Los Angeles Community News - 9.15 - 30, 2012

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Volume 6, No. 18 SPMGMedia.com

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

News & Entertainment from the Community

Serving the cities of Los Angeles County

September 15 - 30,2012 lacnews@yahoo.com

2012's CSU Super Saturday Draws Multicultural Audience at CSUDH By Staff of California State University Dominguez Hills Learn more about Each One-Teach One at http://www.e1t1.org/

Held on Aug. 25, the CSU Super Saturday college education day attracted a multicultural audience of approximately 2,000 at CSU Dominguez Hills.

Inside What’s Happening Around Town………………………... 2 Opinion/Editorial……………3 Gov/Bus/Finance…................4 Educatio/Sports..……………5 Arts & Entertainment……....6 Relationships & Celebrations

Representatives from CSU's 23 campuses, as well as other colleges and universities, provided attendees with information about admission requirements at their institutions and touted the advantages that a college education will provide. "The event is growing in numbers and diversity," said Barbara Young, a consultant to CSU’s African American Initiative. Young, who has been leading CSU Super Saturday since its inception in 2007, says she is delighted to see that the number of people attending the event is bigger every year. "We promote the event in community newspapers, churches and schools. But word of mouth has become a very powerful marketing tool," Young said.

…………………………….7 Church & Inspiration ..….8

Teachers, parents and students who have attended the event in previous years sign up again and invite their friends and family to come with them.

Food/Reetaurant…………9 Just for Fun……………..10 History Moment….……...11 Interesting Reading…….12 Calendar of Events……13 What’s Happenin’ in Vegas…………………14

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Young said that news about the budget cuts imposed by the State of California on the CSU system and other higher education institutions has not discouraged parents from seeking information about college. "They want college access for their children, and Super Saturday offers them the most updated information directly from the admissions staff." In addition to academic and financial aid information, this year's Super Saturday featured two new workshops -- a panel of African American professionals discussing the educational path that led them to achieve their employment and business goals and a workshop led by students and leaders of CSU’s Hospitality Management Initiative, providing information about careers in hospitality and restaurant management.

Los Angeles Community News News From the Community!

What is Hispanic Heritage Month? Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 and runs through October 15tt, the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries—Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico declared its independence on September 16, and Chile on September 18.

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STAFF Enjoli Hall Kenya Livingston Chris Smith, Amber Smith, Richard Hall - Marketing Interns: Crystal Holland, Julya Fuse

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Advertising & Press Releases……..……info@spmgmedia.com Advertise your business at reasonable rates. Los Angeles Community News is the must-read newspaper for Los Angeles County. Owned by SPMG Media, it is published twice per month and digitally distributed to more than 30,000 subscribers in the Los Angeles County areas, 10,000 printed copies distributed to local businesses and venues, as well as thousands of international subscribers. Print Subscriptions available for $25 for 24 issues. LACN is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, not responsible for availability of products or services. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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Famous Firsts by Hispanic Americans Antonia Coell Novello The future Surgeon General of the United States was born Antonia Coello in the small town of Fajardo, Puerto Rico. From birth, the young girl suffered from an abnormality of the colon, which cast a shadow over her entire childhood and adolescence. Her father died when she was only eight and, although surgery might have corrected her condition at that age, she had to wait another ten years to receive effective treatment. Antonia's mother, a school teacher and later high school principal, stressed the importance of education from an early age. Antonia was precocious, and graduated from high school at age 15. While attending the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, she finally underwent surgery to correct her medical condition. Complications from this operation were to trouble her for the next two years. At age 20, she traveled to the continental United States for treatment at the famous Mayo clinic, where she received an operation that resolved the last of these complications. Antonia received her Bachelor of Science degree at Rio Piedras in 1965, and her Doctor of Medicine degree from the Univeristy of Puerto Rico at San Juan in 1970. That same year, she married Joseph R. Novello. After completing an internship in pediatrics at the University of Michigan Medical Center, she held fellowships in pediatric nephrology there and at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington DC.

Park Windsor Baptist Church College/Career Day Come out and join Each On - Teach One Alliance for Academic Access, Achievement & Success in a day filled with exciting and informative information on: College Admission; Career Preparation; and, Financial Aid. Among the list of impressive facilitators will be Chris L. Hickey, Sr., the Executive Director of Each One - Teach One Alliance for Academic Access, Achievement and Success. Mr. Hickey will be conducting an interactive workshop on, "The Parent's Role in Creating a College-Going Culture at Home, School and Environment." In addition, Jacques Bordeaux will be presenting a fabulous workshop on the "AFRICAN AMERICAN SCIENCETIST & INVENTORS HALL OF FAME." A must see. Tell a friend and your neighbors to come out and get the information you need to ensure that your students are on the path to Success!! Learn more at http://e1t1.org


The Fabulous Starlett Quarles, host of THE Dialogue, a nationally syndicated talk radio show for today's young urban progressives, conducted an amazing public interview of the 33rd District Congressmember Karen Bass. The event coined, A Conversation with Karen Bass, was a phenomenal event shared with an impressive group of community leaders, activist, and citizens who gather to hear a candid conversation with Ms. Bass about politics, her life, her ambitions, her community activism, and her plans to continue to be engaged in uplifting the lives of those who need it the most in communities around the world. Learn more at http://www.thedialoguela.com/index.html

What Obama and Romney Say About the Missing Campaign Issue of Civil Rights

•Supports extending the Employment NonDiscrimination Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity. •Signed the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 providing funding and statutory authorities for the settlement agreements reached in the Cobell lawsuit, brought by Native Americans; the Pigford II lawsuit, brought by African American farmers; and four separate water rights suits, brought by Native American tribes.

Five Reasons We Can't Trust Romney With Our National Security

Romney on Civil Rights: •As Governor of Massachusetts, Romney chose a woman Lt. Governor, a woman chief of staff, and half of his cabinet and senior officials were women. •In business he publicly stated that he mentored and supported women who went on to run major companies.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson President Obama and GOP presidential rival Mitt Romney have spent countless hours slamming each other over the economy, the deficit, joblessness, health care reform, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Energy policy. They have made references to gun control, immigration, education, regulatory reform, and foreign policy issues on the campaign trail. They have even revived and wrapped their conventions around the standard wedge issues of gay marriage, abortion, religion and traditional family values. Yet there's been absolutely no talk about civil rights during their war for the White House. That's civil rights that is that specifically focuses on racial and gender employment discrimination, hate crimes, and equal opportunity for minorities. Talk about civil rights is not missing from their verbal broadsides against each other because they haven't written about, spoken about, and took action on this aspect of civil rights. Here's a point by point comparison of what Obama has said and done about civil rights during his White House tenure and what Romney has said and done during his tenure as Massachusetts governor and during his years as a founder and director of Bain. President Obama on Civil Rights: •Signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act which empowers women to recover wages lost to discrimination by extending the time period in which an employee can file a claim. Obama supports the Paycheck Fairness Act that will add tougher legal weapons to fight pay discrimination. Obama convened a National Equal Pay Task Force to ensure that existing equal pay laws are fully enforced. •Signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which extends the coverage of Federal hate crimes law to include attacks based on the victim's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. •Requested two years of double-digit budget increases in the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division. The Justice Department has reached three multi-million dollar settlements, including the largest

•Supports the enactment by the states of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act that bans gays from being fired. But does not support it at the federal level. •Publicly proclaimed that Arab Americans should not be subjected to harassment for their religious beliefs. "This is a nation that recognizes the equality of all individuals." •Declared that women in organizations have not had the opportunity that they deserve to get ahead in organizations. "If we are to compete as a nation, we've got to draw on the skills of women and minorities. And I have seen organizations from the federal government to corporations that are not drawing on the skills of women and minorities." •Supports the requirement that public companies and federal agencies be required in their annual report to report the number of women & minorities by income category, to help identify where the glass ceiling is, and enact measures to break through it. The marketplace will say "that company has not promoted women and minorities and will put pressure on American corporations and agencies to respond." The virtual silence of President Obama and Romney during the 2012 presidential campaigns on civil rights is not surprising not only because Obama and Romney see the economy and health care reform as their path to or back to the White House but because of the glaring recent history of presidential candidates ignoring racial matters. In fact civil rights as a campaign issue has seeped into presidential debates only when they ignite public anger and division; such as for a time the red hot debate that raged over affirmative action. No president or presidential challenger in the past two decades, especially a Democratic challenger, has risked being tarred as pandering to minorities for the mere mention of civil rights or racial problems. But civil rights whether mentioned or not on the 2012 presidential campaign trail, still strikes to the heart of the chronic colossal problems of health, education, employment and income disparities that plague minorities and in turn the nation. These are problems that all presidents sooner or later will have to grapple with. It will be the same for Obama or Romney during their next four years in the White House. Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. He is a frequent political commentator on MSNBC and a weekly co-host of the Al Sharpton Show on American Urban Radio Network. He is the author of How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge. He is an associate editor of New America Media. He is the host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KPFK-Radio and the Pacifica Network. Follow Earl Ofari Hutchinson on thehutchinsonreportnews.com

Robert Creamer The events of the last 48 hours have made it indisputably clear: America cannot trust Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan with our national security. This morning's Huffington Post headline summarized what it called, "The Verdict: Most Craven and Ill-Advised Move...Not Worthy of A President... Bungle... Utter Disaster... Not Presidential... Lehman Moment... Over the Top... Desperate... Awesomely Awful." Notwithstanding the horrible reviews, Romney and his campaign tripled down on their criticism of President Obama and the American diplomats who were on the ground and about to come under attack. Romney's neocon foreign policy adviser, Richard Williamson, told the Washington Post that, "There is a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you'd be in a different situation." He's right about that. We'd be in a very different -- and dangerous -- situation if Mitt Romney were in charge of American national security. There are at least five reasons why every American should be frightened at the prospect of Mitt Romney as Commander-in-Chief. 1). Mitt Romney has no guiding principles when it comes to foreign policy -- or anything else for that matter -- but one: his own personal ambition. Tuesday night Romney demonstrated once again that he would take any cheap shot that he thought would serve his ambition to be president, regardless of its impact on American national security or our people on the ground. Of course this is nothing new. Romney has demonstrated time and time again that he has no lasting commitment to principle whatsoever. He has gone from being pro-choice to ardently anti-abortion; morphed from a Massachusetts moderate to a "severe conservative"; demonstrated his willingness to buy companies, load them with debt, bleed them dry and destroy the lives of workers and communities all to make money for himself and his investors. After favoring immigration reform in the past, Romney became the most anti-immigrant major presidential candidate in modern history. Romney drafted and passed RomneyCare and then promised to repeal a similar bill when one was passed by President Obama and a Democratic Congress. Why? Because that's what the thought was necessary to get the Republican nomination for president. Romney has no North Star guiding his behavior except his desire to enhance his own personal wealth and his own driving ambition. Someone like that is the last guy you want to trust to make the tough decisions to protect American national security. Great statesmen are people who think more about the next generation than the next election. They are people who are willing to take the political heat because they are committed to doing what is right to protect the American people. They are heroes of John Kennedy's Profiles in Courage, not the men described in John Dean's book on the Nixon White House, Blind Ambition. 2). Mitt Romney has no vision. In his acceptance speech to the Republican Convention he made fun of President Obama's concern for global climate change and his commitment toward the elimination of nuclear weapons. Romney actually opposed passage of the START II Treaty with Russia that reduced nuclear weapons to their current levels. READ MORE…CLICK HERE Robert Creamer is a long-time political organizer and strategist, and author of the book: Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, available on Amazon.com. He is a partner in Democracy Partners and a Senior Strategist for Americans United for Change. Follow him on Twitter @rbcreamer.

The Los Angeles Football Stadium Project Heads to Los Angeles City Council Chambers The Community Benefits Agreement and the Development Agreement for the proposed NFL stadium and Convention Center Upgrade will be heard in Jan Perry’s committee on Monday, September 24 in City Council Chambers beginning at 9 a.m. If the project moves forward, it would create over 20,000 new jobs for the region! Check out the promo video for the Los Angeles Football Stadium: http://www.facebook.com/LAStadium/photo.php?v=10150121951099225&set=vb.118431188196106&type=2&theater

Score Talks Success Stories: Tasha Oldham of My Story, Inc.

As a young girl, Tasha Oldham was captivated by her father’s ability to tell fantastic stories. After years of working in the television and film industries for the likes of David Lynch and the Travel Channel, it was thinking back to her father that inspired her to launch her dream business. Through the creation of My Story, Inc. Tasha has taken her award-winning documentary film talents, and repurposed them to allow ordinary people living extraordinary lives to tell the world…through film. My Story creates unique documentary style, biography based “advertorials” of entrepreneurs, social activists and Fortune 500 companies. The goal of telling the stories of these visionaries is to connect their brands to their consumers in an honest and engaging way. In addition to signature My Story films, the team also services a wide array of video production needs, including TV commercials, live event production, testimonial reels and how-to videos.

My Successes

How SCORE Helped

In two years, Tasha has been able to alter her business approach to accommodate her success and subsequent growth. My Story, Inc. was founded to service small businesses and entrepreneurs with the goal of telling the success stories of the little guy but through word of mouth marketing about their exceptional work, My Story has expanded into servicing medium to large sized businesses including Fortune 500 companies.

With experience in mainly creative settings, Tasha Oldham needed guidance from someone who had the business expertise and experience she lacked. SCORE mentor Tom Patty helped Tasha not only learn what she didn’t know but also unlock her passion for business.

My Story, Inc. was the 2010 recipient of the Project REV award, a yearlong marketing lab to help small businesses find marketing solutions that work. My Story is also responsible for creating the SCORE Public Service Announcements (PSA's).

What's Great About My Mentor? Tasha reflects on her SCORE mentor's influence saying, "Tom Patty was instrumental in helping our business grow to the new heights we are currently exploring. Tom taught us how to think much bigger. Tom was able to broaden our approach and get in the mindset of going after much larger sized businesses. In just two years we have gone from servicing small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. The impact our SCORE mentor had on our business is invaluable."

We Help Small Businesses Like Yours SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. We have been doing this for nearly fifty years. Because our work is supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and thanks to our network of 13,000+ volunteers, we are able to deliver our services at no charge or at very low cost.

Learn more about how SCORE can help you http://www.score.org/

Federal Student Aid, a part of the U.S. Department of Education, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation. At the office of Federal Student Aid, our 1,200 employees help make college education possible for every dedicated mind by providing more than $150 billion in federal grants, loans, and work-study funds each year to more than 15 million students paying for college or career school. We are proud to sponsor millions of American minds pursuing their educational dreams. Did you know some student loans can be FORGIVEN, CANCELLED OR DISCHARGED? Find out the criteria…. http://www.studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/charts#direct-and-ffel-subsidized

Becoming Part of the Solution At Crenshaw High, Students and Their Struggles Are Now the Curriculum by Dana Goldstein Crenshaw High on 11th Avenue in Los Angeles has a bad reputation. When I told a teacher at Animo Pat Brown Charter High School in South LA that I’d be reporting on Crenshaw, he rolled his eyes. Crenshaw, he had heard, was rife with gang violence. It had even temporarily lost its state accreditation a few years back. “I’ve never been to Crenshaw,” the young teacher said. “But kids are safe here.” He gestured to his own newly constructed social studies classroom, outfitted with seven new Dell computers donated by a philanthropist. The visible differences between neighborhood schools and well-funded charters such as Animo Pat Brown have encouraged thousands of South L.A. parents to withdraw their children from traditional public schools over the past decade. Working- and middle-class African-American families once predominated at Crenshaw, and many still live in the surrounding neighborhood. Darryl Strawberry is a Crenshaw alumnus; his 1979 Crenshaw Cougars baseball squad is remembered as one of the most talented high school teams ever. But today, middle-class families have, for the most part, pulled their children out of Crenshaw. In 2004, Crenshaw High housed 3,165 students; today, fewer than 2,000 teenagers are enrolled. Eighty-one percent of the students live in poverty, and 12 percent hail from homes where no English is spoken. The school also has many students who live under the care of the state, in group homes or foster homes. Unsurprisingly, Crenshaw’s academic performance is abysmal: just 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 25 percent are proficient in language arts. The Obama administration has declared the school “persistently failing”—among the bottom 10 percent of high schools nationwide. READ MORE

LA Lights Tournament of Champions Los Angeles School of Gymnastics is the first gymnastics center in Los Angeles and has the most qualified staff of instructors in Los Angeles. LASG holds accreditation through USA Gymnastics, OSHA Infant & CPR First Aid training, Better Business Bureau Ranking, National Publication of Who's Who on Top Training Staff for Children's Athletic Education, and received numerous achievements for top performance in sports education. Get more information at http://lagymnastics.com/2013-lalights

Los Angeles School of Gymnastics at the 2012 London Olympics LASG Coach Yefim Furman and Global Gymnastics Legend Béla Károlyi together at the 2012 Olympic Games in London Coach Yefim Furman working in the NBC Broadcast Booth during the men's still rings event at the Olym Coach Yefim Furman working in the NBC Broadcast Booth during the men's still rings event at the Olympics Finals pics Finals.

An Evening with PATRICE RUSHEN & Special Guests The Jazz Sanctuary rd 6700 W. 83 Street Los Angeles, CA 90045 Saturday, September 22nd auction at 5 pm and concert at 7:30 pm Tickets are $30 for one and $50 for two ~ For Tickets click on http://trinitywebconsulting.com/holynativityparish/music-and-the-arts/ faithfully-jazz/ For more information and future offerings "Like" The Jazz Sanctuary on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/jazzsanctuary

Multi-Grammy nominated artist, Patrice Rushen, is fashioning her career after the legacy of her long-time friend and mentor, Quincy Jones. Composer...Producer...International Recording Artist...Rushen has definitely earned the respect she has been awarded by her peers in the music industry. Admired by many for her groundbreaking achievements, Rushen has amassed an impressive list of “firsts”. She was the first woman to serve as Musical Director for the 46th, 47th & 48th Annual Grammy Awards, the first woman in 43 years to serve as Head Composer/Musical Director for television’s highest honor, the Emmy Awards and the first woman Musical Director of the NAACP Image Awards, an honor she held for 12 consecutive years. Rushen has also been the only woman Musical Director/Composer for the Peoples Choice Awards and HBO’s Comic Relief. She was the only woman Musical Director/Conductor/Arranger for a late-night television talk show. The show was The Midnight Hour, which aired on CBS. In addition, Rushen was named the Musical Director/Composer for Newsweek’s first American Achievement Awards, broadcast from the Kennedy Center and she served as the Musical Director for Janet Jackson’s World Tour, “janet.” As the Musical Director for the award shows, she composed and performed special musical tributes to Michael Landon, Ted Turner, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, The Temptations, James Garner and Leonard Bernstein to name a few. Rushen was named Composer in Residence during the August 2004 sessions at the Henry Mancini Institute. In addition to her success as a recording artist and musical director, Rushen is also an accomplished composer providing musical scores for Emmy-nominated television movies and series among which include Showtime's “The Killing Yard” starring Alan Alda and directed by Euzhan Palcy; “Just A Dream”, Danny Glover's directorial debut; the Sundance Film Award winning “Our America”, directed by Ernest Dickerson; “Fire and Ice" starring Kadeem Hardison for the BET Network; HBO's “America's Dream”, starring Danny Glover and Wesley Snipes; the critically acclaimed Wonderful World of Disney telefilm, “Ruby Bridges”; Masterpiece Theater's “Cora Unashamed” starring Regina Taylor and C.C.H. Pounder; “Brewster Place” starring Oprah Winfrey; the PBS documentary, “A. Phillip Randolph” and Lifetime’s “For One Night” starring Raven-Symone. Rushen also composed the theme song for the hit TV sitcom, “The Steve Harvey Show.”

Special Guest Actor/Vocalist TC Carson TC Carson is a rarity in the entertainment business. His versatility as an actor is well known but sometimes overshadows his singing. “I am a vocalist who happens to be an actor.” Says Carson. Born and raised in Chicago he studied architecture and fine arts at the University of Illinois before moving to Los Angeles, he started performing in plays and musicals such as The Wiz, Dreamgirls, and Ain't Misbehavin'. He starred in the films Livin' Large and Firehawk before landing the role of Kyle Barker on the sitcom Living Single. Carson reprised his role of Kyle Barker, along with Living Single costar Erika Alexander, on show Half & Half. He provided the voice of Samuel (Charlie's father) in the PBS Kids animated series Clifford the Big Red Dog. As a voice actor, he portrayed Mace Windu in the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars; he reprised his role as Mace Windu in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series. He appeared as Eddie Carson, a cook aboard a World War II submarine in U-571, and Route 23 survivor & schoolteacher Eugene Dix in Final Destination 2 (2003). He has provided the male voice of Guillo in the Gamecube RPG Baten Kaitos Origins and the voice of Kratos, the main character of the God of War video game series. He has also provided Kratos's voice where Kratos is a downloadable character in Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds and a guest character in Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny and Mortal Kombat. He is also the voice of Touchstone in the PSP shooter Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. His voice is featured on The Bible Experience. In 2002, Carson released a Jazz/Funk CD called "Truth".

Special Guest Vocalist/Trombonist Aubrey Logan Aubrey Logan is a sensational, award-winning young singer, songwriter and musician. Audiences love her. She's been on American Idol. She won the Audience's Choice Award and the Jury's First Place Award at the 2009 Shure-Montreux Jazz Voice Competition at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. Aubrey was working with Grammy winner and Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Inductee,Solomon Burke as a manager just prior to his death in October 2010. Recently Aubrey has been working with Grammy nominee, Patrice Rushen, who has served as producer for Aubrey. When Aubrey auditioned for Berklee School of Music in Boston, the faculty immediately recognized that her vocal talent exceeded their best teachers so they asked if she played another instrument. She pulled out her trombone and ripped out solos that earned her a full-ride scholarship on the spot. Aubrey is exceptional: she's sophisticated yet very approachable. Her vocals range from deep and roof-tearing to delicate and vulnerable. She breaks through traditional genre barriers, combining jazz with pop, neo-soul, rock and a touch of R&B. You've simply got to hear her.

Tribute to Tony Bradford Last month I lost a VERY good friend. Tony Bradford, guest contributor to SPMG Media and Founder of Black Love Monthly (www.BlackLoveMonthly.com ) and The Sankofa Project, passed away. In this issue we celebrate his life and his work at making love ‘Mo Better’ through what we like to call ‘Tony-isms’. Thank you, Tony, for your incredible spirit! You have taught me much….Please know, we will continue to love on your Beloved Laneay!

THE MARRIAGE CREED • COMFORT EACH OTHER…Provide a refuge and sanctuary for each other from the chill winds of the world. Your marriage is a hearth, from whence comes the peace, harmony, and warmth of soul and spirit.

• CARESS AS YOU WOULD BE CARESSED…Warm your loved one’s body with your healing touch. Remember that as babies can die with lack of touching, so marriages can wither from lack of closeness • BE A FRIEND AND PARTNER…Friendship can be a peaceful island, separate and apart, in a world of turmoil and strife. Reflect upon the tranquility of the many future years you can share with a true friend and beware of becoming battling enemies under the same roof. • BE OPEN WITH ONE ANOTHER…Bind not yourselves in the secretness that causes suspicion and doubt. Trust and reveal yourselves to each other, even as the budding rose opens to reveal its fragrance and beauty. REALLY LISTEN…and hear not only words, but also the non-language of tone, mood, and expression. Learn to listen in order to understand rather than listening to argue. • RESPECT EACH OTHER’S RIGHTS…Remember that each is a person of flesh and blood, entitled to his or her own choices and mistakes. Each owns himself and has the right to equality. • ALLOW FOR INDIVIDUALITY…Seek not to create for each other a new mold that can only fit with much discomfort and pain. Accept the other as he or she is, just as you would have yourself accepted. • GIVE MUTUAL APPROVAL…Remember, criticism divides while compliments encourage confidence in the other. Hasten not to point out the other’s mistakes, for each will soon discover his own. • CHERISH YOUR UNION…Let no one come between your togetherness…not child, not friend, not worldly goods. Yet maintain enough separateness to allow each other his or her own uniqueness. • LOVE ONE ANOTHER…Love is your river of life, your eternal source of recreating yourselves.

"The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.” --Deepak Chopra

Good marriages are no accident…. Six elements to staying in love, included in Love is a Decision, are: Making your spouse feel truly honored. Learning the art of touching—tenderly. Keeping courtship alive in your marriage. Re-opening a heart closed by anger. Building—or rebuilding—trust in a relationship. Becoming best friends with your family These six elements are the keys to Love. Love is not an emotion, love is not a feeling, love is not happenstance. Love is a Decision. Love is waking up every day committed to honoring your mate by implementing the above six keys. If you want to have a great relationship, guess what, it’s up to you. Learn more about Tony Bradford and his organizations ‘Black Love Monthly’ and ‘The Sankofa Project’ at http://www.blacklovemonthly.com/Home.html and http://www.facebook.com/sankofaproject

God can preach more to you through the things you go through than he ever will through the sermons you hear. You will learn more about God at the bus stop, in the unemployment line, dealing with a crisis, in the hospital - than you ever did in church. You will learn more about God raising children, getting married, going through sickness, going through tests. It looks like an interruption, but no – God is using the stuff in your life to show you – I’M STILL GOD IN EVERYTHING. – TD Jakes.

Abundant Living Family Church Presents…..

APOLOGETICS TRUTH – WAR CONFERENCE Abundant Living Family Church in Rancho Cucamonga, CA presents ‘Apologetics Truth War Conference, Friday, September 28th – Sunday, September 30th. Guest Speakers include Josh McDowell, Tim LaHaye, Dr. Ed Hindson, Joe Holden, Kent K. Sparks and more… Topics to include: 5 SIGNS OF THE END TIMES BATTLE FOR THE HEART OF THE LAST DAYS ARCHEOLOGY OF THE BIBLE TOUR OF REVELATIONS AND MORE TO COME... Learn more at http://abundantfamily.org/

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Brazilian Pork and Black Bean Stew This hearty stew—a slow cooker adaption of the Brazilian dish Feijoada— brings lively Latin flavor to tailgating feasts. Serve this thick, meat-packed meal with hot rice, or roll the mixture into warm tortillas. Either way, you’ll score. READY IN: 510 MINUTES PREP TIME: 30 MINUTES COOK TIME: 480 MINUTES Serves 8 to 10

INGREDIENTS 1 pound boneless pork shoulder, excess fat removed, cut into 1 ½-inch cubes


4 boneless beef short ribs, excess fat removed •

¾ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 large smoked ham hocks or 1 teaspoon liquid smoke seasoning

3 cups finely chopped onion 6 cloves garlic, minced 4 (15-ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained

¾ cup reduced-fat chicken broth ¾ cup freshly squeezed orange juice •

1 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin 1 tablespoon white vinegar

Sprinkle pork cubes and beef short ribs evenly with salt and pepper; set aside. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over mediumhigh heat until oil shimmers; add pork cubes and brown cubes evenly on all sides. Drain pork cubes on paper towels; transfer to a 6-quart slow cooker. Brown beef short ribs in remaining oil, also over medium-high heat, until browned on all sides. Drain short ribs on paper towels; transfer to the slow cooker. Add ham hocks if using, onion, garlic, black beans, chicken broth, orange juice, orange peel, cumin and white vinegar to slow cooker; stir well. Cover slow cooker and cook mixture on low setting for 8 hours, or until meats are tender. Remove short ribs and ham hocks, if using, from slow cooker with a slotted spoon; let stand 15 minutes. Using two forks, shred beef and ham. Discard ham hocks; return meats to slow cooker and stir well. Serve mixture atop hot cooked rice or rolled into flour tortillas. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro and garnish with orange wedges. Nutritional Information: Per serving: 422 cal., 14 g fat (4.2 g sat. fat), 96 mg chol., 533 mg sodium, 39 g carbo., 9.6 g fiber, 39 g pro. LEARN MORE AT http://www.albertsons.com/

¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro 8 to 10 orange wedges Hot white rice (optional) Warm flour tortillas (optional)

LA COUNTY FAIR DISCOUNT ADMISSION TICKET OFFER: AUGUST 20 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 Ralphs is once again the go-to place for discount Tickets to the 2012 LA County Fair in Pomona. And on this, their 90th anniversary, do we have an offer for you! Just visit any Ralphs location and purchase your Adult Tickets for just $10.00 and Child's Tickets are only $6.00! And each ticket includes an exclusive offer for a $35.00 unlimited ride carnival wristband, available for purchase at the Fair

What Do YOU Know About MOVIES???

Across 3. Captain Virgil Hilts in the 1963 movie, The Great Escape (5,7) 5. Fay Wray starred in this 1933 classic (4,4) 9. Dr Robert Langdon in the 2006 movie, The Da Vinci Code (3,5) 10. Norman Bates in the 1960 movie, Psycho (7,7) 11. Bernie Focker in the 2004 movie, Meet the Fockers (6,7) 12. Director of the 1971 film, A Clockwork Orange (7,7) 13. She played the part of Katharine Hepburn in the 2004 movie, The Aviator (4,9) 14. Tom Hanks was this character in the 1994 movie of the same name (7,4) Down 1. He was Spartacus in the 1960 classic (4,7) 2. Jim Braddock in the 2005 movie, Cinderella Man (7,5) 4. She was the voice of Norma Jean in the 2006 movie, Happy Feet (6,6) 6. Rose Sayer in the 1951 classic, The African Queen (9,7) 7. Tom Cruise was detective John Anderton in this 2002 movie (8,6) 8. Director of the 2005 movie, War of the Worlds (6,9)

Meryl Streep Movies Find and circle all of the Meryl Streep movies that are hidden in the grid. The remaining 40 letters letters spell an additional Meryl Streep movie.




SEPTEMBER 22, 1961: President Kennedy signs Peace Corps legislation In an important victory for his Cold War foreign policy, President John F. Kennedy signs legislation establishing the Peace Corps as a permanent government agency. Kennedy believed that the Peace Corps could provide a new and unique weapon in the war against communism. During the presidential campaign of 1960, Democratic candidate John F. Kennedy promised to reinvigorate U.S. foreign policy. He charged that the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower had become stagnant and unimaginative in dealing with the communist threat, particularly in regards to the so-called Third World nations. Shortly after his inauguration in January 1961, Kennedy made good on his promise for a new and aggressive foreign policy. On March 1, 1961, he issued an executive order establishing the Peace Corps. As described by Kennedy, this new organization would be an "army" of civilian volunteers--teachers, engineers, agricultural scientists, etc.--who would be sent to underdeveloped nations in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and elsewhere to assist the people of those regions. Kennedy hoped that by improving the lives of people in less developed countries, they would become more resistant to the charms of communism and convinced of America's sincerity and ability to help them. Many in Congress, however, were not convinced. The program carried a fairly hefty price tag. Though the participants were volunteers, they would need basic subsistence and, more important, tools and money to help the people they were sent to assist. Some members of Congress saw it as an expensive public relations ploy, foreign aid (which had never been popular with Congress or the American people) wrapped in a new ribbon. The program, however, actually turned out to have popular appeal. Stories about idealistic young Americans braving privation in foreign lands to help people grow better crops, build schools, or construct wells was good public relations material for the United States. In September 1961, Congress passed legislation establishing the Peace Corps on a permanent basis. A budget of $40 million for the next fiscal year was approved. In the years after 1961, thousands of Peace Corps volunteers were sent around the world. Some faced indifference, some even faced danger. For the most part, however, the Peace Corps "army" proved to be a valuable, and relatively inexpensive, Cold War weapon for the United States. Most nations welcomed the idealistic volunteers, and their labor helped make better lives for hundreds of thousands of people. Though the Peace Corps is no longer viewed as a weapon against communism, its goal of improving lives remains intact-the Peace Corps outlived the Cold War and continues to send participants to various nations.

Today's Peace Corps is more vital than ever, working in emerging and essential areas such as information technology and business development, and contributing to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Peace Corps Volunteers continue to help countless individuals who want to build a better life for themselves, their children, and their communities.

There's quite a bit to learn about the Peace Corps—explore the following sections to get to know its mission, history, and current endeavors in depth. Learn more at http://www.peacecorps.gov/

Peace Corps Volunteer Anne Macheel with members of the local music school.

Men Are Loving Caring Parents Too! By Nelson l. Moody Sr. Available at Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Men-are-Loving-Caring-Parents/dp/1434324508 This book speaks to fathers, mothers, and children. It educates, inspires, and is filled with continuing love to for children as fathers. For the father who is on point with his fatherhood, this book will have your heart in smiles. For the father who hasn’t fully embraced his children spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and intimately, it will make him feel more at ease and willing, wanting, and craving to do so much more. It’s a book for future generations to read. For future fathers it will give some thought, counsel, and substance before you think about becoming a father.

Black Men vs. White Men: The Black Woman’s Choice By Cicely j. and Marlon Green Available at Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Black-Men-White-Womans-Choice/dp/0615320937

Decades ago, when relationships developed between men and women, most often their associations were based upon mutual admiration, respect, similar interests and racial connection. As time passed and the elements of love, devotion, honor, trust and support became an integral part of those relationships, men and women proudly and sacredly vowed to lifetime commitments, and began building strong, loving family units that evolved from one generation to the next. Yet today, as persistent societal changes threaten, challenge and test family values, more men and women are finding that the cohesive foundations that held their family trees together, years ago, are now lying in shambles like fallen houses of cards. Sadly enough, for many men and women, family values have become insignificant, meaningless and to some, even a joke. As cheating, indiscriminate sex and one-night stands become the ‘games’ on any given day, and men and women fall in and out of love like adolescents going through stages of puppy love, it’s no wonder relationships are receiving such a blistering black eye. And then, of course, by the time you throw in such elements as couples’ low and degrading public displays, demeaning and dirt-slinging criticisms, or the all too common neglect and disregard of innocent children derived from tarnished and broken relationships, you have an up close and personal look at just a small sector of the underlying causes for the negative ways many men and women view and treat one another. And, to their detriment, it is not a pretty picture. To understand many of the various reasons why so many ‘black” men and women tend to be at tremendous odds with one another in their relationships, one merely needs to read “black men vs. White Men… the Black Woman’s Choice,” by authors Cicely J and Marlon Green. It is a viewpoint from both sides of the coin that needs to be examined. “black men vs. White Men… the Black Woman’s Choice,” a no-holds barred reading, is certain to create a firestorm of controversy for its critical and razor-sharp assessment of the unraveling of Black America. This book is a “must-read” that will, undoubtedly, anger those who just might happen to see their own reflections in the authors’ mirror that also exposes the issues that continue to broaden the gap between black men and women.

From Dud to Stud: Revving Up for Success By Claudia Cookey Available through the author - http://claudiacooley.com/from-dud-to-stud

Throughout the years that I’ve coached hundreds of men and women the strategies, tools and insights for living successful and enriched lives, I have often been asked “why don’t you write a book for men that speaks to their specific needs to empower their unique and individual style?” Those request had me take pause, and consider why I would write a book for men. This is when I realized the importance of the idea. You see for over 3 decades in addition to women, from the earliest of my years of teaching, I’ve guided men in ways to enrich their life and excel their success. So I said “yes” to writing a dynamic book for men that shares the wisdom and what I know works to make a difference to excel and empower all areas of their life.

We Are Absolutely NOT Okay! By Students Scriber Lake High School, Marjie Bowker and Ingrid Ricks Available at Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Are-Absolutely-Not-Okay-ebook/dp/B00850JP08 Imagine being asked to pull a gun on a stranger. Or having a gun shoved in your face by the man you call stepdad. Envision feeling so depressed you cut yourself repeatedly or down a bottle of pills to make the pain go away. Consider what it takes to tell your parents that you are transgender, or what it feels like to have the dad you love addicted to meth. We Are Absolutely Not Okay is a collection of true stories written by fourteen teenagers who have experienced life at its darkest but have made it through and are now picking up the pieces. By writing and sharing their stories, they are coping with their past and seizing their future. They are also reaching out to other teenagers—to let them know that they are not alone and that even if their life now is Absolutely Not Okay, they have the power within themselves to make it better.

Have your book profiled and viewed by more than 1.2 million readers! Contact us today! Info@spmgmedia.com

4th Annual Million Father March Los Angeles Saturday, Sept. 29th Hosted by Hoops Foundation and Streetpositive.com Get registered at http://www.streetpositive.com/streetgrind/millionfathermarch.html Advocating unity, education and protection for children as they head into the 2012-2013 school year. Breakfast and registration at 7am. Route begins at 9am at WW Boys & Girls Club, 1339 E. 120th Street, Los Angeles, 90059.

Real Talk – The Movement: Los Angeles How To Build a Bonding Relationship Friday, September 28th, 7pm, The Revolutionary Loft, 650 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90014 $10.00 which includes food, drink and great conversation Register here - http://www.lwspecialevents.com/Real_Talk.html It takes "time, attention and imagination to Build a Bonding Relationship and one must be Willing to bond. Are you ready...are you willing? Parking is available on the street or feel free to park in one of the lots in the area that will run you between $5.00 to $10.00. Do a carpool or take the metro in! Los Angeles GOT NEXT and I am looking forward to seeing you!

Victor Orlando and Fun-Ja-La All Stars Friday, September 28th, 7pm Spaghettini Grill & Jazz Club, 3005 Old Ranch Parkway, Seal Beach, California Reserve your table here - http://www.spaghettini.com/calendar.php Victor Orlando is a phenomenal percussionist and has contributed on albums and performed with an A list of entertainers, as far back as the early days of Robert (Goodie) Whitfield, Billy Preston, Cherelle, Greg Walker, Alex Ligertwood, (vocalists from the group, SANTANA), Grammy Award Winners - Yarbrough and Peoples, Pop Idol - Shanice, Motown's hit group OZONE, Teena Marie, Gary Bartz, Billy Mitchell, Calypso Rose (from Jamaica) and the Mighty Sparrow (from Belize), ....all the way to the Greatest Band that ever hit the planet - " THE G A P BAND" and the Greatest Singer on Earth, "MS. CHAKA KHAN". Now taking his new group, "Fun-Ja-La" to the next level, he's hoping to give all of his funk, jazz, and latin fans a taste of the "Fun-Ja-La" magic.

Dave Koz & Friends At Sea Italy/Greece/Sicily 7-night Mediterranean Cruise September 22 - 29, 2013 More information and tickets, visit - http://www.davekozcruise.com Featuring Michael McDonald with special guests Mindi Abair, Gerald Albright, Brian Culbertson, Keiko Matsui, Kirk Whalum & Peter White plus Jake Shimabukuro, Vincent Ingala and more to be announced!

Shania Twain Saturday, Dec 1 7:30p at Caesars Palace: Caesars Palace Colosseum, Las Vegas, NV Tickets - http://www.caesarspalace.com/casinos/caesarspalace/casino-entertainment/shania-twain-detail.html

Shania Twain, international superstar and the world’s best-selling female country artist of all time, returns to the stage and vocal spotlight with a two-year residency at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The music icon will bring all of her biggest hits in her new show SHANIA: STILL THE ONE exclusively to The Colosseum beginning December 1, 2012. "My first step in creating the show was writing out the song list, building my ideas from there. I wanted to keep the hits at the heart of it all while weaving elements of surprise throughout the experience,“ said Shania. “My vision is to bring the atmosphere of each song alive through multi- dimension sensory and share the journey of my life and career with the audience from a unique perspective. The Colosseum theatre is heaven for an artist and the opportunity to collaborate with such a brilliant team is making my dream show a reality.”

Justin Bieber Sunday, Sep 30 7:00p at Mgm Grand Hotel And Casino: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, NV Tickets - http://www.clickitticket.com/concerts/justinbieber/justinbieberlasvegastickets.asp

Pop singer Justin Bieber was barely into his teens when he released his platinum-selling debut, My World, and became one of 2009's youngest success stories. An Ontario native, Bieber had placed second in a local singing competition two years prior and began posting his performances on YouTube. The videos caught the attention of Scooter Braun, a talent agent and former So So Def marketing executive, who helped Bieber land an impromptu audition with the R&B star Usher. Impressed by what he saw, Usher -- along with Island/Def Jam chairman L.A. Reid -- quickly signed the 15-year-old Bieber to a recording contract.

Chris Tucker Palms Casino Resort Category: Comedy Showing: Sat., Oct. 13, 2012, 8pm Tickets http://pearl.palms.com/mytrip/app/Dates/3665/20121013?endDate=20121013 Chris Tucker is best known for his role of Detective James Carter in the "Rush Hour" film series. Starting his career as a stand up comedian, Tucker's bold sense of humor landed him a spot on "Def Comedy Jam" where he frequently performed in the 1990s. The buzz that Tucker garnered from his many appearances as a stand up helped open doors in the film industry. Following his film debut in 1994's "House Party 3," Tucker achieved 'cult classic' status as Smokey in the stoner comedy "Friday." Tucker's next big movie role was in the avant-garde film "The Fifth Element." Tucker's film career reached soaring heights as the star of the "Rush Hour" blockbuster film series. The original, along with two sequels, grossed more than $500 million in the U.S. The success of the films enabled Tucker to negotiate a salary of $25 million, making him one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood for "Rush Hour 3." Tucker recently wrapped production on a new film directed by David O. Russell - "Silver Linings Playbook" starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro. The film is set for a November release.

Madonna Saturday, Oct 13 8:00p at Mgm Grand Hotel And Casino: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, NV Tickets - http://www.zvents.com/las_vegas_nv/events/show/242110925-madonna Madonna shot to stardom in the early 1980s with her catchy pop songs and sexy, eye-catching videos. The provocative diva ruled the charts for decades by repeatedly reinventing herself, both aesthetically and musically, and by constantly courting controversy, from her make-out session with a saint in the "Like a Prayer" video to her X-rated 1992 picture book Sex to her lip lock with Britney Spears at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards (which was viewed by many as Madonna's unique way of passing the torch to the next generation of pop stars)

Equipping the Saints Leadership Conference Saturday, Oct 6, 2012 9:00a to 5:00p Santa Fe Station Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV Tickets - http://etsconference.com/

Whether you’re involved in local business or positions of leadership in ministry or nonprofits,“Equipping the Saints” is a mustattend event. This one-day conference, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9am to 5pm at Santa Fe Station, will feature such top notch speakers as Gregg Ketter, Kimberly Malloy, Johnny Morales and more. Equipping the Saints will provide the tools needed to advance your organization. Registration is $39 and includes nearly 8 hours of programming and unmatched networking opportunities.

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