the week in which the competition occurs. The student must have passed five new subjects the previous semester in order to be eligible for athletics at SM East. Credits for serving as a lab assistant do not count towards academic eligibility.
Varsity Football 2009 Before we know it, our new head football coach, Chip Sherman, and the SM East Lancers will kick off the 2009 football season. Please show them your support by attending games and cheering on your team. Thursday, September 3 Thursday, September 10 Thursday, September 17 Friday, September 25 Friday, October 2 Friday, October 9 Friday, October 16 Friday, October 23 Thursday, October 29
@ Olathe Northwest Lawrence Free State @ SM South @ Lawrence Leavenworth (Homecoming) @ Olathe South @ SM North SM Northwest SM West
CBAC North Stadium South Stadium Lawrence HS North Stadium ODAC North Stadium North Stadium North Stadium
7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm
Mandatory Meeting for all Athletes, Cheerleaders, Lancer Dancers and Parents This year, we will break from the traditional Meet the Coach night and ask that all athletes (regardless of season), Cheerleaders, Lancer Dancers, and parents attend a mandatory meeting in the auditorium at 6:30pm on Monday, August 24. We will start with a program on underage drinking and drug use. Parents and athletes will then split into two groups. Following the separate presentations, the two groups will meet back together for closure. It is critical that all parents and athletes attend. Immediately following the close of the program, we will continue with Meet the Coach Night for all fall sports. Parents will have an opportunity to meet their son or daughter’s coach and receive information regarding team rules, expectations, and procedures.
2009-2010 Important Dates Monday, August 11 Thursday, August 13 Monday, August 24 Friday, October 2
Fall Sports Begin Lancer Launch Fall Meet the Coach Night Homecoming Football Game
SME Newsletter - August 2009
Monday, November 16 Monday, November 23 December 23-27 Monday, March 1
Winter Sports Begin Winter Meet the Coach Night KSHSAA “No Practice” Dates Springs Sports Begin
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SME PTA SME PTA SME PTA SME PTA SME What’s Up With PTA? Welcome to your monthly SME PTA column prepared by the PTA President. Each month I will try to use this column to inform, educate and recognize. Most of this information will relate to SME activities and issues. However, because the mission of PTA is to advocate for the needs of students and teachers, I may occasionally use this column to visit other education, student and family issues. I hope the information will be useful and possibly stimulating. Below are some topics I want SME parents to understand right off the bat this year.
SME PTA Does Not Do Fundraising to Fund PTA Our sole source of operating revenue is YOUR PTA DUES. So please invest in SME and become a PTA “family” member today for just $28. This moderate fee makes a big difference in many programs that serve teachers and students at SME.
How Do We Use Your Membership Investment?
challenges. The PTA encourages parents to put these meetings on your calendar and try to attend. These are just a few of the ways that PTA uses your membership dollars to support the students, teachers and families at SME. Again, please become a member today and make this small investment that makes a big difference at Shawnee Mission East. Happy School Year Cathy Bennett
SME PTA Executive Officers President: Cathy Bennett 831-2757 VP Administration: Becky Johnston 236-6821 Co-VP Programs: Alison Coulson 831-4200 Co-VP Programs: Denise Clark 648-7849
VP Membership: Nonie Newman 831-1533 Your membership dollars are put to great use at SME including possibly our most valuable program providing Asst VP Membership: Molly Mitchell Danciger teacher Instructional Grants throughout the year. The 403-1860 PTA allots $10,000 from your membership dues each year to fund mini grants to support learning activities and Recording Secretary: Jane Wetzel 403-1860 exploration in the classroom at SME. With this year’s education budget cuts, the PTA Instructional Grants will Corresponding Secretary: Mary Lucas have added importance this school year. Other important 789-8224 PTA investments include: Treasurer: Karen Bailey College Clinic, October 14. The largest annual college 831-3836 expo in the heartland region showcasing nearly 200 US colleges and universities for SME students and PTA General Membership students throughout the area. Your dollars are hard Meetings at work on this student-centered program. 9/1 11:30am Village Presbyterian Church Lancer Launch, August 13 Your support helps the PTA Tues help the administration in this informative parent/ Tues 10/6 11:30am Village Presbyterian Church student orientation to life at SME. Tues 12/1 9:00am SME Library Lancer Transfer Welcome Event, August 12. This ice cream social event helps transfer students and their families get acquainted with SME leaders, school layout, traditions and policies.
11:30am Village Presbyterian Church
11:30am Village Presbyterian Church
Connecting Parents with SME. The PTA supports many activities that help parents stay connected to the issues, opportunities, programs, and even challenges facing SME and its students and families. Monthly PTA meetings and frequent ParentPrincipal Coffees bring forth speakers and key information about education trends, policies, issues, and
10:00am Village Presbyterian Church
Village Presbyterian Church
(Continued on page 10)
SME Newsletter - August 2009
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PTA Committee Chairs Academic Recognition Julie House, 383-8051, After Graduation Event OPEN Bridge Karen Bailey, 831-3836, Carnation Sales Lori Sherk, 236-7879, Julie Sykes, 677-9415, Citizenship OPEN Civic Duty/Citizenship OPEN College Clinic Donna Fischgrund, 383-3928, averyfish@aol.vom College Connection Barb Haviland, 362-9439, Barb Nichols, 341-3285, Sharon Goble, Culvers Night Becky Johnston, 236-6821, Freshman Lancer Event Kim Cohen, 642-4944, kimberly.cohen@opusservices Joni Cobb Historian OPEN Hospitality Connie Troutman Hostess Julie Foster, 362-9949, Instructional Grants TBA Lancer Launch Jannell Lukens, 831-0379, Landscape/Beautification Kimberly Reene, 648-9648, Mailing Carlene Anderson, 362-9179, Newsletter Joan Beahm, 341-3725, Parent/Principal Coffee Kristin Riott, 384-5156, Presidential Service Coordinator Jan Roach, 649-1981, Publicity Ann Spivak, 648-3671, Reflections/Citizenship Ellen Murphy, 831-2502, Senior Breakfast Jill Tidrick, 648-8639, Laurie Kirby, 642-6916, SHARE Liaison Barb Haviland, 362-9439, SME Newsletter - August 2009
Student Directory Laurie Kirby, 642-6916, Student Pictures Libbi Torres, 649-6768, Tranfer Student Event Suzanne Henley, 432-7364, Visual Arts Nonie Newman, 831-1533, Volunteers Becky Johnston, 236-6821, Website Shelly Kirkpatrick, 381-4384,
Important PTA Dates • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
August 12, 2:00 p.m. Transfer Lancer Ice Cream Social, Library August 13, 5:30 p.m. Lancer Launch Picnic/Dinner, Location TBA September 1, 11:30 a.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church September 16, 9:00 a.m. Parent Principal Coffee, Library September 28 College Connection Session, Library October 6, 11:30 a.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church October 14, 6:30 p.m. College Clinic, SME October 21, 9:00 a.m. Parent Principal Coffee, Library November 5, 11:30 PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church November 12 College Connection Session, Library November 18, 9:00 a.m. Parent Principal Coffee, Library December 1, 9:00 a.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church January 27, 28, 29 Carnation Order Dates for Love Fund February 2, 7:30 p.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church February 17, 9:00 a.m. Parent Principal Coffee, Library March 2, 11:30 a.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church April 6, 11:30 a.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church April 21, 9:00 a.m. Parent Principal Coffee, Library May 4, 10:00 a.m. PTA General Membership Meeting, Village Presbyterian Church
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Booster Clubs and Organizations Band Booster Club Karen Dees 236-6319
Orchestra Booster Club Cindy Lafferty 236-8999 Kelly Kendall
Theatre Booster Club Pat Latshaw 341-5725
Choir Booster Club Alison Coulson 816-820-5954
All Sports Booster Club Jay Simpson 384-0570
Lancer Gridiron Club Dan Jensen 642-0341
Debate Booster Club Marsha Gribble 385-9624
Forensics Booster Club Marsha Gribble 385-9624
CHOIR BOOSTER NEWS Congratulations to the 2008-09 Dan Zollars Scholarship winner, Andrew Sweeney. We wish him the best as he begins his studies in music education. We also congratulate the Lancer Coat of Arms winners, Sarah Are and Brian Aitken. We look forward to their leadership as seniors this year. Welcome to the 2009-10 SME Choral Program. The calendar is already shaping up with many great performances. Here is a quick preview for the first semester:: • October 7 – Fall Choir Concert SME Newsletter - August 2009
• November 3 – East Area Choral Festival • December 8 – Winter/Holiday Concert
Second semester promises a lot of excitement with the 2010 musical Footloose in February, Choraliers European spring break tour of Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague, Choral competitions, and the Spring Concert. Don’t miss a minute of the excitement. Plan to join Choir Boosters, assist with a choir activity, and, as always, encourage your choir student. Check out the NEW Choir Booster website,, for details. Look for announcements of the booster meetings, sign up for email lists and share pictures. The fun starts with two great activities the first week of school.
Choraliers Car Wash Saturday, August. 22 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.– SME Circle Drive Come help support the choir as they raise money for their trip to Europe in March of 2010. Choraliers members should contact Paula Raibble or Staci Parelman to sign up for a 2 hour slot to work. We'll also need buckets, rags, towels, brushes, food/ drink and adults. Please let us know what you can do to help.
European Vacation Raffle Can’t make the spring break trip to Europe? Just buy a raffle ticket from one of the Choraliers and you may win your own European vacation for two. The raffle kicks off the first day of school in August. The more you buy, the more chances to win!! Don’t forget our website: bookmark it, add it to your favorites, write it on your hand, just don’t miss a thing!
Theater Boosters The SME Theatre Department is looking forward to another fantastic year. Students interested in the theatre have several class options as well as numerous opportunities for performing throughout the school year. • The first All Theatre Meeting will be August 18 at
3:00 p.m. in the Little Theatre – your student’s chance to learn all about upcoming events. (Continued on page 11)
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• The Theatre Audition Clinic will
be held August 27 at 3:00 p.m. Don’t miss the chance to get your car sparkling clean at the Theatre Car Wash, Friday, August 28 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. And get that sweet tooth ready for the World’s Finest Chocolate… theatre students will start selling the end of August. Funds raised will benefit theatre activities. • Parents are encouraged to attend
the first Theatre Booster Meeting September 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the Little Theatre. You’ll have the chance to hear from our dedicated and superb theatre instructors, meet other parents and gather information on theatre classes and activities. If you are interested in joining SME Theatre Boosters, please contact Pat Latshaw,, 3415725 for information.
New Football Club Formed The Lancer football program is getting ready for an exciting Fall season! With the hiring of Chip Sherman, our new head football coach, a group of football parents have formed a new organization: The Lancer Gridiron Club. This club will support and promote the SME football program, coaches and players. The goal of the club is to provide year-round support to ensure that the program is successful in creating a winning football environment for the players, coaches, students, parents and fans in the SME community. We invite anyone interested in supporting our program to visit our website, for more information. You can purchase Lancer spirit wear, and learn more about our activities. Our hope is that SME Newsletter - August 2009
community businesses, alumni, football fans and families will become a part of this support group and enjoy Varsity football every weekend this fall. Our 2009-2010 Board of Directors are as follows: President: Dan Jensen
Treasurer: Linda Miller Fundraising: Stephanie Woltemath Game Week: Mary Schrock Publicity/Marketing: Donna Pirotte Team support: Kris Fisher Youth Sports Liaison: Blair Tate Webmaster: Joan Beahm
President-Elect: Mark Ellis VP, Business Dev.: Mark Sutherland VP, By-Laws: Dick Hertel Secretary: Pam Olander
Special Events for Incoming Freshman Lancer Launch The PTA will sponsor a Freshman Parent meeting and an Incoming Freshman meeting in the gym on August 13 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The panel will be composed of faculty, administration, and senior parents. Also, many SME clubs and organizations will be on hand to answer questions and provide SME spirit wear and merchandise for purchase. A freshman picnic for freshman families is scheduled from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and will be followed by an all school Watermelon Feed and Spirit Rally in the Junior Parking Lot. Note: Locations are subject to change due to construction.
Freshman - A Party Just for You Friday, August 28, 2009 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Shawnee Mission East - Cafeteria Kick the school year off with a bang and join the freshman class for fun and surprises at the Freshman Party. Page 12
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