Steps to Become a Santa Rosa City Schools Guest Teacher Do You Have a California Teaching Credential or Bachelor’s Degree? Yes - California Teaching Credential
Step 1: Fill out an Application for Santa Rosa City Schools on EdJoin Link: 89936
Step 2: Contact Tammy Affonso Provide your Phone Number & a Time to Call
Yes – Bachelor’s Degree
Step 1: Satisfy the Basic Skills Requirement. Options:
Step 2: Sign up and take a virtual orientation through the Sonoma County Office of Education Link:
Step 3: Get Fingerprinted. Provide Medical Clearance and attend a 3 hour free online training through the Sonoma County Office of Education Step 3: Get Fingerprinted. Provide Medical Clearance.
Step 4: Begin accepting assignments and earn at least $200 per day. (If you work for 40 days, you will also qualify for a longevity bonus).*
*Salary and Bonus pending Board Approval on October 27th, 2021
Step 4: Fill out an Application for Santa Rosa City Schools on EdJoin Link: 89936
Step 5: Begin accepting assignments and earn at least $200 per day. (If you work for 40 days, you will also qualify for a longevity bonus).*
For More Information, email Tammy Affonso at: