a new
weapon District approves use of breathalyzers at high schools >>LoganHeley A new policy adopted in late July will authorize trained district police officers to use a preliminary breath test (PBT), used to detect alcohol, on students. Having the PBTs at their disposal will help district-employed police officers determine if a student is under the influence of alcohol. In the past, officers had to resort either to examinations such as the “pencil test,” where they instruct the detainee to follow a pencil with their eyes, or contact local police forces. The PBTs will be allowed at any location where school sponsored activities, like dances or sporting activities, are being held. Before testing a student the officer must have probable cause, which could be determined by how the student is acting or their breath. “I just think the time has come where we have to get real tough on this,” Principal Karl Krawitz said. “I’m glad it’s happening.” Punishment for students failing or refusing the PBT will be handled individually on a case-by-case basis, but the failing of a PBT will automatically result in a five-day minimum out of school suspension and could extend up to ten days depending on the incident’s severity. Dr. Krawitz is also in favor of suspending those students from school activities such as sporting events and dances for several weeks. Superintendent Gene Johnson believes that disciplinary actions could be worse for students who supply alcohol to others and not just themselves. Not only could students face disciplinary action from the district, but also from the city and county, respectively. continued on page three
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