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Buddy’s New Bass Friend

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Sis, Boom, Blah

What makes a prize fish? For one dog, it’s love at first smell.



someone caUghT a priZe Fish aT smiTh mountain lake, near marker r-50, but left the catch behind. i didn’t see the angler, but i’m sure the loss was a disappointment. however, from my perspective, the now-defunct lake creature must have been enormous! The fish and me, well, a part of it anyway, have come to know each other well. While strolling along our shoreline, picking up floating debris, i spotted the head of a huge striped bass. Buddy, my shadow and constant companion, saw it too. his instinct must have been, “mom, i’ll save you.” Buddy, a King charles cavalier spaniel, is not one for mischievous behavior. Thus, he looked at me for a signal. i responded with a stern, “no Buddy, don’t go near the fish head.” i pointed toward the house and told him to, “go home now!” Buddy, who can pretend not to know english, grabbed the fish head and ran. here’s a Buddy fact: he clearly understands the words “puppy treat.” aquatic carcasses are a breeding ground for diseases. it leads me to wonder what the immunity difference is between a dog and a human. This disgusting semi-corpse is the new object of Buddy’s attention. he carries it around, gnaws on it and rolls over it. i just know if one of our grandkids even touched that same putrefied carcass, their parents would spend summer break at a medical clinic. is it possible that toys were first introduced to entice children away from decomposing fish heads? aside from the health and well-being of our (otherwise) sweet canine, there’s the smell to contend with. a decaying fish head is rank. its stench permeates every square inch of breathing space on our property. it overpowers an entire hillside of fragrant honeysuckle. it repulses flies, and yet Buddy will fight anyone to protect his treasure. rubbing his nose in it might only encourage his obsession with fish. Throwing his fish away may prompt him to stockpile expired creatures on the property. he may begin scouring our shoreline in search of dead animals to bring home. his decree gives me a reprieve from cleaning the fridge. Buddy gets to keep what is left of his fish and all is well … for now.

Buddy thinks he is human, although in human years … he should be dead. maybe he is senile. That would explain his erratic behavior over this reeking fish. Being a concerned pet owner, i’m unsure of what to do in this situation.

What i have found since the fish’s head entered our lives is that Buddy is not scratching from fleas and ticks. There could be an important correlation here. perhaps chemicals and flea collars aren’t necessary after all! Dead fish collars may be the key to a happy and healthy canine. stretching that idea to rid your home of insects: place a dead fish in every room. or not.

The captain doesn’t put much faith in the fish theory for house extermination. he contends that the odors from spoils in our refrigerator will repel all insects from our house.



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