Outlook – Winter 2015

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ISSUE 34 Winter 2015


Christmas and New Year Waste Collection Dates PAGE 5

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Year of achievements despite budget cuts

CONTENTS Winter 2015

By Councillor RON WOODLEY Leader of the Council As ever our seasonal issue of Outlook is filled with festive spirit and our centre pages and events guide show what will be on offer for all the family over the holidays. Christmas is a good time to get behind our local traders. Shopping areas like Leigh Broadway, Hamlet Court Road, London Road or Thorpe Bay Broadway are the real lifeblood of communities so I hope we all get behind those businesses. Our High Street is also important, so we will again offer free parking at certain times. More information in the centre pages. As we come towards the end of the year it is worth reflecting quickly on another challenging but successful year for the Council and the Borough. Our £4.7 million project to improve the A127 Tesco roundabout was completed on time and on budget and we continue to deliver big infrastructure projects, recently starting work on the Kent Elms pedestrian crossing.We also launched Southend Energy which now has over 1,000 customers who are estimated to save around £200,000 depending on useage. Also, the number of pupils achieving five or more A*– C GCSE grades including English and maths has risen again this year. Redevelopment plans for various eyesores along Victoria Avenue are also coming forward, thanks in some part to Council pressure. Also, plans are being ramped up to transform the Queensway estate and the first council house for 25 years has been built – and more are planned. Our visitor numbers and tourism profile have also rocketed, with a number of national broadcasters coming to Southend-on-Sea. Our pier has been named one of the seven wonders of the British seaside. Not bad for a council that has had to make almost £56 million of savings in the last five years. Talking of savings, we are already working on our spending plans as we await news on our exact reduction of Central Government funding for the next financial year. We predict a need to save another £32.4 million by March 2019 and, as ever, we will have to make some very tough decisions about the future as we face increased demand for our services – but with less money to spend. We must and will do our utmost to protect important services and look after our community as best we can, whilst remaining ambitious and forward thinking. I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Partnership aims to cut traffic casualties to zero . . . . . 4 Welcome to My Southend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 More than 1,000 switch to Southend Energy . . . . . . . . . 6 Flood relief work protects couple’s home . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Win tickets to see Strictly Come Dancing stars . . . . . . 9

Changes to Outlook distribution DUE to the need to make ongoing budget savings, this and the spring 2016 issues of Outlook will not be delivered to all homes in the Borough.

Outlook will be available to pick up from the Civic Centre, Libraries & Museums, the Pier, Belfairs Woodland Centre, Colleges, SAVS and a number of GP Surgeries. Follow us on Twitter @southendbc or Facebook southendbcofficial

Murals help children celebrate diversity . . . . . . . . 11. Christmas extravaganza is simply icetacular . . . . 12/13 Using mobiles to tour digital art park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Win day passes to Borough leisure centres . . . . . . . . 14 Shipwreck artefacts to go show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Day in the life of a Portage Worker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 New contractor will save million of pounds . . . . . . . . 17 Staying safe and warm this winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18/19

for Southend

What’s On Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20/21

Outlook is printed on recycled paper.When you have finished with this publication please help the environment by passing it on to a friend or recycling it.

Know your Councillors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22/23 Queensway regeneration moves a step closer . . . . . . . . 24

Outlook is written, designed and produced by Smith Davis Press in partnership with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council. The information contained in this publication has been accepted from the contributors in good faith, and whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy at the time of going to press, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council cannot accept responsibility for any errors,misrepresentations or subsequent changes.Whilst all possible care is taken in the preparation of this publication, no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting as a result of the material contained herein can be accepted by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council,the authors or the publisher.Southend-on-Sea Borough Council does not endorse any of the products or services advertised within this publication.Printed by PCP. Further information about the Council,its Councillors and its services can be found on our website www.southend.gov.uk or by emailing council@southend.gov.uk or by calling 01702 215000.You can also access this information through your local library.

Say it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

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Learning the rules of the


THE Council’s Road Safety team is delivering and backing a number of initiatives to keep pedestrians, drivers, riders and cyclists safe this winter. As a member of the Safer Essex Roads Partnership, the team is staging parent walks at infant schools to highlight the dangers faced by reception-aged children – such as poorly parked cars and vehicles pulling out of driveways. Council Road Safety Officer Peter Swanwick said:“The idea of these sessions is to get parents to realise that they are the ones most likely to teach their children good and bad road safety skills. “Parents are encouraged to be good road users themselves by always finding a safe place to cross. It may not be quite so convenient to use a zebra crossing that is 30 metres along the road but by not doing so they are teaching their children bad habits.” Elsewhere the team has this key advice for road users: ■ Never drink and drive. ■ Remember – you can still fail a breath test the morning after drinking alcohol. ■ Increase your stopping distance in icy conditions. ■ Always clear frost and snow before driving. ■ Be aware of cyclists and pedestrians. ■ Be prepared and plan ahead.

Above, Andrea Samkova and her daughter Lily Balazova, aged four, on a parent walk with Council Road Safety Officer Peter Swanwick outside Milton Hall Primary School in Westcliff-on-Sea. Left, Deborah Kent talks with her granddaughter Scarlet Evans, aged five, about the importance of stopping at kerbs to look for traffic.

New partnership aims to reduce county traffic casualties to zero R

OAD safety specialists at Southend-on-Sea Borough Council are founding members of an Essex-wide partnership which has the ambitious aim of reducing fatalities and injuries on county roads to zero. The Council joined forces with the emergency services and other local authorities to launch the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP). It is already funding town centre initiatives using vehicles with audio-visual equipment to promote road safety themes. As a SERP partner, the Council's Road Safety Team is also running a campaign to increase awareness about the risks of adult pedestrians becoming casualties when they are in a hurry,

4 Outlook WINTER 2015

walking in the dark or impaired by alcohol. Zulfiqar Ali, Group Manager Traffic Management and Highways Network, said: “We’ve always taken the stance that one life lost on our roads is one too many which is why I am thrilled to see Southend unite with other organisations in a shared resolve to make road fatalities and serious injuries a thing of the past. “Our approach to promoting road safety encompasses the safe design of our highways, the firm but fair enforcement of speed limits and traffic restrictions and the education of all road users including cyclists and pedestrians – young and old alike. “Ultimately we all have a role to play in keeping our roads and pavements safe but by

creating this partnership we’re sending out a clear message that we will not rest easy while lives are needlessly lost.” Council Road Safety Officer Peter Swanwick said: “Working as a partnership means many road safety activities are now funded with money from outside Southend with partnership resources used in the town. “My message to everyone is simple – if they all make small improvements to their driving, riding or walking behaviour, collectively it could make a big difference to the number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads. Small changes save lives.” ● For more information on the partnership, visit www.saferessexroads.org and follow it on Twitter @SaferEssexRoads

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Welcome to MY SOUTHEND

COUNCIL HOTLINES Out of Hours emergencies – 01702 215000 Housing Benefits, Council Tax Reduction and Council Tax – 01702 215001


new online facility allowing residents, businesses and landlords to quickly and easily manage Council transactions online has gone live.

My Southend can be used by all residents of the Borough and lets users view details for their council tax, housing benefits, council tax benefit or business rates. It speeds up the process of viewing bills and notifications because people no longer have to wait for paper copies by post. The next phase of My Southend will next provide online access to a range of Council Tax and housing benefit forms. A £25 Marks and Spencer gift card was presented to the first person to register, 30-year-old Kate Brooks from Leigh-on-Sea. Kate said: “I’ve used My Southend a lot since it went live. Going online makes accessing your council tax details and paying for things so much easier and faster.” Residents simply need to register at southend.gov.uk/mysouthend while those without internet access can go online at local libraries and The Hub – a service located in Victoria Shopping Centre offering free computer training, financial advice and support with housing and applications.


Housing Advice – 01702 215002 Parking, Highways and Transport – 01702 215003 Planning, Development and Building Control – 01702 215004 Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing – 01702 215005 Waste, Fly Tipping, Fly Posting and Graffiti – 01702 215006

the first Leigh-on-Sea resident Kate Brooks was Portal hend Sout My the on person to register card. – and won a £25 Marks & Spencer gift

Children’s Services including Education – 01702 215007 Adult Social Services – 01702 215008

Christmas Office Hours

Registration Services (Births, Deaths and Marriages) – 01702 215009

THE Civic Centre and the Tickfield Centre will be closed as usual on the bank holidays over Christmas (Friday 25 December, Monday 28 December, Friday 1 January), and closed for one additional day on Thursday 31 December. The offices will also close at 3.30pm on Christmas Eve.

Electoral Registration and Councillor Enquiries – 01702 215010

BLUE BIN Food waste including your turkey carcass.

Revised Christmas and New Year 2015/16 2010/11

Collection Dates

PINK BAG Wrapping paper and cardboard.

Leisure, Culture and Tourism – 01702 215011

BLACK BAG Nonrecyclable waste.

REAL CHRISTMAS TREES Leave real trees at the boundary of your property or take to one of the Council’s recycling sites.

Normal collection day

Revised collection day

Days late

Friday 25th December Monday 28th December Tuesday 29th December Wednesday 30th December Thursday 31st December Friday 1st January Monday 4th January Tuesday 5th January Wednesday 6th January Thursday 7th January Friday 8th January Monday 11th January Tuesday 12th January Wednesday 13th January Thursday 14th January Friday 15th January

Tuesday 29th December Wednesday 30th December Thursday 31th December Saturday 2nd January Monday 4th January Tuesday 5th January Wednesday 6th January Thursday 7th January Friday 8th January Saturday 9th January Monday 11th January Tuesday 12th January Wednesday 13th January Thursday 14th January Friday 15th January Saturday 16th January

4 days late 2 days late 2 days late 3 days late 4 days late 4 days late 2 days late 2 days late 2 days late 2 days late 3 days late 1 day late 1 day late 1 day late 1 day late 1 day late

For more information call 01702 215006 or visit www.southend.gov.uk/recycling Report it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

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Initiative helps residents stay healthy and remain at home PEOPLE are being supported by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council to stay healthy and well and remain in their own communities. It comes after the Council signed up to the Government’s £5.3 billion Better Care Fund initiative to reduce A&E admissions by helping residents stay at home through integrated Council social care and NHS services.

Pressure on A&E and a predicted growth in demand means plans are already being formulated to make sure patients are only admitted to hospital A&E if they have a serious and urgent need. The walk-in service currently delivered from St Luke’s Health Centre will not be re-commissioned and new premises are being sought so the GP practice there can take on more patients

and deliver extra services. No patients will be adversely affected while this is organised. Sharon Houlden, Head of Adult Services and Housing at the Council, said: “The idea of the initiative is to maintain people’s health, wellbeing and independence in their own communities. “It’s not just about hospital admission or avoidance. But if people do need to be admitted, it’s about quickly and safely getting them home when the time is right and helping them to be independent.”

Over 1,000 switch to save cash M

ORE than 1,000 customers are estimated to have saved around £200,000 on their bills depending on usage in the few months since switching to a pioneering energy supply partnership involving Southend-on-Sea Borough Council.

Mrs Elise Thomas is saving hundreds of pounds a year after switching to Southend Energy.

Launched at the end of May with OVO Energy, Southend Energy has bespoke tariffs negotiated by the Council that aim to offer fair energy deals with low standing charges and no exit fees*. The service, including a pre-payment meter offer with one of the cheapest pre-payment energy tariffs in the country, is available to people living within the Council’s boundaries. Elise Thomas from Leigh-on-Sea, switched after receiving a leaflet in Outlook magazine. She rang Southend Energy and was told she could save £437 a year. Mrs Thomas said: “I had been with the same company for ages. They had been alright but their bills were massive. Then a leaflet came through the door and by chance my son told me OVO were very efficient. I think that this was the little nudge I needed to do something about it.” The Council’s Energy Projects Manager Jeremy Martin said: “So many people could save by switching but many are put off by a distrust of energy companies and fears that the switching process is complicated. “But switching couldn’t be easier and Southend Energy customers can be assured that they are getting a fair deal with the tariff negotiated by the Council.” To find out if you can save, go to southendenergy.co.uk or call 0800 408 6711. *Exit fees are not charged when you leave Southend Energy. But you may be charged a fee to switch between Southend Energy tariffs if within your fixed term contract.

Crossing work underway TWO Southend communities either side of the A127 in Kent Elms will be reconnected by Christmas, now work on a new pedestrian crossing is well underway. The crossing will replace the existing stepped footbridge which is unsuitable for people with disability and those using pushchairs. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council has pledged to keep the impact of the work on motorists to a minimum but will need to temporarily close lanes at some off-peak periods during the day and night until December.

6 Outlook WINTER 2015

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Flood relief work gives couple their


EMI-RETIRED couple Andy and Wendy Norton are in festive mood for the first time in two years now flood relief work has been carried out at their home courtesy of Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Defra. They were hit by intense rainfall and flooding in 2013 and 2014, wrecking the downstairs of their semi-detached property in Leigh-on-Sea. Through the Defra Repair and Renew grant, their home has now been fitted with two flood defender doors, 10 anti-flood airbricks and their external walls have been waterproofed to give them peace of mind. The Council appointed engineering firm AECOM to oversee a Borough-wide scheme which had 149 applications. Dedicated flood defence specialists UK Flood Barriers carried out individual surveys at each property before installing a series of flood mitigation products. Each property had an allocation of up to £5,000 from Defra for the work.

Wendy said: “Life has been stressful to say the least. We always had that fear. If we were going out and rain was forecast we always sandbagged the house. It even left our dog Beulah traumatised. “We were fortunate to get a Government grant and once the work was done it was instant relief. We now know the house is protected so we have peace of mind.” Andy added: “What’s given us most confidence is the truly multi agency approach. The Council’s Highways Engineer Terry Stokes has been a real trooper. He’s organised extra drainage gullies outside and the footpath has been raised.” Applications for this scheme are now closed.

Andy and Wendy Norton with the specialist flood-mitigation doors now fitted to their home in Leigh-on-Sea.

Reminder on annual electoral registration form RESIDENTS are being reminded that each property should now have received a Household Enquiry Form (HEF) as part of the annual electoral registration canvass process. The purpose of this form is to confirm who is eligible to vote at each address. All households are required to respond to their form. New

residents who have added their name to the HEF will also need to complete an individual application to register to vote. This can be done quickly at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Households who have not received an HEF are urged to contact Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Electoral Office on 01702 215010.

Emergency Contact Numbers for Christmas and the New Year DIAL 111

DIAL 101

DIAL 999

IF you feel unwell, call 111 and a team of fully trained advisers and experienced nurses can assess your condition and direct you to the local service that can help you best, when you need it. That could be your GP surgery, an out of hours GP, A&E, a local urgent care centre, emergency dentist or a late opening pharmacist. If it is an emergency, an ambulance will be despatched immediately without the need for any further assessment, just as quickly as if you had dialled 999. For less urgent health needs, residents should still contact their GP or local pharmacist.

YOU should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example:

YOU should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.

■ Your car has been stolen. ■ Your property has been damaged. ■ You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood. ■ To report a minor traffic collision. ■ To give the police information about crime in your area. ■ To speak to the police about a general enquiry.

Apply for it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

OTHER NUMBERS SAMARITANS Call 08457 909090 or email jo@samaritans.org SILVER LINE If you are feeling lonely or isolated,The Silver Line is a free, confidential, 24 hour a day helpline for older people. Call 0800 470 8090 or visit www.thesilverline.org.uk ELECTRICITY EMERGENCIES Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk or 0800 783 8838 or 0333 202 2021 from a mobile. GAS EMERGENCIES Visit www.nationalgrid.co.uk or call 0800 111 999. WATER AND SEWERAGE ENQUIRIES AND EMERGENCIES: Essex and Suffolk Water on 0845 782 0999. To report a leak or flood call 0800 526 337. Anglian Water: 0845 714 5145. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY www.gov.uk/check-if-youre-at-risk-of-flooding or call 0345 988 1188.

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Wedding Ceremonies & Special occasions Weddings – Birthdays – Celebrations - Special Events The perfect venue no matter what the occasion! Superb unique venues from historic buildings in tranquil settings to beautiful modern and contemporary locations. Charter Suite




tel: 01702 212032 • email: venuesandevents@southend.gov.uk @southendvenues




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for fantastic

DANCE SHOW Nicky Quinn and her son Jake, aged 10, at her shop, Quinn’s of Thorpe Bay, which was one of the winners of last year’s Best Festive Business competition. Nicky is also pictured on the magazine’s front cover.

Shoppers urged to

back businesses T

HE people of Southend are again being urged to get behind Small Business Saturday this year by supporting community enterprises and shopping local. Taking place on Saturday 5 December, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council is backing the campaign for the third year running after it attracted 100 businesses last year. To encourage shoppers and promote the initiative, free all day parking is on offer at the Council’s car parks in Ilfracombe Avenue, North Road, Hamlet Court Road, Elm Road in Leigh-on-Sea, North Street, Ceylon Road and Thorpe Bay Broadway. The Council’s Economy and Tourism team is also running its Best Festive Business competition again – this time in partnership with casino chain Genting. The idea is for local independent, small and

medium-sized businesses in Eastwood, Leigh-on-Sea, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend, Southchurch, Thorpe Bay and Shoeburyness to decorate their premises for Christmas and offer customer incentives. Quinn’s of Thorpe Bay, a shop selling home accessories and distinctive gifts including children’s toys, was one of the six winners last year. Owner Nicky Quinn said: “I’ll be entering and taking part again this year. Anything that encourages people to shop locally and get into the community spirit is a good idea.” To enter the competition, owners are asked to Tweet a photo of their festive business to @businessonsea or #xmasbizonsea. They can also email economicd@southend.gov.uk Staff at Westcliff-on-Sea’s Genting Club will judge entries with the winners announced on Saturday 12 December. The prize will be a Christmas booth package at the club for up to eight people.

TICKETS to see Anton Du Beke and Erin Boag – pictured below – in their thrilling new production Just Gotta Dance are up for grabs in our latest competition. Cliffs Pavillion Theatre is offering readers the chance to win seats for the show, which comes to Southend on 1 and 2 March next year. The nation’s favourite ballroom couple take to the road for an extensive tour in 2016, and will be joined on stage by star vocalist Lance Ellington, six world-class ensemble dancers and the 25-piece London Concert Orchestra. For the chance to win one of two pairs of tickets for this fantastic show, valid for the Tuesday 1 March performance, just tell us which of these dance styles originates in Brazil: A) Waltz B) Samba C) Salsa. Send your answer on a postcard with your name, address and daytime telephone number to: Just Gotta Dance Competition, Information and Communications, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6ER or you can email outlook@southend.gov.uk The closing date for entries is 18 December.

Council Leader meets community groups COMMUNITY groups are getting the chance to meet Council Leader Councillor Ron Woodley to quiz him on his vision for the future of the Borough. A series of events are now taking place aimed at informing people about the challenges facing the Council and seeking their views on how the authority should deal with ever-tightening finances. Further events will take place next year with dates and venues to be announced at a

later date. Feedback will be used when the Council sets its budget for the next financial year. Cllr Woodley said:“These events are my way of engaging with large numbers of people from the community, many with specific needs and interests, and I hope as many as possible will come along to share their views.” ■ For information about future meetings please go to southend.gov/news

Apply for it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

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Venues & Events Southend You will find the ideal venue for your event no matter what the occasion!

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You have a large choice of unique facilities in central locations around the town. From simple, affordable and fully accessible rooms available by the hour, to large hospitality events with the latest in visual and sound facilities – Southend Venues has it all! Contact us for further information, arrange a viewing and discuss your individual requirements.

t: 01702 212032 e: venuesandevents@southend.gov.uk @southendvenues




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Action to protect the young from sexual exploitation AN action plan has been developed by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) to help protect children against sexual exploitation. It is set to deliver in four key areas over the next few years – prevention, protection,

prosecution of perpetrators and support for victims. The plan also includes a publicity campaign that aims to equip young people and their parents or carers with the ability to assess whether they are at risk or exposed to sexual exploitation, and what they can do to resist and report it. This is part of an ongoing commitment by the Council and

LSCB to keep Southend’s children safe from exploitation. Council Child Sexual Exploitation Service Manager John Dunworth said:“Child sexual exploitation is not a new problem, but it’s something that needs an increasing amount of attention due to the use of internet and mobile phones. “The positive attitude of

everyone working in the field of child protection in Southend, and their willingness and sense of urgency to get the information out there, has been fantastic and we’re hoping to roll out the full campaign over the coming months.” ■ For further information go to safeguardingsouthend.co.uk

Pupils Charlie Allen and Lucy Gore with one of the anti-bullying murals in the grounds of the St Christopher School Academy. Right, pupils Jamie Melville-Rose and Vicki-Jade Webster with another of the murals.


HILDREN from 11 schools in Southend are learning to celebrate difference and create an inclusive environment thanks to an Equality and Diversity Champions programme.

A range of community groups and organisations work with the Council to provide hands-on activities and training sessions for both students and teachers. Organisations involved include Show Racism the Red Card, which has top footballers in its campaigns, and Ability Action, an advocacy and welfare support service for disabled people in Southend. Workshops by song-writing charity Bully Beat also helped promote equality by getting children writing, singing and performing their

Children celebrate

DIVERSITY own songs to express their thoughts on bullying. The St Christopher School Academy Trust in Leigh-on-Sea, which teaches children aged three to 19 with learning difficulties, is involved with the programme. Secondary Department Teacher Alison Paveling said: “Workshops on e-safety and

hate crime show the children how to respond to situations in a safe way, while improving behaviour and decreasing vulnerability. “The programme gives our children an excellent opportunity to learn about a variety of cultures, in line with 21st century Britain and helps them develop into well-rounded individuals.”

Theatre production highlights teenage relationship abuse SCHOOLS in the Borough have been getting hands-on in a hard-hitting theatre production based on teenage relationship abuse. Twelve schools hosted the Prince Charming production, which is run by Southend theatre company Outloud Productions and is aimed at children in Year 8 and above. It featured an interactive discussion on different types of domestic abuse before the performance highlighted the

development of a controlling and abusive relationship. Pupils in the audience were then invited to watch again and this time given the chance to change the course of events by asking the actors to stop and do something different. The production was first introduced for a two-week stint in last year and has now become a staple event for the schools involved, with the theatre company returning each July and November. A representative from independent

Pay it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

charity Victim Support is also on-hand to chat to young people and flag up how they could access the service. Southend YMCA Community School in Prittlewell was one of the 12 schools hosting the production. Deputy Headteacher Richard Evans said: “The Prince Charming play was really positively received, the students got fully involved and it really helped them to think about what is and isn’t acceptable in a relationship.”

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Part of the light show at last year’s town centre Christmas spectacular.

Come along to a Christmas Fair on Thursday 3 December from 11am at the Civic Centre, First Floor Foyer. Stalls and raffles with great prizes. All proceeds to charity.

Guide to Christmas events Sat 21, Sat 28 Nov, Sat 12 Dec CAROLS FOR CHRISTMAS High Street

Nov 21, 22, 28 and 29. Dec 5, 6, 12, 13 and 19 to 23 SANTA ON THE PIER

The Royal Pavilion, Southend Pier, 10am-4pm. Visit Santa in his grotto at the shore end of Southend Pier, tell him what you would like for Christmas and receive a special gift from him, then enter our colouring competition. Pre-booking is required so please call 01702 618747.

Fri 27 Nov

LEIGH NIGHT OF THE LIGHTS Starting at 6.30pm. For more information go to www.leighonseatowncouncil.co.uk

Fri 27 Nov

CHILDREN’S PRE-PARADE FUN TIME Leigh Community Centre from 4.30pm-6pm. For more information go to www.leighonseatowncouncil.co.uk

Ice skating rink and 4D light show

to give festivities wow factor I Photo: Yellow Advertiser

CETASTIC skating and out of this world 4D light shows are giving Southend the edge this Christmas now the town centre festivities have gone truly stratospheric.

Members of the panto cast: Brian Conley who plays Buttons, Lauren Hall who is Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters Martin Ramsdin, left, and David Robbins.

Television stars bring the magic of Cinderella panto to Cliffs Pavilion BRIAN Conley and Lesley Joseph are bringing the magic of panto to Southend this Christmas as they star in Cinderella at the Cliffs Pavilion. Television, musical theatre and pantomime legend Brian is Buttons while Birds of a Feather actress Lesley is the Fairy Godmother. They will be appearing alongside Lauren Hall as Cinderella with the Ugly Sisters played by David Robbins and Martin Ramsdin. Michael Harrison, Managing Director

12 Outlook WINTER 2015

of Qdos Entertainment’s pantomime division and Executive Producer of Cinderella, said:“The combination of Brian and Lesley, together with the rest of the talented cast, will ensure that Southend pantomime audiences laugh long after the curtain falls as comedy will take centre stage in this year's pantomime.” Cinderella runs at the Cliffs Pavilion from Saturday 12 December to Sunday 10 January. Call 01702 351135 to book tickets or visit thecliffspavilion.co.uk

Sat 5 Dec

WINTER SPECTACULAR Carols for Christmas A full day of events including a Wizard of Oz experience and the chance to meet six of Santas reindeer in Royal Square.

Sat 5 Dec

LAUNCH 4D LIGHT SHOW Showing every evening in High Street until 12 Dec.

Sat 5 Dec experience and the chance to meet six of Santa’s reindeer in Royal Square. The day also sees the launch of an amazing 4D light show every evening in the High Street until 12 December. There are four Carols for Christmas events with choirs and the Salvation Army helping shoppers get into the true Christmas spirit. Free parking in the Council’s town centre car parks every Thursday after 4pm and every Sunday during December means shoppers have even greater incentive

The fun began on 14 November with the annual lights switch on and the launch of Skating on Sea – an all weather ice skating rink which will open daily in a wonderland area near The Forum until 3 January. The rink is the idea of current Mayor, Councillor Andrew Moring, and his charity fundraising committee. Organised in partnership with Southend Carnival Association, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and C2C Rail, any surplus money after running costs will go to local charities. He said: “It’s the first time in five or six years that we’ve had an ice rink in Southend so it’s going to be fantastic, opening come rain or snow. With all the festive events planned, it promises to be the best year ever in the town centre.” A packed calendar of events courtesy of Southend Business Improvement District (BID) include a Winter Spectacular day on 5 December with a Wizard of Oz Brass bands will be entertaining shoppers with traditional carols.

to head for the High Street, the Royals Shopping Centre and the Victoria Shopping Centre to bag a bargain. There will also be free car parking from 4pm on Thursdays in December. Car parks will also be free on Sundays in December Santa’s and on Christmas Day. real reindeer who will meet the crowds in Royal Square.

Save time – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

A PRIORY CHRISTMAS Prittlewell Priory, 10am-3pm Visit Prittlewell Priory for a glimpse of Christmas past.

Sun 6 Dec

CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR In the Royal Pavilion,10am-4pm, crafts and homemade good being sold. Free entry but pier entry fees apply. Southend Pier www.visitsouthend.co.uk

Wed 9 Dec


Civic Centre, featuring Digby Fairweather – Christmas Jazz #southendevents. Free to attend, 12.15pm-1pm.

Sat 12 Dec

CAROLS ON STRAND WHARF Join us singing popular and well known Carols on Strand Wharf, 6pm-7pm. Remember to bring a torch so that you can read the carol sheets handed out at the event. For more information go to www.leighonsea towncouncil.co.uk

Fri 18 Dec

BRITTEN’S “CEREMONY OF CAROLS” St Augustine’s Church,Thorpe Bay Southend Boys’and Girls’Choirs – accompanied by harpist Meriel Barclay, 8pm.

Sun 20 Dec

CHRISTMAS CONCERT Southend Bandstand, Priory Park Performed by The Southend Band. Free to attend, 2pm-3pm.Wrap up warm!

■ For a full list of festive events visit onsouthend.com or visitsouthend.co.uk

WINTER 2015 Outlook


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Part of the light show at last year’s town centre Christmas spectacular.

Come along to a Christmas Fair on Thursday 3 December from 11am at the Civic Centre, First Floor Foyer. Stalls and raffles with great prizes. All proceeds to charity.

Guide to Christmas events Sat 21, Sat 28 Nov, Sat 12 Dec CAROLS FOR CHRISTMAS High Street

Nov 21, 22, 28 and 29. Dec 5, 6, 12, 13 and 19 to 23 SANTA ON THE PIER

The Royal Pavilion, Southend Pier, 10am-4pm. Visit Santa in his grotto at the shore end of Southend Pier, tell him what you would like for Christmas and receive a special gift from him, then enter our colouring competition. Pre-booking is required so please call 01702 618747.

Fri 27 Nov

LEIGH NIGHT OF THE LIGHTS Starting at 6.30pm. For more information go to www.leighonseatowncouncil.co.uk

Fri 27 Nov

CHILDREN’S PRE-PARADE FUN TIME Leigh Community Centre from 4.30pm-6pm. For more information go to www.leighonseatowncouncil.co.uk

Ice skating rink and 4D light show

to give festivities wow factor I Photo: Yellow Advertiser

CETASTIC skating and out of this world 4D light shows are giving Southend the edge this Christmas now the town centre festivities have gone truly stratospheric.

Members of the panto cast: Brian Conley who plays Buttons, Lauren Hall who is Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters Martin Ramsdin, left, and David Robbins.

Television stars bring the magic of Cinderella panto to Cliffs Pavilion BRIAN Conley and Lesley Joseph are bringing the magic of panto to Southend this Christmas as they star in Cinderella at the Cliffs Pavilion. Television, musical theatre and pantomime legend Brian is Buttons while Birds of a Feather actress Lesley is the Fairy Godmother. They will be appearing alongside Lauren Hall as Cinderella with the Ugly Sisters played by David Robbins and Martin Ramsdin. Michael Harrison, Managing Director

12 Outlook WINTER 2015

of Qdos Entertainment’s pantomime division and Executive Producer of Cinderella, said:“The combination of Brian and Lesley, together with the rest of the talented cast, will ensure that Southend pantomime audiences laugh long after the curtain falls as comedy will take centre stage in this year's pantomime.” Cinderella runs at the Cliffs Pavilion from Saturday 12 December to Sunday 10 January. Call 01702 351135 to book tickets or visit thecliffspavilion.co.uk

Sat 5 Dec

WINTER SPECTACULAR Carols for Christmas A full day of events including a Wizard of Oz experience and the chance to meet six of Santas reindeer in Royal Square.

Sat 5 Dec

LAUNCH 4D LIGHT SHOW Showing every evening in High Street until 12 Dec.

Sat 5 Dec experience and the chance to meet six of Santa’s reindeer in Royal Square. The day also sees the launch of an amazing 4D light show every evening in the High Street until 12 December. There are four Carols for Christmas events with choirs and the Salvation Army helping shoppers get into the true Christmas spirit. Free parking in the Council’s town centre car parks every Thursday after 4pm and every Sunday during December means shoppers have even greater incentive

The fun began on 14 November with the annual lights switch on and the launch of Skating on Sea – an all weather ice skating rink which will open daily in a wonderland area near The Forum until 3 January. The rink is the idea of current Mayor, Councillor Andrew Moring, and his charity fundraising committee. Organised in partnership with Southend Carnival Association, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and C2C Rail, any surplus money after running costs will go to local charities. He said: “It’s the first time in five or six years that we’ve had an ice rink in Southend so it’s going to be fantastic, opening come rain or snow. With all the festive events planned, it promises to be the best year ever in the town centre.” A packed calendar of events courtesy of Southend Business Improvement District (BID) include a Winter Spectacular day on 5 December with a Wizard of Oz Brass bands will be entertaining shoppers with traditional carols.

to head for the High Street, the Royals Shopping Centre and the Victoria Shopping Centre to bag a bargain. There will also be free car parking from 4pm on Thursdays in December. Car parks will also be free on Sundays in December Santa’s and on Christmas Day. real reindeer who will meet the crowds in Royal Square.

Save time – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

A PRIORY CHRISTMAS Prittlewell Priory, 10am-3pm Visit Prittlewell Priory for a glimpse of Christmas past.

Sun 6 Dec

CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR In the Royal Pavilion,10am-4pm, crafts and homemade good being sold. Free entry but pier entry fees apply. Southend Pier www.visitsouthend.co.uk

Wed 9 Dec


Civic Centre, featuring Digby Fairweather – Christmas Jazz #southendevents. Free to attend, 12.15pm-1pm.

Sat 12 Dec

CAROLS ON STRAND WHARF Join us singing popular and well known Carols on Strand Wharf, 6pm-7pm. Remember to bring a torch so that you can read the carol sheets handed out at the event. For more information go to www.leighonsea towncouncil.co.uk

Fri 18 Dec

BRITTEN’S “CEREMONY OF CAROLS” St Augustine’s Church,Thorpe Bay Southend Boys’and Girls’Choirs – accompanied by harpist Meriel Barclay, 8pm.

Sun 20 Dec

CHRISTMAS CONCERT Southend Bandstand, Priory Park Performed by The Southend Band. Free to attend, 2pm-3pm.Wrap up warm!

■ For a full list of festive events visit onsouthend.com or visitsouthend.co.uk

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Putting the art in smARTphones Metal’s Artistic Director and Chief Executive Colette Bailey joins Heycroft Primary School pupils on an interactive digital tour of Chalkwell Park, left to right, Ashley Tan, Dexter Wilson-Thurst and Lacey Gordon.


RT lovers in Southend are using their smartphones and tablets to enjoy cutting edge installations at the world’s first digital art park. NetPark in Chalkwell Park is the brainchild of art champions Metal who commissioned an inaugural collection of five works ranging from music using recordings of everyday park life to trees which tell funny stories as new interactive technology brings them to life. Metal also worked closely with five local schools to develop new story apps as children from each devised site-specific stories with the help of designers and illustrators. They are narrated by local actors. Colette Bailey, Metal’s Artistic Director and Chief Executive, said: “The works are engaging and playful – each takes you on a different journey around the park, providing a variety of experiences of the environment that are in turn surprising, funny, informative and innovative. “They’re all really accessible because they’re in public green space with open WiFi. All you have to do is download an app onto your smart phone or tablet and you’re away.” ● Instructions point to different apps delivering different things as visitors move around the space. To check out the main app search for NetPark in your app store.


Chance to win day passes for leisure and fitness centres Outlook has teamed up with Fusion Lifestyle to give readers the chance to get active with day passes to use a Fusion leisure and fitness facility in Southend. Winners can choose from Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre, Chase Sports and Fitness Centre, Shoeburyness Leisure Centre and Belfairs Swim Centre. The centres offer a wide range of activities and fitness equipment, including gyms, indoor and outdoor sports, fitness classes and swimming. Five prizes of two day passes are up for grabs, to be in with a chance of winning, answer this question: – which of the following is not an Olympic sport? a) Long jump b) Squash c) Javelin. Send your answers on a postcard, with your name, address and telephone number, to:

14 Outlook WINTER 2015

Fusion Competition, Information and Communications, Southend-onSea Borough Council,Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6ER, or you can email outlook@southend.gov.uk. The closing date for entries is 18 December. Fusion Lifestyle has taken over the running of the four centres from the Council. Being an independent charity means that Fusion Lifestyle can invest in creating, restoring and transforming facilities in order to deliver services that benefit all parts of the local community. Fusion Lifestyle Regional Business Manager Ian Cooper said:“We are hoping to invest in the leisure centre’s gym and fitness facilities. “We are also reviewing the centre’s programme of events and activities with a view to expanding our offering, particularly to cater for families.”

Leigh-on-Sea residents father and son Des, left, and Oliver Oxland on the indoor courts at Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre.

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A Bellemine jug salvaged from HMS London.

Shipwreck artefacts to go on show

Dr Taz Syed gives a Men ACWY jab to 18-year-old Jack Martin-Kenny at the Pall Mall surgery in Leighon-Sea.

Young people urged to

take vaccine offer A

VACCINE to protect against four different types of meningococcal bacteria is being offered to young teenagers, sixth formers and first year university students. All 17 and 18 year-olds in school year 13 and first-time university students up to the age of 25 are now eligible for the Men ACWY vaccine. They can contact their GP to arrange. Teenagers in school Years 9 or 10 are also being offered the vaccine as a direct replacement for the MenC vaccination. A catch-up campaign for current school year 11 students through schools will start during this academic year. In addition, babies in Southend are now being offered a new vaccine to protect against meningitis and septicaemia caused by meningococcal B (MenB)

disease as part of the routine NHS childhood vaccination programme. Dr Andrea Atherton, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s Director of Public Health, said: “I would encourage all those eligible to take up the offer of these vaccinations. “I would advise everyone to familiarise themselves with the signs and symptoms of meningococcal disease and seek urgent medical advice if they have any concerns. “The disease develops rapidly and early symptoms can include headache, vomiting, muscle pain and fever with cold hands and feet.” Cases of meningitis and septicaemia due to MenW have been increasing in England, from 22 cases in 2009 to 117 last year. ■ For more information on symptoms visit NHS Choices at www.nhs.uk

ARTEFACTS from The London shipwreck are due to go on permanent display at Southend Central Museum in early 2016 as divers continue to bring up more finds. They include decorated pottery, leather footwear and musket balls – all conserved by Historic England after volunteers trained by the museum were filmed by TV crews as they helped to catalogue objects as part of an on-going community archaeology project. The engagement scheme was made possible after Museum’s Curatorial Manager Clare Hunt won funding from the Esmee Fairburn Foundation. Clare, who has just briefed the annual Maritime Heritage Forum conference in Newcastle-upon-Tyne about the project, said:“It’s really exciting that we’re now getting to the stage where we can display some of the finds.” The London sank in the Thames Estuary in 1655. She was part of a convoy bringing Charles II back from Holland for his restoration to the English throne.

Free and confidential HIV tests available FREE and confidential tests are being promoted in Southend during national HIV Testing Week starting on Saturday 21 November. Supported by the Terrence Higgins Trust and SHORE sexual health services, drop ins are being held at The Forum, Southend University

Hospital and South Essex College. To find out more about testing venues and times, call SHORE on 01702 456899. For support, advice and information about sexual health and HIV call the Terrence Higgins Trust on 0808 802 1221.

Tell us – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

A shaft and globe glass bottle from HMS London.

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Car cruise events ban now in place A year-long injunction banning car cruise events in the Borough has been implemented to help combat dangerous racing and noise along the seafront. The injunction is in force until September next year and bans certain activities such as racing, speeding and creating noise, where this puts public safety at risk or causes nuisance. A joint operation between Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Essex Police and has already seen the successful disruption of an unauthorised car cruising event, with 78 car checks and explanatory notes issued.

Specialist team to help scam victims VULNERABLE overs-65s who fall victim to overseas con artists can now get help from specially trained volunteers through Southend Association of Voluntary Services (SAVS). Turning Tides team members have already supported 130 people who were bombarded by criminal gangs with scam mail and bogus requests for cash – four of them had been cheated out of hundreds of pounds each. The project aims to see up to 900 people over the next year. Turning Tides Manager Anthony Quinn said:“Being scammed can be devastating with people unaware of its long term impact and how it can leave them isolated. “They need not suffer though and our trained volunteers can help.” ■ To arrange a visit, call the Turning Tides Team on 01702 356070 or email turningtides@savssouthend.co.uk

16 Outlook WINTER 2015

Portage Worker Elaine Cornwall works closely with children under five who have a range of disabilities, supporting both them and their families. Working closely with nurses, speech therapists and physiotherapists, she makes weekly visits to families and monitors children’s progress, establishing the best ways to ensure their development.

Elain Cornwall leads a play session with two children at a local nursery.

Giving vital support to children and families 8:30am

Elaine arrives at her office in Kingsdown School to check emails and pack folders, toys and equipment for the day’s visits and activities.


After leaving the office at around 9:30am, she drives to the home of one of the families that she works with. The child has a visual impairment, severe delayed physical skills and general developmental delay. She catches up with the child’s mum before doing some stretches, singing songs and working on physical targets. Elaine spends 20 minutes on physiotherapy, working on visual tracking and encouraging the child to reach out and grasp.


The Lighthouse Centre – a childhood development centre in Southend – is the venue for her next appointment. This child has Downs Syndrome and Elaine takes part in a speech and language therapy session, where she also gives advice on incorporating strategies from the therapist into her home sessions.

12:30pm Elaine grabs a quick lunch before heading to Eastwood Children’s Centre for a messy play session with her colleague Michelle. Current portage families, as well as other families with children under five who have additional needs, attend the session. She sets up trays on the floor, filled with cooked pasta, lentils, pots and spoons to encourage scooping. Elaine also sets up a sensory

corner with lights, music and moving toys and encourages the children to interact.


The messy play sessions usually result in large-scale cleanups, after which Elaine travels to another nursery to meet the parents of another child. He suffers from Tuberous Sclerosis, which causes many forms of seizures, so they review his Individual Support Plan. They discuss his previous targets, and any changes in his condition, before setting three new targets and arranging another meeting in six weeks time.


After leaving the nursery, Elaine heads back to her office at Kingsdown School to unpack and write notes on the day’s visits.

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Christmas toy drive launch

The new beach cleaning machine at work on Thorpe Bay beach.

Smooth transition for

THE Council are once again running a toy drive campaign this Christmas. Following on from last year’s success, residents and businesses are being asked to donate toys, selection packs, pens and pencils, toiletry sets and vouchers for days out. All donations will then be delivered to children’s centres, foodbanks, refuges and children’s parties run by local charities – to ensure that all of Southend’s vulnerable children will have a present to open this Christmas. Please bring any donations to the ground floor reception at the Civic Centre or contact Lorraine Goldsmith on 01702 534923 or lorraine goldsmith@southend.gov.uk to arrange a pick up. The drive will run from Monday 16 November to Friday 18 December.

crucial services F

OR residents it is business as usual now Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s recycling, waste and street cleansing services are being delivered by the new contractor Veolia. Enhanced and extended services are being provided and the Council will also save £22 million over the course of the 15 and-a-half-year deal. Staff working for former contractor Cory underwent inductions and training as they transferred to their new employer. Key features of the new contract include a dedicated beach cleaning machine, weekly recycling and waste collection services, operation of the Council’s two Household Waste

Recycling Centres, street and gully cleaning as well as winter gritting. Veolia will also clean public toilets, tackle graffiti and flytipping, spray and remove weeds, build and operate the Borough’s new Waste Transfer Station and provide commercial waste services. Some of Dipti Patel, the Council’s Head of Public the Christmas Protection, said: “Council officers have been presents working closely with Veolia and Cory to donated last ensure a smooth transition. year. “Residents should continue to put out their pink recycling sacks, food waste bins and black bin bags on their usual day. The garden waste service will also be run by Veolia with existing customers automatically transferring over.”

Members of the Veolia street cleaning team, left to right, Ian Kenny, Darren Bastable, Tracy Higgins and Colin Binding-Reeve with some of the new vehicles and equipment.

View it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

Low energy, high savings FUNDING from Green Investment Bank is accelerating Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s £13.5 million project to replace all streetlights with environmentally friendly low-energy light emitting diode (LED) lamps. The bank will provide £8.2 million alongside the Department of Transport’s £5.1 million grant, which will enable the Council to replace 14,000 lanterns and 4,000 items of illuminated street furniture. Using LED lights is expected to save the Council around £25 million over 25 years as they will use at least 55 per cent less energy than the existing lights and cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than 16,500 tonnes.

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Keeping people safe and warm this winter is a top priority for Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and its community partners who, as Outlook reports here, have joined forces to offer support and advice to everyone from the vulnerable at home and to those out on the streets.

Training for night shelter VOLUNTEERS V

OLUNTEERS supporting rough sleepers at the Southend Churches Night Shelters this winter are again benefiting from special Council training. For the second year running they are getting First Aid courses at the Tickfield Centre and being given social welfare information as they prepare to help people who will be put up at participating churches across the Borough. Being provided by a partnership of Love Southend, homeless charity HARP and the Council, the annual Church Winter Night Shelter scheme runs for 17 weeks from 23 November to 18 March. It helped 125 guests last year. Stuart Burrell, the Council’s

Condensation problems? POORLY ventilated homes and a lack of insulation can cause people extra problems during winter but help is at hand thanks to the Energy Saving Trust. It can advise on grants and schemes to help people cut their energy bills while also giving practical solutions to cut the health problems caused by condensation. To find out more, call 0300 123 1234 (9am-8pm, Monday to Friday, and 10am-2pm, Saturday), email energy-advice@ est.org.uk or visit www.energysaving trust.org.uk

18 Outlook WINTER 2015

Private Sector Strategy and Planning Manager, said “The Warm and Well on Sea campaign has always reacted to the changing demands of winter in Southend. “This year we will continue to support the many volunteers who work in the shelters and will provide assistance through Council services as required to those who need it.” Anyone wanting to volunteer for the scheme should contact Shelter Co-ordinator John Simmons on 07866 740065 or email john.simmons17ewb @btinternet.com Donations including toiletries, clothing and food are requested for use at the shelters and would be welcomed by HARP at its Bradbury Centre in York Road.

Practice Nurse Carol Hibberd gives a flu jab to 80-year-old Leigh-on-Sea resident Verle Offord.

Night Shelter Scheme Co-ordinator John Simmons lays out sleeping mats at the Westcliff-on-Sea Free Church where rough sleepers are given support and shelter.

Flu jabs and nasal sprays FREE flu jabs and nasal sprays are now available through GP practices across the Borough. Children aged two to four are eligible for the vaccine sprays while those entitled to a free injection include those 65 and over, pregnant women and people with health problems such as severe asthma, diabetes as well as chest and heart complaints. ■ For more information on the flu vaccination, speak to your GP, local pharmacist or visit www.nhs.uk/ conditions/flu

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Outside the new dome-shaped grit store is Street Cleansing Operative Aaron Large with a quad bike grit spreader which is used to treat roads which cannot be accessed by a gritting lorry.

Dome store to protect grit stock A dome shaped salt store has been built by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council to completely protect its winter grit stock. The enclosed structure has safety walls for efficient stacking and a 2,000 tonne capacity to meet the Council’s winter plan. It means a larger volume of salt can be stored on a smaller footprint. With complete protection from rainfall, it will also prevent salt stocks degrading and because it has its own drainage system, salt will be prevented from entering water courses. Imran Kazalbash, the Council’s Waste Management Team Leader, said:“Our new low maintenance store is a major step forward in how we look after and use our salt stocks. “It’s easily accessible for our gritters and because we have a weighbridge on site we can monitor usage and manage stock levels.”

Warm and Well on Sea scheme gives vital help to the vulnerable POOR diet and cold homes caused by fuel poverty put hundreds of people at risk of serious health problems and even death over the winter months. But the more vulnerable in Southend do not need to suffer in silence because the Warm and Well on Sea initiative launched by the Council and its partners four years ago continues to provide targeted emergency support and advice. At risk residents like the over 65s or those with reduced mobility and health conditions such as heart or lung disease are urged to: ■ Keep their home heated to at least 18 Celcius. ■ Use hot water bottles and electric blankets, but never together, to stay warm. ■ Wrap up warm with layered clothing. ■ Eat well – have regular hot meals and drinks to maintain core body temperature. ■ Stay inside during very cold snaps. ■ Claim financial and practical help like winter fuel and cold weather payments if you are eligible. Private Sector Strategic and Planning Manager, Stuart ■ For more warm and well advice, call the Burrell, with a blanket and an energy monitor which Council on 01702 215000 or visit will be given to vulnerable residents this winter. southend.gov.uk/warmandwell

View it – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

Appeal for


WARDENS VOLUNTEER snow wardens who are prepared to help their neighbours this winter are being urged to come forward. Free ice-busting packs including salt grit, a snow shovel and a high-visibility jacket are on offer to the first 500 people who turn up at Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s new salt depot in Short Street on Saturday, 28 November. Staff will be on hand from 9am to 3pm to distribute supplies and residents should have proof of a Borough address. To take part they will have to pledge to use supplies for the benefit of the wider community and report salt bins that need refilling. ■ For more information and a map of grit bins in the Borough, visit www.southend. gov.uk/ wintergritting

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What’s On Sea For Christmas events see centre pages

CONTACT DETAILS ■ Southend Events www.southend.gov.uk/events www.visitsouthend.co.uk ■ Southend Museums www.southendmuseums.co.uk or call 01702 434449 For Southchurch Hall please call 01702 467671 ■ The Forum www.theforumsouthend.co.uk

■ Until Sat 2 Jan

■ Until Sat 26 March

Beecroft Art Gallery. The Leigh Art Trail Group Show is a fantastic opportunity to view and purchase artworks including paintings, textiles, photography, illustrations, sculpture, jewellery and ceramics from over 40 artists, exhibiting the wealth of artistic talent that is to be found in The Leigh Art Trail. www.leigharttrail.com

Focal Point Gallery ‘Duh? Art & Stupidity’is a group exhibition featuring existing and previously unseen works by around thirty artists, including Tariq Alvi, BANK, Bonnie Camplin, Gaylen Gerber, Judith Hopf, Larry Johnson, Erik van Lieshout, Clunie Reid, Lily van der Stokker, Annika Ström and Andy Warhol. ‘Duh? Art & Stupidity’is curated by Paul Clinton and Anna Gritz.


■ Until Sat 12 March BLACK TIE

Beecroft Art Gallery. Explore the black tie dress code through a sophisticated selection of men’s and women’s eveningwear and accessories from our own collections.This exhibition highlights the changing traditions of this dress code, as well as the glamorous, glittering and elegant styles of women’s eveningwear throughout the last century.


■ Fri 20 Nov

NICHOLAS MCCARTHY – PIANIST Plaza Centre, Southchurch Road, Southend, 8pm. Nicholas was born in 1989 without his right hand, and graduated from the Royal College of Music, London in 2012, being the only pianist with one hand to have achieved this training. This is the first time Nicholas has performed in Southend.

■ Sat 28 Nov

■ Until Sat 12 Dec

SOUTHEND: A CENTURY ON FILM The Royal Pavillion Showing Sunshine on Sea and other historical films of Southend. £10 for adults and £8 concession (includes train) – 180 tickets printed. Bar available and café for snacks. Doors open 5.30pm. Film 6-7pm, Intermission, Film 7.30-8.30pm. Return train 8.45pm.


Beecroft Art Gallery. Michelle Thompson has been at the forefront of illustration since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1996. She illustrates regular columns for The Guardian and The Globe & Mail in Toronto.

■ Until Sat 19 Dec


■ Tue 1 Dec-Thur

Central Museum.

31 Dec

The ‘Duh? Art & Stupidity’ exhibition is on at the Focal Point Gallery until Saturday 26 March.

■ Wed 13 Jan

NAOKO INOUE AND RICHARD EVANS – PIANO DUET Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 12.15pm-1pm.

■ Thur 14 Jan

BEHIND THE SCENES IN THE NATURAL HISTORY STORE Central Museum, 12pm-1pm. On this tour (the first time our natural history stores have been opened up to the public) you will get a chance to see the weird and wonderful collections and get an insight into how it is all cared for and managed by museum staff. £6 bookings only at www.eventbrite.co.uk

■ Sat 16 Jan-Sat 5 March SIMEON MACHIN

Beecroft Art Gallery. A looped film of motion, still images and soundtrack to draw to attention human perception of time and space relative to modern sensory apparatus. A collaboration between artist, Simeon Machin, and Northbeach, a Manchester based electronic composer.

■ Fri 22 Jan

VOCES 8 VOCAL ENSEMBLE The Plaza Centre, Southchurch Road, 8pm.

■ Fri 22 Jan-Sun 31 Jan


Park Inn, Paris Hotel. www.horror-on-sea.co.uk


■ Tue 15 Dec-Sat 30 Jan

MALCOLM KEOGH Beecroft Art Gallery.

■ Sat 9 Jan-Sat 6 Feb

SIMON ISAAC – INTO THE LIGHT Beecroft Art Gallery. An exhibition of images by photographer Simon Isaac depicting an apocalyptic future. Photographed predominantly in Chernobyl & Pripyat Ukraine, the work shows how nuclear power could eventually be the downfall of the human race.

■ Sat 9 Jan-Sat 5 March


A wedding fair is being held on Southend’s world famous pier on 21 February.

20 Outlook WINTER 2015

HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY Civic Centre, Southend, 5.30pm. A service of commemoration which will include music, readings and a speaker. Free to attend.

■ Sat 6 Feb-Sat 5 March EMMA SPENCER WOODBRIDGE Beecroft Art Gallery.

■ Wed 10 Feb

Beecroft Art Gallery. The Foundation for Essex Arts Charity is delighted to be able to show the Basildon Arts Trust Collection of modern artworks dating from the 1960s and established for the cultural benefit of the people of Basildon.


■ Sat 9 Jan-Sat 12 March

Museum off-site store 12pm-1pm In our stores at Prittlewell we keep our nationally important collection of radios, gramophones and TVs made by Southend company, EKCO. In this exclusive tour with our Curatorial Manager you will see the wonderful array of EKCO objects and hear some of their individual stories. £6 bookings only at www.eventbrite.co.uk


For details about Southend United’s upcoming fixtures and other events organised by the club visit www.southendunited.co.uk, 08444 770077 or via the Blues Box Office @ Roots Hall.

■ Wed 27 Jan

Central Museum. Animal paintings with the theme of Darwin’s theory of evolution, insects and fossils. Sebright was a breeder of domestic fowl and a friend of Darwin’s. Accompanied by specimens from the museum’s natural history collection.

Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 12.15pm-1pm.

■ Fri 12 Feb


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STAY ACTIVE IN SOUTHEND Badminton – Women only

Swimming Lessons

Wheelchair Tennis




Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre, Garon Park, Eastern Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4FA – free.

Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre, Shoeburyness Leisure Centre and Belfairs Swim Centre. Level Water provides free swimming for children aged 4 to 11 who have a physical disability or sensory impairment. They provide small group and one-to-one lessons until the child is ready to join a mainstream class or competitive club. Contact 07764 495713 or contact@levelwater.org to find out if your child qualifies for the free lessons.

Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre, Garon Park, Eastern Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4FA – £3.

Boccia MONDAYS: 3.30pm-4.30pm Adult Community College, Ambleside Drive, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 2UP – free.

MONDAYS: 3:45pm-4:45pm Lancaster School, Prittlewell Chase, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 0RT – free.

Boxercise – Women only THURSDAYS: 6.30PM St Bernards School, Milton Rd, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 7JS – free.

Walking Football – all adults welcome

Disabled Cycling


TUESDAYS: 10am-1pm WEDNESDAYS: 10am-12pm SATURDAYS: 10am-1pm Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre, Garon Park, Eastern Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4FA – £2.

The Len Forge Centre, Eastwoodbury Lane, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6UH – £2.

Wet Wednesdays – For the over 40’s WEDNESDAYS: VARIOUS

Mums and Daughters fun exercise session TUESDAYS: 6.30PM Prince Avenue Children’s Centre, Hornby Avenue Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 0LG – free

Netball – Women only TUESDAYS: 7PM Southend Leisure and Tennis Centre, Garon Park, Eastern Ave, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4FA – free.

Southend Swimming and Diving Centre, Belfairs Swim Centre and Shoeburyness Leisure Centre. Public swimming sessions run throughout the day on a Wednesday. Members of the public are advised to contact each centre directly for details of public swimming session times or visit www.southendleisure.com for the full swimming timetable for each swimming pool – free.

For further information about these sporting activities in Southend or to find out what Resident other sessions are on offer, Graeme please contact Active Newman works Southend – the borough’s out at the Southend Sports Partnership. We Leisure and welcome contact via Tennis Centre. telephone on 01702 215612 or visits to our website – www.activesouthend.com or you can follow us on Twitter @activesouthend.

■ Sat 13 Feb-Sat 12 March

■ Sun 21 Feb

Beecroft Art Gallery.

The Royal Pavillion Local wedding suppliers show their products. Live Music, free samples, and a prize draw. 10am-4pm In the royal Pavilion. Free entry but pier entry fees apply.


■ Wed 17 Feb-Fri 19 Feb MOUSECHURCH HALL

An event where young children are encouraged to take a mouse eye’s view of this ancient building with its historic settings. Discover the mice in the different rooms and listen to mouse themed stories in the kitchen. Older children are equally welcome and will be offered a quiz and trail around the house. Suitable for children from toddlers to teens. 10am-3pm Southchurch Hall Admission free (trail sheet and museum pencil £1.50) Refreshments available.

■ Wed 17 Feb-Tue 8 March

SEASCAPE AND LANDSCAPE EXHIBITION BY BORIS HUGUENEL Forum Space Southend-on-Sea Mon-Fri: 8am-10pm, Sat: 8am-6pm, Sun: 11am-5pm Free.


■ Wed 16 March ZOE EVANS & JANE COMPTON – SOPRANO & PIANO – LUNCHTIME RECITAL Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 12.15pm-1pm.

■ Fri 18 March MIN-JIN KYM & IAN BROWN – VIOLIN AND PIANO The Plaza Centre, Southchurch Road, 8pm.

■ Wed 13 April CASTLE VIOLIN DUO – LUNCHTIME RECITAL Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 12.15pm-1pm.

■ Fri 19 Feb

■ Fri 15 April



The Plaza Centre, Southchurch Road, 8pm.

The Plaza Centre, Southchurch Road, 8pm.

COUNCIL DIARY ■ Development Control Committee: Wednesday, 9 December, 2pm ■ Council: Thursday, 10 December, 6.30pm ■ Cabinet: Tuesday, 5 January, 2pm ■ Development Control Committee: Wednesday, 13 January, 2pm ■ Development Control Committee: Wednesday, 3 February, 2pm ■ Council: Thursday, 25 February, 6.30pm ■ Development Control Committee: Wednesday, 2 March, 2pm

■ Cabinet: Tuesday, 15 March, 2pm ■ Development Control Committee: Wednesday, 13 April, 2pm ■ Council: Thursday, 21 April, 6.30pm All meetings are held at the Civic Centre,Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea. Details of all Council meetings are available at www.southend.gov.uk/ councilmeetings Youth Council meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre, 5pm-7pm.

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The Council has 51 Councillors elected to represent you. There are 17 wards, each with three elected members. See the map to find out which Councillors represent you. If you are having difficulty contacting your Councillor please call 01702 215000.

To find out which Ward you are in please visit www.southend.gov.uk/whereilive

Your Councillors BELFAIRS WARD


Cllr Stephen Aylen (Ind)

Cllr Maureen Butler (Con) Cllr Lesley Salter (Con)

Cllr James Courtenay (Con) Cllr Graham Longley (LD)

Cllr Floyd Waterworth (UKIP)

16 Woodside, Belfairs, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 4QU Tel: 01702 527747 cllraylen@southend.gov.uk

33 The Fairway, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 4QN Tel: 01702 212867 cllrbutler@southend.gov.uk

24 Surbiton Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 4NS Tel: 01702 212870 cllrcourtenay@southend.gov.uk

50a Eastwood Rise, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 5BT Tel: 01702 212892 cllrwaterworth@southend.gov.uk

4 Chadwick Road, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 8LS Tel: 01702 432364 cllrsalter@southend.gov.uk


28 McDivitt Walk, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 5UD Tel: 01702 520234 cllrlongley@southend.gov.uk


Cllr Nigel Folkard (Con)

Cllr Stephen Habermel (Con) Cllr Ian Robertson (Con)

Cllr Trevor Byford (Con)

Cllr Andrew Moring (Con) Cllr Chris Walker (Con)

25 Hayes Barton, Southend -on-Sea SS1 3TS Tel: 01702 582828 cllrfolkard@southend.gov.uk

6 Leas Gardens, Southend-on-Sea SS0 8JL Tel: 01702 478354 cllrhabermel@southend.gov.uk

2 Badgers Close, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 0AP Tel: 01702 437274 cllrbyford@southend.gov.uk

554 Woodgrange Drive, Southend-on-Sea SS1 3EL Tel: 01702 585957 cllrmoring@southend.gov.uk

60 Fillebrook Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 3NT Tel: 01702 873574 cllritrobertson@southend.gov.uk


256 Rayleigh Road, Eastwood SS9 5XL Tel: 01702 528027 cllrwalker@southend.gov.uk


Cllr Lawrence Davies (SIG) Cllr Anne Jones (Lab)

Cllr Judy McMahon (Lab)

Cllr Bernard Arscott (Con) Cllr Alan Crystall (LD)

Cllr Carole Mulroney (LD)

13 Beresford Road, Southend-on-Sea SS1 2TW Tel: 01702 212889 cllrdavies@southend.gov.uk

37A Pleasant Road, Southend-on-Sea SS1 2HQ Tel: 01702 462489 cllrmcmahon@southend.gov.uk

40 Glenbervie Drive, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 3JT Tel: 01702 212062 cllrarscott@southend.gov.uk

83 Southsea Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 2BH Tel: 01702 212890 cllrmulroney@southend.gov.uk

2 Hastings Road, Southend-on-Sea SS1 2DR Tel: 01702 460952 cllrannejones@southend.gov.uk


16 Cliff Parade, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 1AS Tel: 01702 474047 cllrcrystall@southend.gov.uk


Cllr Jonathan Garston (Con) Cllr Cheryl Nevin (Lab)

Cllr Julian Ware-Lane (Lab)

Cllr Mary Betson (LD)

Cllr Tino Callaghan (SIG)

Cllr Meg Davidson (Con)

23a Clifftown Parade, Southend-on-Sea SS1 1DN Tel: 01702 335017 cllrjgarston@southend.gov.uk

37 Nelson Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 3HX Tel: 01702 472144 cllrware-lane@southend.gov.uk

11 Byfield, Eastwood SS9 5TG Tel: 01702 212861 cllrbetson@southend.gov.uk

23 Oasis Court, 18 Kenway, Southend-on-Sea SS2 5DX Tel: 07866 888588 cllrcallaghan@southend.gov.uk

47 Priory Avenue, Southend-on-Sea SS2 6LA Tel: 01702 212351 cllrdavidson@southend.gov.uk

143 Flemming Crescent, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 4HT Tel: 01702 212879 cllrnevin@southend.gov.uk

22 Outlook WINTER 2015

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Cllr Mike Assenheim (Ind) Cllr Roger Hadley (Con)

Cllr Nick Ward (Ind)

Cllr David Garston (Con)

Cllr Ann Holland (Con)

Cllr Derek Kenyon (Ind)

76 Elm Road, Shoeburyness SS3 9RD Tel: 01702 291720 cllrassenheim@southend.gov.uk

189 Eastern Esplanade, Southend-on-Sea SS1 3AA Tel: 01702 212871 cllrward@southend.gov.uk

10 Eden Point, Rectory Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, SS9 2BF Tel: 01702 212877 cllrdgarston@southend.gov.uk

7 Silchester Court, Silchester Corner, Gt Wakering SS3 0PX Tel: 01702 580855 cllrholland@southend.gov.uk

25 Ladram Road, Thorpe Bay SS1 3PX Tel: 01702 582017 cllrkenyon@southend.gov.uk

33 Mountbatten Drive, Shoeburyness SS3 8UY Tel: 01702 292490 cllrhadley@southend.gov.uk



Cllr Steve Buckley (Con)

Cllr Mark Flewitt (Con)

Cllr David McGlone (UKIP)

Cllr Brian Ayling (Ind)

Cllr Caroline Endersby (Ind) Cllr Paul Van Looy (Ind)

11 Borman Close, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 5UJ Tel: 01702 212368 cllrbuckley@southend.gov.uk

11 Borman Close, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 5UJ Tel: 01702 510463 cllrflewitt@southend.gov.uk

534 Prince Avenue, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 0ER Tel: 01702 212037 cllrmcglone@southend.gov.uk

108a Ennismore Gardens, Southend-on-Sea SS2 5RB Tel: 01702 461840 cllrayling@southend.gov.uk

491 Sutton Road, Southend-on-Sea SS2 5PL Tel: 01702 212882 cllrendersby@southend.gov.uk


54 Arlington Road, Southend-on-Sea SS2 4UW Tel: 01702 615658 cllrvanlooy@southend.gov.uk


Cllr Mike Stafford (Ind)

Cllr Martin Terry (Ind)

Cllr Ron Woodley (Ind)

Cllr Margaret Borton (Lab) Cllr Ian Gilbert (Lab)

Cllr David Norman (Lab)

85 Maplin Way, Thorpe Bay, SS1 3NL Tel: 01702 297648 cllrstafford@southend.gov.uk

66 Victoria Road, Southend-on-Sea SS1 2TF Tel: 01702 619655 cllrterry@southend.gov.uk

91 Tyrone Road, Southend-on-Sea SS1 3HD Tel: 01702 588662 cllrwoodley@southend.gov.uk

85 Rochester Drive, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 0NJ Tel: 01702 212862 cllrborton@southend.gov.uk

41 Vernon Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 2NG Tel: 01702 212897 cllrdnorman@southend.gov.uk


132 Central Avenue, Southend-on-Sea SS2 4DZ Tel: 01702 212878 cllrgilbert@southend.gov.uk


Cllr Fay Evans (Con)

Cllr John Lamb (Con)

Cllr Georgina Phillips (Con)

Cllr Tony Cox (Con)

Cllr Derek Jarvis (Con)

Cllr James Moyies (SIG)

192 Highlands Boulevard, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 3QX Tel: 01702 558657 cllrevans@southend.gov.uk

77 Vardon Drive, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 3SJ Tel: 01702 483908 cllrlamb@southend.gov.uk

63 Marine Parade, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 2NQ Tel: 01702 534644 cllrphillips@southend.gov.uk

Flat D, Mill Lodge, West Road, Shoeburyness SS3 9DP Tel: 01702 298576 cllrcox@southend.gov.uk

Flat 1, Gunnery House, 2 Chapel Road, The Garrison, Shoeburyness SS3 9SL Tel: 01702 292744 cllrjarvis@southend.gov.uk

9 Malsmead, Shoeburyness SS3 8AZ Tel: 01702 212880 cllrmoyies@southend.gov.uk

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Cabinet


Cllr Kevin Robinson (Lab) Cllr Dr Vel (Ind)

Cllr Charles Willis (Lab)

93 Brightwell Avenue Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 9EG Tel: 01702 212864 cllrkrobinson@southend.gov.uk

36 Woodcote Road, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 3NP Tel: 01702 212260 cllrwillis@southend.gov.uk

61 Thorpebay Gardens, Thorpe Bay SS1 3NP Tel: 01702 711299 cllrvelmurugan@southend.gov.uk

Tell us – do it online: www.southend.gov.uk

■ Ron Woodley (Leader) ■ Ian Gilbert (Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Community Development and Organisational Development) ■ Graham Longley (Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Enterprise, Tourism and Economic Development) ■ Martin Terry (Public Protection, Waste and Transport) ■ Anne Jones (Children and Learning) ■ David Norman (Housing, Planning and Regulatory Services) ■ James Moyies (Health and Adult Social Care) WINTER 2015 Outlook


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Daily flights to Groningen spark the start of cultural links DAILY flights from London Southend Airport to the Dutch town of Groningen have sparked the beginning of cultural and community links between the two locations. Tourism, council and airport representatives from both Southend-on-Sea and Groningen have taken part in exchange visits, supported by Stobart Air, the Park Inn Palace and the Roslin Hotel. A marketing campaign is now being launched to encourage families, couples and

students in North Holland to come and stay in Southend. The campaign is part of a national initiative to encourage more tourism visits from overseas. Other airport destinations include Ibiza, Venice, Barcelona and Berlin and now Paris too. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Head of Economy, Regeneration and Tourism, Scott Dolling, said:“We’re hoping to create a cultural experience that will benefit businesses and residents from both towns.

“We’re going to be looking at developing links involving sports and arts opportunities and would love to hear ideas on how we can continue to create cultural ties between the two towns.” ● Anyone with ideas to forge links between Southend and Groningen can contact culturaldevelopment@ southend.gov.uk


Council Programme Project Manager Gemma Henesy, left, and Programme Support Officer Lynsey Adams discuss the Queensway regeneration plans with resident Ian Ward.

Green light to firm up financial proposals to make project happen


HE second phase of the Better Queensway housing regeneration project is underway.

The scheme could see 1,000 homes built and a redeveloped area connecting Southend Victoria railway station with the Victoria shopping centre and town centre. The green light has also been given to firm up financial proposals on how to make the project happen, and investigate the

24 Outlook WINTER 2015

covering of the Queensway underpass. Further work will also be carried out to determine the future of the tower blocks. Sally Holland, Corporate Director at the Council said: “We are now stepping up our work to involve local residents, traders and the wider community as we develop proposals. “We are committed to minimising disruption to residents and, where possible,

to only move people once during the project. “We will now look at the impact of the development on health, education provision and highways in the next phase of the project as we seek to create a better Queensway and transform this area for the good of the local community.” ■ For more information on the project, visit southend.gov.uk/betterqueensway.

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