1 minute read
adviCe: the Role of paRents and teaCheRs in helping ChildRen develop gReat Reading skills
2. Incorporate appropriate Bahamian books into your curriculum by assigning reading assignments and activities into lessons and using reading comprehension strategies.
3. Using technology can be a powerful tool for engaging students in reading. Incorporate digital books, audiobooks, and other online resources into your lessons to provide students with various reading options.
4. Recognize students who have made progress in their reading by celebrating their achievements. This can be done through awards, certificates, or other forms of recognition.
It is important to note that reading is not just about entertainment. Read- ing books can help build character and skills that will serve children well throughout their lives. Here are some of the benefits of reading: addendum and communication from the Government with respect to this process. All relevant details and submission instructions will be included in the RFpQ documents. Shortlisted parties will be invited to participate in the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage, which is tentatively scheduled to be released in May 2023.
1. Reading helps children develop a broader vocabulary and understand language structure and grammar better.
2. Reading exposes children to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives they might not encounter daily.
3. Reading helps children develop critical thinking skills, problemsolving skills, and the ability to analyze and interpret information.
4. Reading helps children develop empathy and better understand other people’s perspectives and feelings.
Literacy is a fundamental skill that is essential for individuals to function effectively. It is of utmost importance in the Bahamas, where communities need to embrace the art of positive communication to co-exist. Currently the Bahamian economy heavily depends on tourism and the financial sector which relies heavily on our ability to communicate. Investing in education and promoting literacy can help create a better future for all. So why not support the work of literacy in the community by sponsoring organizations that are on the frontline for our children or providing a child, a class, or a school with great reading books? After all, we could invest in our children’s tomorrow, today.
Prospective Bidders can direct any queries via email to P3Airports@Bahamas.com, if further clarification is needed.