“Five Reasons Why Your Mass Builder Failed to Give You Mass” Have you been drooling over the images of the beautifully build muscles of super fit models in your favorite fitness magazine? Are you already convinced that no matter how religiously and accurately you follow a ‘Mass Building Program’; your body would just remain as lean as before? Well, the good news is that you are not alone; many people out there can completely relate to your situation. When we read about any Mass Building Program or see it on television, we become so impressed with the results shown in it that we immediately started following it. However, even after putting a lot of efforts into the program when the ‘magic’ does not happen to our body, all our dreams go shattered! This is because we miss out a very important aspect of mass building and that is, every ‘body’ is different; sometimes people have extremely fast metabolism or their fat is very stubborn to burn. Then, there are those desperate types who have even invested in weight gaining supplements, a Mass Builder. These supplements have proved to be highly effective in turning around a person’s body to give them perfect muscle mass. Still, there are people who have faced failure with these supplements too. When this happens, the frustrated ones ask themselves, ‘why the hell my body doesn’t respond to these magical supplements?’
Here are five possible reasons for why your mass builder failed to give you mass: 1) You Have an Extremely Fast Metabolism: Muscles require more calories than fat. People having an extremely fast metabolism can burn calories much faster than an average person can. Hence, no matter what they eat their body does not gain even a single pound. If you are one of them then your body requires serious calorie intake to build muscles. 2) You are Training Ineffectively: Building Muscles is not only dependent on what you eat, but also how hard you train. After every training if, not every muscle in your body is soaring with pain then you have not pushed yourself enough. 3) You are Replacing your Meals with Supplements: Believing that supplements are a substitute for your meals is a huge mistake. Two vital aspects of any Mass Building Program are sensible nutrition and extensive training. It is imperative to plan a healthy diet for yourself that includes high-protein meals, at least five to seven times a day along with supplements. 4) You are Using the Wrong Supplement: There are different types of supplements available in the market that caters to different needs of people and every supplement has a good and bad aspect. You should match what is in your supplement with the requirements of your body. 5) You are Training More than Required: Although, it has been said earlier that hardcore training is essential in every mass building program, but you should know how hard enough for your body is because overtraining can be ineffective for muscle growth. Your training schedules should incorporate rest periods to give your muscles time to recover from an extensive training so that they can grow. Understanding your body type and body needs and then planning your mass building program accordingly are key to successful muscle building.