Chriistian Community Magazine - 4/11 Edition

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Resurrection Issue April 2011

It’s that time again…Resurrection Sunday! We Christian’s know what Easter is about – the Resurrection power of our savior Jesus Christ! We are partnering with D’ondrae Landers of Bay Entertainment as they host the Grand Opening of Hitmaker’s Gospel Brunch at Stevie’s Creole Café in Encino, CA. Get more information at . This month we feature the return of gospel greats, Mary Mary. They’re back with new music, a new smash hit ―Walking‖ and a new tour –Still Something Big. With times being so hard…we explore the option of giving cash vs. goods in Making an Impact. It’s less expensive and allows more flexibility. We also show you ways you and your church can help the community. What do YOU think? We’re added a new section – Ministry/Business Directory. Get your ministry listed here and on CCM website, with link to your ministry website, AND will be promoted once per month on Facebook, Twitter & MySpace for only $20 per month. We will drive traffic to your website AND people to your events. CLICK HERE for more information on our rates. We at SPMG Media thank you all for helping to grow our publications. Continue subscribing (IT’S FREE) and telling your friends and ministry partners to join the family. We are here for you. Let us know what you think and what YOU want to see in upcoming issues.

Christian Community Magazine Vol. 12, Issue 4 Rube & Gina Smith Publisher Staff Enjoli Hall -COO & Accounting Kirshawna Fitzhugh – Managing Editor Chris Smith, Amber Smith, Richard Hall - Marketing Interns: Crystal Holland, Julya Fuse Christian Community Magazine SPMG Media (Smith Publishing & Media Group) 385 S. Lemon Ave. #E236 Walnut, CA 91789 P - (888) 841-7779

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Have an incredibly blessed month! Be blessed, Gina

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Contents Publisher’s Message…………..… Pg. 4 In The News…………………………..Pg. 6 Making an Impact….………………Pg. 9 Cover Story.………..................... Pg. 11 Living the Life……..……………..….Pg. 16 What We’re Reading….…..……. Pg. 17 Making An Impact 2………….…..Pg. 19 What We’re Listening To……... Pg. 22 Ministry Directory………………. Pg. 23 Calendar of Events…………….…..Pg. 24

Benny Hinn Drops Lawsuit over 'Fallacious' Tweet By Audrey Barrick

Televangelist Benny Hinn has withdrawn his lawsuit against a Christian media consultant who tweeted about Hinn's alleged engagement to Paula White. The lawsuit was dropped after Phil Cooke agreed to recant his tweet. "My tweet last month that Benny Hinn was engaged was wrong – my source was mistaken. I’m sorry and apologies to Benny Hinn and his children." Hinn and White, a prominent Pentecostal preacher, were pictured last summer in The National Enquirer leaving a hotel in Rome holding hands. At that time, White was divorced from her husband, and Hinn was separated from his wife of more than 30 years and going through a divorce. The petition for divorce had been filed by Suzanne Hinn - a move that shocked the televangelist. The two denied the report as "untruthful." The preachers admitted they had recently developed a close friendship but Hinn maintained that the relationship "has remained morally pure at all times." In January, Cooke - a speaker, producer, writer and consultant - sent out a tweet that Hinn has called false, defamatory and fallacious. The tweet stated: "TV EVANGELIST NEWS: Benny Hinn and Paula White reported engaged. Prayer cloths are rejoicing everywhere." According to a statement, released Tuesday by Hinn, the tweet resulted in "embarrassment and adverse financial consequences" to Hinn, his family and his church (World Healing Center Church) in Grapevine, Texas. Hinn filed suit in Orange County, Calif., against Cooke. But after Cooke's apology, recant and "other concessions," Hinn dismissed his lawsuit. Currently, Hinn is at the other end of a lawsuit that was filed by book publisher Strang Communications. The suit alleges that Hinn violated a morality clause in their contract due to his "romantic" and "inappropriate" relationship with White. Hinn, who is known for his controversial prosperity teachings, was under contract to write three books for the publisher. The preacher was given an advance of $300,000 to write his first book, Blood in the Sand. But according to the lawsuit, Hinn violated terms of the contract, including a failure to market the book. Hinn's lawyer, Miles Archer Woodlief, told The Christian Post earlier that Strang rejected settlement attempts but the preacher is still hoping to reach a resolution "without causing unwanted harm to his publisher." Hinn is now legally divorced from his wife. White and her second husband, Randy, of nearly 18 years divorced in 2007.

By Greg Stier The public is intoxicated with his intoxication and, to be honest, I have been too. From the television interviews to the online rants to the SNL sketches I have to confess that I have been enamored with his insanity. I have slowed down for the car wreck to take pictures with my cell phone. Shame on me. This morning it hit me like a pallet of ―Duh, Winner‖ t-shirts that I should be praying for him, not making fun of him. Sure, what’s happened to Charlie is extreme but, in a very real way, he’s living the ultimate Hollywood dream. Porn stars, alcohol, mounds of Cocaine and two and a half piles of money are all the result of his pushing farther down the road than the average non tiger-blooded actor/actress would dare to go. He’s living the dream to the extreme. In many ways the Old Testament King, Solomon, was the original Charlie Sheen. In Ecclesiastes 2:8-11, Solomon wrote, ―I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I acquired male and female singers, and a harem as well-the delights of a man’s heart. I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me. I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.‖ Solomon’s wine, women, song, building projects, politic rule and ―I can’t get no satisfaction‖ mega-quests were fueled by his unimaginable riches (way more than Mr. Sheen could ever dream of!) The difference is that Solomon was testing the limits of his wisdom to find out what was worth living for and Charlie is testing the limits of his body to see what he can live through. At the end of Solomon’s wild ride he came to this conclusion, ―Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.‖ Ecclesiastes 12:13,14 Who will join me in praying that God will save Charlie Sheen from certain destruction? Who will pray with me that Charlie hears the gospel and realizes what true life, real life is all about? Who will join me is asking God to rescue him from the clutches of sin and Satan, not through tiger blood, but the blood of the Lamb? Let’s stop mocking and start praying. If God can save a sinner like me and a sinner like you then God can save a sinner like him. Greg Stier is the President and Founder of Dare 2 Share Ministries in Arvada, Colo., where he works with youth leaders and students, equipping them to be effective in sharing the gospel. With experience as a senior teaching pastor and in youth ministry for almost 20 years, Greg has a reputation of knowing and relating to today’s teens. He is widely viewed as an authority and expert teen spirituality. He is known for motivating, mobilizing and equipping teens for positive change. For more information on Dare 2 Share Ministries, and the 2010-2011 Un conference tour, please visit

Hard Cash In Hard Times By Cormac Staunton Sophia Chitsatse was 65 when I met her in Nyanga, Zimbabwe, a widow looking after four orphaned grandchildren. Although she was a farmer, she struggled to grow enough food for her family to last from one harvest to another. As a result, she had been receiving food aid rations from the World Food Program (WFP) for several years. This is the traditional response to a humanitarian crisis, to directly provide people with what they need most. It is hard to argue with the logic; if people are starving, they need food. If people's belongings have been washed away, they need essential items like soap, cooking utensils, and clean water. But in the last number of years there has been an increasing focus on improving the way in which the world responds to emergencies. In late 2009, Sophia Chitsatse benefited from a new approach: instead of receiving food aid, Sophia was given cash. We do it all the time in the western world. We have state pensions, unemployment benefits, and child-welfare payments. There are differences and debates as to the extent to which these should be provided, but most people agree that the best way to provide this assistance is through money, rather than goods. Taking the same approach to a humanitarian crisis has many advantages, backed up by numerous studies. For one thing, giving cash is generally cheaper. There are huge costs involved in trucking and shipping large quantities of commodities across the globe. READ MORE

Jefferson Awards: Alameda Honor Student Excels At Serving Others ―Sunday afternoons are a time when I can see my senior friends and really interact with them,‖ Wong said. He has worked hard to make Sundays special at Water’s Edge Lodge, a senior assisted-living center near his Alameda home. Since 2009 the Alameda High School junior has played the piano and lead sing-alongs for seniors like 91-year-old Ella Parker. ―He plays our kind of music from our years- 60s, 70s,‖ Parker said. ―He also fundraises for the local food bank.‖ Wong raised $10,000 for CBS 5’s Food for Bay Area Families holiday food drive, which was more money than even he imagined. The money came from friends, family and local businesses. A year ago, Wong raised enough to buy 20,000 pounds of food for the Alameda Food Bank. READ MORE


Columbia Records/Myblock Records artists Mary Mary, sisters Erica and Tina announced the release of SOMETHING BIG, the long-awaited follow-up to The Sound, their multiaward winning, groundbreaking

previous CD. Produced by Warryn Campbell for Myblock Records and written by Mary Mary, SOMETHING BIG is slated for a March 29, 2011 release. With powerful voices that soar, harmonies that chime and empowering lyrics, the songs on SOMETHING BIG are instantly memorable. From the lively lead single "Walking," to the unforgettable anthem "Never Wave My Flag" and title song "Something Big," Mary Mary is on course to drive their indisputable reputation smack into the mainstream. Billboard Magazine's recent review of "Walking" stated "The song's synthesizer-accented, percolating rhythms are immediately arresting, and the mix is seamlessly strung together by the engaging vocal interplay...'Walking' is the pair's latest track to leave the listener with a bounce in his or her step." Already a Top 10 Urban AC smash, "Walking" has just landed on the charts within weeks of its release to that format. The song's video was directed by Luga Podesta, best known for shooting recent pop videos for Travie McCoy, Emily Osment and Hey Monday and will premiere late January. As songwriters, Mary Mary's honesty and passion are unmatched by most contemporary storytellers. Mary Mary's lyrics underscore an unwavering faith and belief in God to conquer the challenges that life sends our way. It is that faith that has connected with fans around the globe and secured an even wider fan base that continues to grow each day. "In life, we all need to believe in our inner strength to endure the unexpected, to face challenges which confront us, and ultimately survive; we are living in difficult times, but there are infinite reasons to be hopeful," say Erica and Tina.

"In life, we all need to believe in our inner strength to endure the unexpected, to face challenges which confront us, and ultimately survive; we are living in difficult times, but there are infinite reasons to be hopeful," say Erica and Tina. Mary Mary have made it their life's mission to connect with people all over the world. "It's not just about musical achievements, awards, charts and sales," say Mary Mary. "That's not our guiding light. It's about helping people...we're committed to our message and purpose." With powerful voices that soar, harmonies that chime and empowering lyrics written by the duo of sisters Erica and Tina Campbell, the songs on SOMETHING BIG are instantly memorable. From the lively lead single ―Walking,‖ to the unforgettable anthem ―Never Wave My Flag‖ and title song ―Something Big,‖ Mary Mary is on course to deliver another blockbuster project to their loyal fan base as well as to attract new audiences. As songwriters, Mary Mary are known for their honest, passionate lyrics that underscore an unwavering faith in God in the face of life’s challenges. It is that faith that has connected with fans around the globe. SOMETHING BIG’s first single is ―Walking.‖ Billboard Magazine’s recent review of the song stated ―The song’s synthesizer-accented, percolating rhythms are immediately arresting, and the mix is seamlessly strung together by the engaging vocal interplay…’Walking’ is the pair’s latest track to leave the listener with a bounce in his or her step.‖ Already a Top 10 hit at Billboard Gospel and Urban AC smash, ―Walking‖ has just landed on the charts within weeks of its release to those formats. With the release of their highly-anticipated new album, Something Big, chart-topping sister duo Mary Mary continues to make a major impact on television, at radio, and across the web, with no signs of slowing down. Following two standing-room-only live showcases on each coast (in New York City and in Los Angeles), Mary Mary performed their newest radio hit, "Walking," during the 42nd Annual NAACP Image Awards (FOX) at the beginning of March. This week, the award-winning duo wrapped a two-week national promo tour featuring several TV appearances, radio station visits, and meet & greet opportunities. But if you think they might slow down a bit before their new album hits stores, think again.

As songwriters, Mary Mary are known for their honest, passionate lyrics that underscore an unwavering faith in God in the face of life’s challenges. It is that faith that connects with fans around the globe.

Mary Mary has launched ―Do Something Big,‖ and a once-in-alifetime contest for their fans-- ―Fly Away with Mary Mary.‖ ―Do Something Big‖ is Mary Mary’s ambitious, six-part altruistic initiative that acts as the heartbeat surrounding the release of their upcoming album, Something Big. Mary Mary will host ―Do Something Big‖ on their Facebook Fan Page, engaging fans to participate in a new weekly activity for 6 weeks to ―do something big‖ for others. Each week focuses on a different segment of those in need-- the elderly, the homeless, local schools, local neighborhoods and world hunger. Beyond joining Mary Mary in their mission to make a mark on the world, participants will be eligible for prizes and giveaways. To partner with Mary Mary in the ―Do Something Big‖ campaign, visit which began March 17, 2011. The Still Something Big Tour, which starts on April 1, 2011, will feature Mary Mary, Bebe & Cece Winans, as well as special guest, VaShawn Mitchell.

For tour schedule, visit

By Creflo and Taffi Dollar

Have you ever been so agitated by someone or something that you completely lost your peace, and your cool? I have. In fact, recently, I came to a monumental personal revelation—I have been giving in to agitation all my life, and I needed to make some changes. I realized that becoming agitated and angry because of people, situations, and circumstances was a pattern of behavior that was robbing me of my joy and peace. Then, the Lord began to show me some things about agitation that absolutely transformed my thinking. I began to see that agitation is really a manifestation of fear that is designed to steal our peace. As challenging as it may seem, we must make a quality decision to not become agitated. An important thing to know about agitation is that it is fear-based. In fact, whenever agitation is present, it is an indication that fear is there. And fear is produced by unbelief. In other words, when we don’t believe what God’s Word has to say about a particular issue, we will become afraid. Why does the enemy attack us with agitation? He does this in an attempt to steal our peace, which happens to be one of our most valuable spiritual assets. Fortunately, when we grab on to the Word of God during times of agitation, it will settle our hearts and calm our souls. In John 14:27 Jesus said, ―Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.‖ The same peace the carried Jesus through His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the scourging with the cat-o’-nine tails, the crucifixion, and his trip to the pit of Hell and back is the peace He has left to us! Our job is to meditate on the Word of God and the peace of God during times of agitation. We must decide beforehand that we will not be agitated. I had to make a choice where the issue was concerned, and it wasn’t long afterwards that situations began happening that had an extremely high agitation factor! However, I now simply refuse to become agitated anymore; I am holding on to my peace at all costs. Second Peter 3:14 says, ―Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.‖ When Jesus comes back, there are three things the Word mentions that He will be looking for—purity, blamelessness, and peacefulness. Maintaining our peace is as important as being morally sound, according to this scripture. Therefore, we would do well to make sure we are receiving and maintaining Jesus peace at all times. The most challenging thing to do in the midst of extreme agitation is maintain our peace; however, we must grab hold of the Word of God when we are agitated and disturbed. Philippians 4:6 gives specific instructions for avoiding agitation. It says, ―Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.‖ God isn’t saying to be full of cares over some things and not others. He says we should refuse to take care concerning anything. This means refusing to accept agitation when it tries to attack our minds and emotions. We must also pray and give thanks in the midst of every situation or agitating encounter. When we do this, we return to the peace of God and remain in a position of power. Learn more at

The choice is yours!

Faith Lifts: Finding Life’s Vital Connection By Dr. Billy Ingram CLICK HERE to purchase Has life got you down? Is every day a struggle for the breakthrough that never comes? Does your life lack power and focus? Do you ever wonder why the promises of God seem to apply to everyone but you? Maybe you need a faith lift. This book will lift your faith by dispelling the distortions and misunderstandings in much of today’s faith and prosperity teachings, and guiding you to a clear and solid understanding of true biblical faith.

How to Date and Stay Saved By Kim Brooks CLICK HERE to purchase ―Kim Brooks' love for God's Word and for men and women of God is apparent in her latest work. She has painstakingly collected sound advice that can be a guide to all who seek not only God's way of dating but the most successful way. If you read this book, and apply its words, you will have the skills you need to find love without the heartache, games, and drama...‖ Christine Pembleton, marriage expert and author of, Lord, I’m ready to be a Wife

How Could My Husband Be Gay By Ondrea L. Davis and J’son M. Lee CLICK HERE to purchase How Could My Husband Be Gay is a autobiographical look into the life of Ondrea L. Davis. On the outside, Ondrea’s life is nothing short of a fairytale. She had a dream home, perfect husband and three beautiful children. Ondrea soon discovers that her husband, Marceous King, is not the man she thought she married. Exhausting all efforts to save her marriage, Ondrea finds herself in the fight of her life. In the process, she uncovers a highly sophisticated web of deception and shocking secrets. Marceous will stop at nothing to keep Ondrea from exposing the truth and derailing his plan – even if it means destroying her in the process. In this battle of good vs. evil, who will be the ultimate victor? “A captivating tale of healing amid deception”.

The Spirit of Assassination by Yvonne Capehart CLICK HERE to purchase If you are wondering why is it that Christians and especially those who seem to be in the front of the Christian army are falling by the wayside; if you wondering why is it that you are living a defeated Christian life, then The Spirit of Assassination has the answers. Yvonne Capehart, in a simple yet anointed way, gives the reason behind the falling of Christians out of the Christian army. Not only does she give the reason, she also tells us how to get up and to get back on the road to recovery.

Written by Oretha Winston for ELEV8 In these days of financial stresses and deep depressions, help and encouragement is one of the best things that we can do for each other. Often churches are seeking fresh ideas on how to help their community. At this moment I am doing a great deal of outreach in my parish.

These are the 8 things that I have found helpful in community. 1. Adopting a Family Be a friend by inviting them to lunch. Send a member of the family to a conference or retreat. Take interest in the progress of the new church. Provide childcare for a planter and his wife as they go on a date.

2. Contributing to the Financial Needs Often, church plants have significant start-up costs and ongoing expenses. Through monthly or onetime gifts, individuals and churches can provide valuable funding streams. Business leaders can help provide jobs for planters, their families, and team members. Check and see if your church has a ―family rescue‖ plan in which a family in dire need can get help. If not maybe this would be a good thing to start.

3. Providing Materials and Equipment That extra television of older computer can find a great second life within a church or religious institution. Sound systems, computers, and office equipment are valuable assets. Get your entire church involved with a ―Baby Shower‖ for the church nursery or reuse of Vacation Bible School materials and props. In winter and summer children always need a safe place. If your church has space you can show movies. This will give neighborhood kids something to look forward to.

4. Sharing Your Skills Your church may need someone to do some filing work or some construction. The smallest amount of time given can be the biggest progress made on building access ramps and things of that nature. Hands-on- help is always needed. There may be a tutoring program that may need your skills.

5. Serving on a Church Mission Trip Youth groups, college students, and adults can assist a mission trip in a day, weekend, and weeklong setting. Community surveys block parties, Backyard Bible schools, and neighborhood canvassing are events benefiting the church plant and the partnering church. They help the neighborhood and they stimulate growth.

6. Discovering Unreached / Under-reached People in Your Community Your church can identify population groups that are not being reached by evangelical ministries. Often churches notice that certain segments of the community do not assimilate into their church after evangelistic events or notice communities desperately need of ministry care. Churches engage these groups with ministries meeting community needs, Gospel seed sowing, and leadership development of leaders from the harvest.

Helping others, or being part of a common goal for improving the environmental, economic, safety, or social wellbeing of the people and community around you can be just as rewarding for you as it is for the beneficiaries of your hard work or financial assistance.

7. Starting an Outreach Bible Study Bible studies are effective ways to lead people to Christ. A Bible study unit can grow into a core leadership team for a church.

People never forget that helping hand especially when times are tough. - Catherine Pulsifer

8. Join the welcoming committee. When you see a new neighbor move in go and introduce yourself. They are acclimating to a new home and possibly a new neighborhood, so your greeting can be best thing they have heard in awhile.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank

Love God. Love People Israel Houghton CLICK HERE to purchase Grammy Award winning artist, producer and multi-instrumentalist Israel Houghton returns with Love God. Love People., a new 12-track album recorded at London's historic Abbey Road Studios. Produced by Houghton and fellow Grammy winners Aaron Lindsey and Tommy Sims, Love God. Love People. highlights the greatest Gospel commandment with new songs served up with the masterful and diverse musical energy Houghton is known for. Album highlights include guest appearances by Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond and Take 6's Claude V. McKnight, III, Mark Kibble and Joey Kibble.

Hello Fear Kirk Franklin CLICK HERE to purchase With his new release Hello Fear, Kirk Franklin continues to prove why he is the top selling urban Gospel act of all time. Once again he delivers an array of spectacular music for Gospel music lovers young and old. His upcoming album challenges believers everywhere to stop, turn around, and face whatever fear might be hiding in their lives. Kirk delivers his signature songs as only he can Before I Die is a rousing chant with a go-go beat that s sure to be a hit with the younger generation; I Am is a soaring ballad with beautiful melodies; and I Smile is classic Kirk a mid-tempo R&B laced track that is sure to become a universal anthem. And, as only he can, Kirk bridges the generation gap as well. He teams up with Gospel luminaries Rance Allen, Beverly Crawford and Marvin Sapp, then flips the switch and partners with newcomer Mali Music. Once again, Kirk Franklin has managed to tap into the pulse of what s on people s minds and set it all to music. So get ready to say Hello to a project that s destined to take the world by storm!

I Receive Your Love Gail Holmes CLICK HERE to purchase Gail Holmes is a new artist on Habakkuk Music whose debut CD, I RECEIVE YOUR LOVE, is a truly breath of fresh air. Combining breathtaking praise ballads, bouncy pop tracks and intimate worship songs, Holmes introduces herself and her music ministry in great fashion. Bringing together hopeful lyrics and an exuberant vibe, Holmes presents 10 songs of love, praise, commitment, purpose and encouragement.The current single "Whatever It Is," is a mid-tempo groove that has quickly generated tremendous buzz at radio and speaks a message of encouragement. Influenced by and co-written with her daughter, "Whatever It Is," came from conversations surrounding what people are going through today. Also of note on the album are Holmes' inclusion of incredible worship songs such as "The More I Seek You," a duet with her pastor, Bishop George Davis; the serene "Breathe on Me," and the Donald Lawrence-penned "God."

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Hitmaker’s Gospel Brunch April 24th 11am – 4pm Stevie’s Creole Café & Bar 16911 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316 818-528-3500 Live Gospel and all you can eat soul food EVERY Sunday!!

Easter Extravaganza & Pancake Breakfast Saturday, April 23, 2011 @ 10am Abundant Living Family Church 10900 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 FREE pancake breakfast for the entire family and golden ticket prizes. Abundant Kids will also host a FREE Easter egg hunt as well as bouncers.

Soul Surfer – Movie Release April 8, 2011 CLICK HERE to learn more! Bethany Hamilton is the world-class teen surfer who, at age 13, lost her left arm in a shark attack. If you know her story—and what schoolchild in America doesn’t?—you also know of her family’s faith in God. The stories are inseparable. And you know that within three weeks, Bethany was back on her surfboard. Bethany’s story exemplifies personal faith, family unity, the guiding influence of a Christian youth-group leader . . . and the trust of a 13-year-old girl who, weeks before the accident, began praying that God would make clear her purpose in life.

42nd Annual GMA Dove Awards Live Taping Atlanta’s Fox Theater April 20th, 8pm CLICK HERE for tickets The 42nd Annual GMA Dove Awards will be held on April 20, 2011 at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. It will be broadcast on GMC and hosted by Sherri Shepherd. The awards will recognize the accomplishments of Christian musicians for the year 2010.

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