Linq August 2013

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Her exclusive interview with LinQ introduces our readers to Femme Drag





INDEX Imperial Court News Fundraising for LGBT charities for over 30 years


Fairness Awards Lexington Farness honors local activists

True Stories The shocking tale of a woman arrested for being gay





Gay Christians More churches open doors to LGBT community

Femme Drag Diva Lilo brings new art form to Bluegrass




EDITOR Don Lowe LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The mission of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization is to provide support and services to the GLBTQQIA community. The vision of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization is to empower the GLBTQQIA community through voice. The Lexington GLSO is founded upon the core values of fun, inclusion, respect, integrity, dignity, service and competence.

GLSO Pride Center 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100 Lexington, Ky. 40504 859.253.3233 Please call ahead for appointment and office hours



Cindy Sommer, At Large

Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice President

GLSO STAFF Chad Hundley, Office Manager

Karen Taylor, Secretary Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer

Paul Holland, At Large Don Lowe, At Large Cynthia Lyons, At Large

Trilby Trent, GSA Advisor

“Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO.”

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Written by: Helena Handbasket

That’s What I’m Talkin’ About That WE see the future – a future where we ALL belong, regardless of and maybe even because of our differences… we all are worthy of love

Someone asked me why we cel-

community but also straight peo-

each other to be individuals and

time you criticize someone be-

ebrate PRIDE in June every year.

ple; people of all races, people

not be too quick to judge when

cause they look or believe differ-

I told them that the answer was

of every gender (transgender in-

someone has a different view or

ently than you do, just remem-

simple. It is because it is in the Bi-

cluded). I heard different accents

opinion or talent or style. And, as

ber… THAT is their normal and

ble. Says right there that “PRIDE

and languages and I saw twinks

I see it, anyone who isn’t on board

they are just as entitled to their

cometh before the fall.”

and seniors and everything in be-

with that is the oddball these days.

normal as you are to yours. Until

What made Lexington’s recent

tween. I saw single people and

I think back to the earliest pride

next month…

PRIDE Festival so amazing was

couples. I saw pet lovers. I saw

celebrations and you usually only

just observing all of the things

parents and children and tod-

saw gay people, and sometimes

Send comments or suggestions to

going on around me. I love to see

dlers. I saw drunk people and I

not very many. Now PRIDE has

people enjoying themselves (does

saw church people.

And I even

become a place for all types of

that make me a voyeur?) but I al-

saw some drunk church people.

people to unite and celebrate the

ways try to see what might not

And you know what…? It was all

fact that WE get it. That WE are

be so obvious to the eye and try

so natural… so “normal”. This, to

the new normal. That WE see the

to use my other senses to see and

me, IS the new normal. The ability

future – a future where we ALL

feel what is happening around

to mix and gel and play and work

belong, regardless of and maybe


and socialize and interconnect

even because of our differences…

What struck me most was the mix

with everyone. No longer do we

we all are worthy of love… we are

of people that were there. I saw

need to try to conform. As a mat-

all here, sharing the same space

not only people from the LGBT

ter of fact, we should encourage

– breathing the same air. So next LinQ



Written by: J. D. Vaughn

IMPERIAL COURT NEWS The Court provides a social outlet & recognition to the LGBT community and its supporters through frequent events, all while raising funds for local charitable causes.

Greetings from the Imperial Court

a charter member of the Inter-

of Kentucky. For those of you not

national Court System and is the

familiar with the Court, you may

oldest court east of the Mississip-

wonder “who are those people

pi River.

Imperial Court

wearing all that jewelry and always asking for donations?” This

The Court provides a social out-

edition’s article will give you some

let and recognition to the LGBT

basic information regarding the

community and its supporters

Imperial Court of Kentucky and

through frequent events, all while

how it is important to our com-

raising funds for local charita-


ble causes. In 2006, The Imperial

For more information, visit The Court’s website

Court of Kentucky was named InThe Imperial Court of Kentucky,

ternational Court of Distinction

Inc. is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit char-

by the International Court Coun-

ity with a special outreach to the


LGBT community of Kentucky. Founded in 1982 and based on the

The International Court System

savants of manner of English roy-

(ICS) was founded in 1965, when

alty, the Imperial Court of Ken-

Jose Sarria proclaimed herself

tucky is

the Empress of San Francisco, and

The Court meets bi-monthly at the GLSO Pride Center on Waller Avenue



Nicole the Great Queen Mother of the Americas plays a vital role in the operations of the Court System

Nicole The Great

laid the foundation for the forma-

and services, human rights ad-

tion of the Imperial Court of San

vocacy, and for many, provides a

Francisco. Today, the ICS has over

link to the LGBT community.

65 chapters in the United States, Canada and Mexico, making us

In February 2007, Empress Nicole

the second largest LGBT organi-

the Great was elevated as titular

zation in the world.

head of the ICS and named Queen Mother of the Americas. She ush-

In the mid 1990’s, Empress Jose

ered in the Renaissance Era and

named Empress Nicole the Great

expanded the Council to cre-

to be her Heir Apparent, and

ate a more diverse organization.

formed the International Court

The ICS has signed partnership

Council (ICC). The Member Courts

accords with Egale Canada, the

are autonomous organizations

Matthew Shepard Foundation,

bound together in shared struc-

the National Gay & Lesbian Task

ture, policies and goals. The Court

Force (NGLTF) and the Interna-

has played a significant role in

tional Gay Rodeo Association. Lo-

many local LGBT communities,

cally, our own Empress 21 and 28

spearheading AIDS fundraising

Nicole Diamond, serves as an Heir LinQ



J. D. Vaughn recently began a second reign. She is formally known as Her Most Imperial Majesty, Regent Empress 32. She is pictured here at this years’ Lexington Pride Festival.

Apparent to Nicole the Great, and

Emperor 31 Emperor Daryl “Big

So after thirty-two years of no-

represents the Imperial Court of

D” Lyons and Her Imperial Maj-

ble deeds, the Imperial Court of

Kentucky and this region on the

esty, Empress 31 Trinity had the

Kentucky has many reasons to

International Court Council.

third most successful fundrais-

be proud and in turn, hopes that

ing total in the 31 years of Ken-

Lexington is proud of it as well.

So while the International Coun-

tucky court history. Their reign

It continues to remain a strong,

cil provides overarching struc-

donated out over $36,000 to the

viable and important part of the

ture and guidance, the local chap-

charities named above. And since

Lexington LGBT community. Af-

ter charts its own course, raising

reorganization in Reign 15, the

ter the glitter of the crowns and

funds and awareness of important

Imperial Court of Kentucky has

jewelry fade, the bigger and more

issues to the LGBT community.

donated over a half million dol-

important difference is the im-

The Imperial Court of Kentucky

lars to charitable organizations.

pact made on many people’s lives

through its numerous fundrais-


that will create a lasting legacy in

ing events (typically around 50

our community.

events each year), donate to lo-

Reign 32 has started its fundrais-

cal and regional charitable or-

ing and community representa-

Look for announcements regard-

ganizations, including AIDS Vol-

tion as well. The Reigning Mon-

ing Reign 32 events here in LinQ,

unteers of Lexington, Moveable

archs, His Most Imperial Majesty,

or check out the Imperial Court

Feast Lexington, Lexington Fair-

Emperor 32 Patrick Thompson,

on Facebook (group name Impe-

ness, JustFund KY, the GLSO, the

and Her Most Imperial Majesty,

rial Court of Kentucky) or online

local chapter of PFLAG, and both

Regent Empress 32 J.D. Vaughn,

at www.imperialcourtkentucky.

UK and EKU LGBT student asso-

hosted a Pride Day Show at Cross-

org. Membership and/or volun-

ciations. Many of these organiza-

ings, and then J.D. performed lat-

teers are always welcome and

tions rely on the direct support

er to a large crowd at the evening


from the ICK for its operational

drag show at the very success-

and day-to-day expenses.

ful Lexington Pride Festival. Pat-

Next month’s article: Events up-

rick and J.D., and members of the

dates and “how can I become in-

The Court just ended Reign 31 in

Court, also represented the ICK in

volved in the ICK?”

June and His Imperial Majesty,

the July 4th Parade in Lexington.



TASTE OF GRACE A Taste of Grace will be celebrating its fourth annual event this year on August 24th at the Ballroom House Dance Studio in Brannon Crossing. The vision for TASTE is to develop grace in the Lexington area through fundraising initiatives. Each year a different non-profit organization is chosen to receive the proceeds from the annual event. This year’s non-profit is Moveable Feast Lexington. Moveable Feast Lexington prepares and delivers hot, freshly cooked meals, five days a week, to people living with AIDS/HIV-related illnesses as well as individuals who are patients of Hospice of the Bluegrass. 2010’s inaugural event raised over $10,000 for Grace Orphanage in Haiti, the 2011 event brought in $15,000 for Mission Lexington, and last year’s event brought in $8,000 for Faith Pharmacy. This year’s event will include appetizers, open bar (beer and wine), live entertainment, silent auction and new this year a “Wall of Wine.” Ways you can help: •Donate items for the Silent Auction or a $25 and up valued bottle of wine for the “Wall of Wine”! •Donate your musical talents! • Purchase tickets to the event for $40.00 in advance, $45.00 at the door! Sponsored by: Faith Lutheran Church, Lexington, KY TRANSKENTUCKY

TransKentucky will have attorneys present to discuss law and similar topics with regard to transgendered persons at the September 7th meeting at the GLSO Pride center. This should be an excellent meeting if you’ve ever had legal questions along these lines. Meeting is Sept 7th 2013. Starts at 7:30pm and runs until about 9:30pm.




Written by: Roy Harrison Photo: Eric Shock

FAIRNESS AWARDS “We are working hard, working smart, and having fun. It’s an exciting time for Lexington Fairness.”

Lexington Fairness awarded four

sha Charles Moore received the

a month-long open nomination

Fred Worsham and Shotz witha Z

leadership awards to LGBT lead-

Jennifer Crossen Out for Fairness

process. Oghia was recognized

were honored for their leadership

ers and activists at the 2013 Fair-

Award, and Craig Cammack re-

for her work with AVOL, Move-

of the Imperial Court of Kentucky

ness Awards Dinner. Stephanie

ceived the Ernesto Scorsone Po-

able Feast, and the Lexington Gay

and their collaborative efforts

Oghia received the Ally for Fair-

litical Leadership Award.

Sports Commission. In receiving

with different Lexington LGBT

ness award, Fred Worsham and

her award, Oghia spoke of her pas-

groups. They noted in their re-

Shotz Witha Z shared the Fair-

Lexington Fairness received 25

sion to support the gay communi-

marks that all people who attend

ness Leadership Award, Rev. Mar-

nominations for the awards over

ty. “I do this for you guys,” she said.

the Imperial Court’s and other orLinQ


ganizations events are the reason

the trainers as well as early Pro-

for the pair’s successes.

ject Speak Out trainings. A Pro-

ject Speak Out trainer, Marshall

Rev. Charles was honored for her

Fields, also addressed the sold out

work to reconcile discussions of

crowd of nearly 300 to speak of

faith and sexuality. In prepared

his experience as a Project Speak

remarks, a representative was

Out Trainer. Chairman Roy Harri-

joined onstage by Rev. Charles

son also introduced two new Lex-

mother, and spoke of the impor-

ington Fairness activities: Pride

tance of building bridges. The re-

Poster campaign, and an art and

marks also noted the irony of her

advocacy program named ‘FAIR-

mother sharing the stage with a

NESS, personified.’ “We are work-

drag performer despite her initial

ing hard, working smart, and

misunderstanding of the LGBT

having fun. It’s an exciting time


for Lexington Fairness,” said Har-


A Place to Celebrate

Craig Cammack’s award was based on his work as a former chairman of Lexington Fairness and his successful leadership in opposing anti-gay adoption laws in Frankfort. The Fairness Awards also highlighted the work of Lexington

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Fairness, including its anti-bullying initiative, Project Speak Out. The group presented a video that chronicled an initial training of

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Written by: Zak Pence


“America’s extraordinary history of advancing freedom and liberty and justice for all took another remarkable step forward when the Defense of Marriage Act was overturned.” - Mayor Jim Gray Heather Bosworth and Kristi Nev-

media site and news outlet open

litical and judicial events, think-

els have been married since 2009.

that I could think of,” she says.

ing they don’t really affect them.

The beachside ceremony was

However, according to her, this is

held in Provincetown, Massa-

“I was on pins and needles wait-

chusetts, surrounded by friends

ing to see what the decision was

and family from Kentucky and

going to be. I didn’t know what to

Nevels, a massage therapist, was

beyond. For Bosworth and Nev-

expect or how to react, but when

performing a massage while the

els, marriage was the logical and

I found out what it was, I just felt

ruling was taking place. She didn’t

necessary step to finalize their

this overwhelming flood of emo-

have access to any form of media,

commitment to one another, and


so she relied on Bosworth to tell

if they had to travel 1,000 miles to do it—so be it.

too big to ignore.

her the outcome. Bosworth believes that many people in the LGBT community,

“I knew Heather would know to

Bosworth, who works for UK, was

including their supporters, some-

text me. I just happened to look

at work when she heard the news

times have a tendency to distance

at my phone and read, ‘DOMA was

about DOMA. “I had every social

themselves emotionally from po-

struck down.’ I wanted to cry, but LinQ



UPDATE: A federal lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Greg Bourke and Michael DeLeon challenging Kentucky’s constitutional ban on same sex marriage. At press time, the case was still pending.

I couldn’t because I was with a

for Kentucky leaders who are pro

client. I was just so happy. I didn’t

gay marriage to speak their mind

think in my lifetime that I would

on the subject.

ty of work to be done,” says Flynn.

another state to get hitched anytime soon. “Theoretically we’ve

Williams thinks the hardest part

been engaged for six years now,”

about not being a legally recog-

jokes Flynn. And, they plan to stay

Ronald Williams and Brian Flynn,

nized couple is the lack of pro-

“engaged” until Kentucky legaliz-

Over the years they have con-

owners of several shops in Victori-

tections in the case of medical

es same-sex marriages.

templated moving to a state that

an Square, have been in a domes-

emergencies. He was recently ad-

allows same-sex marriage. Bos-

tic partnership for years. While

mitted to the hospital for about

Ernesto Scorsone, Fayette Cir-

worth feels that they are more at-

they have no immediate plans to

one week. “I hate to think about

cuit Court Judge (who as of now

tracted to the more liberal states

get married, they think the DOMA

Brian not being able to visit me in

is the only openly gay member of

that legalized same-sex marriage

decisions are a positive move for

the hospital when I needed him

the Kentucky General Assembly)

early on. However, she thinks

the nation as a whole.

most, or vice versa.”

thinks the Edith Windsor case

see this.”

that this sends a strong message

will be remembered for years to

to more conservative states, such

“It’s a great step forward,” says

Williams described a situation

come as a “groundbreaking rul-

as Kentucky, that they are “fall-

Flynn, who equates the DOMA

concerning another couple they

ing” in LGBT history.

ing behind.” She feels like the tide

ruling with Brown vs. The Board

know, in which one partner died

has shifted and that the Supreme

of Education, which was the

and the deceased partner’s fam-

“The recognition that basic due

Court’s decision would create the

landmark Supreme Court case in

ily took possession of the cou-

process and equal protection

momentum necessary to affect

which state laws requiring sepa-

ple’s property, leaving the living

principles serve to protect LGBT

nationwide change.

rate public schools for white and

partner with nothing. “It’s scary

Americans when it comes to mar-

black students were deemed un-

to think about,” says Williams.

riage will pave the way for fair

Both Nevels and Bosworth think


Kentucky will be one of the last

treatment on many fronts. 2013 Still, while they are optimistic

has become a watershed year in all of our lives.”

states to recognize same-sex

“I think we should celebrate this,

concerning the cultural signifi-

marriage. However, the overturn-

I think it’s a victory. That said,

cance of the ruling, he and Flynn

ing of DOMA will make it easier

we’re not there yet. There’s plen-

don’t have plans on traveling to LinQ



Written by: Sandy Spaulding




It began with a faded clipping

Later after Pat goes home to

would not take her because her

trist to “cure” them. Joan married

dated August, 1948, in the Newark

shower, Joan tells me what hap-

charge of “deliberate disobedi-

and had two children, staying 8

Ohio Advocate.

pened in 1948 in Newark. Two

ence” was not a crime. Not know-

years before the fragile fix gave

years earlier she had befriended

ing what to do with her they held

way under the weight of truth.

“Miss Joan Dixon, 18 has been

a woman named Maxine. One day

her for thirty days in the local jail.

sentenced to 1 year in Marysville

she kissed Joan who didn’t know

When the time was up she walked

The 70s awakened her spiritually.

Reformatory for carrying on im-

words like “lesbian” or “homo-

out the door. Uncertain where

She met Pat while in seminary,

moral relations with someone of

sexual,” only that it felt good and

she belonged, an officer offered

earning her Master of Divinity,

her own sex.”

she fell in love. With a picture of

to drive her back to Maxine’s.

and planning to be ordained in

Maxine on the family piano, and

Together they moved to Cleve-

the Methodist church until their

Now Joan is 83, lies in a hospi-

calling her “my sweetheart”, she

land looking for more tolerance.

new policy said “celibacy in sin-

tal bed, post-op hip surgery. Her

spent most of her time at Max-

Joan supported them both but

gleness and fidelity in marriage.”

partner, Pat, 73, ever present by

ine’s. But an uncle was attracted

soon realized Maxine was an al-

Later, the UCC church, inclu-

her side.

to Maxine and convinced Joan’s

coholic, and the abusive episodes

sive and proactive in LGBT jus-

mother her child was in grave

left her walking the streets with a

tice, welcomed and ordained her

I had gone to see them to write

moral danger and she should

butcher knife in suicidal despair.

where she served in churches in

about Joan’s experience of being

be committed to an institution

Leaving the woman, and crippled

Ohio and Florida until three years

jailed for being gay. It was like

where shock treatments were

by shame and secrecy, she had a


her to move past the trauma and

the common gay protocol. For-

series of short monogamous re-

shame to happier memories of

tunately, they had no money for

lationships—each one a little bet-

Last week they watched in Joan’s

what it was like to work all day

that option, but she did go to the

ter than the last.

room, cheering as the Supreme

in the factory and hit the wom-

police, swearing out a warrant

en’s bars, dance hard, throw back

for her daughter’s arrest.

some beers and lay down the

Court ruled in favor of marriage In the 40s, 50s, 60s, into the 70s

equality. What that means to cou-

gay bars were raided, but she hid,

ples in Kentucky is not yet clear but

femmes. Her favorite times were

Joan knew there was something

avoiding arrest. The churches

the decision does shout, “Listen

the dancing-- blonde, white shirt,

afoot; she tried to stay out of

proclaimed gays were going to

up, country, human rights have

and all butch. I laughed. “Dance

sight by walking in back alleys,

hell; psychology called homosex-

nothing to do with the plumbing

with me.” Pat put some music on,

but police officers in a patrol car

uality a disease, and families dis-

of our beloveds.” I watch as Pat

but instead of a slow dance it was

caught and handcuffed her. The

owned their own. In the sixties,

patiently feeds Joan, and negoti-

a jitterbug! Moments later she

judge tried to put her in juvenile

certain she was a reject, a crimi-

ates for her needs with staff. For

went down on the carpet when

facilities, but she was 18 and too

nal, a sinner and mentally ill, she

awhile they said they were “sis-

we missed a twirl.

old. The Marysville Reformatory

and her partner found a psychia-

ters”. I thought it brave of her to LinQ



Not knowing what to do with her they held her for thirty days in the local jail. When the time was up she walked out the door. Uncertain where she belonged, an officer offered to drive her back to Maxine’s.

come out to them, fearing it would

ten here, Joan and Pat have been

their lawn will be mowed, animals

people who love each other to

mean lesser care if they were

together for 38 years, defining the

tended, long nights in the hospi-

the bone will still be here, seeing

known to be gay. Instead, it has

word commitment we all say we

tal with their own taking turns

to one another, surrounded by

been an important step in their

long for. Most of us think of it in

keeping watch, a safe floor laid in

friends with rides, covered dish-

journey to respect and equality. I

terms of moving in and not sleep-

a place they will be coming home

es and weed whackers. DOMA’s

hear Joan call Pat’s name for cer-

ing around, unaware that the true

to, a call with a laugh on board,

better, but in the end it probably

tainty and clarity; now and then

essence of “happily ever after” is

a child reassured, a cold beer to-

doesn’t matter to love.

the secret language of lovers mur-

back there in that rehab center

gether when it’s over.

mured, calling her back when the

room where one somewhat wea-

meds cloud and confuse.

ry old woman gently soothes the

Pat and Joan show us love is big-

thinking you would like your sto-

other to sleep. Old friends nearby

ger than all the “gay” craziness—

ry considered for this column,

I leave them and move out under

in the hall, distantly aware their

the immaturities of our cultures,

email me at, or

the evening sky toward my car.

turn in the bed is coming, know

religions, laws, our ignorance

text 859-475-3272.

From being locked up for being

without saying this same circle

and cruelty--These come, and

gay, to a love witnessed and writ-

of committed buddies mean that

they will fall away around us; but

If you want to comment, or are

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Written by: Sandy Linville

FROM ONE PARENT TO ANOTHER I have dedicated myself to growing a support group that accepts and loves parents through what may very well be one of the loneliest, most challenging chapters in their lives

When Audrey came out in 7th

tivation that drives me to be part

parents through what may very

ever before, it is only natural that

grade to her father and me, we

of our local PFLAG chapter.

well be one of the loneliest, most

more and more families are being

challenging chapters in their lives

impacted. That’s why it is vital

had no one, not even a support group that we could turn to. We

Because I never want any fam-

– when their loved one identi-

that we have the opportunity to

wanted and needed parents who

ily, mother, or father to feel the

fies and comes out as gay, lesbi-

educate parents about the risks

could sincerely understand how

isolation that I felt, I have dedi-

an, bisexual, or transgender. As

their LGBT child faces particularly

our world had changed. My per-

cated myself to growing a sup-

more and more youth are com-

when sons and daughters are not

sonal lonely experience is the mo-

port group that accepts and loves

ing out and at younger ages than

accepted by their inner circle of LinQ



family and friends. Unaccepted LGBT youth are four times more likely to commit suicide than their peers and are more likely to drop out of high school, get involved in drugs, and participate in unhealthy promiscuous sexual relationships. Certainly, no parent wants that for their child. With the unique experience and unconditional acceptance PFLAG Lexington offers, parents and family members learn ways to avoid the regrettable and sometimes irreparable breakdown in family relationships that are often by-products of the coming out process. PFLAG Lexington provides resources to assist par-


ents as they lead and love their family, and specifically their LGBT child, through this new and often times challenging period in their lives. If you or your family wants support, please join us at our next confidential meeting, Tuesday

New Song in the Bluegrass is a

ive others, a place to share music

ing from light-hearted pieces

new community chorus for LGBT

that is meaningful and uplifting,”

to Broadway musicals to more

and LGBT-friendly singers. The

Johnson said.

classical pieces.

hearsals Thursday, August 22

The group will rehearse weekly

Each singer will be asked to pay

at 7:30 at Woodland Christian

and begin working on music for

$20 each semester to cover the

Church in Lexington.

a holiday concert. New Song is

cost of purchasing music. Re-

open to anyone who wants to

hearsals will last from 7:30 to

The group will be directed by

sing. There is not a formal au-

9:15 on Thursday nights. Wood-

Steve Johnson, former direc-

dition, however, the director

land Christian Church is located

tor of the men’s group Another

may wish to hear new singers

at 530 East High Street. Singers

Note. “I’m really excited about

vocalize to check their ability

should enter the side door locat-

this great opportunity to direct

to match pitch and assess their

ed on Kentucky Ave. Rehearsal

a community group of men and

vocal range. The only require-

will be upstairs in the sanctuary.

women. I think Lexington really

ments of singers are to attend

For more information or ques-

needs a group like this that is

rehearsals and contribute a pos-

tions contact Steve Johnson at

inclusive and offers gay and les-

itive attitude. The group plans

bian singers, along with support-

to do a variety of music rang-

new choral group will begin re-

August 13, 2013 @ 6:30p.

For more information: 859-338-4393

YOUR PET’S FIRST EXAM IS FREE. Check out our website and see why we are different. • 859-223-5215 LinQ



Written by: Karen Taylor




We gay Christians are people of value and are blessed by our Father in heaven with a commission to proclaim to all that Jesus Christ died for the sins of ALL.

I attended a Christian Conference

actually new to me, but it became

ther in heaven with a commis-

over the July 4th weekend that

more deeply established in me.

sion to proclaim to all that Jesus

changed my life. The Evangelical

There was that underlying belief

Christ died for the sins of ALL. If

Network Conference held in Lou-

that I wasn’t capable of carrying

we proclaim Him as our personal

isville had 100 + attendees from the

out the mission. I wasn’t smart

Lord and Savior we can walk in

LBGT community as well as a few

enough. The good news is God is

Him with confidence, love, and

straight alias. TEN is stationed in

and He is in me and it’s His work

the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts

California and serves to network

He is doing through a willing

20:32 “So now, brethren, I com-

gay Christians from around the

vessel. I have the deep desire to

mend you to God and to the word

world. They also work tirerisly as

serve God, to be used by Him, to

of His grace, which is able to build

our voice in arenas we could nev-

allow the wounding of my past be

you up and give you an inherit-

er find ourselves such as Exodus

used to help others. Because of

ance among all those who are

and various mainline denomina-

that willingness and desire, God

sanctified.” As followers of Jesus

tion pastors/leaders. The title of

can and will do just that. There is

He builds us up and gives us an in-

this article comes from a church

nothing special about me except

heritance of Royalty. Lesbian, gay,

in California that was at the con-

Jesus who lives in me. That’s the

bi, transgendered is not who we

ference and simply states a very

good news!

are, we are children of the most

basic truth that I am more de-

high God, a royal priesthood, a

termined than ever to proclaim

We gay Christians are people of

holy nation. We are children of

loudly and proudly.

value and are blessed by our Fa-

the King of Kings. A straight pas-

Before the event, I prayed God would not only revive me but that He would speak to me personally, directing me to what’s next in my life. With the closing of Open Arms of God Ministry I’ve been wondering around with no direction just filling up my life with stuff to keep me busy. It’s been good stuff but not what I believe God has called me to. I came away from the conference with what I asked for. I knew God had called me to heal the broken hearted, set the captive free, proclaim Jesus as Lord, and make disciples. It’s not that anything I came away with was LinQ


RELIGION tor from Colorado preached on

Are you like I have been, not feel-

Saturday morning that helped me

ing worthy of God’s calling or not

to see this. I was telling people

feeling at “home” with the free-

that it’s like when I first admitted

dom to walk in your calling? 1

to myself I was gay. I had allowed

Corinthians 1:26 – 29 will help us

my mind to accept that but it

see that in our flesh we may feel

wasn’t until I embraced it (living

weak, not smart enough, or not

it out) that I became free. Free to

accepted but that’s what makes

believe and be proud of who I am,

us useable to God. It is Him who

not walk around in shame or hid-

makes us strong. We get our wis-

ing from the truth. It’s a wonder-

dom and acceptance from God.

ful feeling, to be free to hold my

You felt you once had a calling?

head up knowing in my heart of

God’s calling is never evoked. He

hearts God loves me just as I am.

knew before you did that you

I’m sure many of you can relate to

were gay, transgendered, lesbian,

the days when you walked around

straight, and He knew before you

not quite feeling apart of the gay

were born that He had plans for

community (because you were

you. Embrace your calling as you

Christian) and not feeling apart of

have your sexuality.

the heterosexual Christian community. During those days I was

In Psalms we read that God knew

a person without a “home”. Be-

us in the womb, He formed us so

cause of TEN I have found my

our gayness was no surprise to

“home” among the greater Chris-

Him. We have been called, justi-

tian community across the coun-

fied, and glorified to do His work.

try. With that comes a freedom and a strength to walk out my calling in Christ.

EMPATHY FOUND HERE GLSO Offers Weekly Discussion Group

Over the years, literally hundreds

The Wednesday Night Discussion

of people have sat around a table

Group is open to adults of eve-

at the Pride Center on Wednes-

ry stripe; gay, lesbian, bisexual,

day nights and talked about what

transgendered, queer, question-

is going on in their lives and what

ing, intersexed, even straight. (We

is important to them. They have

do not discriminate.) If you could

found acceptance, community,

use a little empathy or have some

camaraderie, comfort, family, and

to share we hope you will join us

some find, for the first time, that

around the table. There is always

there is joy in being gay.

enough laughter to be shared and tears to be understood. We start

The group exists today because

around 7pm every Wednesday at

of empathy. Because a group of

the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave-

people, strangers really, can sit

nue, Suite 100. Come as you are…

around a table, listen to each

we do.

other and nod in recognition that “we too have been where you are, and we are okay.”




“Some Like It Hot at the Kentucky Theater” Classic film in a classic theater setting. We love black and white comedies and this is one of the best ever. Drag, deception, major stars and gay icons Curtis and Kane and oh yeah, Marilyn Monroe shows start August 28.”

Woodland Art Festival Good art is never as easy to find as in this yearly setting. The hot August weekend brings large crowds eager to mingle with artists and art lovers August 17 & 18 in Woodland Park.


Gay Conversations with God


Unfortunately, most members of our community have negative experiences when it comes to church and religion. This book by James Langeteaux takes on this issue in a real, raw and often raunchy way We cannot put this book down and neither will you

Gay Nashville Star Steve Grand is everything. He is good looking He is talented. He is a trail blazer. He just may be the first openly gay male artist in Nashville’s long history. His video All American Boy speaks to the heart of a right of passage for so many young gay men... unrequited love of a straight friend.

1 LinQ





Written by: Don Lowe Photo: Stu Tucker

FEMME DRAG ARRIVES... That night a fire was light under me. I know that that kind of treatment is not what I feel God taught us about love.

Born from bullying and named

Diva Lilo: It’s from Lilo and Stitch.

I wanna do drag one time and

tian were in immediate group of

after a children’s cartoon char-

My drag mother Arione Decar-

then the drag bug just bit me, it’s

friends. We were all bullied be-

acter, Diva Lilo, is blazing trails.

deza gave it to me because she

addictive. I had such a good re-

cause of pure hatred. Our dorms

Why? She’s not your ordinary

couldn’t remember my real name

sponse and after that I heard that

were broken into, they said terri-

drag queen. In fact, she’s not real-

and she thought I looked like the

there was such a thing as females

ble stuff to us in the cafeteria. We

ly a drag queen at all. The recent-

little Hawaiian girl in the cartoon

impersonating female imperson-

reported this and the RA (resident

ly crowned Miss Lexington Pride


ator, I wanted to run in femme

assistants) did nothing, the Dean

2013, real name Jeanne Jessop, is

LinQ: What is it called when a

pageants. I was appointed Miss

did nothing. We were ridiculed

a biological woman—a straight,

straight woman does drag?

Kentucky United States Femme

and mocked and at the spring

biological woman. Confused? So

Diva Lilo: Femme Drag

Fatale in January 2013 and then

dance someone called the police

we were, so we set out to meet

LinQ: How did you get started do-

in March I went off to my first

and one of our group was arrest-

this enigma originally from Roa-

ing it?

national pageant and I won first

ed for trespassing because he was

noke, Virginia, and get to the bot-

Diva Lilo: Diva Lilo was born 4

runner up and most beautiful.

the boyfriend and not a student

tom of this mystery. The following

years ago because I wanted to feel

LinQ: You told us you have a his-

there. That night a fire was light

are excerpts from our one on one

what it felt like to be in the spot-

tory with drag performers that

under me. I know that that kind

interview with this strong, beau-

light to be like the drag queens.

had an unusual beginning?

of treatment is not what I feel God

tiful, brave ally.

I was always behind the scenes

Diva Lilo: I went to a private Chris-

taught us about love. I believe

buckling shoes, making sure hair

tian college that’s how I met all

that God wants us to help each

LinQ: How did you get your stage

was prefect and dresses were

the gay friendly people, a lesbian,

other. I wholeheartedly believe in


zipped. I just said for my birthday

gay guy and a conservative Chris-

true love and equality for everyLinQ


Dival Lilo is the reigning Miss Lexington Pride


one. After we left college, I moved

to have confidence and self love—

to Lexington with my best friend

to help others. If I can touch just

at the time, India Ferrah (Ferrah

one person I am doing my job.

was a contestant of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 2 and now headlines

As Miss Lexington Pride, Diva Lilo

in Las Vegas).

has appeared at the Kentuckiana

LinQ: What does your family think

Pride Festival in Louisville, Lex-

about your drag persona?

ington’s Pride Festival along side

Diva Lilo: My parents support me,

Mr. Gay Lexington Tristan Rider,

my mom drove 4 hours to my na-

and Lexington’s Fourth of July

tional pageant to watch me com-

parade. She appears regularly at

pete and my dad told me I have a

area nightclubs alongside “reg-

big heart and that he is proud of

ular” drag queens (among them


Adriana Fuentes her Lexington

LinQ: Why do you do it?

drag mother, Georgia Peach her

Diva Lilo: I do drag because I know

“fairy godmother” and Mya St

what its like to be pushed aside

James one of her best friends) She

and put in the back. I do it to em-

says they have accepted her and

power big girls and straight girls

welcomed her with open arms.




HIV/STS Testing, Services and Information

Lexington Human Rights

859 252 4931

AIDS Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL)

859 225 3000

Lexington Pride Festival

859 253 3233

Health Department, Fayette County

859 288 2437

PFLAG Lexington

859 338 4393

Health Department, Woodford County 859 873 4541

PFLAG Louisville

502 223 1323

HIV/AIDS Legal Project

502 584 1254

Sister Sound

859 806 0243

Moveable Feast

859 252 2867

Social Services, Lexington


Northern Ky Region

859 341 4264

Speaker’s Bureau

859 266 5904

UK Adolescent Medicine

859 323 5643



United Way

Community and Social Groups

859 313 5465

24-Hour Crisis Line

800 929 8000

24-Hour Teen Crisis Line

800 999 9999

Religious Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous

859 967 9960

Lex Friends, Quakers

859 254 3319

AA/Alcoholic Teens

859 277 1877

Unitarian Universalist Church

859 223 1448

Council for Peace and Justice

859 488 1448

Discussion Group

859 253 3233

Student Groups

Fairness of Louisville

502 893 0788

Berea College ACE

859 958 3633

Gay Straight Alliance, Teens

859 266 5904

Centre College BGLA

859 238 5332

GLSO Pride Center

859 253 3233

EKU Alphabet Center

Imperial Court of Kentucky

859 619 7521

International Gay Bowling

859 539 3058

Morehead State University

606 783 2294

Kentucky Fairness

502 836 5085

UK OutSource

859 323 3312

Lexington Fairness

859 951 8565



LinQ CALENDAR AUGUST Thursday, August 1

Saturday, August 17



GLSO Board Meeting

LGBT Movie Night

Friday, August 2

Sunday, August 18



Outloud! Radio Show

Bible Study

Saturday, August 3

Wednesday, August 21



TransKentucky Meeting

LGBT Discussion Group

Sunday, August 4

Friday, August 23



Bible Study

Outloud! Radio Show

Wednesday, August 7



Lexington Gay Geeks Sci-Fi Club

LGBT Discussion Group

6:30pm – 9:00pm

Friday, August 9

GLSO Pride Center


For more information

Outloud! Radio Show

Sunday, August 25



Lexington Gay Geeks Sci-Fi Club

Imperial Court Meeting

Saturday, August 10

Wednesday, August 28

Editorial Deadline for LINQ Newspaper



LGBT Discussion Group

Kentucky Bourbon Bears Board Meeting

Thursday, August 29

Sunday, August 11



2014 LexPride Election & Welcome Meeting

Imperial Court Meeting

Friday, August 30

Wednesday, August 14



Outloud! Radio Show

LGBT Discussion Group Friday, August 16 3:00pm Outloud! Radio Show 7:00pm Senior’s Social Group Potluck







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