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Ministry of Social Services Invites-
Selection of 50 Outstanding Women
top 50 woMen noMinees in CoMMeMoRation of the 50th anniveRsaRy of independenCe
In observance of the 50th Anniversary of Independence, the Department of Gender and Family Affairs within the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development invites you to nominate women who you believe have earned the right to be nationally celebrated. The 5 categories include: (i) unsung heroines; (ii) spiritual leaders (iii) young women -- between 18 & 30; (iv) women in professional services; and (v) persons instrumental in advancing or influencing the empowerment of other women.
Nomination forms and the criteria for nominations may be obtained from the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development, located on John F. Kennedy Drive and Bethel Avenue, or via the link below. Nomination forms should be submitted by Thursday, 30th March, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
Link: https://forms.gle/WpjQ6eGgnXey7LN38
Maxwell Leary - Grand Marshall, Tina Munnings - Judge, Sybil Forbes - Judge, Minister Clay Sweeting, Ch/Supt. Shanta Knowles, Minister Mario Moxey, Stephen Bain - Judge, Kishlane Smith, and Warren PinderJudge. On Right: Winning Lead Banners for North Eleuthera and Central Eleuthera High Schools, deemed a tie by judges.
JunioR Junkanoo RetuRns
all kinds, a variety of choreographed dance lines, and themes that ran the gamut, from life under the sea, to the ultimate candied sweet tooth, as well as concepts like, ‘crime doesn’t pay’.
Four experienced professionals adjudged the colourful competition. They were: Warren Andrew Pinder - Chair of the National Junkanoo Committee; Stephen Bain - a seasoned junkanooer and a junkanoo legend out of New Providence; Reserve W/Sgt. Sybil Forbes - an Eleutheran resident, along with Tina Munnings - also a seasoned local Eleutheran junkanooer. Grand Marshall of the parade was local civic leader, Mr. Maxwell Leary. Moderators/announcers during the evening included, Kishlane Smith - Deputy Co-Chair of the National Junkanoo Committee, with Edison ‘Fast Eddie’ Dames - Bahamian Junkanoo legend and consultant with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture.
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Mario Moxey, was in attendance in a show of support for the come-back of the junior event, and he was accompanied by the Hon. Clay Sweeting, Member of Parliament for Central and South Eleuthera, along with his family, as well as other ministry officials.
During the brief opening ceremony, Minister Moxey thanked corporate sponsors of the event who had partnered with the ministry, as well as school principals, teachers and parents who had come together to make the parade possible. He further commented, “It is very important for you to have come out and supported these youth as they show their artistic, music and dance skills before you today. I am happy that I am here on Eleuthera, just to see this... Let the parade begin!”
The parade got underway on time at